MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: * Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. * Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. * There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. * Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip's code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, KEELOQ, microID, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart, rfPIC and SmartShunt are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. AmpLab, FilterLab, Migratable Memory, MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Linear Active Thermistor, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICkit, PICDEM,, PICLAB, PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, Real ICE, rfLAB, rfPICDEM, Select Mode, Smart Serial, SmartTel, Total Endurance, UNI/O, WiperLock and Zena are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. (c) 2006, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in October 2003. The Company's quality system processes and procedures are for its PICmicro(R) 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ(R) code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip's quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. DS51591A-page ii (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1. Product Overview ....................................................................................... 7 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7 1.2 What is the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board? ............................... 7 1.3 What the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Kit Includes ................. 8 Chapter 2. Installation and Operation ......................................................................... 9 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Features ....................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Getting Started ............................................................................................. 12 2.4 Making a Demo System ............................................................................... 21 2.5 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Description ............................... 23 Appendix A. Schematic and Layouts ........................................................................ 31 A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 31 A.2 Schematics and PCB Layout ....................................................................... 31 A.3 Schematic (Headers and Jumpers) - Page 1 ............................................ 32 A.4 Schematic (Circuitry) - Page 2 .................................................................. 33 A.5 Schematic (Circuitry) - Page 3 .................................................................. 34 A.6 Board Layout - Component Layer ............................................................. 35 A.7 Board Layout - Top Layer .......................................................................... 36 A.8 Board Layout - Bottom Layer .................................................................... 37 A.9 Board Layout - Power Layer ..................................................................... 38 A.10 Board Layout - Ground Layer .................................................................. 39 Appendix B. Bill of Materials (BOM) .......................................................................... 41 Appendix C. Board Testing ........................................................................................ 43 C.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 43 C.2 What is Tested ............................................................................................. 43 C.3 What is NOT Tested .................................................................................... 44 Appendix D. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board ................................................ 45 D.1 Demonstration using the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board ............... 45 Appendix E. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board .......................................................... 65 E.1 Demonstration with the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board .............................. 65 E.2 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB Rev 2 Errata .................... 73 (R) Appendix F. Configuring the HyperTerminal Program ......................................... 75 F.1 Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program ................................................... 75 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page iii MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide Appendix G. MCP215X/40 Connection Sequence Overview ...................................81 Appendix H. MCP215X/40 250-Byte Data Transmit Table ........................................83 Appendix I. Alternate Optical Transceiver Implementation .....................................85 I.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 85 I.2 Highlights ....................................................................................................... 85 I.3 Vishay(R) TFDU 4100 Implementation ............................................................ 86 I.4 Agilent(R) HSDL 3000 Implementation ............................................................ 87 Appendix J. PCB Silk-Screen Clarification ...............................................................89 J.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 89 Worldwide Sales and Service .....................................................................................90 DS51591A-page iv (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Preface NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site ( to obtain the latest documentation available. Documents are identified with a "DS" number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is "DSXXXXXA", where "XXXXX" is the document number and "A" is the revision level of the document. INTRODUCTION This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Items discussed in this chapter include: * * * * * * Document Layout Conventions Used in this Guide Recommended Reading The Microchip Web Site Customer Support Document Revision History (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 1 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide DOCUMENT LAYOUT This document describes how to use the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board. The manual layout is as follows: * Chapter 1. "Product Overview" - Important information about the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. * Chapter 2. "Installation and Operation" - Includes a detailed description of each function, as well as instructions on how to get started with this daughter board. * Appendix A. "Schematic and Layouts" - Shows the schematic and layout diagrams for the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. * Appendix B. "Bill of Materials (BOM)" - Lists the parts used to build the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. * Appendix C. "Board Testing" - Discusses the testing of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. * Appendix D. "Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board" - Shows how the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board can be demonstrated using the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board. * Appendix E. "Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board" - Shows how the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board can be demonstrated using the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board. * Appendix F. "Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program" - Shows the configuration of the HyperTerminal program used to demonstrate the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board system. * Appendix G. "MCP215X/40 Connection Sequence Overview" - Shows a high level overview of the connection sequence between a Primary Device and either the MCP215X or MCP2140 device. * Appendix H. "MCP215X/40 250-Byte Data Transmit Table" - Shows the data table that is transmitted to the Primary Device (from the embedded system) if the "Data Logger" demo is selected. * Appendix I. "Alternate Optical Transceiver Implementation" - Discusses what needs to be done if an alternate optical transceiver circuit is to be used. This includes changes to the circuit when using the MCP2140 device. * Appendix J. "PCB Silk-Screen Clarification" - Clarifies what the silk screen marking should say for the JMP4 jumper. DS51591A-page 2 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE This manual uses the following documentation conventions: DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS Description Arial font: Italic characters Initial caps Quotes Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket Bold characters N`Rnnnn Text in angle brackets < > Courier New font: Plain Courier New Represents Referenced books Emphasized text A window A dialog A menu selection A field name in a window or dialog A menu path MPLAB(R) IDE User's Guide the only compiler... the Output window the Settings dialog select Enable Programmer "Save project before build" A dialog button A tab A number in verilog format, where N is the total number of digits, R is the radix and n is a digit. A key on the keyboard Click OK Click the Power tab 4`b0010, 2`hF1 Italic Courier New Sample source code Filenames File paths Keywords Command-line options Bit values Constants A variable argument Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments Curly brackets and pipe character: { | } Ellipses... Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection Replaces repeated text Represents code supplied by user (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Examples File>Save Press , #define START autoexec.bat c:\mcc18\h _asm, _endasm, static -Opa+, -Opa0, 1 0xFF, `A' file.o, where file can be any valid filename mcc18 [options] file [options] errorlevel {0|1} var_name [, var_name...] void main (void) { ... } DS51591A-page 3 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide RECOMMENDED READING This user's guide describes how to use the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources. MCP2150 Data Sheet (DS21655) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the MCP2150 device. MCP2155 Data Sheet (DS21690) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the MCP2150 device. MCP2140 Data Sheet (DS21790) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the MCP2140 device. AN858, "Interfacing the MCP215x to the Host Controller" (DS00858) This application note discusses the interface between a Host Controller and the MCP215X device. TB073, "Selecting a MCP21XX Device for IrDA(R) Applications" (DS91073) This technical brief discusses the selection of the MCP21XX devices for IrDA(R) standard applications. AN888, "Programming the Palm OS(R) for Embedded IR Applications" (DS00888) This application note discusses the application programming of Palm OS devices for embedded IrDA(R) standard applications. AN926, "Programming the Pocket PC OS for Embedded IR Applications" (DS00926) This application note discusses the application programming of Pocket PC OS devices for embedded IrDA(R) standard applications. AN941, "Programming Windows(R) XP for Embedded IR Applications" (DS00941) This application note discusses the application programming of Windows XP for embedded IrDA(R) standard applications. AN923, "Using the MCP2120 Developer's Board for "IR Sniffing"" (DS00923) This application note discusses how one can use the MCP2120 Developer's Board for "IR Sniffing". This technique can assist in the debugging of an IrDA(R) standard system. AN927, "Data Throughput and the MCP215X" (DS00927) This application note discusses the operation of the MCP215X and how data throughput can be effected by the Host Controller's operation. MCP215X Data Logger Demo Board User's Guide (DS51516) This User's Guide provides information regarding the use of the MCP215X devices in an embedded system. This document also includes discussion of a Primary Device application program and it's operation. MCP2140 IrDA(R) Standard Wireless Temperature Sensor Demo Board User's Guide (DS51487) This User's Guide provides information regarding the use of the MCP2140 devices in an embedded system and a discussion of a Primary Device application program and it's operation. MCP2120/MCP2150 Developer's Kit User's Guide (DS51246) This User's Guide provides information on the MCP2150 Developer's Board. DS51591A-page 4 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface The following documents may be useful, depending on which PICDEMTM demo board you are using with the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. PIC18F8722 Family Data Sheet (DS39646) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the PIC18F8722 device. This device is used on the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board (DM183022). PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board User's Guide (DS51275) This user's guide provides detailed information regarding the PICDEMTM 2 Plus Board (DM163022). PIC16F87XA Family Data Sheet (DS39582) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the PIC16F87XA device. This device is used on the PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board (DM163022). PICDEMTM FS USB Demonstration Board User's Guide (DS51526) This user's guide provides detailed information regarding the PICDEMTM Full-Speed USB Demo Board (DM163025). PIC18F2455/2550/4455/4550 Data Sheet (DS39632) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the PIC18F4550 device. This device is used on the PICDEMTM Full-Speed USB Demo Board (DM163025). PICDEMTM LCD Demo Board User's Guide (DS51536) This user's guide provides detailed information regarding the PICDEMTM LCD Demo Board (DM163028). PIC18F6390/6490/8390/8490 Data Sheet (DS39629) This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the PIC18F8490 device. This device is used on the PICDEMTM LCD Demo Board (DM163028). