WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual
Online help printout
WinCC Audit (Panels,
Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced) 1
WinCC DataMonitor (RT
Professional) 2
WinCC Redundancy (RT
Professional) 3
WinCC Sm@rtServer
(Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced) 4
WinCC Server / WinCC
Client (RT Professional) 5
WinCC WebNavigator (RT
Professional) 6
Web UX 7
Process Historian and
Information Server 8
Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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Table of contents
1 WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................................11
1.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................11
1.1.1 GMP compliance (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................11
1.1.2 GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................11
1.1.3 Audit option (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................12
1.1.4 Scope of logging (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................13
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................15
1.2.1 Audit Trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................15
1.2.2 Creating an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................17
1.2.3 Parameters for the audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).................................19
1.2.4 Setting the audit trail language (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..............................22
1.2.5 Low free storage space (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................................23 Low free storage space (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................................23 Free space critically low (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........................................23 Configuring the "Low free storage space" event (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......24
1.2.6 Logging the audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................24 Reporting an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................24 Audit Trail reporting (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................25 Parameters for the audit trail report (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......................26 Printing out an audit trail report (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).............................28
1.2.7 Evaluating an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................................29 Evaluating audit trails (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................29 Evaluating Audit Trails in AuditViewer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................30 Evaluating Audit Trails with DOS program (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............31
1.2.8 Audit trail logging concept (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).....................................32 Format (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................................32 Storage location and medium (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................33 Protection mechanisms (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................................34 Upgrading WinCC (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).................................................35 Audit trail behavior in runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................35
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................................36
1.3.1 Logging tag value changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................36 Tag value change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................36 Logging tag value changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................36 Effects of tag change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................38
1.3.2 Logging recipe data record changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).....................38 Recipe data changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................38 Logging recipe data changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................39 Effects of recipe data change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................40
1.3.3 Logging user actions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).............................................41 User actions with GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......41 Logging modes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................42 Configuring the "NotifyUserAction" system function (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)..............................................................................................................................43 GMP-compliant user administration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).....................44
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1.3.4 Logging system functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......................................44
1.4 Performance features of GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
1.4.1 Supported HMI devices (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................................49
1.4.2 Restrictions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................50
1.5 Enabling GMP compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).................50
2 WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)......................................................................................................53
2.1 The basics (RT Professional).................................................................................................53
2.1.1 DataMonitor (RT Professional)...............................................................................................53
2.1.2 WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional).......................................................................................54
2.1.3 WebCenter (RT Professional)................................................................................................54
2.1.4 Trends and Alarms (RT Professional)....................................................................................57
2.1.5 Excel workbooks (RT Professional).......................................................................................57
2.1.6 Reports (RT Professional)......................................................................................................58
2.1.7 Access rights (RT Professional).............................................................................................59
2.1.8 Checking certificates (RT Professional).................................................................................60
2.2 Installing DataMonitor (RT Professional)...............................................................................61
2.2.1 Licensing (RT Professional)...................................................................................................61
2.2.2 Installation of the DataMonitor server (RT Professional).......................................................62 Installing DataMonitor server (RT Professional)....................................................................62 Installing the Internet Information Service (RT Professional).................................................63
2.2.3 Installation of the DataMonitor client (RT Professional).........................................................65 Installation of the DataMonitor client (RT Professional).........................................................65 Configuring security settings in Internet Explorer (RT Professional)......................................66 Installing with the installation disk (RT Professional).............................................................68 Installing via the Intranet/Internet (RT Professional)..............................................................68 User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities (RT Professional)..................70
2.3 Configuring the DataMonitor system (RT Professional).........................................................72
2.3.1 Configuring a WinCC project (RT Professional).....................................................................74 Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (RT Professional)............................................74 WinCC screens as a gadget (RT Professional).....................................................................74 Configuring runtime settings (DataMonitor) (RT Professional)..............................................76 Defining users in WinCC (RT Professional)...........................................................................77
2.3.2 Transferring a WinCC project (RT Professional)....................................................................79
2.3.3 Configuring the DataMonitor Server (RT Professional)..........................................................80 Setting up the DataMonitor Web page (RT Professional)......................................................80 Setting up a firewall (RT Professional)...................................................................................82 Defining users in Windows (RT Professional)........................................................................82
2.3.4 Starting the DataMonitor on the DataMonitor client (RT Professional).................................84 Configuring security settings in Internet Explorer (RT Professional)......................................84 Starting the DataMonitor startup page on the DataMonitor client (RT Professional).............85 General Operations of the DataMonitor Client (RT Professional)..........................................87
2.4 Working with WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional).................................................................88
2.4.1 Setting up WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)......................................................................88
2.4.2 Display screens (RT Professional).........................................................................................90
2.5 Working with the WebCenter (RT Professional)....................................................................91
2.5.1 Administration (RT Professional)...........................................................................................91 User Groups and Directories (RT Professional).....................................................................91
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4System Manual, 12/2017 Creating Directories (RT Professional)..................................................................................94 Assigning Access Rights (RT Professional)...........................................................................95 Establish a connection to the winCC data (RT Professional).................................................97
2.5.2 Creating static process screens for the Web Center (RT Professional)...............................105
2.5.3 Create a layout template for WebCenter pages (RT Professional)......................................108
2.5.4 Create a WebCenter page (RT Professional)......................................................................111
2.5.5 Insert Web parts into the WebCenter page (RT Professional).............................................114
2.5.6 Configure Web parts within WebCenter pages (RT Professional)......................................117
2.5.7 Deleting WebCenter Pages and Layout Templates (RT Professional)................................119
2.5.8 Exporting and importing WebCenter pages (RT Professional)............................................121
2.6 Working with Trends and Alarms (RT Professional)..........................................................121
2.6.1 Displaying process values in a table (RT Professional).......................................................121
2.6.2 Displaying process values in a diagram (RT Professional)..................................................123
2.6.3 Displaying messages in the alarm table (RT Professional)..................................................125
2.6.4 Alarm Log Column Names (RT Professional)......................................................................128
2.6.5 Displaying the hit list of messages (RT Professional)..........................................................129
2.6.6 Displaying statistics function for process values (RT Professional).....................................131
2.7 Working with Excel Workbooks (RT Professional)...............................................................132
2.7.1 Configuring an Excel workbook (RT Professional)...............................................................132 Importing data from a WinCC project (RT Professional)......................................................132 Importing data from an xml file (RT Professional)................................................................133 Configuring the display of tag values (RT Professional)......................................................134 Configuring the display of logging tags (RT Professional)...................................................137 Configuring the display of alarms (RT Professional)............................................................139 Publishing an Excel workbook (RT Professional)................................................................141
2.7.2 Displaying process data in an Excel Workbook online (RT Professional)............................142
2.7.3 Alarm Attributes (RT Professional).......................................................................................144
2.7.4 VBA Functions of the Excel Workbook (RT Professional)...................................................145
2.8 Working with reports (RT Professional)...............................................................................146
2.8.1 Preparing an Excel Workbook as a Template (RT Professional).........................................146
2.8.2 Making an Excel workbook available as a report tool (RT Professional).............................147
2.8.3 Making Settings for Reports (RT Professional)....................................................................148
2.8.4 Displaying a report with an Excel Workbook (RT Professional)...........................................150
2.8.5 Creating a report with a print job (RT Professional).............................................................153
3 WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)....................................................................................................155
3.1 Basics (RT Professional)......................................................................................................155
3.1.1 Overview (RT Professional).................................................................................................155
3.1.2 How Redundancy Works (RT Professional).........................................................................157
3.1.3 Standard server and preferred server (RT Professional).....................................................159
3.1.4 HMI system without redundancy (RT Professional).............................................................160
3.1.5 HMI system with redundancy (RT Professional)..................................................................161
3.1.6 Requirements (RT Professional)..........................................................................................162
3.1.7 Setting up the servers (RT Professional).............................................................................163 Structure of a redundant project (RT Professional)..............................................................163 Configuring an Identical Function (RT Professional)............................................................163 Redundant recipe data (RT Professional)............................................................................164 Online Synchronized Messages (RT Professional)..............................................................164
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)..........................................................165
3.2.1 Overview of configuration steps (RT Professional)..............................................................165
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3.2.2 Creating a project (RT Professional)....................................................................................166 Creating a server (RT Professional).....................................................................................166 Creating clients (RT Professional).......................................................................................167 Control (RT Professional).....................................................................................................167
3.2.3 Configuring redundant servers (RT Professional)................................................................167 Configuring redundancy for clients (RT Professional)..........................................................167 Configuring master servers (RT Professional).....................................................................169 Configuring the standby server (RT Professional)...............................................................170 Configuring server reaction (RT Professional).....................................................................171
3.2.4 Configuring redundant clients (RT Professional).................................................................172 Configuring clients (RT Professional)...................................................................................172 Configuring redundancy for clients (RT Professional)..........................................................175
3.2.5 Loading the project to a device (RT Professional)...............................................................176
3.2.6 Compiling a project (RT Professional).................................................................................177
3.3 Upgrading redundant plants (RT Professional)....................................................................177
3.3.1 Upgrading redundant plants during operation (RT Professional).........................................177
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)...................................................180
3.4.1 Failure scenarios (RT Professional).....................................................................................180
3.4.2 Server not in Runtime (RT Professional).............................................................................181
3.4.3 Connection Fault to Partner Server (RT Professional).........................................................182
3.4.4 Faulty network connection to client (RT Professional).........................................................184
3.4.5 Faulty Process Connection (RT Professional).....................................................................184
3.4.6 Software Error (RT Professional).........................................................................................185
3.4.7 Changing the client in case of a process coupling error (RT Professional).........................186
3.5 Reference (RT Professional)................................................................................................190
3.5.1 WinCC Redundancy System Tags (RT Professional)..........................................................190
3.5.2 System messages WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional).................................................191
4 WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................193
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................193
4.1.1 Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................193
4.1.2 Application scenarios (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................195
4.1.3 HMI devices suitable for use (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................197
4.1.4 Settings for Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................198 Configuration in WinCC (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................198 Configurations on the HMI device (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................200
4.1.5 Settings for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................................213 Session management for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........213 Configuring Sm@rtServer for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......214 Configure Sm@rtClient for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..........219 Touch mode (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................220 Sm@rtClient-Application (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).....................................221
4.1.6 Use and restrictions of Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............225
4.1.7 Setting up secure communication between WebClient and Sm@rtServer (Panels,
Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................................227 Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)............................................................................................................................227 Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)............................................................................................................................228 Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Internet Explorer (Panels, Comfort
Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................................................229
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6System Manual, 12/2017 Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Firefox (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)............................................................................................................................230 Configuring secure communication on the WebClient (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................232
4.2.1 Types of the remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................232 Remote control and remote monitoring by means of Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort
Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................................................232 Remote control by means of Internet Explorer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....233 Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient application (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)............................................................................................................................234 Remote control via the Sm@rtClient display during runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels,
RT Advanced)......................................................................................................................236
4.2.2 Distributed operator stations (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...............................238 Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................238 Configure distributed operator stations (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..............240 Configure Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)......................................240 Project Sm@rtClient (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................................242
4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........................244
4.3.1 Process flow (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................244
4.3.2 Specify trigger for E-Mailing (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)................................245
4.3.3 Configure secure e-mail notification from Runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................248
4.4.1 Integrated Webserver (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................248
4.4.2 Service-pages of the web server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........................250
4.4.3 Installing the client and server certificates for SSL (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.4.4 Configure access to service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................252 Configure integrated web server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........................252 Display and remote-control Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).........253
4.4.5 Create own Service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................................255 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................255 Create service-page for displaying process values (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced)............................................................................................................................257 Transfer Service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................258
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...........260
4.5.1 Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................260
4.5.2 Configure access via SIMATIC HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....261
4.5.3 Permissible data types (SIMATIC HMI HTTP protocol) (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.5.4 Configure HTTP server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................262 Configure WinCC-Project (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)...................................262 Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........263
4.5.5 Configuring HTTP clients (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................................264 Configuring HTTP connections in the client (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)........264 Configure the HTTP-Client tags (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)..........................265
4.5.6 Commissioning an HTTP- connection (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).................266
4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)............................269
4.6.1 Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................269
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4.6.2 Creating a VBA macro in MS Excel (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)....................270
5 WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional).....................................................................................273
5.1 Plant configurations (RT Professional).................................................................................273
5.1.1 Single-user system (RT Professional)..................................................................................273
5.1.2 Multi-user system (RT Professional)....................................................................................274
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional).....................................................276
5.2.1 Requirement (RT Professional)............................................................................................276
5.2.2 Configuration guidelines (RT Professional)..........................................................................277
5.2.3 Configuring the server (RT Professional).............................................................................277
5.2.4 Configuring the operator authorizations (RT Professional)..................................................278
5.2.5 Configuring clients (RT Professional)...................................................................................279
5.2.6 Downloading the project to the server (RT Professional).....................................................282
5.2.7 Settings for the multi-user system (RT Professional)...........................................................282 Basics (RT Professional)......................................................................................................282 Structure IP addressing (RT Professional)...........................................................................283 Configure name resolution (RT Professional)......................................................................284 Configure terminal bus (RT Professional)............................................................................285 Setting the order of the network adapters (RT Professional)...............................................287 Adapt the security settings for the firewall (RT Professional)...............................................287
5.3 Characteristics in runtime (RT Professional)........................................................................288
5.3.1 Characteristics (overview) (RT Professional).......................................................................288
5.3.2 Reaction to system errors (RT Professional).......................................................................289
5.3.3 Delta compile in runtime (RT Professional)..........................................................................289
5.3.4 Characteristics of the server (RT Professional)...................................................................290 Starting servers (RT Professional).......................................................................................290 Server shutdown (RT Professional).....................................................................................290
5.3.5 Characteristics of the client (RT Professional).....................................................................291 Starting the Client (RT Professional)....................................................................................291 Shutting down a client (RT Professional).............................................................................291
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)......................................................................................291
5.4.1 Overview of WinCCStart (RT Professional).........................................................................291
5.4.2 Activating and deactivating projects on the WinCC server (RT Professional).....................292
5.4.3 Activating and deactivating a project from the WinCC client (RT Professional)...................294
5.4.4 Enabling time synchronization on the client (Professional) (RT Professional).....................295
5.4.5 Additional settings: Autostart and language (RT Professional)............................................297
5.4.6 Displaying products and components (RT Professional).....................................................298
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional).........................................................................................300
5.5.1 Remote access and encrypted communication (RT Professional)......................................300
5.5.2 Accessing a computer outside a subnet (RT Professional).................................................302
5.5.3 Activating a project (RT Professional)..................................................................................304
5.5.4 Deactivating a project (RT Professional)..............................................................................305
5.6 Guide to client server systems (RT Professional)................................................................306
5.7 Clients and servers (RT Professional).................................................................................306
6 WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional).................................................................................................309
6.1 Unsupported functions (RT Professional)............................................................................309
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)...............................................................................................310
6.2.1 Function Overview (RT Professional)..................................................................................310
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6.2.2 Web Navigator Server on the WinCC server (RT Professional)..........................................311
6.2.3 WebNavigator diagnostics client (RT Professional).............................................................312
6.2.4 WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional).....................................................................................313
6.2.5 Terminal services and Web Navigator (RT Professional)....................................................314
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)..........................................................................315
6.3.1 Software and hardware requirements (RT Professional).....................................................315
6.3.2 Licensing (RT Professional).................................................................................................317
6.3.3 Requirements for the Use of Terminal Services (RT Professional).....................................319
6.3.4 Installation of WebNavigator server (RT Professional)........................................................320 Overview (RT Professional).................................................................................................320 Installing Internet Information Services (IIS) (RT Professional)...........................................321 Installing the WebNavigator Server (RT Professional).........................................................323
6.3.5 Installation of WebNavigator client (RT Professional)..........................................................324 Installing the WebNavigator Client (RT Professional)..........................................................324 User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities (RT Professional)................326 Internet Explorer Settings (RT Professional)........................................................................328 Installation from the DVD (RT Professional)........................................................................331 Installation via the Intranet/Internet (RT Professional).........................................................332
6.3.6 Installing the Web Diagnostics Client (RT Professional)......................................................333
6.4 Configuring the Web Navigator system (RT Professional)...................................................335
6.4.1 Overview of configuration steps (RT Professional)..............................................................335
6.4.2 Configuring a WinCC project (RT Professional)...................................................................336 Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (RT Professional)..........................................336 WinCC screens as a gadget (RT Professional)...................................................................336 Configuring runtime settings (WebNavigator) (RT Professional).........................................338 Managing users for the Web Navigator Client (RT Professional)........................................339 Limitations (RT Professional)...............................................................................................342
6.4.3 Transferring a WinCC project (RT Professional)..................................................................343
6.4.4 Configuring the Web Navigator Server (RT Professional)...................................................344 Setting up the Web Navigator Web site (RT Professional)..................................................344 Setting up a firewall (RT Professional).................................................................................350 Checking the Activated Web Site (Web) (RT Professional).................................................351
6.4.5 Differences to the WinCC Basic System (RT Professional).................................................352 Functional restrictions (RT Professional).............................................................................352 Using Scripts (RT Professional)...........................................................................................353 Using tags (RT Professional)...............................................................................................355
6.4.6 Functions (RT Professional).................................................................................................355 WaitForDocumentReady (RT Professional).........................................................................355
6.5 Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional).....................................................................357
6.5.1 Operating projects using WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional).............................................357 Setting up WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)....................................................................357 Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional).....................................................................359
6.5.2 Operating projects in Internet Explorer (RT Professional)...................................................360 Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional).....................................................................360 Working with the Web navigation interface (RT Professional).............................................362 Diagnosis of the Connections with "Status.html" (RT Professional)....................................364
6.5.3 Use the "Hardcopy" function (RT Professional)...................................................................366
6.6 Setting up terminal services for Web Navigator (RT Professional)......................................368
6.6.1 Communication Using Terminal Services (RT Professional)...............................................368
6.6.2 Activating terminal services on the Windows server (RT Professional)...............................368
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6.6.3 Setting Up a User with Access Rights to the Terminal Server (RT Professional)................369
6.6.4 Starting the Terminal Server Application on the Terminal Client (RT Professional)............370
6.7 Troubleshooting (RT Professional)......................................................................................370
7 Web UX....................................................................................................................................................373
7.1 WebUX - Overview...............................................................................................................373
7.2 Installing Web UX.................................................................................................................375
7.2.1 Licensing..............................................................................................................................375
7.2.2 Software and hardware requirements..................................................................................377
7.2.3 Installing the WebUX server.................................................................................................379
7.2.4 WebUX Configurator............................................................................................................380
7.2.5 Configuring the WebUX website..........................................................................................381
7.2.6 Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections.....................................................382
7.3 Supported functions.............................................................................................................384
7.3.1 Functions supported in WebUX...........................................................................................384
7.3.2 Supported functions: Screen objects...................................................................................384
7.3.3 Supported functions: Dynamization.....................................................................................390
7.3.4 Supported system functions.................................................................................................391
7.4 Configuring a project for WebUX.........................................................................................393
7.4.1 Basics...................................................................................................................................393
7.4.2 Configuring WinCC screens for WebUX..............................................................................394
7.5 Using WebUX.......................................................................................................................395
7.5.1 How to use WebUX..............................................................................................................395
8 Process Historian and Information Server................................................................................................397
8.1 Basics...................................................................................................................................397
8.1.1 Process Historian.................................................................................................................397
8.1.2 Information Server................................................................................................................397
8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal...................................................................................................399
8.2.1 Configuring runtime settings for Process Historian..............................................................399
8.2.2 Enabling long-term logging..................................................................................................401
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WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) 1
1.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.1.1 GMP compliance (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
GMP compliant projects with WinCC
Traceability and therefore the documentation of production data is becoming increasingly
important in many sectors such as the pharmaceuticals industry, the food and beverage
industry, and the related mechanical engineering industry.
Storage of production data in electronic form offers many advantages compared to paper
documents, such as simple acquisition and logging of data.
However, it is also important to ensure that data cannot be falsified and that it can be read at
any time.
Industry-specific and general standards for electronic documentation of production data have
been developed for this purpose.
The most important set of regulations is the FDA guideline 21 CFR Part 11 for electronic data
records and electronic signatures issued by the FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration.
The various EU regulations, such as EU 178/2002, also apply for particular industries.
Requirements for production systems in these industries have been developed on the basis
of 21 CFR Part 11 and the corresponding layout to comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing
Practice). They are also required for other industries.
The following primary requirements are derived from these directives and rules:
Creation of an Audit Trail or operating trace in runtime
This document can be used to trace a complete log of which user has run what control
function on the machine at what time.
Important process stages must also be traceable to a specific responsibility, for example
with an electronic signature.
1.1.2 GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
"GMP compliant configuration" means creating projects in accordance with "Good
Manufacturing Practice". The requirements are set out in FDA rules "21 CFR Part 11". The
FDA is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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GMP-compliant configuration means HMI devices have electronic production data
documentation functionalities.
GMP relevant and the audit trail
WinCC offers the "Audit" option for implementing GMP compliance. Using the audit option, the
"GMP compliant configuration" function can be enabled.
Enable the "GMP compliant configuration" function directly in the runtime settings of the HMI
device. GMP relevant functionalities are then added to WinCC. These functionalities are:
Audit Trail
Electronic signature
Option to label tags as "GMP relevant".
Option to label tags as "GMP relevant" for recipes.
NotifyUserAction system function
Logging of tags using checksum
Logging of alarms using checksum
Audit trail record for printing logged changes
A license is required to convert the GMP-relevant functions configured in WinCC in runtime.
Depending on the edition of WinCC, use one of the following licenses:
WinCC Audit for RT Advanced
WinCC Audit for SIMATIC Panel
If the labeled objects are executed or changed, then it is saved in a special log, the "Audit Trail".
1.1.3 Audit option (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Advanced functions
The Audit option adds functions to WinCC to ensure that your project is GMP compliant.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The following functions are added:
Audit Trail
For every HMI device, you can create an Audit Trail .
Operator actions and system processes that are relevant for the FDA-compliance of the
process are recorded in an Audit Trail during runtime.
User actions such as changes in the values of GMP relevant tags or recipes or the
acknowledgment of alarms.
Actions by the system, such as starting up runtime or rejection of logon attempts.
Electronic signature
You can set mandatory acknowledgment of important user actions in runtime, such as
changing recipe data records or tag values.
All Audit-relevant user actions must be protected by authorization in the user administration.
The user will then only be able to run these actions if an electronic signature and, if
configured appropriately, a comment have been input. The electronic signature and the
comment are logged in the audit trail.
Extension of the WinCC engineering system
For all HMI devices that support "GMP-compliant configuration", the WinCC engineering
system is extended to include the following configuration options when GMP is enabled:
The entry "AuditTrail" is added to the "Logs" editor.
A "Good Manufacturing Practice Settings" entry is added to "HMI tags" editor in the
inspector window of a "Properties > Properties" tag.
A "Good Manufacturing Practice" entry is added to "Recipes" editor in the inspector window
of a "Properties > Properties" recipe.
"NotifyUserAction" system function
1.1.4 Scope of logging (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
It is important to ensure that audit-related processes are always logged in runtime in the audit
trail in a project with the option "Audit".
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Scope of logging
The following operations are Audit-relevant and are automatically saved in the Audit Trail:
Runtime sequence
Runtime start and runtime stop
Project information: Version and project name, of the configuration environment, device,
and current runtime configuration
Failure of the voltage supply of an active Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
User administration
Logon and logoff of users
Invalid logon attempts
Import of user administration
Changes of user administration
Alarm system
All alarms that are acknowledged by the user.
All acknowledgment attempts of the user
Logging alarm text
To log alarm texts, select the "Log alarm text in Audit Trail" option in the Audit Trail editor:
"Audit trail > Properties > Settings" in the "Settings" area
Log operations
Starting, stopping and copying a log
Opening and closing all logs
Deleting a log
Starting a sequence log
Long-term logging of a log
Running specific system functions depending on their functionality and the triggering event
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The following audit processes are logged depending on the configuration of the recipes and
the tags of the project:
Change values of GMP-relevant tags by the user
for GMP-relevant recipes:
Storing after changing and creating recipe data records
Transfer of recipe data records to the PLC and from the PLC
For recipe tags: Changing the setting for the synchronization of the tag values with the
PLC ("offline"/"online")
"NotifyUserAction" system function
You use the system function "NotifyUserAction" to record user actions that are not
automatically recorded by the audit trail.
You can configure this system function for screen calls, for example You can also configure
function lists containing system functions that do not require signature or acknowledgement.
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2.1 Audit Trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Configure a log in the settings for Audit Trail editor. This log is used to store changes in tag or
recipe values made by the user and other user actions in runtime.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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"Settings for audit trail" editor
1. In the project view, double-click "AuditTrail" in the "Log" group.
2. Click on the "Settings for audit trail" tab.
3. Change the properties of Audit Trail in the inspector window.
Audit trail work area
You define the settings for the Audit Trail in the "Properties > Properties" inspector window.
You set the name of the log and the storage location and decide whether logging will begin on
startup. Also determine if "Forcing" is permitted.
"Forcing" is a function for administrators. It allows the administrator to continue the process
even if the maximum log storage space has been exceeded.
Thus, the Audit Trail switches off and must be rebooted using the "StartLogging" system
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1.2.2 Creating an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
"GMP compliant configuration" has been selected on the HMI device.
1. Double-click on the HMI device in the project tree.
2. Double-click "Logs".
The "Logs" editor will open.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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3. Change to the "Audit Trail" tab.
An audit trail has been created.
4. Define the following in the inspector window:
Storage location
Logging with runtime start-up
No audit-related user actions are permitted in GMP relevant projects if there is
insufficient storage space available for the audit trail.
If the check box "Forcing permitted" is activated and, because of the hardware, there is
insufficient storage space in runtime, the administrator can interrupt audit trail logging.
The administrator can prevent the process from stopping in this way.
If the administrator enables the "Forcing" function, the interruption of the audit trail by
the administrator will be entered in the audit trail as the last entry.
At the end of "Forcing" restart the audit trail using the "StartLogging" system function.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Configuring a function list
If necessary, configure a function list for the events "Low free storage space" and "Free space
critically low".
The "Low free storage space" event is triggered if the amount of free storage space available
for the audit trail in runtime is less than the amount configured in "Minimum storage space in
The "Free space critically low" event is triggered if there is no longer sufficient free storage
space for the audit trail in runtime. The value depends on the HMI device.
You can find more detailed information on this in the section: Low free storage space
(Page 23)
Audit relevant user actions are entered in the configured audit trail in runtime.
See also
Low free storage space (Page 23)
1.2.3 Parameters for the audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Configure Audit Trail in the "Logs" editor if you have enabled "GMP compliant configuration"
in the runtime settings.
There are two ways of assigning parameters for the audit trail:
"Settings for audit trail" editor
"Audit Trail" inspector window
Editor "Audit Trail"
The "Audit Trail" editor is an overview of the Audit Trail created.
Only one Audit Trail can be created per HMI device.
Parameters that are assigned for the Audit Trail can be seen in the line. You can select or
deselect the parameters displayed.
The parameters of an Audit Trail are also displayed and described in more detail in the
inspector window.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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General inspector window
You can set the following parameters under "Audit trail > Properties > General":
Under "Name", assign a name for the Audit Trail .
Special characters are not permitted when assigning the name.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Storage location
Storage location
You can choose between:
RDB file
a CSV file (ASCII)
a TXT file (Unicode)
Use "TXT (Unicode)" as storage location for logging Asian languages.
Depending on the HMI device, enter the storage location of the Audit Trail under "Path".
Minimum space in MB
Specify the size of remaining storage space that triggers the "Little available memory" event.
Inspector window settings
You can set the following parameters under "Audit trail > Properties > Properties > Settings":
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Logging activation
Enable logging at runtime start
Bypass electronic signature
Specifies whether the administrator is permitted to run operator actions without entering an
electronic signature or comments.
Forcing allowed if storage space is exhausted
This function allows the administrator to interrupt audit trail logging in the following
There is no free storage space available.
The storage medium is missing.
Access to required storage medium is not possible.
You can thus prevent the process from stopping.
After Forcing was carried out, the audit trail log switches off.
After the end of "Forcing", the audit trail must be restarted with the system function
Logging alarm texts in the audit trail.
Use "TXT (Unicode)" as storage location for logging Asian languages.
For further details on setting the logging language, refer to the following section:
Setting the audit trail language (Page 22)
See also
Setting the audit trail language (Page 22)
1.2.4 Setting the audit trail language (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The logging language for an Audit Trail is set in the runtime settings.
1. Double-click on the HMI device in the project tree.
2. Double-click "Runtime settings".
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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3. Click "General".
4. Select the logging language in the "Logs" area.
If an Asian language was selected, use the "TXT (Unicode)" storage location in the "Audit
trail" editor.
1.2.5 Low free storage space (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Low free storage space (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
This event is triggered if the storage space available on the medium to which the Audit Trail
is less than the configured minimum. Free space critically low (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
This event is triggered if the storage medium to which an Audit Trail is saved provides
insufficient storage space due to hardware restrictions.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 23 Configuring the "Low free storage space" event (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
A GMP- compliant configuration is enabled
An Audit Trail is created
1. Click on the Audit Trail in the "Audit Trail" editor.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > General".
3. In the "Free storage space limit in MB" area, select a value that triggers the "Little free
space" event.
4. Click on Events in the Inspector window.
5. Click on the "Low free storage space" event.
6. In the function list, specify a system function to execute when an "Overflow" event is
1.2.6 Logging the audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Reporting an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
You can print a report of the operations saved in an Audit Trail. All recorded actions are included
in the printout.
Requirements for reporting
The "Audit Trail report" report object is available for the printout of an Audit Trail.
You can configure the report in the "Report" editor. The report object is only available if the
"GMP-compliant configuration" option is set in the runtime settings of the HMI device.
If an Audit must be printed in runtime, initially the logging of Audit Trailmust be stopped using
the "StopLogging" system function.
Whilst an Audit Trail is being printed, no user actions are recorded. Ensure that no GMP-
relevant user actions are executed whilst the logging is stopped.
After printing is complete without any errors, restart the Audit Trail using the "StartLogging"
system function.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The header of the report is printed in the current runtime language. Change the runtime
language to the logging language accordingly.
The logged data from Audit are printed in the configured runtime logging language.
In order to receive a complete report, the report object can also be used in a report in
conjunction with the "Print alarm" and "Print recipe" report objects. Audit Trail reporting (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
You use the "Audit Trail" report object to configure a report for the output of Audit Trail contents
to a printer.
Once the printout is started in runtime, all entries currently contained in the Audit Trail are
printed out.
To create a report, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click on the "Reports" entry in the project tree.
2. Double-click "Add new report".
A new report is created and opened in the "Report" editor.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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3. Drag & drop the "Audit trail report" object under "Tools > Controls" to the report created.
4. Click on the "Audit trail report" object.
5. Change the object properties of the "Audit trail report" object in the inspector window.
You have created a report for the printout Audit Trail. Parameters for the audit trail report (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The "Audit trail report" parameters can be edited in the inspector window.
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Inspector window appearance
Click on the "Audit trail report" object.
Change the appearance of the "Audit trail report" object in the appearance area of the Inspector
window under "Properties > Properties > Layout".
You can configure the foreground color, the background color, the style, and the font settings.
It is recommended to set a font size of 16 px for the output.
Inspector window layout
Click on the "Audit trail report" object.
Change the position and size of the "Audit trail report" object in the appearance area of the
Inspector window under "Properties > Properties > Layout".
The "Audit trail report" object always fills the space down to the footer on the report page. If
you change the height of the object, then you only change the distance of the object to the
header. The report printout can involve a large amount of data.
A page break is automatically inserted when the length of the page is exceeded to print out all
In the "Visible entries" area, it is determined whether comments are visible on the printed report.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Inspector window miscellaneous
Click on the "Audit trail report" object.
Change the name and layer position of the "Audit trail report" object in the appearance area
in the Inspector window under "Properties > Properties > Miscellaneous". Printing out an audit trail report (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Since logging of the Audit must be stopped in order to print out an Audit Trail, a few details
regarding this procedure must be noted.
The following steps must be taken to print out an audit trail in a report file on a printer:
Stop logging using the "StopLogging" system function.
Start the printout using the "PrintReport" system function.
Check if the printing is successfully completed.
If needed, move or delete the Audit Trail using the "ArchiveLogFile" or "ClearLog" system
Start the logging of Audit by selecting the "StartLogging" system function.
Make sure that the Audit Trail has been printed completely before you delete the Audit Trail.
"GMP compliant configuration" has been enabled.
A report for the printout of an Audit Trail has been configured.
The screen for the operator control to be configured is open.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1. Add a button to the screen and select "Events > Click" in the Properties window.
2. In the function list, assign the "StopLogging" system function to the "Click" event and select
your Audit Trail log.
3. Insert an additional button and assign the "PrintReport" system function to the "Click" event
of this button.
4. Configure the "StartLogging" system function in the same function list.
5. Assign unique labels to the buttons.
6. Save the project.
Note the device-specific differences when printing PDFs. You can find additional information
You have configured the required buttons and system functions. The operator can perform the
operating tasks described in the introduction during runtime to print out an Audit Trail report.
You can also insert the report objects for the output of alarms and recipes in the report for the
printout of an Audit Trail. However, since GMP-relevant operations and system processes are
not recorded while you are printing, you should preferably print the Audit Trail in a separate
1.2.7 Evaluating an audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Evaluating audit trails (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The Audit Trail has been saved to the memory card of the HMI device and is also read only.
The Audit Trail is protected by a checksum. This checksum ensures that the entry has not
been modified at any later time.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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There are two possible ways to evaluate the Audit Trail:
Use the "Audit Viewer":
You can easily evaluate the Audit Viewer for external analysis on an Office PC with the
help of the Audit Trail.
Use the "HmiCheckLogIntegrity" DOS program:
The DOS program makes it possible to carry out an automatic check of the Audit Trail using
the return values. Evaluating Audit Trails in AuditViewer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The Audit Viewer allows you to evaluate all Audit Trail data in a table.
Audit Viewer is installed
The Audit Traillog is located on the computer which has Audit Viewer installed.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1. Start the Audit Viewer on the configuration PC:
"Start > SIMATIC > Audit Viewer > Audit Viewer"
This path may be different on your operating system version.
2. Click the button.
3. Load the Audit Trail:
The "Data Validity Indicator" is lit up in green to indicate that the loaded Audit Trail has not
been manipulated.
Each entry in the Audit Trail is time-stamped to allow precise tracking of operator actions. In
addition to system events, such as the attempt to import a password list, the system also
records failed logon attempts: Evaluating Audit Trails with DOS program (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Long-term archiving on a server allows an Audit Trail to be checked automatically using return
values in a script.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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In addition the programmer can integrate the check using the DOS program
"HmiCheckLogIntegrity" into the archiving process. "HmiCheckLogIntegrity" then provides the
following return values:
< 0: Different errors, for example, wrong file format or no file exists.
1: The checked Audit Trail is valid.
> 0: The first line that was manipulated will be returned.
Audit Trail logging is only continued if the return value is "1". In both error cases, the
administrator or the shift supervisor can be informed.
The "HmiCheckLogIntegrity.exe" DOS program is in the installation directory under:
"SIEMENS > Automation > WinCC Runtime Advanced"
1.2.8 Audit trail logging concept (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Format (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Format - Audit Trail
On an HMI device with "GMP compliant configuration", all events which are relevant to the
audit are recorded at runtime in the Audit Trail. You have several format options.
Selection is dependent on the display program and the runtime language used:
RDB file
Data is saved with quick access in a proprietary database.
If you require maximum read performance in Runtime, use the "RDB file" storage location.
CSV file
To view and evaluate a CSV file use, e.g. Microsoft Excel on your PC.
Double quotation marks or several characters are not permitted as list separators for the
storage site "File - CSV (ASCII)". You can find the settings for list separators under "Start
> Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options".
TXT file
This file format supports all characters that can be used in WinCC. For editing, you will
need software that can save files in Unicode, such as Notepad.
Use "File - TXT (Unicode)" to log Asian languages.
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1.2 Using the Audit trail (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Audit Trail with checksum
The following files are generated under special circumstances:
If a log is started without checksum and will be continued with a checksum.
If you update WinCC with a service pack or a new version and the Audit Trail or the log
is continued with the checksum.
The content of the keep file will remain the same when compared with the original log
Before you update WinCC with a Service Pack or a new version, exit and save the Audit
Trail or the logs using checksum. After WinCC is updated, the audit trail or logs will be
continued with new files using checksum.
If runtime has determined a serious, irregular problem in the file. Storage location and medium (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Storage location and medium
Depending on the hardware configuration of the HMI device, the data may be logged locally
(on the hard disk of a PC or on the storage card of a panel) or, if present, on a network drive.
Logging on network drives
We do not recommend that you log audit trails directly on a network drive. Power supply can
be interrupted at any time. This means there is no guarantee for a reliable operation of logs
and audit trails.
We recommend you save the logs on your local hard drive, or on a storage medium of the HMI
device. Use the system function "ArchiveLogFile" to save the logs long-term on a network drive.
A "GMP compliant configuration" cannot be operated at runtime to the full extent unless it is
possible to save all user actions which are relevant to the audit to the Audit Trail. It must be
ensured that sufficient storage space is available for the Audit Trail and that the connection to
the storage location for the Audit Trail is not disturbed.
Error-handling with insufficient free storage space
If there is insufficient storage space, your project can be configured so that the administrator
has an option of continuing the process without logging in the audit trail (forcing).
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Error-handling if there is no storage medium or the connection to the server is interrupted
All audit-relevant user actions are blocked if insufficient storage space is available for the Audit
Trai, e.g. due to missing storage medium.
Blocking is canceled as soon as the storage location for the Audit Trail is available again. The
block can be skipped by "forcing".
Error-handling with long-term logging
If the audit trail must be moved to a server for long-term logging and the connection to the
server is interrupted at this time, the following error-handling is required:
The system closes the audit trail and renames it. The system attempts to send the renamed
audit trail to the server again in the background.
If disruption in the connection to the server persists, you receive a system alarm telling you
that the connection is down. Then the system attempts to send the renamed audit trail every
300 seconds.
The attempt to transmit the data is repeated until successfully completed. The data is also
transmitted after a restart of the HMI device.
If the storage space for the audit trail is insufficient, for example if there is no storage medium
or it is full, all audit-relevant user actions are automatically blocked.
In this case the audit trail logging can be configured to give an administrator the option of
continuing to operate the system without logging the audit trail (forcing).
The administrator can also be given the option of running the system quickly out of a critical
state in case of emergency. In this case the administrator can operate the system without the
requirement to input the required electronic signatures or comments.
If the administrator uses the "forcing" function, this is logged as the last entry in the audit trail.
After the end of forcing, the audit trail must be restarted with the system function "StartLogging". Protection mechanisms (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Protective mechanisms to prevent changes to audit trail data
The audit trail data are protected against deliberate or accidental changes:
The directory in which the audit trail is saved can only be accessed with special rights.
The audit trail files are write-protected.
Each data record contains a checksum that can be used to detect a change of its contents.
This checksum also ensures that the number of lines has not changed in the audit trail file.
Use the "HmiCheckLogIntegrity" tool, included in the audit option, to check whether an audit
trail has been changed:
Evaluating Audit Trails with DOS program (Page 31)
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34 System Manual, 12/2017 Upgrading WinCC (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Upgrading WinCC
Before you update WinCC with a Service Pack or a new version, you will have to exit and save
the Audit Trail or the logs with checksum. After WinCC is updated, the audit trail or logs with
checksum will be continued with new files.
Make sure that the logs are started at a defined state with the new version. Audit trail behavior in runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Effects in runtime
The configuration in Audit Trail has the following effects in runtime, depending on the
Audit relevant user actions (such as tag changes and recipe changes) are recorded in an
audit trail.
"Enable logging at runtime start" check box enabled:
The audit trail is started with runtime.
"Forcing" group, "Allowed if storage space has been exhausted" check box enabled:
A user with administrator rights can use "forcing" to run operations on the plant even though
the audit trail can no longer be logged because of storage space limitations. Interrupting
the audit trail prevents the process from being stopped.
If the check box "Signing may be bypassed" is enabled, the administrator is not required
to input electronic signatures, acknowledgments or comments for operator actions that
would normally require signing, acknowledgment or comment.
If the storage space available for the Audit Trail is less than the configured "Minimum
storage space in MB", the function list configured for the "Low free storage space" event
will be processed.
If there is insufficient storage space for the audit trail because of hardware limits, the
function list configured for the "Free space critically low" event will be processed.
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1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3.1 Logging tag value changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Tag value change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Changes to tag values
User actions in runtime are recorded in a Audit Trail once "GMP compliant configuration" has
been enabled.
When you configure a GMP compliant project, you specify which tags must meet the
requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
If the user changes the value of a GMP-relevant tag in runtime, the value change action is
logged in the Audit Trail .
The action of changing the value of GMP-relevant tags made by the PLC, or a system function,
is not logged in the Audit Trail.
The system functions used to change the values of GMP-relevant tags which are assigned to
events that identify a direct user action are logged.
In addition, configure the "NotifyUserAction" system function to make a manual entry in the
Audit Trail or to prompt the user for an electronic signature, an acknowledgment, or a comment.
With the "NotifyUserAction" system function only the value changes that are directly triggered
by the event to which the system function is configured are entered in the Audit Trail. For
example, if additional tags are changed by changing the value of one tag, the additional value
changes are not logged in the Audit Trail. Logging tag value changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
"GMP compliant configuration" has been enabled.
The tags for which you want to configure the GMP settings are created.
The property view is open.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1. Open the HMI tags editor and select the tag for which you want to make GMP settings.
2. Click "GMP relevant" under "Properties > Properties > GMP" in the Inspector window.
3. Specify how the user must confirm a value change in the "Confirmation type" selection field:
"Electronic signature"
If the user's electronic signature is required.
If the value change is to be logged in the Audit Trail without user confirmation.
If user acknowledgement of the value change is required.
4. Enable the "Comment required" check box if the user is required to input a comment as
well as an electronic signature or acknowledgment.
This check box is only enabled if "Electronic signature" or "Acknowledgment" is specified
under "Type of confirmation".
If the user changes the value of a GMP-relevant tag in runtime, the value change is entered
in the Audit Trail.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 37 Effects of tag change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Effects in runtime
The configuration has the following effects in runtime depending on the properties of the GMP-
relevant tags:
If the user changes the value of a GMP-relevant tag in runtime, the value change is entered
in the Audit Trail.
Electronic signature
If "Electronic signature" is specified as the "Type of confirmation", the user must log every
user-related value change of the tags using an electronic signature. Otherwise the value
change will be rejected.
The user name used to sign the change is logged in the audit trail.
If "Acknowledgment" is specified as the "Type of confirmation", the user must acknowledge
every user-related value change of the tags. Otherwise the value change will be rejected.
The acknowledgement is logged in the Audit Trail.
If the "Comment required" check box is enabled, the user must also comment every user-
related value change of the tags, in addition to acknowledgment or input of the electronic
signature. Otherwise the value change will be rejected.
The entered comment is logged in the Audit Trail.
1.3.2 Logging recipe data record changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Recipe data changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Changes to recipe data
User actions in runtime that are relevant to the quality of the process, such as changes of tag
values or recipe values, are recorded in an Audit Trail once "GMP compliant configuration"
has been enabled.
You specify during configuration which recipes must meet the requirements of "Good
Manufacturing Practice" (GMP).
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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For GMP-relevant recipes, the following operations during runtime are recorded in the Audit
Storing after changing and creating recipe data records
Transfer of recipe data records to the PLC and from the PLC
For recipe tags: Changing the setting for the synchronization of the tag values with the PLC
("offline"/"online") if the recipe tags are configured as "GMP-relevant".
Differences in the Audit Trail with recipe display and recipe screen
If you use a recipe screen to save recipe data, enable the "GMP-relevant" property for the
recipe tags. If the user changes the value of a GMP-relevant recipe tag in runtime, the
changed value is recorded in the Audit Trail. You can also configure for the tag to require
the user to confirm the value change with an electronic signature and enter a comment.
If you use a recipe display to edit data records of a GMP-relevant recipe, the Audit Trail
includes a record of which recipe data records were saved or sent to the PLC. The value
changes to the recipe tags are not logged in the Audit Trail. Use the "ExportDataRecords"
system function to save the value change to data records in a csv file.
If you want to make changes to recipe data records in conformance to the FDA, disable
"Enable edit mode" in the recipe view. Use the recipe screen and "GMP relevant" recipe
If you export recipe data records in a regulated project, you can assign the recipe data with a
checksum. When you later import the recipe data back, you can use the checksum to determine
if the recipe data has changed. The following system functions are available for exporting and
importing recipe data with a checksum:
"ImportDataRecordsWithChecksum" Logging recipe data changes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
"GMP compliant configuration" has been enabled.
The recipes for which you want to configure the GMP settings are created.
The property view is open.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1. Open the recipe editor and select the recipe for which you want to make GMP settings.
2. Click "GMP relevant" under "Properties > Properties > GMP" in the Inspector window.
3. Under "Settings", select the following:
"Record operations in audit trail:"
If all user actions in runtime that affect this recipe are to be recorded in the Audit Trail.
"Sign loading of recipe data":
If the user is required to confirm the transfer of recipe data records to or from the PLC
using an electronic signature.
"Signature for saving recipe data: "
If the user is required to confirm recipe data record saving with an electronic signature.
If the user works with the GMP-relevant recipe in runtime, the change is entered in the Audit
Trail. Effects of recipe data change (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Effects in runtime
The configuration has the following effects in runtime depending on the properties of the GMP-
relevant recipes:
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Entries in the Audit Trail
Entries are made in the following cases:
You create and save new recipe data records of a GMP-relevant recipe at runtime.
You edit recipe data records of a GMP-relevant recipe and save your changes at runtime.
Recipe data records are transferred to the PLC or recipe data are read from the PLC.
The "SetRecipeTags" system function is used to change the setting for synchronization of
the tag values with the PLC.
This concerns the following changes:
"offline" to "online"
"online" to "offline"
Electronic signature
The user must enter an electronic signature in the following cases depending on the
The "Sign loading of recipe data" check box is set:
Signature for the transfer of recipe data records to the PLC. Signing is always required if
the transfer is triggered with the recipe display functions and even if it is triggered with
"SetDataRecordToPLC" system functions.
