BCM93212 PRODUCT Brief DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.1 ADVANCED CABLE MODEM TERMINATION SYSTEM B C M 9 3 2 1 2 F E AT U R E S BCM93212 is a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS-1.0 and 1.1 * The based cable modem termination system (CMTS) reference design which incorporates: * 64/256/512/1024 QAM downstream modulation with FEC * QPSK, 16, 32 and 64 QAM burst TDMA demodulation * Digitally generated IF carrier that meets DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS-1.1 and 1.1 spectral purity requirements without a SAW filter DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS programmable downstream transmit IF * carrier center frequency and channel bandwidth * Master/Slave MAP, reference clock, timestamp synchronization, and 10/100/1000BASE-T front panel connectors * BCM3212 MAC hardware that simplifies registration, ranging, fragmentation, concatenation, encryption, and payload header suppression * Scheduler support for DOCSIS 1.1 best effort, polled, and unsolicited grant service flows * The BCM93212 basic system parameters include: * A BCM3212 Compact PCI V2.1 compliant base board with plug in connectors for 64/256/512/1024 QAM modulator and TDMA demodulator daughter cards Support for one QAM downstream channel * * Support for six programmable upstream channels that support all DOCSIS 1.0 / 1.1 and TDMA symbol rates and demodulation types. * 10/100/1000BASE-T network side interface * Seamless upgrade for legacy BCM93210 CMTS platforms using QNX RTOS S U M M A R Y O F B E N E F I T S Provides complimentary system to the BCM93345, * BCM93350 and BCM93360 subscriber cable modem and residential gateway reference design for product development and testing. Supports DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.1 fragmentation * and concatenation for Quality of Service (QoS). Provides a highly integrated 6 x 1 CMTS reference * design in a compact PCI form factor. Accelerates development by providing source * code for coresoftware software functionality and low level diagnostics. * Reduces customers' internal development expenses. * Leverages years of development work embodied in the Broadcom BCM93210 reference design. Based on Broadcom's field-proven QAMLink * technology. * Reference design comes complete with: * Schematics and Gerber files * Bill of Materials (BOM) * Data sheets * Software source code and API BCM93212 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) Reference Design 5-65 MHz Upstream B C M 9 3 2 1 2 O V E R V I E W BCM3138 Dual TDMA Receiver BCM3138 BCM3138 Ethernet BCM3212 Advanced CMTS MAC WAN System CPU PCI Bus 44 MHz IF PA Routing/ Classification Engine LPF BCM3034 Advanced QAM Modulator The Broadcom BCM93212 QAMLink(R) DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) Reference Design represents the industry's first complete DOCSIS/EuroDOCSISbased silicon solution with TDMA upstream and advanced PHY downstream functions for the headend cable plant. The BCM93212 CMTS supports the DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.0 and 1.1 specification enabling QoS for the simultaneous processing of voice, video and data on a prioritized basis. The BCM93212 CMTS includes the BCM3034 Universal Advanced PHY QAMLink(R) Modulator, the BCM3212 DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.1 CMTS MAC and the BCM3138 Universal TDMA Burst Demodulator and provides all the necessary functionality required to receive and transmit high rate digital data to and from a cable plant. Functions include: * Hardware-supported messaging (ranging, registration, channel configuration) Downstream SDRAM (PHS, output queues) Memory The BCM93212 is complemented at the subscriber end by the BCM93345, BCM93350 and the BCM93360, DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS-based cable modem and residential gateway silicon solutions. The BCM93360 is based on the BCM3360 single-chip residential gateway, which integrates all the major functions of a cable modem into a single device. Together, the BCM93212 and the BCM93360 provide vendors with a seamless end-to-end silicon solution for development and testing of an DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS-based cable modem and cable modem termination system with TDMA upstream and advanced PHY downstream functions. Ordering Information: BCM93212 CL-DOCSIS CMTS BCM93212-E CL-EuroDOCSIS CMTS * Physical layer configurations (upstream baud rates, upstream channel descriptor and MAP variations, and FEC code-word size) * Baseline privacy support * Flexible PHY and MAC parameter settings and performance monitoring Broadcom(R), the pulse logo(R) and Connecting EverythingTM are trademarks of Broadcom Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BROADCOM CORPORATION 16215 Alton Parkway, P.O. Box 57013 Irvine, California 92619-7013 (c) 2002 by BROADCOM CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 93212-PB01-R-8.13.02 Phone: 949-450-8700 FAX: 949-450-8710 Email: info@broadcom.com Web: www.broadcom.com