Evaluates: MAX5510/11/14/15/20/21/24/25/30/31/34/35
Detailed Description of Software
The main window of the evaluation software (shown in
Figure 1) displays the voltage and code for all DAC
input and output registers. In addition, the main window
has two tabs. The Load DACs tab sheet controls all the
DAC loading features of the MAX5535 family. The
Operating Modes tab sheet (shown in Figure 2) con-
trols all the DAC modes of the MAX5535 family. The
Load Setting(s) button must be pressed in order to
write the operating mode settings to the DAC(s).
Select the Part menu item at the top of the GUI and
check the device that is soldered in the U1 location on
the EV kit board. The software selects the MAX5535 as
the default device because the EV kit is shipped with a
MAX5535ETC+. Contact the factory for free samples of
the pin-compatible MAX553_ETC+, MAX552_ETC+, or
MAX551_ETC+ devices.
Select the Debug menu item at the top of the GUI to
execute low-level SPI interface commands. Enter data
into the Data bytes to be written edit box and press
the Send Now button for manual SPI operations.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX5535 EV kit provides a proven layout for the
MAX5535. An on-board reference, level translators,
SPI-interface pads, and easy-to-use USB-PC connec-
tion are included on the EV kit.
Measure REFOUT at pin 2 of JU5 for all internal refer-
ence parts. Enter the value of the internal reference
voltage into the Set Vref edit box in the software GUI.
For external reference parts, connect a 0V to VDD
reference voltage to pin 2 of JU5 or connect the on-
board MAX6126 2.5V reference by placing a shunt
across pins 1-2 of JU5. Measure and enter the value of
the external reference voltage into the Set Vref edit box
of the software GUI.
The default gain is set to 1V/V. To change the gain, first
remove R8 and R10. Next, install R8–R11 when using
surface-mount resistors, or R12–R15 when using
through-hole resistors. Refer to the MAX5535 IC data
sheet for information on selecting the resistor values.
Enter the new value of the gain into the Set Gain field of
the software GUI.
MAX5535 Evaluation Kit
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Figure 1. MAX5535 EV Kit Software Main Window (Load DACs Tab)