The "Sign saving of recipe data" check box is set:
Sign saving of recipe data records. The signature is always required if the save is triggered
with the system functions of the recipe display, and even if it is triggered with the
"SetDataRecordToPLC" or "SaveDataRecord" system function.
The user name used to sign the change is logged in the audit trail.
The triggering of the "ImportDataRecords" system function is entered in the Audit Trail but
does not require a signature or a comment. In addition, call the "NotifyUserAction" system
function to request an electronic signature with or without user comment.
1.3.3 Logging user actions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) User actions with GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
In GMP compliant configuration, user actions and system operations in runtime that are
relevant for the quality of the process are recorded in an Audit Trail .
For example, a user logon to the system or the change of a tag value are saved in the log.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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In runtime, user actions are saved in an Audit Trail under the following conditions:
"GMP compliant configuration" has been enabled
A user is logged on to the system Logging modes (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Automatic logging of user actions
The following user actions are recorded in runtime without the need for additional configuration
steps if "GMP compliant configuration" is enabled:
User Administration
Logon and logoff of users
Import of user administration
Alarm system
All alarms that are acknowledged by the user.
If an alarm from an alarm group is acknowledged, an entry is made in the Audit Trail
indicating that all other alarms of this group have been acknowledged.
All acknowledgment attempts of the user
Logging alarm text
To log alarm texts, select the "Log alarm texts in Audit Trail" option in the Audit Trail
Log operations
Starting and stopping a log
Opening and closing all logs
Deleting a log
Starting a sequence log
Copying a log
Long-term logging of a log
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.3 Configuring audit functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Configuration-dependent logging
The following processes are logged depending on the configuration of the recipes and the tags
of the project:
Change values of GMP-relevant tags by the user
for GMP-relevant recipes
You create and save new recipe data records of a GMP-relevant recipe at runtime.
You edit recipe data records of a GMP-relevant recipe and save your changes at runtime.
Transfer of recipe data records to the PLC and from the PLC
For recipe tags: Changing the setting for the synchronization of the tag values with the
PLC ("offline"/"online")
In addition to logging user actions you can configure tags and recipes to require the user to
confirm or acknowledge specific actions with an electronic signature or add a comment to the
Manual logging by means of "NotifyUserAction" system function
This system function is used to record actions in the Audit Trail that are not automatically
entered in the Audit Trail. This system function is also used to request the user to enter an
electronic signature for the action. Configuring the "NotifyUserAction" system function (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
This system function is used to log user actions that are not entered automatically entered in
the Audit Trail. This system function can also used to request an acknowledgment, or an
electronic signature for the user's action.
In this example, the system function is assigned to a button. All operations with this button
are logged to the Audit Trail.
"GMP-compliant configuration" has been enabled.
You created the object that is to be assigned the system function.
A button is used in this example.
The properties window is open.
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1. Click the button.
2. Click on "Events" in the Inspector window.
3. Assign the "NotifyUserAction" system function to the "Click" event. GMP-compliant user administration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
To run a central user and user group administration for several applications or HMI devices,
activate SIMATIC Logon.
For more information on user administration and SIMATIC Logon, refer to the following chapter:
1.3.4 Logging system functions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
If system functions are triggered in runtime, this is recorded in the Audit Trail for some system
functions. If specific system functions are used on a GMP-relevant object, the user must
confirm the triggering.
Some system functions are not supported when using Audit. If you use these system functions
in your project, you are solely responsible for them.
The following table shows which system functions are Audit-relevant and whether the user's
signature is required:
System functions and Audit
Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
StartLogging (StartLogging) entered in Audit Trail
StopLogging (StopLogging) entered in Audit Trail
ClearLog (ClearLog) entered in Audit Trail
StartNextLog (StartNextLog) entered in Audit Trail
CloseAllLogs (CloseAllLogs) entered in Audit Trail
OpenAllLogs (OpenAllLogs) entered in Audit Trail
LogTag (---) ---
CopyLog (CopyLog) entered in Audit Trail
ActivateScreen (ActivateScreen) ---
ActivateScreenByNumber (ActivateScreenByNumber) ---
ActivatePreviousScreen (ActivatePreviousScreen) ---
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
SetBitInTag (SetBitInTag) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
ResetBitInTag (ResetBitInTag) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
InvertBitInTag (InvertBitInTag) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
SetBit (SetBit) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
ResetBit (ResetBit) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
InvertBit (InvertBit) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
System function must not be applied to
tags that require signing or comment.
SetBitWhileKeyPressed (---) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
SetDataRecordToPLC (SetDataRecordToPLC) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
GetDataRecordTagsFromPLC (GetDataRecordFromPLC) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
ImportDataRecords (ImportDataRecords) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
ImportDataRecordsWithChecksum (ImportDataRecord‐
entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
ExportDataRecords (ExportDataRecords) ---
ExportDataRecordsWithChecksum (ExportDataRecord‐
LoadDataRecord (LoadDataRecord) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
SaveDataRecord (SaveDataRecord) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
SetDataRecordTagsToPLC (SetDataRecordTagsToPLC) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
GetDataRecordTagsFromPLC (GetDataRecordTags‐
entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
SetRecipeTags (SetRecipeTags) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
GetDataRecordName (GetDataRecordName) ---
ClearDataRecordMemory (ClearDataRecordMemory) Not supported
ClearDataRecord (ClearDataRecord) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
PrintScreen (PrintScreen) ---
PrintReport (PrintReport) ---
RecipeViewSaveDataRecord (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
RecipeViewSaveAsDataRecord (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
RecipeViewNewDataRecord (---) ---
RecipeViewClearDataRecord (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
RecipeViewGetDataRecordFromPLC (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
RecipeViewSetDataRecordToPLC (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
RecipeViewSynchronizeDataRecordWithTags (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
Signing required depending on recipe
RecipeViewRenameDataRecord (---) entered in Audit Trail if the recipe is
RecipeViewBack (---) ---
RecipeViewOpen (---) ---
RecipeViewMenu (---) ---
TrendViewScrollForward (---) ---
TrendViewScrollBack (---) ---
TrendViewExtend (---) ---
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Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
TrendViewCompress (---) ---
TrendViewBackToBeginning (---) ---
TrendViewStartStop (---) ---
TrendViewSetRulerMode (---) ---
TrendViewBackToBeginning (---) ---
StatusForceGetValues (---) Not supported
StatusForceSetValues (---) Not supported
AlarmViewAcknowledgeAlarm (---) entered in Audit Trail
AlarmViewEditAlarm (---) ---
AlarmViewShowOperatorNotes (---) ---
HTMLBrowserBack (---) Not supported
HTMLBrowserForward (---) Not supported
HTMLBrowserRefresh (---) Not supported
HTMLBrowserStop (---) Not supported
ScreenObjectCursorUp (---) ---
ScreenObjectCursorDown (---) ---
ScreenObjectPageUp (---) ---
ScreenObjectPageDown (---) ---
PressButton (---) ---
ReleaseButton (---) ---
SmartClientViewConnect (---) Not supported
SmartClientViewDisconnect (---) Not supported
SmartClientViewReadOnlyOn (---) Not supported
SmartClientViewReadOnlyOff (---) Not supported
SmartClientViewRefresh (---) Not supported
SmartClientViewLeave (---) Not supported
ShowAlarmWindow (ShowAlarmWindow) ---
ClearAlarmBuffer (ClearAlarmBuffer) ---
ShowSystemAlarm (ShowSystemAlarm) ---
SetAlarmReportMode (SetAlarmReportMode) ---
Logoff (Logoff) entered in Audit Trail
GetPassword (GetPassword) ---
GetGroupNumber (GetGroupNumber) ---
ExportImportUserAdministration (ExportImportUserAdminis‐
Import of user administration is entered
in Audit Trail
Export is not entered in Audit Trail
Logon (Logon) entered in Audit Trail
GetUserName (GetUserName) ---
TraceUserChange (---) ---
ShowLogOnDialog (---) ---
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Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
LinearScaling (LinearScaling) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
InverseLinearScaling (InverseLinearScaling) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
IncreaseFocusedValue (---) ---
DecreaseFocusedValue (---) ---
OpenCommandPrompt (OpenCommandPrompt) Not supported
OpenControlPanel (OpenControlPanel) Not supported
ActivateCleanScreen (---) ---
AdjustContrast (---) ---
CalibrateTouchScreen (CalibrateTouchScreen) ---
OpenScreenKeyboard (OpenScreenKeyboard) ---
OpenTaskManager (OpenTaskManager) Not supported
BackupRAMFileSystem (BackupRAMFileSystem) Not supported
SetAcousticSignal (SetAcousticSignal) ---
ShowOperatorNotes (ShowOperatorNotes) ---
AcknowledgeAlarm (AcknowledgeAlarm) entered in Audit Trail
GoToHome (GoToHome) ---
GoToEnd (GoToEnd) ---
EditAlarm (EditAlarm) ---
DirectKeyScreenNumber (---) Not supported
DirectKey (---) Not supported
SetDeviceMode (SetDeviceMode) entered in Audit Trail
SetDisplayMode (SetDisplayMode) ---
SetConnectionMode (SetConnectionMode) entered in Audit Trail
SetScreenKeyboardMode (SetScreenKeyboardMode) ---
ChangeConnection (ChangeConnection) Not supported
SetLanguage (SetLanguage) ---
SetWebAccess (---) Not supported
StartProgram (StartProgram) Not supported
ShowSoftwareVersion (ShowSoftwareVersion) ---
SimulateTag (---) Not supported
StopRuntime (StopRuntime) entered in Audit Trail
ControlWebServer (ControlWebServer) Not supported
ControlSmartServer (ControlSmartServer) Not supported
OpenInternetExplorer (OpenInternetExplorer) ---
SendEMail (SendEMail) ---
UpdateTag (---) ---
ClearAlarmBufferProTool (ClearAlarmBufferProtoolLegacy) Not supported
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Function (call in script) Effect of /Audit
Encoding(Encode) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
EncodeEx(Encode) entered in Audit Trail when tag is GMP-
Signature is mandatory, depending on
the tag configuration
1.4 Performance features of GMP-compliant configuration (Panels,
Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.4.1 Supported HMI devices (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Supported HMI devices
The qualification "GMP relevant configuration" can be configured for the following HMI devices:
TP 277
OP 277
MP 277
MP 377
Comfort Panel
Mobile Panel 277
KTP Mobile Panel
Panel PC with WinCC RT Advanced
WinCC RT Advanced
The qualification "GMP" is not supported by WinCC RT Professional.
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.4 Performance features of GMP-compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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1.4.2 Restrictions (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The following functions and configurations cannot be used simultaneously with the qualification
"GMP relevant configuration":
"Watch table" object
PN direct keys
DP DirectKey
Option /Sm@rtServer
/Sinumerik option
The functional scope of the HMI devices is only available to a restricted degree in some
circumstances because of the limited storage space
Events of screen objects
You can set mandatory acknowledgment of important user actions in runtime, such as
changing tag values. If you assign an event which has to be acknowledged to a screen
object, you may not assign any other events to this graphic object.
When the event of a screen object is assigned actions which open a user dialog (such as
change of a tag value with mandatory acknowledgement), you may not be able to execute
these actions at other events.
Controlling GMP-relevant tags using a slider
The slider is not suitable for controlling GMP-relevant tags. Any operation of the slider will
continuously change the tag value. If this is a GMP-relevant tag, a flood of entries will be
generated in the AuditTrail.
1.5 Enabling GMP compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The Audit Trail and "Electronic Signature" functions are qualified as "GMP compliant
A project is created.
A GMP compatible HMI device has been created.
1. Double-click on the HMI device in the project tree.
2. Double-click "Runtime settings".
WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.5 Enabling GMP compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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3. Click on "GMP".
4. Select "GMP compliant configuration".
The Audit option is now enabled for the HMI device.
The following functions can now be configured:
Audit Trail log
"NotifyUserAction" system function
GMP relevant tags
GMP relevant recipes
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1.5 Enabling GMP compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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WinCC Audit (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
1.5 Enabling GMP compliant configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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52 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional) 2
2.1 The basics (RT Professional)
2.1.1 DataMonitor (RT Professional)
WinCC DataMonitor consists of a server component and a client component. The DataMonitor
Server makes functions for analyzing and displaying data available to the DataMonitor client.
Access rights govern access to the functions.
Program for monitoring WinCC projects. The DataMonitor client is therefore a so-called
"View Only Client".
Excel Workbooks
Display of logged process values in an Excel table for analysis and storage in the Web or
as a print template for reports
Published Reports
Creation of reports from WinCC print jobs, or from published Excel worksheets. This allows
you, for example, to generate statistics and analyses of specific process or history data.
The reports are saved in PDF format and can be forwarded by e-mail.
Central information portal for access to WinCC data via user-specific views, clearly
structured WebCenter pages through user groups with individual user rights for reading,
writing and creating WebCenter pages.
Trends & Alarms
Serves to display logged process values and alarms. The data is displayed in tables and
diagrams on predefined WebCenter pages.
Your benefit:
Display and analysis of current process statuses on office PCs with, for example, MS
Internet Explorer or MS Excel
No additional configuration effort, as screens from the WinCC project are used directly.
Evaluation via centrally administered templates for detailed analyses of corporate
processes, e.g. reports, statistics
Creation of event-driven or time-driven reports
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Information from the process is individually compiled online in runtime (information portal)
and distributed to various people by e-mail.
User administration with user groups and individual access authorizations, e.g. read, write,
and creation of WebCenter pages
2.1.2 WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)
The Web Viewer is solely a display program for WinCC projects that is installed using the
DataMonitor Client. DataMonitor Client is therefore a so-called "View Only Client".
Don't use Internet Explorer to run the "WinCCViewerRT.exe" application. Run it on the
DataMonitor client instead.
The Web Viewer uses its own communication resources to access the DataMonitor server.
This prevents Internet users from accessing the system and protects the system against
viruses and Trojan horses.
Only the screens which are configured for Web access and published on the DataMonitor
server are displayed.
The WinCC user needs the authorization no. 1002 "Web access - view only". The cursor is a
"View only cursor" and indicates that process-related operations are not possible. Certain
operations are still possible, such as opening the properties dialog of an online trend control.
If the WinCC user is not assigned authorization no. 1002, the DataMonitor Client runs in demo
mode after logon.
You can also use the WebViewer as terminal services application. For more information, refer
to "Setting up terminal services for WebNavigator servers".
See also
Configuring runtime settings (DataMonitor) (Page 76)
2.1.3 WebCenter (RT Professional)
The WebCenter is the central information portal for access to WinCC data via Intranet/Internet.
With the help of WebCenter pages and Web parts, the user can arrange and save his view of
the WinCC data. WebCenter pages are stored in directories.
WebCenter pages are like a construction kit. The form of the construction kit is specified by
layout master copies. Users can use either the supplied or self-created layout master copies.
Web parts are the individual building blocks that prepare and display data. Within the
WebCenter pages, the parameter definitions are stored for the respective Web parts and can
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.1 The basics (RT Professional)
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be called up again at any time. A multiple use of the same web part is also possible with different
parameter definitions. The WebCenter pages that have been created in this way can be opened
by different users with the same parameter definitions depending on the assignment of rights.
To transfer the configuration data to a different computer, copy the corresponding project
Web parts
Up to 15 of the following Web objects can be combined into one screen view:
Process value table
The available process values for the specified period are displayed.
Process values in table (time step)
The full archive name and the tag name are displayed as a tooltip in the header of the
The process values are summarized beginning with the starting time in the specified time
The interval result is displayed for the interval depending on the specified aggregate type.
For example, a process value was logged every 30 seconds. You have chosen an interval
of 60 seconds and "Mean value" as the aggregate type. Now the mean of the two log values
is formed and displayed in the table with the first time stamp of the period of calculation.
If you select a aggregate type without interpolation and no value is available in the interval,
no interval result is displayed. If you select a aggregate type with linear interpolation, an
interval result is displayed for each interval.
Statistics functions for process values
All available process values are used for the specified time period, for example, to calculate
and display the mean value.
Trend process values
The process values are displayed in trends.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.1 The basics (RT Professional)
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Trend (time step)
Concise presentation of precompressed values in trends with aggregate functions, for
example, as sums or averages.
Bar chart (aggregates)
Pie chart (aggregates)
Alarm table
Presentation of the accumulated alarms.
Alarm hit list
Presentation of statistical information about the alarms.
Link to Web Center pages
Links (external)
Links to internal Web Center pages and external Internet sites, for example, stock market
Display information
For example, news reports
Static process screens
WinCC screens are integrated into the Web Center with no installation download. A
screenshot of the process screen is created as a JPG on the DataMonitor server at regular
Display graphic
JPG images, e.g. company logos.
The most recent reports
Display the most recently generated reports. For example, the last ten print jobs generated
with "Reports" in PDF format.
Basic procedure
1. Set up a directory for a WebCenter page (Page 94)
2. Assign access rights (Page 95)
3. Establish a connection to the WinCC data (Page 97)
4. Publish screens for the WebCenter (Page 105)
5. Create a layout template for WebCenter pages (Page 108)
6. Create a WebCenter page (Page 111)
7. Insert Web parts into the WebCenter page (Page 114)
8. Configure Web parts within WebCenter pages (Page 117)
See also
Trends and Alarms (Page 57)
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2.1.4 Trends and Alarms (RT Professional)
"Trends & Alarms" are used to display and analyze logged process values and messages in
trends and tables and for evaluation with statistics functions.
Predefined Web pages contain the following:
Display of a process value in a table (Page 121).
Display of a maximum of three process values in a diagram. (Page 123).
Statistics functions for process values (Page 131).
Alarm hit list (Page 129).
Display of messages in a table (Page 125).
The functions of "Trends & Alarms" are configured with web parts. The same Web parts are
used here as are used in the WebCenter pages (Page 54).
2.1.5 Excel workbooks (RT Professional)
With "Excel Workbooks", it is possible to display process data such as alarms and values of
process or logging tags in an Excel table on the DataMonitor client. Data of logging tags of
swapped out logs is not displayed.
The data is analyzed using Excel functions or graphically formatted trend view, e.g. mean value
calculation, diagram presentation.
You configure the Excel Workbook for displaying the process data using the Excel Add-In
"Excel Workbook Wizard". The online display of the process data is performed via the Excel
Add-In "Excel Workbook".
The created Excel workbooks can also be configured as templates for the function "Reports".
You need the DataMonitor client to use the "Excel Workbooks" function. The installation file
can be found on the DataMonitor start page under "Reports > Download area", on the
installation medium, or at the download installations.
The following 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office are released for the use of "Excel Workbook":
Office 2007 SP2
Office 2010 SP1
Office 2013
Use of the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office is not released.
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Configuring with XML file or online
Simultaneous online access to process data of different WinCC servers is possible using the
Excel worksheet. This requires that you either take the data from an XML file or from a local
WinCC project during the configuration in the Excel Workbook Wizard.
Separation between process and analysis by configuring with XML file
By using the XML file for the project-relevant data, a separation between the process and the
analysis is possible.
You create the XML file on a DataMonitor server. Afterwards, transfer the XML file to a PC
with Microsoft Excel, located in operation management for instance. You can configure the
process data display in the sheet on the PC.
Afterwards, transfer the workbook to a DataMonitor client where the process data is to be
displayed online.
Configuration steps
The configuration of this function is carried out with the following steps:
1. In order to configure using the online data, configure directly on the WinCC server or on a
WinCC client with an online connection to the respective WinCC server.
2. You have to create the XML file in order to configure with the data of an XML file. Use the
"WinCC DataMonitor Configurator Export" application to create an XML file with the relevant
data of the opened WinCC project on the DataMonitor server.
3. Use the Excel add-in "Excel Workbook Wizard" to import the project-relevant data to an
Excel workbook.
4. Configure the display of process data such as alarms and tag values.
5. To display process data in the Excel workbook in online mode, use the Excel add-in "Excel
Workbook" on a DataMonitor Client. The values can also be further processed in Excel.
If you rename a table in an Excel workbook, the configuration data of the table will be lost.
2.1.6 Reports (RT Professional)
Using Reports , you can use WinCC print jobs and published Excel Workbooks to output
analysis results and process data. The data is output in PDF or XLS file format
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When the reports are created is defined on the DataMonitor Server. The following options are
Manually, for example, by a plant operators.
Event-driven, for example, when a tag value has changed-
Time-driven, for example, daily.
You can also transmit a report as e-mail attachment The various directories can only be
accessed with the appropriate authorization; including access over an Intranet or the Internet.
Output as PDF file (WinCC print jobs)
PDF Reader The PDF reader can be obtained from, for example.
Output as XLS file (Excel workbook)
MS Excel as of Office XP is installed.
To use the DataMonitor Server for the automatic creation of Excel reports, you must install
MS Excel on the server PC.
The Excel workbook is created at and published as template at the DataMonitor Server.
For more information, refer to "Configuring an Excel workbook (Page 132)".
Displaying data on the DataMonitor Client
In the Excel worksheet, the creation time and periods are always displayed in the local time
zone of the DataMonitor Server.
See also
Configuring an Excel workbook (Page 132)
2.1.7 Access rights (RT Professional)
When using DataMonitor, different authentications are required. You have to define specific
users and user rights for this.
For the functions "Trends and Alarms", "Reports" and "Webcenter", a Windows user.
For the functions "WinCCViewerRT" and "Excel Workbooks", a WinCC user.
SIMATIC logon allows the central administration of users. To use SIMATIC logon in conjunction
with DataMonitor, the DataMonitor user is added to the user group "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER".
The user group "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER" is created during the installation of WinCC Runtime
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2.1.8 Checking certificates (RT Professional)
You must adjust settings in Internet Explorer before you work with the DataMonitor.
1. Open the Internet Explorer.
2. Open the "Internet Options" dialog under:
"Tools > Internet Options"
3. Select the "Advanced" tab.
4. Deactivate the following option in the "Security" area:
"Check for publisher's certificate revocation".
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2.2 Installing DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.2.1 Licensing (RT Professional)
DataMonitor client
DataMonitor client does not need a license.
DataMonitor server
Licenses must be installed on the DataMonitor server for the DataMonitor clients. The license
check is different for the following function groups.
"DataMonitor" with the functions:
"WinCCViewerRT" and "Excel Workbooks"
A "WinCC DataMonitor" license is required on the server computer for each DataMonitor
"Webcenter" with functions:
"Webcenter", "Trends and Alarms", "Reports"
It is not the number of clients but the number of connections that is relevant for the license
count with the "Webcenter" function group.
Licensing when upgrading to V14 or higher
If you upgrade from an older version to version V14 or higher, you need a new license for
DataMonitor Server.
The following table shows the number of possible clients based on the function group and
License "DataMonitor" function group "WebCenter" function group
1 Client 1 3
3 Clients 3 6
10 Clients 10 20
25 Clients 25 50
50 Clients 50 100
With a "3 Clients" license, the following users can log on simultaneously:
3 users of the "DataMonitor" function group
6 users of the "WebCenter" function group
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Operation without valid license
If no license is available, DataMonitor displays a page requiring acknowledgement indicating
the missing license at start-up.
Click the "OK" button to acknowledge the notice.
The start page of the DataMonitor is displayed.
Check the existing licenses. If necessary, install the required licenses.
If the user does not log out with the "Logout" button and the browser is closed, the
connection is maintained and the license remains occupied. The license will only be
released again after approximately 20 minutes.
2.2.2 Installation of the DataMonitor server (RT Professional) Installing DataMonitor server (RT Professional)
Administrator rights
Internet Information Service is installed.
Installation disk with WinCC RT Professional
Proceed as follows to install the DataMonitor server:
1. Place the installation disk in the drive.
The disk starts automatically if auto-run is enabled in the operating system. If auto-run is
not activated, start the Setup.exe program on the disk.
2. Select "User defined" for "Installation mode".
3. Select the "DataMonitor Server" program package.
4. Start the installation.
You can track the status of the installation in the displayed dialog. Select "Cancel" to cancel
the installation.
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5. After installing the DataMonitor server, you can transfer the license key for the product.
Click on "Transfer License Key" to do this. If you have already transferred the license key
or you want to install it subsequently, select "Next".
License keys are not transferred automatically. Transfer the missing license keys during or
after installation using Automation License Manager.
6. Reboot the PC when prompted by Setup.
The DataMonitor server is installed. Installing the Internet Information Service (RT Professional)
Before installing the DataMonitor server, you must install the Internet Information Service (IIS).
During installation, you specify the settings for the DataMonitor server.
Activate the following settings:
Web management tools:
IIS management service
IIS management console
IIS management scripts and tools
Compatibility with IIS Metabasis and IIS 6 configuration
Compatibility with WMI for IIS 6
WWW services > General HTTP features:
Standard document
Static content
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WWW services > Application development features:
.NET extension capability 3.5 and 4.5
ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.5
ISAPI extensions
ISAPI filters
WWW services > Security:
Requirement filtering
Standard authentication
Windows authentication
If the logging functions are active with IIS, the log files must be monitored and deleted,
if necessary. The event views should be configured in such a way that the log files do
not become too large.
Windows user with administrator rights
Write access for the registry database
To install the IIS, follow these steps:
1. Insert the Windows installation disk into the drive.
Open the Control Panel. Click the "Programs and Features" entry.
1. Click the "Turn Windows features on or off" entry.
2. Activate the settings mentioned above.
3. Close the dialog with the "OK" button. The required data is transferred and the IIS is
configured accordingly.
Alternative procedure
You can also use the command line "Start > Run > cmd" to install the IIS components located
on the installation data carrier:
pkgmgr.exe /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-
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2.2.3 Installation of the DataMonitor client (RT Professional) Installation of the DataMonitor client (RT Professional)
Installation Conditions DataMonitor Client
You need not install the DataMonitor client if you only want to use "Webcenter" and "Trends
and Alarms".
You can install "Excel Workbook Wizard" on the client PC as an add-on. "Office Excel 2007
(32-bit)", "Office Excel 2010 (32-bit)" or "Office Excel 2013 (32-bit)" are required for the
installation of "Excel Workbook" on the client PC, because "Excel Workbook" and "Excel
Workbook Wizard" are installed as Excel add-ins.
Installation of the DataMonitor client on the DataMonitor server
To also install DataMonitor client or WebNavigator client on a DataMonitor server, you need
to proceed as follows:
1. Switch the start type of the service to manual in the service manager.
2. Reboot the PC.
3. Install the DataMonitor client.
During the installation, ensure that no WebNavigator clients or DataMonitor clients access
the server.
4. When the installation is successfully completed, switch the start type of the
"CCArchiveConnMon" service back to automatic.
Software and hardware requirements are met. For more information, refer to
Security settings in Internet Explorer are configured.
Installation options
The following options are available for installing the DataMonitor client.
Installation via the installation disk
In this case, certain Windows user rights are necessary, depending on the operating system.
Installation via the Intranet/Internet
In this case, certain Windows user rights are necessary, depending on the operating system.
Additional installation options.
The installation can also be performed without user interaction, under the Windows user
rights of the current user or in networks using group policy-based software distribution.
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Internet Explorer is open.
To configure the security settings in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
1. Select the command "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu in Internet Explorer.
2. Select the "Security" tab. Select the corresponding zone, e.g. "Local Intranet" or "Internet".
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3. Click on the "Custom level" button. The "Security settings" dialog opens.
4. Select the "Enable" option for "Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting" and
"Download signed ActiveX controls".
5. Select the "Enable" option under "Scripting > Active Scripting".
6. Click the "OK" button. Carry out the modifications in the subsequent dialog.
7. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon. Click the "Sites" button. The "Trusted sites" dialog opens.
8. Enter the address of the web server in the field "Add this web site to the zone". Possible
formats and placeholders include "*://157.54.100 - 200", "", or "http://
*". Deactivate the "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone"
check box. Click "Add". Confirm your entries with "OK".
9. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon. Click the "Standard level" button and then the "Custom
Level" button. The "Security settings" dialog opens.
10.Select the "Enable" option for "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for
scripting". Confirm your entries with "OK".
11.Click on the "General" tab. Click on the "Settings" button in the "Temporary internet files"
area . Select the "Automatic" option for "Check for newer versions of stored pages". Confirm
the entry using the "OK" button.
12.Click "OK" to close the "Internet Options" dialog.
The security settings in Internet Explorer are configured.
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Security settings in Internet Explorer are configured.
User possesses the necessary rights for installation.
To install the DataMonitor client using the installation disk, follow these steps:
1. Place the installation disk in the drive.
The disk starts automatically if auto-run is enabled in the operating system. If auto-run is
not activated, start the Setup.exe program on the installation disk.
2. Select "User defined" in the "Installation mode" dialog.
3. Select the "DataMonitor Client" program package.
4. Start the installation.
You can track the status of the installation in the displayed dialog. Select "Cancel" to cancel
the installation.
5. Reboot the PC when prompted by Setup.
DataMonitor client is installed. The "WinCCViewerRT" function is activated. Installing via the Intranet/Internet (RT Professional)
Security settings in Internet Explorer are configured.
User possesses the necessary rights for installation.
DataMonitor server is installed and configured.
User is created in user administration.
The WinCC project is in Runtime on the DataMonitor server.
The server PC and client PC are interconnected via a TCP/IP-capable network.
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To install the DataMonitor client via the Intranet/Internet, follow these steps:
1. Enter the address of the DataMonitor server in the address bar.
Default web site: ""
Web site in the virtual directory: ""
2. Log on to the DataMonitor server with your user name and password. If you are accessing
the DataMonitor server for the first time, you will be prompted to install the DataMonitor
3. Click the "Click here to install" link.
4. Click the "Save" button in the "File Download" dialog to store the client setup on the client
PC. It is recommended that you save the setup file. Then if the client PC needs to be
restarted, it is not necessary to download the setup again.
5. Leave the Internet Explorer open and open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory in
which you saved the setup file. Double-click the setup file.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the information and settings necessary.
The client-end controls of the DataMonitor are installed. Close the Setup dialog.
After the successful completion of the installation, the DataMonitor client switches to the
WinCC project currently in Runtime.
If you have already installed the DataMonitor client and wish to install a current version of the
client via the Intranet/Internet, open the Client Setup straight away without saving the
installation file on the target PC. If you want to save the new installation file, uninstall the old
installation file first or save the new version of the file in different directory than the older version
of the file. (necessary)
When downloading the DataMonitor server client software, select the "Save" option to save
the client setup on the client PC. It is recommended to save the Setup file because, in the
event of a restart of the client computer being necessary, the Setup need not be downloaded
If the DataMonitor client was installed previously from the DVD and you want to install an
updated version of the client via the Intranet/Internet, the client setup must also be saved on
the target PC.
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User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities
The following conditions apply for the installation of the DataMonitor client:
Windows user rights required for installation and first registration of the DataMonitor client
Installation of the DataMonitor client with restricted windows user rights
Installation for a configured group of users or PCs
Group policy based software distribution
Installation without user interaction
Windows user rights required for installation and first registration of the DataMonitor client
To install the DataMonitor client via Intranet/Internet or from the installation disk, you require
certain minimum user rights.
Operating system Required minimum user rights
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1/ Windows Server 2012 R2/
Windows Server 2016
"Power user"
Windows 7/Windows 10 "Power user"
Use the following for the first logon of the DataMonitor client to the DataMonitor server:
The user identification of the installation
A user with equal or higher Windows user rights
If the first logon was successful, subsequent logons can be performed for a user without
"Power user" or "Administrator" rights.
Installation of the DataMonitor client without "Power user" or "Administrator" rights
By using Microsoft Windows Installer technology (MSI), DataMonitor clients can also be
installed with limited Windows user rights i.e. without possessing the "Power user" or
"Administrator" rights. The add-ons and plug-ins for the DataMonitor client can also be installed
this way.
This procedure can be used for the following installations:
Installation via group policy-based software distribution in networks
Installation for a configured group of users or PCs.
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Installation for a configured group of users or PCs
Using the Microsoft Systems Management server or group policy on a domain controller, it is
possible to install a group of users or PCs configured by the administrator.
The MSI file "WinCCDataMonitorClient.msi" is published on the domain controller and
enabled for a user group. The installation is then performed according to the configuration
of the group policy based software distribution either during logon of the defined users or
when the computer is started.
When using a Microsoft Systems Management Server, the installation is configured and
triggered by the administrator, and executed when the relevant PC boots. Additional
information on Microsoft Systems Management server is available on the Microsoft home
Group policy based software distribution
The software installation is normally executed with the access rights of the current Windows
user. When using MSI technology, the installation is performed by an operating system service
with higher rights. This enables installations to be performed for which the Windows user has
no permission. Applications which require higher-level permissions for installation are referred
to as "privileged installations" in MSI technology. Installation of these applications is possible
when a Windows user is assigned the "Always install with elevated privileges" permission.
To use group policy-based software distribution, a group policy is created on the domain
controller. The software to be distributed is assigned or published using the active directory .
Assignment: The software distribution can be assigned to a user or a PC. The software to
be distributed is automatically installed when the user logs on or the PC boots.
Publication: The software distribution can be published for single users. When the user logs
onto the client PC, the software to be distributed appears in a dialog and can be selected
for installation.
Installation without user interaction
During installation of the DataMonitor client, the user is normally prompted to enter information,
e.g. the target directories, the agreement to the software license conditions or components to
be installed.
By implementing a configuration file, installation is possible without user interaction. The
required path specification and user information are provided in the "options.ini" configuration
file. The INI file must be located in the same directory as the setup file of the DataMonitor client.
This installation procedure is advantageous when using the group policy-based software
Installation from the product DVD occurs with user interaction.
The settings given predefined in the table are used under the following conditions:
The "options.ini" configuration file is missing and there is no corresponding entry available
in the registry of the client PC, e.g. due to another SIMATIC HMI product installed.
Alternatively, the installation is performed via the group policy-based software distribution
with assignment to the PC.
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Information Parameter
Target directory for the DataMonitor client INSTALLDIR=" <syspath1>\Siemens\WinCC"
Target directory for common components COMMONDIR=" <syspath2>\Siemens "
User information / user name USER
User information / organization COMPANYNAME
The "<syspath?>" parameters result from the settings in the registry under the key
- "<syspath1>" corresponds to the key "ProgramFilesDir" e.g. "C:\\Program Files"
- "<syspath2>" corresponds to the key "CommonFilesDir", e.g. "C:\\Program Files\\Common
Example of an "options.ini" configuration file
COMMONDIR=" C:\Programs\Common files\Siemens "
INSTALLDIR=" C:\Programs\Siemens\WinCC "
2.3 Configuring the DataMonitor system (RT Professional)
For the use of the WinCC DataMonitor, the data and process screens are made available on
the DataMonitor Server to be accessed and displayed on the DataMonitor client.
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The server PC and client PC are interconnected.
On the server PC
Internet Information Service is installed.
The DataMonitor Server is installed.
A license key is installed.
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed.
On the client PC
Internet Explorer V11 is installed.
Configuration steps
The following configuration steps are required to set up a DataMonitor system.
1. Configure the WinCC project.
Configuring WinCC screens for Web access
For WinCCViewerRT and the "Excel Workbooks" function, define the users and access
rights in the "User administration" dialog.
Configure Runtime settings
2. Transfer your WinCC project to the server PC. If the configuration PC and the WebNavigator
server are interconnected, transfer the WinCC project using the command "Download to
device > Software (all)".
3. Configure the DataMonitor Server.
Setting up the Web folder
Define users and access rights in Windows for the functions "Trend and Alarms",
"Reports" and "WebCenter".
4. Start WinCC Runtime on the server PC.
5. Use the DataMonitor functions on the DataMonitor Client.
Check the Internet Explorer security settings on the client PC
Start Internet Explorer on the client PC and enter the address of the DataMonitor Server.
After logging on to the DataMonitor Server you can access the DataMonitor functions.
6. Monitor the WinCC project at the DataMonitor Client.
Setting up WinCCViewerRT
Displaying screens
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2.3.1 Configuring a WinCC project (RT Professional) Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (RT Professional)
Configuring individual WinCC screens for Web access
1. Double-click the desired screen in the project tree. The screen is opened and the screen
properties are shown in the Inspector window.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > Web access".
3. Activate "Web access".
1. select the desired screen in the project tree.
2. Select "Web access" command in the shortcut menu.
Configuring several screens for Web access
1. Select "Screens" in the project tree.
2. Select "Web access all" command in the shortcut menu.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access. During the transfer of the project, the
WinCC screens are adapted for access via the Intranet/Internet and published on the
DataMonitor Server.
For more information, refer to "Transferring when WinCC projects".
See also
Creating static process screens for the Web Center (Page 105) WinCC screens as a gadget (RT Professional)
Gadget on the Data Monitor Server (RT Professional)
Using the "Preview" property, you define which screens to group in a gadget. Gadgets are mini
applications for the Windows sidebar. In order to use gadgets, a DataMonitor client must
always be installed as well on the DataMonitor server.
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The following operating systems support gadgets:
Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded StdE 7)
Windows 10
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
To configure WinCC screens as a gadget, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the desired screen in the project tree. The screen is opened and the screen
properties are shown in the Inspector window.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > Web access".
3. Activate "Preview" and "Web access".
4. Save the WinCC project.
5. Select the "Compile > Software" command in the shortcut menu of the HMI device.
The screens are assembled for the gadget on the WebNavigator server. As soon as the project
is in runtime, the WebNavigator server generates a jpg snapshot image "pdlImage.jpg" of each
screen at cyclic intervals and in consecutive order.
The file is stored in the directory "\WinCC\Webnavigator\Server\Web\image\_gadget". The
gadget accesses this file cyclically in the directory again.
Note that user interactions are not possible in the screens displayed. This includes, for
example, calls from login dialogs or notice dialogs via functions.
The following objects are not supported for the display in a gadget:
GSC diagnostics window
Media Player
The WinCC project shown in the gadget cannot be operated.
Gadget on the Data Monitor Client (RT Professional)
In order to use gadgets, a DataMonitor client must always be installed as well on the
DataMonitor server. A preconfigured gadget for displaying WinCC screens is located on the
DataMonitor client in the installation directory under ""\WinCC\Webnavigator\GADGET".
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The following operating systems support gadgets:
Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded StdE 7)
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2
The screens are published on the Data Monitor server and configured as "Preview".
To access the gadget with the Data Monitor Client, follow these steps:
1. Double-click on the "_WebNavigator.gadget" gadget in the installation directory under
"\WinCC\Webnavigator\GADGET". The Gadget is installed under Windows 7 in the Sidebar.
2. Define the update cycle in which the gadget loads a screen from the Data Monitor Server,
every 17 seconds for example.
3. Enter the address of the Data Monitor Server. The gadget establishes a connection to the
Data Monitor Server.
4. If necessary, drag-and-drop the gadget onto the desktop. Configuring runtime settings (DataMonitor) (RT Professional)
You can configure the behavior in runtime in the "Runtime settings" editor.
1. Open the "Runtime Settings > Web Navigator" editor.
2. To use the "WinCC Classic" design, activate "Use "WinCC-classic" design".
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3. To use your own cursor as a "View only cursor", enter the path and file name of the cursor
at "Cursor "View only". Alternatively, navigate to the file of the desired cursor using the "…"
4. To change the maximum number of concurrent connections, enter the desired number in
the "Count of concurrent connections" field.
5. To change the maximum number of open tabs in the browser, enter a suitable value in the
"Number of tabs per browser" field. Internet Explorer V11 supports this setting.
Server load settings
Each tab that calls the server homepage uses a license on the server PC. A connection
setting of "10" and a tab setting of "2" corresponds to 20 clients. A license for at least 20
clients must be available on the server PC.
6. Define whether the local user group is disabled on the WebNavigator Server.
7. To output an appropriate system message when a WebNavigator logs on and off, activate
"Enable event log messages".
The settings for Runtime are configured.
See also
Display screens (Page 90) Defining users in WinCC (RT Professional)
Managing a user group for DataMonitor (RT Professional)
A different start screen and the language can be set for each user group. This allows you to
make various sections of a project immediately accessible or inaccessible for users.
The name of the user group has to be unique within the project. Otherwise the input is not
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The "User groups" work area is open.
The "Start" screen has been created and the web access is activate.
The selected project language is activated.
1. Position the mouse cursor on the title of the "Groups" table.
2. Open the shortcut menu with the right mouse button and select the display of the "Start
screen" and "Language" columns.
3. Double-click "Add..." in the "Groups" table.
4. Enter "DataMonitor operators" as the name of the user group. Activate at least the
"DataMonitor - View only" authorization in the "Authorizations" table.
5. Click the button in the "Start screen" column. A dialog box for selecting the start screen
6. Select a start screen for Runtime.
7. Close the dialog box by using the icon.
8. Click the button in the "Language" column. A dialog box for selecting the language
9. Select the language.
As an alternative, select the user group in the work area; the properties of the user group are
then displayed in the Inspector window. In the Inspector window, select "Properties >
Properties > Web options". Select the start screen and the language.
The name of the user group is language-dependent. You can specify the name in several
languages and switch between languages in runtime.
Managing users for DataMonitor (RT Professional)
Create a corresponding user in user administration to enable the use of the "WinCCViewerRT"
and "Excel Workbooks" functions.
DataMonitor is installed.
The "Users" work area is open.
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The "DM_Demo" user is created and assigned view-only rights.
The "DataMonitor operators" user group has been created.
The "Start" screen has been created and the web access is activate.
The selected project language is activated.
Setting the start screen and language
1. Position the mouse cursor on the title of the "Users" table.
2. Open the shortcut menu with the right mouse button and select the display of the "Start
screen" and "Language" columns.
3. In the "Start screen" column, click on the button in the row of the "DM_Demo" user. A
dialog box for selecting the start screen opens.
4. Select the "Start" screen.
5. Close the dialog box by using the icon.
6. Click the button in the "Language" column. A dialog box for selecting the language
7. Select "Spanish" as the Runtime language.
8. Activate the "DataMonitor operators" user group in the "Groups" table.
As an alternative, select the user in the work area; the properties of the user are then displayed
in the Inspector window. In the Inspector window, select "Properties > Properties > Web
options". Select the start screen and the language.
The language setting is retained when a user is moved from one group to another. The start
screen will be overwritten.
2.3.2 Transferring a WinCC project (RT Professional)
A WinCC project is configured
DataMonitor Server is installed on the server PC.
The configuration PC and server PC are interconnected.
Online transfer
Transfer the WinCC project using the command "Load to device > Software (all)". The project
is compiled prior to the download. The screens are adapted for access via Intranet/Internet
during compilation.
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During the download to the server PC, the configured WinCC project is transferred and the
screens are published on the DataMonitor Server. For more information, refer to "Compiling
and loading".
2.3.3 Configuring the DataMonitor Server (RT Professional) Setting up the DataMonitor Web page (RT Professional)
Internet Information Service is installed.
The WinCC DataMonitor is installed.
Set up the DataMonitor Web page as follows:
1. In the Start menu select the command "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option
and Tools > HMI Tools" > WinCC Web Configurator". This starts the Web Configurator.
2. The Web Configurator detects whether a configuration already exists.
No configuration available: Select "Create a new standard website (stand-alone)" and
click "Next".
A configuration exists: Check the configuration
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3. Define the desired settings.
4. Enter the name of your Web site in the "Name of the Web site" field.
5. In the "Port" field, enter the port number used for access.
6. In the "IP address" field specify whether the PC is to be reached in the Intranet, Internet or
in both networks. Only use addresses from the selection list.
If you want to make your PC accessible via the Intranet and the Internet, select "All not
7. Select "DataMonitor.asp" as the standard Web site.
8. Define the time interval after which the Web Navigator Clients automatically start to
establish a connection following a connection breakdown. If "0 s" is set, the "Automatic
connection establishment" function is disabled.
9. Define the way the Web site is started after configuration.
10.If you have not activated a firewall, click "Finish". If you have installed a firewall, click "Next".
The Web directory has been created and the Web page is activated. If you have activated the
firewall, configure the firewall settings with the Web Configurator. See "Setting up a firewall"
for additional information.
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System Manual, 12/2017 81 Setting up a firewall (RT Professional)
This section describes only the activation of the "HTTP" and "HTTPS" services for port 80 in
the respective operating system.
To set up the Windows firewall with advanced security, or for a different port, contact your
network administrator.
You have created a standard Web site using the Web Configurator.
The firewall is activated.
A logged on Windows user has administrator rights
To set up the firewall for a standard port, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Windows Firewall" in the "WinCC Web Configurator".
2. The "Windows Firewall" dialog will open.
3. In Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, click "Allow a program or feature through Windows
In Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016, click "Allow an app or
feature through Windows Firewall".
4. Activate "Secure WWW Services (HTTPS)" or "WWW Services (HTTP)".
5. Exit the open Windows dialogs with "OK".
6. Click "Finish" in the Web Configurator. The configuration of the server will be completed. Defining users in Windows (RT Professional)
User groups (RT Professional)
User groups in Windows
The following user groups are created automatically in Windows when the DataMonitor server
is installed:
"SIMATIC Report Administrators"
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The membership in the user group "SIMATIC Report Administrators" is required for extended
rights, especially for configuration purposes. You must create at least one user and assign the
user group "SIMATIC Report Administrators".
The following is possible in the "Webcenter" function:
Configuration of connections
Creation of templates for WebCenter pages
Creation and configuration of public and private WebCenter pages
The following is possible in the "Reports" function:
Configuration of reports on the basis of print jobs or Excel workbooks.
"SIMATIC Report Users"
The membership in the user group "SIMATIC Report Users" or in your own user group is
required for the functions "Webcenter", "Trends and Alarms" and "Reports".
The following is possible in the "Webcenter" function:
Setting and configuration of WebCenter pages. WebCenter pages are stored in different
Opening public pages
The following is possible in the "Reports" function:
Opening reports on the basis of print jobs or Excel workbooks.
Defining Users and Access Rights in Windows (RT Professional)
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed
DataMonitor Server is installed
Proceed as follows to create a user under Windows:
1. Open the Control Panel. Double-click the "Administration" entry.
2. Double-click "Computer Management" in the "Administration" dialog.
The "Computer Management" dialog opens.
3. Navigate to the directory "System > Local Users and Groups / Groups". Select the "New
User..." command in the shortcut menu.
4. Enter the name "DM_Demo" in the "User Name" field in the "New User" dialog. Enter the
description "User for DataMonitor" in the "Complete Name" field. Type the desired
password into the "Password" field and then repeat it in the "Repeat Password" field. Create
the user with "Create". Close the "New user" dialog.
