SAM R34/R35 SAM R34/R35 Low Power LoRa(R) Sub-GHz SiP Datasheet Introduction The SAM R34/R35 is a family of ultra-low power microcontrollers combined with a UHF transceiver communication interface. It uses a 32-bit ARM(R) Cortex(R) -M0+ processor and offers up to 256 KB of Flash and 40 KB of SRAM, including an area of battery backed-up SRAM. The UHF transceiver supports LoRa(R) and FSK modulation. LoRa technology is a spread spectrum protocol optimized for low data-rate, ultra-long range signaling. It is ideal for battery-powered remote sensors and controls. The SAM R34 includes an integrated microcontroller with USB and the UHF transceiver, making it suitable for USB dongle applications or for software updates via USB. The SAM R35 offers the same microcontroller functions along with the UHF transceiver without the USB interface. Features Operational Features * Processor: - ARM Cortex -M0+ CPU running at up to 48 MHz (2.46CoreMark(R)/MHz) - Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier - Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) * Memory: - In-System Self-Programmable Flash Memory, with options for sizes - 256 KB, 128 KB or 64 KB - Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) with options for sizes - 32 KB, 16 KB or 8 KB - Low power SRAM Memory with option for sizes - 4 KB or 8 KB * System: - Power-on Reset (POR) and Brown-out Reset - Internal and External Clock Options with 48 MHz Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48M) and 48 MHz to 96 MHz Fractional Digital Phase Locked Loop (FDPLL96M) - External Interrupt Controller (EIC) - Up to 16 External Interrupts - One Non-Maskable Interrupt - Two Pin Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Programming, Test and Debugging Interfaces * Operating Voltage: 1.8V- 3.6V * Low Power Consumption - Transceiver: * RX = 16 mA (typical) * RFO_HF = 33 mA (typical) * PA_BOOST = 95 mA (typical) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 1 SAM R34/R35 - MCU: * Idle, Standby, and Backup Sleep Modes * SleepWalking peripherals * Temperature Range: -40C to +85C (Industrial) RF/Analog Features * Integrated LoRa Technology Transceiver: - Tri-band Coverage * 137 MHz to 175 MHz * 410 MHz to 525 MHz * 862 MHz to 1020 MHz - +20 dBm (100 mW) Max Power (VDDANA > 2.4 VDC) - +17 dBm (50 mW) Max Power (Regulated PA) - +13 dBm (20 mW) High-efficency PA * High Sensitivity: - Down to -136 dBm (LoRaWANTM protocol compliant modes) - Down to -148 dBm (proprietary narrowband modes) * * * * * * * * * Up to 168 dB Maximum Link Budget Robust Front-End: IIp3 = -11 dBm Excellent Blocking Immunity Low RX Current of 17 mA (typical) Fully Integrated Synthesizer with a Resolution of 61 Hz LoRa Technology, (G)FSK, (G)MSK and OOK Modulation Preamble Detection 127 dB Dynamic Range RSSI Automatic RF Sense and CAD with Ultra-Fast Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) Packet Engine up to 256 bytes with Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Peripheral Information * 16-Channel Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) * 12-Channel Event System * Three 16-bit Timer/Counters (TC), configurable as either of the following: - One 8-bit TC with compare/capture channels - One 16-bit TC with compare/capture channels - One 32-bit TC with compare/capture channels, by using two TCs * Two 24-bit and one 16-bit Timer/Counters for Control (TCC), with Extended Functions: - Up to four compare channels with optional complementary output - Generation of synchronized Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) pattern across port pins - Deterministic fault protection, fast decay and configurable dead-time between complementary output - Dithering that increases resolution with up to five bit and reduces quantization error * 32-bit Real Time Counter (RTC) with Clock/Calendar Function * Watchdog Timer (WDT) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 2 SAM R34/R35 * CRC-32 Generator * One Full-Speed (12 Mbps) Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 Interface: - Embedded host and device function - Eight endpoints * Up to Five Serial Communication Interfaces (SERCOM), each configurable to operate as either of the following: - USART with full-duplex and single-wire half-duplex configuration - I2C up to 3.4 MHz - Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) - Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Slave * One 12-bit, 1 Msps Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with up to Eight External Channels: - Differential and single-ended input - Automatic offset and gain error compensation - Oversampling and decimation in hardware to support 13-, 14-, 15-, or 16-bit resolution * Two Analog Comparators (AC) with Window Compare Function * Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC): - 18-channel capacitive touch and proximity sensing Package Information * 27 Programmable I/O Pins * 64 Lead Ball Grid Array (BGA) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 3 SAM R34/R35 Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................1 Features.......................................................................................................................... 1 1. Description.................................................................................................................6 2. Configuration Summary.............................................................................................7 3. Ordering Information for SAM R34/R35.................................................................... 9 3.1. SAM R34/R35 Ordering Codes.................................................................................................... 9 4. System Introduction.................................................................................................10 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. SAM R34/R35 Pinout Details..................................................................................................... 10 SiP Block Diagram..................................................................................................................... 10 Peripheral Key Table.................................................................................................................. 11 5. I/O Multiplexing and Considerations........................................................................14 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Multiplexed Signals.................................................................................................................... 14 Internal Multiplexed Signals....................................................................................................... 15 Other Functions..........................................................................................................................16 6. Signal Description....................................................................................................18 6.1. Signal Details............................................................................................................................. 18 7. Processor and Architecture..................................................................................... 21 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. Cortex M0+ Processor............................................................................................................... 21 Nested Vector Interrupt Controller..............................................................................................22 Micro Trace Buffer...................................................................................................................... 24 High-Speed Bus System............................................................................................................ 25 8. Application Schematic Introduction......................................................................... 30 8.1. 8.2. SAM R34/R35 Basic Application Schematic.............................................................................. 30 SAM R34/R35 Bill of Materials................................................................................................... 32 9. Transceiver Circuit Description................................................................................34 9.1. 9.2. Transceiver Pin Description........................................................................................................34 Transceiver Validation................................................................................................................ 35 10. Microcontroller Interface.......................................................................................... 36 11. Electrical Characteristics......................................................................................... 38 11.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings........................................................................................................38 11.2. General Operating Conditions....................................................................................................38 11.3. Performance Characteristics...................................................................................................... 39 12. SAM R34/R35 Package Information........................................................................44 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 4 SAM R34/R35 12.1. Package Drawings..................................................................................................................... 44 12.2. SAM R34/R35 Land Pattern.......................................................................................................45 13. Best Practices for Designers................................................................................... 46 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.5. 13.6. Introduction.................................................................................................................................46 Power Supply............................................................................................................................. 46 External Reset Circuit.................................................................................................................49 Unused or Unconnected Pins.....................................................................................................50 Clocks and Crystal Oscillators....................................................................................................50 Programming and Debug Ports..................................................................................................52 14. Reference Documentation.......................................................................................57 15. Document Revision History..................................................................................... 58 The Microchip Web Site................................................................................................ 59 Customer Change Notification Service..........................................................................59 Customer Support......................................................................................................... 59 Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................. 59 Legal Notice...................................................................................................................60 Trademarks................................................................................................................... 