REV. 0
Reference Clock (REFCLK) Multiplier—Register Address 00h,
Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
A 5-bit number (M), the value of which determines the multipli-
cation factor for the internal PLL (Bit 4 is the MSB). The system
clock (SYSCLK) is M times the frequency of the REFCLK input
signal. If M = 01h, the PLL circuit is bypassed and f
. If 04h ≤ M ≤ 14h, the PLL multiplies the REFCLK fre-
quency by M (4–20 decimal). Any other value of M is considered
an invalid entry.
PLL Lock Control—Register Address 00h, Bit 5
When set to a logic 0, the device uses the status of the PLL
Lock Indicator pin to internally control the operation of the 14-
bit parallel data path. When set to a Logic 1, the internal control
logic ignores the status of the PLL Lock Indicator pin.
LSB First—Register Address 00h, Bit 6
When set to a Logic 1, the serial interface accepts serial data
in LSB First format. When set to a Logic 0, MSB First for-
mat is assumed.
SDIO Input Only—Register Address 00h, Bit 7
When set to a Logic 1, the serial data I/O pin (SDIO) is config-
ured as an input only pin. When set to a logic 0, the SDIO pin
has bidirectional operation.
Operating Mode—Register Address 01h, Bits 0, 1
00h: Selects the Quadrature Modulation Mode of operation.
01h: Selects the Single-Tone Mode of operation.
02h: Selects the Interpolating DAC Mode of operation.
03h: Invalid entry.
Auto Power-Down—Register Address 01h, Bit 2
When set to a Logic 1, the device automatically switches into its
low-power mode whenever TxENABLE is deasserted for a suffi-
ciently long period of time. When set to a Logic 0, the device
only powers down in response to the Digital Power-Down pin.
Full Sleep Mode—Register Address 01h, Bit 3
When set to a Logic 1, the device completely shuts down.
Reserved—Register Address 01h, Bit 4
Reserved—Register Address 01h, Bit 5
This bit must always be set to 0.
Inverse SINC Bypass—Register Address 01h, Bit 6
When set to a Logic 1, the Inverse Sinc filter is BYPASSED.
When set to a Logic 0, the Inverse Sinc filter is active.
CIC Clear—Register Address 01h, Bit 7
When set to a Logic 1, the CIC filters are cleared. When set to a
Logic 0, the CIC filters operate normally.
Tuning Word—Register Address 02h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The lower byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 0–7.
Tuning Word—Register Address 03h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The second byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 8–15.
Tuning Word—Register Address 04h, Bits 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The third byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 16–23.
Tuning Word—Register Address 05h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The fourth byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 24–31.
Inverse CIC Bypass—Register Address 06h, Bit 0
When set to a Logic 1, the Inverse CIC filter is BYPASSED.
When set to a Logic 0, the Inverse CIC filter is active.
Spectral Invert—Register Address 06h, Bit 1
The quadrature modulator takes the form:
I × cos(ω) + Q × sin(ω) when set to a Logic 1.
I × cos(ω) – Q × sin(ω) when set to a Logic 0.
CIC Interpolation Rate—Register Address 06h, Bits 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7
00h: Invalid entry.
01h: CIC filters BYPASSED.
02h–3Fh: CIC interpolation rate (2–63, decimal).
Output Scale Factor—Register Address 07h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7
An 8-bit number that serves as a multiplier for the data pathway
before the data is delivered the DAC. It has an LSB weight of 2
(0.0078125). This yields a multiplier range of 0 to 1.9921875.
Tuning Word—Register Address 08h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The lower byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 0–7.
Tuning Word—Register Address 09h, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The second byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 8–15.
Tuning Word—Register Address 0Ah, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The third byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 16–23.
Tuning Word—Register Address 0Bh, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The fourth byte of the 32-bit frequency tuning word, Bits 24–31.
Inverse CIC Bypass—Register Address 0Ch, Bit 0
When set to a Logic 1, the Inverse CIC filter is BYPASSED.
When set to a Logic 0, the Inverse CIC filter is active.
Spectral Invert—Register Address 0Ch, Bit 1
The quadrature modulator takes the form:
I × cos(ω) + Q × sin(ω) when set to a Logic 1.
I × cos(ω) + Q × sin(ω) when set to a Logic 0.
CIC Interpolation Rate—Register Address 0Ch, Bits 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7
00h: Invalid entry.
01h: CIC filters BYPASSED.
02h–3Fh: CIC interpolation rate (2–63, decimal).
Output Scale Factor—Register Address 0Dh, Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7
An 8-bit number that serves as a multiplier for the data pathway
before the data is delivered the DAC. It has an LSB weight of 2
(0.0078125). This yields a multiplier range of 0 to 1.9921875.