5. In the right part of the table window, click the newly created user. Open the shortcut menu
and select the command "Properties". Go to the "Member of" tab. Click "Add".
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6. Click the "Advanced >" button in the dialog "Select Groups" and then "Find now".
7. In the dialog below, select the two entries "SIMATIC Report Administrators" and "SIMATIC
HMI VIEWER" from the list. To close the dialog, click "OK" twice.
8. The groups "SIMATIC Report Administrators" and "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER" are added to
the membership list in the user properties. Click "OK."
9. Close the dialog "Computer Management" with the menu command "File > Exit".
10.Close the dialog "Management" with the menu command "File > Close".
The user "DM_Demo" with membership of the user groups "SIMATIC Report Administrators"
and "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER" has been set up.
2.3.4 Starting the DataMonitor on the DataMonitor client (RT Professional) Configuring security settings in Internet Explorer (RT Professional)
To have the full functionality available on the DataMonitor client, adapt the security settings in
Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer V11
To configure the security settings in Internet Explorer, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Tools" > "Internet Options" in the Internet Explorer. The "Internet Options" dialog
2. Click the "Security" tab.
3. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon and click the "Sites..." button. The "Trusted Sites" dialog
4. Enter the address of the DataMonitor Server in the "Add this Website to the zone" field.
Possible formats and wildcards include "*://157.54.100 - 200", "", or "http://
5. If necessary, clear the "Require server verification for all sites in this zone (https:)". Click
"Add". Confirm the entry by clicking "OK".
6. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon.
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7. Click "Default Level". Click "Customize Level" in the following dialog.
The "Security settings" dialog box opens.
Activate the "Activate" option under "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as
Confirm the entry by clicking "OK".
8. Close the "Internet Options" dialog by clicking "OK".
The necessary settings of the DataMonitor client in the Internet Explorer are configured. Starting the DataMonitor startup page on the DataMonitor client (RT Professional)
The start page of the DataMonitor summarizes the functions of the DataMonitor.
"Working with reports (Page 146)":
Creation and output of the analysis results and process data in print jobs and in published
Working with Excel Workbooks (Page 132).
"Working with the WebCenter (Page 91)"
Configuration of connections and creation of WebCenter pages for the display of logged
"Working with Trends and Alarms (Page 121)"
Display of alarms and process values from logs in tables and diagrams.
You start the DataMonitor client on a standalone PC or on a DataMonitor server.
User has been created in the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report Administrators".
The WinCC project on the DataMonitor Server is in Runtime.
A user is created in WinCC.
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To access the Web page of the DataMonitor Server, proceed as follows:
1. Open the MS Internet Explorer on the DataMonitor client.
2. Enter the name of the DataMonitor server in the format "http://<servername>" in the URL.
Confirm the entry with "Enter".
3. The logon dialog opens. Enter the name of a Windows user in the "User name" field. Enter
the respective password and confirm with "OK".
The start page with the DataMonitor functions will be displayed.
The start page with the DataMonitor functions will be displayed on the DataMonitor client. The
use of the functions depends on the user's access right.
See also
Working with WinCCViewerRT (Page 88)
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.3 Configuring the DataMonitor system (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
86 System Manual, 12/2017 General Operations of the DataMonitor Client (RT Professional)
The DataMonitor Web pages have the following structure:
Current user
Link to logoff
Navigation control
Icon to hide the header
Interface language selection field
Tabs depending on the currently displayed contents
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Switching the user interface language
1. Choose the desired language from the selection field in the header.
The GUI language is changed.
Hide and show the header
1. To hide the header line, click the symbol .
This provides more room for displaying the content.
2. To show the header line again, click the symbol .
1. To log off from the DataMonitor server, click the "Log off" link.
2. Close Internet Explorer.
When you close Internet Explorer, the used license will be released immediately.
2.4 Working with WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)
2.4.1 Setting up WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)
On the server PC
The DataMonitor Server is installed.
A license key is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access and published.
On the client PC
DataMonitor Client is installed.
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Set up WinCCViewerRT as follows:
1. In the Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option and Tools
> HMI Tools" > WinCCViewerRT".
2. Enter the logon data in the "General" tab:
Server address: http://<server name>, or http://<IP address>
User name and password:
3. In the "Parameters" tab, specify the Runtime language and whether to disable keystrokes
that the operator uses to change to other programs.
4. Define the WinCC Runtime Professional properties in the "Graphics Runtime" tab:
Start screen
Configuration file for screen navigation
Window attributes
Illegal user actions
5. Define additional user actions in the "Runtime" tab.
Automatic logout
Enable screen keyboard.
Use <Ctrl+Alt+Del> to switch to the Task Manager and to the operating system. This
setting is only valid for the on-screen keyboard.
Open the "WinCCRTViewer" dialog by means of keystroke.
You can change the default keystroke <Ctrl+Alt+P>.
6. Close the dialog with "OK".
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The WinCCViewerRT is configured. When the dialog is closed, the connection to the
DataMonitor server is established. The settings are saved to the configuration file
"WinCCViewerRT.xml". The settings in the configuration file are used at the next start of
The configuration file is stored in the directory "C:\Users\<User name>\Appdata\LocalLow
\Siemens\SIMATIC.WinCC\WebNavigator\Client". Under <User name>, enter the name of the
user logged-on when the file is created. This allows different configurations to be used,
depending on the logged on user. WinCCViewerRT applies the interface language from
Renaming or removing WinCCViewerRT.xml
When you rename or remove the file WinCCViewerRT.xml, the configuration dialog of
WinCCViewerRT is opened during the start. Reconfigure WinCCViewerRT, or select a different
configuration file.
2.4.2 Display screens (RT Professional)
A license key is installed on the DataMonitor Server.
The WinCC project on the DataMonitor Server is in Runtime.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access and published.
A WinCC user with the authorization no. 1002 "Web access - view only" is created.
To view screens, proceed as follows:
1. In the Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option and Tools
> HMI Tools" > WinCCViewerRT".
2. Log on to the WebNavigator server:
If the user and password are configured in "WinCCViewerRT", no logon dialog displayed.
If no user and password was configured in "WinCCViewerRT", the logon dialog
displayed. Enter the user name and the password of the WinCC user. Click "OK".
3. Press the <Ctrl+Alt+P> keystroke to change the user. The "WinCCViewerRT" dialog opens.
Enter the user name and password on the General" tab.
You can also select the xml file that contains this data.
The Web Viewer connects to the activated WinCC project. The screens of the WinCC project
are displayed.
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The cursor is a "View only cursor" and indicates that process-related operations are not
Certain operations are still possible, such as opening the properties dialog of an online trend
If necessary, you can use your own cursor symbol as a "View only cursor". You can find more
detailed information on this under "Configuring runtime settings (DataMonitor) (Page 76)".
See also
Configuring runtime settings (DataMonitor) (Page 76)
2.5 Working with the WebCenter (RT Professional)
2.5.1 Administration (RT Professional) User Groups and Directories (RT Professional)
WebCenter pages and reports are stored in directories on the DataMonitor Server.
Its standard complement of directories is as follows:
Every user has a "Private" directory. Only the respective user has access rights to this
You can find additional information on setting up directories in the section "Creating
Directories (Page 94)".
Windows User Groups
The user groups "SIMATIC Report Administrators" and "SIMATIC Report Users" are created
during the installation of the DataMonitor Server. You can create more user groups. You can
find additional information on setting up user groups and users in the section"Assigning Access
Rights (Page 95)".
To access the DataMonitor, you can assign all members of a user group with the same access
rights to the directory of the DataMonitor server.
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The following access authorization is possible:
A user, as a member of a user group, only has access to a directory if the respective user
group has access rights to that directory. This permits user group-specific access. You can
find additional information on assigning access rights in the section "Defining users in
Windows (Page 82).
The following screen shows the basic user administration for the WebCenter.
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See also
Creating Directories (Page 94)
Assigning Access Rights (Page 95)
Defining users in Windows (Page 82) Creating Directories (RT Professional)
You store WebCenter pages in directories. The following directories exist as defaults:
Every Windows user has their own "Private" directory.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
The DataMonitor start page is open.
1. Click in the start page "Webcenter > Administration".
2. Click the "Directory administration" tab.
3. Enter the name "mypart" in the "New directory" field.
4. Click the "Create" button.
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You have created the directory "mypart". The user administration is opened automatically.
Specify the access rights for the folder. You can also exit the page and configure the access
rights at a later time. Assigning Access Rights (RT Professional)
In the WebCenter, directories are created in which, for example, the WebCenter pages are
stored. You can assign different access rights for the individual directories to Windows user
The following access authorization is possible:
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
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System Manual, 12/2017 95
1. Click in the start page "Webcenter > Administration".
2. Click the "User administration" tab.
3. Select the desired directory from the "Current Directory".
All existing Windows user groups are listed.
4. Activate the access rights in the line of the desired Windows user group.
5. Click "Save".
The access rights have been configured for the desired directory.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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96 System Manual, 12/2017 Establish a connection to the winCC data (RT Professional)
Create connection and set up language (RT Professional)
A connection is configured for access to the data in the "Webcenter". A connection is set up
for each data source, e.g. WinCC server. The connection is required for example for the
function "Trends and Alarms" and the WebCenter page.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report Administrators".
1. Click in the start page "Webcenter > Administration".
2. Click the "Connection administration" tab.
3. Choose the language that corresponds with the linguistic region of the server or log to be
linked in "Linguistic region".
If you do not select the language that corresponds with the respective linguistic region,
characters may be displayed incorrectly on the page.
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4. Select "New connection".
After the new installation, no selection is possible in the "Connection" field, as no
connections have been configured yet.
5. Enter a name in the field "Connection name", e.g. "WinCC1_ Runtime".
Any name can be selected. However, it should contain a reference to the selected
connection type. Do not use spaces and special characters in the connection name.
6. Enter the name of the PC whose data you would like to access in the "Computer name"
field. As an alternative, select the name of the PC using the "Find" button.
7. Enter the desired database in the "Database" field. Alternatively, select the database using
the "Find" button.
8. Choose the desired option in the "Connection type" area.
"Swapped WinCC Log"
Further steps are required to access data from logs. You can find more detailed
information on this under "Connecting and Disconnecting Swapped Logs (Page 98)"
"WinCC Runtime"
The Runtime database of the selected WinCC project is entered in the "Database" field.
CAS is not available in this version.
WinCC Runtime + all segments
"CC_ExternalBrowsing" is entered in the "Database" field.
9. Activate "Automatic adaption of RT database". When a segment is changed, the name of
the database is adjusted in the connection administration.
10.Click the "Create" button.
The connection to the data source is created and can be selected in "Connections".
See also
Connecting and Disconnecting Swapped Logs (Page 98)
Connecting and Disconnecting Swapped Logs (RT Professional)
Configuring a directory (RT Professional)
To access data from swapped WinCC logs (log backup file), these logs must be connected to
an SQL server again.
You can connect all or individual log backup files of a directory to the SQL server.
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Write protection of the log backup file has been removed
Archive backup files are write protected. Create a backup copy of the file before connecting
and remove the write protection of the copied log backup file.
The log backup files are available on the local drive.
The directories in which the log backup files are set for sharing.
The directory must be set for sharing in the Windows Explorer before you start the
DataMonitor Server.
If you set the directories for sharing later, restart the DataMonitor Server.
The user group "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER" must have "full access" to the directories.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
Windows Server 2008 R2/ 2012 R2 2016: "Network service" has been added to the "Print
operators" group.
Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10: "Network service" has been added to the "Power user" group.
Proceed as follows to create a symbolic directory:
1. Click in the start page "Webcenter > Administration".
2. Click the "Archive administration" tab.
3. Enter a unique symbolic name name in the "Symbolic Name" field.
The name should only contain the characters permitted in the SQL syntax. You use the
symbolic name for access via the DataMonitor client.
4. In "Directory", select the directory in which the log backups are located.
You can only select directories that have been set for sharing.
5. To connect all existing log backups of the directory, select "Automatically connect all logs
in this directory".
To connect all individual log backup files of the directory, clear "Automatically connect all
logs in this directory".
6. Click "Add".
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System Manual, 12/2017 99
You have created the symbolic directory "Test". If you have cleared "Automatically connect all
logs in this directory", define the log backups to be connected on the page "Connect/disconnect
logs (Page 100)".
To disconnect logs, clear the desired logs on the page "Connect/disconnect logs"
Connected logs on changeable media
Before changing the media in the drive you need to disconnect the logs on this medium. After
changing the medium, check whether the logs are connected on the new medium.
Deleting a symbolic directory
To remove a directory containing logs from the list of symbolic names, disconnect all logs
contained in the list. The status of the logs can be seen on the page "Connect/disconnect logs".
Connecting and Disconnecting Logs (RT Professional)
Write protection of the log backup has been removed
Log backups are write protected. Create a backup copy of the log before connecting and
remove the write protection of the copied archive.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
You have configured the symbolic directory "Test" (Page 98).
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To connect or disconnect individual log backups, proceed as follows:
1. Click in the start page "Webcenter > Administration".
2. Click the "Connect/disconnect logs" tab.
3. Select the directory "Test" in "Symbolic directories". Existing logs are displayed in a list.
The "Info" column provides information about the status.
Green: Connected
Red: Disconnected
4. To restrict the display, click "Filter".
5. Enter the desired time period and click "Refresh display".
6. To connect a single archive, select the desired log in the "List of existing logs". Click "Save".
The status "Green" indicates that the log is connected.
7. To disconnect a single archive, clear the desired log in the "List of existing logs". Click
"Save". The status "Red" indicates that the log is disconnected.
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Alternative procedure
Archive backups can be connected in the following ways:
VB function using the "Restore" method. For detailed information, refer to "Restore".
Automatic Connection: If you copy the log backups to the "CommonArchiving" folder, the
logs are connected to the project in Runtime.
Using Archive Connector (Page 102).
Logs are connected. If you connect signed logs, which have been changed after the swap, an
alarm is output.
See also
Configuring a directory (Page 98)
Connecting Logs using WinCC Archive Connector (Page 102)
Connecting Logs using WinCC Archive Connector (RT Professional)
With the Archive Connector, already swapped out WinCC logs can be reconnected to an SQL
Write protection of the log backup file has been removed
Archive backup files are write protected. Create a backup copy of the file before connecting
and remove the write protection of the copied log backup file.
The log backup files are available on the local drive.
The directories in which the log backup files are set for sharing.
The user group "SIMATIC HMI VIEWER" must have "full access" to the directories.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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102 System Manual, 12/2017
To connect log backup files, proceed as follows:
1. Start the "Archive Connector".
2. Click "Add" in the "Configuration" tab. The "New Directory" dialog is opened.
3. Navigate to the directory in which the log backup files are stored.
4. Enter a symbolic name for the directory. Click "OK." The directory is displayed on the
"Configuration" tab.
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5. Click the "Connect/Disconnect Logs" tab. All the logs in the selected directory are listed in
the "Connect/Disconnect Logs" tab.
6. Select the desired log and click "Connect".
A connection has been created and the desired log backup files are connected to the SQL
The connection status of each log is displayed on the "Connect/Disconnect Logs tab". "From"
and "To" columns contain the archiving period denoted in the local time zone.
The "Type"column contains the details for log type.
"A" Alarm logs
"TF" Fast data log
"TS" Slow data log
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2.5.2 Creating static process screens for the Web Center (RT Professional)
In the screen management, specify the screens that you need for the Web element "Static
process screens".
The DataMonitor Server generates copies of the screens at configurable cyclic intervals and
provides these to the DataMonitor Client and the form of static process screens.
The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access and published. You can find more
detailed information on this under "Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (Page 74)".
The DataMonitor start page is open.
The "Screen management" tab is open.
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Creating static process screens for the Web Center
1. Select the screens.
To select all screens, activate the check box in the column header.
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To select individual screens screens, activate the check box leading the relevant screen.
2. To display only part of the screen, define the following:
X position: Start positions in x direction in pixels
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Y position: Start positions in y direction in pixels
Width: Width of screen in pixels
Height: Height of screen in pixels
3. To set a language for a process screen, select the required language in the drop-down list.
4. To output the time at which the static process screen screen was created by the
DataMonitor Server, activate "Stamp".
The date time are shown in the static process screen.
5. To change the update cycle, enter the desired value in "Update time interval".
Select this cycle as large as possible. A cycle that is too small leads to performance
6. Click "Save".
The DataMonitor Server generates the static process screens from the selected screens. The
static process screens can be configured in the Web part "Static process screens".
Removing static process screens
To remove static process screens, select the check box at the relevant entry in the "Delete
graphic object" column. Click "Save" to remove the static process screen or copy. The deleted
static process screens can no longer be configured in the Web part "Static process screens".
Finding screen names or limiting the view
Use a filter to find screen names, or to limit the view to specific screen names.
At the "Filter" entry, click to show the filter above the table. Enter the search term in the
text field and then click <Enter>.
To hide the filter, click .
See also
Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (Page 74)
2.5.3 Create a layout template for WebCenter pages (RT Professional)
You require a layout template to create a WebCenter page. Many prefabricated layouts have
been installed during the installation. Additionally, you can create your own Layout Templates.
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The logged on user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
The DataMonitor start page is open.
Proceed as follows to create your own layout template:
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Create layout" tab.
3. Define the number of columns and rows.
4. Enter the name "mylayout_23" in the "Name of the layout file" field. Click "Next."
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5. If required, group the table fields. For this, click the appropriate arrow symbol, such as
"Arrow up", in the desired field, for example line 3 / column 1.
The modified view will be displayed.
To restore the original table form, click "Reset configuration".
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6. Click "Next."
7. You define the order of the Web parts in the table fields.
If necessary, select the corresponding symbol in a table field to place the web parts vertically
or horizontally.
8. Click "Save".
The layout template "mylayout_23" is created. You can use the layout template as a template
for creating a WebCenter page.
2.5.4 Create a WebCenter page (RT Professional)
The directory "myPart" is set up.
The user logged on is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
Administrators" or "SIMATIC Report Users".
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The Windows user groups have the "Change" or "Create" access rights to the directory.
The DataMonitor start page is open.
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Create Page" tab.
3. Click the desired layout template. The file name is displayed in the "Layout file" field.
4. Enter a name in the "WebCenter page" field, for example "My_Webcenter".
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5. Click the directory in which the WebCenter page is stored. The selected directory is
displayed in the field "Save WebCenter page as".
6. Click "Save".
The WebCenter page has been created and saved.
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2.5.5 Insert Web parts into the WebCenter page (RT Professional)
You combine Web parts to create the contents of the WebCenter pages.
The directory "myPart" is set up.
The WebCenter page "My_Webcenter" is stored in the directory.
The user logged on is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
Administrators" or "SIMATIC Report Users".
The Windows user groups have the "Change" or "Create" access rights to the directory.
The DataMonitor start page is open.
Proceed as follows to insert Web parts in the WebCenter page:
1. Click "WebCenter > Pages" in the start page.
2. Click the "myPart" tab.
3. Click the "My_Webcenter" entry.
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4. To add Web parts, click the symbol on the right side.
The available Web parts are listed.
If you have exported web parts that have already been configured, they are listed under
"Imported web parts". If necessary, insert these web parts into your WebCenter page.
5. Select "Trend (Timestamp)".
6. Select the entry "WPZ_01_01" and click "Add".
7. Select "Alarm hit list".
If you insert several Web parts in a spreadsheet field, they are arranged horizontally or
vertically. Specify this arrangement when creating the layout template.
8. Select the entry "WPZ_02_01" and click "Add".
9. Click "Close."
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Web parts to display data have been inserted into the WebCenter page "My_Webcenter". The
current summary of the WebCenter page is displayed.
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2.5.6 Configure Web parts within WebCenter pages (RT Professional)
The user logged on is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report
Administrators" or "SIMATIC Report Users".
The Windows user groups have the "Change" or "Create" access rights to the directory.
The WebCenter page "My_Webcenter" is open.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
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To configure Web parts within WebCenter pages, proceed as follows:
1. Click the icon in the desired Web part. The configuration dialog opens.
2. Configure the web part.
Displaying process values in a table (Page 121)
Displaying process values in a diagram (Page 123)
Displaying messages in the alarm table (Page 125)
Displaying the hit list of messages (Page 129)
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Displaying statistics function for process values (Page 131)
3. To change the position of the web part, move the web part to the desired position with the
More Operational Capabilities
The following operating options are available:
Delete Web part
Minimize Web part
Maximize Web part
Export Web part
Export configuration of the Web part as an XML file
2.5.7 Deleting WebCenter Pages and Layout Templates (RT Professional)
Deleting layout templates
The user is a member of the Windows user group "SIMATIC Report Administrators".
The DataMonitor start page is open.
Deleting a WebCenter page
The logged-in user must have "Create" access rights for the directory in which the page to
be deleted is stored.
The DataMonitor start page is open.
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Deleting layout templates
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Delete layout" tab.
3. Delete the selected files.
To delete several layout files, select the "Selection" check box for the files to be deleted.
Click "Delete".
To delete all the layout files, click "Select All". Click "Delete".
To delete individual layout files, click the respective "Delete" button in the "Action"
The selected layout file is deleted. Note that this also applies to the layout files included in your
Existing WebCenter pages which use this layout template are retained. You cannot use this
layout to create new WebCenter pages.
Deleting a WebCenter page
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Delete page" tab.
3. Activate the respective check box to mark the pages to be deleted.
4. Click "Delete".
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2.5.8 Exporting and importing WebCenter pages (RT Professional)
The logged-on user has access rights.
The WebCenter page is open.
Exporting a WebCenter page
1. Click
2. Select if you want to open or save the file as a WebCenter page in the dialog that opens.
If you save the file, a file is generated with the format "*.Export".
To open the file, select a program that can display "*.xml" format.
Importing a WebCenter page
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Import page" tab.
3. Enter a file name or click "Browse".
4. To load the file, click "Upload".
5. Enter a name for the WebCenter page.
6. Select the storage location for the WebCenter pages.
7. Click on "Import".
The selected WebCenter page is imported and displayed in the DataMonitor.
2.6 Working with Trends and Alarms (RT Professional)
2.6.1 Displaying process values in a table (RT Professional)
A connection to the WinCC data is established (Page 97)
The DataMonitor start page is open.
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Proceed as follows to display process values in a table:
1. Click "Trends & Alarms " in the start page. Click the "Process value table" tab. The Web
part "Process Value Table" is displayed.
2. Click . The configuration dialog of the Web part opens.
3. Change the title in the "Header" field. Enter a brief tip in the field "Tooltip".
4. Select the desired connection in the "Connection" field. The logging tags available via this
connection will be displayed. You can limit the number of tags using the "Archive selection"
and "Tag filter" fields.
5. Click "Add" for the desired logging tags.
6. Define the time range in the "Time period" area.
With relative times, enter a negative value in the respective field. To obtain additional
information on the time specification, click the symbol.
To check the set time range in the column "Preview time frame", click "Preview".
7. Define the number of decimal places in the "Displaying decimal places" section.
8. In the "Table size" area, define the size of the display window. For example, enter a height
of "200" and a width of "400".
If the value "0" is entered into both fields, the size is determined automatically. The size is
oriented on spatial requirements of the Web part.
9. The available WebCenter pages are displayed in the "Links to WebCenter Pages" area. To
assign the Web part to one or more WebCenter pages, click the symbol.
10.Confirm your entries.
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The values of the logging tags are output in the process value table.
Use the arrow keys to skip backward and forward with multi-page tables. You can export the
displayed table in CSV format using the icon. Click the symbol to change your settings.
2.6.2 Displaying process values in a diagram (RT Professional)
A connection to the WinCC data is established (Page 97)
The DataMonitor start page is open.
Proceed as follows to display process values in a trend view:
1. Click "Trends & Alarms " in the start page. Click the "Trend (process values)" tab. The Web
part "Trend (process values)" is displayed.
2. Click . The configuration dialog of the Web part opens.
3. Change the title in the "Header" field. Enter a brief tip in the field "Tooltip".
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4. Select the desired connection in the "Connection" field. The logging tags available via this
connection will be displayed. You can limit the number of tags using the "Archive selection"
and "Tag filter" fields.
5. Click "Add" for the desired logging tags, e.g. "TREND_1", "TREND_2", "TREND_3. The
logging tags are listed in the "Current selection" area.
6. Define the following for the individual logging tags in the "Current selection" area:
color of time and value axis
form of the trend display
7. In the section "Value axis editor", you can select the automatic scaling for the different value
axes or you can assign a minimum and a maximum value to each axis.
8. Define the time range in the "Time period" area.
With relative times, enter a negative value in the respective field. To obtain additional
information on the time specification, click the symbol. To check the set time range in
the column "Preview time frame", click "Preview".
9. In the section "Diagram settings", define the size of the display window. If the value "0" is
entered into both fields, the size is determined automatically. The size is oriented on spatial
requirements of the Web part.
10.To display the legend, select "Show legend".
11.The available WebCenter pages are displayed in the "Links to WebCenter Pages" area. To
assign the Web part to one or more WebCenter pages, click the symbol.
12.Confirm your entries.
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The selected process values are displayed as trends in a diagram.
The legend shows the assignment of the colors to the logging tags. Skip forward or back by
the selected time frame in the absolute time using the and buttons.
Enlarge the display and you can zoom into the diagram area to the left and right of the center
line using the "Zoom left" and "Zoom right" buttons. The button is used to restore
the original view.
Export the table displayed in CSV format using the icon.
Click the symbol to change your settings.
2.6.3 Displaying messages in the alarm table (RT Professional)
A connection to the WinCC data is established. (Page 97)
The DataMonitor start page is open.
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To display alarms in the alarm table, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Trends & Alarms " in the start page. Click the "Alarm table" tab. The Web part "Alarm
Table" is displayed.
Click . The configuration dialog of the Web part opens.
2. Change the title in the "Header" field. Enter a brief tip in the field "Tooltip".
3. Select the connection in the "Connection" field.
4. Select the corresponding WinCC server in the "Selection of WinCC Servers" area.
You need this setting to be able to select a connection to a swapped out archive that
contains log files from several WinCC servers.
5. Define the time range in the "Time period" area. With relative times, enter a negative value
in the respective field. To obtain additional information on the time specification, click the
symbol. To check the set time range in the column "Preview time frame", click "Preview".
6. In the section "Language of the alarm texts", select the language in which the alarms are
7. In the section "Filter selection", limit the expected search results by means of filter conditions
in SQL syntax. To obtain additional information on the filter conditions, click the symbol.
8. Define the following for displaying the data:
Sorting order: To obtain additional information on sorting, click the symbol.
Visible columns: To display all the columns, click "Select All". You can find more detailed
information on this under "Alarm Log Column Names (Page 128)".
Number of decimal places
9. In the "Table size" area, define the size of the display window.
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10.The available WebCenter pages are displayed in the "Links to WebCenter Pages" area. To
assign the Web part to one or more WebCenter pages, click the symbol.
11.Confirm your entries.
Use the arrow keys to skip backward and forward with multi-page tables. You can export the
displayed table in CSV format using the icon. Click the symbol to change your settings.
See also
Create connection and set up language (Page 97)
Alarm Log Column Names (Page 128)
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2.6.4 Alarm Log Column Names (RT Professional)
You can select the alarm log columns while displaying alarms in "Trends and Alarms".
Overview of column names
Position Name Type Comments
1 MsgNo Integer 4 Bytes Alarm number
2 State Small Integer 2 Bytes Alarm Log Status
3 DateTime DateTime 8 Bytes Time stamp of alarm (Date/time without milliseconds)
4 Ms Small Integer 2 Bytes Time stamp of alarm (milliseconds)
5 Instance VarChar (255) Instance Name of the Alarm Log
6 Flags1 Integer 4 Bytes (only for internal use)
7 PValueUsed Integer 4 Bytes Process Values used
8 to 17 PValue1 to PValue10 Real 8 Bytes Numerical Process Value 1 to 10
18 to 27 PText1 to PText10 VarChar (255) Process Value Text 1 to 10
28 Computer name VarChar (255) Computer Name
29 Application VarChar (255) Application Name
30 Comment VarChar (255) Comments
31 UserName VarChar (255) User Name
32 Counter Integer 4 Bytes Running Alarm Message Counter
33 TimeDiff Integer 4 Bytes Time difference to "Incoming" status
34 ClassName VarChar (255) Alarm class name
35 Type name VarChar (255) Alarm type name
36 Class Small Integer 2 Bytes Alarm class ID
37 Type Small Integer 2 Bytes Message type ID
38 to 47 Text1 to Text10 VarChar (255) Alarm Text 1 to 10
48 AG_NR Small Integer 2 Bytes Number of the PLC
49 CPU_NR Small Integer 2 Bytes Number of the CPU
50 CrComeFore Integer 4 Bytes Foreground Color for the "Incoming" Status
51 CrComeBack Integer 4 Bytes Background Color for the "Incoming" Status
52 CrGoFore Integer 4 Bytes Foreground Color for the "Outgoing" Status
53 CrGoBack Integer 4 Bytes Background Color for the "Outgoing" Status
54 CrAckFore Integer 4 Bytes Foreground Color for the "Acknowledged" Status
55 CrAckBack Integer 4 Bytes Background Color for the "Acknowledged" Status
56 LocaIID Integer 4 Bytes Location of the Alarm
57 Priority Integer 4 Bytes Priority
58 AP_type Integer 4 Bytes Loop-in alarm
59 AP_name VarChar (255) Loop-in-Alarm Function Name
60 AP_PAR VarChar (255) Loop-in-Alarm Screen
61 InfoText VarChar (255) Info text
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Position Name Type Comments
62 TxtCame VarChar (255) Incoming text
63 TxtWent VarChar (255) Outgoing text
64 TxtCameNWent VarChar (255) Text came in and went out
65 TxtAck VarChar (255) Text acknowledged
66 AlarmTag Integer 4 Bytes Alarm tag
67 AckType Small Integer 2 Bytes Acknowledgment Type
68 Params Integer 4 Bytes Parameter
See also
Displaying messages in the alarm table (Page 125)
2.6.5 Displaying the hit list of messages (RT Professional)
A connection to the WinCC data is established (Page 97)
The DataMonitor start page is open.
To display alarms in a hit list, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Trends & Alarms " in the start page. Click the "Alarm hit list " tab. The web part "Hit
list of the alarms" is displayed.
Click . The configuration dialog of the Web part opens.
2. Change the title in the "Header" field. Enter a brief tip in the field "Tooltip".
3. Select the desired connection in the "Connection" field:
4. Define the time range in the "Time period" area. With relative times, enter a negative value
in the respective field. To obtain additional information on the time specification, click the
symbol. To check the set time range in the column "Preview time frame", click "Preview".
5. In the section "Language of the alarm texts", select the language in which the alarms are
6. Select the corresponding WinCC server in the "Selection of the WinCC Server" area.
You need this setting to be able to select a connection to a swapped out archive that
contains log files from several WinCC servers.
7. In the section "Filter selection", limit the expected search results by means of filter conditions
in SQL syntax. To obtain additional information on the filter conditions, click the symbol.
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8. Define the following for displaying the data:
Sorting order: To obtain additional information on sorting, click the symbol.
Visible columns: To display all the columns, click "Select All".
Number of decimal places
9. In the "Table size" area, define the size of the display window. If the value "0" is entered
into both fields, the size is determined automatically. The size is oriented on spatial
requirements of the table.
10.The available WebCenter pages are displayed in the "Links to WebCenter Pages" area. To
assign the Web part to one or more WebCenter pages, click the symbol.
11.Confirm your entries.
The analysis values for the alarms are displayed in a hit list:
The table contains configured data and statistical values, e.g. InfoText, frequency of the alarm.
Explanations for the columns are displayed as a tool tip when the mouse is moved over the
respective column header. Use the arrow keys to skip backward and forward with multi-page
With the icon , the displayed analysis values of the alarms can be exported in CSV format.
Click the symbol to change your settings.
The display of alarms in the hit list may take some time and may place a strong load on the
CPU. A note is displayed in "Trends and Alarms" if the data volume is too high. You may then
confirm the alarm and continue without any changes, or you may cancel the process to modify
the filter criteria and thus reduce the expected amount of data.
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2.6.6 Displaying statistics function for process values (RT Professional)
A connection to the WinCC data is established (Page 97)
The DataMonitor start page is open.
Proceed as follows to display statistics functions for process values:
1. Click "Trends & Alarms " in the start page. Click the "Statistics functions for process values"
tab. The Web part "Statistics functions for process values" is displayed.
2. Click . The configuration dialog of the Web part opens.
3. Change the title in the "Header" field. Enter a brief tip in the field "Tooltip".
4. Select the desired connection in the "Connection" field. The logging tags available via this
connection will be displayed. You can limit the number of tags using the "Archive selection"
and "Tag filter" fields.
5. Click "Add" for the desired logging tags.
6. Define the time range in the "Time period" area.
With relative times, enter a negative value in the respective field. To obtain additional
information on the time specification, click the symbol.
To check the set time range in the column "Preview time frame", click "Preview".
7. Define the following for displaying the data:
Number of decimal places
Aggregate selection: Define the analysis function for the process values.
8. In the "Table size" area, define the size of the display window. For example, enter a height
of "200" and a width of "400". If the value "0" is entered into both fields, the size is determined
automatically. The size is oriented on spatial requirements of the table.
9. The available WebCenter pages are displayed in the "Links to WebCenter Pages" area. To
assign the Web part to one or more WebCenter pages, click the symbol.
10.Confirm your entries.
Statistics functions for the selected process values were executed and output in the table.
The log name and tag name are displayed as a tool tip when the mouse is moved over the
respective column header.
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You can export the displayed table in CSV format using the icon. Click the symbol to
change your settings.
2.7 Working with Excel Workbooks (RT Professional)
2.7.1 Configuring an Excel workbook (RT Professional) Importing data from a WinCC project (RT Professional)
You need the WinCC configuration data to configure Excel workbooks.
Import this data from a local WinCC project for configuration in Excel Workbook Wizard .
Server PC
Office 2007, Office 2010 or Office 2013 is installed
The Excel add-In "Excel Workbook" is installed.
DataMonitor Server is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
A user is created in WinCC.
On the configuration PC
Office 2007, Office 2010 or Office 2013 is installed
The Excel add-In "Excel Workbook Wizard" is installed.
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Due to safety settings, the automatic connection of an Excel workbook with the server does
not work in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013.
To enable automatic connection, disable the "Enable protected view for files originating from
the internet" and "Enable Protected View for files located in potential unsafe locations" settings
in Excel 2010/Excel 2013 under "Files > Options > Trust Center > ProtectedView".
To import data from a WinCC project, proceed as follows on the configuration PC:
1. Open an empty Excel workbook. Select the "Excel Workbook Wizard..." command in the
"DataMonitor" menu.
2. Activate the option "Establish connection with WinCC server".
3. The "WinCC Server" field is shown. Enter the name of the server PC and then click
"Connect". The log in dialog is displayed.
4. Enter the name and password of a WinCC user.
5. Click "Next >". The "Add / delete tags" dialog opens.
The Excel workbook is configured. Create the view of process data. Importing data from an xml file (RT Professional)
You can create the Excel workbook on a PC if, for example, Excel is not installed on the server
PC. Create the corresponding xml file on the DataMonitor Server.
Server PC
DataMonitor Server is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
A user is created in WinCC.
On the configuration PC
Office 2007, Office 2010 or Office 2013 is installed
The Excel add-in "Excel Workbook Wizard" is installed.
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Creating an XML file on the server PC
1. In the Start menu, select the command "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation >
Option and Tools > HMI Tools > WinCC DataMonitor Configurator Export".
The function creates an XML file and stores it in subdirectory "Web Navigator\Reports" of
the current project. The file name is automatically generated using the format
2. If no Excel installation exists on the server PC, transfer the XML file to another PC on which
MS Excel and the Excel Workbook Wizard are installed.
Configuring data access using an XML file
1. Open an empty Excel workbook. Select the "Excel Workbook Wizard..." command in the
"DataMonitor" menu.
2. Activate the option "Load configuration data from file". Click "Next >".
3. Navigate to the required XML file.
4. Click "Next >". The "Add / delete tags" dialog opens.
The Excel workbook is configured. Create the view of process data. Transfer the Excel
workbook to the client PC. The DataMonitor Client displays the process data of the server PC. Configuring the display of tag values (RT Professional)
The dialog "Add / delete tags" is open.
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Proceed as follows to display tag values in Excel:
1. Check the option for the insert sequence of tag groups in the "Add tags" area.
2. In the "Tag tree" area, click the directory icon. The object list opens.
3. Select the desired tag in the object list and drag the tag to a field of the Excel table.
4. Close the object list. The tag will be displayed in the window "Tag list".
5. In the "Tag list" window, select the tag and the "Server settings" command from the shortcut
6. In the "Server settings" dialog, enter the name and password of a WinCC user. Activate
"Activate automatic login". Confirm your entries.
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7. In the window "Tag list", select the tag and select the menu command "Properties" from
the shortcut menu. The dialog "Tag properties" will be opened.
8. Define the properties for the view in the table, e.g. the arrangement of headers, time stamps,
and quality code.
9. To apply the set update cycle to all tags, select "Save as default".
Settings in the areas "Display in sheet" and "Additional Data" are not valid for all tags.
10.Confirm your entries. Click the "Next >" button in the dialog "Add tag". The dialog "Add/
delete logging tags (Page 137)" is opened.
The display of tag values in an Excel sheet is configured.
In the Excel workbook, each table cell is assigned a short text and a comment which was
configured for displaying a tag value.
With tag values, the short text "OV" stands for online tags.
In the comments, the source of the displayed values is shown in the format
The value for x means:
O = Online value
After deleting/moving cells filled with configuration data or deleting/inserting new lines/
columns in the Excel worksheet, the Excel Workbook Wizard must be executed again. The
configuration data is checked and automatically adapted as a result. Confirm the data
displayed simply by using the "Next >" button. Save the workbook and close Excel.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.7 Working with Excel Workbooks (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
136 System Manual, 12/2017 Configuring the display of logging tags (RT Professional)
If you have connected logs using the WinCC objects "f(x) trend view", "f(t) trend view" or "table
view", you can no longer connect these logs with the DataMonitor.
If you have connected logs using the DataMonitor, you can no longer connect these logs using
the WinCC objects "f(x) trend view", f(t) trend view" or "table view".
The dialog "Add / delete logging tags" is open.
Proceed as follows to display logging tags in Excel:
1. In the "Tag tree" area, click the directory icon. The object list opens.
2. Select the desired logging tag in the object list and drag the logging tag into a field of the
Excel table.
3. Close the object list. The logging tag will be displayed in the window "Tag list".
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 137
4. In the window "Tag list", select the logging tag and select the menu command "Properties"
from the shortcut menu. The dialog "Archive tag properties" will be opened.
5. Define properties for display in the table, e.g. the insert sequence, data resolution, display
time window.
6. To save the settings, select "Save as default". The settings in the "Additional data" area
are not saved.
If you use the option "Number of data" for Data resolution > User-defined resolution", enter
an even value in the input box. Even values ensure proper trend display.
7. Confirm your entries. Click the "Next >" button in the dialog "Add logging tag". The dialog
"Add/remove alarms (Page 139)" will open.
The display of logging tag values in an Excel sheet is configured.
In the Excel workbook, each table cell is assigned a short text and a comment which was
configured for displaying a tag value.
With tag values, the short text "AV" stands for logging tags.
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138 System Manual, 12/2017
In the comments, the source of the displayed values is shown in the format
The value for x means:
A = Log value
After deleting/moving cells filled with configuration data or deleting/inserting new lines/
columns in the Excel worksheet, the Excel Workbook Wizard must be executed again. The
configuration data is checked and automatically adapted as a result. Confirm the data
displayed simply by using the "Next >" button. Save the workbook and close Excel.
See also
Configuring the display of tag values (Page 134) Configuring the display of alarms (RT Professional)
If you have connected logs using the WinCC object "alarm view", you can no longer connect
these logs with the DataMonitor.
If you have connected logs using the DataMonitor, you can no longer connect these logs with
the WinCC object "alarm view".
The dialog "Add / Delete Alarms" is open.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 139
Proceed as follows to display alarms in Excel:
1. Select the required cell in the Excel table. Click "Add alarm".
2. In the "Add alarm" area, click the directory icon. The dialog "Alarm - properties" will be
3. Define the properties for the display of alarms in the Excel table, such as headings and
insertion sequence of attributes.
4. Enter a filter condition in the "Filter string" field or use the selection dialog to define specific
alarms to be displayed, for example.
5. Use the "Maximum number of alarms" option to limit the number of most recent alarms
displayed. You can display maximum 1,000 alarms.
6. Activate the desired attributes in the list. For additional information, refer to "Alarm
Attributes (Page 144)".
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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140 System Manual, 12/2017
7. To save the setting, select "Save as default".
8. Confirm your entries. Click the "Next >" button in the dialog "Add logging tag": The
"Description" dialog box will open.
The display of alarms in an Excel sheet is configured.
In the Excel workbook, each table cell is assigned a short text and a comment which was
configured for displaying an alarm.
With alarms, the short text "AL" and the comment are shown in the format
After deleting/moving cells filled with configuration data or deleting/inserting new lines/columns
in the Excel worksheet, the Excel Workbook Wizard must be executed again. The configuration
data is checked and automatically adapted as a result. Confirm the data displayed simply by
using the "Next >" button. Save the workbook and close Excel.
See also
Configuring the display of logging tags (Page 137)
Alarm Attributes (Page 144) Publishing an Excel workbook (RT Professional)
The display of tag values, logging tags and alarms is configured.
The "Description" dialog box is open.
To access Excel workbooks on the DataMonitor Server, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Publish". The Excel workbook is made available for download on the DataMonitor
2. Use the "Template" button to provide the Excel Workbook for the function "Published
3. Exit the Excel Workbook Wizard
4. Save the workbook and close Excel.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
2.7 Working with Excel Workbooks (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 141
Alternative procedure
You publish the Excel template on the DataMonitor client. For additional information, refer to
"Preparing an Excel Workbook as a Template (Page 146)".
The Excel workbook is made available on the DataMonitor Server. If required, the Excel
workbook is downloaded on the DataMonitor clients or opened directly in Internet Explorer.
See also
Preparing an Excel Workbook as a Template (Page 146)
2.7.2 Displaying process data in an Excel Workbook online (RT Professional)
The Excel workbook with the configuration of the process value display must be available
on the PC.
One of the following Excel versions is necessary for online display in the Excel Workbook:
Office 2007
Office 2010
Office 2013
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed
DataMonitor Server is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
The DataMonitor start page is open.
The user "DM_Demo" has been created (Page 77).
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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142 System Manual, 12/2017
1. Click "WebCenter > Configuration" in the start page.
2. Click the "Report tools" tab.
The Excel workbooks that were published in the Excel Workbook Wizard, are shown in an
3. Select a workbook.
4. Click the Excel workbook symbol in the "Open / Save" column.
5. Click "Open >" in the next dialog. The Excel workbook opens.
6. Select the "Excel Workbook" command in the "DataMonitor" menu.
7. The name of one of the servers, whose tags are configured in the Excel table, is displayed
in the "WinCC Server" field.
The following options are available for the server name:
Access via domain
In case of accesses from outside the network domain, the domain is indicated along
with the server name.
The DataMonitor start page is the standard Web page.
Only the server name is entered in the "WinCC Server" field.
The DataMonitor start page is in the virtual directory:
The name of the virtual folder needs to be specified after the server name, e.g. "/
8. Activate the "All servers" check box when the tags from several servers are configured in
an Excel sheet. The tag values of all the servers are updated in the online display.
To establish connections to all the servers, select "All servers" before pressing the
"Connect" button to establish the connection.
9. Activate the connection to the WinCC project via the button "Connect". After a successful
connection, the log-in dialog will be opened. Enter the user name "DM_Demo" and the
respective password. When several servers are used, the logon dialogs of the servers
concerned open one after the other.
If no connection is established, a corresponding message is displayed. Clicking on the
dialog will display further information about the error (if available).
The Excel Workbook dialog must not be closed as long as the logon dialog for connection
establishment to the server persists.
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10.The connection status will be displayed in the dialog. Click the buttons "Read tags", "Read
logging tags" and "Read alarms" buttons to update the respective values or displays.
If necessary, select the check box "Read cyclically" to update the tag values in cycles.
11.Close the dialog "Excel Workbook" after ending your calculations in Excel.
12.Save the results in the workbook and close Excel.
The values of an online tag, a logging tag as well as a message window are displayed in the
Excel table.
See also
Defining users in WinCC (Page 77)
2.7.3 Alarm Attributes (RT Professional)
While displaying messages in Excel Workbook you can select the attributes to be displayed
in the Excel sheet in the Excel Workbook Wizard .
Position Attribute Type Comments
1 Alarm class name VarChar (255)
2 Alarm type name VarChar (255)
3 Foreground color Integer 4 Bytes
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144 System Manual, 12/2017
Position Attribute Type Comments
4 Background color Integer 4 Bytes
5 Flashing color Integer 4 Bytes
6 to 15 Alarm Text 1 to 10 VarChar (255)
16 to 25 Process value 1 to 10 Real 8 Bytes Numerical Process Value 1 to 10
26 State VarChar (255) Status text
27 Info text VarChar (255)
28 Alarm class ID Integer 4 Bytes
29 Message type ID Integer 4 Bytes
30 AS Number Small Integer 2 Bytes
31 CPU Number Small Integer 2 Bytes
32 Duration Integer 4 Bytes Time difference to "Incoming" status
33 Alarm counter Integer 4 Bytes Consecutive alarm counter
34 Acknowledgment Status VarChar (255) Text of the acknowledgement status
35 Priority Integer 4 Bytes
36 Application Application with which the comment was created.
37 Computer VarChar (255) Computer on which the comment was created.
38 Users VarChar (255) User who created the comment.
39 Comments VarChar (255)
See also
Configuring the display of alarms (Page 139)
2.7.4 VBA Functions of the Excel Workbook (RT Professional)
Excel workbooks: VBA functions of the Excel workbook
The following functions are available to you in an Excel workbook if you have generated an
instance of the Excel workbook object using the
ShowDialog(0): Opens the "Excel Workbook" dialog with a normal size.
ShowDialog(1): Opens the "Excel Workbook" dialog with a minimized size.
ShowDialog(2): Opens the "Excel Workbook" dialog hidden.
CloseDialog: Closes the "Excel Workbook" dialog.