60 Quality Management System Certified by DNV.............................................................61 Worldwide Sales and Service........................................................................................62 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 5 SAM R34/R35 Description 1. Description The SAM R34/R35 devices are a series of ultra-low power microcontrollers equipped with a UHF transceiver. It uses the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at max. 48 MHz (2.46 CoreMark/MHz) and offers 256 KB of Flash and 40 KB of SRAM. Sophisticated power management technologies, such as power domain gating, SleepWalking, ultra-low power peripherals and more, allow for very low line-power consumptions. The UHF transceiver supports LoRa and FSK modulation schemes. The LoRa technology is optimized for long-range communication with minimal line-power demand. The transceiver can work from frequencies of 137 MHz to 1020 MHz. Maximum transmit power is +20 dBm without an external amplification. Operational frequency bands and power limits are defined by local regulations and the LoRa Alliance. LoRa network stack regional options insure compliance. FSK modulation is also supported for applications including IEEE 802.15.4g, WiSUN, and legacy proprietary networks. All devices have accurate low power external and internal oscillators. Different clock domains can be independently configured to run at different frequencies, enabling power-saving by running each peripheral at its optimal clock frequency, thus maintaining a high CPU frequency while reducing power consumption. The SAM R34/R35 devices have four software-selectable sleep modes: Idle, Standby, Backup and Off. In Idle mode, the CPU is stopped while all other functions may be kept running. In Standby mode, all clocks and functions are stopped except those selected to continue running. In this mode all RAMs and logic contents are retained. The device supports SleepWalking, which allows some peripherals to wake-up from sleep based on predefined conditions, thus allowing some internal operations like DMA transfer and/or the CPU to wake-up only when needed; for example, when a threshold is crossed or a result is ready. The event system supports synchronous and asynchronous events, allowing peripherals to receive, react to and send events even in Standby mode. Off mode is not advised, as high impedance on the internal SPI bus results in metastability. The SAM R34/R35 devices have two software-selectable performance levels (PL0 and PL2) allowing the user to scale the lowest core voltage level that supports the operating frequency. To further minimize current consumption, specifically leakage dissipation, the devices utilize a power domain gating technique with retention to turn off some logic areas while keeping their logic state. This technique is fully handled in hardware. The Flash program memory can be reprogrammed in-system through the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface. The same interface can also be used for non-intrusive on-chip debugging of application code. A boot loader running in the device can use any communication interface to download and upgrade the application program in the Flash memory. The SAM R34/R35 devices are supported with a full suite of programs and system development tools, including C compilers, macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, programmers, and evaluation kits. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 6 SAM R34/R35 Configuration Summary 2. Configuration Summary Table 2-1. Configuration Summary Parameter SAM R34 SAM R35 Total Pins 64 64 General Purpose I/O pins 27 (GPIOs) 27 Flash 256 KB 256 KB Flash RWW Section 8 KB 8 KB System SRAM 32 KB 32 KB Low Power SRAM 8 KB 8 KB Timer Counter (TC) Instances 3 3 Waveform Output Channels per TC Instance 2 2 Timer Counter for Control 3 (TCC) Instances 3 Waveform Output Channels per TCC 4/2/2 4/2/2 USB Interface 1 0 Serial Communication Interface (SERCOM) Instances 5+1 (1) 5+1 (1) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Channels 8 8 Analog Comparators (AC) 2 2 Real-Time Counter (RTC) Yes Yes RTC Alarms 1 1 RTC Compare Values 1 for 32-bit value or 1 for 32-bit value or 2 for 16-bit values 2 for 16-bit values External Interrupt Lines 15 15 Maximum CPU Frequency 48 MHz 48 MHz Package BGA BGA (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 7 SAM R34/R35 Configuration Summary ...........continued Parameter SAM R34 SAM R35 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC32K) External External Oscillators * 16 MHz crystal oscillator for TRX (XOSCRF) * 0.4-32 MHz crystal oscillator (XOSC) * 32.768 kHz external oscillator (OSC32K) * 32 kHz ultra-low power internal oscillator (OSCULP32K) * 8 MHz high-accuracy internal oscillator (OSC8M) * 48 MHz Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48M) * 96 MHz Fractional Digital Phased Locked Loop (FDPLL96) * 16 MHz crystal oscillator for TRX (XOSCRF) * 0.4-32 MHz crystal oscillator (XOSC) * 32.768 kHz external oscillator (OSC32K) * 32 kHz ultra-low power internal oscillator (OSCULP32K) * 8 MHz high-accuracy internal oscillator (OSC8M) * 48 MHz Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48M) * 96 MHz Fractional Digital Phased Locked Loop (FDPLL96) Event System Channels 12 12 SW Debug Interface Yes Yes Watchdog Timer (WDT) Yes Yes 1. SERCOM4 is internally connected to the Transceiver (TRX). (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 8 SAM R34/R35 Ordering Information for SAM R34/R35 3. Ordering Information for SAM R34/R35 Figure 3-1. SAM R34/R35 Ordering Information ATSAMR 34 J 18 B T- I/ xxx Product Family SAMR = SoC Microcontroller with RF Product Series 34 = Cortex M0+ CPU + DMA + USB + LoRa Transeiver 35 = Cortex M0+ CPU + DMA + LoRa Transeiver Pin Count J = 64 Pins Flash Memory Density 16 = 64 KB 17 = 128 KB 18 = 256 KB Device Variant B = Release to Production Package Carrier T = Tape and Reel Temperature Rating I = - 40 to + 85 oC Package Type 7JX = 64 Ball 6x6 mm TFBGA 3.1 SAM R34/R35 Ordering Codes Table 3-1. SAM R34/R35 Ordering Codes Ordering Code Description ATSAMR34J16BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver USB 64K Flash 8K SRAM, 4KB LP SRAM, T&R ATSAMR34J17BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver USB 128K Flash 16K SRAM, 8KB LP SRAM, T&R ATSAMR34J18BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver USB 256K Flash 32K SRAM, 8KB LP SRAM, T&R ATSAMR35J16BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver 64K Flash 8K SRAM, 4KB LP SRAM, T&R ATSAMR35J17BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver 128K Flash 16K SRAM, 8KB LP SRAM, T&R ATSAMR35J18BT-I/7JX LoRa SiP Transceiver 256K Flash 32K SRAM, 8KB LP SRAM, T&R Note: The device variant (last letter of the ordering number) is independent of the die revision. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 9 SAM R34/R35 System Introduction 4. 4.1 System Introduction SAM R34/R35 Pinout Details Figure 4-1. SAM R34/R35 Pin Placement 1 4.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A RFI_HF GND_RF PA00 PA01 VDDCORE VSW VDDIN VDDIO2 B RFO_HF GND_RF GNDANA PB02 GND RESET* GND PA24 C VBAT_RF VDDANA PB03 PA05 PA30 PA28 PB23 PA25 D VR_PA RXTX PA04 GND PA31 GND PA23 PA22 E GND_RF GNDANA PA06 PA27 PB22 PA17 PA18 PA19 F PA_BOOST GND_RF PA07 PA08 PA09 PA13 PA16 PA14 G RFO_LF GND_RF GND_RF VDDI01 GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF PA15 H RFI_LF VR_ANA VBAT_ANA VR_DIG GND_RF XTA XTB VBAT_DIG SiP Block Diagram The following figure illustrates the SAM R34/R35 System-in-Package (SiP) block diagram. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 10 SAM R34/R35 System Introduction Figure 4-2. System Block Diagram with MCU and Transceiver SWCLK CORTEX-M0+ PROCESSOR SERIAL WIRE Fmax 48 MHz 256/128/64KB NVM 32/16/8KB RAM NVM Controller SRAM CONTROLLER EVENT SWDIO MEMORY TRACE BUFFER IOBUS DEVICE SERVICE UNIT Cache M M S S S HIGH SPEED BUS MATRIX S S M M S DP USB FS DEVICE MINI-HOST (SAMR34 ONLY) DM SOF 1KHZ 8/8/4KB RAM AHB-APB BRIDGE B S LP SRAM CONTROLLER S LOW POWER BUS MATRIX PERIPHERAL ACCESS CONTROLLER S DMA M S S EVENT AHB-APB BRIDGE A AHB-APB BRIDGE D AHB-APB BRIDGE C DMA 56xxSERCOM SERCOM MAIN CLOCKS CONTROLLER 4 x TIMER / COUNTER 8 x Timer Counter PORT DMA OSC16M WO1 FDPLL96M GENERIC CLOCK CONTROLLER EVENT DMA WO0 WO1 (2) WOn AES DMA TRNG PORT GCLK_IO[7..0] 3x TIMER / COUNTER FOR CONTROL EVENT SYSTEM DFLL48M XOSC WO0 DMA EVENT OSCILLATORS CONTROLLER XIN XOUT PAD0 PAD1 PAD2 PAD3 EVENT AHB-APB BRIDGE E WATCHDOG TIMER POWER MANAGER XIN32 XOUT32 OSC32K CONTROLLER XOSC32K WO0 DMA OSCULP32K WO1 TIMER / COUNTER OSC32K DMA SUPPLY CONTROLLER BOD33 EVENT VREF RESET RESET CONTROLLER REAL TIME COUNTER EXTINT[15..0] NMI EVENT AIN[19..0] VREFA VREFB AIN[3..0] 2 ANALOG COMPARATORS EVENT VREG EXTWAKEx 8-CHANNEL 12-bit ADC 1MSPS X[15..0] PERIPHERAL TOUCH CONTROLLER Y[15..0] IN[2..0] 3 x CCL EVENT OUT EVENT EXTERNAL INTERRUPT CONTROLLER PAD0 PAD1 PAD2 PAD3 SERCOM DIO(0...5) SERCOM4 CONFIGURATION REGISTERS AND FIFO DEMOD LoRa/FSK/OOK MODULATOR LoRa/FSK/OOK ADC i MUX Q HIGH BAND FRAC-N PLL LOW BAND FRAC-N PLL PA HF 4.3 PA HP OSC RF PA HF Peripheral Key Table The following table lists all the peripherals supported in SAM R34 and SAM R35. Also, provides the references to relevant sections for detailed information. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 11 SAM R34/R35 System Introduction Note: The peripherals that are not listed in the following table must not be used. Table 4-1. Peripheral Key Table Peripheral Description Reference Document Topic # and Keyword AC Analog Comparator 1 43. AC - Analog Comparators ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter 1 42. ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter AES Advanced Encryption Engine 1 38. AES - Advanced Encryption Standard BOD33 Brown-out Detector 1 23. SUPC - Supply Controller CCL Configurable Custom Logic 1 40. CCL - Configurable Custom Logic CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check-sum 1 15.11.3 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC32 DMA Direct Memory Access Controller 1 26. DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller EIC External Interrupt 1 27. EIC - External Interrupt Controller EVSYS Event System 1 30. EVSYS - Event System GCLK Generic Clock Control 1 17. GCLK - Generic Clock Controller I2C Inter-integrated Circuit Interface 1 34. SERCOM I2C - SERCOM Inter-integrated Circuit MCLK Main Clock Control 1 18. MCLK - Main Clock NVMCTRL Nonvolatile Memory Controller 1 28. NVMCTRL - Nonvolatile Memory Controller OSC32KCTRL 32 kHz Clock 1 22. OSC32KCTRL - 32KHz Oscillators Controller OSCCTRL Clock Control 1 21. OSCCTRL - Oscillators Controller PA_BOOST RF Output High-power 5 5.4.2. RF Power Amplifiers PM Power Management 1 20. PM - Power Manager PORT GPIO Port Controller 1 29. PORT - I/O Pin Controller PORT Power-On Reset 1 23. SUPC - Supply Controller (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet Notes Peripheral function FSERCOM4 pins (PB30, PB31, PC18, PC19) are internally connected to Transceiver. For details, refer to 10. Microcontroller Interface. Limited to 27 ports DS70005356C-page 12 SAM R34/R35 System Introduction ...........continued Peripheral Description Reference Document Topic # and Keyword Notes PTC Peripheral Touch Controller (RC) 1 45. PTC - Peripheral Touch Controller RFI_HF RF Input High Frequency 5 5.5. Receiver Description RFI_LF RF Input Low Frequency 5 5.5. Receiver Description RFO_HF RF Output High Frequency 5 5.4.2. RF Power Amplifiers RFO_LF RF Output Low Frequency 5 5.4.2. RF Power Amplifiers RSTC Reset Control 1 19. RSTC - Reset Controller RTC Real-Time Counter 1 25. RTC - Real-Time Counter SPI Serial Peripheral Interface 1 33. SERCOM SPI - SERCOM Serial Peripheral Interface TC Timer Counter 1 35. TC - Timer/Counter TCC Timer Counter for Control 1 36. TCC - Timer/Counter for Control Applications TRNG Random Number Generator 1 37. TRNG - True Random Number Generator USART Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 32. SERCOM USART - SERCOM Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter Peripheral function FSERCOM4 pins (PB30, PB31, PC18, PC19) are internally connected to Transceiver. USB Full-speed Universal Serial Bus 2.0 interface 1 39. USB - Universal Serial Bus SAMR34 Only. For details, refer to 10. Microcontroller Interface. VBAT External Battery Input 1 23. SUPC - Supply Controller WDT Watchdog Timer 1 24. WDT - Watchdog Timer XTA/B RF Oscillator 5 5.3. Frequency Synthesis Peripheral function FSERCOM4 pins (PB30, PB31, PC18, PC19) are internally connected to Transceiver. For details, refer to 10. Microcontroller Interface. Note: For more details on the peripherals supported by the SAM R34, refer to Table 5-1. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 13 SAM R34/R35 I/O Multiplexing and Considerations 5. I/O Multiplexing and Considerations 5.1 Multiplexed Signals By default, each pin is controlled by the PORT as a general purpose I/O and alternatively may be assigned to one of the peripheral functions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H or I. To enable a peripheral function on a pin, the Peripheral Multiplexer Enable bit in the Pin Configuration register corresponding to that pin (PINCFGn.PMUXEN, n = 0..31) in the PORT must be written to '1'. The selection of peripheral functions A to H are done by writing to the Peripheral Multiplexing Odd and Even bits in the Peripheral Multiplexing register (PMUXn.PMUXE/O) in the PORT. Table 5-1. Port Function Multiplexing SAM R34/R35 Pin I/O Pin Supply B (1)(2) A EIC RSTC REF ADC AC PTC X- PTC Y- lines lines C D E F G H I SERCOM (1)(2) SERCOM- ALT TC/TCC TCC COM AC/GCLK/ SUPC CCL A3 PA00 VSWOUT EXTINT[0] EXTWAKE[0] - - - - - - SERCOM1/ PAD[0] TCC2/WO[0] - - - - A4 PA01 VSWOUT EXTINT[1] EXTWAKE[1] - - - - - - SERCOM1/ PAD[1] TCC2/WO[1] - - - - D3 PA04 VDDANA EXTINT[4] EXTWAKE[4] VREFB AIN[4] AIN[0] - - - SERCOM0/ PAD[0] TCC0/WO[0] - - - CCL0/ IN[0] C4 PA05 VDDANA EXTINT[5] EXTWAKE[5] - AIN[5] AIN[1] - - - SERCOM0/ PAD[1] TCC0/WO[1] - - - CCL0/ IN[1] E3 PA06 VDDANA EXTINT[6] EXTWAKE[6] - AIN[6] AIN[2] - Y[4] - SERCOM0/ PAD[2] TCC1/WO[0] - - - CCL0/ IN[2] F3 PA07 VDDANA EXTINT[7] EXTWAKE[7] - AIN[7] AIN[3] - - - SERCOM0/ PAD[3] TCC1/WO[1] - - - CCL0/ OUT[0] F4 PA08 VDDIO NMI -- - AIN[16] - X[0] Y[6] SERCOM0/ PAD[0] SERCOM2/ PAD[0] TCC0/WO[0] TCC1/ WO[2] - - CCL1/ IN[3] F5 PA09 VDDIO EXTINT[9] -- -- AIN[17] X[1] Y[7] SERCOM0/ PAD[1] SERCOM2/ PAD[1] TCC0/WO[1] TCC1/ WO[3] -- -- CCL1/ IN[1] F6 PA13 VDDIO EXTINT[13] -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM2/ PAD[1] SERCOM4/ PAD[1] TCC2/WO[1] TCC0/ WO[7] -- AC/CMP[1] -- F8 PA14 VDDIO EXTINT[14] -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM2/ PAD[2] SERCOM4/ PAD[2] TC4/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[4] -- GCLK_IO[0] -- G8 PA15 VDDIO EXTINT[15] -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM2/ PAD[3] SERCOM4/ PAD[3] TC4/ WO[1] TCC0/ WO[5] -- GCLK_IO[1] -- F7 PA16 VDDIO EXTINT[0] -- -- -- -- X[4] -- SERCOM1/ PAD[0] SERCOM3/ PAD[0] TCC2/WO[0] TCC0/ WO[6] -- GCLK_IO[2] CCL0/ IN[0] E6 PA17 VDDIO EXTINT[1] -- -- -- -- X[5] -- SERCOM1/ PAD[1] SERCOM3/ PAD[1] TCC2/WO[1] TCC0/ WO[1] -- GCLK_IO[3] CCL0/ IN[1] E7 PA18 VDDIO EXTINT[2] -- -- -- -- X[6] -- SERCOM1/ PAD[2] SERCOM3/ PAD[2] TC4/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[2] -- AC/CMP[0] CCL0/ IN[2] E8 PA19 VDDIO EXTINT[3] -- -- -- -- X[7] -- SERCOM1/ PAD[3] SERCOM3/ PAD[3] TC4/ WO[1] TCC0/ WO[3] -- AC/CMP[1] CCL0/ OUT[0] D8 PA22 VDDIO EXTINT[6] -- -- -- -- X[10] -- SERCOM3/ PAD[0] SERCOM5/ PAD[0] TC0/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[4] -- GCLK_IO[6] CCL2/ IN[0] D7 PA23 VDDIO EXTINT[7] -- -- -- -- X[11] -- SERCOM3/ PAD[1] SERCOM5/ PAD[1] TC0/ WO[1] TCC0/ WO[5] USB/SOF 1 kHz[6] GCLK_IO[7] CCL2/ IN[1] B8 PA24 VDDIO EXTINT[12] -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM3/ PAD[2] SERCOM5/ PAD[2] TC1/ WO[0] TCC1/ WO[2] USB/ DM[6] -- CCL2/ IN[2] C8 PA25 VDDIO EXTINT[13] -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM3/ PAD[3] SERCOM5/ PAD[3] TC1/ WO[1] TCC1/ WO[3] USB/ DP[6] -- CCL2/ OUT[2] E5 PB22 VDDIN EXTINT[6] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM5/ PAD[2] TC3/ WO[0] -- -- GCLK_IO[0] CCL0/ IN[0] C7 PB23 VDDIN EXTINT[7] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM5/ PAD[3] TC3/ WO[1] -- -- GCLK_IO[1] CCL0/ OUT[0] E4 PA27 VDDIN EXTINT[15] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GCLK_IO[0] -- C6 PA28 VDDIN EXTINT[8] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GCLK_IO[0] -- (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 14 SAM R34/R35 I/O Multiplexing and Considerations ...........continued SAM R34/R35 Pin I/O Pin Supply A EIC RSTC B (1)(2) C D E F G H I REF SERCOM (1)(2) SERCOM- ALT TC/TCC TCC COM AC/GCLK/ SUPC CCL ADC AC PTC X- PTC Y- lines lines C5 PA30 VDDIN EXTINT[10] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM1/ PAD[2] TCC1/WO[0] -- SWCLK GCLK_IO[0] CCL1/ IN[0] D5 PA31 VDDIN EXTINT[11] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SERCOM1/ PAD[3] TCC1/WO[1] -- SWDIO(3) -- CCL1/ OUT[1] B4 PB02 VSWOUT EXTINT[2] -- -- AIN[10] -- -- -- -- SERCOM5/ PAD[0] TC2/ WO[0] -- -- SUPC/ OUT[1] CCL0/ OUT[0] C3 PB03 VSWOUT EXTINT[3] -- -- AIN[11] -- -- -- -- SERCOM5/ PAD[1] TC2/ WO[1] -- -- SUPC/VBAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.2 All analog pin functions are on peripheral function B. Peripheral function B must be selected to disable the digital control of the pin. Only some pins can be used in SERCOM I2C mode. See 5.3.3 SERCOM I2C Pins . This function is only activated in the presence of a debugger. When an analog peripheral is enabled, the analog output of the peripheral interferes with the alternative functions of this pin. This is also true even when the peripheral is used for internal purposes. Clusters of multiple GPIO pins are sharing the same supply pin. See 5.3.4 GPIO Cluster. USB is not available on the SAM R35 devices. Internal Multiplexed Signals By default, each pin is controlled by the PORT as a general purpose I/O and alternatively may be assigned to one of the peripheral functions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H or I. To enable a peripheral function on a pin, the Peripheral Multiplexer Enable bit in the Pin Configuration register corresponding to that pin (PINCFGn.PMUXEN, n = 0-31) in the PORT must be written to `1'. The selection of peripheral functions A to H are done by writing to the Peripheral Multiplexing Odd and Even bits in the Peripheral Multiplexing register (PMUXn.PMUXE/O) in the PORT. Table 5-2. Internal Multiplexed Signals Internal Signal I/O Pin Supply Type A EIC B RSTC REF ADC AC PTC Xlines PTC C D E F G H I SERCOM SERCOMALT TC/TCC TCC/ SERCOM COM AC/GCLK/ SUPC CCL Ylines DIO0 PB16 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[0] - - - - - - SERCOM5/ PAD[0] - TCC2/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[4] - GCLK_IO[2] CCL3/ IN[11] DIO1/ DCLK PA11 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[11] - - AIN[19] - X[3] Y[9] SERCOM0/ PAD[3] SERCOM2/ PAD[3] TCC1/ WO[1] TCC0/ WO[3] - GCLK_IO[5] CCL1/ OUT[1] DIO2/ DATA PA12 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[12] - - - - - - SERCOM2/ PAD[0] SERCOM4/ PAD[0] TCC2/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[6] - AC/CMP[0] - DIO3 PB17 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[1] - - - - - - SERCOM5/ PAD[1] - TCC2/ WO[1] TCC0/ WO[5] - GCLK_IO[3] CCL3/ OUT[3] DIO4 PA10 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[10] - - AIN[18] - X[2] Y[8] SERCOM0/ PAD[2] SERCOM2/ PAD[2] TCC1/ WO[0] TCC0/ WO[2] - GCLK_IO[4] CCL1/ IN[5] DIO5 PB00 VDDANA I/O EXTINT[0] - - AIN[8] - - - - SERCOM5/ PAD[2] TCC3/ WO[0] - - SUPC_PSOK CCL0/ IN[1] RF_RST PB15 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[15] - - - - X[15] - SERCOM4/ PAD[3] - TCC0/ WO[1] - - GCLK_IO[1] CCL3/ IN[10] MOSI PB30 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[14] - - - - - - - SERCOM5/ PAD[0] TCC0/ WO[0] SERCOM4/ PAD[2] - - - SEL PB31 VDDIO I/O EXTINT[15] - - - - - - - SERCOM5/ PAD[1] TCC0/ WO[1] SERCOM4/ PAD[1] - - - SCLK PC18 VDDIO I/O - - - - - - - - - - SERCOM4/ PAD[3] - - - (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 15 SAM R34/R35 I/O Multiplexing and Considerations ...........continued Internal Signal I/O Pin Supply Type A EIC MISO PC19 VDDIO I/O - B RSTC - REF - ADC - AC - PTC Xlines PTC - - C D E F G H I SERCOM SERCOMALT TC/TCC TCC/ SERCOM COM AC/GCLK/ SUPC CCL - - - SERCOM4/ PAD[0] - - - Ylines 5.3 Other Functions 5.3.1 Oscillator Pinout The oscillators are not mapped to the normal PORT functions, and their multiplexing is controlled by registers in the Oscillator Controller (OSCCTROL) and in the 32kHz Oscillators Controller (OSC32KCTRL). Table 5-3. Oscillator Pinout Oscillator Supply Signal I/O Port XOSC VDDIO XIN PA14 XOUT PA15 XIN32 PA00 XOUT32 PA01 XOSC32K 5.3.2 VSWOUT Serial Wire Debug Interface Pins Only the SWCLK pin is mapped to the normal PORT functions. A debugger cold-plugging or hot-plugging detection will automatically switch the SWDIO port to the SWDIO function. Table 5-4. Serial Wire Debug Interface Pinout 5.3.3 Signal Supply I/O Pin SWCLK VDDIN PA30 SWDIO VDDIN PA31 SERCOM I2C Pins Table 5-5. SERCOM Pins Supporting I2C Device Pins Supporting I2C HS Mode SAM R34/R35 PA08, PA09, PA13, PA16, PA17, PA22, PA23 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 16 SAM R34/R35 I/O Multiplexing and Considerations 5.3.4 GPIO Cluster Table 5-6. GPIO Clusters Package Cluster GPIO 64 Pins 5.3.5 Supply Pins Connected to the Cluster 1 PA31 PA30 - - - - - - - - - - VDDIN C4/GND D4 2 PA28 PA27 PB23 PB22 - - - - - - - - - VDDIN C4/GND D4 and VDDIO C6/GND C5 3 PA25 PA24 PA23 PA22 - - PA19 PA18 PA17 PA16 PA15 PA14 PA13 VDDIO C6/GND C5 and VDDIO F3/GND F4 4 - PA09 PA08 - - - - - - - - - VDDIO F3/GND F4 5 PA07 PA06 PA05 PA04 - - - - - - - - - VDDANA C1/GNDANA C3 6 - PA00 PB03 PB02 - - - - - - - VDDANA C1/GNDANA C3 - - PA01 - TCC Configurations The SAML21 has three instances of the Timer/Counter for Control applications (TCC) peripheral, TCC<2:0>. Table 5-7. TCC Configuration Summary TCC Channels Waveform Counter Fault Dithering Output Dead SWAP Pattern No. (CC_NUM) Output Size Matrix Time Generation (WO_NUM) Insertion (DTI) 0 4 8 24-bit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 2 4 24-bit Yes Yes -- -- -- Yes 2 2 2 16-bit Yes -- -- -- -- Note: The number of CC register (CC_NUM)_ for each TCC corresponds to the number of compare/ capture channels to ensure that a TCC can have more Waveform Outputs (WO_NUM) than CC registers. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 17 SAM R34/R35 Signal Description 6. Signal Description This section provides the required information to understand the origin and the function of each such signal. The nature of a SIP results in the situation where the package pins may be bonded to the microcontroller die or the transceiver die. There are also signals bonded in-between the two dies. 6.1 Signal Details This section provides the naming and functional description of the internal and external signals. 