TOSHIBA | TCSOA70F TOSHIBA C?MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC90A70F _CAMERA SIGNAL PROCESSOR FOR VGA CMOS IMAGE SENSOR This LSI of TC90A70F realizes digital processing of VGA CMOS image Sensor signais, in combination with ADC included VGA CMOS sensor of TCM5033T(Color Sensor) and TCM5030T(B/W Sensor). Features * Applied to VGA Black&White/Color CMOS sensor ( TCM5030T / TCM5033T ) * 10bit sensor input * Build-in pulse generator for driving ADC included VGA CMOS sensor . * Built-in sync signal generator ~ Supportedsevral kinds of digital output * 16bitRGB=5:6:5 16bit or 8bit YUV=4:2:2 + 2bit serial output nD. . (2bit serial output format is only restricted output image LOFP80-P-1212-0.50A size, QVGA,QQVGA,QCIF whole picture can be outputted. ) Weight: 0.829 (Typ.) * Output Image size + VGA (Whole picture) * QVGA (Whole picture, Windowing) * QQVGA (Whole picture, Windowing) . AA . oo CIF (Windowing) Micon-less functioning - QCIF (Whole picture) | Default aes oROne by auto loading from * Built-in auto control function : i * Control I/F for setting function alo lamp fricker reduction auto level control Built-in CBUS I/F Auto electoronical shutter control (AES) - Auto white balance (AWB) Smail Package *80pin QFP(12X12mm) Package * Built-in various picture adjustment function - Lens shading compensation + Contrast,Brightness, Color Saturation adjustment etc... * Low Voltage Operation + 2.5 V ( Typical ) @ TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or jail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please engure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating range as set forth in the most recent products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. @ The products described in this document are subject to foreign exchange and foreign trade control laws. . @ The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. @ The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 00/07/18 , 5 1/24se ee ae TC90A70F TOSHIBA eet ae BLOCK DIAGRAM are ee Nd WOouda4 = = tH bAAN- r7 S0LVO69L | | ~ paren ne rere mneebmenany : if avi Po ! i [sna oct || woudza |; | Os/ot ot toy | JaPeAU0D feenan mamma pan meme ' : ' yEWIO 9 8zIS eBew] | | JOJeI9UaD asin i | puewiwos jeues JOIOUWIEIEY ; i jonuoD | | sa] | wee qeperende * cater terres n nny nan nnnme e poy au] [axe Wd OV AH | (0/ uate ' ; ules) A4Osuss ! | ti XIMLVH 14] des 9 [4 CUED M7) oy [LUO I SOHO VBA) k LEE0SNOL 1 | EMV enn NE tonne enna = URNRNESO10D | IM Sa y dq/v Ui! sud] JOSU8S SOWD 2/21 00/07/18TOSHIBA TC90A70F PERIPHERAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM | | 7 | ch | | i DATAS 113 | 4.70uF La 1 eF mx [19 BvSS [18 (MSB) DATAS DVOD (20) 1} DATAS (16) DATAS [14)-| I. Digital Output DATA? [15)- dist a0Lsd ovLG evivd BC/DC DC/DC (Ww oo QA) AA zviva FS Ee (uis)usa 3 viva 3 2 (aH val 2 cas Doviva % it fe aE . 