GetServerID(server name): Gets the ID of the WinCC server with a specified name, for
example: "http://Local_PC".
Connect(ServerID): Connects the specified WinCC server to the Excel workbooks. You can
get the "ServerID" using the "GetServerID(server name)" function. The "Excel Workbook"
dialog must be opened before establishing a connection.
ConnectAll: Connects all WinCC servers to Excel workbooks. The "Excel Workbook" dialog
must be opened before establishing a connection.
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Disconnect(ServerID): Disconnects the Excel workbook from the specified WinCC server.
DisconnectAll: Disconnects the Excel workbook from all WinCC servers.
ReadTags(ServerID): Reads the tags from WinCC server with "ServerID". The connection
must be established before tags can be read.
ReadArchives(ServerID): Reads the logs from WinCC server with "ServerID". The
connection must be established before logs can be read.
ReadAlarms(ServerID): Reads the alarms from WinCC server with "ServerID". The
connection must be established before alarms can be read.
As soon as a connection is established or closed, the event "ServerConnected(ServerID)" or
"ServerDisconnected(ServerID)" is output by the "ExcelWorkbook.Connect" object. These
events can be integrated, for example, using "WithEvents" (VB standard).
2.8 Working with reports (RT Professional)
2.8.1 Preparing an Excel Workbook as a Template (RT Professional)
The Excel workbook is created.
The start page of the DataMonitor is open.
The regional settings of the operating system match the installed Office language.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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146 System Manual, 12/2017
Proceed as follows to prepare Excel workbooks as a template:
1. Click "Reports" in the start page.
2. Click the "Upload templates" tag.
3. Select a directory, in which the template will be stored in the "Target directory" field.
Only the directories, for which the user that is logged in has "Create" access rights, can be
4. Click the "Browse" button in the "Selected template" field. Navigate to the required Excel
5. Click the "Upload" button.
The template is prepared for the function "Published Reports".
See also
Publishing an Excel workbook (Page 141)
Configuring an Excel workbook (Page 132)
2.8.2 Making an Excel workbook available as a report tool (RT Professional)
The Excel workbook is created.
The start page of the DataMonitor is open.
The regional settings of the operating system match the installed Office language.
WinCC DataMonitor (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 147
Proceed as follows to prepare Excel workbooks as a report tool:
1. Click "Reports" in the start page.
2. Click the "Upload templates" tag.
3. Click the "Browse" button in the "Excel Workbook" field. Navigate to the required Excel
4. Click the "Upload" button.
The Excel workbook is ready in the "Report tools" section.
2.8.3 Making Settings for Reports (RT Professional)
Different settings are required for using the function "Reports" from DataMonitor.
PDF Reader is installed.
The WinCC project is selected on the DataMonitor server.
The WinCC project is selected in "Scheduled print jobs in Runtime".
The DataMonitor start page is open.
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To configure the reports settings, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Reports " in the start page. Click the "Settings" tab.
The "Settings" page is displayed.
2. Check the entries in the section "General project settings".
To enable output to a PDF file, select "Activate API print".
3. Enter the data for sending mail in the "Mail" area:
Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
User name
Name for the sender
Email account, through which you send your Email
4. Click the disk icon in the section "General project settings" to save your settings.
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5. In the "Circular buffer" area, you can define how many reports can be stored for the selected
target directory. The field has a pre-assigned value of 20.
6. Click the disk icon in this section to save your settings.
The settings for "Reports" have now been made.
2.8.4 Displaying a report with an Excel Workbook (RT Professional)
PDF Reader is installed.
The WinCC project is selected on the DataMonitor server.
The WinCC project is selected in "Scheduled print jobs in runtime".
The DataMonitor start page is open.
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Proceed as follows to create a report with Excel workbooks:
1. Click "Reports" in the start page. Click the "Excel Workbooks" tab.
The "Excel Workbooks" page is displayed.
The icons in front of the lists "List of time-controlled Excel Workbooks" and "List of event-
controlled Excel Workbooks" are cleared and show that currently, no reports are triggered.
2. Select the desired Excel workbooks, e.g. "My_workbook_1.xls" in the "Existing Excel
Workbooks" field.
This field only shows Excel Workbooks that meet the following conditions:
Workbooks that are published as templates in the Excel Workbook Wizard
Workbooks in directories for which the current user has the "Read" access right.
3. Select the directory, in which the reports will be stored in the "Target directory" field.
Only the directories, for which the user that is logged in has "Create" access rights, can be
4. Enter an e-mail address in the field "E-mail recipient". The report is e-mailed to this address.
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5. To configure time-controlled triggering, define the following in the "Time-controlled Excel
Workbooks" area.
Enter the date in the field or define the date using the calendar. To open the calendar,
click the "calendar" symbol.
Define the triggering time.
Define the repetition rate, e.g. "Once" or "Weekly".
6. Click the "Add" button in the "Time-controlled Excel Workbooks" area. The report is
displayed in the "List of time-controlled Excel workbooks".
7. To create the report immediately, click the symbol .
8. To configure event-controlled triggering, define the following in the "Event-controlled Excel
Workbooks" area.
Selected WinCC tag
Click . The object list opens. Select the desired tag from the object list.
Define the event control
Define the triggering event, e.g. change of the tag value.
If you selected "Low limit", "High limit", or "Both limits" for event control, you need
corresponding limit values.
9. Click the "Add" button in the "Event-controlled Excel Workbooks" area. The report is
displayed in the "List of event-controlled Excel workbooks"
A time-controlled or event-controlled report has been triggered with an Excel workbook.
The report is displayed in one of the lists "List of time-controlled Excel workbooks" and "List
of event-controlled Excel workbooks". The report can be changed or deleted in the list.
An event-controlled print job will not be initiated if the time, in which the tag changes, is less
than one minute.
Note that frequent initiation of the event-controlled print job OR simultaneous initiation of
several print jobs over an extended period will lead to heavy load on memory space and
resources, e.g. frequent signal changes of a tag.
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2.8.5 Creating a report with a print job (RT Professional)
PDF Reader is installed.
The WinCC project is selected on the DataMonitor Server.
The WinCC project is selected in "Scheduled print jobs in runtime".
The DataMonitor start page is open.
1. Click "Reports" in the start page. Click the "Print jobs" tab.
The "Print Jobs Configuration" page is displayed.
The icons in front of the lists "List of time-controlled print jobs" and "List of event-controlled
print jobs" are cleared. The icons indicate that no reports are currently triggered.
2. Select the desired print job, such as "Report OnlineTableControl-CP" in the "Existing print
jobs" field.
You can create the report immediately via the icon.
3. In "Target directory: ", select the directory in which the reports are created.
Only the directories, for which the user that is logged in has "Create" access rights, can be
4. Enter an e-mail address in the field "E-mail recipient". The report is e-mailed to this address.
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5. To configure time-controlled triggering, define the following in the "Time-controlled print
jobs" area.
Enter the date in the field or define the date using the calendar. To open the calendar,
click the "calendar" symbol.
Define the triggering time.
Define the repetition rate, e.g. "Once" or "Weekly".
6. Click the "Add" button in the "Time-controlled print jobs" area. The report is displayed in
the "List of time-controlled print jobs".
7. To configure event-controlled triggering, define the following in the "Event-controlled print
jobs" area.
Selected WinCC tag
Click the icon. The object list opens. Select the desired tag from the object list.
Define the event control
Define the triggering event, when the tag value is changed, for example
Low limit and high limit
If you selected "Only low limit", "Only high limit" or "Both limits" for event control, limits
are required.
8. Click the "Add" button in the "Time-controlled print jobs" area. The report is displayed in
the "List of event-controlled print jobs".
A time-controlled or event-controlled report with print job in PDF format has been created.
Depending on the type, the report is displayed in one the "List of time-controlled print jobs" or
"List of event-controlled print jobs". The report can be changed or deleted in the list.
An event-controlled print job will not be initiated if the time, in which the tag changes, is less
than one minute.
Please consider that a frequent triggering of the event-controlled print job over a long time
period will use a lot of memory and resources, such as the frequent signal change of a tag.
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WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional) 3
3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
3.1.1 Overview (RT Professional)
WinCC Redundancy offers considerably increased availability of WinCC and the plant as a
whole with parallel operation of two interconnected servers.
HMI network
Data synchronization
after fault
Industrial network
The servers monitor each other in runtime to allow for an early recognition of a failing partner
If one server fails, the clients will automatically be switched from the failed server to the still
active server. This ensures that all clients will always be available for monitoring and operating
the process.
During the failure, the active server will continue to log all alarms and process data of the
WinCC project. After the failed server comes back online, the contents of all alarm, process
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
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value and user logs will automatically be copied to the returned server. This will fill the log data
gaps of the failed server. This action is also called synchronization after return.
The WinCC Redundancy Option offers:
The automatic synchronization of alarm, process value and user logs after a failed server
comes back online.
The automatic synchronization of alarm, process value and user logs after a process
connection error.
The online synchronization of internal alarms.
The online synchronization of internal tags (tag synchronization).
The online synchronization of user logs.
The automatic switching of clients between the redundant servers if one of the servers fails.
The automatic switching of clients if the process connection fails.
The "Application Health Check" function to monitor the WinCC applications.
The "Application Health Check" function
In the WinCC / PCS7 environment the expression "Application Health Check" refers to the
cyclic lifebeat monitoring of important applications. The function increases the sensitivity of
the redundancy, since the lifebeat monitoring is extended via the servers themselves to the
individual applications. All important WinCC applications are automatically monitored.
The lifebeat monitoring detects a software error, sets the server status in the
"@RedundantServerState" system tag to "Fault" and switches the linked clients to the
redundant server.
A process control message warns the user about the software error.
If a software error was detected by the "Application Health Check" function and client switching
was initiated, the relevant server must then be restarted. Only then can the clients be
reconnected to the server. The redundant servers must be equipped with Windows 2008 R2
Standard Edition SP1 Server or higher and the client PCs with Windows 7, Windows 8, or
Windows 10.
See also
Upgrading redundant plants during operation (Page 177)
Settings for the multi-user system (Page 282)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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3.1.2 How Redundancy Works (RT Professional)
WinCC Logging in Normal Operation
Normally, the master servers run completely in parallel with one another in Runtime. Each
server computer has its own process driver connection and has its own data logs. The process
data and alarms from the AS are sent to both servers simultaneously where they are processed
The servers monitor each other during runtime to allow early recognition of the failure of a
partner, which is then indicated by an alarm to the instrumentation and control.
User logs, internal alarms and internal tags can be continuously synchronized online (Online
Both servers have equal rights and work independently of each other. Both are available to
the user. Should one server fail, the partner server is always available for equivalent
HMI network
Industrial network
Logs Logs
The redundant servers communicate via the terminal bus to monitor the status and synchronize
the logs. The network is a PC-LAN network with TCP/IP protocol. If there is an additional
connection via a network adapter and/or a serial connection between the servers, this is used
to monitor the status but not to synchronize the logs.
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3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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Failure of a Server
Server failure refers to the physical failure of a server, for example, due to a power failure or
by turning off the server without shutting it down properly.
If one of the servers fails, the server which is still operating receives and logs the process
values and alarms from the AS. This guarantees data integrity with no gaps.
The clients will automatically be switched from the failed server to the redundant partner server.
All operator stations are thus available again after a short switchover time.
Factors Triggering the Client Switch
The switch of the clients from the default (master) server to the partner server during a server
failure is performed automatically by the system. The following factors cause a switch of
Network connection to server failed
Server failure
Process connection error
The "Application Health Check" function has detected a defective WinCC application and
triggers a switchover.
The project is deactivated.
Factors triggering log synchronization after the server returns
The synchronization of the logs between the servers is initiated after the following errors have
been corrected:
Process connection error. Process connection monitoring may be turned off. For further
information see "Configuration".
Network connection failure to the partner server
Server failure
Project is not activated
Synchronization after the server returns
After the failed server comes back online, the redundancy performs a log synchronization for
the down time. The gap in the logs caused by the failure is closed by transferring the missing
data to the filed server. This action equalizes and makes both servers available again.
The following logs are synchronized:
Alarm log
Process value log
User log
Internal tags
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The failed server receives its data after a slight time delay (caused by the failure). The log
synchronization runs in the background, parallel to WinCC process management and logging.
This guarantees the operator control and monitoring of the plant at all times.
Synchronizing internal tags
The internal tags must have the property "Tag synchronization".
Internal tags are compared on partner computers as soon as one of the tags is modified on
one of the redundant servers.
The internal tags also include the system tags that start with the "@" character, e.g.,
@Current_User or @RM_Master. No online comparison should be configured for system tags.
Synchronization after process connection error
If there is a network error during running operation between a server and one or multiple AS,
synchronization is automatically started, if this was configured, after the error was handled.
Online Synchronization
A direct server-to-server synchronization (online synchronization) takes place during alarm
logging for internal alarms, in user logs and with internal tags with tag synchronization.
3.1.3 Standard server and preferred server (RT Professional)
Standard server
In distributed systems, WinCC Controls receive their data with server prefix from specific
servers to display alarms and process data.
You configure a standard server to clients in distributed systems so that data without unique
server prefix are requested from this standard server. If no standard server is specified, an
attempt is made to access the corresponding data locally. If there is no local data (e.g., alarms
and archives), access is denied with an error message.
Preferred server
If you are using redundant servers in your multi-user system or distributed system, you can
configure a preferred server for the clients.
A preferred server is the server of a redundant server pair with which the client in a multi-user
system or distributed system primarily interconnects. The preferred server can be selected
separately for each client so that the system can be permanently operated.
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3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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3.1.4 HMI system without redundancy (RT Professional)
WinCC project
A WinCC project consists of a group of automation systems, a server computer and one or
more client computers. The project also includes all programs, configuration data and
miscellaneous settings.
The tasks of the control level are thus distributed over multiple PCs. The tasks are distributed
following to a client server structure.
HMI network
Industrial network
The above figure shows the typical structure of the WinCC control level, with the corporate
level above and the process level below.
Tasks performed by the servers:
Servers acquire process images and alarms from the automation systems.
To acquire data, the servers are connected to the automation systems via industrial
The servers provide the process data to the clients and control the processing states.
Tasks performed by the clients:
The client stations operate and monitor the entire plant.
Clients retrieve the currently needed states from the corresponding server via PC networks.
In general, all clients are equal and have the same rights.
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3.1.5 HMI system with redundancy (RT Professional)
WinCC project
A WinCC project consists of a group of automation systems, a server computer and one or
more client computers. The project also includes all program data, configuration data and other
Redundant WinCC Project
HMI network
Data synchronization
after fault
Industrial network
The above figure shows the typical structure of a redundant WinCC control level, with the
corporate level above and the process level below.
A project with a redundant configuration is realized with two configured servers which run in
parallel and are functionally identical. The two servers are connected to each other, the AS
and the clients. Both servers are configured and displayed as a redundant system in the TIA
Portal. The users must make sure that both servers are configured identically.
For further information see "Configuring an identical function".
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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3.1.6 Requirements (RT Professional)
Only PCs with the following server operating systems can be used for redundant WinCC
servers with multi-user mode:
Microsoft Windows Server, version 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP or higher
The servers are connected via the network.
The servers are time-synchronized. We recommend a time synchronization of the entire
system (WinCC computer, automation systems, etc.).
Alarms and acknowledgments from the AS and clients must always contain a time stamp
in the frame to avoid double entries (chronological reporting). A way to achieve this is by
using alarm blocks from the ASs.
Process values, alarms and active alarm blocks from the lower-level automation systems
are sent to both servers in parallel.
The "Redundancy" license is available on each of the two servers.
The redundancy servers must be configured functionally identical.
At least one of the following additional connections should exist between the redundant
Serial cable
Additional network connection via LAN card or via serial connection
This additional connection ensures a precise definition of the "Master" or "Standby"
status. You can also use both connection options at the same time.
Configure the additional LAN connection via network card or serial connection in the
redundancy settings of SIMATIC Shell. Use the TCP/IP protocol with the appropriate IP
address or a serial port.
To safely exit WinCC in the event of a power failure, the use of an uninterruptible power supply
- UPS - is recommended.
Comparing blocked alarms
When a failed server is restored, currently blocked alarms are searched and compared with
the general AS scan in Alarm Logging.
If an alarm is blocked passively, i.e. only on one server, the blocking information is compared.
If an alarm class is blocked on one server, the selection of the block is not compared on the
redundant server.
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3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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3.1.7 Setting up the servers (RT Professional) Structure of a redundant project (RT Professional)
You must set up and configure two technically identical PCs for a redundant project. You can
link up both PCs to each other by means of an additional interface, for example, Ethernet.
Configure this link via Simatic Shell on both PCs.
Operating systems
The following operating systems are permitted in a redundant project:
Single-user system: Windows 7/10 or Windows Server 2008/2012
Multi-user system: Windows Server 2008/2012/2016
User authorizations in the operating system
1. All users must be added to the "SIMATIC HMI" user group. This also applies to users who
want to open WinCC projects remotely.
2. The storage folders of the projects must have the NTFS authorizations "SIMATIC HMI" with
full access and "SIMATIC HMI Viewer" with read access. The authorizations must be
inherited for all subordinate objects.
3. Members of the Windows user group "SIMATIC HMI" should not simultaneously be
members of the Windows user group "SQLServerMSSQLUser$<Computername>
$WINCC". The members of this group have administrator rights to the SQL server. You
should therefore remove from this group all Windows users for whom restricted access to
the WinCC database is sufficient. Configuring an Identical Function (RT Professional)
Tag logs and alarm logs
Archives must be configured with identical function for the redundant servers. Functionally
identical means:
Identical logs, where additions can be made in the form of additional measurement points
or logs.
The following logs are synchronized by WinCC:
Archives held on hard disk, i.e. process value logs, compressed logs and alarm logs.
On the other hand, no synchronization of main memory logs is performed.
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3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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Implementing configuration with identical functions
1. Create a project.
2. Configure this project for redundant servers.
3. Load the project to the redundant server using the "Download to device" function.
During this process, the project is compiled and automatically transferred to the master
server and the standby server.
This ensures that the project was saved with identical functions on both servers. Redundant recipe data (RT Professional)
User logs can be edited by operations, standalone programs, ASs or other functions.
The configuration of the logs must be identical on both servers. The projects are always
identical when downloaded via the TIA Portal.
Editing user logs in parallel
Note the following when adding data records to redundant user logs in parallel:
On the server that previously failed, data records can only be added after the server has
been restored and the synchronization completed. Otherwise, an error message appears
in the script or in the User Archive Control.
Even during the online synchronization, some time will pass before the data record has
been synchronized in the redundant log.
If both servers failed, the computer that was in operation last must be restarted first. Otherwise,
changes that have not been saved could be lost. Online Synchronized Messages (RT Professional)
All internal alarm tags and alarms without tag connections are synchronized online. This also
includes system operator alarms of alarm logging and alarms of Batch-Flexible.
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3.1 Basics (RT Professional)
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164 System Manual, 12/2017
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
3.2.1 Overview of configuration steps (RT Professional)
This section describes the configuration of a redundant project using an example. The sample
project consists of two identical servers and three clients. In the redundant project, one server
is defined as master server and the other as standby server. During the configuration in the
TIA Portal, both redundant servers are mapped as one server, symbolic for the redundant
Configuration steps
1. Creating a project (Page 166)
Configuring master servers (Page 169)
Configuring redundancy for clients (Page 175)
Controlling the plant
2. Configuring redundant servers (Page 167)
Configuring master servers (Page 169)
Configuring the standby server (Page 170)
3. Configuring server reaction (Page 171)
Client switchover
Synchronization selection
4. Configuring redundancy for clients (Page 175)
Setting up clients
Connecting clients with servers
Configuring clients
5. Loading the project to a device (Page 176)
6. Compiling a project (Page 177)
See also
Creating a server (Page 166)
Creating clients (Page 167)
Creating a project (Page 166)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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3.2.2 Creating a project (RT Professional)
Configuration sequence
The TIA Portal is open.
1. Click "Create new project".
A new project is created.
2. Change to project view.
You have created a project. You can now create devices in the project.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165) Creating a server (RT Professional)
In a redundant project you only map the master server as device in the "Devices & Networks"
editor. You perform the division into a redundant system of master server and standby server
in the section "Configuring redundant servers".
1. Double-click "Add new device" in the project tree.
The "Add new device" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the required device name in the text box.
3. Click the "PC systems" selection.
4. In the selection list, click "WinCC RT Professional" under "SIMATIC HMI application".
5. Confirm your selection by clicking "OK".
The server is created. The work area is opened with the device view and the new device
is displayed.
In the project tree, the new device is created under the selected name.
6. Click in the device view on the newly created station and enter the physical name of the
server under "Computer name" in the Inspector window.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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166 System Manual, 12/2017 Creating clients (RT Professional)
Three clients are created to display the various options with the preferred servers:
1. Double-click "Add new device" in the project tree.
The "Add new device" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the required device name in the text box.
3. In the selection list, click "WinCC RT Client" under "SIMATIC HMI application".
4. Confirm your selection by clicking "OK".
The client is created. The work area opens in the device view and the new device is
In the project tree, the new device is created under the selected name.
5. Click in the device view on the newly created station and enter the physical name of the
client under "Computer name" in the Inspector window.
6. Repeat these steps twice, until three clients have been created.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165) Control (RT Professional)
Switch the work area to "Network view". In the work area, you must have four devices displayed
next to each other in the order in which they were created.
The new devices are displayed one below the other in the project navigation.
3.2.3 Configuring redundant servers (RT Professional) Configuring redundancy for clients (RT Professional)
Clients have been configured.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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Proceed as follows to configure redundant clients:
1. Double-click the name of the client in the project tree.
The project tree offers the following additional options:
Device configuration
Online & diagnostics
HMI_RT_2 [WinCC RT Professional]
2. Double-click "HMI_RT_2 [WinCC RT Client]".
The project tree is extended by additional setting options.
3. Double-click "Runtime settings".
The Runtime editor of the server opens in the work area. The "General" setting is opened
by default.
4. Click "Redundancy" in the navigator of the Runtime editor.
Here you can specify the preferred server of the client.
None: The current master is always used. After a change of master because of a failure,
the client remains with the must recent current master, also after the return of the failed
Master: The redundant server set as master is always preferred. After a failure of the
master, the client switches back to the master server after its return.
Standby: The redundant server set as standby is always preferred. After a failure of the
standby, the client switches back to the standby server after its return.
5. Click the appropriate text box to specify the required option of the client.
6. Save the project.
The configuration of the redundant system has now been completed.
An additional activation of the redundant system is not necessary.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
Configuring clients (Page 279)
Configuring clients (Page 172)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
168 System Manual, 12/2017 Configuring master servers (RT Professional)
1. In the network view, click the server that has been created.
The inspector window opens below the work area.
2. In the inspector window, click the "General" selection under the "General" tab.
The window shows the server name you have specified.
3. Double-click the name of your server in the project navigation.
The project navigation offers the following additional options:
Device configuration
Online & diagnostics
HMI_RT_1 [WinCC RT Professional]
4. Double-click "HMI_RT_1 [WinCC RT Professional]".
The project navigation is expanded by additional setting options.
5. Double-click "Runtime settings".
The Runtime editor of the server opens in the work area. The "General" setting is opened
by default.
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6. Click "Redundancy" in the navigator of the Runtime editor.
The Runtime editor window opens.
7. Activate redundancy by clicking in the "Configure redundant server" check box.
8. As option, you can define the server as "Standard master" by clicking the check box.
Information on configuring the standby server can be found in the next section.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165) Configuring the standby server (RT Professional)
1. Open "Runtime settings" and click "Redundancy".
2. Enter a name for the redundant partner server in the "Redundant Partner" text box.
3. The configuration of the redundant server has now been completed.
Only one device is displayed in the work area. This device includes the redundant server,
comprising the master server and standby server.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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170 System Manual, 12/2017 Configuring server reaction (RT Professional)
Client switchover
The reaction of the client to communication errors is selected in the "Client switchover" box.
1. By selecting the check box "Automatic client switchover in the case of a PLC error", you
activate the automatic switchover of the client to the partner server when communication
errors occur in the system.
2. Save the project.
In the "Synchronization" field, you specify which actions are to take place during
synchronization of the servers if an error occurs:
1. Click "Synchronize all data in failure time period:".
All data that was saved during the failure of a server is synchronized when the failed server
2. Click "Synchronize data only for the following time period:"
In the text box, enter the required time interval for periodic synchronization.
The data is synchronized periodically independently of server failures.
3. By clicking the four following check boxes, you select the data you want to synchronize
after a failure.
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4. The recipes used from your recipe log are entered in the "Recipes" list. By selecting the
check box in the "Synchronized" column, you select the recipes that you you want to
synchronize after a server failure.
5. Save the project.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
3.2.4 Configuring redundant clients (RT Professional) Configuring clients (RT Professional)
You create two WinCC clients and link them with the WinCC server.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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172 System Manual, 12/2017
1. Add the following HMI devices to the project:
WinCC client, device name "WinCC Client1"
WinCC client, device name "WinCC Client2"
2. In the "Devices & Networks" editor, "Relations" tab, link the two WinCC clients with the
WinCC server by means of drag-and-drop. A multiple-station system will be created.
In contrast to connections, the physical connection (network) and logic connection (client-
server relation) are always created and deleted jointly. When you configure a relation, the
devices will be linked automatically.
3. Select "WinCC-Client1".
4. In the inspector window, select Properties > Computer name" and enter the physical
computer name of the HMI device.
The computer name identifies the HMI device in the network.
5. In the Runtime settings, "General" tab, select a screen as the "Start screen" of the WinCC
server. In the multiple-station system, the WinCC client then displays this server screen in
6. Select a "Menus & Toolbars" configuration that was made on the WinCC server.
7. At "Services", activate the client Runtime services you need for the specific configuration,
e.g. the scheduler.
8. Select additional design features under "Screens".
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9. Select a Runtime language for the WinCC server under "Language & Font". For example,
you can configure a separate Runtime language for each WinCC client.
10.Repeat steps 3 to 9 for "WinCC Client2".
"Network data" editor
Using the arrow buttons below the network view, open the "Network data" editor. The "Network
data" editor displays the relations you created. You can edit and delete these relations. If you
first select a device and then select "Project overview" from the shortcut menu in the "Network
data" editor, only the relations of the selected device are displayed.
You have configured a multiple-station system with a WinCC server and two WinCC clients.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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174 System Manual, 12/2017 Configuring redundancy for clients (RT Professional)
Clients have been configured.
Proceed as follows to configure redundant clients:
1. Double-click the name of the client in the project tree.
The project tree offers the following additional options:
Device configuration
Online & diagnostics
HMI_RT_2 [WinCC RT Professional]
2. Double-click "HMI_RT_2 [WinCC RT Client]".
The project tree is extended by additional setting options.
3. Double-click "Runtime settings".
The Runtime editor of the server opens in the work area. The "General" setting is opened
by default.
4. Click "Redundancy" in the navigator of the Runtime editor.
Here you can specify the preferred server of the client.
None: The current master is always used. After a change of master because of a failure,
the client remains with the must recent current master, also after the return of the failed
Master: The redundant server set as master is always preferred. After a failure of the
master, the client switches back to the master server after its return.
Standby: The redundant server set as standby is always preferred. After a failure of the
standby, the client switches back to the standby server after its return.
5. Click the appropriate text box to specify the required option of the client.
6. Save the project.
The configuration of the redundant system has now been completed.
An additional activation of the redundant system is not necessary.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
Configuring clients (Page 279)
Configuring clients (Page 172)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.2 Configuring the redundant system (RT Professional)
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3.2.5 Loading the project to a device (RT Professional)
As soon as the "Download to device" function is activated, the project is generally compiled
before the actual loading process.
1. For this purpose, open the work area with the devices in the network view.
2. Right-click in the required device to open the shortcut menu.
3. Four options are offered under the menu command "Download to device\":
Hardware and software (only changes)
Hardware configuration
Software (only changes)
Software (rebuild all)
If only the software has been changed, the hardware correction options cannot be
4. Click the required action to select it.
A dialog window opens.
5. Set the type and the PG/PC interface.
6. Set the path of the destination folder. Click the field at the end of the destination path.
A dialog window for setting the destination path opens. The destination path is displayed
after this:
7. Click the "Load" button.
The "Load preview" window and a progress window open.
The project is compiled. The project is transferred to the device after the successful
An additional reloading of the changes is possible retrospectively, for example, after changes
have been made in the hardware or software of the device.
In the case of the first three options, only the changed part is recompiled. In the case of the
fourth option, the entire project is recompiled.
Different logon data on the computers.
If different logins are required for the different computers involved, create the connections to
those computers manually before loading. In Windows Explorer, for example, navigate to the
standby computer and log on.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
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See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
3.2.6 Compiling a project (RT Professional)
Compiling data without "Download to device"
Alternatively, the changed data can be compiled using the "Compile" command, without
downloading it immediately to the device.
1. Open the work area with the changed devices.
2. Right-click in the required device to open the shortcut menu.
3. Four options are offered under the menu command "Compile\":
Hardware and software (only changes)
Hardware (only changes)
Software (only changes)
Software (rebuild all)
4. Click the required action to select it.
In the bottom window, the result of the compilation is displayed in the "Info" tab.
See also
Overview of configuration steps (Page 165)
3.3 Upgrading redundant plants (RT Professional)
3.3.1 Upgrading redundant plants during operation (RT Professional)
Redundant plants can be upgraded during operation. The automation system remains in
runtime continuously during this period. All processes can be operated without interruption.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.3 Upgrading redundant plants (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 177
To upgrade redundant plants during operation, a separate download must be performed on
both the master server and on the standby server of a redundant plant.
System stability is not guaranteed during the download. After the download of individual
servers, it cannot be guaranteed that both servers have the same project. Delta loading is not
possible in this phase.
To avoid faults and redundancy losses, it is advisable to perform a complete download to both
systems after the separate downloads. To perform a complete download to both systems,
select the setting "Server and redundant partner" in the "Load preview" dialog under "Options
for loading".
If both servers are being shut down and upgraded simultaneously, redundancy is also retained.
However, ongoing operation must be interrupted.
If you upgrade your plant from an older version to version V14 or higher, you need the following
License for WinCC Runtime Professional
License for WinCC Client for WinCC Runtime Professional
License for WinCC WebNavigator and WinCC DataMonitor (if you use these options)
Autostart and Service mode must be disabled on the master server and the standby server.
A preferred server must be configured for each client.
Master server and standby server must be error-free.
Proceed as follows to upgrade redundant plants during operation:
1. Close your project on the Engineering System and restart your PC.
2. Upgrade the TIA Portal.
3. Upgrade the project and compile the project.
4. Disable all clients that are configured for the master server.
5. Close the project on the clients.
6. Restart the clients.
7. Upgrade all disabled clients.
8. Disable the master server.
9. Close the WinCC application on the master server.
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10.Restart the master server.
Create a backup before upgrading the master server.
11.Upgrade the master server.
12.Run a complete download via the dialog "Load preview > Options for loading" for the master
server only.
13.Configure the Web server and DataMonitor server, if necessary.
14.Enable the master server.
15.Enable all upgraded clients by connecting them to the master server project.
16.Wait until the Runtime data has been synchronized.
Synchronization of the Runtime data starts after approx. 10 minutes. The system events
indicate the current status of the synchronization.
While you carry out steps 4 to 16, your system is only running on a single server. Steps 4
to 7 and 8 to 13 can be carried out simultaneously.
17.To upgrade the standby server and the clients connected to it, repeat steps 4 to 16 for the
standby server.
18.Run a complete download for the master server and the standby server via the dialog "Load
preview > Options for loading" with the setting "Server and redundant partner".
Running the download with the option "Server and redundant partner" ensures that the
same project is running on both partner servers.
After download with the option "Server and redundant partner", subsequent delta loading
is once again possible for the two servers.
You must adhere to the sequence described to ensure there is no disruption to plant operation.
If you want to perform the download only for one plant of a redundant server pair, proceed as
1. In the project tree, right-click on the relevant Runtime Professional device.
2. Select "Download to device > Software (all)".
3. Select the appropriate option in the "Load preview" dialog under "Options for loading".
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3.3 Upgrading redundant plants (RT Professional)
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See also
Overview (Page 155)
Configuring redundant servers (Page 167)
Configuring redundant clients (Page 172)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
3.4.1 Failure scenarios (RT Professional)
Some failures that might occur will be used to illustrate how WinCC Redundancy works. The
following failures will be discussed:
1. Project is on the redundant AUTOHOTSPOT
2. Connection Fault to Partner Server
6. Changing the client in case of a process coupling error (Page 186)
WinCC Redundancy recognizes the current error itself or reacts to error or fault alarms with
the following actions:
Saving times and events
Log synchronization
Changing "Master"/"Standby" identifiers
Switching clients
Issuing alarms
Startup of the Server PCs
When the server PCs are starting up, the redundancy component establishes whether the
partner server is already active. If the partner server is active, a Standby identifier is set in the
server PC. If the partner server is not active during startup, a master identifier is set in the
server PC. Upon disruption of the network connection between servers or if the partner server
has been turned off, the "Master" code is reset.
In order to identify that the server computer is set as "Master", the system tag @RM_MASTER
is set. If the server computer is "Standby", the @RM_MASTER tag is reset. The
@RM_MASTER_NAME tag contains the name of the server PC that has the "Master" status,
for example, "SERVER1". The tag @RedundantServerState displays on each redundant
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
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180 System Manual, 12/2017
server its redundancy status, for example, "Standby". These tags can be evaluated by other
applications or by scripts. However, the only tag that can be changed is @RM_MASTER.
Redundancy only sets the above tags. Both servers are always completely equal.
If neither a client nor the redundant partner server can be reached for the master server (e.g.
project not activated on the PCs, or the network connection between the PCs is interrupted),
this then becomes the standby server. This behavior is necessary to ensure that both
redundancy servers do not receive the "Master" state.
If there is an additional connection between the two partner servers, the redundancy status is
controlled via this connection. This will prevent that redundant partner servers assume the
identical status.
Please note that no log synchronization is performed via the serial interface.
3.4.2 Server not in Runtime (RT Professional)
This scenario discusses the behavior of redundancy, if the project has been deactivated on
Server 2.
The following actions will be triggered:
Server 1 stores the failure time (date and time) of Server 2.
Server 1 will report the failure of Server 2 through a system alarm.
If Server 1 is the standby server, this takes over the role of the master by setting the
@RM_MASTER tag. Correspondingly the @RM_MASTER_NAME and
@RedundantServerState tags are changed.
The clients connected to Server 2 switch over to Server 1.
Server 2 Comes Back Online
The downtime means that there is a gap in the logs of Server 2. This gap is filled by the following
Server 1 stores the return time (date and time) of Server 2.
Server 1 will report the return of Server 2 through a system alarm.
A redundancy match is carried out for alarm data, process data and user logs from Server
1 to Server 2.
The @RM_MASTER tags remain unchanged in both servers, i.e., the @RM_MASTER tag
in Server 1 remains set and the @RM_MASTER tag in Server 2 is reset. The
@RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState tags also remain unchanged.
Clients which are configured with Server 2 as their preferred server switch back to that
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
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Compared to online synchronization, log synchronization following a server failure can take
noticeably longer depending on the number of data records to be synchronized and the
computer/network loads.
If failures alternate between the two servers (see diagram), they will be synchronized one after
the other. After the synchronization, all data will be available in both logs.
In the case above, Server 1 first passes all values to Server 2 for failure A, then Server 1
synchronizes itself from Server 2 for downtime B. Synchronization always occurs on the
"Standby" server based on the "Master" server.
All these processes run automatically and in the background, independently of the process
value logging and alarm logging from the subordinate automation systems running in parallel.
3.4.3 Connection Fault to Partner Server (RT Professional)
This scenario discusses the behavior of redundancy in case of connection failures to Server
2. Prior to the occurrence of this event, both servers run in Runtime without failures.
The described connection failure occurs if, for example, the terminal bus at Server 1 is pulled.
Initial Situation 1
Upon connection failure, Server 1 has the "Master" status and Server 2 the "Standby" status.
Connection failure occurs
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The following reactions are triggered upon occurrence of the connection failure:
Server 2 becomes the master server and saves the time of failure (date and time).
Server 2 indicates by means of a system alarm that the partner server has failed and Server
2 has switched to the "Master" status.
Server 1 indicates by means of a system alarm that a failure has occurred in redundancy
mode and that Server 1 has switched to "Standby" status.
Tags @RM_MASTER, @RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState are reset on
both servers according to the switchover.
Connection is restored
During the connection fault, the alarms of Alarm Logging and the user logs could not be
This situation is remedied by the following measures:
Server 2, which is now the master, saves the time of the restoration (date and time).
Server 2 indicates, by means of a system alarm, the return of the partner server.
Redundancy synchronization from master server to standby server.
Through the online synchronization of Alarm Logging, the system alarm concerning the
return of the partner server is also displayed on Server 1.
The @RM_MASTER, @RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState tags remain
unchanged in both servers.
Initial Situation 2
Upon connection failure, Server 1 has the "Standby" status and Server 2 the "Master" status.
Connection failure occurs
The following reactions are triggered upon occurrence of the connection failure:
Server 2 becomes the master server and saves the time of failure (date and time).
Server 2 displays, by means of a system alarm, the failure of the partner server.
Server 1 indicates, by means of a system alarm, that a failure occurred during redundancy
mode and remains the standby server.
The @RM_MASTER, @RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState tags remain
unchanged in both servers.
Connection is restored
During the connection fault, the alarms of Alarm Logging and the user logs could not be
This situation is remedied by the following measures:
Server 2 saves the time of return (date and time)
Server 2 displays, by means of a system alarm, the return of the partner server
Redundancy synchronization from master server to standby server
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 183
Through the online synchronization of Alarm Logging, the system alarm concerning the
return of the partner server is also displayed on Server 1
The @RM_MASTER, @RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState tags remain
unchanged in both servers.
3.4.4 Faulty network connection to client (RT Professional)
In this third scenario, a disturbance occurs in the network connection between Server 2 and
the client "CL5" that belongs to Server 2.
The following actions will be triggered:
Client "CL5" automatically switches over from disturbed Server 2 to running Server 1.
End of the Network Disturbance to the Client
The following reactions are triggered at the end of the network disturbance:
The @RM_MASTER, @RM_MASTER_NAME and @RedundantServerState tags remain
unchanged in both servers.
If Server 2 is configured as the preferred server for client "CL5", then client "CL5" switches
back to that server once more.
3.4.5 Faulty Process Connection (RT Professional)
In scenario 4, on Server 2 there is a fault on the process link due to an interrupted network
connection to the automation systems.
An AS connection error is only recognized by Redundancy as a failure, if the connection is
interrupted to only one server. If there is a connection fault from one AS to both servers (e.g.
caused by an AS failure), this will not be recognized as a failure by Redundancy.
If WinCC recognizes a failure, the following actions will be triggered:
The disturbance of the process link is reported on Server 2.
Server 1 receives a message that partner Server 2 has failed.
Server 1 stores the failure time (date and time) of Server 2.
If in the server project "Client change with disturbance in the process link" is configured,
the clients linked to this server are changed to the partner server.
In Server 1, the @RM_MASTER tag is set to Master, in Server 2 to "Standby".
Correspondingly the @RM_MASTER_NAME and RedundantServerState tags are
adapted. In sever 1, @RedundantServerState is set to "Fault".
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
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184 System Manual, 12/2017
Correction of the Process Link Error on Server 2
Provided process connection monitoring has been activated, the gap in the archive of Server
2 will be filled by the following measures:
Server 1 stores the return time (date and time) of Server 2.
A redundancy match is carried out from Server 1 to Server 2, since no faults were found
for process connection at Server 1. The data of all ASs will be synchronized. This means
that the data of ASs that have not failed will also be synchronized.
On Server 2 the @RedundantServerState tag is changed from "Fault" to "Standby".
The correction of the process link error on Server 2 is announced by a system message.
3.4.6 Software Error (RT Professional)
In scenario 5, an error occurs on Server 2 in software that is being monitored. When the error
occurs, Server 2 is "Master" and Server 1 is on "Standby" status. There are several clients
connected to each server.
If the "Application Health Check“ function detects an error in the WinCC software, the following
actions are initiated:
Application Health Check reports the error to redundancy. The status of Server 2 is set in
the @RedundantServerState tag to "Fault". The @RM_Master tag is set to "Standby".
The @RM_Master tag in Server 1 is set to the "Master". Correspondingly the
@RM_MASTER_NAME and RedundantServerState tags are adapted.
The clients connected to Server 2 switch over to Server 1.
A process control message warns the user about the software error.
Correction of the Software Error on Server 2
The software error can be cleared by deactivating the server project and restarting server.
When the project is activated on Server 2 the archives are automatically synchronized.
On Server 2 the @RedundantServerState tag is set to "Standby". Server 1 remains at
"Master" status.
Server 1 stores the return time (date and time) of Server 2.
A redundancy match is carried out for the user archive from Server 1 to Server 2.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 185
When a software error is detected by the "Application Health Check" function resulting in a
client switching process and process control message, the server affected must be deactivated
and the computer restarted. Only then can the clients be reconnected to the server. An archive
synchronization is only performed backdated to the moment a software error is detected by
the server.
3.4.7 Changing the client in case of a process coupling error (RT Professional)
A redundant system consists of two functionally identical servers. One server is the "Master"
server and the other is the redundant partner server. In the normal, undisturbed operating state
the "Master" server has the status of "Master" and the redundant partner server has the status
of "Standby". Clients are connected to the "Master" server unless a preferred server has been
configured, in which case they are connected to the preferred server.
As soon as both servers are in Runtime, the processes coupling monitoring is activated. The
number of defective logical connections to the "Master" server and the redundant partner
server is cyclically determined. If the "Master" server has more defective logical connections
than the redundant partner server, the status of the server becomes invalid ("Fault"). The
clients are switched over to the redundant partner server, which now has the "Master" status.
The "Fault" status is not displayed in the "@RM_MASTER" system tag but in the
"@RedundantServerState" tag.
Normal operating state
The plant consists of the redundant servers A and B. There are also three clients. Client 1 has
entered server A as its preferred server, client 2 has entered no preference and client 3 has
entered server B as its preferred server.
The example below shows the logical connections, not the physical connections. In other
words, the connection is shown as separated when the connection is terminated, because the
data transfer is interrupted. The physical connection can remain intact at the same time.
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
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186 System Manual, 12/2017
Client 1
Client 3
Client 2
Server BA
Industrial network
HMI network
Preferred server
is server A
Preferred server
is server B
Preferred server
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 187
Process connection error on server A
There is a process connection error on server A. The error is not present on server B. The
number of defective logical connections on server A is greater than on server B. Server A
therefore receives the "Fault" status. As a result, clients 1 and 2 switch over to redundant server
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
188 System Manual, 12/2017
End of the process connection error
When the process connection error on server A has been cleared, server A then has the status
"Standby". As a result client 1 switches over to server A, since it has indicated this as its
preferred server. Client 2 stays connected to server B because this has now become the
"Master" server since the Redundancy switchover and client 2 has indicated no preferred
Client 1
Client 3
Client 2
Server BA
Industrial network
HMI network
Preferred server
is server A
Preferred server
is server B
Preferred server
Fault of
server A
The OPC couplers are not monitored. Therefore, there will be no client switching in case of an
error in the OPC couplers.
See also
Failure scenarios (Page 180)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.4 System behavior in the event of a fault (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 189
3.5 Reference (RT Professional)
3.5.1 WinCC Redundancy System Tags (RT Professional)
The @RM_MASTER and @RM_MASTER_NAME system tags are used by WinCC
Redundancy for master/standby control for the two redundant servers and for client toggling.
These system tags can also be read and changed with other applications and with scripts.
WinCC Redundancy system tags
@LocalMachineName This tag contains the local computer name.
@RedundantServerState This tag indicates the redundancy of this server.
Value range:
0: Undefined status (start value)
1: Server is master
2: Server is standby
3: Server is fault
4: Server is standalone (no redundant operation)
@RM_MASTER This tag @RM_MASTER is set to identify that the server com‐
puter is master. If the server computer is "Standby", the
@RM_MASTER tag is reset.
@RM_MASTER_NAME The @RM_MASTER_NAME tag contains the name of the
master server, for example "SERV_4".
@RM_SERVER_NAME This tag contains the name of the server on which a client is
@RM_UA_ONL_"Log name" For diagnostics purposes only. A separate tag with a corre‐
sponding log name is created for each user log.
This tag is set to a value of 1 if a user log has changed. It is
reset to 0 after online synchronization.
@RM_OFFLINE_UA_NAME For diagnostics purposes only. This tag contains the name of
the user log currently being synchronized.
See also
System messages WinCC Redundancy (Page 191)
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.5 Reference (RT Professional)
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190 System Manual, 12/2017
3.5.2 System messages WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
The "WinCC Redundancy" option provides the following system messages. You can read
these system messages on the "System messages" tab in the "HMI Messages" editor.
Message No. WinCC Message Text
1012200 REDRT:@100%s@:Partner station has failed
WinCC was exited on the partner server.
1012201 REDRT:@100%s@: Partner station restarted
WinCC was started again on the partner server
1012203 REDRT:@100%s@:Archive synchronization failed
1012204 REDRT:@100%s@:Internal redundancy error
1012205 REDRT:@100%s@:Connection to the partner has been interrupted
The connection to the partner server is interrupted
1012206 REDRT:@100%s@:Connection to the partner has been reestablished
The connection to the partner server has been reestablished
1012207 REDRT:@100%s@:Partner server - WinCC is not started
It was determined at startup that WinCC is not started.
1012208 REDRT:@100%s@:Synchronization launched
This message is output at the start of the archive synchronization
1012209 REDRT:@100%s@:Synchronization finished
This message is output at the end of the archive synchronization
1012214 REDRT:@100%s@:User archive is being synchonized
1012215 REDRT:@100%s@: User Archive synchronization finished
1012216 REDRT:@100%s@:Archive synchronization canceled
Synchronization was canceled by an additional failure
1012217 REDRT:@100%s@:Partner server project has not been activated
It was determined at startup that WinCC is not activated on the partner server or
is not in runtime
1012220 REDRT:@100%s@: Synchronization is not ready for all User Archives.
The synchronization is not ready for all locally configured user archives, because
the archive structure of the partner is different for at least one archive or synchro‐
nization is not activated on the partner.
