4Ager e Systems Inc.
1417G5 and 1417H5-Type Data Sheet
ATM/SONET/SDH Transceive rs with Cl ock Recovery January 2000
Application Information (continued)
Noise that couples into the receiver through the power
supply pin s can also degrade performan ce. It is recom -
mended that the pi filter, shown in Figure 2, be used f or
both the transmitter and receiver power supplies.
Data Clock and Signal Detec t Outputs
The data clock and signal detect outputs of the 1417
transceiver are driv en by open-emitter NPN transistors,
which have an output impedance of appro ximately 7 Ω.
Each output can provide approximately 50 mA maxi-
mum current to a 50 Ω load terminated to VCC – 2.0 V.
Due to the high switching speeds of ECL outputs,
transmission line design must be used to interconnect
components. To ensure optimum signal fidelity, both
data outputs (RD+/RD–) and clock outputs (CLK+/
CLK–) should be terminated identically. The signal
lines connecting the data and clock outputs to the next
device should be equal in length and have matched
impedances. Controlled impedance stripline or micros-
trip construction must be used to preserv e the quality
of the signal into the next component and to minimize
reflections back into the receiver, which could degrade
its performance. Excessive ringing due to reflections
caused by improperly terminated signal lines makes it
difficult for the component receiving these signals to
deciphe r the pr ope r logic level s and ca n cause t ransi-
tions to occur where none were intended. Also, by min-
imizing high-frequency ringing, possible EMI problems
can be avoided.
The signal-detect output is LVTTL logic. A logic low at
this output indicates that the optical signal into the
receiver has been interrupted or that the light level has
fallen below the minimum signal detect threshold. This
output should not be used as an error rate indicator,
since its switching threshold is determined only by the
magnitude of the incoming optical signal.
Transceiver Processing
When the process plug is placed in the transceiver's
optical port, the trans ceiver and plug can withst and
normal wave soldering and aqueous spray cleaning
processes. However, the transceiver is not hermetic,
and should not be subjected to immersion in cleaning
solvents. The transceiver case should not be exposed
to temperatures in excess of 125 °C. The transceiver
pins can be wave soldered at 250 °C for up to 10 sec-
onds. The process plug should only be used once.
After removing the process plug from the tr ansceiver, it
mus t not be us ed ag ain as a proc ess pl ug; h ow e v er, if it
has not been contaminated, it can be reused as a dust
Transceiver Optical and Electrical Characteristics
Table 2. Transmitter Optical and Electrical Characteristics (TC = –40 °C to +85 °C; VCC = 3.135 V to 3.465 V)
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Average Optical Output Power (EOL) PO–15.0 –8.0 dBm
Optical Wavelength:
STM-1 (4 nm spectral width, maximum)
STM-4 (2.5 nm spectral width, maximum)
1274 1360
1356 nm
Dynamic Extinction Ratio EXT 8.2 — dB
Power Supply Current ICCT — 150 mA
Input Data Voltage:
High VIL
VIH VCC – 1.81
VCC – 1.025 VCC – 1.62
VCC – 0.88 V
Transmit Dis able Vo ltage VDVCC – 1.3 VCC V
Transmit Enable Voltage VEN VEE VEE + 0.8 V
Laser Bias Voltage VBIAS 00.70V
Laser Back-facet Monitor Voltage VBF 0.01 0.20 V