3donDS olaaaa a a pfs tos oan wmoviva SOD. 3 5 orssad ig 3 zB Y AN > en OO ~~ S \* == 8 / 5 ; | = 3 3 i @@ranx< 2 i; SSSG*25: Saagaca85a58 a SSA QA is WO Stisa 33 oo vLisal Ppt aga aA ip pree 13834 qH if te ZHOQOSOY Li. 11S3L in| trata uve Z11Sl 8 bee gat SOS LUNMOA ~ oot ru afew be aaa b - E1NOA {=)-~ > ZLNOA LLQOA OLNOA LLNOAN g an & | | | f- 2 rT E a pot | 3 & Vo / _~ a @This circuit is reference circuit for Sync. Code inserted YUVI6bit Output Singnal 00/07/18 . 324TOSHIBA TC90A70F PIN CONNECTION a SoS So on co fe , fe oH, os o> ms oo ms RS = m__,- 6 4X93{5 215 100 4 45\4 55 nBases8s->sesess Li) UL Ww oS SSS >>> SSD @JDINQ FR FF =" UVOUTS & DING UVOUT4 DIN7 VDD 64) DING VSS 65} DING | UVOUT3 6} DIN4 uvouT2 67} DINS UVOUTI | S DIN2 UVOUTO DINI VDD C70} DINO TC9OA/0F TESTI 1 @)vss TEST10 ois = TOP VIEW TH a} SCLK : TESTS 78} VSS TEST? | TESTE 7} ESR TESTS (78) VRR | TEST4 VSS TEST3 00/07/18 4/21TOSHIBA TC90A70F PIN FUNCTIONS NO. | SYMBOL VO FUNCTION 1 vss _| GND 2 | CLK | |OSC Clock ( 24.5454MHz ) 3__| CLKO |OSC Clock ( 24.5454MHz ) 4 | VDD {Power supply 5 | RESET i; |Power On Reset ( L : Reset ) 6 | AC5O60HZ | |50Hz / 60Hz switch ( L : 50Hz/H : 60HZz ) 7 EPDATA j JEEPROM data input 8 | EPADR oO |EEPROM address data output 9 SCSK |EEPROM clock output 10 | sccs OQ |EEPROM chip select 11. | ADRSEL | {lICBUS Slave Address Select (L : 78H /H: 7AH ) 12 | VDD |Power supply for IICBUS I/F ( 1.8V to 2.5V ) 13 | SDA VO |'ICBUS data I/O 14 1 SCL VO {IICBUS clock I/O 15 | VSS {GND 16 | VSS |GND 17 | TEST1 |Test Pin 1( This pin must be used with OPEN ) 18 | TEST2 |Test Pin 2( This pin must be used with 'OPEN ) 19 | VDD |Power supply 20_| VDD _|Power supply 21 | TEST3 |Test Pin 3 ( Normaly used with 'H ') 22_| vss {GND 23 | TEST4 |Test Pin 4 ( Normaly used with'L') 24 | TESTS |Test Pin 5 ( Normaly used with'L') 25 | TEST6 |Test Pin 6 ( This pin must be used with 'OPEN' ) 26 | TEST7 ~ |Test Pin 7 ( This pin must be used with OPEN ) 27 _| TESTS |Test Pin 8 ( Normaly used with'L') 28 _| vss {GND 29 | TESTS [Test Pin 9 ( This pin must be used with OPEN ) 30 | TEST10 {Test Pin 10 ( This pin must be used with OPEN ) 31 | TEST11 |Test Pin 8 ( Normaly used with 'L' ) 32_| VDD |Power supply 33 | UVOUTO oO }UVO (16bitYUV output) / BO ( 16bit RGB output ) /'L ' (8bitYUV output) / DO (2bit output ) 34 | UVOUT1 OQ JUV1 (16bitYUV output) / B1 ( 16bit RGB output ) /' L ' (8bitYUV output) /'L* (2bit output ) 35 | UVOUT2 Oo UV2 (16bitYUV output) / B2 ( 16bit RGB output ) / L' (8bitYUV output) /' L' (2bit output ) 36 | UVOUT3 QO [UV3 (16bitYUV output) / B3 ( 16bit RGB output )/'L ' (8bitYUV output) /' L' (2bit. output ) 37_| VSS {GND 38 | VDD [Power supply 39 | UVOUT4 OQ [UV4 (16bitYUV output) / B4 ( 16bit RGB output ) /' L (8bitYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) 40 | UVOUTS Oo |UVS (16bitYUV output) / GO (16bit RGB output ) /' L ' (8bitYUV output) 00/07/18 5/21TOSHIBA TC90A70F NO. | SYMBOL | I/O FUNCTION I'L" (2bit output ) 41 | uvoute |UVG (16bitYUV output) / G1 ( 16bit RGB output ) /' L ' (8bitYUV output) /*L' (2bit output ) 42 | UVOUT7 |UV7 (16bitYUV output) / G2 ( 16bit RGB output )/' L ' (8biItYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) 43 | YOUTO o. {YO (16bitYUV output) / G3 ( 16bit RGB output ) /DO (8bitYUV output) / D1 (2bit output ) 44 | YOUT1 oO. {Y1 (16bitYUV output) / G4 ( 16bit RGB output ) /D1 (8bitYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) _. 