5. I/O Multiplexing and Considerations describes the routing of these signals between the MCU core and transceiver subsystem and to the external package pins. Table 6-1. Signal Descriptions List Signal Name Function Type Analog Comparators (AC) AIN<3:0> AC analog inputs Analog CMP<1:0> AC comparator outputs Digital Analog Digital Converter (ADC) AIN<19:0> ADC analog inputs Analog VREFB ADC voltage external reference B Analog External Interrupt Controller (EIC) EXTINT<15:0> External interrupts inputs Digital NMI External non-maskable interrupt input Digital Reset Controller (RSTC) EXTWAKE<7:0> External wake-up inputs Digital Generic Clock Generator (GCLK) GCLK_IO<7:0> Generic clock (source clock inputs or generic clock generator output) Digital Custom Control Logic (CCL) IN<8:0> Logic inputs Digital OUT<2:0> Logic outputs Digital Supply Controller (SUPC) VBAT External battery supply inputs Analog PSOK Main power supply OK input Digital OUT<1:0> Logic outputs Digital Power Manager (PM) RESETN Active low Reset input Digital Serial Communication Interface (SERCOMx) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 18 SAM R34/R35 Signal Description ...........continued Signal Name Function Type PAD<3:0> SERCOM Input/Output pads Digital Oscillators Control (OSCCTRL) XIN Crystal or external clock input Analog/Digital XOUT Crystal output Analog 32KHz Oscillators Control (OSC32KCTRL) XIN32 32KHz crystal or external clock input Analog/Digital XOUT32 32KHz crystal output Analog Timer Counter (TCx) WO<1:0> Waveform outputs Digital Timer Counter (TCCx) WO<7:0> Waveform outputs Digital General Purpose I/O (PORT) PA01-PA00 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port A Digital PA09-PA04 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port A Digital PA25-PA22 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port A Digital PA28-PA27 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port A Digital PA03-PB02 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port B Digital PA23-PB22 Parallel I/O controller I/O Port B Digital Universal Serial Bus (USB) DP DP for USB (SAM R34 only) Digital DM DM for USB (SAM R34 only) Digital External RF Signals RF_XTB XTAL connection OSC RF_XTA XTAL connection or TCXO input OSC VR_DIG Regulated supply voltage for digital blocks Reg Output VBAT_ANA Supply voltage for analog circuitry Analog Power VR_ANA Regulated supply voltage for analog circuitry Reg Output RFI_LF RF input for bands 2 and 3 RF Input RFO_LF RF output for bands 2 and 3 RF Output PA_BOOST Optional high-power PA output, all frequency bands RF Output VR_PA Regulated supply voltage for the PA Reg Output (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 19 SAM R34/R35 Signal Description ...........continued Signal Name Function Type VBAT_RF Supply voltage for RF blocks RF Power RFO_HF RF output for band 1 RF Output VBAT_DIG Supply voltage for digital blocks Digital Power RXTX RX/TX switch control: High in TX Digital I/O RFI_HF RF input for band 1 RF Input Internal Interconnect Signals DIO0 Digital I/O, software configured I/O DIO1/DCLK Digital I/O, software configured I/O DIO2/DATA Digital I/O, software configured I/O DIO3 Digital I/O, software configured I/O DIO4 Digital I/O, software configured I/O DIO5 Digital I/O, software configured I/O SCLK SPI clock input Input MISO SPI data output Output MOSI SPI data input Input SEL SPI chip select input Input RF_RST Reset trigger input I/O (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 20 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture 7. Processor and Architecture 7.1 Cortex M0+ Processor The SAM R34/R35 contains an ATSAML21 Die Revision C ARM Cortex-M0+ processor. The processor is based on the ARMv6 Architecture and Thumb(R)-2 ISA. The Cortex-M0+ is 100% instruction set compatible with its predecessor, the Cortex-M0 core, and upward compatible to Cortex-M3 and M4 cores. The implemented ARM Cortex-M0+ is revision r0p1. For more information, refer to 7.1.1 Cortex M0+ Configuration Table 7-1. Cortex M0+ Configuration in SAM R34/R35 Features Cortex M0+ options SAM R34/R35 configuration Interrupts External interrupts 0-32 29 Data endianness Little-endian or big-endian Little-endian SysTick timer Present or absent Present Number of watchpoint comparators 0, 1, 2 2 Number of breakpoint comparators 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 4 Halting debug support Present or absent Present Multiplier Fast or small Fast (single cycle) Single-cycle I/O port Present or absent Present Wake-up interrupt controller Supported or not supported Not supported Vector Table Offset Register Present or absent Present Unprivileged/Privileged support Present or absent Absent - All software run in privileged mode only Memory Protection Unit Not present or 8-region Not present Reset all registers Present or absent Absent Instruction fetch width 16-bit only or mostly 32-bit 32-bit The ARM Cortex-M0+ core has two bus interfaces: * Single 32-bit AMBA-3 AHB-Lite system interface that provides connections to peripherals and all system memory including Flash memory and RAM * Single 32-bit I/O port bus interfacing to the PORT with 1-cycle loads and stores Cortex M0+ Peripherals * System Control Space (SCS) - The processor provides debug through registers in the SCS. Refer to the Cortex-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for details ( * Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 21 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture - External interrupt signals connect to the NVIC, and the NVIC prioritizes the interrupts. Software can set the priority of each interrupt. The NVIC and the Cortex-M0+ processor core are closely coupled, providing low latency interrupt processing and efficient processing of late arriving interrupts. Refer to the Cortex-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for details (http:// Note: When the CPU frequency is much higher than the APB frequency it is recommended to insert a memory read barrier after each CPU write to registers mapped on the APB. Failing to do so in such conditions may lead to unexpected behavior such as re-entering a peripheral interrupt handler just after leaving it. * System Timer (SysTick) - The System Timer is a 24-bit timer clocked by CLK_CPU that extends the functionality of both the processor and the NVIC. Refer to the Cortex-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for details ( * System Control Block (SCB) - The System Control Block provides system implementation information, and system control. This includes configuration, control, and reporting of the system exceptions. Refer to the Cortex-M0+ Devices Generic User Guide for details ( * Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) - The CoreSight MTB-M0+ (MTB) provides a simple execution trace capability to the Cortex-M0+ processor. Refer to section MTB-Micro Trace Buffer and the CoreSight MTB-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for details ( Related Links 7.2 Nested Vector Interrupt Controller Cortex M0+ Address Map Table 7-2. Cortex-M0+ Address Map Address Peripheral 0xE000E000 System Control Space (SCS) 0xE000E010 System Timer (SysTick) 0xE000E100 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) 0xE000ED00 System Control Block (SCB) 0x41006000 Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) I/O Interface TM The device allows direct access to PORT registers. Accesses to the AMBA(R) AHB-Lite and the single cycle I/O interface can be made concurrently, so the Cortex M0+ processor can fetch the next instructions while accessing the I/Os. This enables single cycle I/O access to be sustained for as long as necessary. 7.2 Nested Vector Interrupt Controller 7.2.1 Overview The Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) in the SAM R34/R35 supports 32 interrupt lines with four different priority levels. For more details, refer to the Cortex-M0+ Technical Reference Manual (http:// (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 22 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture 7.2.2 Interrupt Line Mapping Each of the 23 interrupt lines is connected to one peripheral instance, as shown in the table below. Each peripheral can have one or more interrupt flags, located in the peripheral's Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG) register. An interrupt flag is set when the interrupt condition occurs. Each interrupt in the peripheral can be individually enabled by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the peripheral's Interrupt Enable Set (INTENSET) register, and disabled by writing 1 to the corresponding bit in the peripheral's Interrupt Enable Clear (INTENCLR) register. An interrupt request is generated from the peripheral when the interrupt flag is set and the corresponding interrupt is enabled. The interrupt requests for one peripheral are ORed together on system level, generating one interrupt request for each peripheral. An interrupt request will set the corresponding interrupt pending bit in the NVIC interrupt pending registers (SETPEND/CLRPEND bits in ISPR/ICPR). For the NVIC to activate the interrupt, it must be enabled in the NVIC interrupt enable register (SETENA/ CLRENA bits in ISER/ICER). The NVIC interrupt priority registers IPR0-IPR7 provide a priority field for each interrupt. Table 7-3. Interrupt Line Mapping Peripheral Source NVIC Line EIC NMI - External Interrupt Controller NMI PM - Power Manager 0 MCLK - Main Clock OSCCTRL - Oscillators Controller OSC32KCTRL - 32KHz Oscillators Controller SUPC - Supply Controller PAC - Protecion Access Controller WDT - Watchdog Timer 1 RTC - Real Time Counter 2 EIC - External Interrupt Controller 3 NVMCTRL - Non-Volatile Memory Controller 4 DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller 5 USB - Universal Serial Bus 6 EVSYS - Event System 7 SERCOM0 - Serial Communication Interface 0 8 SERCOM1 - Serial Communication Interface 1 9 SERCOM2 - Serial Communication Interface 2 10 SERCOM3 - Serial Communication Interface 3 11 SERCOM4 - Serial Communication Interface 4 12 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 23 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture ...........continued Peripheral Source NVIC Line SERCOM5 - Serial Communication Interface 5 13 TCC0 - Timer Counter for Control 0 14 TCC1 - Timer Counter for Control 1 15 TCC2 - Timer Counter for Control 2 16 TC0 - Timer Counter 0 17 TC1 - Timer Counter 1 18 TC4 - Timer Counter 4 19 ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter 20 AC - Analog Comparator 21 7.3 Micro Trace Buffer 7.3.1 Features * * * * 7.3.2 Program flow tracing for the Cortex-M0+ processor MTB SRAM can be used for both trace and general purpose storage by the processor The position and size of the trace buffer in SRAM is configurable by software CoreSight compliant Overview When enabled, the MTB records the changes in program flow that are reported by the Cortex-M0+ processor over the execution trace interface. This interface is shared between the Cortex-M0+ processor and the CoreSight MTB-M0+. The information is stored by the MTB in the SRAM as trace packets. An offchip debugger can extract the trace information using the Debug Access Port to read the trace information from the SRAM. The debugger can then reconstruct the program flow from this information. The MTB stores trace information into the SRAM and gives the processor access to the SRAM simultaneously. The MTB ensures that trace write accesses have priority over processor accesses. An execution trace packet consists of a pair of 32-bit words that the MTB generates when it detects a non-sequential change of the program pounter (PC) value. A non-sequential PC change can occur during branch instructions or during exception entry. See the CoreSight MTB-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for more details on the MTB execution trace packet format. Tracing is enabled when the MASTER.EN bit in the Master Trace Control Register is 1. There are various ways to set the bit to 1 to start tracing, or to 0 to stop tracing. See the CoreSight Cortex-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for more details on the Trace start and stop and for a detailed description of the MTB's MASTER register. The MTB can be programmed to stop tracing automatically when the memory fills to a specified watermark level or to start or stop tracing by writing directly to the MASTER.EN bit. If the watermark mechanism is not being used and the trace buffer overflows, then the buffer wraps around overwriting previous trace packets. The base address of the MTB registers is 0x41006000; this address is also written in the CoreSight ROM Table. The offset of each register from the base address is fixed and as defined by the CoreSight MTB- (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 24 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture M0+ Technical Reference Manual. The MTB has four programmable registers to control the behavior of the trace features: * POSITION: Contains the trace write pointer and the wrap bit * MASTER: Contains the main trace enable bit and other trace control fields * FLOW: Contains the WATERMARK address and the AUTOSTOP and AUTOHALT control bits * BASE: Indicates where the SRAM is located in the processor memory map. This register is provided to enable auto discovery of the MTB SRAM location by a debug agent See the CoreSight MTB-M0+ Technical Reference Manual for a detailed description of these registers. 