1012221 REDRT:@100%s@: Synchronization is ready for all User Archives.
The synchronization is ready for the locally configured user archives and the ar‐
chive structure matches that of the partner.
1012226 REDRT:@100%s@:Partner server project has been activated
It was determined at startup that WinCC is active on the partner server.
1012227 REDRT:@100%s@:Error: Partner server is not a server
It was determined at startup that the configured partner server is not a server.
1012240 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl Error @1%s@ in @2%s@ causes state
1012241 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Switchover to status @1%s@
1012244 REDRT:@100%s@: Overload during Alarm Logging online update
Number of messages to be synchronized is too large.
1012247 REDRT:@3%s@:OS server (Master) @1%s@ OS server (Standby) @2%s@
Redundancy error
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.5 Reference (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 191
Message No. WinCC Message Text
1012248 REDRT:@3%s@:OS server (Master) @1%s@ OS server (Standby) @2%s@
Redundancy recovered
1012349 REDRT:@1%s@:RedundancyControl: Loss of connection via network card with
MAC address @ 2%s@.
1012350 REDRT:@1%s@:RedundancyControl: Connection via network card with MAC
address @2%s@ has been reestablished.
The connection to the partner server has been reestablished via redundant LAN.
1012351 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: System blockage detected. Switch to
Fault status.
1012352 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: System blockage detected. Restart
your computer as soon as possible.
1012353 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT. However
partner server is not available.
1012354 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT. However
server isolation is not activated.
1012355 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT. However
server isolation is locked by @1%s@. Reason: @2%s@
1012356 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT => server is
1012357 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT. However
automatic restart is not activated.
1012358 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Status changed to FAULT. However
automatic restart is locked. The network adapter is disconnected and DHCP is
1012359 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Reboot of computer disabled by
@1%s@. Reason: @2%s@
1012360 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Restart of the computer is canceled.
The last restart took place less than @1%s @ s ago.
1012361 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Restart of the computer is canceled.
After @1%s@ restarts no further restarts are permitted for @2%s@ s.
1012362 REDRT:@100%s@:RedundancyControl: Rebooting computer in @1%s@ s
WinCC Redundancy (RT Professional)
3.5 Reference (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
192 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
Advanced) 4
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1.1 Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Using the Sm@rt Options from WinCC, you can communicate between HMI-systems or to an
HMI-System by means of TCP/IP-connections (e.g.LAN).
The Sm@rt options are not supported by PCs with multi-touch operation.
Use of the Sm@rt Options
Distributed operator stations with Sm@rtClients for controlling large machines or machines
that are spread out over a large area.
Operator stations with system-wide access to current process data via the communication
driver "SIMATIC HTTP Protocol".
Local servicing solution for the central archiving, analysis and additional processing of
process data.
Provision of current process data for higher-level systems (SCADA, production
management systems, office applications).
Remote control of an HMI-System by means of Internet, Intranet and LAN.
Sending of E-Mails on the basis of messages and events
Provisioning of Standard-HTML-Pages in HMI-system with service-and maintenance
information as well as diagnostic functions.
Easy download of files from the Web browser on the Panel with the "Save as" browser
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 193
User benefits:
Flexible solution for access to HMI systems and process data from any location
Reduction of load on the field bus:
For example, the combination of WinCC Runtime and SIMATIC panels enables a factory
control system to have access to process data. No load is placed by the factory level on
the sensitive field level with respect to the necessary communication requirements. These
requirements are handled by HMI Runtime along with the SIMATIC-panels.
Expensive on-site service visits to be avoided by using the remote control. Unplanned non-
operation periods are reduced and the system productivity is increased.
On devices with version V12, the password "100" is preset for the Sm@rtServer and for
the integrated Web server. This password should be changed for security reasons.
On devices with version V13, no passwords are preset.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.1.2 Application scenarios (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
E-Mailing and remote diagnostics
A factory has a service contract with an external service company. The HMI device and the
service technician's PC are linked together over a TCP/IP-ready network. E-mail delivery of
certain alarms to the service technician was configured in the project. The service technician
accesses the HMI device via the Internet and executes remote diagnostics.
Application example:
Amongst other things,flow rates are measured in the process control of a cooling unit.
Contamination in a feed line reduces the flow of coolant. When the flow rate drops below the
configured threshold value, the operating device displays a warning. In addition,this warning
is also dispatched as an e-mail to the assigned service technician.
The service technician then establishes a connection with the remote device and takes the
appropriate actions.
Advantage: An alarm that reaches the service technician in a timely manner helps to minimize
unplanned downtime.
Distributed operator stations
Distributed operator systems, the Sm@rtClients are used for controlling large machines or
machines that are spread out over a large area.
The Client-HMI device connects to Sm@rtServer via the Sm@rtClient-Display.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 195
The operator can operate and monitor the system from various locations. The operator sees
the same image at each operator station, whereby only one station can be operated at one
point of time.
The type of operation is also named as a coordinated operation. Then you must change the
configuration only at Sm@rtServer.
Access to the tags via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol
Operator stations with system-wide access
For use of the SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol, you can provide tags of HMI-device (HTTP-
Server) to another device (HTTP-Client).
Thus the local as well as centrally used HMI-systems have access to the tags of other stations.
Cell-concepts or line-concepts can be simply implemented. De-centrally obtained information
is available centrally.
This concept also permits the setting of cost-effective and small central servicing. There are
additional options for archiving, analysis and additional processing of registered process data,
if a PC is used for that.
Remote monitoring and remote control- servicing solution
If you connect the use of the SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol and the Sm@rtServer with each
other, you can implement a complex servicing solution.
For this,display the interested tags of the HMI-devices on the Service-PC. If necessary, use
the PC for the remote monitoring and remote control of a specific HMI-device.
The locally used HMI-devices are connected with each other and the total process is controlled
The concept of the remote servicing is possible by using the Sm@rtClient-Display in the
servicing HMI-Application. The operator has access to the respectively desired local HMI-
device through flexible configuration of the Sm@rtClient-Display.
Connection to the Office-world
The possibility of data exchange exists between HMI-device and office-applications, e.g. MS
Excel, with help of VBA-Macro.
For this, the HMI-device must support the Web-Service(SOAP). A script or macro is called in
the external application, which has only read or write access to the concerned tags according
to provided syntax.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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196 System Manual, 12/2017
4.1.3 HMI devices suitable for use (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
HMI devices suitable for use
The following table shows the HMI-devices that are suitable for the use of Sm@rt Options.
The number of the connections based on "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol" and the number of
maximum connected Sm@rtClients depends on the HMI-device. For additional information
see the "Performance features" documentation and in the technical manual of your HMI-device.
Technical data subject to change.
HMI device Sm@rt Options
Mobile Panel 177 PN
Mobile Panel 277
KTP700 Mobile Panel
KTP900 Mobile Panel
Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN
Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN V2
KTP400F Mobile Panel
KTP700F Mobile Panel
KTP900F Mobile Panel
Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN (RFID tag)*
Comfort Panels Yes
WinCC Runtime Advanced Yes
* In view mode only:
Combining options on panels
The following table shows which options and functions on the panels can be combined with
each other.
Technical data subject to change.
Sm@rt Options HTML browser
SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol -- Yes Yes
Sm@rtServer Yes -- No
HTML browser Yes No --
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 197
4.1.4 Settings for Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configuration in WinCC (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
In the "Runtime-Settings" Editor, configure the requirements for using the Sm@rt Options.
As an alternative, configure the settings in the Control Panel of the HMI-device.
Note that the settings on the HMI device have a higher priority than the settings in the WinCC
Double-click on the "Runtime-settings" entry in the project tree. In the "Runtime-settings" editor,
click on the "Services".
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
198 System Manual, 12/2017
"Remote control" Group.
Enter the settings for the selected HMI device in the work area:
"Remote control" Group.
Start Sm@rtServer
Configures the HMI device as Sm@rtServer.
"Read/write tags" group for Panels
Operate as OPC server
Configures the HMI device as an OPC server.
HTTP channel server
Configures the HMI device as HTTP server.
Web service SOAP
Activates tag access via SOAP.
"Read/write tags" group for Comfort Panels
Operate as OPC UA server
Configures the HMI device as an OPC UA server.
HTTP channel server
Configures the HMI device as HTTP server.
Web service SOAP
Activates tag access via SOAP.
"Read/write tags" group for RT Advanced
Operate as OPC server
OPC DCOM server
Configures the HMI device as an OPC DCOM server.
OPC UA server
Configures the HMI device as an OPC UA server.
HTTP channel server
Configures the HMI device as HTTP server.
Web service SOAP
Activates tag access via SOAP.
"Diagnostics" Group
HTML pages
Activates service pages of the HMI device.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 199
"SMTP Communication" Group
Activates service pages of the HMI device. "SMTP Communication" Group
Server name
Enter the name of the SMTP server through which you want to send E-mails.
Enter the port number. The SMTP port number depends on the outgoing mail server of
your service provider. You can obtain the port number from your service provider.
Sender name
Enter the sender name. The recipient sees in the E-Mail from which device the E-mail
originates, e.g. "HMI device Production line 2". If the function is not supported by the SMTP-
Server, delete the entry. You can obtain more detailed information for this from your service
E-mail address
If you use an SMTP server that requires a valid e-mail address for authentication, enter it
here, for example, "
If you use an SMTP server that requires a user name for authentication, enter it here. You
can obtain the user name from your service provider.
If you are using an SMTP server that requires a password for authentication, enter this
password. You can obtain the user name from your service provider.
The server requires a secure connection (SSL).
The data are sent via an SSL connection. Your service provider can tell you if your mail
server supports an SSL connection. Configurations on the HMI device (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Settings on the HMI device (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The Sm@rt Options settings in the HMI device are configured in the dialog box "WinCC
Runtime Advanced Internet".
Additional tabs may be included in the dialog "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet". This
depends on which options are activated for the network operation in the project.
Note that the settings on the control unit have a higher priority than the settings in the WinCC-
You have opened the dialog "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" with the symbol "WinCC
Runtime Advanced Internet" .
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
200 System Manual, 12/2017
The "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" dialog of the control panel can contain the following
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Email" tab (Page 201)
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Proxy" tab (Page 202)
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Web Server" tab (Page 203)
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Remote" tab (Page 204)
Input area plan
At Sm@rtServer and Sm@rtClient, the same input area plan must be set.
The Sm@rtServer uses the Standard-Input area plan of the operating system:
(Start>Settings>Control Panel> Country settings>Tab "Entry"). These changes become
effective after system restart.
At Sm@rtClient, the same input area plan must be set like at Sm@rtServer. No restart is
necessary after the switchover of input area plan at Sm@rtClient.
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Email" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Specifies the settings for the E-Mailing.
SMTP server
Use the default of project file
The SMTP-Server name from the WinCC-Project is used.
Enter the name of the SMTP server through which you want to send E-mails.
Enter the port number. The SMTP port number depends on the outgoing mail server of
your service provider. You can obtain the port number from your service provider.
Name of sender
Enter the sender name. The receipient sees in the E-Mail, from which device the E-mail
originates, e.g. "HMI device Production line 2".
If the function is not supported by the SMTP-Server, delete the entry. You can obtain
more detailed information for this from your service provider.
eMail Address of sender
If you use an SMTP server that requires a valid e-mail address for authentication, enter
it here, for example, "
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 201
Dialog "Advanced Email Settings"
Use the default of project file
The user name and the password from the WinCC-Project are used.
Disable authentication
Authentication is not required.
Use panel settings for authentication
The settings of the HMI-device are used. Enter the user name under "Login" and the
password under "Password". You can obtain the user name and the password from your
service provider.
Use the default of project file
The setting from the WinCC-Project is used.
Enable SSL
The user data and e-mail are encrypted for transmission.
Disable SSL
The user data and e-mail are sent un-encrypted.
See also
Settings on the HMI device (Page 200)
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Proxy" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog box
Settings for utilizing the Proxy-Server.
Enter the Proxy-Server in "Internet Options" at PC.
Use proxy server
Activate the "Use Proxy Server" if access is given in your network via Proxy-server.
Enter the name or the address of the proxy-server.
Enter the port of the proxy-server.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Web Server" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
The following is configured:
The utilization of the integrated web server and of the HTTP-Server
User and user web authorizations
Tag access
Governs the access to tags via the "SIMATIC HMI HTTP protocol":
"Read/write": Read/write access
"Read only": read access only
Tag authenticate
Governs the authentification in case of access to variables via the SIMATIC HMI HTTP
"No authentication": No authentification is required for access.
"Authentication required": An authentification is required for access.
Specify the user name and password when configuring the communication driver "SIMATIC
HMI HTTP Protocol".
Enable Remote-Transfer for Projects
This setting enables remote transfer of project files.
Start automatically after booting
(on panel only)
The web server is automatically started after the HMI device boots. As a result, the web server
is utilized independent of the runtime.
Start web server automatically on PC
Add a link with the program "Miniweb.exe" in the Autostart-Organizer in order to start the web
server automatically after the PC starts. The program is located in the installation index of
Close with Runtime
The web server is closed along with Runtime.
User Administration
After entering the password, the "UserDatabase-Edit". dialog opens. The "UserDatabase-Edit"
dialog is the user administration of the web server.
Start Webserver
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Starts the web server.
Close Webserver
Ends the web server.
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Remote" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Settings for the Sm@rtServer
Start automatically after booting
The Sm@rtServer is automatically started after the HMI device boots. Otherwise the
Sm@rtServer starts together with the Runtime.
Close with runtime
The Sm@rtServer is closed together with Runtime.
Change settings
Opens the "Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog for specifying the passwords, authorizations, the
screen update mechanism and the behavior when connections are terminated.
This dialog is titled "Sm@rtServer: Default Local System Properties" on the panel.
The dialog contains the following tabs:
"Server" tab (Page 205)
"Polling" tab (Page 206)
"Display" tab (Page 208)
"Query" tab (Page 208)
"Administration" tab (Page 209)
"Certificates" tab (Page 211)
Start Remoting
Starts the Sm@rt Server explicitly.
Stop Remoting
Ends the Sm@rt Server explicitly.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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204 System Manual, 12/2017
"Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
"Server" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Specifying passwords, web authorizations and the disconnection.
Incoming connections
Settings for handling an attempt to establish a connection.
Accept socket connections
This setting enables the connection to the HMI device. It is a basic requirement for using
the Sm@rtServers from the outside.
If this check box is deactivated, no remote monitoring and no remote control is possible.
Encrypt communication
Allows an encrypted connection between Sm@rtClient and Sm@rtServer.
Password 1
First password for remote access. "View only" is disabled by default.
Password 2
Second password for remote access. "View only" is enabled by default.
This password can be provided as a reserve password for third-party users (such as service
technicians); it can be modified when necessary without significant effort within the
View only
If this check box is enabled, read access (monitoring mode) is the only access available
when the corresponding password is entered.
Default: Enabled
On devices with version V12, the password "100" is preset for the Sm@rtServer and for
the integrated Web server. This password should be changed for security reasons.
On devices with version V13, no passwords are preset.
Enable network packets queuing (slower)
This setting enables splitting of data into multiple data packets, which are sent separately over
the network. It is useful when multiple clients are connected.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 205
Display or port numbers to use
Here, you select the TCP/IP port in the network where the Sm@rtServer waits for attempts to
establish a connection.
"Auto": The Sm@rtServer automatically searches for the appropriate port by itself.
"Display": The server uses port 5900 plus display number. For HTTP, the server utilizes
Port 5800 plus display number.
"Ports": You enter the port numbers for "main" and "HTTP" yourself.
No local input during client session
The keyboard and mouse on the server-HMI device are disabled as long as connections are
For example, this setting is useful when an HMI device is being administered from outside.
Remove desktop wallpaper (on PC only)
This setting removes the screen background on the PC, thus saving transmission effort.
Default: Enabled
When last client disconnects (on PC only)
This setting governs the behavior after disconnection of the last client connection:
"Do nothing": No reaction
"Lock workstation": Server PC is locked.
"Logoff workstation": Server PC is logged off.
The latter two settings are only useful if the Sm@rtServer is running as a service.
"Polling" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Specifying the screen update and the use of virtual graphics driver.
Polling modes(on PC only)
The settings govern the screen update.
Most changes are recognized automatically by the server. In case of problems, you can enter
additional settings here.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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206 System Manual, 12/2017
The update method cannot be set on the panel. The settings is always "Poll Full Screen".
Poll foreground window (On PC only)
Updates the current window.
It increases the load on the server.
Poll window under cursor (On PC only)
Updates the window that is located under the mouse cursor. The window is updated when
a change occurs in the operator control element under the mouse cursor.
Default: Enabled
Poll full screen (On PC only)
This setting specifies an update each time the screen changes. This setting provides you
the lowest display error but places a maximum load on the server.
Polling cycle
Determine the suitable setting for your configuration. Make sure that the selected update
cycle is not too short, since it affects the computer load.
Window polling
Poll console windows Only (On PC only)
This setting specifies an additional update when changes occur in a console window (MS
input requirement).
Poll on event received only (Only on the PC)
This setting specifies an additional update each time an entry is made.
Default: Enabled
Mirror driver status
(Only on the PC with a mirror driver installed)
Provides information about the status of the virtual graphics driver.
Mirror driver options (only on a PC with installed mirror driver)
Enable direct access to display driver's mirror screen
The shared-memory area of the virtual graphics driver is used for the display. The setting
improves the performance.
Troubleshooting (on PC only)
Don't use VNCHooks.DLL while polling full screen
VNCHooks.dll is used by default for the screen update. If VNCHooks.dll causes problems
when using other program, select this setting.
Don't use mirror display driver even if available
(Only on the PC with a mirror driver installed)
Use this setting only for troubleshooting.
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"Display" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Setting of the screen display.
Sharing area(on PC only)
Full desktop
The entire desktop of the server is accessed.
Primary display
The main screen of the multi-monitor configuration is displayed.
Downscale to(on PC only)
Scales the screen to be transferred according your inputs. Servers with Windows CE ignore
this setting.
"Query" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Settings for incoming connection attempts.
This dialog is titled "Default Local System Advanced" on the panel.
Query settings
These settings govern acceptance of incoming attempts to establish a connection.
Query console on incoming connections
The Sm@rtServer registers the incoming attempts to establish a connection and displays
a dialog on the screen in which the connection attempt is accepted or rejected.
Query timeout
Set the waiting time.
Default action
Select the response to an attempt to establish a connection once the waiting time expires:
"Refuse": Reject attempt (operator control mode - single mode)
"Accept": Accept attempt (operator control mode – shared mode)
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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208 System Manual, 12/2017
Allow option to accept without authentication
The dialog for handling attempts to establish connections also contains the button "Accept
without password" . This gives you the option to accept an attempt to establish connection
without a password.
"Administration" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
Specifications for session management.
This dialog is titled "Default Local System Advanced" on the panel.
Disable empty passwords
Select this check box in order to allow an empty "Password 1".
Default: Enabled
Allow loopback connections
This setting allows connections to your own HMI device. It is useful and necessary when
security software is used for secure (encoded) connections.
Allow only loopback
This setting allows only connections to your own HMI device.
Log info to SmartServer.log
(On the panel: Log information to file)
This setting writes information to the server logbook.
Log detailed debugging information
This setting writes expanded information to the server logbook (for locating errors).
With HMI devices operating with Windows CE, the log is only created when the MMC card is
inserted. If the MMC card is inserted, the log is created directly on the card.
The log files are created in the following path on a PC: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
\Application Data\Siemens\HmiRTm
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Forced write access
This setting governs forced access in an emergency contrary to normal session management.
Password needed
If this check box is not selected, every operator can force access in emergencies as follows:
Pressing the <Shift> key four times
Clicking four times
Touching the screen four times
If this check box is enabled, to force access an attempt must be made to gain access and
a password must also be entered.
In this case, enter the applicable password in the input field underneath. If a password is
not entered, it is not possible to force access in an emergency.
Default: Enabled
On the server, access can only be forced by pressing the <Shift> key four times, clicking
four times, or touching the screen four times.
Enable built-in HTTP server
If this check box is activated, the Java-Applet is automatically downloaded on the PC when
the connection is first established.
The Java applet accesses the Java VM that is installed on the client and enables remote
monitoring and remote control using Internet Explorer.
Default: Enabled
Enable applet params in URLs
Forwards all parameters of the URL to the Sm@rtClient application.
If this check box is selected, the Java applet is downloaded securely.
Default: Enabled
Connection priority
These settings govern handling of attempts to establish a connection by non-shared clients.
Disconnect existing connections
When an attempt is made to establish a connection by a non-shared client, the attempt is
accepted; the existing connections are disconnected (single mode).
Automatic shared sesssions
When an attempt is made to establish a connection by a non-shared client, the attempt is
accepted; the prior existing connections are retained. Access is controlled using session
management in shared mode.
Default: Enabled
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Active user timeout
For shared mode, enter the time that must elapse without any actions on the active HMI
device before access can be changed.
Default setting: 10 seconds
Refuse concurrent connections
If a non-shared client is already connected to the server, attempts to establish a connection
by other non-shared clients are rejected.
See also
Remote control by means of Internet Explorer (Page 233)
"Certificates" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog
The "Certificate" tab shows you all security certificates and their properties.
You can also import and delete security certificates.
In the "Selection" list, select a certificate with the properties you want to view.
You can use the "Delete" button to delete the selected certificate.
You can use the "Import" button to import the selected certificate.
The "Import" button is active if the entry "Imported Certificate" is selected.
You see the following certificate properties in the "Certificate" area:
Issued to: Name of the organizational unit for which the certificate was issued
Issued by: Name of the certificate issuer
Valid from... to: The validity period of the certificate
Thumbprint: The fingerprint of the certificate
See also
Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Page 228)
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 211
User administration for web server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Different web authorizations for the operation and monitoring are allocated to the users in the
user administration.
The "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" dialog is open.
The "Web Server" tab is displayed.
Entries and settings
Click "User Administration" in the "Web Server" tab and enter the password.
On devices with version V12, the password "100" is preset for the Sm@rtServer and for the
integrated Web server. This password should be changed for security reasons.
On devices with version V13, no passwords are preset.
The "UserDatabase-Edit" dialog is opened.
The "UserDatabase-Edit" dialog has three tabs:
Tab "User Manager"
User administration for creation or deletion of users.
Create a new user using "New"; Delete a user using "Remove". The recreation and deletion
become effective using "Apply".
Tab "Description"
You can store a description of or comments on the users selected on the "User Manager"
Tab "Authorizations"
Specify the web authorizations for the users selected on the "User Manager" tab. You use
"Add" to activate a web authorization and "Remove" to deactivate one.
By default, the password is initially preset to "100" and all web authorizations are granted
to users with "Administrator" rights.
For read and write access to the file browser, the user must possess the web authorizations
"FileBrowserAdministrator" and "FileBrowserUser".
In principle, every user who has access to the control panel can manage users and web
authorizations. If necessary, protect the control panel from unwanted access.
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212 System Manual, 12/2017
List of web authorizations
The following web authorizations exist:
Web authorization Authorized for:
UserData Import and export of recipes
UserAdministrator Import and export of password lists
RuntimeAccess Starting and stopping of runtime
Engineering HTTP transfer from ES to the target device
FileBrowserUser Read access to the file browser
FileBrowserAdministrator Read/write access to the file browser
RTCommunication Utilization of the SIMATIC HMI HTTP server
SoapUser Read/write access via web service (SOAP)
4.1.5 Settings for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Session management for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC enables remote monitoring and remote control of HMI devices over a TCP/IP-ready
network such as a LAN or the Internet. Remote monitoring and remote control is implemented
in different ways:
Remote control by means of Internet Explorer
Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient-application
Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient-display in
Only one device can ever have access to the HMI-device. Which device is permitted access
is determined by the session management.
Session management options
Session management is used to control access. The client-server connection can be in one
of two modes:
Monitoring mode
Control mode
Monitoring mode
If the client accesses the server in monitoring mode, the operator can see the current screen
of the HMI device and track all changes. He can monitor the server but cannot operate.
In the monitoring mode, all the keys on the client retain their standard functions.
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If remote control was started from the Sm@rtClient display, the operator uses the <Tab> key
or the cursor keys to go to the next object in the current screen of the client project.
Control mode
If the client accesses the server in operator control mode, the operator can use the mouse and
the keyboard to control the server from the client. If an access attempt is made from another
client, the assignment of operating permission depends on the settings at the server and at
the clients.
In operator control mode, the client keys act on the server screen. Thus, the operator uses the
<Tab> key to go to the next object in the current screen of the project running on the server.
If remote control was started from the Sm@rtClient display, the operator can only go to another
object or screen in the project on the client by using an additionally configured function or an
additional menu command. The operator to this menu command as follows:
On the Touch-device, in which he touches the screen longer than 1 sec.
On the keyboard =device, in which he masks on the menu with <Shift+Control> and
operates it with <Alt> and the keyboard.
In both operating modes, the Sm@rtServer is set so that the operator at the remotely controlled
device, the server, can be prevented from performing any activities.
In an emergency, the operator can exact the user rights on a remotely controlled HMI device
as well as on an inactive HMI device. If no password is specified, he must click the user
interface four times consecutively, touch the screen four times consecutively, or press the
<Shift> key four times consecutively. If a password is specified, he must click once or press a
key on the client and then enter the specified password.
Settings for session management
You make settings for session management on the server and on the client in the Control
Panel "WinCC Internet Settings". Configuring Sm@rtServer for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The Sm@rtServer has an internal security concept based on passwords and special settings
for session management.
Security concept for the Sm@rtServer
Remote monitoring and remote control of the Sm@rtServer from the Sm@rtClient is protected
by two functions:
Encrypt encryption of communication to the server
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214 System Manual, 12/2017
Encrypt communication to the Sm@rtServer
The "Encrypt communication" function provides a secure connection between Sm@rtClient
and Sm@rtServer.
After you have activated the "Encrypt communication" function, the Sm@rtServer sends a
Sm@rtServer-specific certificate to the Sm@rtClient.
The Sm@rtClient must support the "Encrypt communication" function for encrypted
The certificate sent by the Sm@rtServer must be accepted to establish communication on the
All connections between Sm@rtClient and Sm@rtServer are then only possible on the basis
of the exchanged certificate.
Passwords for the Sm@rtServer
Remote monitoring and remote control of the Sm@rtServer at the Sm@rtClient is protected
by two passwords.
The second password is used as a further password for additional access, for example, as a
service password.
Passwords for the Sm@rtServer
No default passwords are set.
Therefore, assign the passwords before you use the Sm@rtServer.
Password assignment in fail-safe 2nd Generation Mobile Panels
To prevent accidental write access, the option "Disable empty passwords" is enabled by default
and cannot be changed. Enter two new passwords under "Password 1" and "Password 2".
Enter one of the two passwords for access to the Sm@rtServer.
Settings on the Sm@rtServer
The settings on the server govern which remote operators can access the runtime of the server.
The passwords for access are set on the server. Open "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet"
in the control panel. On the "Remote" tab, click "Change Settings". On the following "Server"
tab of the subsequent dialog, enter the passwords of the Sm@rtClient. For both passwords,
you can use "View only" to set the monitoring mode and to exclude operator control mode.
On the panel, this dialog is called "Sm@rtServer: Default Local System Properties" and
contains fewer dialog elements than the dialog on the PC.
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Control mode
To enable control mode, the "View only" check box must be cleared, at least for "Password 1"
(Password 1).
The manner in which the individual remote control station can access the server is set on the
"Administration" tab.
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"Disconnect existing connections"
When an access attempt is made by an non-shared client, the previous connection is
automatically disconnected and control is transferred to the new client.
When an attempt is made to access by a shared client, the behavior is the same as
described for "Automatic shared sessions".
"Automatic shared sessions"
When an access attempt is made, control is transferred to the new client.
The condition for transferring control is that no action has been undertaken by the previously
active client for a period of time (in seconds) as specified in the "Active user timeout" setting.
"Refuse concurrent connections"
When an attempt is made to access by a non-shared client, this access attempt is rejected
so long as the operator station that currently has access is still connected to the server.
When an attempt is made to access by a shared client, the behavior is the same as
described for "Automatic shared sessions".
Disabling local operator control of the server
To do so, open the "WinCC Internet Settings" in the Control Panel. On the "Remote" tab, click
"Change Settings". On the "Server" tab in the subsequent dialog, select "No local input during
client session".
Password for forced access
A password can be specified in "Forced Write Access" for forced access in an emergency.
Sm@rtServer as a service
You can let the Sm@rtServer run as a service. The operator can then also access the service-
HMI device from the client-HMI device, for example, the screen saver is active with a password.
Select the check box "Start automatically after booting" in "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet"
on the "Remote" tab.
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System Manual, 12/2017 217
Sm@rtServer as service in Windows 7
The Sm@rtServer always runs as a service under Windows 7. You cannot stop the
Sm@rtServer in Runtime with the Notification Area in the taskbar. You have the following
options for stopping the Sm@rtServer:
Stop using the "ControlSmartServer" system function
Configure the "ControlSmartServer" system function to a button, for example. Select the
"Stop" mode at the system function. You can stop the Sm@rtServer in Runtime by clicking
the button.
Stopping the Sm@rtServer in the Control Panel:
Open "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" in the Control Panel and select the "Remote"
tab. Click on the "Stop" button. Sm@rtServer is stopped.
Stopping Sm@rtServer by stopping Runtime:
Open "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" in the Control Panel and select the "Remote"
tab. Activate the "Close with Runtime" option. The Sm@rtServer is stopped at the stop of
See also
Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Page 227)
Touch mode (Page 220)
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
218 System Manual, 12/2017 Configure Sm@rtClient for remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Settings on the client PC
Monitoring mode
At the client-PC you limit the connection to observation mode, if required. This allows you
to prevent unintended control operations.
If connection is via the Sm@rtClient application
In the following "Sm@rtClient Connection" of Sm@rtClient-application, click "Options..."
In the "Sm@rtclient Options" dialog, select the setting"View only (inputs ignored)".
If connection is via Internet Explorer
Click on the button "Options..." and select "View only" in the subsequent dialog.
You can also specify whether or not the HMI-device is to be displayed with the same layout
in the Sm@rtClient application. This is useful if you access from a PC on a touch device.
In order to suppress the layout, select the "Sm@rtclient Options" setting in the "Suppress
Device Layout" dialog.
In addition, you can use "Scale by" to zoom in or out of the layout. To use "Scale by", the
Suppress Device Layout setting must be selected or the HMI-device must not supply any
layout. Otherwise, the desktop is always displayed with a zoom setting of 100%.
If you scale the display, the performance may be impaired in some situations:
Strong scaling, for example from 1600 x 1200 px to 640 x 480 px.
Scaling with non-matching scaling factors, for example from a 4:3 resolution to 16:10
Configuring of the Sm@rtClient-display
You can configure the Sm@rtClient display in different ways, and thereby set certain inputs:
The server name, the password for accessing Sm@rtServer or the restriction to the monitoring
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Encrypted communication
You must enable the "Encrypt communication" function for encrypted communication with the
Support for the "Encrypt communication" function on the Sm@rtClient
If the Sm@rtClient does not support the "Encrypt communication" function, no
communication is possible with a Sm@rtServer which has enabled the "Encrypt
communication" function.
Enable the "Encrypt communication" function on the Sm@rtServer.
Enabling the "Encrypt communication" function on the Sm@rtServer by the Sm@rtClient
You can also enable the "Encrypt communication" function on the Sm@rtServer from the
Establish a connection to the server.
Enable the "Encrypt communication" function in the "Standard VNC Authentication"
Certificates are exchanged between the Sm@rtServer and Sm@rtClient.
The certificate sent by the Sm@rtServer must be accepted by the Sm@rtClient. Touch mode (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Depending on your project requirements, it may be necessary to completely disable the
operation of capacitive multi-touch PCs or resistive touch PCs while these are connected to
the HMI devices over Sm@rtServer or Sm@rtClient.
Multi-touch PCs are disabled for basic inputs with "No local input during client session" as long
as they are connected to an HMI device.
To also prevent gestures, you must also block the "Extended Touch" functionality or switch
the device to single-touch mode.
A device on which a Sm@rtServer is running can be remotely operated by a Sm@rtClient
installed on an HMI device. "Duplicate operations" in which inputs can be made on the server
and the client device simultaneously, are prevented with the "No local input during client
sessions" option.
However, this option only blocks basic keyboard and mouse operation. Gestures are still
possible on the server device. To disable these as well, proceed as follows depending on the
hardware used.
Switching off touch mode on PCs with resistive display
1. Open the IPC wizard on the server device in the Windows Start menu with the command "All
Programs > UPDD > Settings".
2. Under "Click Mode", disable the "Extended Touch" option.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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220 System Manual, 12/2017
Switching off touch mode on capacitive multi-touch PCs
1. Open "IPC Wizard > Panel Configuration Center" (version 2.1 or higher).
All recognized devices are displayed under "Panel Configuration Center > Touch settings".
The set touch mode is also displayed for each device.
2. To change the touch mode of a device, click the respective "Switch Mode" button.
The touch mode of the device changes accordingly to single-touch mode.
Operate those multi-touch PCs that cannot be switched to single-touch mode (e.g. ITP1000)
in "View only" mode only.
To do so, enable the setting "View only (inputs ignored)" in the "Sm@rtClient Options" dialog.
See also
Configuring Sm@rtServer for remote control (Page 214) Sm@rtClient-Application (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Dialog "New Sm@rtServer: Connection" (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
This dialog opens when you click the "Sm@rtClient" button in the taskbar.
Purpose of the dialog box
This dialog is used for selecting the server and the connection method.
Enter the address of the server to which the connection is to be established. You can find the
various options for entering the address under "Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient
application (Page 234)".
Connection profil
Select the type of connection to the server according to the network you are using.
Listening mode
If you enable this function, the Sm@rtClient application is minimized and appears as a button
in the Windows taskbar. The Sm@rtClient waits for the Sm@rtServer to establish a connection.
To establish the connection, click the "Sm@rtServer" button in the Windows taskbar of the
server. Select "Add new client" in the context menu.
The "Sm@rtClient Options" dialog containing the technical settings for the Sm@rtClient-
application is displayed.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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See also
Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient application (Page 234)
"Options" dialog, "Globals" tab (Page 224)
"Options" dialog, "Connections" tab (Page 222)
"Options" dialog, "Connections" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog box
Technical settings for the Sm@rtClient-application are specified in this dialog box.
Only change the settings here in special cases.
You can also specify these settings in the Java Applet. Note that some of the dialog elements
are named differently there.
Format and encodings
Settings for compressing (encoding) the screen data of the server.
Use encoding
Preassigned based on the selection under "Connection profile".
Select the desired compression or "Raw" (no compression).
User 8-bit color
(Only in the Java-Applet): Reduces the color depth at the client to 8 bits (256 colors). The
data are then transferred faster. However, incorrect colors may result.
Custom Compression level
Allows individual customizing of the compression level in the "Level" input field:
1 = least compression (faster); 9 = maximum compression (slower).
Allow JPEG compression
Allows the use of JPEG compression (involves losses).
Enter the "Screen quality" in the input field underneath:
1 = least compression (faster); 9 = maximum compression (slower).
Allow CopyRect encoding
(In the Java-Applet: Use CopyRect. Encoding)
Allows compression while using "similar rectangles".
Viewonly (inputs ingnored)
Sets the view mode for this client irrespective of the settings on the server.
Disable clipboard transfer
Disables the clipboard that is used to transfer data from one PC to another. Applies only
to the copying and pasting of texts.
This functionality is not available at a Windows CE server.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Settings for the screen display
Scale by
Zooms in or zooms out the desktop to be displayed. To use "Scale by", the Suppress Device
Layout setting must be selected or the HMI-device must not supply any layout. Otherwise,
the desktop is displayed with a zoom setting of 100%.
Fullscreen Mode
Displays the desktop to be shown in full-screen mode. If the server screen is larger than
the screen of the client, it is scrolled automatically by the mouse movement.
Suppress Device Layout
In the Sm@rtClient application window, the entire layout of remote HMI-device is not shown.
Use CTRL + Cursor Key for Scrolling
The key combinations <CTRL> + cursor key are used to scroll within the local screen. They
are no longer transferred to the server.
(In the Java-Applet: Mouse buttons 2 and 3)
Settings for the evaluation of mouse actions
Emulate 3 Buttons (with 2-button click)
Emulation of a three-button mouse by a two-button mouse.
Swap mouse buttons 2 and 3
(In the Java-Applet: reversed/normal)
Mouse buttons 2 and 3 are swapped.
Mouse cursor
(In the Java-Applet: Cursor shape updates)
Settings for the display of the cursor
Select the type of transfer of the mouse actions:
Track remote cursor locally
The information on the location of the cursor is transferred separately from the screen
information. This speeds up the transfer of the cursor. (JavaApplet: Enabled)
Let remote server deal with mouse cursor
Tracks the server cursor to the client cursor. This allows more accurate cursor positioning.
(YES: Ignore)
Don't show remote cursor
The cursor at the server is not included in the transfer. (YES: Disable)
Request shared session
(In the Java-Applet: Share desktop)
Declares this client to be a non-exclusive client.
See also
Dialog "New Sm@rtServer: Connection" (Page 221)
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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"Options" dialog, "Globals" tab (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Purpose of the dialog box
Technical settings for the Sm@rtClient-application are carried out in this dialog box.
Only change the settings here in special cases.
You can also carry out these settings in the Java Applet. Note that some of the dialog elements
are named differently there.
Interface options
Show toolbars by default
Displays the toolbar.
Warn at switching to the full-screen mode
Outputs a message before the full-screen mode is activated.
Enable Onscreen keyboard
Enables the display of the on-screen keyboard
Number of connection to remember
The client creates a list of the recently used connections. This setting specifies the number
of connections listed.
Clear the list of saved connections
The list is cleared.
Local cursor shape
Specifies the appearance of the local cursor. This allows you to better differentiate between
the local cursor and remote cursor.
Listening mode
Accept reverse VNC connections on TCP port
Specifies the TCP port number. The Sm@rtClient waits for the Sm@rtServer to establish
the connection over this TCP port number.
Write log to a file
Writes information in the logbook of the Sm@rtClient-application.
Verbosity level
Writes expanded information to the server logbook of the Sm@rtClient-application (for
locating faults). The amount of detail in the information is dependent on the verbosity level
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4.1.6 Use and restrictions of Sm@rt Options (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Use restrictions
While using the Sm@rt Options, observe the following instructions:
HMI devices suitable for use
For additional information, refer to "Usable HMI devices".
Sm@rtServer and Sm@rtClient
If a PC is used as a Sm@rtServer, select the highest-performance platform available.
Use only simple projects.
Avoid photographs and color gradients in screens.
Avoid heavy background loads during operation, for example, those from user-defined
functions or logs.
The number of the maximum connected Sm@rt Clients depends on the Server-HMI
device. For additional information, see the "Performance features" documentation.
To improve the performance of the Sm@rtServer, you can disable hardware
acceleration of the graphics card .
You inevitably loose performance at the HMI when you access the HMI-device using
the Sm@rtClient functionality.
Tag exchange via the SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol is not suitable for exchanging bulk
The maximum number of connections depends on the HMI device: For additional
information, see the "Performance features" documentation
Access protection
To protect access to an HMI-device using different passwords, you must use the first
password for the protected, and the second password for the unprotected access e.g.
remote control with a password, remote monitoring without password.
The web server connects to the network at the port 80. To run it without problems, make
sure port 80 is not in use by any other application, such as IIS World Wide Web Publishing
Integrated HTML-pages
The size of the HTML pages must not exceed 100 Kb in case of Windows CE. In case
of exceeding of the given value, these pages are spooled on external storage media.
If you display tags on HTML-pages using the entry type "Cyclic on use", it can lead to
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The E-mailing function is not suitable for the mass dispatch of E-Mails. It is meant for
sending important messages.
If the connection between server and client is interrupted, the server will register this
disconnection only with a certain delay. The delay is based on the Windows standard
configuration of TCP/IP Timeout.
Use-requirements in the company network
In order to implement the mentioned scenario, the accesses to the company network must be
enabled. If the company network is protected by a Firewall, the system administrator must
release the appropriate ports for that.
Access to the integrated HTML-pages
The web server connects to the network at the port 80.
Access to Sm@rtServer for downloading the Java-Applet using the Internet Explorer
The Sm@rtServer is connected to the network at the Port 5800 for downloading the Java-
Access to the Sm@rtServer using the Internet Explorer for remote monitoring and remote
The Sm@rtServer is connected to the network at the port 5900.
If you change the ports of the Sm@rtServer you must customize the links in the used Html-
pages accordingly. Additional information to modify the Html-pages is provided in "Example:
"Configure integrated webserver".
Use in fail-safe 2nd Generation Mobile Panels
If the Sm@rtServer on an HMI device is enabled by a local user, an operator can control and
monitor the HMI device over a Sm@rtClient from outside the plant.
Note the following information when using the Sm@rtServer option on fail-safe 2nd Generation
Mobile Panels.
The Sm@rtServer function needs to be taken into consideration in the risk analysis for fail-safe
automation systems.
Sufficient protection from potential risks is be ensured if the use of the Sm@rtServer is not
taken into account in the risk analysis.
A risk analysis that takes account of the Sm@rtServer function is required for each fail-safe
automation system. This also applies if the Sm@rtServer function is used subsequently in an
existing system. It is the plant operator's responsibility to conduct the risk analysis.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Rules for the hazardous area
To avoid injury and damage in the hazardous area, the local operator may only enable the
Sm@rtServer function on an HMI device if the following conditions are met:
The local operator can see the hazardous area.
The local operator is able to recognize risks to persons in time.
The local operator is capable of taking immediate action to avoid hazards.
There are no people in the hazardous area.
It is the plant operator's responsibility to ensure compliance with these conditions.
You can find additional information on using Sm@rtServer on fail-safe 2nd Generation Mobile
Panels in the manual for the HMI device.
4.1.7 Setting up secure communication between WebClient and Sm@rtServer (Panels,
Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
You can configure secure communication for the communication between Sm@rtServer and
Before secure communication can be configured, a number of settings in the "Sm@rtServer
Settings" dialog are required and the security certificate needs to be installed in your Web
To open the "Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog, click the "Change settings" button in the "WinCC
Runtime Advanced Internet" dialog.
You can use either a self-signed, automatically generated certificate or a separate certificate
for secure communication.
The Java applet can also be downloaded to the Sm@rtServer over the WebClient with secure
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The following steps are required to configure secure communication:
Enable the "Encrypt communication" option on the Sm@rtServer.
Alternatively, you can enable the "Secure" option on the login Website in the WebClient.
In the "Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog on the "Administration" tab, go to "HTTP-Server" and
enable the "https" function.
Import separate certificate or automatically generated, self-signed certificate.
Install the self-signed certificate the first time a connection is established.
In V14 and higher, "https" is disabled by default and therefore has no impact when older
versions are upgraded to V14 and higher versions.
If the "https" check box is cleared, the user can decide in the WebClient whether to upload the
Java applet over http or https by specifying "http" or "https" in the URL.
The security certificate for the Sm@rtServer is located in the Windows certificate store. No
certificates can be exported on the HMI devices.
The certificate name is as follows: <IP address>.
If you update to Sm@rtServer V14 or higher, the Sm@rtClients must confirm the certificates
See also
Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Internet Explorer (Page 229)
Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Firefox (Page 230)
Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Page 228)
Configuring secure communication on the WebClient (Page 231) Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
For secure communication between Sm@rtServer and WebClient, you can use either
automatically generated, self-signed certificates, or separate certificates.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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You save the separate certificates beforehand in the SmartServer.pfx or SmartServer.p12 file.
On HMI devices with Windows CE, this file is saved under \flash\simatic; on PCs, it is saved
under \ProgramData\Siemens\CoRtHmiRTm\SmartServer.
You then import the certificate to the certificate store using the "Sm@rtServer" dialog and
install the corresponding client certificate in your Web browser.
Importing separate certificates
1. Open the "Sm@rtServer" dialog.
2. Enable the "Certificate" tab.
3. Click the "Import" button.
The SmartServer.pfx file is deleted after import. The certificates are stored in the certificate
store on the HMI device under My Certificates and on the PC under WinCC Panel RT VNC
In the "Sm@rtServer" dialog on the "Certificate" tab, you can view both automatically generated
and imported certificates and their attributes.
See also
"Certificates" tab (Page 211)
Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Internet Explorer (Page 229)
Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Page 227)
Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Firefox (Page 230) Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Internet Explorer (Panels, Comfort
Panels, RT Advanced)
The following procedure has been tested and released for Internet Explorer 10.
The first time a connection to Sm@rtServer is established, Internet Explorer reports a problem
with the Website's security certificate.
1. Select the "Continue to this website (not recommended)" option.
The "Security Warning" dialog appears.
2. In the "Security Warning" dialog, click "Continue".
3. Click "Certificate error" in the Internet Explorer address bar.
4. Click on the "View certificates" button.
The "Certificate" dialog appears.
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 229
5. Click on the "Install Certificate" button.
6. Select the certificate store "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" for installation of the
Sm@rtServer certificate.
Once you have installed the certificate, you can export it from the certificate store and install
it on other PCs with WebClients for connection to the same Sm@rtServer.
See also
Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Page 228)
Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Page 227) Installing self-signed Sm@rtServer certificates in Firefox (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The following procedure has been tested and released with Firefox 31.8.
At least Java Version 8 Update 51 must be installed in Firefox for use of the Java applet.
Please note that in some browsers self-signed certificates are classified as untrustworthy. To
avoid this, install your own certificate from a recognized certification body.
The first time a connection to Sm@rtServer is established, Firefox reports a problem with the
Website's security certificate.
1. In the "This connection is untrusted" dialog, click the "Add exception" button.
The "Add security exception" dialog appears.
2. In the "Add security exception" dialog, click "Get certificate".
3. Then click "View"
The "Certificate Viewer" dialog appears.
4. In the "Certificate Viewer" dialog on the "Details" tab, select the certificate and click "Export".
5. Click "Close".
6. Click on the "Confirm security exception" button.
7. Open the Java Control Panel using the Control Panel.
8. On the "Security" tab, click the "Manage certificates" button.
The "Certificates" dialog opens.
9. In the "Certificates" dialog, import the exported certificates under certificate type "Secure
Site CA".
The import can also be executed on other PCs with WebClients for connection to the same
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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230 System Manual, 12/2017
See also
Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Page 227)
Configuring a separate certificate for Sm@rtServer (Page 228) Configuring secure communication on the WebClient (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
You can also configure secure communication with the Sm@rtServer on the login page of the
WebClient. When the "Secure" option is enabled, the Sm@rtServer and WebClient
communicate securely. The "Secure" option is enabled by default.
