© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80246B-page 1
The PIC18F87J10 family parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39663C), except for the anomalies described
below. Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to
the PIC18F87J10 family will be reported in a separate
Data Sheet errata. Please check the Microchip web site
for any existing issues.
The following silicon errata apply only to
PIC18F87J10 family devices with these Device/
Revision IDs:
1. Module: ADC
When the A/D conversion clock is selected to be
either FOSC/64, FOSC/ 32 o r FOSC/16, th e GO/DONE
bit cannot be set for a second conversion without
first sele cting (temporari ly) the RC oscillator as the
A/D conversion clock. With the A/D conversion
clock settings of FOSC/2, FOSC/4 and FRC, the A/D
function s norm al ly.
Work around
For A/D conversion clock settings of FOSC/64,
FOSC/32 or FOSC/16, the following work around,
shown in Example 1, must be performed prior to
setting the GO/DONE bit for subsequent
It is recommended that this code be inserted
immediately after the A/D result has been read
from the pre v ious conversion.
2. Module: ADC
When FOSC/8 is selected as the A/D conversion
clock, A/D conversion will not be performed.
Work around
Part Number Device ID Revision ID
PIC18F87 J1 0 01 0111 011 00011
PIC18F86J15 01 0111 010 00011
PIC18F86J10 01 0111 001 00011
PIC18F85J15 01 0111 000 00011
PIC18F85J10 01 0101 111 00011
PIC18F67J10 01 0101 101 00011
PIC18F66J15 01 0101 100 00011
PIC18F66J10 01 0101 011 00011
PIC18F65J15 01 0101 010 00011
PIC18F65J10 01 0101 001 00011
The Devic e IDs (DEVID1 an d DEVID2 ) are located at
addresses 3FFFFEh:3FFFFFh in the device’s
configuration space. They are shown in hexadecimal
in the format “DEVID2 DEVID1”.
MOVF ADCON2, W ;copy the value of ADCON2 to WREG
BSF ADCON2, ADCS0 ;temporarily select RC oscillator as clock
MOVWF ADCON2 ;restore ADCON2 to original value
PIC18F87J10 Family Rev. A2 Silicon Errata
DS80246B-page 2 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
3. Module: MSSP
In SPI mode, the Buffer Full bit (BF in SSPxSTAT
register), the Write Collision Detect bit (WCOL in
SSPxCON1) and the Receive Overflow Indicator
bit (SSPOV in SSPxCON1) are not reset upon
disabling the SPI module (by clearing the SSPEN
bit in SSPxCON1 register).
For example, if SSPxBUF is full (BF bit is set) and
the MSSP module is disabled, and then re-
enabled, the BF bit will remain set. In SPI Slave
mode, a subsequent write to SSPxBUF will result
in a write collision; or in SPI Slave mode, if a new
byte is receiv ed, a receive overflow will o ccur.
Work around
Ensure that if the buffer is full, SSPxBUF is read
(thus clearing the BF flag) before disabling the
MSSP module. Also, ensure that WCOL is clear
before disabling the MSSP module. If the module
was c onfigured in SPI Slave mode , ensure that th e
SSPOV bit is clear before disabling the module.
4. Module: MSSP
In its current implementation, the I2C™ Master
mode operates as follows:
a) The Baud Rate Generator for I2C in Master
mode is slower than the rates specified in
Table 17-3 of the Device Data Sheet.
For this revision of silicon, use the values
shown in Table 1 in place of those shown in
Table 17-3 of the Device Data Sheet. The
differences are shown in bold text.
b) Use the following formula in place of the
one shown in Register 17-4 (SSPCON1) of
the Device Data Sheet for bit description
SSPM3:SSPM0 = 1000.
SSPADD = INT(( FCY/FSCL) – (FCY/1.1 11 MHz)) – 1
Note: The I2C bus is a synchronous protocol, so
the accuracy of the bus frequency is not
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
(2 Rollovers of BRG)
40 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 0Eh 400 kHz(1)
40 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 15h 312.5 kHz
40 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 59h 100 k Hz
16 MHz 4 MHz 8 MHz 05h 400 kHz(1)
16 MHz 4 MHz 8 MHz 08h 308 k Hz
16 MHz 4 MHz 8 MHz 23h 100 k Hz
4 MHz 1 MHz 2 MHz 01h 333 kHz(1)
4 MHz 1 MHz 2 MHz 08h 100 k Hz
4 MHz 1 MHz 2 MHz 00h 1 MHz(1)
Note 1: The I2C™ inte rface do es not co nform to the 400 kH z I2C sp ecifi cation ( which ap plies to r ates greater th an
100 kHz) in all details, but may be used with care where higher rates are required by the application.
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80246B-page 3
5. Module: MSSP
After an I2C transfer is initiated, the SSPxBUF
register may be written for up to 10 TCY before
additional writes are blocked. The data transfer may
be corrupted if SSPxBUF is written during this tim e.
The WCOL bit is set any time an SSPxBUF write
occurs during a transfer.