7.4 High-Speed Bus System 7.4.1 Features High-Speed Bus Matrix has the following features: * * * * Symmetric crossbar bus switch implementation Allows concurrent accesses from different masters to different slaves 32-bit data bus Operation at a one-to-one clock frequency with the bus masters H2LBRIDGE has the following features: * LP clock division support * Write: Posted-write FIFO of 3 words, no bus stall until it is full * Write: 1 cycle bus stall when full when LP clock is not divided * 2 stall cycles on read when LP clock is not divided * Ultra-Low Latency mode: - Suitable when the HS clock frequency is not above half the maximum device clock frequency - Removes all intrinsic bridge stall cycles (except those needed for LP clock ratio adaptation) - Enabled by writing a '1' in 0x41008120 using a 32-bit write access L2HBRIDGE has the following features: * LP clock division support * Write: Posted-write FIFO of 1 word, no bus stall until it is full * Write: 1 cycle bus stall when full when LP clock is not divided * 2 stall cycles on read when LP clock is not divided * Ultra-Low Latency mode: - Suitable when the HS clock frequency is not above half the maximum device clock frequency - Removes all intrinsic bridge stall cycles (except those needed for LP clock ratio adaptation) - Enabled by writing a '1' in 0x41008120 using a 32-bit write access Figure 7-1. High-Speed Bus System Components M M H2LBRIDGES S H2LBRIDGE HMATRIXLP HMATRIXHS S S S S S (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. M M M H2LBRIDGEM L2HBRIDGES M L2HBRIDGE Datasheet S L2HBRIDGES S S S S S S S S DS70005356C-page 25 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture Configuration Figure 7-2. Master-Slave Relations High-Speed Bus Matrix High-Speed Bus MASTERS CM0+ 0 DSU 1 L2HBRIDGEM 2 Internal Flash HS SRAM PORT 0 HS SRAM PORT 1 AHB-APB Bridge B H2LBRIDGES High-Speed Bus SLAVES 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 7-3. Master-Slave Relations Low-Power Bus Matrix H2LBRIDGEM 0 DMAC 2 AHB-APB Bridge A AHB-APB Bridge C AHB-APB Bridge D AHB-APB Bridge E LP SRAM PORT 2 LP SRAM PORT 1 L2HBRIDGES HS SRAM PORT 2 Low-Power Bus SLAVES Low-Power Bus MASTERS 7.4.2 0 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 Table 7-4. High-Speed Bus Matrix Masters High-Speed Bus Matrix Masters Master ID CM0+ - Cortex M0+ Processor 0 DSU - Device Service Unit 1 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 26 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture ...........continued High-Speed Bus Matrix Masters Master ID L2HBRIDGEM - Low-Power to High-Speed bus matrix AHB to AHB bridge 2 Table 7-5. High-Speed Bus Matrix Slaves High-Speed Bus Matrix Slaves Slave ID Internal Flash Memory 0 HS SRAM Port 0 - CM0+ Access 1 HS SRAM Port 1 - DSU Access 2 AHB-APB Bridge B 3 H2LBRIDGES - High-Speed to Low-Power bus matrix AHB to AHB bridge 4 Table 7-6. Low-Power Bus Matrix Masters Low-Power Bus Matrix Masters Master ID H2LBRIDGEM - High-Speed to Low-Power bus matrix AHB to AHB bridge 0 DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Data Access 2 Table 7-7. Low-Power Bus Matrix Slaves 7.4.3 Low-Power Bus Matrix Slaves Slave ID AHB-APB Bridge A 0 AHB-APB Bridge C 1 AHB-APB Bridge D 2 AHB-APB Bridge E 3 LP SRAM Port 2- H2LBRIDGEM access 5 LP SRAM Port 1- DMAC access 7 L2HBRIDGES - Low-Power to High-Speed bus matrix AHB to AHB bridge 8 HS SRAM Port 2- HMATRIXLP access 9 SRAM Quality of Service To ensure that masters with latency requirements get sufficient priority when accessing RAM, priority levels can be assigned to the masters for different types of access. The Quality of Service (QoS) level is independently selected for each master accessing the RAM. For any access to the RAM, the RAM also receives the QoS level. The QoS levels and their corresponding bit values for the QoS level configuration are shown in the following table. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 27 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture Table 7-8. Quality of Service Value Name Description 0x0 DISABLE Background (no sensitive operation) 0x1 LOW Sensitive Bandwidth 0x2 MEDIUM Sensitive Latency 0x3 HIGH Critical Latency If a master is configured with QoS level DISABLE (0x0) or LOW (0x1) there will be a minimum latency of one cycle for the RAM access. The priority order for concurrent accesses are decided by two factors. First, the QoS level for the master and second, a static priority given by the port ID. The lowest port ID has the highest static priority. See the tables below for details. The MTB has a fixed QoS level HIGH (0x3). The CPU QoS level can be written/read, using 32-bit access only, at address 0x41008114 bits [1:0]. Its reset value is 0x3. Refer to different master QOSCTRL registers for configuring QoS for the other masters (USB, DMAC). Table 7-9. HS SRAM Port Connections QoS HS SRAM Port Connection Port ID Connection Type QoS default QoS MTB - Micro Trace Buffer 4 Direct STATIC-3 0x3 USB - Universal Serial Bus 3 Direct IP-QOSCTRL 0x3 HMATRIXLP - Low-Power Bus Matrix 2 Bus Matrix 0x44000934(1), bits[1:0] 0x2 DSU - Device Service Unit 1 Bus Matrix 0x4100201C(1) 0x2 CM0+ - Cortex M0+ Processor 0 Bus Matrix 0x41008114(1), bits[1:0] 0x3 Note: 1. Using 32-bit access only. Table 7-10. LP SRAM Port Connections QoS LP SRAM Port Connection Port ID Connection Type QoS default QoS DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - WriteBack Access 5, 6 Direct IP-QOSCTRL.WRBQOS 0x2 DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Fetch Access 3, 4 Direct IP-QOSCTRL.FQOS 0x2 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 28 SAM R34/R35 Processor and Architecture ...........continued LP SRAM Port Connection Port ID Connection Type QoS default QoS H2LBRIDGEM - HS to LP bus matrix AHB to AHB bridge 2 Bus Matrix 0x44000924(1), bits[1:0] 0x2 DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Data Access 1 Bus Matrix IP-QOSCTRL.DQOS 0x2 Note: 1. Using 32-bit access only. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 29 SAM R34/R35 Application Schematic Introduction 8. Application Schematic Introduction The SAM R34/R35 application schematic has to provide the environment for both integrated circuits inside the package. The microcontroller as well as the radio have integrated LDOs to provide the required core voltages. To achieve the full radio performance, the application layout has to take the noise decoupling in-between the analog radio part and the digital processor and signal processing power domains into account. 8.1 SAM R34/R35 Basic Application Schematic The following application schematic shows the minimum circuit elements required for the SAM R34/R35 system. In this schematic, both the high-power PA_BOOST and high-efficiency RFO_HF transmitter configurations are populated. Some applications may require only one transmitter configuration. For unused pins, the default state of the pins will give the lowest current leakage. Thus, there is no need to perform any configuration of the unused pins in order to lower the power consumption. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 30 rotatethispage90 U300 C316 100nF VDD GND GND RESET B3 E2 B5 B7 D4 D6 B6 PA00_XIN32 PA01_XOUT32 A3 A4 D3 C4 E3 F3 F4 F5 F6 F8 G8 F7 E6 E7 E8 D8 D7 B8 C8 E4 C6 C5 D5 B4 C3 E5 C7 PA04_S0_UART_TX PA05_S0_UART_RX RFSW_PWR BAND_SEL PA30_SWDCLK PA31_SWDIO GNDANA GNDANA GND GND GND GND GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF GND_RF RESET Datasheet PA00 PA01 PA04 PA05 PA06 PA07 PA08 PA09 PA13 PA14 PA15 PA16 PA17 PA18 PA19 PA22 PA23 PA24 PA25 PA27 PA28 PA30 PA31 PB02 PB03 PB22 PB23 RFO_HF RFI_HF PA_BOOST A2 B2 E1 F2 G2 G3 G5 G6 G7 H5 B1 A1 F1 XTA C330 33pF C311 100nF GND C312 100nF GND C313 100nF GND C314 100nF GND C340 4.7pF GND C315 100nF DNP C321 DNP C300 DNF DNF GND GND VR_PA NC GND VSW VDDCORE GND GND 50Ohm i XC1 TYETBCSANF-32.000000 GND A5 3 GND L301 DNP LQH3NPN100MJ0 C308 100nF 32 MHz TCXO 1 GND C307 100nF H4 VR_DIG H2 VR_ANA D1 VR_PA OUTPUT GND C304 100nF VDDANA VCC C303 100nF A6 H8 VBAT_DIG H3 VBAT_ANA C1 VBAT_RF 2 VDDANA VDD G4 VDDIO1 A8 VDDIO2 A7 VDDIN C2 VDDANA 4 VDD 100k R300 VDD RFO_HF 50Ohm i L300 VDDANA RFSW_PWR GND BLM15AG121SN1D C306 10uF RFI_HF 50Ohm i PA_BOOST C320 100nF GND GND RFO_LF RFI_LF RXTX G1 H1 D2 TXRX H6 XTA 32 kHz Cr ystal Y301 XTA XTB PA01_XOUT32 PA00_XIN32 H7 C309 10pF SAMR34J18B ANTENNA ABS05-32.768KHZ-9-T GND C310 10pF GND SMA Antenna connector C902 5.6pF GND DNP DS70005356C-page 31 RFO_HF 50Ohm i 50Ohm 50Ohm i C910 i L906 22pF 50Ohm i 11nH DNP 50Ohm i 10nH C911 3.9pF GND DNF L907 DNF L909 50Ohm i 10 11 RFC GND GND J3 GND 8 C905 50Ohm i GND C914 1 nF GND RFI_HF GND C908 2.7pF 7 C916 3.3pF 50Ohm i L904 10nH 47pF RFSW_PWR C913 5.6pF GND 50Ohm i 9 10nH C912 8.2pF GND 3 J2 VDD C915 J1 V2 GND C909 GND 2 SKY13373-460LF GND V1 V2 0 0 Shutdown RF Switch State 1 0 RFC to J2 (RFI_HF) 0 1 RFC to J1 (PA_BOOST) 1 1 RFC to J3 (RFO_HF) GND BAND_SEL TXRX 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 HEADER 2x5 1310-1205SNS073R1 PA31_SWDIO PA30_SWDCLK RESET SAM R34/R35 GND 1 C907 4.7nF J303 VREF GND EP L905 33nH 5 VDD U900 VR_PA DNP C906 DNF GND GND 13 GND 3 2 C903 3.3pF 6 GND GND Cor tex Debug Connector GND 10nH C917 3.3pF J901 SMA Edge Mount 1 50Ohm i L901 10nH 18 pF C901 3.9pF L903 33nH DNF 50Ohm i L902 5 2.2nH 50Ohm i 12 C900 GND 50Ohm i V1 PA_BOOST 50Ohm i L900 Application Schematic Introduction 50Ohm i DNP 4 GND C904 4 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Figure 8-1. SAM R34/R35 Basic Application Schematic SAM R34/R35 Application Schematic Introduction 8.2 SAM R34/R35 Bill of Materials Table 8-1. Bill of Materials for SAM R34/R35 Sl. No. Designator Quantity Value Manufacturer MPN Description 1 C303, C304, C307, C308, C311, C312, C313, C314, C315, C316, C320 11 100nF KEMET C0201C104K9PACTU CAP CER 0.1UF 6.3V 10% X5R 0201 2 C306 1 10uF Murata GRM155R60J106ME15 Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0402, X5R, 6.3V, 20% 3 C309, C310 2 10pF TDK Corporation C0603C0G1E100C CAP CER 10PF 25V C0G 0201 4 C330 1 33pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L330GV4T Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-2% 5 C340 1 4.7pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L4R7BV4T Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-0.1pF 6 C900 1 18pF Murata GRM0335C1H180GA01D CAP CER 18PF 50V C0G/NP0 0201 +/- 2% 7 C901, C911 2 3.9pF Murata GRM0335C1H3R9BA01D CAP CER 3.9PF 50V C0G/NP0 0201, +/-0.1pF 8 C902, C913 2 5.6pF Murata GRM0335C1E5R6BA01D CAP CER 5.6PF 25V 0201 9 C903, C916, C917 3 3.3pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L3R3BV4T Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-0.1pF 10 C905 1 47pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L470GV4T Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-2% 11 C907 1 4.7nF Murata GRM033R71A472KA01D Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, X7R, 10V, +/-10% 12 C908 1 2.7pF Murata GJM0335C1E2R7BB01E Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-0.1pF 13 C910 1 22pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L220GV4T Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, C0G/NP0, 25V, +/-2% 14 C912 1 8.2pF Johanson Technology Inc. 250R05L8R2CV4T CAP CER 8.2PF 25V NP0 0201 A0.25pF 15 C914 1 1nF Murata GRM033R71C102KA01D Ceramic capacitor, SMD 0201, X7R, 16V, 0.1 16 J303 1 1310-1205SNS073R1 WCON Hardware Electronics Co., Ltd 1310-1205SNS073R1 2x5 pin header, 1.27mm pitch, THM 17 J901 1 SMA Edge Mount Cinch Connectivity Solutions Johnson 142-0771-831 Cinch Connectivity Solutions Johnson 50 Ohms, SMA Edge Mount Jack Receptacle 18 L300 1 BLM15AG121SN1D Murata BLM15AG121SN1D Chip Bead, 120ohm@100Mhz, 0.55A, 0402, Rdc 0.19ohm 19 L900 1 2.2nH Murata LQW15AN2N2C10D FIXED IND 2.2NH 1A 27 MOHM SMD, +-0.2nH, 0201 20 L901, L902, L907, L909 4 10nH Murata LQP03TN10NH02D FIXED IND 10NH 250MA 700 MOHM, +-3%, 0201 21 L903, L905 2 33nH Johanson Technology Inc. L-05B33NJV6T RF Inductor, 33nH, +/-5%, Irms=0.2A, Q=5@100Mhz, DCR=2.3(Max), SMD, 0201 22 L904 1 10nH TDK Corporation MLK0603L10NJT000 RF Inductor, 10nH, +/-5%, Irms=0.2A, Q=6@300Mhz, DCR=0.8(Max), SMD, 0201 23 L906 1 11nH Murata LQP03HQ11NH02 FIXED IND 11NH 300MA 500 MOHM 0201 +/-3% 24 R300 1 100k ASJ CR10-1003-FK Thick film resistor, SMD 0402, 1/16W, 1% 25 U300 1 SAMR34J18B Microchip Technology Inc. ATSAMR34J18BT-I/7JX SAMR34 BGA-64 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 32 SAM R34/R35 Application Schematic Introduction ...........continued Sl. No. Designator Quantity Value Manufacturer MPN Description 26 U900 1 SKY13373-460LF Skyworks Solutions SKY13373-460LF 0.1-6.0GHZ SPT3 SWITCH 27 XC1 1 32MHz TCXO Taitien TYETBCSANF-32.000000 32MHz TCXO, 2.8 ~ 3.3V, Clipped sine wave 10kOhm/10pF, 2 x 1.6 mm SMD 28 Y301 1 ABS05-32.768KHZ-9-T -- (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. -- Datasheet CRYSTAL 32.768KHz 9pF SMD ABS05 DS70005356C-page 33 SAM R34/R35 Transceiver Circuit Description 9. Transceiver Circuit Description Note: The SAM R34/R35 incorporates a LoRa transceiver. The integrated Sub-GHz transceiver supports LoRa technology spread spectrum modulation, combining ultra-long range communications and high interference immunity with extremely low current consumption. Receive sensitivities of over -148 dBm can be achieved in narrowband modes, and -136 dBm in LoRaWAN protocol compliant modes, using a low cost crystal and bill of materials. The transmit section offers two integrated power amplifiers. The highly efficient RFO port delivers up to +13 dBm for European regions and battery conservation. The high powered PA_BOOST port delivers a regulated output of +17 dBm with low EMI across the entire working voltage range or, up to +20 dBm of raw RF power with high-voltage supplies. This combination of high power and high RX sensitivity yields industry leading link budget, making it ideal for any application requiring long range low-data-rate communications. LoRa technology also provides significant advantages in both blocking and selectivity over conventional modulation techniques, solving the traditional design compromise between range, interference robustness and energy consumption. For maximum flexibility, the user may decide on the spread spectrum modulation bandwidth (BW), spreading factor (SF), and forward error correction rate (CR). Another benefit of the spread spectrum modulation is that each spreading factor is orthogonal, thus multiple transmitted signals can occupy the same channel without interfering. The SAM R34/R35 also supports high performance (G)FSK, (G)MSK, and OOK modes for systems including WMBus and IEEE802.15.4g. This transceiver offers bandwidth options ranging from 7.8 kHz to 500 kHz with spreading factors ranging from 6 to 12, and covering all available frequency bands from 137 to 1020 MHz. 9.1 Transceiver Pin Description Table 9-1. Description of Transceiver Signals Available Outside the Package Name Type Description RFI_LF I RF Input for Bands 2 and 3 RFO_LF O RF Output for Bands 2 and 3 VR_ANA Supply Regulated Supply Voltage for Analog Circuitry VBAT_ANA Supply Supply Voltage for Analog Circuitry VR_DIG Supply Regulated Supply Voltage for Digital Blocks VBAT_DIG Supply Supply Voltage for Digital Blocks XTA I/O XTAL Connection or TCXO Input XTB I/O XTAL Connection RXTX O RX/TX Switch Control: High in TX RFI_HF I RF Input for Band 1 RFO_HF O RF Output for Band 1 VBAT_RF Supply Supply Voltage for RF Blocks (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 34 SAM R34/R35 Transceiver Circuit Description ...........continued 9.2 Name Type Description VR_PA Supply Restricted Supply for the PA PA_BOOST O Optional High Power PA Output, All Frequency Bands Transceiver Validation The SAM R34 transceiver has been extensively tested using LoRa modulation and FSK for European and North American regions. Validation of the SAM R34 device was performed at frequencies typically used in LoRa applications. The test boards exhibited regulatory compliance for European and North American regions. ETSI 868MHz ISM band was tested using the RFO_HF port. FCC 902-928MHz ISM band was tested using both the RFO_HF and PA_BOOST ports. These configurations use the transceiver's synthesizer in band 1. At the time of publication of this data sheet, the RFO_LF port or SAM R34 is known to be functional but has not been validated. RFO_LF transmits on 137-175MHz and 410-525MHz bands (synthesizer band 2 and band 3). (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 35 SAM R34/R35 Microcontroller Interface 10. Microcontroller Interface This section describes the transceiver to microcontroller interface. The interface is comprised of a slave SPI and additional control signals. This interface is connected to a SAM L21 master interface as shown below. The SERCOM4 and GPIO signals dedicated to the CPU-TRX interface are not externally exposed and may not be used for any other purposes. CAUTION Do not use CPU OFF mode. The internal SPI connections do not have pull-up resistors and the CPU OFF mode puts the SPI bus in a high-impedance state. The resulting metastable signals may cause unpredictable transceiver behavior and increase the current consumption. Figure 10-1. Microcontroller to Transceiver Interface Transceiver SAML21 SERCOM4 PAD2 PAD0 PAD3 PB31 /SEL PB30 MOSI PC19 MISO PC18 SCK PB17 DIO3 SPI SLAVE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT CONTROLLER EXTINT(1) EXTINT (10) EXTINT (0) EXTINT (0) EXTINT (11) EXTINT (12) PA10 DIO4 PB00 DIO5 PB16 DIO0 PA11 DIO1/DCLK PA12 DIO2/DATA PB15 nRST CONTROL LOGIC SERCOM2 PAD0 PAD3 PORT The SPI is used for register, Frame Buffer, and SRAM access. The additional control signals are connected to the GPIO/IRQ interface of the microcontroller. The table below introduces the radio transceiver I/O signals and their functionalities. Table 10-1. Microcontroller Interface Signal Description TRX Signal CPU Signal Name Description /SEL PB31 SPI select signal, active-low MOSI PB30 SPI data (master output slave input) signal MISO PC19 SPI data (master input slave output) signal SCLK PC18 SPI clock signal nRST PB15 Transceiver Reset signal, Active-low (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 36 SAM R34/R35 Microcontroller Interface ...........continued TRX Signal CPU Signal Name Description DIO0 PB16 Digital I/O, software configured DIO1 PA11 Digital I/O, software configured DIO2 PA12 Digital I/O, software configured DIO3 PB17 Digital I/O, software configured DIO4 PA10 Digital I/O, software configured DIO5 PB00 Digital I/O, software configured (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 37 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics 11. Electrical Characteristics Note: All the specifications are typical (TYP), unless otherwise stated. 11.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in following table may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 11-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Description Min. Max. Units VDD Power supply voltage 0 3.8 V VPIN Pin voltage with respect to GND and VDD GND-0.6V VDD+0.6V V VDD MAX=3.6V PRF Input RF level - +10 dBm Tstorage Storage temperature -50 150 C TLEAD T=10s - 260 C (soldering profile compliant with IPC/JEDEC J STD 020B) CAUTION 11.2 This device is sensitive to electrostatic discharges (ESD). Improper handling may lead to permanent performance degradation or malfunctioning. Handle the device following best practice ESD protection rules: Be aware that the human body can accumulate charges large enough to impair functionality or destroy the device. General Operating Conditions The device must operate within the ratings listed in the following table in order for all other electrical characteristics and typical characteristics of the device to be valid. For unused pins, the default state of the pins gives the lowest current leakage. Thus, specific configuration is not required for the unused pins in order to lower the power consumption. Table 11-2. General Operating Conditions Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. Units VDDIN Power supply voltage 1.8 3.3 3.63 V VDDIO IO Supply Voltage 1.8 3.3 3.63 V VDDANA Analog supply voltage 1.8 3.3 3.63 V TA Temperature range -40 25 85 C (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 38 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics ...........continued Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. Units TJ Junction temperature - - 100 C CAUTION 11.3 In debugger Cold-Plugging mode, NVM erase operations are not protected by the BOD33 and BOD12. NVM erase operation at supply voltages below specified minimum can cause corruption of NVM areas that are mandatory for correct device behavior. Performance Characteristics The following data shows SAM R34/R35 performance as a combined system including both the SAML21 and the transceiver under the following conditions: * Modulation = LoRa * VCC = 3.3 VDC * Temperature = 25C * FRF_XTA = 32.000000 MHz +/- 1 ppm (TCXO) * * * * * * * * * DFLL = 48 MHz BW = 125 kHz SF = 12 EC = 4/6 PER = 1% CRC = ENABLED Payload = 64 Bytes Preamble = 12 symbols Matched Impedance Estimates for ACTIVE state of the SAML21 are derived using the CoreMark benchmarking algorithm, a 48 MHz DFLL clock and 3.3 VDC supply. These are intended to show a conservative estimate of power consumption. Results are related to CPU activity, clock speed and temperature and may be improved with optimization. 