45 | YOUT2 o |Y2 (16bitYUV output) / G5 ( 16bit RGB output) /D2 (8bitYUV output) /'L* (2bit output ) 46 | YOUT3 oO |Y3 (16bitYUV output) / RO ( 16bit RGB output ) /D3 (8bitYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) 47 | VDD |Power supply 48 [vss {GND 49 | YOUT4 oOo /Y4 (16bitYUV output) / R1 ( 16bit RGB output ) /D4 (8bitYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) 50 | YOUTS O /Y5 (16bitYUV output) / R2 ( 16bit RGB output ) /D5 (8bitYUV output) /*L* (2bit output ) 51 | YOUT6 o JY6 (16bitYUV output) / R3 ( 16bit RGB output ) /D6 (8bitYUV output) /'L' (2bit output ) 52 | YOUT7 o. Y7 (16bitYUV output) / R4 ( 16bit RGB output ) /D7 (8bitYUV output) J /'L' (2bit output ) 53 | TEST12 ~ |Test Pin 12 ( Normaly used with 'L') 54. | DCLK {Clock for output data 55 | TEST13 |Test Pin 13 ( Normaly used with'L') 56. | HD . |Hsync for output data 57 IVD ~ oO |V sync for output data 58 | TEST14 |Test Pin 14 ( Normaly used with 'L') 59 | TEST15 [Test Pin 15 ( Normaly used with L') 60 | VDD |Power supply 61 | DINS | | Digital input from CMOS sensor 62 | DINS | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 63 | DIN7 | |Oigital input from CMOS sensor 64 | DING | }Digital input from CMOS sensor 65 | DINS | | Digital input from CMOS sensor 66 | DIN4 | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 67. | DIN3 | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 68 | DIN2 | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 69 | DIN4 | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 70 | DINO | {Digital input from CMOS sensor 71 | VSS {GND 72 | SEN |Command output enable for CMOS sensor 73 | SDATA }|Command data output for CMOS sensor 74 | SCLK [Command clock output for CMOS sensor 75 | VSS |GND 76 | HP o |H sync pulse for CMOS sensor 77 | ESR {Electorical Shutter control pulse for CMOS sensor 78 IVRR Oo {Vsync pulse for CMOS sensor 00/07/18 6/21 a y ef a E ey - . aq 1 :TOSHIBA TCS9O0A70F NO. SYMBOL VO FUNCTION 79 | VDD _|Power supply 80 | MCK |Master clock for CMOS sensor 00/07/18 7/21TOSHIBA TC90A70F CONTROL I/F TC90A70F is controled by setting of internal register. To set internal register I7CBUS I/F can be used. And when E?PROM connected to TC90A70F, this IC automatically read ail the internal data of E2PROM after system reset. This function realize the setting of TC90A70F without using of @CBUS I/F , so this system can be used without microcomputer also. OUTLINE OF PCBUS CONTROL FORMAT DATA SETTING FORMAT S| Slave Address_ [LOJA Sub Address JA] DATA |---[A}] DATAn [A[P} ute 7bit use 8bit wee Bbit wee Sbit DATA READING FORMAT | LS |Slave Address] 0 | A] Sub Address LA] SjSlave