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 5 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information: * Product Support - Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user's guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software * General Technical Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing * Business of Microchip - Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives. CUSTOMER SUPPORT Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: * * * * * Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Development Systems Information Line Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the web site at: DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Revision A (February 2006) * Initial Release of this Document. DS51591A-page 6 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Chapter 1. Product Overview 1.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and covers the following topics: * What is the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board? * What the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Kit includes 1.2 WHAT IS THE MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD? The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is used to evaluate and demonstrate the MCP2150, MCP2155 or MCP2140 IrDA(R) Standard Protocol Handler with Encoder/Decoder devices. This allows the system designer to implement a low-cost, wireless IR port in any application providing support for IrDA standard bit encoding/ decoding. The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is designed to interface to several of the "new" low-cost PICmicro(R) microcontroller-based demonstration (demo) boards, or to be interfaced into your application. Multiple header interfaces are available that allow support for the many different PICDEMTM Demo Boards, as well as being easily jumpered into systems for development purposes. Table 1-1 shows some of the PICDEMTM demo boards that are supported. Depending on the features of the PICmicro Microcontroller Unit (MCU) and the selected demo board, the MCP215X/MCP2140 TX and RX signals can either be connected (jumpered) directly to the RS-232 line driver or to the PICmicro MCU's RX and TX signals. The PICmicro MCU could process that data and then send it out of the UART. PICDEMTM DEMO BOARD SUPPORT (1) TABLE 1-1: Name Order Number PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board (2) DM183022 User's Host Controller Guide (PICmicro(R) MCU) Literature # Supported Header(s) Used TX/RX Signals to (3) Host RS-232 Controller -- PIC18F8722 H1, H2 Y Y PICDEMTM LCD DM163028 DS51536 PIC18F8490 H1, H2 Y Y PICDEMTM Full-Speed USB DM163025 DS51526 PIC18F4550 H3 Y N/A PICDEMTM 2 Plus DM163022 DS51275 PIC16F877, PIC18F452 H3 Y N N/A -- -- HD1 and HD2 Y -- User Embedded System Note 1: 2: 3: Other boards may also be supported. Please refer to the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and desired PICDEMTM Demo Board documentation to determine if the boards you are using are supported. For proper orientation of the daughter board to the PICDEMTM demo board, Revision 5 of the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board is recommended. Revision 4 will function, but the direction of the optical transceiver will be facing the same side as the serial port connector. The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board allows the MCP215X TX and RX signals to be routed to different header connections. This may allow the system to support multiple configurations, such as being connected to either the PICmicro(R) MCU USART or to the RS-232 driver (allows the MCP215X to directly communicate via the DB-9 connector). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Draft DS51591A-page 7 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide 1.3 WHAT THE MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD KIT INCLUDES This MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Kit includes: * The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board (with MCP2150 installed) * MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide (DS51591) (on CD-ROM) * PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board firmware (on CD-ROM) * PICDEMTM USB Board firmware (on CD-ROM) DS51591A-page 8 Draft (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Chapter 2. Installation and Operation 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the operation of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and how it can be used in conjunction with some of Microchip's low-cost PICDEMTM Demo Boards or easily connected to your system. When the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is used in conjunction with one of the low-cost PICDEMTM Demo Boards, it demonstrates the implementation of an embedded system with an IrDA(R) standard protocol handler with encoder/decoder. A Primary Device (PC with IR port, PDA, etc.) is required to demonstrate the operation of this embedded system. The Host UART interface includes the data signals (TX and RX) and the flow control signals (CTS, RTS, CD, DSR, DTR and RI). A discussion of the Host UART interface is given in the following application note: * AN858, "Interfacing the MCP215X to a Host Controller" (DS00858) * AN927, "Data Throughput and the MCP215X" (DS00927) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 9 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide 2.2 FEATURES The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board has the following features: * 18-pin DIP socket for the installation of the MCP2150, MCP2155 or MCP2140 * Installed optical transceiver circuit using: - Vishay(R) TFDU 4300 * Footprint for optional optical transceiver circuits using: - Vishay TFDU 4100 - Agilent(R) HSDL 3000 * Waveform shaping circuit for MCP2140 * Jumpers to select circuit connection between MCP215X and MCP2140: - BAUD0 and RXPD - BAUD1 and RXPDREF - EN and PHACT - CD and DSR (Drives the "IR Link" LED) * Crystal socket to allow ease of crystal selection: - 11.0592 MHz for the MCP215X or - 7.3728 MHz for the MCP2140 * Dual Header (H1 and H2) to connect to: - PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board - PICDEMTM LCD Demo Board * Header (H3) to connect to: - PICDEMTM Full-Speed USB Demo Board - PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board * Two Headers (HD1 and HD2) to easily connect to the user's embedded system * Jumpers to select connection point (header) for the following signals: - TX - RX * Jumpers to "swap" TX and RX so that the MCP215X and MCP2140 can directly communicate over the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board's DB-9 connector * Jumpers which can be used by the PICDEMTM Demo Board firmware program to determine the mode of operation * Jumpers to connect RX and TX signals to the PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board connection pins DS51591A-page 10 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation TABLE 2-1: PICDEMTM DEMO BOARD SUPPORT (R) PICmicro MCU Demo Board Name Part # PICmicro(R) MCU MCU MCP215X/40 User's Interface RX/TX direct Comment Guide Lit. # to PC access to DB9 PICDEMTM HPC DM183022 PIC18F8722 Explorer UART Yes -- MCU firmware could support: * MCP215X/40 MCU * MCP215X/40 PC (UART) * MCP215X/40 MCU PC (UART) PICDEMTM LCD DM163028 PIC18F8490 UART Yes DS51536 MCU firmware could support: * MCP215X/40 MCU * MCP215X/40 PC (UART) * MCP215X/40 MCU PC (UART) DB-9 does not have CTS signal PICDEMTM DM163025 PIC18F4550 Full-Speed USB USB -- DS51526 MCU firmware could support: * MCP215X/40 MCU * MCP215X/40 MCU PC (USB) UART -- DS51275 MCU firmware could support: * MCP215X/40 MCU PICDEMTM 2 Plus DM163022 PIC16F877/ PIC18F452 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 11 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide 2.3 GETTING STARTED This section presents an overview of the following system blocks: * The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Hardware * The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Firmware 2.3.1 The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Hardware Overview The major components for the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board are listed below and shown in Figure 2-1. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MCP215X and MCP2140 device socket (U1). Optical transceiver (U5 - Vishay TFDU 4300). Headers H1 and H2. Header H3. Header HD1 and HD2. Jumpers to route the TX and RX signals. Jumpers to select the baud rate and the program operational mode, and to enable/disable the MCP215X. 8. Jumpers to configure the board for MCP2150, MCP2155 or MCP2140 device. 9. Footprint for two different optional optical transceiver circuits (Vishay TFDU 4100 and Agilent HSDL 3000). 10. MCP215X and MCP2140 crystal socket (Y1). The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is assembled and tested to allow for the evaluation and demonstration of the MCP2150, MCP2155 or MCP2140 features. A schematic of the circuit, as well as the corresponding PCB layout, is shown in Appendix A. "Schematic and Layouts". Appendix B. "Bill of Materials (BOM)" shows two tables; the first is the components that are installed, while the second lists the optional components that are not installed. The component layout floor plan is shown in Figure 2-1. DS51591A-page 12 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation FIGURE 2-1: MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD COMPONENT FLOOR PLAN 5 10 8 7 2 1 4 9 6 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. 3 DS51591A-page 13 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide 2.3.2 Jumper Settings Figure 2-2 shows the component layout for the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and the operation of the JMP5/JP6 and JMP6/JP7 jumpers. These jumpers route the RX and TX signals to different Headers (H1, H2, H3) and pins on those headers. This allows the RX and TX signals to be routed to: * UART1 (on H1 and H3) * UART2 (on H2) * PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board MAX3232 device, which requires the TX and RX signals to be crossed The JP8 and JP9 jumpers route the TX and RX signals to additional pins on the H3 header. This allows the board to be interfaced to the PICDEM-2 Plus Demo Board. A description of all the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board jumpers is given in Table 2-4. DS51591A-page 14 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation FIGURE 2-2: JMP5/JP6, JMP6/JP7, JP8 AND JP9 CONFIGURATIONS JMP6/JP7 (TX) Selections JMP5/JP6 (RX) Selections TX to H1-RC6 (TXD) RX to H1-RC7 (RXD) TX to H2-RG1 (TX2), and TX to H3-RC6 (TXD) RX to H2-RG2 (RX2), and RX to H3-RC7 (RXD) TX to H1-RC7 (RXD) (DB-9 to PC) RX to H1-RC6 (TXD) (DB-9 to PC) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. JP8 Selections TX2 NOT connected to H3-10 (TX) TX2 connected to H3-10 (TX) JP9 Selections TX2 NOT connected to H3-10 (TX) TX2 connected to H3-10 (TX) DS51591A-page 15 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide Figure 2-3 shows the component layout for the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and the operation of the JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4 and JP5 jumpers. When the jumper is open, the signal is pulled high. When the jumper is shorted, the signal is pulled to ground. Jumpers JP1 and JP2 are used to specify the MCP215X's baud rate. The MCP2140 has a fixed baud rate of 9600 baud. The BAUD0 signal is connected to Header H1/H3's RB4 pin. The BAUD1 signal is connected to Header H1/H3's RB5 pin. Jumpers JP1 and JP2 are used to specify the Host Controller program mode. The MODE0 signal is connected to Header H1/H3's RB0 and RA1 pins. The MODE1 signal is connected to Header H1/H3's RC2 and RE3 pins. Note: When using header H3 with the PICDEM FS USB board, refer to Appendix E. "Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board" if the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB is Rev 2. Jumper JP5 are used to specify the MCP215X's operational state (Enable/Disable). The MCP2140 has an automatic lower power mode, so is not controlled by a hardware pin. The EN signal is connected to Header H1/H3's RB3 pin. DS51591A-page 16 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation FIGURE 2-3: JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4 AND JP5 CONFIGURATIONS Baud Rate Selection JP1 JP2 9600 Baud Mode Selection (1) JP3 JP4 MCP215X/40 communicates with DB-9 (PC) 19200 Baud Reserved 57600 Baud MCP215X/40 communicates with PIC18F8722 (Echo Mode) 115200 Baud MCP215X Enabled (MCP2140 configuration also) MCP215X/40 communicates with PIC18F8722 (Data Logger Mode) Note 1: (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Enable Selection MCP215X Disabled This is the firmware operation for 00077 - HPC.asm when used w/ the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board. DS51591A-page 17 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide Figure 2-4 shows the component layout for the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and the operation of the JMP1, JMP2, JMP3, JMP4, JP8 and JP9 jumpers. The JMP1, JMP2, JMP3 and JMP4 jumpers route signals to the U1 socket (for the MCP215X or MCP2140 device). Table 2-2 shows the signals for the JMP1, JMP2 and JMP3 jumpers, while Table 2-3 shows the signals for the JMP4 jumper. TABLE 2-2: JMP1, JMP2 AND JMP3 CONNECTIONS U1 pin connection to Jumper JMPX-2 pin (Center pin) MCP2140 JMP1 1 BAUD0 RXPDREF JMP2 18 BAUD1 RXPD JMP3 3 RXIR PHACT TABLE 2-3: JMP4 Note 1: Comment JMP4 CONNECTIONS (1) JMPX-2 pin (Center pin) Jumper connection to U1 pin DS51591A-page 18 MCP215X 10 or 17 MCP2150 (DTE) U1-17 (CD) MCP2155 and MCP2140 (DCE) U1-10 (DSR) Comment The center tap of the JMP4 jumper drives the "IR Link" LED. This indicates that an IR Link is established. See Appendix J. "PCB Silk-Screen Clarification" for a clarification to the PCB silk-screen. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation FIGURE 2-4: JMP1, JMP2, JMP3 AND JMP4 CONFIGURATIONS JMP1/JMP2 Selections MCP2140 Signal is selected JMP3 Selections MCP215X Signal is selected MCP215X Signal is selected MCP2140 Signal is selected JMP4 Selections DTE (CD) Signal is selected (MCP2150) DCE (DSR) Signal is selected (MCP2155 and MCP2140) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 19 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE 2-4: JUMPER DESCRIPTIONS AND SETTINGS Jumper # Description Comment JP1A:JP2A Connects TXIR/RXIR signals to TXD/RXD of U2 (HSDL 3000) S = TXIR/RXIR connected to U2 TXD/RXD O = TXIR/RXIR Not connected to U2 TXD/RXD By default not installed. JP1B:JP2B Connects TXIR/RXIR signals to TXD/RXD of U3 (TFDU 4100) S = TXIR/RXIR connected to U3 TXD/RXD O = TXIR/RXIR Not connected to U3 TXD/RXD By default not installed. JP1C:JP2C Connects TXIR/RXIR signals to TXD/RXD of U5 (TFDU 4300) S = TXIR/RXIR connected to U5 TXD/RXD O = TXIR/RXIR Not connected to U5 TXD/RXD By default not installed. PCB traces short these jumpers (bottom of PCB). JP2:JP1 BAUD1:BAUD0 Hardware control of the MCP215X baud rate. BAUD0 is connected to Header RA0 signal and BAUD1 is connected to Header RA0 signal S S = 9600 Baud S O = 19200 Baud O S = 57600 Baud O O = 115200 Baud S = Signal Connected to VSS O = Signal Connected to VDD The MCP2140 has a fixed baud rate of 9600 baud. JP4:JP3 MODE1:MODE0 Hardware program mode selection. Operation is dependant on the Host Controller program. 00077 - HPC.asm Operation S S = Direct-to-PC S O = Reserved O S = Data Echo O O = Data Logger (250 Byte data transfer) S = Signal Connected to VSS O = Signal Connected to VDD These operational modes are for the 00077 - HPC.asm program with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board. EN Hardware control of the MCP215X EN signal. EN is connected to Header RA0 signal. S = Signal Connected to VSS O = Signal Connected to VDD The MCP2140 does not use this signal. JP5 JMP1 Connects the U1 pin 1 to either the BAUD0 signal (MCP215X) or to the RXPDREF signal (MCP2140). JMP2 Connects the U1 pin 18 to either the BAUD1 signal (MCP215X) or to the RXPD signal (MCP2140). JMP3 Connects the U1 pin 3 to either the RXIR signal (MCP215X) or to the PHACT signal (MCP2140). JMP4 Connects the "IR Link" signal to either the U1-17 signal (CD) for the MCP2150 device or to the U1-10 signal (DSR) for the MCP2155 or MCP2140 device. JMP5 Connects MCP2140 RX signal to either Header 1's RX signal or Note 1 Header 2/Header 3 RX signals JP6 Connects MCP2140 RX signal to Header 1's TX signal Used when the MCP215X or MCP2140 communicates directly from the DB-9 connector. (Note 1) JMP6 Connects MCP2140 TX signal to Header 1's TX signal or Header 2/Header 3 TX signals Note 2 JP7 Connects MCP2140 TX signal to Header 1's RX signal Used when the MCP215X or MCP2140 communicates directly from the DB-9 connector. (Note 2) JP8 Connects the RX2 signal (H3-9) to the H3-8 pin (RX2B) For PICDEMTM 2 Plus Support. JP9 Connects the TX2 signal (H3-11) to the H3-10 pin (TX2B) For PICDEMTM 2 Plus Support. Legend: S = Jumper is shorted (Closed) O = Jumper is Open Note 1: The MCP2140's RX signal is either connected via JMP5 or JP6 (but not both at the same time). 2: The MCP2140's TX signal is either connected via JMP6 or JP7 (but not both at the same time). DS51591A-page 20 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation 2.4 MAKING A DEMO SYSTEM The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board requires a Host Controller or a UART circuit. To demonstrate the board, the easiest method is to use one of the compatible PICDEMTM Demo Boards. A good choice is the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board. This allows the MCP215X or MCP2140 device to interface to either: * PIC18F8722's EUSART1 * PIC18F8722's EUSART2 * PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board's DB-9 connector (MAX3232C) Additional instructions for performing a demo using the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board are shown in Appendix D. "Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board". Appendix E. "Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board" supplies instructions for performing a demo using the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board. Appendix F. "Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program" may be useful for configuring the HyperTerminal program on the PC. System Requirements Table 2-5 shows the requirements for a system that can be used to demonstrate the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. System Setup The system setup requires a Primary Device and a Secondary Device. The Primary Device can be a PC with an IR port (integrated IR port or IR Dongle) or a PDA. The secondary device can be the embedded system (PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board and a MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board) in a stand-alone mode or connected to a PC with a serial communication port (UART) and application program, such as HyperTerminal. Figure 2-5 shows a system block diagram. TABLE 2-5: SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Qty Hardware Purpose 1 PC with: IR port (1) or PC with USB/Serial port and USB/Serial port to IR Dongle (1) and One serial port to communicate to the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board. As a Primary Device, this device will initiate communication to the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Also For Demo#3, the PC will also "talk" to the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board (Encoder/Decoder board) via the serial port and a session of the HyperTerminal(R) program. 1 Serial Cable To connect the PC serial ports to the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board's serial port. 1 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board This board being demonstrated. 1 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board or PICDEMTM FS USB Board The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board will be installed into this board for demonstrated. 1 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board Power Supplies (9V DC) Used to power the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Boards. Programmed with the 00077 - HPC.asm code. 1 MPLAB ICD2 Hardware Allows you to program the PICmicro MCUs on either the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Board or PICDEMTM FS USB Board. 1 MPLAB IDE Software The Integrated Development Environment for developing PICmicro MCU programs and the programming the devices. Note 1: This could be done with one or two PCs, depending on the features of the selected PC. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 21 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) FIGURE 2-5: HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) Hyper Terminal Program Window B (Com 1) (1) Com 1 (2) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA(R) Dongle Note 1: 2: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP212X Developer's Daughter Board Only required if data is communicated with the PC. Some PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board program modes "respond" to received data (data not sent to PC). 2.4.1 The PICDEMTM Demo Board Firmware Overview Two firmware programs are supplied with this board. 00077 - HPC.asm is for the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board, while 00077 - FS USB.asm is for the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board. The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board supports three modes of operation: 1. Direct-to-PC. 2. Data Logger (250 byte data transfer). 3. Data Echo. In Direct-to-PC mode, the data byte communicates between the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board and the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board's DB-9 connector (does not communicate with the PIC18F8722). The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board is only used for the USART circuitry and power. In Data Logger mode, a string of 250 bytes is transferred to the Primary Device after a byte has been received. In Data Echo mode, the data byte that is received is "echoed" in the opposite case (lowercase uppercase and uppercase lowercase). The PICDEM FS USB Demo Board only supports Data Logger and Data Echo modes. The source code for these programs is available for download from the Microchip web site (, as well as being available on the CD-ROM supplied with the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. To use these programs, it is required that MPLAB(R) IDE software be installed on a computer and that one of Microchip's development tools are available to program the board (such as MPLAB(R) ICD 2). DS51591A-page 22 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation 2.5 MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD DESCRIPTION The following sections describe each element of this daughter board in further detail. 2.5.1 Power The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is powered by a 5V supply. This voltage supply may be sourced via the PCB headers. When the device is used in conjunction with the appropriate PICDEM Demo Board, the power is supplied via the connector interface. If the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is jumpered into an application circuit via the HD1 and HD2 connectors, the device power supply must be brought over as well. 2.5.2 MCP215X/40 IrDA(R) Standard Protocol Handler with Encoder/Decoder Device This demo board highlights the MCP2150, MCP2155 or MCP2140 IrDA Protocol Stack Controller device (U1) to demonstrate the implementation of an IR interface in an embedded system application. The MCP2150, MCP2155 and MCP2140 devices handle all IrDA standard protocol tasks (including the encoding/decoding of the UART/IR bit stream), while allowing the system designer to easily interface the device to a microcontroller via a standard UART port. The IrDA standard protocol that the MCP215X and MCP2140 implement is the 9-wire "cooked" service class in the IrCOMM application layer protocol of the IrDA standard specification. IrCOMM is the IrDA standard specification for the replacement of the communication ports (serial and parallel) of a PC. This allows the replacement of the serial cable with a wireless interface. The MCP215X and MCP2140 implements the entire protocol layer and the encoding/decoding of the UART/IR bit stream, while the Host Controller talks to the MCP215X or MCP2140 device as if it were a serial port with flow control. The MCP215X operates as a Secondary device only, so it will not initiate IrDA standard communication with other IrDA standard devices (neither a Secondary or Primary device). Appendix G. "MCP215X/40 Connection Sequence Overview" shows the connection sequence between a Primary device and the Secondary device. This connection sequence is shown at an overview level and does not show exact operation. Further information on the Host Controller interface may be obtained from the device documentation: * MCP2150 data sheet, "IrDA(R) Standard Protocol Stack Controller Supporting DTE Applications", (DS21655) * MCP2155 data sheet, "IrDA(R) Standard Protocol Stack Controller Supporting DCE Applications", (DS21690) * MCP2140 data sheet, "IrDA(R) Standard Protocol Stack Controller with Fixed 9600 Baud Communications Rate", (DS21790) * Application Note 858, "Interfacing the MCP215X to a Host Controller", (DS00858) * Application Note 927, "Data Throughput and the MCP215X" (DS00927) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 23 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide MCP215X IrDA(R) PROTOCOL STACK CONTROLLER DEVICE The key signals for the MCP2150-to-microcontroller (Host UART) interface are shown in Table 2-6, while Table 2-7 shows the same signals for the MCP2155. The operation of the Host UART interface is slightly different for the MCP2150 and the MCP2155. The key signals for the MCP215X-to-IR transceiver circuit are shown in Table 2-8. TABLE 2-6: Pin Name MCP2150 HOST UART INTERFACE PINS Pin Pin Number Type (PDIP) Buffer Type Description TX 8 I TTL RX 9 O -- Asynchronous receive; from Host Controller UART. RI 10 I TTL Ring Indicator. The value on this pin is driven high. DSR 11 O -- Data Set Ready. Indicates that the MCP2150 has completed reset: 1 = MCP2150 is initialized. 0 = MCP2150 is not initialized. DTR 12 I TTL Data Terminal Ready. The value of this pin is ignored once the MCP2150 is initialized. It is recommended that this pin be connected so that the voltage level is either VSS or VCC. At device power-up, this signal is used with the RTS signal to enter device ID programming. 1 = Enter device ID programming mode (if RTS is cleared). 0 = Do not enter device ID programming mode. CTS 13 O -- Clear-to-Send. Indicates that the MCP2150 is ready to receive data from the Host Controller. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller should not send data. 0 = Host Controller may send data. RTS 14 I TTL Request-to-Send. Indicates that a Host Controller is ready to receive data from the MCP2150. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller not ready to receive data. 0 = Host Controller ready to receive data. Asynchronous transmit; to Host Controller UART. At device power-up, this signal is used with the DTR signal to enter device ID programming. 1 = Do not enter device ID programming mode. 0 = Enter device ID programming mode (if DTR is set). CD 19 I ST Legend: TTL = TTL compatible input I = Input DS51591A-page 24 Carrier Detect. Indicates that the MCP2150 has established a valid link with a Primary Device. 1 = An IR link has not been established (No IR Link). 0 = An IR link has been established (IR link). ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels O = Output (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation TABLE 2-7: Pin Name MCP2155 HOST UART INTERFACE PINS Pin Pin Number Type (PDIP) Buffer Type Description Asynchronous receive; from Host Controller UART. TX 8 I TTL RX 9 O -- RI 10 I TTL DSR 11 O -- Data Set Ready. Indicates that the MCP2150 has established a valid IrDA(R) standard link with a Primary device. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the DTR bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. (Note 1) 1 = An IR link has not been established (No IR Link). 0 = An IR link has been established (IR link). DTR 12 I TTL Data Terminal Ready. Indicates that the embedded device connected to the MCP2150 is ready for IR data. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) standard Primary device, via the IrDA(R) standard DSR bit carried by IrCOMM. 1 = Embedded device not ready. 0 = Embedded device ready. CTS 13 O -- Clear-to-Send. Indicates that the MCP2150 is ready to receive data from the Host Controller. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller should not send data. 0 = Host Controller may send data. RTS 14 I TTL Request-to-Send. Indicates that a Host Controller is ready to receive data from the MCP2150. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller not ready to receive data. 0 = Host Controller ready to receive data. CD 19 I ST Carrier Detect. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) standard Primary device via the IrDA(R) standard CD bit. 1 = No Carrier Present. 0 = Carrier Present. Asynchronous transmit; to Host Controller UART. Ring Indicator. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = No Ring Indicate Present. 0 = Ring Indicate Present. Legend: TTL = TTL compatible input ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels I = Input O = Output Note 1: The state of the DTR output pin does not reflect the state of the DTR bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 25 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE 2-8: MCP2150 AND MCP2155 IR INTERFACE PINS Pin Number (PDIP) Pin Type Buffer Type TXIR 2 O -- Asynchronous transmit to IrDA(R) standard transceiver. RXIR 3 I ST Asynchronous receive from Infrared transceiver. Pin Name Legend: A = Analog I = Input Description P = Power O = Output Additional MCP215X Interface Signals In addition to the signals described in Table 2-7 and Table 2-8, there are two additional signals that could be under Host Controller control. These are: 1. The RESET signal. 2. The EN signal. The MCP215X RESET pin is connected to an I/O pin of the Host Controller. The H1/H3 headers each have the RESET signal connected to two pins, RA5 and RC3. The Host Controller determines when the MCP215X device needs to be reset. The MCP215X EN input can be either hard-wired (jumper JP5) or controlled by the Host Controller. The H1/H3 headers each have the EN signal connected to the RB3 pin. DS51591A-page 26 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation MCP2140 IrDA(R) PROTOCOL STACK CONTROLLER DEVICE The key signals for the MCP2140-to-microcontroller (Host UART) interface are shown in Table 2-9. The key signals for the MCP2140-to-IR transceiver circuit are shown in Table 2-10. Further information on the Host Controller interface may be obtained from the MCP2140 data sheet, (DS21790). TABLE 2-9: Pin Name MCP2140 HOST UART INTERFACE PINS Pin Pin Number Type (SSOP) Buffer Type Description TX 8 I TTL RX 9 O -- RI 10 I TTL DSR 11 O -- Data Set Ready. Indicates that the MCP2150 has established a valid infrared link with a Primary device. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the DTR bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. (Note 1) 1 = An IR link has not been established (No IR Link). 0 = An IR link has been established (IR Link). DTR 12 I TTL Data Terminal Ready. Indicates that the embedded device connected to the MCP2150 is ready for IR data. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) Primary device, via the IrDA(R) standard DSR bit carried by IrCOMM. 1 = Embedded device not ready. 0 = Embedded device ready. CTS 13 O -- Clear to Send. Indicates that the MCP2150 is ready to receive data from the Host Controller. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller should not send data. 0 = Host Controller may send data. RTS 14 I TTL Request to Send. Indicates that a Host Controller is ready to receive data from the MCP2150. This signal is locally emulated and not related to the CTS/RTS bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = Host Controller not ready to receive data. 0 = Host Controller ready to receive data. CD 19 I ST Carrier Detect. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) standard Primary device via the IrDA(R) standard CD bit. 1 = No Carrier Present. 0 = Carrier Present. Legend: Note 1: Asynchronous receive; from Host Controller UART. Asynchronous transmit; to Host Controller UART. Ring Indicator. The state of this bit is communicated to the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. 1 = No Ring Indicate Present. 0 = Ring Indicate Present. TTL = TTL compatible input ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels I = Input O = Output The state of the DTR output pin does not reflect the state of the DTR bit of the IrDA(R) standard Primary device. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 27 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE 2-10: MCP2140 IR INTERFACE PINS Pin Number (SSOP) Pin Type Buffer Type RXPDREF 1 I A IR Receive Photo Detect Diode reference voltage. This voltage will typically be in the range of VDD/2. TXIR 2 O -- Asynchronous transmit to IrDA(R) standard transceiver. RXPD 20 I A IR RX Photo Detect Diode input. This input signal is required to be a pulse to indicate an IR bit. When the amplitude of the signal crosses the amplitude threshold set by the RXPDREF pin, the IR bit is detected. The pulse has minimum and maximum requirements as specified in the MCP2140 data sheet, Electrical Characteristics table, Parameter IR131A. Pin Name Legend: A = Analog I = Input Description P = Power O = Output Additional MCP215X Interface Signals In addition to the signals described in Table 2-9 and Table 2-10, there are two additional signals that can be used by the Host Controller. These are: 1. The RESET signal. 2. The PHACT (Protocol Handler Active) signal. The MCP2140 RESET pin is connected to an I/O pin of the Host Controller. The H1/H3 headers each have the RESET signal connected to two pins, RA5 and RC3. The Host Controller determines when the MCP215X device needs to be reset. The MCP2140 PHACT (Protocol Handler Active) output signal indicates the current mode the MCP2140 IrDA(R) standard protocol controller state machine is in (0 = NDM or Low-power mode,1 = Discovery or NRM). An LED (D4) can be jumpered to the MCP2140's PHACT pin. This is done with jumper JMP3. The PHACT signal is not connected to the H1/H3 headers. DS51591A-page 28 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Installation and Operation 2.5.3 IR Transceiver Circuit The IR transceiver circuit uses a Vishay(R) TFDU 4300 integrated optical transceiver. Footprints for an optional optical transceiver are implemented. These footprints are for the Vishay TFDU 4100 and the Agilent(R) HSDL-3000. Jumpers are used to allow all three implementations to be installed, but with only one connected to the MCP215X or MCP2140 TXIR and RXIR pins. The MCP2140 also requires the Optical Transceivers's RXD signal to be conditioned to be used as the input to the MCP2140's RXPD/RXPDREF signals. PCB MODIFICATIONS FOR AN ALTERNATE OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER If you wish to test with either of the other optical transceivers, the TFDU 4300's RXD and TXD signals need to be electrically removed. This is done by cutting the trace between the jumper JP1C pins and the trace between the jumper JP2C pins. This location is shown in Figure 2-6. Also the components for the desired optical transceiver need to be installed. See Appendix B. "Bill of Materials (BOM)". FIGURE 2-6: PCB MODIFICATION WHEN USING AN ALTERNATE OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER Top Side Bottom Side Jumpers JP1C and JP2C These two traces need to be cut to disconnect U5 from RXIR and TXIR signals. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 29 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide MCP2140 WAVESHAPING CIRCUITRY If the MCP2140 is to be used, then the Optical Transceivers's RXD signal needs to be conditioned to be used as the input to the MCP2140's RXPD/RXPDREF signals. Figure 2-7 shows the circuit that is used to shape the waveform of the optical Transceiver's RXD output. This is done to ensure that the RXD pulse width does not exceed the specifications of the MCP2140 RXPD input (IR131A) (refer to Parameter IR131A in the MCP2140 Data Sheet, DS21790). The resistor divider R18 and R13 sets the RXPDREF reference threshold. Transistor Q6 (MMUN2111LT1) has internal resistors. If you wish to evaluate a simple PNP device, Q6 can be replaced and resistors for R15 and R20 may need to be added. If R20 is added, do not forget to cut the trace that shorts out the resistor. Modifications to this waveshaping circuit may be required depending on your operating requirements (voltage, temperature, etc.). FIGURE 2-7: MCP2140 RXPD WAVEFORM SHAPING CIRCUIT VDD VDD TP1 R14 100 R19 10 k 2 RXPDREF RXPDREF TP2 RXPD RXPD 1 3 Q6 R15 OPT R20 OPT R16 4.7 k 47 pF RXD (From Optical Transceiver) MMUN2111LT1 R13 10 k 2.5.4 C14 Signal Header To allow easy access to many of the system signals, two headers (HD1 and HD2) are on one of the edges of the board. This allows the signals from the MCP215X or MCP2140 to be easily accessed and connected into an existing application for initial development or proof-of-concept. 14-PIN SIGNAL INTERFACE HEADER HD1 RXIR TXIR NC 16XCLK TX RX RESET RA3 RA1 RA0 RC1 RC0 VDD VSS HD1 DS51591A-page 30 HD2 RXIR TXIR NC 16XCLK TX RX RESET RA3 RA1 RA0 RC1 RC0 VDD VSS FIGURE 2-8: (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix A. Schematic and Layouts A.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains the following schematics and layouts for the MCP212X Developer's Daughter Board: * * * * * * * * A.2 Board Schematic - Headers and Jumpers Board Schematic - Circuitry Board Schematic - Circuitry Board - Component Layer Board - Top Layer Board - Bottom Layer Board - Power Layer Board - Ground Layer SCHEMATICS AND PCB LAYOUT The layer order is shown in Figure A-1. FIGURE A-1: LAYER ORDER Top Layer Ground Layer Power Layer Bottom Layer (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 31 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide A.3 SCHEMATIC (HEADERS AND JUMPERS) - PAGE 1 DS51591A-page 32 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematic and Layouts SCHEMATIC (CIRCUITRY) - PAGE 2 1_B A.4 2_E 3_C (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 33 DS51591A-page 34 9 RI 6 EN/NC 7 TX 8 RX 4 RESET 5 VSS 2 TXIR 3 RXIR/PHACT CTS 12 DTR 11 DSR 10 RTS 13 OSC2 15 VDD 14 CD 17 OSC1/CLKI 16 2_B 1_E 2_B 2_B 1_E A.5 3_C 3_C 1 BAUD0/RXPDREF BAUD1/RXPD 18 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide SCHEMATIC (CIRCUITRY) - PAGE 3 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. 3_C 1_E Schematic and Layouts A.6 BOARD LAYOUT - COMPONENT LAYER (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 35 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide A.7 BOARD LAYOUT - TOP LAYER DS51591A-page 36 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematic and Layouts A.8 BOARD LAYOUT - BOTTOM LAYER (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 37 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide A.9 BOARD LAYOUT - POWER LAYER DS51591A-page 38 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematic and Layouts A.10 BOARD LAYOUT - GROUND LAYER (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 39 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide NOTES: DS51591A-page 40 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix B. Bill of Materials (BOM) The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board allows the MCP2120 or MCP2122 device to be evaluated. The board also allows the customer to evaluate the operation of one of three optical tranceiver devices. Table B-1 shows the components that are installed in the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB, while Table B-2 shows the components that are NOT installed on the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB. TABLE B-1: Qty BOM - COMPONENTS INSTALLED Reference Description Manufacturer 4 C1, C2, C11, C13 0.1 F (SMT) Panasonic(R) 2 C3, C4 18 pF (SMT) Yageo(R) America Panasonic - ECG - ECG Part Number ECJ-2VB1C104K 0805CG180J9B200 2 C10, C12 4.7 F/16V (SMT) 1 C14 CAP Ceramic 47PF 50V 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ECJ-1VC1H470J ECS-T1AY475R 2 H1, H3 2x14 Male connector Header Jameco Valuepro 2012-254-2X14SG 1 H2 2x10 Male connector Header Jameco Valuepro 7000-2X10SG 2 HD1, HD2 1x10 Male connector Header Jameco Valuepro 7000-1X10SG 6 JMP1, JMP2, JMP3, JMP4, JMP5, JMP6 1x3 Jumper Stakes (Male) Jameco Valuepro 7000-1x3SG 9 JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5, 1x2 Jumper Stakes (Male) JP6, JP7, JP8, JP9 Jameco Valuepro 7000-1x2SG 4 R3, R13, R19 10 k (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1002V R2, R17, R21 470 (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ471V 4 R4, R5, R6, R7, R18, R27, R28 100 k (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1003V 1 R12 47 (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF47R5V 1 R14 100 (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ101V 1 R16 4.7 k (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ472V 3 R23, R24, R25 20 k (SMT) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ203V 1 Q6 MMUN2111LT1 transistors, RF Bipolar ROHS compliant ON(R) Semiconductor MMUN2111LT1 Q3, Q4, Q5 TRANSISTOR GP PNP AMP SOT-23 Fairchild(R) Semiconductor MMBT3906 D2, D3, D4 LED (160-1176-1-ND) U1 Low Profile Socket (18 Pin ) Jameco Valuepro 6100-18 MCP2150 (provided) Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2150-I/P TFDU-4300 1 1 1 U5 TFDU-4300 Vishay(R) Intertechnology 2 Y1 PIN RECPT .015/.025 DIA 0667 SER Manufacturing Corp 0667-0-15-01-30-27-10-0 Crystal OscillatorCRY, 11.05 MHz, 50 PPM SERIES Vishay Intertechnology 1 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. CY11.0592 DS51591A-page 41 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE B-1: Qty BOM - COMPONENTS INSTALLED (CONTINUED) Reference Description Manufacturer 1 -- PCB 105-00063 (R2 or greater) 8 -- Jumper Shunt Jameco Valuepro (used on JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP6, JP7, JMP1, JMP2, JMP3, and JMP4) TABLE B-2: Qty Microchip Technology Inc. Reference Description Manufacturer 0 C6 CAP CER .47UF 25V Y5V 0805 0 C7 CAP TANTALUM 6.8UF 16V 20% SMD Nichicon(R) Corporation 0 C8 4.7 F/16V (SMT) 0 C9 0.1 F (SMT) 0 JP1A, JP1B, JP1C, 1x2 Jumper Stakes (Male) JP2A, JP2B, JP2C 0 R1 0 R8 0 R9 0 R10 0 R11 0 U2 U3 2012JH BOM - OPTIONAL COMPONENTS, NOT INSTALLED Murata(R) 0 Part Number Part Number Electronics GRM216F51E474ZA01D F931C685MAA Panasonic(R) - ECG ECJ-2VB1C104K Jameco Valuepro 7000-1x2SG Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1002V Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6GEYJ6R8V Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF14R0V Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF47R5V RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 SMD (Not populated) Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V HSDL-3000 (Not populated) Agilent(R) HSDL-3000 TFDU-4100 (Not populated) Vishay(R) TFDU-4100 RES 10.0K OHM 1/10W 1% 0805 SMD (Not populated) RES 6.8 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 (Not populated) RES 14.0 OHM 1/10W 1% 0805 SMD (Not populated) RES 47.5 OHM 1/10W 1% 0805 SMD (Not populated) Intertechnology 0 -- DS51591A-page 42 Jumper Shunt, used on: * JP1A and JP2A, or * JP1B and JP2B, or * JP1C and JP2C * JP5 * JP8 and JP9 Jameco Valuepro 2012JH (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix C. Board Testing C.1 INTRODUCTION The MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board can be used in multiple configurations. Only a subset of these configurations will be tested. The tests were performed at 9600 baud. Other baud rates are not tested. TABLE C-1: Baud Rate MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD TESTED CONFIGURATIONS Mode EN JP2:JP1 JP3:JP4 JP5 JMP1, JMP2, JMP3, JMP4 MCP215x/40 RX/TX Destination RX JMP5/JP6 TX JMP6/JP7 JP8:JP9 Comment S:S O:O O 2-3, 2-3, 1-2, 1-2 2-3 (JMP5) 2-3 (JMP6) O:O 9600 baud, MCP2150 to PIC18F8772 UART2 on Header 2 (250 byte transfer) O:O O:S O 2-3, 2-3, 1-2, 1-2 2-3 (JMP5) 2-3 (JMP6) O:O 9600 baud, MCP2150 to PIC18F8772 UART2 on Header 2 (Echo mode) S:S S:S O 2-3, 2-3, 1-2, 1-2 S (JP6) S (JP7) O:O 9600 baud, MCP2150 to DB9 (PC) on Header 1 Legend: O = Jumper is "Open" S = Jumper is "Shorted" 1-2 = Pin 1 is shorted to Pin 2 (of 3 pin header) 2-3 = Pin 2 is shorted to Pin 3 (of 3 pin header) C.2 WHAT IS TESTED The following portions of the board are tested: * * * * * * * * * * * * MCP2150 TFDU-4300 (U5) and circuitry Header 1 - TXD and RXD signals Header 2 - TX2 and RX2 signals Y1 circuitry (11.0592 MHz) JP3, JP4, JP6, and JP7 JMP1 (P2 - P3) JMP2 (P2 - P3) JMP3 (P1 - P2) JMP4 (P1 - P2) JMP5 (P2 - P3) JMP6 (P2 - P3) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 43 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide C.3 WHAT IS NOT TESTED The following portions of the board are NOT tested: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DS51591A-page 44 MCP2140 and crystal circuitry (7. 