11.3.1 Method of Derivation Combined specifications in this data sheet are derived from the published data sheets of the components. See Reference Documents [1] and [5]. For example, the Line Current in TX Mode entry for RFO_HF +13 dBm is 32.5 mA. This is calculated using the IDDT_L current in LoRa Receiver Specification Table 10 of [5] and the Active Current Consumption Table 46-7 of [1] for the operational conditions shown below. Table 11-3. TRX TX Current Derivation Condition Value Unit Bandwidth 125 kHz Carrier Frequency 868 MHz CRC ENABLED (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 39 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics ...........continued Condition Value Unit Error Correction Code 4/6 Fxosc 32 Impedances MATCHED Packet Error rate 1 % Payload Length 64 Bytes Preamble Length 12 Symbols RF Output Power +13 dBm RF Port RFO_HF Spreading Factor 12 Supply Voltage 3.3 VDC Temperature 25 Celsius IDDT_L 28 mA (TYP) Condition Value Unit Bandwidth 125 kHz Carrier Frequency 868 MHz CRC ENABLED Error Correction Code 4/6 Fxosc 32 Impedances MATCHED LNA Boost OFF Packet Error rate 1 % Payload Length 64 Bytes Preamble Length 12 Symbols RF Port RFI_HF Spreading Factor 12 Supply Voltage 3.3 VDC Temperature 25 Celsius IDDR_L 10.3 mA (TYP) MHz Table 11-4. TRX RX Current Derivation (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet MHz DS70005356C-page 40 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics Table 11-5. CPU Current Derivation CPU Contribution Conditions Value Unit Clock DFLL 48 MHz Benchmark Algorithm COREMARK - Current/MHz 95 uA/MHz Mode ACTIVE - PL PL2 - Regulator LDO - Supply Voltage (VDC) 3.3 V I_CPU 4.5 mA (TYP) Using the contributions above the total combined current consumption is calculated as follows: * I_TOTALTX = IDDT_L + I_CPU = 28 + 4.5 mA = 32.5 mA * I_TOTALRX = IDDR_L + I_CPU = 10.3 + 4.5 mA = 14.8 mA 11.3.2 Line Current in TX Mode Table 11-6. Line Current in Tx Mode 11.3.3 Output Mode I_CPU IDDT_L I_TOTAL Unit RFO_LF +13 dBm 4.5 28 32.5 mA (TYP) PA_BOOST +17 dBm 4.5 90 94.5 mA (TYP) Line Current in Receive Mode Table 11-7. Line Current in Receive Mode 11.3.4 Frequency MHz I_CPU IDDR_L I_TOTAL Unit 915 4.5 10.3 14.8 mA (TYP) 868 4.5 10.3 14.8 mA (TYP) 433 4.5 11.5 15.8 mA (TYP) Line Current in Low-Power Modes Table 11-8. Line Current in Low-Power Modes State CPU Mode I_CPU TRX Mode IDDSL TOTAL Units IDLE ACTIVE 4.5 SLEEP 0.0002 4.5 mA (TYP) STANDBY STANDBY 1.2 SLEEP 0.2 1.4 A (TYP) SLEEP BACKUP 590 SLEEP 200 790 nA (TYP) 1. Do Not Use CPU OFF mode. See 10. Microcontroller Interface for details. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 41 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 Transmitter Output Power Table 11-9. Transmitter Output Power in LoRa Mode Frequency (MHz) Output Port Typical Output Power (dBm) 915 PA_BOOST 17 915 RFO_HF 13 868 PA_BOOST 17 868 RFO_HF 13 433 PA_BOOST 17 433 RFO_LF 13 Transmitter Phase Noise Table 11-10. Phase Noise Offset Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) 10k -103 50k -103 400k -115 1M -122 Receiver Sensitivity Table 11-11. Receiver Sensitivity in LoRa Mode Frequency (MHz) BW (kHz) SF Sensitivity Unit 915 125 11 -133 dBm 868 125 11 -133 dBm 433 7.8 12 -148 dBm Note: The above results are obtained with TCXO. 11.3.8 Blocking Table 11-12. Blocking 11.3.9 Frequency (MHz) 1 MHz 2 MHz 10 MHz Unit 915 71 76 84 dB (TYP) 868 71 76 84 dB (TYP) 433 71 72 78 dB (TYP) Transmitter High Power Operation To operate in the +20 dBm High-Power mode high voltage must be supplied to VDDANA. For some regions, additional EMI filtering may be needed at high power. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 42 SAM R34/R35 Electrical Characteristics Table 11-13. High-Power Operational Parameters Parameter Value RF Output Power +20 dBm MAX Output Port PA_BOOST F1 VDDANA (Min.) 2.4 VDC VDDANA (Max.) 3.6 VDC Typical Line Current 120 mA Max. Duty Cycle 1% MAX VSWR 3:1 MAX (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 43 SAM R34/R35 SAM R34/R35 Package Information 12. SAM R34/R35 Package Information 12.1 Package Drawings Figure 12-1. Package Drawings of SAM R34/R35 64-Lead Thin, Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array Package (7JX) - 6x6 mm Body [TFBGA] Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at 6.00 NOTE 1 A B 6.00 (DATUM B) (DATUM A) 2X 0.15 C 2X TOP VIEW 0.15 C 0.20 C C SEATING PLANE A2 A 64X A1 SIDE VIEW 0.10 C (L) e A1 BALL PAD CORNER (L) 64X Ob 0.15 0.08 e C A B C BOTTOM VIEW Microchip Technology Drawing C04-443A Sheet 1 of 2 (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 44 SAM R34/R35 SAM R34/R35 Package Information 12.2 SAM R34/R35 Land Pattern PCB layout pattern for SAM R34/R35 64-Pin BGA is shown below. Figure 12-2. SAM R34/R35 Land Pattern 64-Lead Thin, Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array Package (7JX) - 6x6 mm Body [TFBGA] Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at C1 C2 SILK SCREEN OX E G RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN Units Dimension Limits E Contact Pitch Contact Pad Spacing C1 Contact Pad Spacing C2 Contact Pad Diameter (X64) X Space Between Pads G MIN MILLIMETERS NOM 0.65 BSC 4.55 4.55 MAX 0.40 0.20 Notes: 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M BSC: Basic Dimension. Theoretically exact value shown without tolerances. Microchip Technology Drawing C04-2433A (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 45 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers 13. 13.1 Best Practices for Designers Introduction This chapter outlines best practices for design and review of SAM R34/R35 designs. This chapter illustrates the recommended power supply connections, how to connect external analog references, programmer, debugger, oscillator, and crystal. 13.1.1 Electromagnetic Compliance Best practices for RF designs are beyond the scope of this document. There are several good application notes listed in the Reference Documentation section. Actual results may vary because of system factors like enclosures, PCBA design, incidental resonant structures, co-existence with other RF energy sources, regulatory and regional requirements. The designer must balance these factors and verify with laboratory measurements. Testing emissions early in the design cycle is strongly encouraged. Typical best practices include 4-layer PCB construction, generous ground planes and stitching vias for noise suppression and counterpoise, separation of RF and digital ground-domains, controlled-impedance transmission lines and passive components rated for radio frequency operation. Baseband techniques include placing decoupling capacitors very close to the power pins and an RC-filter on the RESET pin; in addition, a pullup resistor on the SWCLK pin is critical for reliable operations. 13.1.2 Operation in Noisy Environment If the device is operating in an environment with much electromagnetic noise, it must be protected from the noise to ensure reliable operation. In particular, placing decoupling capacitors very close to the power pins, a RC-filter on the RESET pin, and a pull-up resistor on the SWCLK pin is critical for reliable operations. It is also relevant to eliminate or attenuate noise in order to avoid that it reaches supply pins, I/O pins and crystals. 13.2 Power Supply The SAM R34/R35 supports a single or dual power supply from 1.8 to 3.6 VDC. The same voltage must be applied to both VDDIN and VDDANA. The internal voltage regulator has three different modes: * Linear mode: this mode does not require any external inductor. This is the default mode when CPU and peripherals are running * Low Power (LP) mode: This is the default mode used when the chip is in Standby mode * Shutdown mode: When the chip is in Backup mode, the internal regulator is turned off 13.2.1 Power Supply Connections The following figures show the recommended power supply connections for Switched/Linear mode, Linear mode only and with battery backup. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 46 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers Figure 13-1. Power Supply Connection for Linear Mode Only Close to device (for every pin) IO Supply (1.62V -- 3.63V) SAM R34 VBAT (PB03) VDDIO Main Supply (1.8V -- 3.6VDC) VDDANA VDDIN 100nF 10F 10F 100nF VSW 100nF 10F VDDCORE 1F 100nF GND GNDANA Figure 13-2. Power Supply Connection for Battery Backup Close to device (for every pin) IO Supply (1.62V -- 3.63V) SAM R34 VDDIO VBAT (PB03) Main Supply (1.62V -- 3.63V) VDDANA VDDIN 100nF 10H 100nF 100nF 10F 10F VSW 10F VDDCORE 1F 100nF GND GNDANA (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 47 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers Table 13-1. Power Supply Connections, VDDCORE or VSW From Internal Regulator Signal Name Recommended Pin Connection Description VDDIO Digital supply voltage 1.8 to 3.6 VDC Decoupling/filtering capacitors 100nF(1)(2) and 10F(1) Decoupling/filtering inductor 10H(1)(3) VDDANA 1.8 to 3.6 VDC Decoupling/filtering capacitors 100nF(1)(2) and 10F(1) Analog supply voltage Ferrite bead(4) prevents the VDD noise interfering with VDDANA VDDIN 1.8 to 3.6 VDC Decoupling/filtering capacitors 100nF(1)(2) and 10F(1) Digital supply voltage Decoupling/filtering inductor 10H(1)(3) VBAT 1.8 to 3.5 VDC when connected External battery supply input VDDCORE 0.9V to 1.2V typical Decoupling/filtering capacitors 100nF(1)(2) and 1F(1) Linear Regulator mode: Core supply voltage output/ external decoupling pin Switched Regulator mode: Core supply voltage input, must be connected to VSW via inductor VSW Switching Regulator mode: 10 H inductor with saturation current above 150mA and DCR<1 Linear Regulator mode: Not connected On-Chip Switching mode regulator output GND Ground GNDANA Ground for the analog power domain 1. These values are only given as a typical example. 2. Decoupling capacitors should be placed close to the device for each supply pin pair in the signal group, low ESR capacitors should be used for better decoupling. 3. An inductor should be added between the external power and the VDD for power filtering. 4. A ferrite bead has better filtering performance compared to standard inductor at high frequencies. A ferrite bead can be added between the main power supply (VDD) and VDDANA to prevent digital noise from entering the analog power domain. The bead should provide enough impedance (e.g. 50 at 20MHz and 220 at 100MHz) to separate the digital and analog power domains. Make sure to select a ferrite bead designed for filtering applications with a low DC resistance to avoid a large voltage drop across the ferrite bead. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 48 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers 13.3 External Reset Circuit The external Reset circuit is connected to the RESET pin when the external Reset function is used. The circuit is not necessary when the RESET pin is not driven LOW externally by the application circuitry. The reset switch can also be removed, if a manual reset is not desired. The RESET pin itself has an internal pull-up resistor, hence it is optional to add any external pull-up resistor. Figure 13-3. External Reset Circuit Schematic VDD 10k 330 RESET 100nF GND A pull-up resistor makes sure that the reset does not go low and unintentionally causing a device reset. An additional resistor has been added in series with the switch to safely discharge the filtering capacitor, i.e. preventing a current surge when shorting the filtering capacitor which again can cause a noise spike that can have a negative effect on the system. Table 13-2. Reset Circuit Connections Signal Name Recommended Pin Connection Description RESET Reset low level threshold voltage VDDIO = 1.6V - 2.0V: Below 0.33 * VDDIO Reset pin VDDIO = 2.7V - 3.6V: Below 0.36 * VDDIO Decoupling/filter capacitor 100nF(1) Pull-up resistor 10k(1)(2) Resistor in series with the switch 330(1) 1. These values are only given as a typical example. 