Address] 1]A] DATA1 JA] - - - - - | DATAn [Arr] ues 7bit ude 8bit Moe 7bit - Moe 8bit Moe 8bit S: Start condition, P: End condition, | A: Acknowledge START CONDITION , END CONDITION BIT TRANSFER VN ST tl X \ TV LN fs Start condition End conditon sate ine stable ; 4 change of data allowed ACKNOWLEDGE SLAVE ADDRESS _ --- AGB | A5 | A4 | AS | A2 | Al AO RAW | from trancemitter \ [ X ) m 0 1 1 1 1 0 1/ 0 son --- * AO can select by the connection of 11pin ADRSEL. HiZ ene \_S- 44pin= GND ------ AO =0 sc. 4 tipin= VDD ------ A0= Se ON Purchase of TOSHIBA I?C components conveys a license under the Philips ?C Patent Rights to use these components in an I?C system, provided that the system conforms to the ?C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. 00/07/18 8/21 a | | a 4 q :TOSHIBA INTERNAL REGISTER EEP 00 ACF 0:50Hz 1:60Hz Oh:VGA 1 3h:QQVGA(s) Sh:CIF 16BITS 1:8BITS w) O:NORMAL 1:LONG EXP ESRLIM[1:0] 24dB , ~ , 18h:+1 ALCMODE[I:0] ThA 2h and 3h:CTR only 00h: x0, ~ , 40h: x1, ~ 00h: x0, ~ , 40h: x1, ~ 00h: x0, ~ , 20h: x1, ~ x8 00h: x0, ~ , 20h: xt, ~ , FFh: x8 00h: x0, ~ , 80h: x1, ~ , FFh: x2 00h: Black Level 00h, ~ , 3th: 6:0 MSB = 0:+,, 1:- 6:0 =O:+, 1:- SA x0, ~ TC90A70F cM YUV422 Sh:QCIF | 1:RGBS565 |1:8/W ESRLSW |esrspptt1:8] h:1H ~ 834h:2100H ( 1H step ) 1 ~ ~_, COh:+0dB 31h, ~ , FFh: Black Level x0, ~ , 3Fh: OOh: ~ x2 x1,.~ , 3Fh: WINSV{8] 00/07/18 9/21TOSHIBA TC90A70F BIT | BITO(LSB) 1:CHANGE NORMAL 1: CHANGE FBCBKL(6:0] 00h: CLAMP LEVEL OLSB , ~ , 40h: 64LSB , ~ , 7Fh: 127LSB oO; 1 6:0. +0,~ +0,~ 6:0. ~ ~ Corner of GRG+R |JAMG{(6:0] 00h: 0% , ~ , 7Fh: 25% 1: GRG-R TLC(1:0} HDTSEL THROUGH 1h: 128 MID HOTCORE[4:0] Oh:OFF , O1h: ILSB. ~ , 1Fh: +31LSB 64 3h: 32 1: HIGH TCORE[4:0] Oh:OFF , Oh: +1LSB, ~ , 1Fh: +31LSB p. 1:- t- 1:- 1:- O:+ , 1:- Upp apPetada HEN aeabiade TEU UE UR YLIM[3:0] OFF YH=128, ~ , x0, ~ ~ 0,~ xl, ~ BILSB, ~ Fh: 215.58 1:0) NORMAL LOWEST th: LOW : LOCK 2h: NORMAL 3h: FAST ' 1 42h: 1 1 OFF th: 6dB 12dB 3h:18dB 4h:24dB 00/07/18 10/21TOSHIBA TC90A70F BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT! =| BITO(LSB) x3 norconstr |GASOJ[6:0] 00h: NO LIMIT , O1h: 32 White Pixels , ~ , 7Fh: 4064 White t: CONSTANT ON YLCUTL[5:0] Oh: more than OLSB , th: 4LSB , ~ , 3Fh: 252LSB : OFF _ ON 5:0] Oh: less than 3LSB , th: 4LSB,, ~ , 3Fh: 252LSB RBCUTM[5:0] Oh: more than -2LSB , th: -4LSB , ~ , 3Fh: -128LSB RBCUTP[5:0] 0h: less than 1LSB , th: 3LSB ,, ~ , 3Fh: 127LSB ON BYCUT[5:0] Oh: more than -2LSB , th: -4LSB, ~ , 3Fh: -128LSB : OFF ON RYCUT[5:0] Oh: more than -2LSB., 1h: -4LSB , ~ , 3Fh: -128LSB : OFF ON UMVSKNC[6.0] 00h: OFF , 01h: +1LSB.~ . 