When the "Secure" option is enabled, the Sm@rtServer and WebClient communicate securely
even if secure communication has not been set for the Sm@rtServer.
Certificate comparison
The result of the certificate comparison between Sm@rtServer and WebClient is displayed in
the "Thumbprint" field on the login page.
If the login page has been saved as a Website in htm or html format and is then accessed with
a double-click, the fingerprint is checked. The fingerprint of the Sm@rtServer certificate is
checked against the fingerprint that is saved in the htm file. The "Thumbprint" field is displayed
in green if the two match and in red if they do not.
See also
Configuring secure communication for Sm@rtServer (Page 227)
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4.1 Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 231
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.2.1 Types of the remote control (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Remote control and remote monitoring by means of Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort
Panels, RT Advanced)
The Sm@rtOptions of WinCC enable the access from HMI device or PC to a remote HMI
device via Ethernet.
The License Key "Sm@rtServer" is available at the Server-HMI device.
The 14-day license is not supported by Windows CE devices.
Both devices are linked via a TCP/IP-ready network, that is via a LAN or the Internet.
"Sm@rtServer" is activated in the WinCC-Project of the Server-HMI device for the "Services
in Runtime".
Additional requirements must be satisfied according to the type of implementation.
Implementing remote access
The Sm@rtServer supports remote monitoring or remote control on the remote device (server).
Remote monitoring or remote control can be implemented on the local device (client) in various
By means of Internet Explorer
By means of the Sm@rtClient-application
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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232 System Manual, 12/2017
Access via HTML pages
The Sm@rt Options enable access for remote control with Microsoft Internet Explorer and by
means of integrated HTML pages of the server.
Ethernet communication
In Ethernet-based communication, such as PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rt Options and OPC,
it is the end user who is responsible for the security of his data network. The proper functioning
of the device cannot be guaranteed in all circumstances; targeted attacks, for example, can
lead to an overloading of the device. Remote control by means of Internet Explorer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
On the client HMI device, the connection to the remote HMI device is established by means
of Internet Explorer.
The window of the Internet Explorer displays only the screen of the remote HMI device, of the
server HMI device. If task switching is not disabled at the server HMI device, you can access
the complete desktop.
The Client-HMI device is a PC.
Internet Explorer from V6.0 SP1 is installed.
The Client-and Server-certificates are installed to ensure the data security when transferred
via internet.
The Java-Applet is installed. The Java applet accesses the Java runtime environment that
is installed on the client.
You achieve the best results in Internet Explorer by installing the current Java Runtime
Environment (JRETM) of Sun Microsystems. Go to to download this
Process flow
Enter the address of the remote device in Internet Explorer. The address consists of the server
name and the HTTP port number that is set on the server. The default setting is: 5800.
Examples of addressing: "http://MyPanel:5800" or "".
The following VNC authentication dialog contains the "Thumbprint" and "Password" fields. If
there is no "Thumbprint" field, your browser cache still contains the old dialog. In this case,
clear your browser cache and try connecting again.
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4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 233
The "Force write access with password" function cannot be implemented using the Java applet.
See also
"Administration" tab (Page 209) Remote control by means of the Sm@rtClient application (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The Sm@rtClient application provides the connection to the remote HMI device on the remote
HMI device.
The Client-and Server-certificates are installed to ensure the data security when transferred
via internet.
The Client-HMI device is a PC.
Process flow
The remote control via the Sm@rtClient-application works as follows:
Start Sm@rtClient application
Establish connection
Password input
Perform operator control or monitoring on the HMI device
Start Sm@rtClient application
You can access the Sm@rtClient application, the program "SmartClient.exe", in various ways:
By installing WinCC Runtime on the client device you have automatically installed the
Sm@rtClient application.
You have several options if WinCC Runtime is not installed on the client device:
Copy the Sm@rtClient application from the WinCC product-DVD from the folder "Support
Copy the Sm@rtClient application from the "...\Siemens\Automation\WinCC RT
Advanced" folder of another PC using a floppy disk or the Intranet.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Establish connection
In order to establish the connection to the remote HMI device, call the Sm@rtClient application
and enter the IP address of the server.
IP address or server name:port number
IP address or server name:display number
Example: ""
You can also start the Sm@rtClient application with the command line input: "smartclient.exe". The logon dialog box opens.
You can include the password in the command line entry to start the Sm@rtClient application:
"smartclient.exe /password <password>".
If the Sm@rtServer at the server HMI device does not run as a service, the connection
established with the Sm@rtClient application is interrupted automatically as soon as the
keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+DEL is pressed at the server HMI device or the screen saver
is activated. In order for the Sm@rtServer to run as a service, the "Start automatically after
booting" check box in the "Remote" tab in the "WinCC Runtime Advacned Internet Settings"
dialog must be activated.
Password input
Password input at the Sm@rtServer
Instead of the on-screen keyboard, the following message is displayed on the Sm@rtClient
if you enter the password directly at the Sm@rtServer: "Remote access by Sm@rt Options
is in Progress. Please wait until the input of values has been ended." This measure prevents
keyboard input for entering the password from being displayed on the Sm@rtClient.
Password input at the Sm@rtClient
The on-screen keyboard is hidden on the Sm@rtServer due to the actions carried out on
the Sm@rtClient. Use the local on-screen keyboard for entries at the Sm@rtClient. The
local on-screen keyboard will be displayed automatically on the Sm@rtClient or in the
Sm@rtClient view. Close the on-screen keyboard manually. Select "Input > Hide Input
Panel" to hide the local on-screen keyboard.
The entries with full-screen keyboard are not protected on HMI devices with a screen size
of ≤ 6''.
Entries in Control Panel Applets which do not use the full-screen keyboard are protected.
Hidden password input is not supported by the on-screen keyboards of third-party products.
You cannot enter special characters with the keyboard shortcut Alt Gr.
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4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 235
Perform operator control or monitoring on the HMI device
In the Sm@rtClient application window, the entire layout of the remote HMI device is shown.
Depending on the configuration, you can specify monitoring only or operator control of all keys,
including the function keys, with the mouse. In addition, the entire desktop can be accessed
in the case of a PC.
For operator control via the keyboard, the following is available:
Keyboard shortcut Function
<ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+O> Opens the "Sm@rtClient Options" dialog
<ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+F> Switches over to full screen mode
<ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+R> Updates the display
<ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+N> Opens the "New Sm@rtServer Connection" dialog
<ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+T> Displays and hides the toolbar Remote control via the Sm@rtClient display during runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The Sm@rt options of WinCC enables access from the HMI device or PC to a remote HMI
device via Ethernet.
The License Key "Sm@rtServer" is available at the Server-HMI device.
Both devices are linked via a TCP/IP-ready network, that is, via a LAN or the Internet.
HMI-device is configured as Sm@rtServer. For more information, refer to "Configure
Sm@rtServer (Page 240)".
The Sm@rtClient-Display in an image is added in the client-HMI device project. For more
information, refer to "Project Sm@rtClient (Page 242)".
Implementing remote access
The Sm@rtServer supports remote monitoring or remote control on the remote device (server).
On the client HMI device, the connection to the Sm@rtServer is made during runtime by means
of the Sm@rtClient display.
On the HMI device only the screen of the server, and not the soft keys, is displayed.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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236 System Manual, 12/2017
The form of the cursor is not a part of the screen and is therefore not transmitted. Only the
coordinates of the cursor are transmitted.
If a soft-key is activated on the client HMI device, then observe the following:
This signal is transferred to the Server-HMI device and becomes effective there, only if no
function was configured at the soft-key.
Otherwise, the function projected on the client-HMI device is executed.
Use of direct keys for remote access
You can only operate direct keys locally on the server. Although the key for the direct key can
be operated on the Sm@rtClient, no bit is set in the I/O range of the PLC.
Ethernet communication
In Ethernet-based communication, such as PROFINET IO, HTTP, Sm@rt Options and OPC,
it is the end user who is responsible for the security of his data network. The proper functioning
of the device cannot be guaranteed in all circumstances; targeted attacks, for example, can
lead to an overloading of the device.
Password input
Password input at the Sm@rtServer
Instead of the on-screen keyboard, the following message is displayed on the Sm@rtClient if
you enter the password directly at the Sm@rtServer: "Remote access by Sm@rt Options is in
Progress. Please wait until the input of values has been ended." This measure prevents
keyboard input for entering the password from being displayed on the Sm@rtClient.
Password input at the Sm@rtClient
The on-screen keyboard is hidden on the Sm@rtServer due to the actions carried out on the
Sm@rtClient. Use the local on-screen keyboard for entries at the Sm@rtClient. The local on-
screen keyboard will be displayed automatically on the Sm@rtClient or in the Sm@rtClient
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4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 237
Close the local on-screen keyboard manually. Select "Input > Hide Input Panel" to hide the
local on-screen keyboard.
The entries with full-screen keyboard are not protected on HMI devices with a screen size of
≤ 6''.
Entries in Control Panel Applets which do not use the full-screen keyboard are protected.
Hidden password input is not supported by the on-screen keyboards of third-party products.
You cannot enter special characters with the keyboard shortcut Alt Gr.
See also
Project Sm@rtClient (Page 242)
Configure Sm@rtServer (Page 240)
4.2.2 Distributed operator stations (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Multiple HMI devices are used as decentralized, coordinated operator stations that have
access to a centralized HMI device connected to the PLC.
The HMI devices are linked via a TCP/IP-network, (LAN or Intranet /Internet).
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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238 System Manual, 12/2017
Figure 4-1 Distributed HMI
Only one HMI device, the Sm@rtServer contains the configuration data. The Sm@rtServer is
controlled from the HMI devices.
The decentralized operator stations are the Sm@rtClients. These operator stations display the
same process screen of the server. A Sm@rtClient-Display is configured in the process screen
for the operation and monitoring.
All devices have the same screen resolution.
The operator stations are in shared mode. As soon as a defined period of time elapses without
any action on an operator station, another operator station can become active. If Sm@rtClient
display is configured accordingly, the user can also log off directly.
Operator control and monitoring can be performed from various locations without significant
The project only has to run on one HMI device configured as a server. The same client
project runs on all other HMI devices; the Sm@rtClient display object is contained in a
screen on these devices. The screen of the server is displayed via the Sm@rtClient display.
The server is situated remotely from the machine and is thus not exposed to the
environmental conditions of the machinery room.
Coordinated operation is provided by the Sm@rtServer. Additional PLC investments are
not required. For example, the load on the field bus is also reduced – the communication
load on the bus is removed due to the interlocking mechanisms on the PLC side.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 239 Configure distributed operator stations (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Operator control of an extensive printing machine need to have the option to exercise control,
when necessary, at multiple locations along the machinery. Depending on his current location,
the operator must be able to access the process from an operator station in the vicinity.
The HMI-device with the configuration data is connected with the control.
The server-HMI device and the Client-HMI devices are networked with each other via TCP/
The License Key "Sm@rtServer" is available.
Configuration steps
The following basic steps are necessary for configuring the distributed operator stations:
1 Configuring Sm@rtServer (Page 240)
2 Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Page 241)
3 Project Sm@rtClient (Page 242) Configure Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Configuring Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The WinCC-Project for the Server-HMI device is configured.
Proceed as follows to configure the Sm@rtServer in WinCC:
1. Double-click on the "Runtime-settings" entry in the project tree.
2. In the "Runtime-settings" editor, click on the "Services".
3. Enable "Sm@rtServer" in the group "RemoteControl".
4. Transfer the compiled WinCC-project to the Server-HMI-device.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The Server-HMI device is configured as Sm@rtServer .
Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The "Control Panel" opens.
The "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" dialog is open.
The "Remote" tab is displayed.
Proceed as follows to change the "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" settings on the
1. On the "Remote" tab, select Start automatically after booting".
2. Click on the "Change settings" button. The "Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog opens.
3. On the "Server" tab, select "Accept socket connections".
4. Enable "Encrypt communication" to establish an encrypted connection to the server.
5. Enter a password for "Password 1 "and "Password 2". Click "Apply".
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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6. Click on the "Administration" tab.
7. In the area Connection priority", select Automatic shared sessions". For "Active user
timeout" enter time that must elapse without any actions on the active HMI device before
access can be changed.
8. Under the "Forced write access", clear Password needed" for the forced access to the HMI
device Click "Apply". Click "OK" to close all opened dialogs.
The settings were changed. The changes will be effective after restarting the Sm@rtServer.
See also
Project Sm@rtClient (Page 242) Project Sm@rtClient (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The WinCC project for the client HMI device is configured.
The "Screens" editor is open.
The Inspector window is shown.
The "Tools" task card is open.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Proceed as follows to configure the Sm@rtClient:
1. Insert the Sm@rtClient display in the start screen.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > General".
3. Enter the IP address or the name of the server HMI device in the "Address Sm@rtServer"
4. Enter "Password 1" configured on the server in the "Password" field.
5. Activate the "Encrypt communication" function in the "Options" area.
When the "Encrypt communication" function is enabled, the connection to the server is
encrypted through the exchange of certificates.
6. Activate the setting "Allow Menu".
This provides the operator with the option of logging off using the menu.
7. Transfer the compiled project to all operator stations.
The Sm@rtClient display was added to the start screen in the WinCC project of the
After the Sm@rtServer and the operator stations are started for the first time, a check is carried
out as to whether communication is encrypted.
If communication is encrypted, save the certificate of the Sm@rtServers on the HMI device.
Afterwards, you connect the Sm@rtClient with the Sm@rtServer using encrypted
If communication is not encrypted, you connect the Sm@rtClient with the Sm@rtServer
without a certificate.
In order to control the server from an operator station, the operator must wait a specified
amount of time following the last action on another HMI device.
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4.2 Remote control via Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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If the operator uses the menu of the Sm@rtClient display to log off at the previously used HMI
device, he can immediately control the server at the next HMI device.
See also
Remote control via the Sm@rtClient display during runtime (Page 236)
"Server" tab (Page 205)
Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Page 241)
4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.3.1 Process flow (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
WinCC Runtime Advanced with the Sm@rtService offers the option of sending messages
automatically via email.
The automatic e-mailing feature ensures that all people affected by the machine status (for
example, shift engineer and sales manager) are informed in a timely manner.
Contents and triggers for e-mailing
The following events can trigger an e-mail to be sent:
Alarm of a certain alarm class
Event in which a standard function has been configured, such as a tag value change, etc.
Such an e-mail can have the following contents:
Alarm text with process tags (maximum of 256 characters)
E-mail address for replies
If you use e-mail gateways or SMS gateways, you receive access to standard networks, which
requires external service providers. If configured accordingly, in critical situations the operator
station sends an SMS to your mobile phone.
Enabling e-mailing and SMS
The HMI device can send e-mails to an SMTP server only. The server sends the e-mails to
the addresses configured in the server.
Nothing else is required to send e-mails to addresses in the company network. However, an
external service provider is required to access standard networks.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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If an SMS communication is to be sent to service personnel, an SMS gateway is required as
Settings on the HMI device
The settings for emailing on the HMI device are made in the "Email" tab under "WinCC Runtime
Advanced Internet" on the control panel.
The "Sender" entry field is assigned the default value "Automation HMI device." A change is
useful if you want the recipient to be able to identify the device from which the e-mail originated,
e.g. "HMI device on production line 2"
You can also use an SMTP server that support authentication to send e-mail.
The following authentication modes can be configured:
Authentication by means of a valid e-mail address
Authentication by means of user name and password
Data can also be encrypted and sent via an SSL connection. This means the data cannot be
manipulated or read.
4.3.2 Specify trigger for E-Mailing (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
You have to create WinCC project.
Proceed as follows to send a message when an alarm is triggered:
1. Double-click on the "HMI-Alarms" entry in the project tree.
2. Click the "Alarm classes" tab in the "HMI-Alarms" editor.
3. Select the alarm class, e.g. "Errors".
4. Enter the E-Mail-Address in the inspector window under "Properties > Properties >
5. Create an analog or discrete message with this alarm class.
The trigger to send a message was configured. A message is automatically sent when a
message of this alarm class is triggered.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.3.3 Configure secure e-mail notification from Runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
If you send e-mail via the SMTP protocol, the sender is not verified. To ensure secure
transmission of e-mails, you can use SMTP servers that support SMTP AUTH
You must log on to the SMTP server to send e-mails. The following authentication modes can
be configured:
Authentication by means of a valid e-mail address
Authentication by means of user name and password
The data can also be sent via an SSL connection. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encrypts e-mails
and user data for transmission. This means the e-mail cannot be manipulated or read during
The SMTP server supports SMTP AUTH and STARTTLS. You can obtain more detailed
information from your service provider.
User name and password or a valid e-mail address for logon to the SMTP Server. You can
obtain this data from your service provider.
The SMTP server is available.
The e-mail address of the service technician is entered in the alarm class.
An analog or discrete alarm has been created for this alarm class.
Procedure in WinCC
1. Double-click on the "Runtime-settings" entry in the project tree.
2. In the "Runtime-settings" editor, click on the "Services".
3. Enter the sender name to be shown in e-mail under "Sender name". If the SMTP server
does not support the function, delete the entry.
4. Assign a port number.
Port number 25 is assigned by default.
The port number in WinCC must match the port number in the "WinCC Internet Settings"
on the HMI device.
You can only configure the port number with the following HMI devices:
Comfort Panels
RT Advanced
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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5. Enter the authentication data.
Authentication by means of a valid e-mail address
Type in the e-mail address required for SMTP authentication in the "E-mail address"
input field.
Authentication by means of user name and password
Enter the user name and your password. You can obtain the user name and password
from your service provider.
6. Enable "The server requires a secure connection (SSL)".
Procedure on the HMI device
Note that the settings on the HMI device have a higher priority than the settings in the WinCC
1. Open the "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet " dialog in the control panel of the HMI device.
2. Click on the "E-mail" tab.
3. Specify the SMTP server.
Select "Use the default project file" if you want to use the SMTP server defined in the
Deactivate "Use the default project file" if you do not want to use the SMTP server
defined in the project. Specify the required SMTP server. For HMI devices with Windows
CE, specify the computer name or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).
4. Assign a port number.
Port number 25 is assigned by default.
The port number must match the port number in the WinCC Internet Settings in the HMI
You can only configure the port number with the following HMI devices:
Comfort Panels
RT Advanced
5. Enter the sender name given in the e-mail under "Name of the sender". If the SMTP server
does not support the function, delete the entry.
6. Enter the authentication data.
7. Enter a valid e-mail address at "eMail address of sender" if required for authentication.
Click "Advanced" if you need a user name and password for authentication. The
"Advanced Email Settings" dialog opens.
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4.3 E-mail notification from runtime (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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8. Type in the user name and password in the "Advanced Email Settings" dialog.
Enable "Use the default of the project file" to use default user data you have defined in
the project.
Select "Use panel settings for authentication" if you do not want to use the user data
defined in the project. Enter the user name and password.
9. Enable transmission via SSL.
To use the project settings, enable "Use the default of project file" and SSL in WinCC.
If a tag such as a mixer speed exceeds configured limits, a corresponding alarm is displayed
on the HMI device. The data is sent to the SMTP server via SSL connection. The e-mail is sent
to the field service technician after successful logon.
4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.4.1 Integrated Webserver (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The operator can display and navigate between web pages during runtime using the web
server integrated in the HMI device.
The integrated web server displays the integrated service-pages. Depending on the
configuration, own configured HTML-pages or Service-pages of a server accessible over
Ethernet are be displayed.
"HTML-Pages" is activated in the WinCC-Project of the Server-HMI device for the "Services
in Runtime".
It is always possible on a PC to access HTML-pages in runtime, although the option "HTML-
pages" is cleared. Setup always installs the standard pages of the Web Server on the PC.
Assign an administrator password to prevent unauthorized access to the pages.
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Purpose of the web server
The integrated web server permits HTML pages to be displayed during runtime over one of
the following routes:
Internet Explorer
HTML browser screen object during runtime (not on Windows CE devices)
The following are displayed:
internal Service-Pages available by default on the HMI-device
Other pages that you configure
Other Internet pages
An operator or service technician can access service-critical information via the HTML pages.
The standard HTML pages provide the following options:
Remote control (if the HMI device is configured as a Sm@rtServer)
Remote control using Microsoft Internet Explorer
Starting and stopping of runtime
Remote access to recipe data records and password lists
Display of system information
File management using a file browser
Downloading of configuration data
A "DATETIME" tag always returns a date within the range from 1.1.1970 00:00:00 to
31.12.2037 23:59:59.
The "Export recipes" function requires the following authorizations:
PC: "UserData"
other HMI devices: "UserData" and "FileBrowserUser"
HTML browser for HTML pages
The HTML-pages are also displayed using the configured "HTML browser" screen object (not
on Windows-CE devices).
You can can also arrange for input or activation of an Internet address. As soon as the operator
enters or activates an address, the HTML browser opens the relevant page.
The appearance and functionality of the HTML browser screen object depends on the HMI
device type. On PCs, the HTML browser corresponds to the Internet Explorer installed.
Note that the HTML browser options during runtime are restricted due to operating device
capacities and options.
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4.4.2 Service-pages of the web server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The operator can use Internet Explorer or the HTML browser screen object during runtime to
display service-pages without any additional configuration.
You can also create own service-pages. For detailed information, refer to "Configure In-house
"HTML-Pages" is activated in the WinCC-Project of the Server-HMI device for the "Services
in Runtime".
It is always possible on a PC to access HTML-pages in runtime, although the option"HTML-
pages" is cleared. Setup always installs the standard pages of the Web Server on the PC.
Assign an administrator password to prevent unauthorized access to the pages.
WINCC Runtime has the following service-pages:
start.html: Home page
RemoteControl.html: Remote control (only for Internet Explorer)
Control.html: Control functions
StatusDetails.html: System diagnostics
Browse.html: File browser (only for Internet Explorer)
Home page: Start.html
The start page contains the links to all other pages and displays current information about the
project: Mode, software versions, device data, etc.
"Remote control": RemoteControl.html
The "Remote control" page enables operator control of the HMI device for which a page is to
be displayed. This page can only be displayed by using the Internet Explorer.
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4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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"Control functions": Control.html
The "Control functions" page enables the following options on the HMI device for which a page
is to be displayed:
Starting and stopping of HMI runtime
The transfer mode must be set in the Loader-menu on the HMI-device.
Exporting and importing of recipes
After importing recipes with Sm@rtService (HTML pages), restart Runtime. The imported
recipes only become active the next time Runtime is started.
Exporting and importing of password lists
The password list must be named "pdata.pwl." It is exported to the following directory:
On Windows CE-devices: In the "\Flash\simatic\" target directory
On PCs: the folder that was set in the file "HMILoader.exe".
The password list is exported and becomes active the next time Runtime is started.
"System diagnostics": StatusDetails.html
The "System diagnostics" page contains system alarms from the alarm buffer.
"File Browser" – Browse.html
The "File Browser" page is used to administer directories and files on the remote device. This
page can be displayed with any Internet browser.
4.4.3 Installing the client and server certificates for SSL (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
To ensure data security, data are encoded for transmission over the Internet. Encoding and
decoding is performed by appropriate software – the certificates for SSL (Secure Sockets
The client certificate for SSL must be installed on devices that are to be used to control a
remote device.
The server certificate for SSL must be installed on HMI devices that are to allow remote
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.4.4 Configure access to service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configure integrated web server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Configure WinCC-Project (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The WinCC-Project of the server-HMI-device is configured.
Proceed as follows to configure the HMI device in such a way that other HMI devices or PCs
can be connected to it:
1. Double-click on the "Runtime-settings" entry in the project tree.
2. In the "Runtime-settings" editor, click on the "Services".
3. Enable the "HTML-Pages" in the "Diagnostics" group.
4. Transfer the compiled WinCC-project to the Server-HMI-device.
The Server-HMI-device is configured as web server.
Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" dialog is open.
The "Web Server" tab is displayed.
Proceed as follows to change the "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" settings on the HMI
1. Click "User Administration" in the "Web Server" tab.
2. Open the "UserDatabase-Edit" dialog.
3. Click "Add" in the "User manager" tab to create a new user.
4. Enter a user name and specify a password.
5. Click "Apply".
6. Click the "Authorizations" tab.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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7. Specify on the "Authorizations" tab, which functions can the user carry out on the HTML-
pages of an HMI-device. You can find more detailed information on this in the section "User
administration for web server (Page 212)".
8. Close the "UserDatabase-Edit" dialog.
9. On the "Remote" tab, select the "Start automatically after booting" check box.
10.Click "Change settings" and select the "Enable connections" check box in the
"Sm@rtServer Settings" dialog.
11.Specify a password for "Password2" so that the HMI device can be remotely controlled by
the service technician.
A user was created on the HMI device in the user administration of the Web server and
configured for the remote control.
The service technician can be connected to the HMI-device by means of the Internet Explorer
and the Sm@rtClient Application. After disconnecting the connection, the HMI-device can be
operated from his PC.
See also
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Web Server" tab (Page 203)
User administration for web server (Page 212)
"Server" tab (Page 205) Display and remote-control Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
A user is created on the HMI-device in the user administration for the web server.
The web server is started.
The Client-and Server-certificates are installed to ensure the data security when transferred
via internet.
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4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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To display and control the service pages, follow these steps:
1. Start the Internet Explorer on the configuration-PC and connect with the "Homepage" of
the HMI-device.
2. For "Name" and for "Password", enter the data of the user configured in the user
administration of the web server. Click "Login".
3. Click "System Diagnostics". The system alarms from the alarm buffer are displayed on this
4. Click "Remote Control" to remotely control the HMI-device.
The service-pages are displayed. The HMI-device can be operated or monitored via the
A keyboard units cannot be operated completely in the Internet Explorer, since only the screen
content is displayed. Use the Sm@rtClient-Application to remotely control the keys of HMI-
device. The Sm@rtClient-Application can be located under "Start > Program > Siemens
Automation > Runtime Systems > WinCC Runtime Advanced > Sm@rtClient"
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.4.5 Create own Service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Basics (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The basic framework of the service-pages corresponds to a normal HTML-file.
Declaration of the document type
Header with data for the title
Body - content to be displayed.
Variable parameters in Service-pages
You can specify variable parameters in HTML documents. As soon as a page with variable
parameters is opened, the parameters are replaced by specific values.
<BODY > Welcome on <MWSL><!-- write(GetVar("[Parameter]")); --></MWSL></BODY>
Available variable parameter
Parameters Meaning
ProgramMemoryComplete CE only: Total program memory
ProgramMemoryFree CE only: Program memory available
ProgramMemoryUsed CE only: Program memory utilized
FlashComplete CE only: Total flash memory
ObjStrComplete CE only: Total available flash memory
ObjStrFree CE only: Volatile memory available
ObjStrUsed CE only: Volatile memory utilized
DeviceType Type of target device as specified in the control panel.
BtLdVer CE only: Bootloader-version, as specified in the control panel.
BtLdRelDate CE only: Bootloader release date
ImageVersion CE only: Image version as it appears on the loader
DramSize CE only: Size of DRAM
HostName The name by which the device is logged on/identified in the network.
RtState Indicates whether Runtime is running on the target device.
SystemMessageTable Outputs a table containing the current system events.
In the example below, the "HostName" parameter is replaced by the network-name of the
<BODY > Welcome on <MWSL><!-- write(GetVar("[HostName]")); --></MWSL></BODY>
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Process tag
Process tag values can also be displayed in HTML pages. The syntax is the same as for device
tags. Use the tag name as a placeholder for the tag value, , e.g. Tag_1.
<BODY > Welcome on <MWSL><!-- write(GetVar("[Tag_1")); --></MWSL></BODY>
Data inconsistency caused by HTML pages
Note the information below if the "Cyclic in operation" acquisition mode is set at tag:
1. If this tag is not displayed on the HMI device, the HTML page displays the incorrect tag
value in the following situations:
The HTML page display a "0" value at its first call. The HTML page only displays the
correct value after it is called again or updated.
The last value is displayed if the connection to the PLC goes down.
2. The HTML page also displays the correct tag value if the tag is displayed on the HMI
Situation 1 is based on standard behavior: If a tag is currently not in use currently and its value
is not acquired in "Cyclic continuous" mode, the tag is loaded with its initial value in Runtime.
Instead of reading the values from the PLC, however, the HTML page receives these from
Link own Service-pages
If a user connects to an HMI device, he is automatically forwarded to the start page http://
<Device name>/www/start.html. This page represents the starting point for the HTML-pages
of the web server. Every standard page is accessible from the start page via a link. For this
reason, you insert a link for each of your HTML pages in the start page.
When inserting links in the HTML page, you must differentiate between relative and absolute
links. Make sure that absolute links start with "/www" to ensure that the document will be
searched for in the correct directory. Example: "/www/MyDocument.HTML".
Storage location of the service-pages
If files are to be located during a transfer, they must be in a specific directory:
on a PC with Windows operating system: "C.\ProgrammData\Siemens\CoRtHmiRTm
on Mobile Panel 177 PN: "<ES-InstallationPath>\Transfer\11.0\XP177B\"
on Mobile Panel 277: "<ES-InstallationPath>\Transfer\11.0\XP277\"
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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256 System Manual, 12/2017
on Mobile Panel 277 (F) IWLAN: "<ES-InstallationPath>\Transfer\11.0\XP277_W
one Mobile Panel 277 (F) IWLAN V2: "<ES-InstallationPath>\Transfer
\11.0\XP277_W2\" Create service-page for displaying process values (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The Ta_1 and Tag_2 tags are created in the WinCc-Project.
To create an own Service-page, follow these steps:
1. Copy the "WebContents" ZIP-file in a random work directory on your Configuration-PC and
un-zip the ZIP-file.
2. Create a copy of start.html and rename the copy in "tag.hml".
3. Open the "tag.html" in a text editor, e.g. Notepad.
4. Replace the existing table with a new table, in which the process values of "Tag_1" and
"Tag_2" tags are displayed. Save the file"tag.html".
5. Open the "start.html" file and add a hyperlink to page "tag.html". Expand the available
navigation bar, in which you supplement the existing table by an entry.
6. Save start.html.
You have created the service-page "tag.html". You have added a hyperlink on the start page
in order to navigate to the service-page from the start-page.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.4 Display integrated Service-Pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 257 Transfer Service-pages (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Transfer files using the standard-path (Active Sync/CF- card)
Proceed as follows to transfer files via the standard-path:
1. Copy the changed HTML pages and pictures according to "\Flash\Simatic\WebContent".
Access then takes place with "http://<device>/www/<HTML page>".
Transfer files via the project transfer
Proceed as follows to transfer the files via the project transfer:
1. Add the changed files to the ZIP-file "WebContents". This file must contain all HTML pages
and associated pictures.
Make sure to provide the correct path information because the files are unpacked in the
directories specified in the zip file. Incorrect path information results in errors in direct
addressing or due to links.
2. To transfer the ZIP file "WebContents", copy it to a specific directory.
3. Transfer the project to the HMI device.
The ZIP-file "WebContents" is transferred to the Windows CE device where it is unzipped.
Transfer files using the File Browser
Proceed as follows in order to transfer files using the file transfer:
1. Start the Internet Explorer on the configuration-PC and connect with the "Homepage" of
the HMI-device.
2. Log-on to the internal Web Server to work with the File Browser.
For read and write access to the file browser, the user must possess the web authorizations
"FileBrowserAdministrator" and "FileBrowserUser" .
3. Click on "Browse" in the File Browser . The file selection dialog opens.
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4. Navigate to the file storage location by means of this dialog. Select the desired file and click
5. Click "Upload File". The file is copied in the directory of the internal web server.
See also
Basics (Page 255)
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4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels,
RT Advanced)
4.5.1 Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
During the communication via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol, an HMI-device accesses the
tags of a different HMI-device. The access is "read-only" or "read and write" depending on the
configuration of the concerned HMI-device.
The HMI device providing the tags is the HTTP-server; the other HMI-device is the HTTP-client.
However, access to tags functions in both directions.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.5.2 Configure access via SIMATIC HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
The tags in service-application should be illustrated in an overview for a configuration from
multiple HMI-devices.
The panels in the machine level are used as tag server. The service-application illustrating
tags of machines in an overview image runs on a PC.
The HMI-devices are networked via a TCP/IP-network with each other.
Configuration steps
The following basic steps are required to configure the access via "SIMATIC HMI Protocol".
1 Configure WinCC-Project (Page 262)
2 Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Page 263)
3 Configuring HTTP connections in the client (Page 264)
4 Configure the HTTP-Client tags (Page 265)
4.5.3 Permissible data types (SIMATIC HMI HTTP protocol) (Panels, Comfort Panels,
RT Advanced)
Permitted data types
When configuring tags, the data types listed below can be used.
Data types in
the HTTP Proto‐
Length Signs Range of values
Bool 0 No true (-1) or false (0)
Char 1 byte Yes -128 to 127
Byte 1 byte No 0 to 255
Int 2 bytes Yes -32768 to 32767
UInt 2 bytes No 0 to 65535
Long 4 bytes Yes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
ULong 4 bytes No 0 to 4,294,967,295
Float 4 bytes Yes -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values and
1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Data types in
the HTTP Proto‐
Length Signs Range of values
Double 8 bytes Yes -1.79769313486231E308 to
-4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values and
4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for
positive values
String 1 to
255 byte
DateTime 8 bytes –––– 1.1.1970 00:00:00 up to 31.12.2037 23:59:59
Please note that data types may be defined in external controllers which have different names
in WinCC. To ensure correct assignment, please observe the tag definition in the external
It is not possible to access array tags from an HTTP client.
See also
Configure WinCC-Project (Page 262)
4.5.4 Configure HTTP server (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configure WinCC-Project (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The WinCC-Project for the Server-HMI device is configured.
Proceed as follows to configure the HTTP-Server:
1. Double-click on the "Runtime-settings" entry in the project tree.
2. In the "Runtime-settings" editor, click on the "Services".
3. Select "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Server" in the group "Read/write tags".
4. Check the data types of the tags. The HTTP-client can access only those tags, whose data
type is supported by communication driver "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol". For additional
information, refer to "Permissible data types (SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol) (Page 261)".
5. Transfer the compiled WinCC-project to the Server-HMI-device.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The HMI-device is HTTP-server configured.
See also
Permissible data types (SIMATIC HMI HTTP protocol) (Page 261) Setting WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The "Control Panel" opens.
The "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet " dialog is open.
The "Web Server" tab is displayed.
Proceed as follows to change the "WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet" settings on the HTTP
1. Specify the access to tags in case of "Tag access".
"Read/write": read and write access
"Read only": read access
2. Specify the authentification for access in case of "Tag authenticate":
"No authentication": No authentication required.
"Authentication required": A password is required for the access. Specify the password
for configuring the connection via the SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol .
3. Click "User Administration" in the "Web Server" tab. Enter your password. The
"UserDatabase-Edit" dialog is opened. For detail instructions, refer to "User administration
for Webserver (Page 212) ".
4. Click "Add" in the "User manager" tab to create a new user. Enter a user name and specify
a password. Click on "Apply".
5. Click the "Authorizations" tab.
6. Specify the web-authorizations on the tab "Authorizations". The user must have the Web-
authorization "RTCommunication" for utilizing the SIMATIC HTTP Server.
7. Close all open dialog boxes.
The settings were changed. The changes will be effective after the restart of the WebServer.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 263
See also
Settings on the HMI device (Page 200)
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, "Web Server" tab (Page 203)
User administration for web server (Page 212)
4.5.5 Configuring HTTP clients (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced) Configuring HTTP connections in the client (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
The communication driver "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol" is installed.
Proceed as follows to create an HTTP-connection:
1. Double-click on the "Connections" entry in the project tree. The "Connections" editor opens.
2. Create a connection. Select "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol" for "Communication driver".
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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264 System Manual, 12/2017
3. Select "Ethernet" for "Interface". Select the protocol type "http://" or "https://" for address.
4. Enter the name of the HTTP-server or its IP address.
Ask your network administrator for the specific name or parameters of your network.
If the server has already been commissioned, you can read out the IP address on the server
as well:
Click "Start > Programs > Command Prompt" on the server and enter the "ipconfig"
command using the screen keyboard. Press <Enter> to display the IP-address.
For PC/Panel PC
Click on the server on "Start > Run", enter "Cmd", and press <Enter>. The command
interpreter is displayed. Enter the "ipconfig" command. Press <Enter> to display the IP-
5. If the "HTTPS" protocol type is selected, you can establish how the HTTPS-client verifies
the properties of the server-certificate and how it should react in the event of error:
"Allow invalid computer names for certificates"
"Allow expired certificates"
"Allow certificates signed by unknown publishers"
6. If the "Authentication required" option is selected on the HTTP-server, enter the user name
and the password.
7. Enter the time for "Timeout" after which disconnection is identified.
A connection was created in the WinCC-Project of the HTTP-Client. You can find more detailed
information on an HTTPS connection under "Commissioning an HTTP- connection
(Page 266)".
See also
Commissioning an HTTP- connection (Page 266) Configure the HTTP-Client tags (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
An HTTP-connection was created in the WinCC-Project of the HTTP-Client.
A tag is created in the WinCC-Project of the HTTP-Server. The data type of the tags is
supported by SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocols .
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 265
To create tags on the HTTP-client, proceed as follows:
1. Open the "HMI- tags" folder in the project tree and double-click the entry "Standard-tag
table". The "Tags" editor opens.
2. Enter a clear tag-name for "Name" in the Inspector window under "Properties > Properties
> General".
3. Select the HTTP-connection for "Connection".
4. Select the data type for "data type".
The client does not check any verification of the tag name and the data type. Pay attention
that the selected data type here matches the data type of the tags in the HTTP-server. You
can find more detailed information on this under "Permissible data types (SIMATIC HMI
HTTP Protocol)".
Array tags are not permitted.
5. Enter the exact name of the tag that is to be communicated with on the HTTP-server in the
"Address" field.
If the tag to be addressed is in a sub-folder, the complete path along with tag name must
be given as address, e.g.[folder name]\[Tag name].
A tag was created in the WinCC-Project of the Client-HMI-device. The tag has access to the
HTTP-server tag via an HTTP-connection. You can use an "E/A-Field" in an image to display
the process value of this tag.
4.5.6 Commissioning an HTTP- connection (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
To establish an HTTP connection, you must perform the following actions:
In the "Connections" editor of WinCC ES, configure the connection as an "https://" protocol
type and define how the HTTPS client should verify the properties of the server certificate
and respond to errors.
Install a valid certificate on the HTTPS client.
Certificates are necessary for server authentication. Using certificates you can ensure that
the server with which the connection is to be developed is actually the server for which it
is outputting.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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266 System Manual, 12/2017
Principle of an HTTPS connection
After runtime start, the HTTPS client establishes a connection to the HTTPS server. The
HTTPS server presents its certificate, which the client verifies for authenticity. The session
code that can only be read by the HTTPS server is then transmitted. The session code is now
available on both sides and enables a symmetrical data encryption.
The certificate contains the current time. The current time can lead to problems if the time
zones of the server and client are different. For example, a certificate generated on a server
with an Asian time zone only becomes valid on a client with European time zone in the future
(8 hours).
Preparation for installing a certificate on the client
The HTTPS server generates the certificate itself during the first HTTPS client access. The
HTTPS server saves the certificate to the "Cert.cer" file. The file is stored in the following
On a PC/Panel PC (with Windows) in the directory "<Runtime Directory>\SystemRoot\SSL"
On Windows CE-based devices in the directory "Flash\Simatic\SystemRoot\SSL"
The certificate must be stored on the HTTPS client on a storage medium from which it can be
launched with a double click. You can select from the following transfer options:
Server Client Possible file transfer
with Windows
(PC, Panel PC)
with Windows
(PC, Panel PC)
USB stick
LAN (Ethernet)
Internet Explorer (via TCP/IP if
service is already running)
with Windows CE
(Mobile Panel 177 PN, Mo‐
bile Panel 277, Comfort Pan‐
with Windows
(PC, Panel PC)
Memory card
ActiveSync (serial)
with Windows
(PC, Panel PC)
with Windows CE
(Mobile Panel 177 PN, Mo‐
bile Panel 277, Comfort Pan‐
with Windows CE
(Mobile Panel 177 PN, Mo‐
bile Panel 277, Comfort Pan‐
with Windows CE
(Mobile Panel 177 PN, Mo‐
bile Panel 277, Comfort Pan‐
Memory card
Installing a certificate on a client with Windows
Insert the storage medium on which you have saved the "Cert.cer" file into the HTTPS client
or open the directory in which the file is located. Double click on the file and follow the
instructions in the Windows dialog.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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Tip: The Internet Explorer provides an easy way to install a certificate. Connect to this device
via HTTPS (e.g.: https://<my device>). The browser establishes if a certificate has not yet been
imported. In this case, the browser asks if you want to install the certificate. Any faults in the
certificate are displayed.
Installing a certificate on a client with Windows CE
Insert the memory card on which you have saved the converted "Cert.cer" file into the HTTPS
client. WinCC includes the "InstallCert.exe" tool for importing certificates with Windows CE.
You can implement the installation as follows:
In Explorer:
Double click the "Cert.cer" file to install the certificate.
At the command prompt:
Enter "InstallCert /[command parameter] [filename]".
command parameters:
Parameter /r must be specified because the certificate used in WinCC Runtime
Advanced is a root certificate.
A root certificate is the main certificate and is used to verify the authenticity of all other
certificates transferred.
You must specify the certificate file with its complete path (e.g. "\Storage Card\Cert.cer")
A status alarm is output when you completed the installation. Runtime has to be restarted after
the installation of a certificate on Windows CE- HMI devices with HTTPS clients. It is necessary
to restart Runtime so that an HTTPS connection can be established.
The file "Cert.cer" cannot be opened.
If the "Cert.cer" file generated on the HTTPS server cannot be opened on HMI devices based
on Windows CE 5.0 by double-clicking the client, follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Select "Certificates > My Certificates".
3. Click the "Import" button.
A dialog box opens.
4. Select the "From a File" menu in the file browser and select the "Cert.cer" file.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.5 Access via SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT
4.6.1 Configuration (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Data access via web service (SOAP)
WinCC provides options for utilization of web-service (SOAP). Web service (SOAP) is based
on the Simple Object Access Protocol. Use of this protocol enables an external application to
access tags of an HMI device via Ethernet. If the company network is protected by a Firewall,
the system administrator must release the appropriate ports.
Figure 4-2 Communication with other applications
For example, a device is accessing two HMI devices. The operator sees the values of certain
tags and can modify them.
You can use Microsoft Excel, for example, to display tags. You will require the latest version
of "MS SOAP Toolkit V2.0" for this purpose. This version is available from Microsoft as a
The data access via SOAP is not supported by Windows 7. Use OPC to display the tags in
MS Excel. You can find more detailed information on this under "Configuring OPC clients".
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 269
Data access to Windows CE HMI-devices
The data access via the Web-service(SOAP) on Windows CE-HMI-devices functions using
only the device name and not via the IP-address.
Enter the device name of the HMI-device with the appropriate IP-address in the hosts-file. The
hosts file is given in the directory "%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\", e.g. C:\WINNT
The device name, e.g.DEVICEMP377, must be set in the control panel on the HMI device
under "System > Device Name". Please change the default device name to ensure that the
device name is unique within the network.
Example for the entry in the hosts-file: DEVICEMP377
Replace the IP address by the device name in the SOAP client:
objRuntime.mssoapinit http://DEVICEMP377/soap/RuntimeAccess?wsdl
Data access with GetValue, SetValue
Access to a tag in SOAP using GetValue or SetValue functions require a special syntax.
GetValue: "Sinus_1"
SetValue: Sinus_1
The tag name must be given in inverted commas for GetValue. The message "Runtime is
offline" will otherwise be output when runtime is accessed.
Note that the tag name entry is case-sensitive.
4.6.2 Creating a VBA macro in MS Excel (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
Data access over the network via web service (SOAP) is to be used to permit certain tags of
an HMI device to be displayed and reset.
For this purpose, macros are written in Excel, which: 1) obtain the relevant tags on the PC
over the network and display them, and 2) transfer reset values back to the HMI device.
The task can be solved using VBA macros "ReadTagValue" and "WriteTagValue," which obtain
and display the relevant tags in Excel over an appropriate interface and return them to the HMI
device over the network. Note that the tag name entry is case-sensitive.
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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The SOAP toolkit is installed.
"Web-Service (SOAP)" is selected in the WinCC-Project under "Services in Runtime".
1. Insert the "Control element toolbox" toolbar in your workbook in Microsoft Excel.
2. Create a command button. Label the button "ReadTagValue" and name it "Read value".
3. Double-click this command button.
The macro editor is displayed. The "Click" event is already preset.
4. Write the "ReadTagValue" macro ("intVarTag_1" designates the actual tag value):
Private Sub ReadTagValue_Click()
Dim objRuntime
Dim intVarTag_1
Dim objWorksheet
Set objWorksheet = Excel.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set objRuntime = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
objRuntime.mssoapinit "HTTP://servername/soap/RuntimeAccess?wsdl"
objRuntime.ConnectorProperty("AuthUser") = "Administrator"
objRuntime.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") = "100"
Var = objWorksheet.Cells(1, 3)
intVarTag_1 = objRuntime.GetValue(Var)
objWorksheet.Cells(1, 1) = intVarTag_1
End Sub
1. Insert a command button. Label the command button "WriteTagValue" and name it "Write
2. Double-click this button.
3. Write the "WriteTagValue" macro ("intVarTag_1" designates the return value of the
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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System Manual, 12/2017 271
Private Sub WriteTagValue()
Dim objRuntime
Dim intVarTag_1
Dim objWorksheet
Set objWorksheet = Excel.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set objRuntime = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
objRuntime.mssoapinit "HTTP://servername/soap/RuntimeAccess?wsdl"
objRuntime.ConnectorProperty("AuthUser") = "Administrator"
objRuntime.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") = "100"
Var = objWorksheet.Cells(2,3)
Value = objWorksheet.Cells(2,5)
intVarTag_1 = objRuntime.SetValue(Var,Value)
objWorksheet.Cells(2,8) = intVarTag_1
End Sub
As soon as you call "ReadTagValue_Click" macro by clicking the button"Read-value", the
specified intVarTag_1tag is obtained from the HMI device using the specified device address
and displayed in the cell (1,1).
