3 eee Connecteur Moteur Srie 83730 Series Engine Connector caractristiques techniques technical characteristics MECANIQUES MECHANICAL Bolller Malne Classe A; Alumiriuen aredicd Shell bated Clee.4,: Anodite aluminium Classe GeiK inox Class Gand & : Stainless Claas Ro Alumbvumn nickel Clase A: Nickel alveninium lgolent Malire Adsine thermeduncepable 4 silicone inser Mateuial Thearmo-setting and silicone Contact Malire Alliage culvraLa Contact Material Copper allay Revlemers Sr sur cube Plating Gold of copper Type A sertr Type Come hype Endurance [SAX eytes complet: de vecroudlages at Durability SCE) full coupling and uncoupling cyclos Gevanioudla pes Vibrationa Ao edectnnal fadune further to 6 hours Vibrations Aucune mupiue Meciique apna & heures ralien 417g RSM 10 ip BOOK) He lin the 41,7 9 FSM cane bee 2 axed de 10a 2 eee 20 Hz Mechanical shock SOO g ii ihe acne Ghete mcanique SO) g dante les 3 aves CLIMATIOUES CLIMATICS Taompiroiure Pulliamlen: Glasc A Gath )-65 Cas She c Temperature range Cass 4.GandA:-65 C+ 20FC Tee PSE Be Tea Nor-lire gran! Clase K : -G' Cas shor Cas B65? Ce 20 Peaistant au feu, suivant MIL@C Ba722 Fire pro ae per MIL OC Pe Choce tharniques > Seyclegde-65' Cas 2h co Thermal shock Soycesad 65C m+ arc Etanchalid > Futie = 18 cmt sous 1 bar Sealing 16 eh under t bar ELECTRIQUES ELECTRICAL Tension do tenue > Ab Avia de la mer 1500 aff. 50 Hz Wilhstanding vollage Al ene level 1500 V-S0H AMES) A 16000 mines cfatiiuds 500 V etl Go Hz} Al S000 metare if aliburies 500 Ste ARS) A O68 metnes cfaltitude 200 el! 50 Hey Al S000 pater. in allituce B00 W.GoHr (AM| interes (be mace ren #20: 75 A Maximum current 20; 7S A : #6: 12 A PIB i A #2: 23 A Ste 23 A Chute de tension B20 : 18 mils Volga Crap Peo 15 moh OTE: 2) milo Pte. 29 milwoks #12: dt mullet # 12-22 milwoks Section dos cibles #20 20,216 0,60 mm! Adiowed wires section #20 - 0.71 1.0.60 mnt #16 59,604 1,4 mm #76: 0,60 t 1.54 ment #12: 1,00.4.3,108 mm #12: 11 pod, 12 een! arrangements / GIranQGements Yuo face avec lle (Anangemanis petilrentinisy Pin insert front tace view qProloreniial arrargemnerds| Dispos kins 08-03 Dieposition 06-58 Daspeshion P05 Dlspositinn 12-00 Diegea Hien 12-02 Disposition 14-14 Disposition 1-97 Oot tai 20 | contacts inlanive SS | Soonincis iin 30 | Vimedncteindetsis 4 1 cardacia mites 2 delete ialing ye 12 P cordecte lalbetsipe 16 Dispoeiten 14-15 Diep lees 12a Olsposkion 14:14 Caposition 16-51 Biapostion Bibi Olopesttion 22-75 Ceapomtion 22-55 SGonincs Lalkerin AS adi oonincis Wile M4 oonincts belodsiza bh 3H comtacts tmibasine PO 44 Sates ileze 20 1D cordate Mlinsoe 16 $5 conmacts iallatire 20 Kisponiiiis aussi dans bes STN A Te Ns dunanistilso dvalaile tet ihe lokowing amangerinia: PG 11D f 1o-oe fOr OOD fF Boe y aaa 1 Srie 83730 Series dtrompage mcanique/keying positions systame de rfrence/part numbering system 83730 * 08 - Q3 P N K ee TYPE DE BOER TAILLE DE BOITIER MODIFICATIONS SPECIALES Colleratta carmia + Aa730 O8-10-1 2-14-16-18-20-22 ef 24 059 : Serne-cible droit (Collaretia ronda < BSTRS SHELL SIZE 081 : Serre-cible eoude Fiche 83736 06-10-12-14-16-1E8-30-22 at 24 ASS = Ecrou arrire SHELL TYPE SPECIALS MODIFICATIONS eee rae ears NTACT TYPE pe ean Round flan garda co - owed cable clarrg Pog: asvas MODELS DECORMECTEN P ; Gontact mala AzB5 - Backshell Aluminium anodic ; S + Contact tamale vig tenebait ee eS ee Aluminium nickal : A ee ' INDIGE da variants CONNECTOR MODEL Variant indication Anodize aluminium: A Stainless: G Stainless fire prost | K POLARIBATIONS Nickel aluminium + A Ni: Newmnad 6-f-8-Beti0 ; Auires POLARISATIONS. | NM > Normal ARRANGEMENT 8-7-8-Gand 10 - Others INSEAT ARRANGEMENT embases/recepTocles GOLLERETTE CAAREE GOUAAE FLANGE TYPE 8370 a elt.s-} neato I | i dnd de Naation Adcanslirey uty x + 4 reuahes 020642!" Te deers Pe A estes OSA" 8"* Tey oe hd oa trauces de ed ek cre Grou oe "Tele ad Z Vere Goro SETIES embases/receptacies COLLERETTE RONDE AQUND FLANGE Fabtech Chee Flirarien TYPE 83734 Leasing hla ae 0S Pt, iy pears - bs Sree i Te fiches/ plugs TYPE 3736 Ei accesolres/accessory ECROU ARRIERE BACKSHELL Mod ASH4 Dire retion& dcSeseoines ino Stainless tee! ateeseory dimensions Talla) Gi dl di ra 8) GE ARE-CABLE en ee DALIT Suns | ena maa, STAAIGHT CABLE 15,60] 3,17 | & 47 a CLAMP Sian Mod 059 ; - 2a 20[ 1 1 20 | 13,1 ne [o4.001 1 Be 8 ; : ' = Dimenslana sccessoires inox Snainines Ging! accegeory dimensions ane rast. | J | da |esvaa;ss7a5] A | T 5ERRE-CABLE - tT nr man. | max. COUBE | CLECAVED CABLE CLAMP t xa Mod. O01 ' r L Ld =) la REFERENCE SEARE-CABLE DROIT REFERENCE SERAE-CABLE COUDE Fee (47 Printed in France by Cie DEUTSCH | Evreus Pat: CC 76141 Edition Octobre 1aed