2. The SAM R34/R35 features an internal pull-up resistor on the RESET pin, hence an external pull up is optional. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 49 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers 13.4 Unused or Unconnected Pins For unused pins, the default state of the pins will give the lowest current leakage. Thus, there is no need to do any configuration of the unused pins in order to lower the power consumption. 13.5 Clocks and Crystal Oscillators The SAM R34/R35 can be run from internal or external clock sources, or a mix of internal and external sources. An example of usage can be to use the internal 16MHz oscillator as source for the system clock and an external 32.768kHz watch crystal as clock source for the Real-Time counter (RTC). 13.5.1 External Clock Source Figure 13-4. External Clock Source Schematic External Clock XIN XOUT/GPIO NC/GPIO Table 13-3. External Clock Source Connections 13.5.2 Signal Name Recommended Pin Connection Description XIN XIN is used as input for an external clock signal Input for inverting oscillator pin XOUT/GPIO Can be left unconnected or used as normal GPIO NC/GPIO Crystal Oscillator Figure 13-5. Crystal Oscillator Schematic XIN 15pF XOUT 15pF The crystal should be located as close to the device as possible. Long signal lines may cause too high of a load to operate the crystal, and cause crosstalk to other parts of the system. Table 13-4. Crystal Oscillator Checklist Signal Name Recommended Pin Connection Description XIN Load capacitor 15pF(1)(2) External crystal between 0.4 to 32MHz XOUT Load capacitor 15pF(1)(2) (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 50 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers 1. These values are only given as a typical example. 2. The capacitors should be placed close to the device for each supply pin pair in the signal group. 13.5.3 External Real Time Oscillator The low frequency crystal oscillator is optimized for use with a 32.768kHz watch crystal. When selecting crystals, load capacitance and the crystal's Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) must be taken into consideration. Both values are specified by the crystal vendor. SAM R34/R35 oscillator is optimized for very low power consumption, hence close attention should be made when selecting crystals. The typical parasitic load capacitance values are available in the Electrical Characteristics section. This capacitance and PCB capacitance can allow using a crystal inferior to 12.5pF load capacitance without external capacitors as shown in Figure 13-6. Figure 13-6. External Real Time Oscillator without Load Capacitor XIN32 32.768kHz XOUT32 To improve accuracy and Safety Factor, the crystal datasheet can recommend adding external capacitors as shown in Figure 13-7. To find suitable load capacitance for a 32.768kHz crystal, consult the crystal datasheet. Figure 13-7. External Real Time Oscillator with Load Capacitor 12pF 32.768kHz XIN32 XOUT32 12pF Table 13-5. External Real Time Oscillator Checklist Signal Name Recommended Pin Connection Description XIN32 Load capacitor 22pF(1)(2) Timer oscillator input XOUT32 Load capacitor 22pF(1)(2) Timer oscillator output 1. These values are only given as typical examples. 2. The capacitors should be placed close to the device for each supply pin pair in the signal group. Note: In order to minimize the cycle-to-cycle jitter of the external oscillator, keep the neighboring pins as steady as possible. For neighboring pin details, refer to the Oscillator Pinout section. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 51 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers 13.5.4 Calculating the Correct Crystal Decoupling Capacitor The model shown in Figure 13-8 can be used to calculate correct load capacitor for a given crystal. This model includes internal capacitors CLn, external parasitic capacitance CELn and external load capacitance CPn. CL1 XIN CEL1 CL2 XOUT CP1 CP2 External Internal Figure 13-8. Crystal Circuit With Internal, External and Parasitic Capacitance CEL2 Using this model the total capacitive load for the crystal can be calculated as shown in the equation below: tot = 1 + 1 + EL1 2 + 2 + EL2 1 + 1 + EL1 + 2 + 2 + EL2 where Ctot is the total load capacitance seen by the crystal. This value should be equal to the load capacitance value found in the crystal manufacturer datasheet. The parasitic capacitance CELn can in most applications be disregarded as these are usually very small. If accounted for, these values are dependent on the PCB material and PCB layout. For some crystal the internal capacitive load provided by the device itself can be enough. To calculate the total load capacitance in this case. CELn and CPn are both zero, CL1 = CL2 = CL, and the equation reduces to the following: tot = 2 See the related links for equivalent internal pin capacitance values. 13.6 Programming and Debug Ports For programming and/or debugging the SAM R34/R35, the device should be connected using the Serial Wire Debug, SWD, interface. Currently the SWD interface is supported by several Microchip and third party programmers and debuggers, like the Atmel-ICE, SAM-ICETM or SAM R34/R35 Xplained Pro (SAM R34/R35 evaluation kit) Embedded Debugger. Refer to the Atmel-ICE, SAM-ICE or SAM R34/R35 Xplained Pro user guides for details on debugging and programming connections and options. For connecting to any other programming or debugging tool, refer to that specific programmer or debugger's user guide. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 52 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers The SAM R34/R35 Xplained Pro evaluation board supports programming and debugging through the onboard embedded debugger, so no external programmer or debugger is needed. Note: A pull-up resistor on the SWCLK pin is critical for reliable operation. Refer to related link for more information. Figure 13-9. SWCLK Circuit Connections VDD 1k SWCLK Table 13-6. SWCLK Circuit Connections 13.6.1 Pin Name Description Recommended Pin Connection SWCLK Serial wire clock pin Pull-up resistor 1k Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) For debuggers and/or programmers that support the Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) interface, the signals should be connected as shown in following figure. The signal details are described in the following table. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 53 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers Figure 13-10. Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) VDD Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) VTref SWDIO 1 GND GND NC NC RESET SWCLK NC SWCLK NC RESET SWDIO GND Table 13-7. Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) 13.6.2 Header Signal Name Description SWCLK Serial wire clock pin SWDIO Serial wire bidirectional data pin RESET Target device reset pin, active low VTref Target voltage sense, should be connected to the device VDD GND Ground 10-pin JTAGICE3 Compatible Serial Wire Debug Interface The JTAGICE3 debugger and programmer does not support the Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin) directly, hence a special pinout is needed to directly connect the SAM R34/R35 to the JTAGICE3, alternatively one can use the JTAGICE3 squid cable and manually match the signals between the JTAGICE3 and SAM R34/R35. Figure 13-11 describes how to connect a 10-pin header that support connecting the JTAGICE3 directly to the SAM R34/R35 without the need for a squid cable. This can also be used for the Atmel-ICE AVR connector port. The JTAGICE3 squid cable or the JTACICE3 50mil cable can be used to connect the JTAGICE3 programmer and debugger to the SAM R34/R35. Figure 13-11 illustrates the correct pinout for the JTAGICE3 50 mil, and details are given in Table 13-8. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 54 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers Figure 13-11. 10-pin JTAGICE3 Compatible Serial Wire Debug Interface 10-pin JTAGICE3 Compatible Serial Wire Debug Header SWDCLK 1 GND VTG NC SWDIO VDD RESET RESET NC NC NC NC SWCLK SWDIO GND Table 13-8. 10-pin JTAGICE3 Compatible Serial Wire Debug Interface 13.6.3 Header Signal Name Description SWDCLK Serial wire clock pin SWDIO Serial wire bidirectional data pin RESET Target device reset pin, active low VTG Target voltage sense, should be connected to the device VDD GND Ground 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector For debuggers and/or programmers that support the 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector, e.g. the SAM-ICE, the signals should be connected as shown in Figure 13-12 with details described in Table 13-9. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 55 SAM R34/R35 Best Practices for Designers Figure 13-12. 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector VDD 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector VCC NC NC SWDIO 1 NC GND RESET GND GND SWDCLK GND NC GND NC GND* RESET GND* NC GND* NC GND* SWCLK SWDIO GND Table 13-9. 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector Header Signal Name Description SWDCLK Serial wire clock pin SWDIO Serial wire bidirectional data pin RESET Target device reset pin, active low VCC Target voltage sense, should be connected to the device VDD GND Ground GND* These pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes. They can be left unconnected or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for SWD in general. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 56 SAM R34/R35 Reference Documentation 14. Reference Documentation The following documents can be used for further study: 1. SAM L21 Family Data Sheet (DS60001477) 2. Atmel AVR2067: Crystal Characterization for AVR RF Application Note (42068A) 3. Atmel AT02865: RF Layout with Microstrip Application Note (42131B) 4. Atmel AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium Application Note (42478A) 5. Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 Low Power Long Range Transceiver Datasheet 6. SAM R34 Chip-down Design Package (ATSAMR34J18) 7. SAM R34/R35 Errata Sheet (DS80000834) Note: This document describes synergistic features unique to the combined chip-set in LoRa applications. Reiteration of individual component details would be redundant and is best left to the primary data sheets. The reader is encouraged to review the primary documents listed above for up-todate technical details and errata. (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 57 SAM R34/R35 Document Revision History 15. Document Revision History Table 15-1. Document Revision History Revision Date C 05/2019 Section Description * * * * * * * * * Features Updated Figure 4-2 4.3 Peripheral Key Table Table 5-2 Table 6-1 7.1 Cortex M0+ Processor Figure 8-1 Table 8-1 11.3.4 Line Current in Low-Power Modes * 13.2.1 Power Supply Connections * 14. Reference Documentation * 9.2 Transceiver Validation * 13.1.2 Operation in Noisy Environment B A 10/2018 04/2018 11.3 Performance Characteristics Added Updated * 11.3.1 Method of Derivation * 4.3 Peripheral Key Table Added * * * * Updated Table 11-6 Table 11-7 Table 11-8 Table 11-11 14. Reference Documentation Updated Document Initial release (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Datasheet DS70005356C-page 58 SAM R34/R35 The Microchip Web Site Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. 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Datasheet DS70005356C-page 59 SAM R34/R35 * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip's code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Legal Notice Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. 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