As soon as you call Macro "WriteTagValue" by clicking the "Write value" button, the tag name
is read from the cell (2,3), and the tag value is transferred from cell (2,5) to the HMI device.
See also
Configuration in WinCC (Page 198)
WinCC Sm@rtServer (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
4.6 Connection to the Office-world (Panels, Comfort Panels, RT Advanced)
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272 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional) 5
5.1 Plant configurations (RT Professional)
5.1.1 Single-user system (RT Professional)
An operator station has a view of its own project.
Single-station systems are usually operated at the production level. They are used for operator
control and monitoring of relatively small applications, but also for independent subprocesses
or plant components within larger plants. A single-station system operates autonomously with
its own screens and logs: all data are stored locally on one PC.
Figure 5-1 Single-station system
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Single-station systems are based on the client-server principle:
Runtime station: The WinCC data is stored in the integrated Microsoft SQL Server database
on the operator station.
The various Runtime components, including third-party components can access the
Microsoft SQL Server database.
Configuration PC: You can choose to use the actual operator station, or a different PC to
configure your project.
5.1.2 Multi-user system (RT Professional)
Up to 32 coordinated operator stations (WinCC clients) have a view of the same server project.
All WinCC data is stored in the integrated Microsoft SQL Server database on the WinCC server.
Since the WinCC clients do not have their own WinCC project, they access the WinCC project
on the WinCC server.
The same plant processes can be monitored on several operator stations (clients). Any user
intervention on an operator station, e.g. value changes, is immediately visible on all other
operator stations. A multiple-station system is typically configured for small and mid-sized
plants in which distribution of data to several servers is not required.
Distribution of clients
With different tasks: You operate and monitor different views of the same process, for
example, process screens on one operating station and alarms on another operating station.
With similar tasks: You monitor and control the same view of the process from several
locations, for example, along a production line.
You use access rights to specify exactly which functions or plant sections are available to a
given user on which operator stations.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.1 Plant configurations (RT Professional)
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Figure 5-2 Multiple-station system
The client-server technology makes it possible to easily separate WinCC clients from the
WinCC server: Configure your project centrally in the TIA Portal on the engineering station
and download it to the WinCC server with process connection. The WinCC clients do not need
a project planning, but merely a configuration:
Networking with the WinCC server using drag-and-drop.
Separately for each WinCC client:
Start screen
Select a screen configured on the WinCC server as start screen.
Runtime language
Navigation buttons
Deactivation of shortcuts
Window properties
The WinCC server automatically assumes the task of supplying the WinCC clients:
Runtime environment
Screens, process values, alarms, log data, and reports
Interface with the automation system
Communication and coordination of clients
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.1 Plant configurations (RT Professional)
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Process specifications or alarm acknowledgments on one operator station are consistently
available to other operator stations.
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
5.2.1 Requirement (RT Professional)
All HMI devices on a client-server system are interconnected via network (LAN) or ISDN
and standard TCP/IP protocol.
You can also log on as client or server with PCs in adjacent subnets that are interconnected
via router.
Server PC
The server PC is connected to the automation systems via process bus.
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed.
Operating system on the server PC:
Microsoft Windows 7, maximum 3 WinCC clients
Microsoft Windows 10 maximum 3 clients
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 maximum 32 clients
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 maximum 32 clients
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 maximum 32 clients
"WinCC Server for RT Professional" for the WinCC Server
"WinCC RT Professional" for the project
Client PC
A "WinCC Client for RT Professional" license on all WinCC clients.
The "WinCC Server for RT Professional" license on the WinCC server.
The "WinCC Client for RT Professional" license on the WinCC clients.
See also
Settings for the multi-user system (Page 282)
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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276 System Manual, 12/2017
5.2.2 Configuration guidelines (RT Professional)
This chapter shows the basic procedure for setting up a multiple-station system. The multiple-
station system consists of a WinCC server and two WinCC clients.
1. Configuring servers.
2. Configuring clients: Start screen, menus & toolbars, language & font
3. To enable users access to the WinCC server project from a WinCC client: Configure
operator authorizations
4. Download the project to the server.
5.2.3 Configuring the server (RT Professional)
Set up a project as the WinCC server.
1. Create a project.
2. Add "WinCC RT Professional" to the HMI device.
3. Enter "WinCC Server" as the device name.
4. Configure the required screens, logs, tags, alarms, custom toolbars, project languages,
etc. for the "WinCC Server".
5. In the Runtime settings under "General", select the start screen, a configuration and design
for "Menus & Toolbars".
6. Under "Services", activate the server Runtime services you need for the specific
configuration. Example: If the server screen displays recipes, select "Recipes".
7. Go to "Screens" to select the corresponding properties.
8. Under "Language & Font" select the Runtime languages required on the WinCC server.
A project is set up and displayed on the WinCC clients. The project only becomes the server
project when you link the "WinCC Server" with the WinCC clients.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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5.2.4 Configuring the operator authorizations (RT Professional)
Authorizations in WinCC
To enable access of a WinCC client to a server project, configure the appropriate operator
authorizations for this WinCC client in the server project. The WinCC server provides the
following operator authorizations:
"Operate" The WinCC client is granted access to the WinCC server.
"Enable remote control": A remote WinCC client can activate a server project, i.e. include
it in runtime.
The computers on the network are not notified of a change to operator authorizations. This
change is activated the next time a WinCC client wants to log on to a WinCC server.
The operator authorization "Enable remote control" is requested from the WinCC client as soon
as the WinCC client requests activation of a project on a WinCC sever. If the corresponding
operator authorization is not available on the WinCC server, the WinCC client is denied access
to the project. Once the server project was closed on the WinCC client, a new logon is
necessary at the next request to open the project.
The operator authorizations configured are user-related, not computer-related. An operating
authorization assigned is therefore valid for all operating stations with the same login.
Permissions in the operating system
To enable access of the WinCC clients to the server project, the corresponding project folder
must be released for network access on the WinCC server. Set up authorizations in the
operating system with all rights (write, read, modify) for the users who should have access to
the projects.
Different Windows permissions can be assigned for the shared project directories to enhance
network security.
Detailed information on the assignment of permissions is provided in the Windows
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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1. Open the WinCC user administration.
2. Select the user group of the user you want to edit.
3. To grant this user full access to the server project, activate the "Operate" and "Enable
remote control" operator authorizations.
5.2.5 Configuring clients (RT Professional)
You create two WinCC clients and link them with the WinCC server.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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1. Add the following HMI devices to the project:
WinCC client, device name "WinCC Client1"
WinCC client, device name "WinCC Client2"
2. In the "Devices & Networks" editor, "Relations" tab, link the two WinCC clients with the
WinCC server by means of drag-and-drop. A multiple-station system will be created.
In contrast to connections, the physical connection (network) and logic connection (client-
server relation) are always created and deleted jointly. When you configure a relation, the
devices will be linked automatically.
3. Select "WinCC-Client1".
4. In the inspector window, select Properties > Computer name" and enter the physical
computer name of the HMI device.
The computer name identifies the HMI device in the network.
5. In the Runtime settings, "General" tab, select a screen as the "Start screen" of the WinCC
server. In the multiple-station system, the WinCC client then displays this server screen in
6. Select a "Menus & Toolbars" configuration that was made on the WinCC server.
7. At "Services", activate the client Runtime services you need for the specific configuration,
e.g. the scheduler.
8. Select additional design features under "Screens".
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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9. Select a Runtime language for the WinCC server under "Language & Font". For example,
you can configure a separate Runtime language for each WinCC client.
10.Repeat steps 3 to 9 for "WinCC Client2".
"Network data" editor
Using the arrow buttons below the network view, open the "Network data" editor. The "Network
data" editor displays the relations you created. You can edit and delete these relations. If you
first select a device and then select "Project overview" from the shortcut menu in the "Network
data" editor, only the relations of the selected device are displayed.
You have configured a multiple-station system with a WinCC server and two WinCC clients.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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5.2.6 Downloading the project to the server (RT Professional)
1. Compile the project using the "Compile" icon in the toolbar.
2. Once you successfully compiled your project, select "Project tree > WinCC Server" and
then select "Download to device" from the shortcut menu of "WinCC RT Professional".
For the initial transfer, enter the computer's's target address "\\computer name\<shared
folder>" in the next dialog and exit the dialog using the "Transfer" button.
A transfer to the WinCC clients is not necessary because the WinCC server provides all
necessary data to the WinCC clients.
5.2.7 Settings for the multi-user system (RT Professional) Basics (RT Professional)
Several requirements must be met in the configuration of your Windows environment for the
multi-user system. If the required settings for this are not correct, it cannot be ensured that the
multi-user system will function properly.
Redundant single-user systems must also be configured in the same network, so that they can
be loaded by the engineering system and work together.
To download projects, the PC with the engineering system and the target device must be
located in the same network.
Requirements for a multi-user system
To meet the requirements for a multi-user system, perform the following steps:
IP addressing (TCP/IP): Develop a concept for the network architecture before assigning
the IP addresses.
Name resolution: Configure correct PC names for all PCs in the network.
Operating system: Observe the compatibility of WinCC versions and operating systems.
Terminal bus: Configure the terminal bus in the Simatic Shell.
Order of network adapters: Select the correct order for the network adapters.
Firewall: Adapt the security settings for operation with the Windows Firewall.
See also
Structure IP addressing (Page 283)
Configure name resolution (Page 284)
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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282 System Manual, 12/2017
Configure terminal bus (Page 285)
Setting the order of the network adapters (Page 287)
Adapt the security settings for the firewall (Page 287) Structure IP addressing (RT Professional)
IP addressing is the basis for a functioning logical network. Keep in mind that the PCs to be
networked are located in a physical and a logical network.
To meet this requirement, you need to have a concept for the network architecture ready when
assigning IP addresses.
You need to use a router for two computers from different logical networks or subnetworks to
communicate with each other.
The association of a PC to a logical network is defined by the network address and the subnet
Valid network addresses
The network address is the address of the network and therefore only a portion of the string
and not the IP address of the PC.
The following table shows the available classes of network addresses:
Class Available net‐
Available hosts Area Example of a
network ad‐
dress in the rel‐
evant range
Standard sub‐
net mask
A 126 16777214 1-126
B 16384 65534 128-191
C 2097151 254 192-223
The range of 127.XYZ is reserved for loop tests and interprocess communication and does
not constitute a permissible network address.
Example: Network address
The following network address is a valid network address: 142.16.x.y | network | host |
This example shows a Class B address. You can recognize the class membership by the
address range, which extends from 128 to 191 for Class B. The first two tetrads correspond
to the IP network address in this case.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 283
With different network IP addresses (for example 142.16.xy and 142.11.xy), you need to make
additional preparations for the client-server mode because a router (gateway) is required for
different network addresses.
Test PC addressing
Test the correct PC addressing with the ping command.
1. To do so, open the command prompt with "Start > Run > cmd".
2. Run the command "ping +IP address" (e.g. "ping") for each of the other PCs.
3. If you get no response, you need to check the entire network configuration and parameter
See also
Basics (Page 282)
Configure name resolution (Page 284)
Configure terminal bus (Page 285)
Setting the order of the network adapters (Page 287)
Adapt the security settings for the firewall (Page 287) (https:// Configure name resolution (RT Professional)
If you are not using the DHCP service in conjunction with DNS in your network, which
automatically assume this task, you must configure the "lmhosts" file for name resolution.
When using a DNS and WINS server, the name resolution is also applied by the system.
The "lmhosts" file is located in the following path in Windows: "<Drive>\Windows
All SIMATIC WinCC stations must be logged on either in the same workgroup or in the same
Configure name resolution in the "lmhosts" file
1. Open the file in the text editor.
2. Enter all PCs accessible in the network according to the example in the file.
3. Delete the comments above the entries.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
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284 System Manual, 12/2017
4. Save your changes.
5. Make these changes on all PCs.
To further optimize the name resolution in the network, write the keyword "#PRE" after each
entry (maximum of 100 entries by default).
The entries marked with this keyword are already stored in a cache when the system starts.
For the IP address resolution, the cache is read first and then the "lmhosts" file if not all PC
names can be resolved.
In large networks, configure the "hosts" file in the same directory parallel to the "lmhosts"
file to speed up name resolution.
Test name resolution
Use the ping command to test if the changes of the name resolution have been successfully
1. Open the command prompt with "Start > Run > cmd".
2. Run the command "ping+PC name" (e.g. "ping WINCCPC01") for all PCs which you have
entered in the "lmhosts" file in the previous step.
If you get a response and the PC name is resolved to its IP address, the file is configured
correctly and the name resolution in the network works.
See also
Basics (Page 282)
Structure IP addressing (Page 283)
Setting the order of the network adapters (Page 287)
Configure terminal bus (Page 285)
Adapt the security settings for the firewall (Page 287) (
102725) Configure terminal bus (RT Professional)
The terminal bus must be configured for the correct network adapter in the SIMATIC Shell.
When using multiple network adapters, there is a risk of selecting the wrong network adapter
over which the WinCC communication should run.
Another indicator of a functioning network (accessibility of other PCs) is when you can see the
projects of the other PCs in the network in the SIMATIC Shell.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 285
1. In Windows Explorer, select the "Simatic Shell" folder (last entry under "My Computer").
2. In the navigation window, the PCs appear in the tree view under the "Simatic Shell" entry.
If no PCs are displayed under "Simatic Shell", check the order of the network adapters in
the Control Panel under "Network Connection > Advanced > Advanced Settings".
The network adapter for terminal bus communication must always be first in the
"Connections" list, even if you are using multiple network adapters in your target station.
3. Right-click in the "Simatic Shell" navigation window on the entry "Simatic Shell" and select
"Settings..." in the shortcut menu.
The "Selection of the terminal bus" dialog opens.
4. Make sure that the correct network adapter is set as the access point for the terminal bus.
By selecting another network adapter, you simultaneously change the assignment of the
network adapter for the terminal bus.
If you press the "OK" button to close the window, the "Re-initialization" dialog opens. Here
you press the "Yes" button to accept the currently selected network adapter as access point
for the terminal bus. The originally selected network adapter for the terminal bus is retained
with the "No" button.
General information
The network adapter configured for the terminal bus is displayed in blue in the "Network
adapters" list when you click on a different network adapter.
After opening the "Selection of the terminal bus" window, the network adapter with access
to the terminal bus is shown in the "Network adapters" list with a bar in the background
(selected). The network adapter configured as terminal bus therefore does not appear in
blue. For this reason it is not clear at first glance which network adapter is assigned to the
terminal bus. If now you select a different network adapter in the "Network adapters" list,
the network adapter originally configured for the terminal bus appears in blue.
See also
Basics (Page 282)
Structure IP addressing (Page 283)
Setting the order of the network adapters (Page 287)
Adapt the security settings for the firewall (Page 287)
Configure name resolution (Page 284)
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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286 System Manual, 12/2017 Setting the order of the network adapters (RT Professional)
The order of network adapters defines the order in which the network services access the
network adapter. Therefore, the network adapter or the connection that you have selected as
terminal bus should be at the top.
Setting the order of the network adapters
1. Open the setting for the order of the network adapters with "Control Panel > Network
Connections > Advanced > Advanced Settings > Adapters and Bindings".
2. Set the order of the network adapters.
If you have installed Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 on your PC, follow these steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Show the menu bar with "Organize > Layout".
3. In the Control Panel, switch to the Network and Sharing Center.
In the left window area, click "Change adapter settings".
4. Open the setting for the order of the network adapters with "Advanced > Advanced Settings
> Adapters and Bindings".
5. Set the order of the network adapters.
See also
Basics (Page 282)
Structure IP addressing (Page 283)
Configure terminal bus (Page 285)
Adapt the security settings for the firewall (Page 287)
Configure name resolution (Page 284) Adapt the security settings for the firewall (RT Professional)
A firewall is often installed on the PCs of a plant for security reasons. Only the Windows Firewall
is approved for operation with WinCC. If you enable this firewall, you must run the SIMATIC
Security Control once again and adapt the settings.
The port filters are also not enabled.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.2 Configuring a multiple-station system (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 287
See also
Basics (Page 282)
Structure IP addressing (Page 283)
Configure terminal bus (Page 285)
Setting the order of the network adapters (Page 287)
Configure name resolution (Page 284)
5.3 Characteristics in runtime (RT Professional)
5.3.1 Characteristics (overview) (RT Professional)
Editor characteristics in runtime
The Runtime database records and logs the process data on the WinCC server and
simultaneously operates as log server. The WinCC clients receive their log data from the log
server and display the data as table or graphics. All operations on the WinCC client are
forwarded to the WinCC server. Processing results are returned to the WinCC client.
Data with other subsystems, for example, the log system are always exchanged locally. A
screen can be opened and processed by several operating stations in runtime.
The "Alarms" Runtime database, which generates alarms on the WinCC server and logs these
alarms, functions as an alarm server. The WinCC clients receive their alarms from the alarm
server and display them together with log data in the alarm view or alarm window.
When an operating acknowledges an alarm, the acknowledgement is transferred to the alarm
server. The alarm server enters the change of status in the log and distributes the notification
to all participating WinCC clients. The same process applies to the locking of alarms.
If an alarm server is temporarily unavailable in Runtime, an alarm window will open with a
corresponding warning. When the alarm server becomes available again, alarms will be
displayed in the alarm window once again.
The report system includes only print jobs which show log or process data based on Runtime.
The report system is started automatically on all clients during startup. The WinCC server
functions as a report server. During startup, the WinCC clients log on to the report server and
obtain the latest information on available print jobs and their status. When a print job is started
on a client (always local), it receives the corresponding data from the report server. The report
server, on the other hand, receives the status of the print job from the WinCC client. The report
server then forwards this information to the other WinCC clients.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.3 Characteristics in runtime (RT Professional)
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288 System Manual, 12/2017
Runtime scripts
Project functions and standard functions of the WinCC server are always loaded and executed
locally on the WinCC client.
Runtime user administration
The operator authorizations are checked by the Runtime component of the user administration.
The Runtime component is automatically started on every computer when WinCC starts. On
changes to the login, the current operating rights list is loaded.
Text library (project texts)
The Runtime text library runs on the WinCC server as a text server. The texts are always read
from the database on the WinCC server.
5.3.2 Reaction to system errors (RT Professional)
The WinCC clients are not provided any data if no WinCC server is available. All graphic objects
that can be operated are grayed out and a connection error is displayed in the controls.
Scripts can be used to configure the display of connection errors on the WinCC client.
Once the WinCC server was recovered, the WinCC client will be reconnected.
5.3.3 Delta compile in runtime (RT Professional)
You create, change and test large, distributed projects with numerous operating stations mostly
on a configuration computer. The finished and tested project is then transferred to the
respective HMI device. The project is compiled or delta-compiled depending on whether or not
the HMI device is in Runtime.
The entire project is compiled, downloaded to the HMI device and it will replace the existing
Delta-compile (download changes) in Runtime
Instead of downloading the entire project or changing it locally, with a delta download the
changes will be applied directly and locally in Runtime.
At any given time during, only the changed or added Runtime objects, e.g. tags, screens,
alarms, and logs will be downloaded online to the active runtime of an HMI device, without
stopping Runtime on that station.
If you change a screen at runtime and download it to the HMI devices, for example, the modified
screen is displayed automatically at the next screen selection in Runtime.
The offline project on the configuration PC and the online project on the HMI device must be
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.3 Characteristics in runtime (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 289
Field of application
Delta compile (download changes) offers the following options:
During commissioning, operation, or maintenance, you edit the current project, download
it to the HMI devices and immediately test it.
You edit and download the project online at a central configuration station, instead of taking
time-consuming local actions.
You can first test the proposed changes on the configuration computer offline in a protected
environment. Only then do you apply the changes in active operation. This approach helps
you eliminate possible configuration errors before they result in downtime.
Changes can be transferred consistently and take effect at the same time: Configuration
changes are often interrelated and mutually dependent: they recalculate a value, create a
corresponding tag and add it to a log and a trend display. These changes are completely
closed and applied in full during operation. This approach prevents error states and
instabilities in Runtime.
5.3.4 Characteristics of the server (RT Professional) Starting servers (RT Professional)
General procedure
The WinCC servers of a client-server system start independently of the WinCC clients. As
soon as it has completed its startup, the WinCC makes its services available to the WinCC
clients and informs itself about all the nodes on the network.
Communication with the automation system will be started.
If a WinCC server fails in runtime, the data on the WinCC client can no longer be updated. The
WinCC clients will be informed of the absent WinCC server.
See also
Reaction to system errors (Page 289)
Activating and deactivating projects on the WinCC server (Page 292) Server shutdown (RT Professional)
General procedure
When you shut down a WinCC server, it will no longer provide process data to the connected
WinCC clients. The missing link is, for example, displayed in the alarm window or trend window
of the active client projects. All fields with missing process values are displayed in gray in the
process screen.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.3 Characteristics in runtime (RT Professional)
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290 System Manual, 12/2017
See also
WinCC RT Start (Page 291)
5.3.5 Characteristics of the client (RT Professional) Starting the Client (RT Professional)
General procedure
A WinCC client always remains in runtime, for example, regardless of whether the WinCC
server is briefly unavailable. When using WinCCStart to start a WinCC client, the server project
is also activated if the WinCC server is not in runtime.
See also
Activating and deactivating a project from the WinCC client (Page 294) Shutting down a client (RT Professional)
General procedure
Runtime is closed on the WinCC client, while runtime of the server project continues.
See also
Activating and deactivating a project from the WinCC client (Page 294)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
5.4.1 Overview of WinCCStart (RT Professional)
Application area
Using WinCC RT Start, you enable and disable Runtime on the WinCC server and display
information about the installed product and components.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 291
To open WinCC RT Start, follow these steps:
1. In the Windows Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Runtime
Systems > WinCC Runtime Professional V... > WinCC RT Start".
Activating and deactivating a project
Autostart of WinCC Runtime
Displaying installed products and components
5.4.2 Activating and deactivating projects on the WinCC server (RT Professional)
Application area
You activate and deactivate Server Runtime on the WinCC server using WinCC RT Start.
To enable access from a WinCC client to the server project, the server project must be located
in a shared folder. The "WinCCProjects" folder is released by default during installation:
Operating system Path
Windows 7 English C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows 8.1 English C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows 10 English C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows Server 2008 C:\User\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows Server 2008
C:\User\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows Server 2012 C:\User\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
Windows Server 2016 C:\User\Public\Public Documents\Siemens\WinCCProjects
You can also use your own folders and release these with corresponding authorizations.
The WinCC client and WinCC server are interconnected via network.
The server project is stored in the "WinCCProjects" folder, or in a different shared folder.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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292 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCCStart is opened via the Windows Start menu, "Start > All Programs > Siemens
Automation > Runtime Systems > WinCC Runtime Professional V... > WinCC RT Start".
Procedure for activating a project
To activate the server project, proceed as follows:
1. Select the "File > Open" menu command. You can also click the file selection button in the
"Project" field.
2. Select the server project. The name consists of the project name in the engineering system,
e.g. "Project1", and the server name, e.g. "HMI_1".
3. You can select different diagnostic sources in the "Diagnostics" tab.
4. Activate the project using the toolbar icon . You can also activate the project using the
"File > Start RT" menu. Activation of runtime is indicated by a checkmark leading the "File
> Start RT" menu command.
The WinCC server is started and provides all necessary data to the WinCC clients.
Procedure for deactivating a project
1. Deactivate the current project using the toolbar icon . The checkmark leading the "File
> Start RT" menu command is cleared.
The modules for the execution of Runtime will be deactivated. The "WinCC Runtime" program
window will be closed.
The WinCC clients are not provided any data if no WinCC server is available. All graphic objects
that can be operated are grayed out and a connection error is displayed in the controls. Once
the WinCC server was recovered, the WinCC client will be reconnected.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 293
5.4.3 Activating and deactivating a project from the WinCC client (RT Professional)
Application area
Use WinCCStart to activate and deactivate runtime on the WinCC clients.
The WinCC client and WinCC server are interconnected via network.
The is stored in a shared folder on the WinCC server. The "WinCCProjects" folder is
released by default and displayed on the network.
WinCCStart is opened via the Windows Start menu, "Start > All Programs > Siemens
Automation > Runtime Systems > WinCC Runtime Professional V... > WinCC RT Start".
Procedure for activating a project
To activate the server project, proceed as follows:
1. You can select different diagnostic sources in the "Diagnostics" tab.
2. Select the "File > Open" menu command. You can also click the file selection button in the
"Project" field. The WinCC server "\\computer name\<shared folder>" is visible on the
3. Select the server project in the shared folder. The name consists of the project name in the
engineering system, e.g. "Project1", and the server name, e.g. "HMI_1". A logon dialog
opens when you connect to the WinCC server.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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294 System Manual, 12/2017
4. Enter the user name and password. Once you're successfully connected, the "Activate"
toolbar icon is displayed if the WinCC server is not in runtime.
If the WinCC-Server is in runtime, the runtime of the WinCC client is started automatically.
In this case, skip the next step.
5. Activate the server project using the toolbar icon . You can also activate the server project
using the "File > Start RT" menu. Activation of runtime is indicated by a checkmark leading
the "File > Start RT" menu command.
Runtime of the WinCC server is started. Runtime of the WinCC client then starts automatically.
The WinCC server provides all necessary data to the WinCC clients.
Procedure for deactivating a project
1. Deactivate the current runtime of the WinCC client using the toolbar icon . The checkmark
leading the "File > Start RT" menu command is cleared.
The modules for the execution of Runtime will be deactivated. The "WinCC Runtime" program
window will be closed.
When working on the WinCC client, you can only terminate runtime on the WinCC client, but
not the project on the WinCC server.
See also
Shutting down a client (Page 291)
5.4.4 Enabling time synchronization on the client (Professional) (RT Professional)
You configure client-server systems with multiple clients and servers as needed in WinCC.
You can efficiently operate and monitor large plants in this way.
You have several options to ensure time synchronization in this system.
The following shows how a client without its own project synchronizes the time via the server.
A multi-user system is set up.
Time synchronization is set up on the server.
No further time synchronization is enabled on the client.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 295
Set up the startup list as follows:
1. Open the "Runtime settings > Services" editor.
2. Under "Additional tasks/applications", enter the "CCTMTimeSync.exe" application and the
associated drive path.
The file is stored in your Siemens installation directory.
3. Disable "Use project directory".
4. Specify the startup size of the task or application window in the "Window style" column, for
example, minimized, maximized or standard size.
When you start Runtime, the application is loaded. The time of the client is automatically
synchronized with the server.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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296 System Manual, 12/2017
5.4.5 Additional settings: Autostart and language (RT Professional)
The "Autostart" function automatically starts the server project at the time the server PC starts.
Moreover, you can prevent users from canceling the start of runtime in order to gain
unauthorized access to the operating system. To run this setup, you need a corresponding
operator authorization in WinCC.
You can change the runtime language.
Procedure for Autostart
1. Go to the "Autostart" tab.
2. Activate "Autostart".
3. Select a server project in the "Settings" area.
If you restart the computer with a project, the automatic start of runtime is initiated at the
end of the load operation. You can prematurely cancel the automatic start and return to the
operating system by pressing the "Cancel" button.
4. To prevent an operator from canceling the automatic start, deactivate "Allow cancelling of
5. Click the "Apply" button. A Logon dialog opens.
6. Log on.
After you successfully logged on, server runtime is started automatically at the next restart of
the WinCC server.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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Language change procedure
1. Select the "View > Language" menu command. A dialog that displays all user interface
languages available for WinCCStart opens.
2. Select a user interface language.
5.4.6 Displaying products and components (RT Professional)
You can view your installed product software and options on the products tab:
The "Component" tab displays the following installed objects:
Add-on software WinCC tools
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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298 System Manual, 12/2017
1. Select "Help > About". The "About WinCC RT Professional" dialog opens.
2. Select a tab.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.4 WinCC RT Start (RT Professional)
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5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
5.5.1 Remote access and encrypted communication (RT Professional)
Clients provided with the corresponding operator authorizations can operate a server project
from a remote station, e.g.:
Enable a server project
Disable a server project
For remote configuration, the "Simatic Shell" dialog is available which you access through
Windows Explorer.
Function of Simatic Shell
In the "Simatic Shell" dialog you can view your configuration PC as well as the enabled servers
and projects of your client-server system available through the network. These include all
projects which run under a demo license.
You have the option of establishing an encrypted communication between computers, in
addition to the unencrypted communication.
If you are using encrypted communication, connections are made only to computers for which
the same pre-shared key has been set. You can communicate only with these computers. With
unencrypted computers, no connection is possible. For the same network you can specify
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
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300 System Manual, 12/2017
various environments with you your own PSK keys. You can find information on configuration
at Accessing a computer outside a subnet (Page 302).
For upgrading during operation, migration mode is also available. The mode allows encrypted
and unencrypted connections side-by-side in the network. Only use migration mode as
transitional solution to encrypted communication throughout the entire plant.
Depending on the configuration of the encrypted communication, only the corresponding
computers are displayed in the Simatic Shell. In migration mode, all computers are visible with
encrypted and unencrypted connection in the network (see figure above).
The computer alllows only encrypted connections
The computer allows encrypted and unencrypted connections (migration mode)
The computer allows unencrypted connections
The window is used to access an enabled server project from a client:
To enable a project remotely
To disable a project remotely
Different names with WinCC Start and SIMATIC Shell
When WinCC Start opens, the name of a client-server project is fully displayed. The name
of the server PC is used as the ending, for example, ClientServerProjectBuild11_1_A-
SIMATIC Shell shows under "Object" the name of the server PC on which the client-server
project is running, for example, "A-Server_1". This means different client-server projects
can be referred to with the same object name.
Setting up encrypted communication
For information on how to set up encrypted communication between the WinCC server/WinCC
client and the configuration PC, please see Accessing a computer outside a subnet
(Page 302).
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 301
5.5.2 Accessing a computer outside a subnet (RT Professional)
General procedure
Computers located behind a router in a network are introduced to the system by using the
"Simatic Shell" dialog.
You use the "Simatic Shell" dialog for central maintenance and diagnostics of all computers
integrated in your client/server system.
Using the settings in "Simatic Shell", you introduce a computer within your subnet behind your
router as an "Agent". The agent distributes the information from other computers to the
computers within the subnet.
After having logged this computer on, all participating computers in the system can
communicate even beyond the router limits. Each computer added to an existing group is
informed of the current status of all computers, including those beyond the router limits. When
the status of a computer changes, a alarm is issued to all participants, e.g.:
If a computer has enabled a project
If a computer is shut down
If a computer is started up and thus enters the group.
Communication across network borders
The following adaptations must be made at the local Windows firewall in order that WinCC
computers from various network can communicate with each other.
With all WinCC specific firewall rules, you have to supplement the area with the IP addresses
of the computers from the other networks or the complete IP address of the other networks.
1. In Windows, go to "Control Panel/System and Security/Windows Firewall".
2. Click "Advanced settings". The "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" dialog opens.
3. Under "Inbound rules", successively select all relevant firewall rules, such as CCAgent,
WinCC ProjectManager, etc.
4. In the properties on the "Area" tab, supplement the "Remote-IP address" with the IP
addresses or IP areas of the communication participants.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
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302 System Manual, 12/2017
1. Click on the folder "My Computer > Simatic Shell" in the Windows Explorer of the client
computer. The "Simatic Shell" dialog opens.
2. In the navigation window of the "Simatic Shell" dialog, select the first entry. In the shortcut
menu of this entry, select the menu item "Settings...".
The "Communication Settings" dialog opens.
If no entry is displayed in the navigation window of the "Simatic Shell" dialog, you can also
open the shortcut menu in the empty window.
3. Check the setting in the field "Multicast Lifetime (TTL)". The value gives the maximum
number of route jumps between various subnets (IP Parameters TTL).
4. Under "Multicast Proxy", enter the address of the computer that is the "Agent" for the subnet.
This can be any computer of the subnet (client or server).
5. Add the computer to the list of network partners with the "Add" button.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 303
6. If you want to set up an encrypted communication for the computer, activate the "Encrypted
communication" option.
To enter the PSK key, click the "Define" button.
7. For the key, enter characters with high key strength.
The key must be at least 8 characters long and include numbers and special characters in
addition to uppercase and lowercase letters.
Click "OK" to confirm your input.
8. If you do not want to use the freely available ports assigned with the default setting, define
the assignment of the incoming ports.
9. If you want to leave encrypted and unencrypted connections side by side, activate the
"Migration mode" option. This option is advisable, for example, for upgrading during
10.Confirm your entry with "OK".
5.5.3 Activating a project (RT Professional)
General procedure
A client/server system makes it possible to enable and disable projects remotely.
If you enable a server project from a client by using the "Simatic Shell" dialog, only the server
project is enabled.
In order to activate a server project on a client, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
The user logged onto the client has the operator authorization to "Activate remote" in the
WinCC project on the server.
The project has been enabled for network access
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
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304 System Manual, 12/2017
1. In Windows Explorer of the client, select the "Simatic Shell" entry. The "My Computer >
Simatic Shell" window will be displayed.
All the servers and projects available in the network with their current status will be
2. Select the project to be enabled.
3. Select the "Activate remote" command from the shortcut menu.
A Login dialog appears.
4. Enter the user name and password for the current computer. The project is enabled on the
5.5.4 Deactivating a project (RT Professional)
General procedure
A client/server system makes it possible to enable and disable projects remotely.
If you disable a server project from a client by using the "Simatic Shell" dialog, only the server
project is disabled.
In order to deactivate a server project on a client remotely, the following conditions must be
The user logged onto the client has the operator authorization to "Activate remote" in the
WinCC project on the server.
The project has been enabled for network access
1. In Windows Explorer of the client, select the "My Computer > Simatic Shell". The "Simatic
Shell" window is displayed.
All computers and projects available in the network will be displayed with their current status.
2. Select the project to be enabled.
3. Select the "Deactivate remote" command from the shortcut menu. A Login dialog appears.
4. Enter the user name and password for the current computer. The project is disabled on the
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.5 SIMATIC Shell (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 305
5.6 Guide to client server systems (RT Professional)
You can efficiently distribute operation and monitoring of your plant to multiple operator stations
and servers. A WinCC Server with process connection records process data and logs alarms
and process values. Moreover, a WinCC Server performs the following tasks in a WinCC
Providing clients with the configuration data
Providing clients with data from the process
Moreover, you can precisely map technologically or topologically complex systems.
This section shows you:
The system configurations you can implement with WinCC.
How to configure the server and clients in the client/server system.
How the client/server system reacts in runtime.
5.7 Clients and servers (RT Professional)
All process data of a WinCC project, e.g. alarms or trend values, is saved to different Runtime
databases. Instead of being stored on each HMI device, these Runtime databases are located
on the central WinCC server. The operator stations, i.e. the WinCC clients, access the WinCC
server accordingly.
WinCC clients and WinCC servers are independent systems. You can activate WinCC clients
at any time. It is also possible to activate and deactivate projects when you work on a WinCC
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.7 Clients and servers (RT Professional)
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306 System Manual, 12/2017
Multiple-station system
You can user the server option to expand a WinCC single-station system to a high-performance
multiple-station system with up to 32 coordinated operator control and monitoring stations.
Figure 5-3 Multiple-station system with up to 32 clients on one WinCC server
WinCC clients display the data of precisely one WinCC server with process connection. WinCC
clients operating on a multiple-station system do not have an own project ("Client without
project"). For this reason, it is not necessary to configure the clients. The WinCC server
provides the process and log data, alarms, screens, and reports to its online WinCC clients.
Licenses required
A WinCC license on the WinCC server.
On the WinCC server, the " WinCC Server for RT Professional" license.
On the WinCC clients, the "WinCC Client for RT Professional" license.
Licensing when upgrading to V14 or higher
If you upgrade from an older version to version V14 or higher, you need new licenses for WinCC
Runtime Professional and WinCC Client for RT Professional.
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.7 Clients and servers (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 307
WinCC Server / WinCC Client (RT Professional)
5.7 Clients and servers (RT Professional)
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308 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional) 6
6.1 Unsupported functions (RT Professional)
The following list is only an excerpt of the unsupported functions. The lists contains the
functions which are explicitly declared as unsupported.
GetHWDiag OnDeactivateExecute ReportJob
GetHWDiagLevel OnErrorExecute RPTJobPreview
GetKopFupAwl OnTime RPTJobPrint
GetKopFupAwlLevel OpenPrevPicture RptShowError
VBScript functions
HMIRuntime.Stop: Terminates Internet Explorer and WinCCViewerRT, however not
WinCC Runtime.
AlarmLogs object
DataLogs object
Logging object
Project object
Functions that are unnecessary:
DeactivateRTProject: Terminates Internet Explorer and WinCCViewerRT, however not
WinCC Runtime.
Other functions
These functions are contained in the range of functions in order to guarantee error-free
compilation on the WebNavigator client. The functions are not supported by the WebNavigator
AXC_OnBtnHornAckn GetCursorMode GmsgFunction
AXC_OnBtnPrint SetCursorMode MSRTMsgWinCommand
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 309
AXC_OnBtnProtocol ShowLogonDialog TlgTableWindowPressHelpButton
The WebNavigator client does not support any hotkeys configured in WinCC. In the
WebNavigator client, you can operate using the tab key.
See also
Using Scripts (Page 353)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
6.2.1 Function Overview (RT Professional)
You can use the WinCC WebNavigator option in WinCC Runtime Professional to monitor and
control your WinCC project over the Intranet/Internet. This enables you to quickly and easily
implement a new type of distribution of controlling and monitoring functions of your automation
system. WebNavigator supports current Internet security methods.
The "WebNavigator" add-on package consists of the following components:
WinCC WebNavigator Server
WinCC Web Configurator
WinCC WebNavigator Client
WinCC WebNavigator Server
The WebNavigator server is installed on a PC along with WinCC Runtime Professional. The
required WinCC screens and functions that are displayed on the WinCC WebNavigator Client
are stored on the server PC.
WinCC Web Configurator
The WebNavigator Server needs the Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) for
communication with the WebNavigator Clients. The IIS is set up and managed with the WinCC
Web Configurator. Accesses of the WebNavigator Client are governed via user administration.
You can set a different start screen and language for every user. By assigning user
authorizations, a scalable access to different project areas and functions is implemented for
the various users.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
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310 System Manual, 12/2017
WinCC WebNavigator Client
The WebNavigator Client is started via the MS Internet Explorer with activated ActiveX
controls. You control and monitor a running WinCC project without the entire WinCC basic
system on the PC.
Instead of the Internet Explorer, you use the Web viewer "WinCCViewerRT" to visualize the
WinCC project.
WebNavigator diagnostics client
You can use the diagnostics client, for example, for the maintenance of several WebNavigator
Licensing is managed centrally on the WebNavigator Server in accordance with the number
of concurrent accesses of 3, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 150 WebNavigator Clients, for example. A
license is not required on the WebNavigator Clients.
6.2.2 Web Navigator Server on the WinCC server (RT Professional)
WinCC RT Professional and the server components of the WebNavigator are installed on a
PC. The WebNavigator client can control and/or monitor the current server project both via the
Internet and the Intranet.
To protect against attacks from the Internet, two firewalls are employed. The first firewall
protects the WebNavigator Server from Internet attacks. The second firewall provides
additional security for the Intranet.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
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6.2.3 WebNavigator diagnostics client (RT Professional)
The WebNavigator diagnostics client enables cost-effective access to several WebNavigator
Several diagnostics clients and standard clients can be in operation at the same time. This
procedure does not demand an additional license for a WebNavigator Server because
licensing is handled on the diagnostics client. The diagnostics client can always access the
WebNavigator server, regardless of whether the maximum number of simultaneous accesses
has been reached. The diagnostics client always has guaranteed access to the WebNavigator
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
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312 System Manual, 12/2017
Possible applications include:
Remote maintenance: With the Diagnostics Client, different WinCC systems are accessed
for service and maintenance purposes.
Central Control Room: The diagnostics client is used for simultaneous access to several
Diagnostics client with the license "WinCC WebDiag Client"
WinCC / WebNavigator Server with the license "WinCC WebNavigator" for, e.g., 3 clients
6.2.4 WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)
Don't use Internet Explorer to run the "WinCCViewerRT.exe" application. Run it on the
WebNavigator client instead. The WinCCViewerRT is installed along with the WebNavigator
WinCCViewerRT uses its own communication to access the WebNavigator server. This
prevents Internet users from accessing the system and protects the system against viruses
and Trojan horses.
Only the screens which are configured for Web access and published on the WebNavigator
server are displayed. Users can operate and monitor the project, depending on their
If the user is assigned the authorization no. 1002 "Web access - view only", he/she can only
view the project. The WebNavigator client is therefore a so-called "View Only Client".
The cursor is a "View only cursor" and indicates that process-related operations are not
possible. Certain operations are still possible, such as opening the properties dialog of an
online trend control.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
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You can also use WinCCViewerRT as terminal server application. For more information, refer
to "Setting up terminal services for WebNavigator servers".
6.2.5 Terminal services and Web Navigator (RT Professional)
Terminal services in the Windows Server operating systems enable access to the desktop of
a Windows server.
The terminal client only handles screen output, while the application runs on the terminal
server, for example WinCCViewerRT.
The terminal services transmit only the user interface of the application to the clients. Each
client's keyboard inputs and mouse operations are returned back to the server.
This behavior has the following advantages:
Use of rugged hardware for the clients, for example without fans and hard drives, for
application in dusty environments.
Use of mobile clients with limited power consumption, for example handhelds, palmtops,
All applications are located on the server in a secure environment.
Easy, central administration and system maintenance.
Support of different operating systems, for example Windows CE, Windows 95.
The WebNavigator client created based on a "THIN²" architecture, i.e. the application running
in multiple instances on the terminal server, e.g. WinCCViewerRT, is itself already "thin" with
regard to hardware requirements.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.2 The basics (RT Professional)
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For redundant system configurations with terminal services, please consult the corresponding
Microsoft documentation.
The terminal client supports only 256 colors.
To reduce the strain on the terminal service, avoid large bitmaps whose size can change ("live
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3.1 Software and hardware requirements (RT Professional)
This section describes the hardware and operating system requirements for WinCC
WebNavigator Server on a WinCC single-user system
Table 6-1 Recommended hardware
Processor Intel® Core™ i3-6100U 3.5 GHz
Working memory 8 GB
Table 6-2 Software
Operating system: Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded Standard
SP1 (max. 3 clients)
Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise Version 1703
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Software: Internet Explorer as of V11
WinCC V15 Runtime
Miscellaneous: Access to the intranet/Internet
or TCP/IP connection to the WebNavigator client
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 315
WebNavigator Server on the WinCC server
Table 6-3 Recommended hardware
Processor Intel® Core™ i5E, 5 GHz
Working memory 8 GB
Table 6-4 Software
Operating system: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Software: Internet Explorer as of V11
WinCC Professional V15
Miscellaneous: Access to the Intranet / Internet
If you publish in the intranet, you need a system for name resolution,
which can convert computer names into IP addresses. This allows
users to use alias name instead of IP addresses when connecting to
the server.
If you publish on the Internet, you need a DNS registry for the IP
address. This allows users to use alias name instead of IP addresses
when connecting to the server.
WebNavigator Client
Table 6-5 Hardware
Minimum Recommended
CPU Dual core CPU; 2.5 GHz Dual core CPU; 3 GHz
Working memory 3 GB 4 GB
Table 6-6 Software
Operating system: Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded Standard) SP1
Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise Version 1703
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Software: Internet Explorer as of V11
Miscellaneous: Access to the intranet/Internet
or TCP/IP connection to the WebNavigator Server
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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316 System Manual, 12/2017
Web diagnostics client
Table 6-7 Software
Operating system: Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded Standard) SP1
Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise Version 1703
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Software: Internet Explorer as of V11
Miscellaneous: Access to the Intranet / Internet
6.3.2 Licensing (RT Professional)
WebNavigator Client
No license is required with server-end licensing on the WebNavigator Server on the PC with
the WebNavigator Client.
WebNavigator Server
The WebNavigator server runs without a license in Demo mode for 30 days.
A license is required, however, if you want to use the WebNavigator server for a longer period.
Licenses are available for 1 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 25 / 50 / 100 / 150 clients that can simultaneously
access the WebNavigator server.
If the number of licensed clients is exceeded during a logon attempt of a Web Navigator client,
a message appears. No further logon is allowed.
Licensing when upgrading to version V14 SP1 or higher
If you upgrade from an older version to version V14 SP1 or higher, you need a new license
for WebNavigator Server.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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Overview of licenses on the server and client
Server WebNavigator Client Diagnostics client
WebNavigator server license +
WinCC license
Web Navigator client, no local
license required.
Maximum number of clients
corresponds to the existing li‐
cense on the server.
Diagnostics client
One license per diagnostics
Web diagnostics server license +
WinCC license
WebNavigator client in Demo
Number unlimited
Valid for 30 days
Diagnostics client
One license per diagnostics
No WebNavigator license or
no WinCC license
WebNavigator client in Demo
Number unlimited
Valid for 30 days
Diagnostics client in Demo
Number unlimited
Valid for 30 days
Restarting the Web client after changing licenses
If you change the WebNavigator licenses on the WebNavigator server, for example, by
transferring a power pack, you must restart the Web viewer or Internet Explorer, if it used, on
all connected WebNavigator Clients. Otherwise, the WebNavigator Client goes to Demo mode.
This also applies to automatic reconnection of the WebNavigator Client.
Web diagnostics client
A diagnostics client license is required on the client PC for the diagnostics client. The
diagnostics client can simultaneously access up to 12 WebNavigator Servers.
When a license for WebNavigator Server or Web diagnostics server is installed on the server,
the diagnostics client also has access even when the maximum number of clients is exceeded.
Web diagnostics server
This license allows the diagnostics Web client to access the WebNavigator Server when no
WebNavigator Server license is installed on the Web Navigator server for the WebNavigator
A total of 50 clients per server is allowed at the most for simultaneous access by diagnostics
Diagnostics client without corresponding license
If you install the diagnostics client without its license, a message appears approximately 1 hour
after each start of the PC. Install the diagnostics client license or remove the diagnostics client
PC with WinCC Runtime Professional and diagnostics client
If you install a diagnostics client on a PC with WinCC Runtime Professional, you have to
reinstall the diagnostics client after removing WinCC.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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318 System Manual, 12/2017
6.3.3 Requirements for the Use of Terminal Services (RT Professional)
WebNavigator Client is authorized for use with Windows Terminal Services. A maximum of 25
sessions per terminal server are permitted.