3728 MHz) MCP2140 waveform shaping circuitry TFDU-4100 (U3) and circuitry HSDL-3000 (U2) and circuitry Header H3 JP1, JP2, JP5, JP8, and JP9 JMP1 (P1 - P2) JMP2 (P1 - P2) JMP3 (P2 - P3) JMP4 (P2 - P3) JMP5 (P1 - P2) JMP6 (P1 - P2) Headers HD1 and HD2 JP1 & JP2 (Baud1:Baud0) Pull-up Resistors JP5 (EN) Pull-up Resistors (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix D. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1 DEMONSTRATION USING THE PICDEMTM HPC EXPLORER DEMO BOARD To perform a demonstration of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board, two systems are needed. A Primary Device and a Secondary Device (the embedded system). The embedded system (Secondary Device) is a MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board (MCP212XEV-DB) plus the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board (DM183022). The Primary Device is either a PC with IR Port (or IR Dongle) or a PDA. There are four presentations of running the demos. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4. PC Demos using HyperTerminal. Palm PDA Demo using the AN888 Application Program. Pocket PC PDA Demo using the AN926 Application Program. Window XP PC with an IrDA Standard Port Demo using the AN941 Application Program. The PC Demos using HyperTerminal shows all three PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board program modes, while those using the Application Note programs only show the Data Logger (250 Byte) program mode. The steps to configure HyperTerminal is shown in Appendix F. "Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program". Figure D-1 shows a block diagram of a PC-based demonstration system. FIGURE D-1: SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) HyperTerminal Program Window B (Com 1) (1) Com 1 (2) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: 2: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Only required if data is communicated with the PC. Some program modes "respond" to received data (data not sent to PC). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 45 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide D.1.1 The PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board firmware for these demos is available on the Microchip web site, as well as on the AIPD Evaluation Board CD-ROM. The filename is 00077 - HPC.asm. This code must be programmed into the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board's PIC18F8722 for demo operation. This code supports three demos. The demo executed is dependent on the state of the JP3:JP4 jumpers. Note: Other PICDEM Demo Boards may be used, but appropriate firmware needs to be installed to demonstrate the system. The crystal frequency of the PICDEM Demo Board determines the error rates for the EUSART baud rates. So for the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board, the default crystal is 10 MHz (does have a 4x PLL). Therefore, the 16XCLK frequency for 115200 baud has an error outside usable limits for IrDA standard communication for both 10 MHz and 40 MHz operation (see Table D-1). Table D-1 shows the SPBRG values for the EUSART at different crystal frequencies. SPBRG VALUES FOR EUSART(1) TABLE D-1: Desired Baud Rate @ 40 MHz(2) @ 20 MHz(2) @ 14.7592 MHz(2) @ 10 MHz(2) @ 7.3728 MHz(2) SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error 9600 225 19200 129 -1.73% 129 -0.16% 95 0% 64 -0.16% 47 0% 64 -0.16% 47 0% 32 1.36% 23 0% 21 1.36% 15 0% 10 1.36% 7 0% 10 1.36% 7 0% 4 -8.51% 3 0% -0.16% 57600 42 -0.94% 115200 21 Note 1: 1.36% Shaded values indicate a % error that is larger than should be used. 2: The following shows the PICDEMTM Demo Board device frequencies: PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board has a 10 MHz crystal installed (4xPLL -> 40 MHz). PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board has a 20 MHz crystal installed. PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board has a 4 MHz crystal installed. PICDEMTM LCD has a socket for an external canned oscillator (also has an internal 8 MHz RC). 3: SYNC = 0, BRGH = 1, BRG16 = 0. Note: DS51591A-page 46 The demo code (00077 - HPC.asm) has been written for the PICDEM HPC board with a 10 MHz crystal. There is also a version (00077 HPC 14MHz.asm) that is for the PICDEM HPC using a 14.7592 MHz crystal. This requires the PICDEM HPC crystal to be changed. This change allows all MCP215X baud rates to be supported. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1.2 PC Demos using HyperTerminal When using a PC with HyperTerminal as the Primary Device interface, all three PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board programs can be demonstrated. These are shown in: 1. Section D.1.2.1 "Demo #1 Operation - 250 Byte Transfer Mode" 2. Section D.1.2.2 "Demo #2 Operation - Echo Mode". 3. Section D.1.2.3 "Demo #3 Operation - Direct to UART (DB-9) Mode". Note: D.1.2.1 HyperTerminal should be disabled before establishing a connection between the PC and the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Make sure that any other programs (e.g., HotSync(R)) connected to the IR ports are disabled. DEMO #1 OPERATION - 250 BYTE TRANSFER MODE In Demo #1, the System 2 unit will receive a character and then stream 250 bytes of data (25 lines of 8 alphanumeric characters plus the return and line feed characters, for a total of 10 characters per line). The System #1 unit is connected to the PC, while the System #2 unit is not required to be connected, though it still needs to be powered. The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board is used to determine the communication baud rate (115,200) via the JP2 and JP1 jumper states. Given this state, the PICmicro(R) MCU can then configure the MCP2150 UART baud rate. Power is supplied over the H1 and H2 interface headers. Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select which demo program to run. Figure D-3 shows the jumper configuration for Demo #1. Table D-2 shows the steps for Demo #1. FIGURE D-2: DEMO #1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board DS51591A-page 47 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide FIGURE D-3: DS51591A-page 48 DEMO #1 CONFIGURATION - 250 BYTE TRANSFER MODE (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board TABLE D-2: DEMO #1 STEPS Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, and with the IR ports facing each other. On the System #1 Unit (IR Dongle): Connect Serial to IR dongle to PC. Ensure that device supports the IrCOMM 9-wire "cooked" service class. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Insert the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board into the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board. Ensure that the jumpers are configured as in Figure D-3. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Apply power to the unit via the 9V power supply. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress and release the RESET Switch (S2 - MCLR). On the PC: Wait for the PC to make a sound and the system tray shows an IR icon. Placing the mouse over the icon will show the MCP2150 Device ID ("Generic IrDA(R)"). On the PC: Open the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). Ensure that the window indicates that the HyperTerminal program is connected. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D) will turn on. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. On the PC: The system tray icon will change from a single IR icon to two IR icons facing each other. An IR Link is now established. On the PC: On the PC: The HyperTerminal window will display 25 rows with In the HyperTerminal program window, type a 8 alpha numeric characters. character. On the PC: On the PC: After each 250 byte transfer completes, another The typed alpha character will cause a 250 byte character may be typed in the HyperTerminal program packet to be transferred back to the PC. The window. HyperTerminal window will display 25 rows with 8 alpha numeric characters. Note: 10 11 Step 9 may be repeated. On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. The 00077 - HPC.asm program only expects to receive 1 byte per IR packet. -- On the PC: The IR icon in the system tray will show that the link has been disconnected. DS51591A-page 49 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide D.1.2.2 DEMO #2 OPERATION - ECHO MODE In Demo #2, the System #2 unit will echo any alpha character received, changing the case of the character (lowercase to uppercase/uppercase to lowercase). The System #1 unit is connected to the PC, while the System #2 unit is not required to be connected, though it still needs to be powered. The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board is used to determine the communication baud rate (115,200) via the JP2 and JP1 jumper states. Given this state, the PICmicro MCU can then configure the MCP2150 UART baud rate. Power is supplied over the H1 and H2 interface headers. Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select which demo program to run. Figure D-5 shows the jumper configuration for Demo #1. Table D-3 shows the steps for Demo #2. DEMO #2 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) FIGURE D-4: HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. DS51591A-page 50 System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board FIGURE D-5: DEMO #2 CONFIGURATION - ECHO MODE (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 51 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE D-3: DEMO #2 STEPS Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, and with the IR ports facing each other. On the System #1 Unit (IR Dongle): Connect Serial to IR dongle to PC. Ensure that the device supports the IrCOMM 9-wire "cooked" service class. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Insert the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board into the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board. Ensure that the jumpers are configured as in Figure D-5. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Apply power to the unit via the 9V power supply. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress and release the RESET Switch (S2 - MCLR). On the PC: Wait for the PC system tray shows an IR icon. Placing the mouse over the icon will show the MCP2150 Device ID ("Generic IrDA(R)"). On the PC: Open the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). Ensure that the window indicates that the HyperTerminal program is connected. On the PC: In the HyperTerminal program window, type an "a". On the PC: Type some additional alpha characters into the HyperTerminal program window. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D) will turn on. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. On the PC: The system tray icon will change from a single IR icon to two IR icons facing each other. An IR Link is now established. On the PC: The HyperTerminal window will display an "aA". On the PC: The typed alpha character will echo where the case has changed; lowercase -> uppercase and uppercase -> lowercase. Note: 10 11 Step 8 through Step 9 may be repeated. On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). DS51591A-page 52 The 00077 - HPC.asm program only expects to receive 1 byte per IR packet. -- On the PC: The IR Icon in the system tray will show that the link has been disconnected. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1.2.3 DEMO #3 OPERATION - DIRECT TO UART (DB-9) MODE In Demo #3, the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board will communicate directly to the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board's DB-9 connector (and then to the PC). The PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board is used to determine the communication baud rate (9600) via the JP2 and JP1 jumper states. Given this state, the PICmicro MCU can then configure the MCP2150 UART baud rate. Power is supplied over the H1 and H2 interface headers. Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select which demonstration program to run. Figure D-7 shows the jumper configuration for Demo #3. The jumpers that are circled are the jumpers that change position. Table D-4 shows the steps for Demo #3 operation. DEMO #3 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) FIGURE D-6: HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) HyperTerminal Program Window B (Com 1) (1) Com 1 System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board DS51591A-page 53 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide FIGURE D-7: DS51591A-page 54 DEMO #3 CONFIGURATION - DIRECT TO UART (DB-9) MODE (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board TABLE D-4: DEMO #3 STEPS Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, and with the IR ports facing each other. On the System #1 Unit (IR Dongle): Connect Serial to IR dongle to PC. Ensure that device supports the IrCOMM 9-wire "cooked" service class. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Insert the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board into the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board. Ensure that the jumpers are configured as in Figure D-7. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Apply power to the unit via the 9V power supply. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Ensure that the PC serial port (COM1/2) cable is connected to the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board DB-9 connector. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress and release the RESET Switch (S2 - MCLR). On the PC: "Connect" the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). Ensure that the window indicates that the HyperTerminal program is connected. On the PC: Open the HyperTerminal program window for the Secondary Device (embedded system) which would be connected to one on the standard COM ports (such as COM1). On the PC: In the Secondary Device HyperTerminal program window (COM1), type alpha-numeric characters (such as "123456 asdfg"). On the PC: In the Primary Device HyperTerminal program window (COM7), depress the Return key and type alpha-numeric characters (such as "7890 hjkl;"). Step 9 through Step 10 may be repeated. On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal program window for the Secondary Device (embedded system) which would be connected to one on the standard COM ports (such as COM1). On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D) will turn on. -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. -- On the PC: In the Primary Device HyperTerminal program window (COM7), the same characters should be displayed ("123456 asdfg"). On the PC: In the Secondary Device HyperTerminal program window (COM1), the same characters should be displayed ("7890 hjkl;") on the line below the "123456 asdfg" characters. -- -- On the PC: The IR icon in the system tray will show that the link has been disconnected. DS51591A-page 55 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide D.1.3 Palm PDA Demo using the AN888 Application Program Application Note 888 supports doing Demo #3, the Data Logger (250 Byte) demo. For this, the embedded system must be configured as in Figure D-7. D.1.3.1 THE PALM PDA GUI The GUI consists of a number of user-interface elements, including command buttons, text labels and a text-entry field. Refer to Figure D-8. FIGURE D-8: PALM PDA MAIN FORM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Send File 9 8 1. The Connect button attempts to establish a connection to the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the Palm PDA acting as the Primary device. The label to the left of the button provides an indication of the connection. 2. The Read Data button sends a query to the demo board requesting the soda and candy counter values. Received data is parsed and displayed. 3. The Clear Data button sends a command to the demo board instructing it to reset the application level counters. The command to "Read Data" is then sent to ensure that the registers were cleared. 4. The ASCII/HEX button toggles the application between ASCII and HEX modes. This value is used when preparing and transmitting data to the IR demo board. This is useful when there is a need to send a non-printable value, such as low-order ASCII. For example, to send the value 0x03, use the keyboard or Graffiti(R) to enter "03" (without the quotes). This will be converted to 0x03 and transmitted. 5. The Send button sends the data shown on the "TX Data" line. If HEX mode is selected, minimal error-checking is performed. 6. The Show button causes a message box to be displayed that contains the received buffer information. 7. The Reset button clears the Palm PDA application's receive data buffer. 8. The Send File button is used to send a file. 9. The 123 and ABC button opens a keyboard for data entry. The 123 button will open the numeric keyboard, while the ABC button will open the alpha keyboard. DS51591A-page 56 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1.3.2 RUNNING THE DEMO USING THE APPLICATION NOTE AN888 PROGRAM After installing the AN888 application program to your Palm PDA, the program needs to be launched. This PDA program communicates with the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Table D-5 shows the steps to demonstrate the 250-byte S -> P Data Transfer program. TABLE D-5: 250-BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - PALM(R) PDA Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, with the IR ports facing each other. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Ensure that jumpers are configured as in Figure D-7. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Plug a 9V AC-to-DC power supply (such as those supplied with some Microchip development tools) into the 9V DC connection plug (J1). On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress the RESET switch. On the PDA: Tap on the MCP215XDemo icon. 6 On the PDA: Tap on the Connect button. 7 On the PDA: Tap on the 123 button. On the PDA: Tap on the number (5) button. 8 9 On the PDA: Tap on the Done button. 10 On the PDA: Tap on the Send Byte button. 11 On the PDA: Tap on the Show button. 12 On the PDA: Tap on the OK button. On the PDA: Tap on the Reset button. 13 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. -- On the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D9) will turn on. On the PDA: The screen will display the MCP215XDemo program window. On the PDA: The Connect button will change to the Disconnect button. On the PDA: This opens the numeric keyboard. On the PDA: In the upper-left corner of the window, the typed number will appear. On the PDA: This closes the numeric keyboard window. The number that was typed is shown on the "TX Data (ASCII) =" line. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on (the IR link is now open) and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly before returning to the normal rate. On the PDA: Trace will show "250 bytes". On the PDA: This opens the trace buffer window. The received data table should be in the window. On the PDA: This closes the trace buffer window. On the PDA: This will open a query window that asks "Reset Trace Buffer, Are You Sure". DS51591A-page 57 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE D-5: 250-BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - PALM(R) PDA (CONTINUED) Step Action Result 14 On the PDA: In the Query window, tap on the Yes button. 15 16 Step 7 through Step 14 may be repeated. On the PDA: Tap on the Disconnect button. On the PDA: This clears the contents of the trace buffer. Trace shows "0 Bytes". -- On the PDA: This will disconnect (close) the IR link. When the IR link is disconnected, the PC icon will change to indicate that the IR link is disconnected (has a red X). On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" and the "CTS" LEDs will turn off. DS51591A-page 58 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1.4 Pocket PC PDA Demo using the AN926 Application Program Application Note 926 supports doing Demo #3, the Data Logger (250 Byte) demo. For this, the embedded system must be configured as in Figure D-7. D.1.4.1 THE POCKET PC PDA GUI The GUI consists of a number of user interface elements including command buttons, text labels and a text-entry field. (Figure D-9) FIGURE D-9: POCKET PC PDA WINDOW 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 1. The Connect button attempts to establish a connection to the IR demo board. The PPC device is acting as the Primary device and the demo board as the Secondary device. 2. The Read Data button causes a query to be sent to the demo board, requesting the number of sodas and candies information. Data received from the demo board is parsed and displayed in text labels. 3. The Clear Data button sends a command to the demo board instructing it to reset the application level counters. 4. The Send Byte button transfers the byte entered into the TX Data (ASCII) text box. Any byte may be entered and transferred to the embedded system. If the byte corresponds to one of the commands to read data, clear data or transfer a buffer, the board will respond depending on its mode (vending machine or 250-byte transfer). 5. The Get File button initiates the 250-byte data transfer from the embedded system by sending the embedded system the command byte for the transfer. 6. The Send File button allows the user to select a file on the PPC and transfer it to the embedded system. 7. The Trace button causes the information in the trace buffer to be displayed. Within this window is the capability to clear the trace buffer. 8. The Keyboard button opens a keyboard for data entry. The 123 button will open the numeric keyboard, while the ABC button will open the alpha keyboard. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 59 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide D.1.4.2 RUNNING THE DEMO USING THE APPLICATION NOTE 926 PROGRAM After installing the AN926 application program to your Pocket PC PDA, the program needs to be launched. This PDA program communicates with the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Table D-6 shows the steps to demonstrate the 250-byte S -> P Data Transfer program. TABLE D-6: Step 1 2 3 4 5 250-BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - POCKET PC Action Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart and with the IR ports facing each other. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Ensure that jumpers are configured as in Figure D-7. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Plug a 9V AC-to-DC power supply (such as supplied with some Microchip development tools) into the 9V DC connection plug (J1). On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress the RESET switch. On the PDA: Start the IrDA(R) Demo program. 6 On the PDA: Tap on the Connect button. 7 On the PDA: Tap on the Get File button. 8 On the PDA: Tap on the Trace button. 9 On the PDA: Tap on the Clear button. On the PDA: Tap on the Close button. Step 7 through Step 10 may be repeated. 10 11 DS51591A-page 60 Result -- -- On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D9) will turn on On the PDA: The screen will display the "IrDA Demo" program window, with the "Device ID" line displaying "Generic IrDA" and the "IR Link" line displaying "Discovery Mode". On the PDA: Once the connection is made, the program will be updated so that the Connect button is called the Disconnect button and the "IR Link" line displays "Normal Response Mode". On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. This indicates that an IR link is established between the PDA and the demo board. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. On the PDA: The data is received in the program's trace buffer. On the PDA: This opens the trace buffer window. You may scroll up and down in this window to view the received data. On the PDA: This clears the data that is in the trace buffer window. On the PDA: This closes the trace buffer window. -- (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board TABLE D-6: 250-BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - POCKET PC (CONTINUED) Step 12 Action On the PDA: Tap on the Disconnect button. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Result On the PDA: This will disconnect (close) the IR link. When the IR Link is closed, the program window will be updated so that the Disconnect button changes back to the Connect button. The "IR Link" line will display "Normal Disconnect Mode" and then, after a couple of seconds, will display "Discovery Mode". On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" and the "CTS" LEDs will turn off. DS51591A-page 61 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide D.1.5 Window XP PC with an IrDA Standard Port Demo using the AN941 Application Program Application Note 941 supports doing Demo #3, the Data Logger (250 Byte) demo. For this, the embedded system must be configured as in Figure D-7. D.1.5.1 THE WINDOWS XP PC GUI The GUI consists of a number of user interface elements including command buttons, text labels and a text-entry field. Figure D-10 identifies the buttons, while the text below describes the operation of the button. FIGURE D-10: WINDOWS XP PC WINDOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Connect button attempts to establish a connection to the IR demo board. The PC is acting as the Primary device and the demo board acts as the Secondary device. 2. The Read Data button causes a query to be sent to the demo board requesting a tally of the number of sodas and candies dispensed. Data received from the demo board is parsed and displayed in text labels. 3. The Clear Data button sends a command to the demo board instructing it to reset the application level counters. 4. The Send Byte button transfers the byte entered into the TX Data (ASCII) text box. Any byte may be entered and transferred to the embedded system. If the byte corresponds to one of the commands to read data, clear data or transfer a buffer, the board will respond depending on its mode (vending machine or 250-byte transfer). 5. The Get File button initiates the 240-byte data transfer from the embedded system by sending the embedded system the command byte for the transfer. 6. The Send File button allows the user to select a file on the PC and transfer it to the embedded system. 7. The Close button closes the application. DS51591A-page 62 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board D.1.5.2 RUNNING THE DEMOS USING THE APPLICATION NOTE 941 PROGRAM After saving the AN941 application program to your PC's hard drive, the program needs to be launched. This PC program communicates with the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. Table D-7 shows the steps to demonstrate the 250-byte S -> P Data Transfer program. TABLE D-7: 250 BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - WINDOWS(R) XP Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, with the IR ports facing each other. On the PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Ensure that jumpers are configured as in Figure D-7. On the PC: Run the IrDA Demo.exe program. -- On the PC: The program is searching for an IrDA(R) standard device. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D9) will turn on Plug a 9V AC-to-DC power supply (such as those supplied with some Microchip development tools) into In the IrDA Demo PC program window: the 9V DC connection plug (J1). The program should indicate that it has "found" an IrDA standard device, called "Generic IrDA". On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress the RESET switch. On the PC: If the PC is configured to show the IR icon in the system tray, a single IR LED will be displayed. Place the mouse cursor over this icon. In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: Depress and release the Connect button. 8 On the PC: If the PC is configured to show the IR icon in the system tray, the single IR LED icon will change to an icon of two IR LEDs facing each other and talking. Place the mouse cursor over this icon. 9 In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: In the TX Data (ASCII) entry box, type in any number (such as "5"). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. On the PC: The message "Generic IrDA is in range" will be displayed, "Generic IrDA" is the device ID of the MCP2150. In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: Once the connection is made, the program window will be updated to show that the Connect button now is called the Disconnect button. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will flash. This indicates that an IR link is established between the PC and the demo board. On the PC: The message "Wireless link with Generic IrDA at 115200 bps" will be displayed. This shows that a link is now established for data communication and that the IR communication rate is 115200 bps, the baud rate that was negotiated between the PC IrDA standard hardware and the MCP2150. -- DS51591A-page 63 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE D-7: 250 BYTE S -> P DATA TRANSFER DEMO - WINDOWS(R) XP (CONTINUED) Step Action Result 10 In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: Depress and release the Send Byte button. 11 12 Step 9 through Step 10 may be repeated. In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: Depress and release the Disconnect button. 13 On the PC: If the PC is configured to show the IR icon in the system tray, a single IR LED will be displayed. On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: The "Raw Received Data" window will display the data table that was transmitted by the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board. This table is shown in Appendix H. "MCP215X/40 250-Byte Data Transmit Table". The scroll bar may be used to inspect the data received. -- In the IrDA standard demo PC program window: This will disconnect (close) the IR link. When the IR link is disconnected, the PC icon will change to indicate that the IR link is disconnected (has a red X). On the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" and the "CTS" LEDs will turn off. -- DS51591A-page 64 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix E. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board E.1 DEMONSTRATION WITH THE PICDEM FS USB DEMO BOARD Note: If the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB is Rev 2, refer to E.2 "MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB Rev 2 Errata". This also shows how to determine board revision. To perform a demonstration of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board, two systems are needed. A Primary Device and a Secondary Device (the embedded system). The embedded system (Secondary Device) is a MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board (MCP212XEV-DB) plus the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board (DM183022). The Primary Device is either a PC with IR Port (or IR Dongle) or a PDA. There are four presentations of running the demos. These are: 1. Appendix D.1.2 "PC Demos using HyperTerminal". 2. Appendix D.1.3 "Palm PDA Demo using the AN888 Application Program". 3. Appendix D.1.4 "Pocket PC PDA Demo using the AN926 Application Program". 4. Appendix D.1.5 "Window XP PC with an IrDA Standard Port Demo using the AN941 Application Program". The PC Demos using HyperTerminal shows all three PICDEM FS USB Demo Board program modes, while those using the Application Note programs only show the Data Logger (250 Byte) program mode. The steps to configure HyperTerminal is shown in Appendix F. "Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program". Figure E-1 shows a block diagram of a PC based demonstration system. FIGURE E-1: SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) HyperTerminal Program Window B (Com 1) (1) Com 1 (2) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: 2: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. System #2 PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board Only required if data is communicated with the PC. Some program modes "respond" to received data (data not sent to PC). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 65 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide The firmware for these demos is available on the Microchip web site, as well as on the AIPD Evaluation Board CD-ROM. The file name is 00077 - FS USB.asm. This code must be programmed into the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board's PIC18F4550 for demo operation. This code requires the JP3 and JP4 jumpers to be in the documented state to select program mode operation. Note: Other PICDEM Demo Boards may be used, but appropriate firmware needs to be installed to demonstrate the system. The crystal frequency of the PICDEM Demo Board determines the error rates for the EUSART baud rates, as well as the 16XCLK generation (for the MCP2150). So, for the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, the default crystal is 20 MHz. The 16XCLK frequency for 115200 and 57600 baud has an error outside usable limits for IrDA standard communication for 20 MHz operation (see Table E-1). Table E-1 shows the SPBRG values for the EUSART at the same crystal frequencies. SPBRG VALUES FOR EUSART(1) TABLE E-1: Desired Baud Rate @ 40 MHz(2) @ 20 MHz(2) @ 14.7592 MHz(2) @ 10 MHz(2) @ 7.3728 MHz(2) SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error SPBRG(3) %Error 9600 225 -1.73% 129 -0.16% 95 0% 64 -0.16% 47 0% 19200 129 -0.16% 64 -0.16% 47 0% 32 1.36% 23 0% 57600 42 -0.94% 21 1.36% 15 0% 10 1.36% 7 0% 115200 21 1.36% 10 1.36% 7 0% 4 -8.51% 3 0% Note 1: Shaded values indicate a % error that is larger than should be used. 2: The following shows the PICDEMTM Demo Board device frequencies: PICDEMTM HPC Explorer Demo Board has a 10 MHz crystal installed (4xPLL -> 40 MHz). PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board has a 20 MHz crystal installed. PICDEMTM 2 Plus Demo Board has a 4 MHz crystal installed. PICDEMTM LCD has a socket for an external canned oscillator (also has an internal 8 MHz RC). 3: SYNC = 0, BRGH = 1, BRG16 = 0. DS51591A-page 66 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board E.1.1 Demo #1 Operation - 250 Byte Transfer Mode In Demo #1, the System #2 unit will receive a character and then stream 250 bytes of data (25 lines of 8 alphanumeric characters plus the return and line feed characters, for a total of 10 characters per line). The System #1 unit is connected to the PC, while the System #2 unit is not required to be connected, though it still needs to be powered. The PICDEM FS USB Demo Board is used to determine the communication baud rate (115,200) via the JP2 and JP1 jumper states. Given this state, the PICmicro MCU can then configure the MCP2150 UART baud rate. Power is supplied over the H3 interface headers. Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select which demo program to run. Figure E-3 shows the jumper configuration for Demo #1. Table E-1 shows the steps for Demo #1. FIGURE E-2: DEMO #1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. System #2 PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board DS51591A-page 67 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide FIGURE E-3: DS51591A-page 68 DEMO #1 CONFIGURATION - 250 BYTE TRANSFER MODE (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board TABLE E-2: DEMO #1 STEPS Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, and with the IR ports facing each other. On the System #1 Unit (IR Dongle): Connect Serial to IR dongle to PC. Ensure that device supports the IrCOMM 9-wire "cooked" service class. On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Insert the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board into the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board. Ensure that the jumpers are configured as in Figure E-2. On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Apply power to the unit via the 9V power supply. On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress and release the RESET Switch (S2 - MCLR). On the PC: Wait for the PC to make a sound and the system tray shows an IR icon. Placing the mouse over the icon will show the MCP2150 Device ID ("Generic IrDA"). On the PC: Open the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). Ensure that the window indicates that the HyperTerminal program is connected. -- -- On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D) will turn on. -- -- On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. On the PC: The system tray icon will change from a single IR icon to two IR icons facing each other. An IR Link is now established. On the PC: On the PC: The HyperTerminal window will display 25 rows with In the HyperTerminal program window, type a 8 alpha numeric characters. character. On the PC: On the PC: After each 250 byte transfer completes, another The typed alpha character will cause a 250 byte character may be typed in the HyperTerminal program packet to be transferred back to the PC. The window. HyperTerminal window will display 25 rows with 8 alpha numeric characters. Note: 10 11 Step 9 may be repeated. On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. The 00077 - FS USB.asm program only expects to receive 1 byte per IR packet. -- On the PC: The IR icon in the system tray will show that the link has been disconnected. DS51591A-page 69 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide E.1.2 Demo #2 Operation - Echo Mode In Demo #2, the System #2 unit will echo any alpha character received, changing the case of the character (lowercase to uppercase/uppercase to lowercase). The System #1 unit is connected to the PC, while the System #2 unit is not required to be connected, though it still needs to be powered. The PICDEM FS USB Demo Board is used to determine the communication baud rate (115,200) via the JP2 and JP1 jumper states. Given this state, the PICmicro MCU can then configure the MCP2150 UART baud rate. Power is supplied over the H1 and H2 interface headers. Jumpers JP3 and JP4 are used to select which demo program to run. Figure E-5 shows the jumper configuration for Demo #1. Table E-3 shows the steps for Demo #2. FIGURE E-4: DEMO #2 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) HyperTerminal(R) Program Window A (to IrDA(R) Dongle) System #1 (1) Serial (UART or USB) to IrDA Dongle Note 1: DS51591A-page 70 The PC may be a notebook with an integrated IR port. System #2 PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board FIGURE E-5: DEMO #2 CONFIGURATION - ECHO MODE (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 71 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide TABLE E-3: DEMO #2 STEPS Step Action Result 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Place both devices on a flat surface about 25 cm (10") apart, and with the IR ports facing each other. On the System #1 Unit (IR Dongle): Connect Serial to IR dongle to PC. Ensure that device supports the IrCOMM 9-wire "cooked" service class. On the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Insert the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board into the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board. Ensure that the jumpers are configured as in Figure E-6. On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Apply power to the unit via the 9V power supply. On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: Depress and release the RESET Switch (S2 - MCLR). On the PC: Wait for the PC system tray shows an IR icon. Placing the mouse over the icon will show the MCP2150 Device ID ("Generic IrDA(R)"). On the PC: Open the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). Ensure that the window indicates that the HyperTerminal program is connected. On the PC: In the HyperTerminal program window, type an "a". On the PC: Type some additional alpha characters into the HyperTerminal program window. -- -- On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The green power LED (D) will turn on. -- -- On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board: The "IR Link" LED will turn on and the "CTS" LED will strobe rapidly and then return to the normal rate. On the PC: The system tray icon will change from a single IR icon to two IR icons facing each other. An IR Link is now established. On the PC: The HyperTerminal window will display an "aA". On the PC: The typed alpha character will echo where the case has changed; lowercase -> uppercase and uppercase -> lowercase. Note: 10 11 Step 8 through Step 9 may be repeated. On the PC: "Disconnect" the HyperTerminal(R) program window for the Primary Device (such as COM 7). DS51591A-page 72 The 00077 - HPC.asm program only expects to receive 1 byte per IR packet. -- On the PC: The IR icon in the system tray will show that the link has been disconnected. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board with the PICDEMTM FS USB Demo Board E.2 MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD PCB REV 2 ERRATA Figure E-6 shows how to determine the revision of the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB. This errata only applies to Revision 2 (R2) of the PCB. FIGURE E-6: BOARD REVISION INDICATOR TOP BOTTOM Revision indicator Programming the PICDEM FS USB board (such as with the MPLAB(R) ICD 2) occurs when the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board is plugged into the J6 header. There are two alternatives. These are: 1. When programming the PICDEM FS USB board, unplug the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board from the J6 header. 