Work around
Avoid writing SSPxBUF until the data transfer is
complete, indicated by the setting of the SSP1IF
bit (PIR1<3>).
V erify the WCOL bit (SSPxCON1<7>) is clear after
writing SSPxBUF to ensure any potential transfer
in progress is not corrupted.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
6. Module: MSSP (SPI Mode)
When the SPI is using Timer2/2 as the clock
source, a shorter than expected SCKx pulse may
occur on the first bit of the transmitted/received
data (Figure 1).
Work around
To avoid p rodu cing t he sho rt puls e, turn o ff Timer2
and clear the TMR2 register, load the SSPxBUF
with the d ata to tran smit and the n turn T imer2 back
on. Refer to Example 2 for sample code.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
7. Module: MSSP
In SP I mode, the S DOx outpu t may chan ge after th e
inactive clock edge of the bit ‘0’ output. This may
affect some SPI components that read data over
300 ns after the inactive edge of SCKx.
Work around
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
bit 7 =
bit 6 =
bit 5 =
. . . .
LOOP BTFSS SSP1STAT, BF ;Data received?
;(Xmit complete?)
MOVWF RXDATA ;Save in user RAM
BCF T2CON, TMR2ON ;Timer2 off
CLRF TMR2 ;Clear Timer2
MOVWF SSP1BUF ;Xmit New data
BSF T2CON, TMR2ON ;Timer2 on
DS80246B-page 4 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
8. Module: MSSP
It has been observed that following a Power-on
Reset, I2C modes may not initialize properly by
just co nfi guri ng t he SC L x a nd SDAx pi ns as e ith er
input s or ou tput s. This has on ly been seen i n a few
unique sy stem enviro nm ent s .
A test of a statistically significant sample of pre-
production systems, across the voltage and
current range of the application’s power supply,
should indicate if a system is susceptible to this
Work around
Before configuring the module for I2C operation:
1. Configure the SC L x an d SDAx pin s as output s
by clearing their corresponding TRIS bits.
2. Force SCLx and SDAx low by clearing the
corresponding LAT bits.
3. While keeping the LAT bits clear, configure
SCLx and SDAx as inpu ts by setting their TRIS
Once this is done, use the SSPxCON1 and
SSPxCON2 registers to configure the proper I2C
mode as before.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
9. Module: MSSP
When the MSSP peripherals are configured for
SPI mode, the Buf fer Ful l bit, BF (SSPxSTAT<0>),
should not be polled i n software to determine whe n
the transfer is complete .
Work around
Copy the SSPxSTAT register into a variable and
perform the bit test on the variable. In Example 3,
SSP1STAT is copied into the working register
where the bit test is performed.
A second option is to poll th e Master Sy nchron ous
Serial Port Interrupt Flag bit, SSP1IF (PIR1<3>).
This bit can be polled an d will set when the transfer
is complete.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
10. Module: A/D
The A/D offset is greater than the specified limit in
Table 26-26 of the Device Data Sheet. The
updated conditions and limits are shown in bold
text in Table 2.
Work around
Three work arounds exist.
1. Configure th e A/D to u se the VREF+ a nd VREF-
pins for th e volta ge referenc es. This is do ne by
setting the VCFG<1:0> bits (ADCON1<5:4>).
2. Perform a conversion on a known voltage
reference voltage and adjus t the A/D result in
3. Increase system clock speed to 40 MHz and
adjust A/D sett ings acc ordingl y. Higher s ystem
clock frequencies decrease offset error.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
BRA loop_MSB
No. Symbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Units Conditions
A06A EOFF Offset Error < ±5.0 LSb VREF = VREF+ and VREF-
A06 EOFF Offset Error <±5.0 LSb VREF = VSS and VDD
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80246B-page 5
11. Module: EUSART
In rare situations, one or more extra zero bytes
have been observed in a pa cket transmitted by the
module operating in Asynchronous mode. The
actual data is not lost or corrupt ed; only unwante d
(extra) zero bytes are observed in the packet.
This situation has only been observed when the
content s of the transmit buffer , TXREGx, are trans-
ferred to the TSR durin g the transmi ssion of a Sto p
bit. For this to occur, three things must happen in
the sa me inst ruction cycle:
TXREGx is written to;
the baud rate counter overflows (at the end of
the bit period); and
a Stop bit is being transmitted (shifted out of
Work around
If possible, do not use the module’s double-buffer
capability. Instead, load the TXREGx register
when the TRMT bit (TXSTAx<1>) is set, indicating
the TSR is empty.
If double-buffering is used and back-to-back
transmission is performed, then load TXREGx
immediately after TXxIF is set, or wait 1-bit time
after TXxIF is set. Both solutions prevent writing
TXREGx while a Stop bit is transmitted. Note that
TXxIF is set at the beginning of the Stop bit
If transmission is intermittent, then do the
Wait for the TRMT bit to be set before
loading TXR EGx .
