Data Sheet 2 Rev. 1.2, 2008-10-28
TLE 4473 GV55-2
The device features a reset with adjustable power on delay for each of the outputs. In
addition the output for the microcontroller supply comes up with a watchdog in order to
supervise a connected microcontroller
Reset and Watchdog Behavior
The reset output RO2 is in high-state if the voltage on the delay capacitor CD2 is greater
or equal VDU2. The delay capacitor CD2 is charged with the current IDC2 for output
voltages greater than the reset threshold VRT2. If the output voltage gets lower than VRT2
(‘reset condition’) a fast discharge of the delay capacitor CD2 sets in and as soon as VD2
gets lower than VDL2 the reset output RO2 is set to low-level. The time for the delay
capacitor charge is the reset delay time. For the power-on case the charging process of
CD2 starts from 0 V, which leads to the equation:
for the power-on reset delay time.
When the voltage on the delay capacitor has reached VDU2 and reset was set to high, the
watchdog circuit is enabled and discharges CD2 with the constant current IDD2.
If there is no rising edge observed at the watchdog input, CD2 will be discharge down to
VDL2. Then reset output RO2 will be set to low and CD2 will be charged again with the
current IDC2 until VD2 reaches VDU2 and reset will be set high again.
If the watchdog pulse (rising edge at watchdog input WI) occurs during the discharge
period CD2 is charged again and the reset output stays high. After VD2 has reached VDU2,
the periodical cycle starts again.
The watchdog timing is shown in Figure 1. The maximum duration between two
watchdog pulses corresponds to the minimum watchdog trigger time TWI,tr. Higher
capacitances on pin D2 result in longer watchdog trigger times:
If the output voltage Q1 decreases below VRT1 (typ. 4.65 V), the external capacitor CD1
is discharged by the reset generator of the main output. If the voltage on this capacitor
drops below VDL1, a reset signal is generated on pin 2 (RO1). If the output voltage rises
above the reset threshold, CD1 will be charged with the constant current IDC1. After the
power-on-reset time the voltage on the capacitor reaches VDU1 and the reset output will
be set high again. The value of the power-on-reset time can be set within a wide range
depending of the capacitance of CD1 using the above given equation (1) analogous for
TWI,tr max 0.34 ms/nF CD2