~G E SOLID STATE O1 a | 387508) OOEEs 4 Tr 3875081 G E SOLID STATE O1E 17669 dp T-25=73 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers ~ - File Number 114 2N3228, 2N3525, 2N4101 5-A Silicon Controlled Rectifiers TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS For Low-Cost Power-Control and Power-Switching Applications Features CATHODE @ High di/dt and dv/dt capabilities @ Low leakage currents, both forward and reverse Low forward voltage drop at high current levels @ Low thermal resistance GATE JEDEC TO-213AA RCA 2N3228*, 2N3525*, and 2N4101* are all-diffused, three- junction, silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) Intended for use in power-control and power-switching applications. Types 2N3228, 2N3525, and 2N4101 use the JEDEC TO-66 package and have a blocking voltage capability of up to 600 volts and a forward current rating of 5 amperes (rms value) at a case temperature of 75C. Formerly Dev. Types TA1222, TA1225, and TA2773, respectively. ANODE {FLANGE} ABSOLUTE-MAXIMUM RATINGS, for Operation with Sinusoidal AC Supply Voltage at a Frequency between 50 and 400 Hz, and with Resistive or Inductive Load. 2N3228 2N3625 2N4101 Transient Peak Reverse Voltage (Non-Repelitive), Vau (NON-rep) .........eseccceece 330 660 700 Peak Reverse Voltage (Repetitive), vay (rep) ...... Cece en ee eeraeteteneetes dveeue 200 400 600 Peak Forward Blocking Vollage (Repetitive), vegou (OD) cece cececeruereeeeeeveees 200 400 600 Forward Current: For case temperature (T) of + 75C, and unit mounted on heat sink Average DC value at a conduction angle of 180, VrAy wees nee Lev eenereenacnes bee 3.2 3.2 3.2 RMS Value, lags ices ce cece eee tecee sees ctereseueeseteetecetetteeuvneanua teens 5.0 5.0 5.0 For free-air temperature (T;,) of 25C, and with no heat sink employed Average DC value at a conduction angle of 180, Ipay wccsscceccecsccvcvceseeueve 1.7 1,7 17 For other canditions, See Fig, 2 Peak Surge Current, iru (surge): For one cycle of applied principal voltage. GO Hz (sinusoidal), To = 75C oo. eee ccc seecescuvceveaveeeseeeseieutevensns 60 50 Hz (sinusoidal), To= 75C oo. cee ccce ee ceuseueens Phe eeeeeeee be veebeasrenes 50 For more than one cycle of applied voltage, See Fig, 3 Fusing Current (for SCR protection): Ty = -40 to 100C, t= 1to 8.3 ns, It 15 Rate of Change of Forward Current, di/dt ......ccsceseseeseesesess sarees tr eerenes 200. Ig7 = 200 mA, 0.5 ws rise time Gate Power*: Peak, Forward or Reverse, for 10 ws duration, Pex 13 AVELAge, PQAY eee esc ces en tree en ence pensereeeeensee eeneenedineestnbaneuresss 0.5 Temperature: Storage, Tyg te cce ee ccturen escent eenesneertenecannvtansetatensaptettsences tere a 0 to +128, Operating (Case), Too... cece es eececcvceuereeseneeseneeesieeeneana doeteene _____. -40 to +100 Any values of peak gate current or peak gate voltage to give the maximum gate power is permissible. 1212 c-03 rr <<< > >> As Alps C C 675 G E SOLTD STATE 02 de }sa75081 oo1zE70 & a | 3875081 G SOLID STATE O1E 17670 + D Te2e- Silleon Controlled Rectifiers T 2S 13 2N3228, 2N3525, 2N4101 Characteristics at Maximum Ratings (unless otherwise spacilied}, and at Indicated Case Temperatura (To) CHARACTERISTICS CON TROLLED.RECTIFIER TYPES UNITS ,2N3228 2N3525 JIH4101, Min, | Typ. | Max. | Min, | Typ. | Max.] Min. | Typ. | Max. Forward Breakover Voltage, Yaqg: ALTE = FMC eee c eee tenner rete t nee mi] |]~ | ao] | 7; eco | |] | volis Peak Blocking Cutient, at Te = + 1XPC: Forward, lFgoM -. 5. sedan e enter ete re rece foto Pius | [020 130 | ~ 7040 740 | aA Vego'= vagoimn, value) Reverse, Ipgqy +--+ > Deve e eee eee eer enreeed 10,08 j075 ~ $050 ]15 | - [020 ] 20 | mA Yrpor VR (rep) value Forwaid Voltage Drop, ve Ata Forward Cuttent of 30 amperes anda Te = + 25C [ais |28 | ~ [215 728 | ~ [248 | 28 | volts DC Gate-Trigper Current, t7 SO (es i ce - & 18 - or 8 | 15 | mAide) Gate- Tragget Vollage, Vo7 AIT oe = 6280C keer eee eee eed ~ Fb? P20 pm Phe 720] | bt | 2.0 4 vottstc) Holding Current, tyag AtTes 9190 e cece eee eee eee - 10 | 0} ~ | 0] WO] - 10 | 20 | mA Critical Rate of Applied Foard Voltage, Colical dv/dl oo. ee eee eee cee Ce re lo | 200 | | 10 | 200 | | vots/ Veg = Ypggimin, value), exponential rise, micigsecond To = #100C Tuin-On Time, ton, tOelay Time + Rise Times... 22... J 0.79 } 45 ~ 10.75 | 5 | = [075 | 1S | = | mictoseconds Veg = vggotmn, vatuel, ip = 4.Samperes, IgT = 200mA, O.1 yes tise lime, Te = +25C Tuin-Off Time, toffee tee ee dom bs POT = fs | 0] 7 15 | $0 | mictoseeonds ig = Zampeces, 50418 puise width, dvpg/at = 20v/ps, di /dt > 30A/us, [gy = 200mA, Te: + F50C Thetmat Resistance | Junction-to-case -|[- 4]/-[- 4} ~ 4 Junciion-to-ambient - - 40] ~ 40) 7 = | 40 | C/# c %e re, MAXIMUM IWERAGE FORWARD POWE DISSIPATION (Pp) -wATTS. TEMPERATURE. (Tc 0 t 2 3 4 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT UIpay}-AMPERES AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (Xpqy} AMPERES 9205-12750 O2CE-127T4GR Fig. 1 ~ Power dissipation chart for all types. Fig. 2 Rating chart (case temperature). 676 _- a G E SOLID STATE Oo. pe J 3875081 OOLb7L 7 i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE ~ O18 17671 0 TZS-|= Sillcon Controlled Rectifiers REPETITIVE PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE (vaudred] MAXIMUM-RATED i El AVERAGE FORWARD iM CURRENT Up ay) MAXIMUM-RATED VALUE noo SURGE CURRENT DURATIONCYCLES * g2cs-127sia5 Fig. 3 Surge-current rating chart. 5 5 GATE CURRENT (Igy) AMPERES 9255. 3O00CR) Fig. 5 Turn-on time characteristics. 2N3228, 2N3525, 2N4101 e z wy & 3 o INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP (vp }-VOLTS FETS -123T 9A Fig. 4 Forward characteristics for all types. FREE-At (Teale 9tcs~12377 Fig. 6 Operation guidance chart for types 2N9228, 2N3525, and 2N4101, 677 1214 Cc-c5