SFH 4703AS
15 Version 0.3 | 2019-07-22
Preliminary datasheet version Discontinued
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ing, but not limited to, for any design in activities based on this preliminary draft version. OSRAM OS may
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Attention please!
The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics.
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contain dangerous substances.
For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization.
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shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.
Product and functional safety devices/applications or medical devices/applications
OSRAM OS components are not developed, constructed or tested for the application as safety relevant
component or for the application in medical devices.
OSRAM OS products are not qualied at module and system level for such application.
In case buyer – or customer supplied by buyer – considers using OSRAM OS components in product safety
devices/applications or medical devices/applications, buyer and/or customer has to inform the local sales
partner of OSRAM OS immediately and OSRAM OS and buyer and /or customer will analyze and coordi-
nate the customer-specic request between OSRAM OS and buyer and/or customer.