Alternatively, use a free timer resource to
time the baud period. Set up the timer to
overflow at the end of S top bit, then st art the
timer when you load the TXREGx. Do not
load the TXREGx when timer is about to
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
12. Module: EUSART
In 9-Bit Async hro no us Fu ll-Duplex R ec eive mod e,
the receiv ed data may be corrupted i f the TX9D bit
(TXSTAx<0 >) is not modified imme diately after th e
RCIDL bit (BAUDCONx<6>) is set.
Work around
Write to TX9D only when a reception is not in
progress (RCIDL = 1). Since there is no interrupt
associated with RCIDL, it must be polled in software
to determine when TX9D can be updated.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
13. Module: EUSART
After the last r eceived byte h as been re ad from the
EUSART receive buffer, RCREGx, the value is no
longer valid for subsequent read operations.
Work around
The RCREGx register should only b e read once for
each byte received . After each byte is received from
the EUSART, store the byte into a use r variab le. To
determine when a byte is available to read from
RCREGx, poll the RCIDL bit (BAUDC ONx<6>) for
a low-to-high transition, or use the EUSART
Receive Interrupt Flag, RC1IF (PIR1<5>).
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
14. Module: EUSART
With the auto-wake-up option enabled by setting
the WUE bit (BAUDCONx<1>), the RC1IF
(PIR1<5>) bit will become set on a high-to-low
transiti on on the RXx pin. While the WUE bit is se t,
reading the receive buffer, RCREGx, will not clear
the RCxIF i nterrup t flag. Therefo re, the first oppor-
tunity to automatically clear RCxIF by reading
RCREGx will happen only after WUE bit is cleared.
Work around
There are two worka rounds available:
1. Poll the WUE bit and read RCREGx after the
WUE bit is automatically clea red.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
Note: RCxIF can only be cleared by reading
DS80246B-page 6 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
15. Module: Timer1
In 16-Bit Asynchronous Counter mode (with or
without use of the Timer1 oscillator), the TMR1H
and TM R3H b uff ers do not u pdate when TM RxL i s
This issue only affects reading the TMRxH regis-
ters. The timers increment and set the interrupt
flags as ex pe cte d. The time r regis ters can als o be
written as expected.
Work around
1. Use 8-bit mode by clearing the RD16 bit
2. Use the internal clock synchronization option
by cl earing t he T1SYNC bit (T1CON<2>).
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
16. Module: CPU
The device current consumption is not reduced
significantly when the device enters IDLE mode.
The device does stop execution and peripherals
continue to run as expected.
Work around
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
17. Module: External Memory Bus
The A<19:1 6> EMB addre ss lines and Read/ Wr ite
control pins (OE, WRH and WRL) are released to
their respective inactive states at the same time
violati ng timing c ondition m entioned in Figure 26.5
and Figure 26.6 in the data sheet. This may result
in peripheral device on the bus detecting an
address change when Write/Read is initiated. The
bus capacitance and signal delay on the address
and control lines can affect the probability of
invalid detection.
Work around
Two workarounds are available
1. Use a la tch base d on the falling e dge of ALE to
hold the A <19:16> signals.
2. Or, add a de lay c ir c ui t t o e xte nd t he va l id ti me
for A<19:16> signals to ensure the address is
valid until Read/Write signals go inactive.
18. Module: External Memory Bus
For PIC18F8XXX devices, the Stack Pointer may
incorrec tly incre ment duri ng a ta ble read o peration
if the ext ernal mem ory bus wait sta tes are ena bled
(i.e., Configuration bit, WAIT, is clear
(CONFIG3L<7> = 0) and WAIT bits
(MEMCON<5:4>) are not equal to ‘11’).
Work around
If using the external memory bus and performing
TBLRD operations with a non-zero wait state
(CONFIG3L<7> = 0 and WAIT<1:0>
(MEMCON<5:4>) are not equal to11’), disable
interrupts by clearing the GIE/GIEH (INTCON<7>)
and PEIE/GIEL (INTCON<6>) bits prior to executing
any TBLRD operation.
19. Module: Core (Program Memory Space)
Writes to program memory address 300000h, that
are not blocked, can cause the program memory
at different locations to be corrupted.
Work around
Do not write to address 300000h. If you wish to
modify the contents of the Configuration registers,
then mod ify the Configuration W ords located at the
end of the user m emory (7FF4h for PIC 18FX5J10
device s and 3FF4h for PIC18F X4J10 devices) an d
issue a Reset command. This will reload the
Configuration registers with the new configuration
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80246B-page 7
Rev A Document (8/2005)
First revision of this document. Includes silicon issues
1 (ADC), 2 (ADC), and 3 (MSSP).
Rev B Document (5/2006)
Added silicon issues 4-9 (MSSP), 10 (A/D), 11-
14 (EUS ART), 15 (Timer1), 16 (CPU), 17 (External
Memory Bus), 18, (External Memory Bus), and 19
(Core Program Memory Space).
DS80246B-page 8 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
© 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80246B-page 9
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DS80246B-page 10 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
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