2. Cut a trace on the MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board PCB. Note: If the trace is cut, this signal must be reconnected if returning to the PICDEM HPC Demo Board and using the 00077 - HPC.asm program. It may also be desirable for user specified programs. FIGURE E-7: TOP BOARD ECN FOR USE WITH THE PICDEMTM FS USB BOARD BOTTOM Cut this trace. This disconnects RE3 from RC2 and MODE1. H1 RC2 and RE3 are also disconnected from MODE1. (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 73 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide NOTES: DS51591A-page 74 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix F. Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program F.1 CONFIGURING THE HyperTerminal PROGRAM In running a demo, the HyperTermial program can be used on both the Primary Device and for the Secondary Device. The configuration of HyperTerminal is different depending if HyperTerminal is communicating as the Primary Device or as the Secondary Device. To use a Laptop PC with an IrDA standard port as the Primary Device, the application program must connect to the IR port. Some standard Window programs may not be able to connect directly to the IR port (OS-specific). For a Windows(R) XP (or Windows 2000) system, a 3rd-party driver needs to be installed to "create" the "virtual port" that HyperTerminal needs to connect to that allows it to use the IR port for communications. This driver is called IrCOMM2K and is available at Please evaluate this product before installing it on your system to ensure that it will meet your requirements. Microchip does not imply any suitability to your system requirements of any of these 3rd-party products. Please evaluate each product's specifications and requirements before installing them on your system. Once the IrCOMM2K driver is installed, it creates a "new" com port (such as COM7). This is a virtual serial port that the PC Terminal Emulation application program (such as HyperTerminal) can be connected to. To ensure that the PC is able to communicate to the PICDEM HPC Explorer Demo Board plus MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board, the HyperTerminal program must be properly configured. This section describes how the HyperTerminal program should be configured. Refer to Section F.1.1 "Configuring HyperTerminal". (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 75 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide F.1.1 Configuring HyperTerminal 1. Start the HyperTerminal Emulation program (usually located under the Programs > Accessories > Communications directory. FIGURE F-1: CONNECTION DESCRIPTION WINDOW 2. In the Connection Description window, select the Cancel button. The window in Figure F-2 will be shown. FIGURE F-2: HyperTerminal(R) PROGRAM MAIN WINDOW 3. If the HyperTerminal program window does not indicate that the window is "Disconnected", select Call -> Disconnect. In the lower-left corner, the HyperTerminal program window will indicate "Disconnected". 4. In the programs menu, select File > Properties. The window in Figure F-3 is shown. DS51591A-page 76 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program FIGURE F-3: NEW CONNECTION PROPERTIES WINDOW 5. In the New Connection Properties window on the Connect To tab, go to the "Connect Using" pull-down and select the desired COM port. For the Primary Device, this will be the virtual serial port created by the IrCOMM2K driver installation (such as COM7). This will be one of the standard COM ports (such as COM1, COM2 or COM3) for the connection to the Embedded System. 6. Select the Configure button. This will open up the Port Settings window (Figure F-4). (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 77 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide FIGURE F-4: HyperTerminal(R) PROGRAM PROPERTIES CONFIGURATION WINDOW Primary Device Flow Control Secondary Device Flow Control 7. In the COMx (COM7) Properties window, configure the Port Setting for: - "Bits per second:" = 115200 - "Data Bits:" = 8 - "Parity:" = None - "Stop Bit:" = 1 - "Flow Control:" = None (for Primary Device) or "Flow Control:" = Hardware (for Secondary Device) The port settings would then be configured as shown in Figure F-4. 8. Select the OK button. The Figure F-3 window will be shown. DS51591A-page 78 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Configuring the HyperTerminal(R) Program 9. In the New Connection Properties window, select the Settings tab. The window will now look as shown in Figure F-5. Ensure that your settings match the settings shown. 10. Configure the New Connection Properties Settings. - Under the "Function, arrow and control keys act as" item, select the Terminal Keys radio button. - Under the "Backspace key sends" item, select the Ctrl+H radio button. - From the "Emulation" pull-down menu, select Auto-detect. - For "Telnet Terminal ID", enter ANSI. - For "Backscroll buffer lines", select 500 from the pull-down menu. 11. Select the ASCII Setup button. This will open the ASCII Setup window (Figure F-5). 12. In the "ASCII Sending" portion of the window: - Check "Send line ends with line feeds". - Check "Echo typed characters locally". - Set the "Line delay" and the "Character delay" to `0' milliseconds. 13. In the "ASCII Receiving" portion of the window: - Uncheck "Append line feeds to incoming line ends". - Uncheck "Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII". - Check "Wrap lines that exceed terminal width". 14. Ensure that your settings match the settings shown. 15. Select the OK button. This closes the ASCII Setup window and returns focus to the New Connection Properties window. FIGURE F-5: (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. NEW CONNECTION PROPERTIES - ASCII SETUP DS51591A-page 79 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide 16. In the New Connection Properties window, select the Input Translation button. This will open the Host System Encoding Method window (Figure F-6). - In the "Host System Encoding Method" window, select Shift-JIS and click the OK button to close the window. 17. Then click the OK button in the New Connection Properties window. 18. Now that all the settings are configured, in HyperTerminal's pull-down menu, select File > Save As. Select the name that you wish. You may wish to save each configuration with a name that you can remember (one for the Primary Device and the other for the Secondary Device). FIGURE F-6: DS51591A-page 80 NEW CONNECTION PROPERTIES - HOST SYSTEM ENCODING METHOD (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix G. MCP215X/40 Connection Sequence Overview FIGURE G-1: HIGH-LEVEL MCP215X AND MCP2140 CONNECTION SEQUENCE Primary Device Normal Disconnect Mode (NDM) Send XID Commands (timeslots n, n+1, ...) (approximately 70ms between XID commands) Finish sending XIDs (max timeslots - y frames) Broadcast ID MCP215X/MCP2140 (Secondary Device) No Response XID Response in timeslot y (claiming this timeslot) (MCP215X always claims timeslot 2) (MCP2140 always claims timeslot 0) No Response to these XIDs No Response to Broadcast ID Discovery Send SNRM Command (w/ parameters and connection address) UA response with parameters using connect address Open channel for IAS Queries Confirm channel open for IAS Send IAS Queries Provide IAS responses Open channel for data (some devices, such as PDAs, will not issue this command until data is sent) Normal Response Mode (NRM) Send Data or Status Confirm channel open for data (MCP2150 CD pin driven Low, MCP2155/40 DSR pin driven Low) Send Data or Status Send Data or Status Send Data or Status Shutdown link Return to NDM state (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Confirm shutdown (back to NDM state) DS51591A-page 81 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide NOTES: DS51591A-page 82 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix H. MCP215X/40 250-Byte Data Transmit Table TABLE H-1: PIC16F877 250-BYTE DATA TRANSMIT TABLE Line # TXTBL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ; ; NOTE: ; DT D'250' DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT DT "12345678", "2BCDEFGH", "32345678", "4bcdefgh", "52345678", "6BCDEFGH", "72345678", "8bcdefgh", "92345678", "ABCDEFGH", "B2345678", "Cbcdefgh", "D2345678", "EBCDEFGH", "F2345678", "1bcdefgh", "22345678", "3BCDEFGH", "42345678", "5bcdefgh", "62345678", "7BCDEFGH", "82345678", "9bcdefgh", "a2345678", ; the first byte is the byte count ; 1 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D, 0x0A ; 10 Characters 0x0D = Carriage Return, 0x0A = Line Feed (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 83 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide NOTES: DS51591A-page 84 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix I. Alternate Optical Transceiver Implementation I.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains the description for implementing either of the other two optical transceiver implementations. I.2 Note 1: When performing either of these alternate optical transceiver implementations, please make sure to remove all of the components that are related to the TFDU 4100 implementation. 2: Some component value modifications may be required to ensure that the IR131A electrical specification is met. This may require different values for the following components R13, R18, R16, R17, C9 and Q6 (which may then require R15 and R20). HIGHLIGHTS Diagrams included in this appendix: * Vishay TFDU 4300 implementation * Agilent HSDL 3000 implementation (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 85 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide I.3 VISHAY TFDU 4100 IMPLEMENTATION Figure I-1 shows the schematic for the TFDU 4100 circuit and the ECN change that needs to be implemented. Figure I-2 shows how to make this correction on the layout. FIGURE I-1: TFDU 4100 OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ECN - SCHEMATIC FIGURE I-2: TFDU 4300 OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ECN - LAYOUT DS51591A-page 86 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Alternate Optical Transceiver Implementation I.4 AGILENT HSDL 3000 Implementation Figure I-3 shows the correction to the schematic for the HSDL 3000 to be implemented. Figure I-4 shows how to make this correction on the layout. FIGURE I-3: HSDL 3000 OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ECN - SCHEMATIC FIGURE I-4: HSDL 3000 OPTICAL TRANSCEIVER ECN - LAYOUT (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51591A-page 87 MCP215X/40 Developer's Daughter Board User's Guide NOTES: DS51591A-page 88 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP215X/40 DEVELOPER'S DAUGHTER BOARD USER'S GUIDE Appendix J. PCB Silk-Screen Clarification J.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains the clarification for the PCB silk-screen. On jumper JMP4, the labels should read DTE and DCE. The DTE setting is for the MCP2150, while the DCE setting is for the MCP2155 and the MCP2140. FIGURE J-1: PCB SILK-SCREEN CORRECTION 5X should be "DTE" (supports the MCP2150) (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. 40 should be "DCE" (supports the MCP2155 and the MCP2140) DS51591A-page 89 WORLDWIDE SALES AND SERVICE AMERICAS ASIA/PACIFIC ASIA/PACIFIC EUROPE Corporate Office 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200 Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support: Web Address: Australia - Sydney Tel: 61-2-9868-6733 Fax: 61-2-9868-6755 India - Bangalore Tel: 91-80-4182-8400 Fax: 91-80-4182-8422 China - Beijing Tel: 86-10-8528-2100 Fax: 86-10-8528-2104 India - New Delhi Tel: 91-11-5160-8631 Fax: 91-11-5160-8632 Austria - Wels Tel: 43-7242-2244-399 Fax: 43-7242-2244-393 Denmark - Copenhagen Tel: 45-4450-2828 Fax: 45-4485-2829 China - Chengdu Tel: 86-28-8676-6200 Fax: 86-28-8676-6599 India - Pune Tel: 91-20-2566-1512 Fax: 91-20-2566-1513 France - Paris Tel: 33-1-69-53-63-20 Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79 China - Fuzhou Tel: 86-591-8750-3506 Fax: 86-591-8750-3521 Japan - Yokohama Tel: 81-45-471- 6166 Fax: 81-45-471-6122 Germany - Munich Tel: 49-89-627-144-0 Fax: 49-89-627-144-44 China - Hong Kong SAR Tel: 852-2401-1200 Fax: 852-2401-3431 Korea - Gumi Tel: 82-54-473-4301 Fax: 82-54-473-4302 China - Qingdao Tel: 86-532-8502-7355 Fax: 86-532-8502-7205 Korea - Seoul Tel: 82-2-554-7200 Fax: 82-2-558-5932 or 82-2-558-5934 Atlanta Alpharetta, GA Tel: 770-640-0034 Fax: 770-640-0307 Boston Westborough, MA Tel: 774-760-0087 Fax: 774-760-0088 Chicago Itasca, IL Tel: 630-285-0071 Fax: 630-285-0075 Dallas Addison, TX Tel: 972-818-7423 Fax: 972-818-2924 Detroit Farmington Hills, MI Tel: 248-538-2250 Fax: 248-538-2260 Kokomo Kokomo, IN Tel: 765-864-8360 Fax: 765-864-8387 Los Angeles Mission Viejo, CA Tel: 949-462-9523 Fax: 949-462-9608 San Jose Mountain View, CA Tel: 650-215-1444 Fax: 650-961-0286 Toronto Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Tel: 905-673-0699 Fax: 905-673-6509 China - Shanghai Tel: 86-21-5407-5533 Fax: 86-21-5407-5066 China - Shenyang Tel: 86-24-2334-2829 Fax: 86-24-2334-2393 China - Shenzhen Tel: 86-755-8203-2660 Fax: 86-755-8203-1760 China - Shunde Tel: 86-757-2839-5507 Fax: 86-757-2839-5571 China - Wuhan Tel: 86-27-5980-5300 Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 China - Xian Tel: 86-29-8833-7250 Fax: 86-29-8833-7256 Malaysia - Penang Tel: 60-4-646-8870 Fax: 60-4-646-5086 Philippines - Manila Tel: 63-2-634-9065 Fax: 63-2-634-9069 Italy - Milan Tel: 39-0331-742611 Fax: 39-0331-466781 Netherlands - Drunen Tel: 31-416-690399 Fax: 31-416-690340 Spain - Madrid Tel: 34-91-708-08-90 Fax: 34-91-708-08-91 UK - Wokingham Tel: 44-118-921-5869 Fax: 44-118-921-5820 Singapore Tel: 65-6334-8870 Fax: 65-6334-8850 Taiwan - Hsin Chu Tel: 886-3-572-9526 Fax: 886-3-572-6459 Taiwan - Kaohsiung Tel: 886-7-536-4818 Fax: 886-7-536-4803 Taiwan - Taipei Tel: 886-2-2500-6610 Fax: 886-2-2508-0102 Thailand - Bangkok Tel: 66-2-694-1351 Fax: 66-2-694-1350 02/16/06 DS51591A-page 90 (c) 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Microchip: MCP215X/40EV-DB