3Fh: 63LSB : OFF NORMAL |UMVLJ([6:0] : LOCK 00h: more than more than less than : x4 olo 00/07/18 11/21TOSHIBA | | TC90A70F BIT6 BITS BIT4 BIT3 Bit2 BITO(LSB) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4c UHOTE 40 fazuvort 4E 4F 50 51 a ~ f 52 KIZUH1 53 1 54 KIZUH11 55 1 56 i 57 KIZUV1 58 1 59 KIZUV1 5A KIZUH1 5B ra oe o KIZUHI 5 fkIZuHi6(7: 9D fkizuvisty. Te KIZUHI se UH16(?: :0:0:0-% oF UV16([7: 0;0:0:0:0:0;0: 00/07/18 12/21TOSHIBA | _ TC90A70F OUTLINE OF INTERNAL REGISTER ITEM Frame rate setting ( 30fps, 15fps, 7.5fps, 3.75fps ) * Picture size setting of digital output (VGA, QVGA, QQVGA, CIF, QCIF ) * Picture windowning setting (ON / OFF , Windwning area setting ) * Selection of digital data output format ( RGB565, YUV422, etc. ) * Sync. code setting (ON / OFF , each code setting ) * Color / B&W processing switch * Color signal adjustment ( Masking , color axis correction , saturation , etc) * Luminance signal adjustment ( Contrast , Brightness , Gamma , H,V edge enhancement ) * Electorical shutter speed setting * Sensor AGC level control * ALC ON / OFF ALC mode setting ( area selection , speed selection , fricker reduction mode setting ) * AWB ON / OFF | * Some kinds of correction setting ( Lends shading correction etc. ) 00/07/18 13/21TC90A70F 14/21 TOSHIBA Sulwit jndjng ejeg eunjolg 1 eundi4y LELP LP Lr tye ep Le Peep eet Pt (38414 GS] JO eseo ay} UJ) (jeI4eg y40dz)319z (E X_ (O:Z1A _X (0: ZI0K X [0:2]0A X_ [0:20 yndyng (9, |e4eg 31948 (Z fo: Jon X_ [0:2T0A XxX = O~LINOM X fo:ZTiX X [0:210f O~ZLLNOA L ~ | J L__ yoda [GH yndyng |9)}e4eg 41q91 (1 00/07/18TC90A70F TOSHIBA @pog OO eT BUIWI} 4NdjNQ epog oUuAS Ze4n14 a wD -_ nT = OLNOAN = OLNOA LUPE UE OO eee wed (38414 gS7 Jo aseo uy) (3ndyng |B! 49g 440dz) 3197 ( a a _X_____ 400 yndyng 49] |e4eg 31991 (1 9pog 9pop 9pop apo BP09 epog pug (VBA 40 ese 41) 24845 puj 3484S 3484 aues4 Os aul] aul} aul] @ uy aul eur owes 15/21 00/07/18TC90A70F TOSHIBA (A) Buju) jeus!g ous goun314 yoejg yoelg yoeig yori g SBE CUSSSRX-setea ERIE) aul py _ fe qulyuetg pig aul] 84n}9iq _____| GA o | 9st | wif ont | ont | m ev: | z } | 0 [91 qu 8u!l 1882 Su! yuejg Pi au! 84n}o1g _w[sgg [2] t | 0 jrzs| sos] cez| [sfefefofs|rfefz]r]o frestees GH aul OZ i quiyuelg p ia @u!] 24N}0}g _wJ__ A ]o | zz | t92 | [sez | ove | vez | si | Lr fefzf{s]ofayl q yoeig yoelg yoe |g EEX KEEX X ereg Xeex xX oun ee qulyue|g at aul eunjoig - {=A of om | zo | ot 021 61t | i | 0 jo qu , aul Ore gut yue}g >< oul] 84N}9!q ____p[ 7704 [z+ {0 jes] joo] jecr| Lefejefefs[rfefz|s]o frzslecs| aH 4190 jlo (3u1Mopu |) VOAOD (@ 104m) YOA00 (3U!Mopu | 4) VDAO (2) 04m) VDAO VDA 16/21 00/07/18TC90A70F TOSHIBA au! que |g 18Xid 09} 24NI91d in aA = P< = WodBL Mod20L Wd8L UUW Un Un Wn nn 0 en nn wa OOOOOOOEK BEX SEK 18B88OQ YOODOOO0EX XBEX BEX 1BBBSBQXK 100000008 EX vivo UUU UUW Un Un Wenn on Ln on ULLT wou _ < t >< pit i i sulyuelg 18Xtd OZE B4NZOId | sul yue lg " poxtd oze eanqotg | if QA <__ > at eT at a WOd8L WOdZ0L WOd8L Wd20L WOd8L _ ie >| Li aH Bul yue jg 19X1d OZE 94N}9Id i [7 aa ~- >< >< aaa Od8L wOdZ0L WOd8L Buy yue lg lexid ovg eanqoig =; = Suiyueyg l8Xtd O9 @4nqo1g Soa GH = (2 | uy) VOA0b GH (ul moputy) VOAO (@ 04M) VOAO 17/21 00/07/18TC90A70F TOSHIBA (CH) BulMiy jeusig oukg -(q) pounsi 4 Bul yue ig [8X1 91 aunzoIg : iT a 4190 REX BEX BCX YOOOOCOOOOORK BRK viva UU Wn an Uns ns Ua inn UU] oa = $_ >< > {