Terminal server
Table 6-8 Hardware
Minimum Recommended
CPU Dual Core CPU; 2 GHz Multi Core; 2.4 GHz
Working memory 2 GB 4 GB
Table 6-9 Software
Operating system Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP2
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition:
It must be possible to open and execute applications that are run on
the clients multiple times.
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Miscellaneous: If numerous users want to access the server, you need to use a high
performance network adapter.
The memory requirements and processor load increased with each terminal client. You
therefore need to ensure that the terminal server has adequate memory and processor load
Terminal client
Minimum requirement: Network adapter with TCP/IP
Terminal client RDP 5.0
Display or screen
Pointing device
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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Device recommended for use as a client: SIMATIC Mobile Panel PC 12".
As is the case with Windows Server Client Access License CAL, there are two different terminal
service CALs:
The TS Device CAL permits one device user-independent Windows sessions on a Windows
The TS User CAL permits one user device-independent Windows sessions on a Windows
A Windows Server Terminal Server "TS CAL" is required for every user or every device.
You can find additional information under "
6.3.4 Installation of WebNavigator server (RT Professional) Overview (RT Professional)
The software requirements with regard to the Windows operating system apply.
The following operating systems have been authorized:
Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate) SP1
Windows 10 (Professional, Enterprise)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP2
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
Local administrator rights
Installation sequence for the WebNavigator Server
When you install a WebNavigator Server on a PC, adhere to the following installation sequence:
1. Install the Internet Information Service (IIS).
2. Install the WebNavigator Server.
To install the WebNavigator Server, you also need to install WinCC Runtime Professional.
Microsoft SQL Server is automatically installed.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
320 System Manual, 12/2017 Installing Internet Information Services (IIS) (RT Professional)
Before installing the WebNavigator Server, you need to install the Internet Information Service
(IIS). You specify the settings for the WebNavigator Server during installation.
Settings under Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008
Activate the following settings under Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008:
Web management tools:
IIS management service
IIS management console
IIS management scripts and tools
IIS compatibility to IIS metabasis and IIS 6 management
Compatibility with WMI for IIS 6
WWW Services > Shared HTTP Features:
Standard document
Static content
WWW services > Application development features:
ISAPI extensions
ISAPI filters
WWW services > Security:
Request filter
Standard authentication
If the logging functions are active with IIS, the log files must be monitored and deleted,
if necessary. The event views should be configured so that the log files do not become
too large.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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Settings under Windows Server 2012 R2
Activate the following additional settings under Windows Server 2012 R2:
WWW services > Application development features:
.NET expendability 3.5
NET expendability 4.5
Settings in Windows 10
Activate the following additional settings in Windows 10:
WWW services > Application development features:
.NET expandability 3.5
NET expandability 4.6
Administrator rights
Write access for the registry database
1. Open the dialog for the activation of Windows features from the Windows 7 Control Panel.
In Windows Server 2008, use the settings for the server manager. For detailed information,
refer to the help of the operating system.
2. In the settings for the Internet Information Services, enable the settings described above.
3. Close the dialog with the "OK" button. The required data is transferred and the IIS is
configured accordingly.
Alternative procedure
You can also use the command line "Start > Run > cmd" to install the IIS components located
on the installation data carrier:
pkgmgr.exe /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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322 System Manual, 12/2017 Installing the WebNavigator Server (RT Professional)
Local administrator rights
Internet Information Service is installed.
1. Insert the installation disk into the appropriate drive.
Setup runs automatically unless you have disabled autostart on the PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking
the "Start.exe" file.
The dialog to select the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or
"Installation Notes" button.
The corresponding help file opens with instructions.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the selection of product languages opens.
6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click the "Next" button. The dialog
for selecting the product configuration opens.
"English" is always installed as the basic product language.
7. Select the following components for installation:
WinCC Runtime Professional
WebNavigator Server
8. Choose whether you want a desktop shortcut to be created, and select a different
destination directory for the installation if needed. Note that the length of the installation
path must not exceed 89 characters.
9. Click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the licensing conditions opens.
10.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next".
In the event that the security and permission settings need to be changed for the installation,
the dialog for the security settings opens.
11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings,
and click the "Next" button.
12.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back"
button until you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you
have completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking "Next".
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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13.Click the "Install" button.
The installation begins.
If no license key is found during installation, you have the option to transfer it to your PC.
If you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License
If the installation was successful, a message to this effect is displayed on the screen. If
errors occurred during installation, an error message is displayed informing you of the type
of errors.
14.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
15.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".
WinCC Runtime Professional and the WebNavigator Server are installed.
6.3.5 Installation of WebNavigator client (RT Professional) Installing the WebNavigator Client (RT Professional)
You can install the WebNavigator Client as follows:
Installation from the WinCC Runtime Professional Product DVD.
In this case, certain Windows user rights are necessary, depending on the operating system.
Installation via Intranet/Internet.
In this case, certain Windows user rights are necessary, depending on the operating system.
Installation without user interaction:
With the Windows user rights of the current user
Or using group policy based software distribution in networks
You can also install the WebNavigator Client additionally on the WebNavigator server . This
is useful, for example, if you want to check your WinCC project locally on the server in the
Internet Explorer.
The "WinCCViewerRT" web viewer is installed together with the WebNavigator Client.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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324 System Manual, 12/2017
1. Entry and check of the settings of the client computer in Internet Explorer.
2. Installation of the WebNavigator Client.
When you install from the DVD or through group policy based software distribution, you
can upgrade an older version of the WebNavigator Client directly without removal.
If you install Web Navigator Server on a computer after the WebNavigator Client, you need
to reinstall the client.
Information on setup and installation of the WebNavigator Client:
The setup of the WebNavigator Client is interrupted with the error message "WinCC Active"
if the local WinCC project is open or has been opened since the PC was last restarted.
Restart the computer. Check if WinCC has been entered in the Autostart directory. Remove
the item, if required, and then reboot the computer to run the WebNavigator Client
At least 70 MB free disk space must be available on the local hard drive to install the
WebNavigator Client. Otherwise, the installation aborts with a message.
When installing the WebNavigator Client by downloading it from the Intranet/Internet, you
can select between "Open" and "Save" for the Setup file. If you install plug-ins or ActiveX
controls at a later time, you need to select the procedure used for installing the
WebNavigator Client the first time. Otherwise, the error message "Error 1316" of the "MSI
Installer" service appears.
In the download area of the Web Navigation user interface, the Plug-Ins which can be
installed are displayed. At least the same minimum user rights are required as for
installation of the WebNavigator Client to install this plug-in. If you select a plug-in in the
Web Navigation user interface, the WebNavigator Client Setup starts. You have to confirm
the selected plug-in again.
Installing the WebNavigator Client under Windows Server
You cannot install the WebNavigator Client under Windows Server with user rights lower than
"Administrator" with the default setting for group policies.
In the group policies, release the installation of WebNavigator Client by
Assigning and publishing the software
Or, under "Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Installer", enabling
the setting "Always install with elevated privileges". You must activate "Never" for the
"Disable Windows Installer" option.
See also
Installation via the Intranet/Internet (Page 332)
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 325 User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities (RT Professional)
Windows user rights required for installation and initial registration of the WebNavigator client
"Administrator" rights are required to install the WebNavigator client via Intranet/Internet or
using the WinCC Runtime Professional Product DVD. For the initial registration of the client
on the WebNavigator server, you need to use the same name as that used during installation
and must log on with the same or higher Windows user rights. The connections must be
established successfully. All subsequent logons can then be performed by users with different
Windows user rights, which may be more restricted.
Installing the WebNavigator client with restricted user rights
With the employed MSI technology, you can also install the WebNavigator client with restricted
Windows user rights. This procedure can be set during the installation using the group policy
based software distribution in networks.
The add-ons and plug-ins for the WebNavigator client can also be installed this way.
Installation for a configured group of users or computers
Using the Microsoft Systems Management server or group policy on a Domain Controller, it is
possible to install a group of users or computers configured by the Administrator.
For this the MSI file "WinCCWebNavigatorClient.msi" is published at the Domain Controller
and enabled for a user group. Then, depending on the configuration of the group policy
based software distribution, you perform the installation either during logon of the specified
users or when the computer boots.
When using a Microsoft Systems Management Server, the installation is configured by the
administrator, triggered and executed when the relevant computer boots.
Group policy based software distribution
The software installation is normally executed with the access rights of the current Windows
user. When using MSI technology, the installation is performed by an operating system service
with a higher level of rights. This enables you to perform installations for which the Windows
user is lacking permission. Applications which require installations with a higher-level
permission are referred to as "privileged installations" in MSI technology. Installation of these
applications is possible when a Windows user is assigned the "Always install with elevated
privileges" permission.
To use group policy based software distribution, a group policy is created on the domain
controller. The software to be distributed is assigned or published using the active directory .
Assignment: The software distribution can be assigned to a user or a computer. The
software to be distributed is automatically installed when the user logs on or computer boots.
Publication: The software distribution can be published for single users. When the user logs
onto the client computer, the software to be distributed appears in a dialog and can be
selected for installation.
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Installation without user interaction
During installation of the WebNavigator client, the user is normally prompted to enter
information, for examples, about the components to be installed. By implementing a
configuration file, installation is possible without user interaction. The required path
specification and user information are provided in the "options.ini" configuration file. The file
must be in the same folder as the WebNavigator client Setup.
This installation procedure is advantageous when using the group policy based software
Installation from the product DVD requires user interaction.
The settings given predefined in the table are used under the following conditions:
The "options.ini" configuration file is missing and there is no corresponding entry available
in the client registry, for example, due to another SIMATIC HMI product installed.
Alternatively, the installation is performed via the group policy based software distribution
with assignment to the computer.
Information Parameters
Target directory for the WebNavigator client INSTALLDIR=" <syspath1>\Siemens\Automation
Target directory for common components COMMONDIR=" <syspath2>\Siemens "
User information / user name USER
User information / organization COMPANYNAME
The "<syspath?>" parameter is derived from the setting in the registry under the key
"<syspath1>" corresponds to the key "ProgramFilesDir" e.g. "C:\\Program Files"
"<syspath2>" corresponds to the key "CommonFilesDir", e.g. "C:\\Program Files\\Common
Example of a "options.ini" configuration file for Windows 7
COMMONDIR="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Siemens"
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\SCADA-RT_V11\WinCC
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See also
Installation via the Intranet/Internet (Page 332) Internet Explorer Settings (RT Professional)
To have the full functionality available on the WebNavigator client, you need to adapt the
security settings in Internet Explorer.
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1. Click "Tools" > "Internet Options" in the Internet Explorer.
2. Select the "Security" tab. Select the corresponding zone, e.g. "Local Intranet" or "Internet".
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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3. Click "Custom Level".
4. Select the options "Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting" and "Download signed
ActiveX controls".
5. Select the "Active Scripting" option under "Scripting".
6. Click "OK". Carry out the modifications in the subsequent dialog.
7. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon. Open the "Trusted Sites" with the "Sites" button.
8. Enter the address of the WebNavigator server in the "Add this Website to the zone" field.
Possible formats and wildcards include "*://157.54.100 - 200", "", or "http://
*". If necessary, clear the "Require server verification for all sites in this zone
(https:) check box. Click "Add". Click "Close".
9. Select the "Trusted Sites" icon. Click the "Standard level" button and then the "Custom
Level" button. Activate the "Activate" option under "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not
marked as safe". Click "OK".
10.Click on the "General" tab. Click on the "Settings" button in the "Browser History" area .
Select the "Automatic" option under "Check for newer versions of stored pages". Click "OK".
11.Close the "Internet Options" dialog by clicking "OK".
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.3 Installing WebNavigator (RT Professional)
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
330 System Manual, 12/2017 Installation from the DVD (RT Professional)
The information provided in Software and hardware requirements (Page 315) applies to
the installation and use of the WebNavigator client.
Minimum user rights are required to install the WebNavigator Client depending on the
operating system, see User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities
(Page 326).
1. Insert the installation disk into the appropriate drive.
Setup runs automatically unless you have disabled autostart on the PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking
the "Start.exe" file.
The dialog to select the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or
"Installation Notes" button.
The corresponding help file opens with instructions.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the selection of product languages opens.
6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click the "Next" button. The dialog
for selecting the product configuration opens.
"English" is always installed as the basic product language.
7. Open the program group "SIMATIC WinCC WebNavigator" and select the "Web Navigator
Client" component.
8. Choose whether you want a desktop shortcut to be created, and select a different
destination directory for the installation if needed. Note that the length of the installation
path must not exceed 89 characters.
9. Click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the licensing conditions opens.
10.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next".
In the event that the security and permission settings need to be changed for the installation,
the dialog for the security settings opens.
11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings,
and click the "Next" button.
12.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back"
button until you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you
have completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking "Next".
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13.Click the "Install" button.
The installation begins.
If no license key is found during installation, you have the chance to transfer it to your PC.
If you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License
If the installation was successful, a message to this effect is displayed on the screen. If
errors occurred during installation, an error message is displayed informing you of the type
of errors.
14.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
15.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".
The WebNavigator Client is installed and has been added as a function in the navigation
window of the WinCC Explorer. Installation via the Intranet/Internet (RT Professional)
The information provided in Installing the WebNavigator Client (Page 324) applies to the
installation and use of the WebNavigator client.
Minimum user rights are required to install the WebNavigator Client depending on the
operating system, see User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities
(Page 326).
WebNavigator Server must be installed on a computer. The Internet Information Server
must be configured with the WinCC Web Configurator. Users must be registered in the
WinCC User Administrator. The WinCC project must be in runtime.
1. Enter the address "http://www.servername" for the WebNavigator Server in the address
bar of Internet Explorer. When installing in a virtual directory, the address can be as follows:
"http:// www.servername/WebNavigator/".
2. Enter the user name and the password.
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3. If you are accessing the WebNavigator Server for the first time, you will be prompted to
install the WebNavigator Client. Click the "Click here to install" link. Click the "Save" button
in the "File Download" dialog to store the client setup on the target computer. It is
recommended to save the Setup file because, in the event of a restart of the client computer
being necessary, the Setup need not be downloaded again.
If you want to install a more current version for an existing WebNavigator client via the
Intranet/Internet, go directly to the client setup. You do not need to save the installation file
on the target computer. If you want to save the new installation file, remove the old
installation file. Or save the new version of the file in another directory.
4. Leave the Internet Explorer open and open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory in
which you saved the setup file. Start Setup by double-clicking the file.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the information and settings necessary.
The client-end controls of the WebNavigator are installed. Close the Setup dialog.
When the installation is completed successfully, the WebNavigator client switches to the
WinCC project currently in runtime.
See also
Installing the WebNavigator Client (Page 324)
User rights, user groups and optional installation possibilities (Page 326)
6.3.6 Installing the Web Diagnostics Client (RT Professional)
The software for the Web Diagnostics Client is installed from the WinCC Runtime Professional
Product DVD on the client computer.
To do this, you must have administrator rights.
1. Insert the installation disk into the appropriate drive.
Setup runs automatically unless you have disabled autostart on the PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking
the "Start.exe" file.
The dialog to select the setup language opens.
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3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or
"Installation Notes" button.
The corresponding help file opens with instructions.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the selection of product languages opens.
6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click the "Next" button. The dialog
for selecting the product configuration opens.
"English" is always installed as the basic product language.
7. Open the program group "SIMATIC WinCC Web Navigator" and select the "Diagnostics
Client" component.
8. Choose whether you want a desktop shortcut to be created, and select a different
destination directory for the installation if needed. Note that the length of the installation
path must not exceed 89 characters.
9. Click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the licensing conditions opens.
10.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next".
In the event that the security and permission settings need to be changed for the installation,
the dialog for the security settings opens.
11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings,
and click the "Next" button.
12.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back"
button until you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you
have completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking "Next".
13.Click the "Install" button.
The installation begins.
If no license key is found during installation, you have the chance to transfer it to your PC.
If you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License
If the installation was successful, a message to this effect is displayed on the screen. If
errors occurred during installation, an error message is displayed informing you of the type
of errors.
14.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
15.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".
1. The Web Diagnostics Client is installed.
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334 System Manual, 12/2017
6.4 Configuring the Web Navigator system (RT Professional)
6.4.1 Overview of configuration steps (RT Professional)
The server PC and client PC are interconnected via TCP/IP.
On the server PC
Internet Information Service is installed.
The WebNavigator server is installed.
A license key is installed.
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed.
On the client PC
Internet Explorer V11 is installed.
WinCCViewerRT is installed.
Basic procedure
The following configurations are required to set up a WebNavigator system:
1. Configure the WinCC project in the TIA Portal. For more information about the TIA Portal,
refer to "Getting started with the TIA Portal"
Configure WinCC screens for Web access.
Create users for WebNavigator client access
Observe restrictions
Compiling a project
2. Transfer your WinCC project to the server PC. If the configuration PC and the WebNavigator
server are interconnected, transfer the WinCC project using the command "Load to device
> Software (all)".
3. Configure the WebNavigator Web page on the WebNavigator server.
4. Operate the WinCC project.
Using WinCCViewerRT
Using Internet Explorer
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System Manual, 12/2017 335
6.4.2 Configuring a WinCC project (RT Professional) Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (RT Professional)
Configuring individual WinCC screens for Web access
1. Double-click the desired screen in the project tree. The screen is opened and the screen
properties are shown in the Inspector window.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > Web access".
3. Activate "Web access".
1. select the desired screen in the project tree.
2. Select "Web access" command in the shortcut menu.
Configuring several screens for Web access
1. Select "Screens" in the project tree.
2. Select the "Web access for all" command in the shortcut menu.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access. During compilation of the project, the
WinCC screens are adapted for access via the Intranet/Internet and published on the
WebNavigator server.
For more information, refer to "Transferring a WinCC project (Page 343)".
See also
Transferring a WinCC project (Page 343) WinCC screens as a gadget (RT Professional)
Gadget on the Web Navigator Server (RT Professional)
Using the "Preview" property, you define which screens to group in a gadget. Gadgets are mini
applications for the Windows sidebar. In order to use gadgets, a WebNavigator client must
always be installed as well on the WebNavigator server.
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336 System Manual, 12/2017
The following operating systems support gadgets:
Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded StdE 7)
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2
To configure WinCC screens as a gadget, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the desired screen in the project tree. The screen is opened and the screen
properties are shown in the Inspector window.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > Web Access".
3. Activate "Preview" and "Web access".
4. Save the WinCC project.
5. Select the "Compile > Software" command in the shortcut menu of the HMI device.
The screens are assembled for the gadget on the WebNavigator server. As soon as the project
is in runtime, the WebNavigator server generates a jpg snapshot image "pdlImage.jpg" of each
screen at cyclic intervals and in consecutive order.
The file is stored in the directory "\WinCC\Webnavigator\Server\Web\image\_gadget". The
gadget accesses this file cyclically.
Note that user interactions are not possible in the screens displayed. This includes, for
example, calls from login dialogs or notice dialogs via functions.
The following objects are not supported for the display in a gadget:
GSC diagnostics window
Media Player
The WinCC project shown in the gadget cannot be operated.
Gadget on the Web Navigator Client (RT Professional)
In order to use gadgets, a WebNavigator client must always be installed as well on the
WebNavigator server. A preconfigured gadget for displaying WinCC screens is located on the
WebNavigator client in the installation directory under "\WinCC\Webnavigator\GADGET".
The following operating systems support gadgets:
Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate, Embedded StdE 7)
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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The screens are published on the WebNavigator server and configured as "Preview".
To access the gadget with the WebNavigator client, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click on the "_WebNavigator.gadget" gadget in the installation directory under
"\WinCC\Webnavigator\GADGET". IN Windows 7 / Windows 2008, the gadget is installed
in the sidebar.
2. Define the update cycle in which the gadget loads a screen from the WebNavigator server,
every 17 seconds for example.
3. Enter the address of the WebNavigator server. The gadget establishes a connection to the
WebNavigator server.
4. If necessary, drag-and-drop the gadget onto the desktop. Configuring runtime settings (WebNavigator) (RT Professional)
You can configure the behavior in runtime in the "Runtime settings" editor.
1. Open the "Runtime Settings > Web Navigator" editor.
2. To use the "WinCC Classic" design, activate "Use "WinCC-classic" design".
3. To use your own cursor as a "View only cursor", enter the path and file name of the cursor
at "Cursor "View only". Alternatively, navigate to the file of the desired cursor using the "…"
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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4. To change the maximum number of concurrent connections, enter the desired number in
the "Count of concurrent connections" field.
5. To change the maximum number of open tabs in the browser, enter a suitable value in the
"Number of tabs per browser" field. Internet Explorer V11 supports this setting.
Server load settings
Each tab that calls the server homepage uses a license on the server PC. A connection
setting of "10" and a tab setting of "2" corresponds to 20 clients. A license for at least 20
clients must be available on the server PC.
6. Define whether the local user group is disabled on the WebNavigator Server.
7. To output an appropriate system message when a WebNavigator logs on and off, activate
"Enable event log messages".
The settings for Runtime are configured.
See also
Operating a WinCC project (Page 359)
Setting up WinCCViewerRT (Page 357) Managing users for the Web Navigator Client (RT Professional)
Administration of users for the WebNavigator client (RT Professional)
You must configure the following for each user to be logged on to the Web client (WebNavigator
or WebUX):
A start screen of your choice enabled for web access
A language of your choice
Number of reserved licenses (for WebUX)
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This allows you to make various sections of a project immediately accessible or inaccessible
for users.
New users who want to access through a Web client or a WebUX client on the system, can
only be created in the engineering system.
When you create a user in Runtime with the user view, it is not possible to assign a Web startup
screen to this user. This user is therefore not authorized to access the Web.
Neither can existing users be granted web access rights in Runtime.
The "Start" screen has been created and the web access is activate.
The selected project language is activated.
1. Double-click the "Runtime settings" editor in the project window.
2. Click "User administration".
3. In the "Users" tab, select a user for whom you want to make the settings.
4. In the Inspector window, select "Properties > Properties > Web options".
5. Under "WebNavigator settings", click the button in the "Start screen" selection list.
A dialog box for selecting the start screen opens.
6. Select the "Start" screen.
7. Close the dialog box by using the icon.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 to set a start screen for WebUX.
9. Under "Reserved number of licenses", you configure the number of reserved WebUX
licenses for the selected user using the button.
If more reserved licenses are configured than are available on the WebUX server, only the
first users listed under the user administration are taken into consideration.
If the "Use WebNavigator licenses for WebUX" option is selected, no reserved WebUX
licenses can be guaranteed.
10.To configure a language for the user, click the button under "Options" in the "Web
language" selection list.
A dialog box for selecting the language opens.
11.Select the desired language as the runtime language of the web user.
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Alternatively, you can make these settings in the shortcut menu by selecting the columns
"WebNavigator start screen", "WebUX start screen" and "Web language" and "Licenses
reserved for WebUX" and making the respective configuration.
The language setting is retained when the user becomes part of a new group. However, the
start screen is overwritten.
By default, the WebNavigator licenses are used for WebUX. If you want to use these licenses
separately, clear the "Use WebNavigator licenses for WebUX" check box under "Runtime
settings > Web access".
Administration of user groups for the WebNavigator client (RT Professional)
For each user group to be administered for web clients, you must configure the following:
A start screen of your choice enabled for web access
A language of your choice
Number of reserved licenses (for WebUX)
This allows you to make various sections of a project immediately accessible or inaccessible
for users.
The name of the user group has to be unique within the project. Otherwise the input is not
The "Start" screen has been created and the web access is activate.
The selected project language is activated.
The "Web operators" user group has been created.
1. Double-click the "Runtime settings" editor in the project window.
2. Click "User administration".
3. In the "User groups" tab, select the user group "Web operators".
4. In the Inspector window, select "Properties > Properties > Web options".
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5. Under "WebNavigator settings", click the button in the "Start screen" selection list.
A dialog box for selecting the start screen opens.
6. Select the "Start" screen for runtime.
7. Close the dialog box by using the icon.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 to set a start screen for WebUX.
9. To configure a language for the user group, click the button under "Options" in the "Web
language" selection list.
A dialog box for selecting the language opens.
10.Select the desired language as the runtime language of the user group.
Alternatively, you can make these settings in the shortcut menu by selecting the columns
"WebNavigator start screen", "WebUX start screen" and "Web language" and making the
respective configuration.
The name of the user group is language-dependent. You can specify the name in several
languages and switch between languages in runtime. Limitations (RT Professional)
You can use your projects already created with WinCC to also make them available via the
Internet/ Intranet.
Essentially, the step consists in publishing the already created WinCC screens and using user
administration to set up Web users.
The current version of the Web Navigator has a number of restrictions with regard to
functionality, and as a "thin client" solution does not support all the functions offered by a
standard WinCC basic system.
You may therefore have to check your existing WinCC projects for these restrictions and if
applicable, adapt them.
Functionality restrictions
When using non-supported functions, the user will be informed of this in Runtime with plain
text messages.
The Web Navigator Client only offers the view of a running WinCC project. A configuration
of the WinCC Server projects via the Web Navigator Client is not possible.
Only those WinCC option packages/add-ons can run on the Web Navigator Client, whose
documentation expressly states that.
Not all Runtime API functions are supported on the Web Navigator Client. A list of the
functions supported is provided in the Appendix.
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342 System Manual, 12/2017
Nearly all the PCS7 options are supported. A list of the options that are not supported is
provided in the Appendix.
The "Reports" editor is an integrated reporting system of WinCC for the time-triggered or
event-triggered documentation of alarm messages, operations and log contents. This
reporting system is not supported via the Intranet/Internet. Thus, the output of reports is,
for example, only possible on the Web Navigator Server and WinCC client.
No separate logging system is running on the Web Navigator Client. The message log and
message system can only be operated and monitored.
C functions are created and executed in the project of the WinCC server. Functions cannot
run on the Web Navigator Client.
If VB functions are used, there are only minor restrictions due to non-supported functions.
If non-supported functions are used in a VB function, an alarm is output.
Use of special characters
Depending on the language and components, only specific characters are permitted in names.
You can use all characters of the ASCII character set. Always avoid using national special
characters, such as umlauts. Avoid using special characters especially in the following cases:
In object names, if you are using object names in scripts.
In object names, if you are using object names as URL in the Web browser.
In project names and screen names, if you are using WebNavigator or WebUX.
Special characters in project names
The following special characters are not permitted in the project names:
. , ; : ! ? " '
+ = / \ @ *
[ ] { } < >
Uppercase and lowercase are relevant in the project names.
6.4.3 Transferring a WinCC project (RT Professional)
A WinCC project is configured
WebNavigator server is installed on the server PC.
The configuration PC and server PC are interconnected.
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Online transfer
Transfer the WinCC project using the command "Load to device > Software (all)". The project
is compiled prior to the download. The screens are adapted for access via Intranet/Internet
during compilation.
During the download to the server PC, the configured WinCC project is transferred and the
screens are published on the WebNavigator server. For more information, refer to "Compiling
and loading".
See also
Configuring WinCC screens for Web access (Page 336)
6.4.4 Configuring the Web Navigator Server (RT Professional) Setting up the Web Navigator Web site (RT Professional)
WinCC Web Configurator (RT Professional)
The Internet Information Service (IIS) is set up and managed with the WinCC Web Configurator.
WebNavigator Server is installed.
Internet Information Service is installed.
Starting WinCC Web Configurator:
In the Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option and Tools >
HMI Tools" > WinCC Web Configurator".
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Initial configuration with the WinCC Web Configurator
During the initial configuration, you specify whether you want to create a new default Web site
or a new virtual folder.
If you only wish to operate the WinCC WebNavigator Web site on your server, activate the
option "Create a new standard Web site (stand-alone)".
If the WinCC WebNavigator Web site is to be added as a subdirectory to your existing Web,
activate the option "Add to an existing Web site (virtual folder)".
This option is necessary if the previous default Web site must remain active or if the
operating system supports only the operation of one website.
Configuration management with the WinCC Web Configurator
If the IIS is already configured, change the settings of the existing Web server or virtual directory
with the WinCC Web Configurator.
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The Web Configurator automatically detects whether a configuration already exists. If a
configuration already exists, the dialog for changing the configuration opens.
When you delete the Web directory, restart the PC before creating a new Web directory with
the WinCC Web Configurator.
Note the following:
When you change the Web directory and your Web communication is then no longer
established, the Web Configurator attempts to automatically adjust the settings correctly.
If this does not work, delete the Web directory from the IIS. Restart the PC and create a new
Web directory with the Web Configurator.
Creating a New Standard Web site (Stand-Alone) (RT Professional)
WinCC WebNavigator is installed.
Internet Information Service is installed
WinCC Web Configurator is started
If you have any questions or experience problems with the following settings, contact your
Intranet/Internet administrator.
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Proceed as follows to create a standard Web site:
1. Select "Create a new standard Web site (stand-alone)" and click "Next".
2. Enter the name of your Web site in the "Name of the Web site" field.
3. In the "Port" field, enter the port number used for access.
4. In the "IP address" field specify whether the PC is to be reached in the Intranet, Internet or
in both networks. Only use addresses from the selection list.
If you want to make your PC accessible via the Intranet and the Internet, select "All not
5. Define the standard Web site that is displayed after selecting the Web server on the
WebNavigator Client
Starts the WinCC Navigation interface. You need the navigation interface, for example,
for download installation.
Opens the start screen configured in user administration after login.
6. Define the time interval after which the WebNavigator Clients automatically start to establish
a connection following a connection breakdown. If "0 s" is set, the "Automatic connection
establishment" function is disabled.
7. Define the way the Web site is started after configuration.
8. If you have not activated a firewall, click "Finish". If you have installed a firewall, click "Next".
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The Web directory has been created and the Web page is activated. If you have activated the
firewall, configure the firewall settings with the Web Configurator.
Creating a virtual folder (RT Professional)
Internet Information Service is installed
WinCC WebNavigator is installed.
WinCC Web Configurator is started
If you have any questions or experience problems with the following settings, contact your
Intranet/Internet administrator.
Proceed as follows to create a virtual directory:
1. Select "Add to an existing Web site (virtual folder)". Click "Browse."
2. In the following dialog, select the active Web site to which the virtual directory is to be added.
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348 System Manual, 12/2017
3. Click "OK" to close the dialog box. Click the "Next" button in the following dialog.
4. Enter the name of your Web site in the "Name of the Web site" field.
5. The WinCC Web Configurator takes the IIS settings for the port number and IP address.
6. Define the standard Web site that is displayed after selecting the Web server on the
WebNavigator Client.
Starts the WinCC Navigation interface. You need the navigation interface, for example,
for download installation.
Opens the start screen configured in user administration after logon.
7. Define the time interval after which the WebNavigator Clients automatically start to establish
a connection following a connection breakdown. If "0 s" is set, the "Automatic connection
establishment" function is disabled.
8. Define the way the Web site is started after configuration.
9. Click "Finish" to complete the configuration.
The virtual Web directory has been created and the Web site is activated. To access the Web
site, with the WebNavigator Client, add the name of the virtual Web directory to the URL, for
example http://WebServer/WebNavigator.
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No Active Website
If no active Web is found, the WinCC Web Configurator terminates with a message.
Click "OK" to close the dialog box.
To execute the Web Configurator again, first activate a Web site. For additional information,
refer to "Checking of Activated Web site". Setting up a firewall (RT Professional)
This section describes only the activation of the "HTTP" and "HTTPS" services for port 80 in
the respective operating system.
To set up the Windows firewall with advanced security, or for a different port, contact your
network administrator.
You have created a standard Web site using the Web Configurator.
The firewall is activated.
A logged on Windows user has administrator rights
To set up the firewall for a standard port, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Windows Firewall" in the "WinCC Web Configurator".
2. The "Windows Firewall" dialog will open.
3. In Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, click "Allow a program or feature through Windows
In Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016, click "Allow an app or
feature through Windows Firewall".
4. Activate "Secure WWW Services (HTTPS)" or "WWW Services (HTTP)".
5. Exit the open Windows dialogs with "OK".
6. Click "Finish" in the Web Configurator. The configuration of the server will be completed.
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350 System Manual, 12/2017 Checking the Activated Web Site (Web) (RT Professional)
Note that the operating system settings shown depend on the language set for the operating
Proceed as follows to check the activated website:
1. In the Start menu, select "Programs" > "Administrative Tools" > "Internet Services Manager".
2. Click the name of the PC in the "Connections" area.
3. Click "Default Web Site".
4. Check the information displayed for the websites. If "Stopped" is displayed next to the
desired Web site, e.g. "WebNavigator", start the Web site.
5. To start the Web site, select the "Start" command in the shortcut menu.
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6.4.5 Differences to the WinCC Basic System (RT Professional) Functional restrictions (RT Professional)
The WebNavigator has certain functional restrictions compared to the WinCC basic system.
You should therefore check your WinCC projects for these restrictions and adjust the project
settings as required.
When you use functions that are not supported in a project, corresponding messages are
generated in Runtime to draw your attention to the fact.
The following restrictions apply to the WebNavigator Client:
The client provides only a view of the running WinCC project.
It is not possible to configure the WinCC Server projects.
You can only use WinCC options and WinCC add-ons if specified explicitly in the
Not all "Runtime API functions" are supported.
The message archive and message system can only be operated and monitored.
"Alarm view" does not support the property "Loop-in alarm".
For the correct display of message blocks, the "Apply project settings" option cannot be
activated. You will find the option in the "Alarm view" Inspector window under "Properties
> Properties > Blocks".
The hotkeys configured in WinCC are not supported. Operator control using the tab key is
National special characters in names of process pictures or referenced graphics are not
supported on the Internet.
The overlap lock in process pictures is not supported.
The advanced zoom functions cannot be disabled. If you do not want to employ the zoom
functions, do not use a wheel mouse with "auto-scroll" setting on the client.
The redundancy switch is only supported on the dedicated web server.
See also
Using Scripts (Page 353)
Using tags (Page 355)
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352 System Manual, 12/2017 Using Scripts (RT Professional)
Scripts running exclusively for the WebNavigator
In order to execute scripts only for the WebNavigator, use the pre-processor definition
"RUN_ON_WEBNAVIGATOR" in the script. For example:
void OnOpenPicture (char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName)
// Code used for WebNavigator
// Code used for WinCC without WebNavigator
Visual Basic Script
There are only slight restrictions imposed by unsupported functions when VBS is used. A list
of these functions is available at "Unsupported functions (Page 309)".
Global user-defined functions
You configure the functions on the WinCC server in the server project.
Global functions cannot run on the WebNavigator client. Global functions on the server are
User-defined functions may contain unsupported functions and in this case cannot run on the
WebNavigator client. Check and correct the scripts, if necessary. Insert the following condition,
for example: "#ifdef RUN_ON_WEBNAVIGATOR".
Functions with a tag trigger
The WebNavigator queries tags at cyclic intervals of "1 second". The update cycle of trigger
tag "upon change" is also one second.
This can temporarily result in an increased communication load. Take into account the
increased load if communication is run at full capacity.
If additional tags are requested in tag-triggered functions and their names are generated with
string functions, for example, unknown tags can only be read synchronously. Enter the tag
names you are using in the trigger list in order to avoid extended selection times.
Functions for picture selection and deselection
In contrast to the basic system, a picture is downloaded in asynchronous mode when
WebNavigator is used. Account for this fact when using scripts that contain picture changes.
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If picture selection is triggered for a picture window within a function, objects of the new picture
cannot subsequently be accessed from within that function. The picture is not yet loaded at
this time. A time delay such as "Sleep(2000)" does not help as the function and Internet
Explorer wait. Execute the subsequent parts of the function in the "OpenPicture" function,
which is triggered once the picture is loaded.
If you call further functions following picture selection in a function, the functions will be
executed with error or not at all. The picture context is lost due to the picture deselection.
Synchronous functions
Synchronous functions produce a very high system load.
You should therefore not use the "SetTagxxx" function in cyclic functions. The server will be
overloaded when many clients call the "SetTagxxx" functions in a fast cycle, e.g. 1 sec or less.
Note that the following function calls are sent to the server synchronously:
Functions that write a tag in synchronous mode and then wait for the result, e.g. "xxxWait"
C-API calls
Frequent use of these functions reduces the performance of the WebNavigator client. In the
case of an Internet connection, the duration of these calls may even be in the seconds range.
Script functions that manipulate the objects in the displayed picture are of no concern since
no data traffic takes place between the client and server.
Nested picture technique and cyclic functions
Many synchronous calls in a picture may reduce performance, for example, in the following
More than ten windows are configured in a picture window.
Cyclic functions are used in the windows with synchronous calls, for example "SetTagxxx".
Timeouts may mean that some functions cannot be executed.
The following elements are supported in a window:
16 windows with cyclic functions.
31 windows without cyclic functions.
See also
Functional restrictions (Page 352)
Using tags (Page 355)
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354 System Manual, 12/2017 Using tags (RT Professional)
Computer-local tags
The WebNavigator Client supports computer-local tags with the following restrictions:
When a dedicated web server is used, only the computer-local tags of that server are
available on the client. The tags on the client cannot assume their own values.
Computer-local tags of the subordinate WinCC servers cannot have their own values on
the client.
The start value of computer-local text tags can only contain characters that are allowed in
tag names. If the start value of a text tag contains a colon, for example, the tag is not
recognized on the client.
Computer-local tags are not supported on the client when User Archives are used, because
User Archives can only identify the local tags of the server, but not the tags of the
WebNavigator Client.
Defining the local picture function tag
Do not use WinCC tags for the WebNavigator if picture-specific data is saved in functions.
The reading or writing of data in scripts always generates data traffic to the server. This places
a load on the communication.
You can save picture-specific data as follows:
Configure "hidden" graphic objects so that you can use their properties as picture-specific
tags. Actions are executed at the object properties upon changes to the stored values.
You have created the hidden "static text" object, for example. The "Text" property is used
to store any texts, while the color properties are used to store any colors. The properties
are read and written using functions. These properties affect the status of the picture without
a round trip to the server being required.
See also
Functional restrictions (Page 352)
Using Scripts (Page 353)
6.4.6 Functions (RT Professional) WaitForDocumentReady (RT Professional)
The function checks whether a picture is loaded in the specified picture window.
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A difference must be made in the scripts of process pictures or project functions between the
runtime environment of WinCC and of the WebNavigator Client. The following Compiler
commands exist to this purpose:
This allows you to distinguish between WinCC and the WebNavigator Client in your
configuration as follows:
Script delay with "WaitForDocumentReady"
Differing picture addressing
Different function names for control system functions
Functions that are not supported on the WebNavigator Client
Syntax in ANSI-C
int WaitForDocumentReady(LPCSTR lpszPictureWindow)
Pointer to the name of the picture window that is opened in the WebNavigator Client.
The following addressing syntax is possible:
Picture window "xxx" in the current screen: ./xxx
Picture window "yyy" in the child screen "xxx”: ./xxx/yyy
Picture window "xxx" in the parent screen: ../xxx
Picture window "xxx" in the parent picture of the parent screen: ../../xxx
Absolute path compatible with WinCC
Return value
Value Explanation
TRUE 0 The picture window has been found and the status checked.
FALSE -1 The picture window has not been found.
Example of ANSI-C
SetPropChar("../", "View", "PictureName", szViewName);
SetPropChar(lpszParent, "View", "PictureName", szViewName);
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356 System Manual, 12/2017
The syntax of the code section for WebNavigator is not checked during compilation of the
WinCC script and is checked only when the pictures are published.
6.5 Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional)
6.5.1 Operating projects using WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional) Setting up WinCCViewerRT (RT Professional)
On the server PC
The WebNavigator server is installed.
A license key is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access and published.
On the client PC
WebNavigator client is installed.
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Set up WinCCViewerRT as follows:
1. In the Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option and Tools
> HMI Tools" > WinCCViewerRT".
2. Enter the logon data in the "General" tab:
Server address: http://<server name>, or http://<IP address>
User name and password
3. In the "Parameters" tab, specify the Runtime language and whether to disable keystrokes
that the operator uses to change to other programs.
4. Define the WinCC Runtime Professional properties in the "Graphics Runtime" tab:
Start screen
Configuration file for screen navigation
Window attributes
Illegal user actions
5. Specify additional user actions on the "Runtime" tab:
Automatic logout
Enable screen keyboard.
Use <Ctrl+Alt+Del> to switch to the Task Manager and to the operating system. This
setting is only valid for the on-screen keyboard.
Open the "WinCCRTViewer" by means of keystroke.
You can change the default keystroke <Ctrl+Alt+P>.
6. Close the dialog with "OK".
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WinCCViewerRT is configured. When the dialog is closed, the connection to the WebNavigator
server is established. The settings are saved to the configuration file "WinCCViewerRT.xml".
The settings in the configuration file are used at the next start of WinCCViewerRT.
The configuration file is stored in the directory "C:\Users\<User name>\Appdata\LocalLow
\Siemens\SIMATIC.WinCC\WebNavigator\Client" . Under <User name>, enter the name of
the user logged-on when the file is created. This allows different configurations to be used,
depending on the logged on user. WinCCViewerRT applies the interface language from
WinCCViewerRT.xml Renaming or removing
When you rename or remove the file WinCCViewerRT.xml, the configuration dialog of
WinCCViewerRT is opened during the start. Reconfigure WinCCViewerRT, or select a different
configuration file.
See also
Configuring runtime settings (WebNavigator) (Page 338) Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional)
On the server PC:
The "WinCC WebNavigator license is installed.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access and published.
A user is created in WinCC.
On the client PC
WinCCViewerRT is configured.
To view screens, proceed as follows:
1. In the Start menu, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Option and Tools
> HMI Tools" > WinCCViewerRT".
2. Log on to the WebNavigator server:
If the user and password are configured in "WinCCViewerRT", no logon dialog displayed.
If no user and password was configured in "WinCCViewerRT", the logon dialog
displayed. Enter the user name and the password of the WinCC user. Click "OK".
3. Press the <Ctrl+Alt+P> keystroke to change the user. The "WinCCViewerRT" dialog opens.
Enter the user name and password on the General" tab.
You can also select the xml file that contains this data.
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WinCCViewerRT connects to the selected WinCC project. The start screen configured for the
user is displayed. Users can operate and monitor the project, depending on their authorizations.
If the user is assigned the authorization no. 1002 "Web access - view only", he/she can only
view the project.
The cursor is a "View only cursor" and indicates that process-related operations are not
Certain operations are still possible, such as opening the properties dialog of an online trend
If necessary, you can use your own cursor symbol as a "View only cursor". You can find more
detailed information on this under "Configuring runtime settings (WebNavigator) (Page 338)".
See also
Configuring runtime settings (WebNavigator) (Page 338)
6.5.2 Operating projects in Internet Explorer (RT Professional) Operating a WinCC project (RT Professional)
WebNavigator client is installed.
A user for the WebNavigator Client has been created.
Internet Explorer as of V11
To operate the WinCC project, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the address of the WebNavigator Server in the address bar of Internet Explorer:
Standard website: "http://servername"
Web site in the virtual directory: "http://servername"
2. Confirm your entry
3. Enter the user name and the password. Confirm your entry.
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The standard Web site is displayed. The appearance depends on the configuration.
If "WebClient.asp" is set, the WebNavigator Client starts with the start screen defined in user
administration. For more information, refer to "Managing users for the Web Navigator Client
(Page 339)".
If "MainControl.asp" is set, the WebNavigator client starts with the Web navigation interface.
For more information, refer to "Working with the Web navigation interface (Page 362)".
See also
Managing users for the Web Navigator Client (Page 339)
Working with the Web navigation interface (Page 362)
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 361 Working with the Web navigation interface (RT Professional)
Structure (RT Professional)
Navigation interface menu
The Web Navigation interface combines various Web functions. The various functions are
grouped in menus.
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"Change Server" menu:
Switch to a different WebNavigator server or Sm@rtServer.
Menu of the current server:
Screens: Display or screen navigation of the current WebNavigator Server.
Report tools: Installed tools such as "DataWorkbook" for the display and analysis of
current process values and historic data.
Analysis tools: Installed tools such as "Dat@View" for the display of log data in tables
and trends.
Diagnostics tools: Status.html for diagnosing the WinCC project and the connection to
the Web Navigation server.
Additional tools: This can be expanded by the user.
Download area:
The plug-ins which are stored on the WebNavigator Server in the directory "Install /
Customize" are available, e.g download of add-ons for WebNavigator.
"Settings" menu:
Settings for the WebNavigator Client e.g. adaptation of size of screens
"Current" menu:
Links to Web pages, such as "SIMATIC HMI", "WinCC" or "WinCC flexible".
The contents of the websites under "News" can be displayed based on the settings both in
a new window as well as in an window already open in Internet Explorer. You can make
the settings for opening new pages in the Internet Explorer or in your operating system.
"Language" menu:
Changing the language of the navigation interface. The standard version of the program
includes five languages.
Functions (RT Professional)
User logon
When logging onto the WebNavigator server, the user can determine - through the address
entered in Internet Explorer - whether he logs on via the Web navigation interface or the start
page configured in the WinCC project.
The address "http://<server_name>/webnavigator" opens the start page configured in the
User Administrator following the logon.
The address "http://<server_name>/webnavigator/maincontrol.asp" starts the Web
navigation interface.
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Change of the Server
A different server can be selected via the menu command "Change Server". Enter the address
of the new WebNavigator server in the upper input box. Examples of possible input formats
are described under "User Logon".
In the lower field, a symbolic name can be entered, which is shown in the menu as the current
WebNavigator server. If the name is not specified, the address of the WebNavigator server is
Expansion Options
The menu of the navigation interface can be expanded by additional menu entries and
functions, for example, depending on the operational area. Extensions are configured in an
XML file for this purpose. The XML file is saved on the WebNavigator server in the subdirectory
"_custom_data". Further information is available in the topic "Extending the Web Navigation
User Interface".
The menu command "Additional tools" can be expanded by the user to provide additional tools
on the WebNavigator client.
The "Download Plug-Ins" menu command provides plug-ins that have been stored on the
WebNavigator server in the folder "Install/Customize". In order to display the version name of
a plug-in, it must have been assigned the format "Vxx.xx.xx.xx" or "xx.xx.xx.xx".
Adjustment of language options may be facilitated by adjusting the "Menu.xml" file. The
languages are stored as CSV files on the WebNavigator server in the folder "_languages /
<language_identifier>". When adding, these language files have to be referenced in the file
"maincontrol.asp". Diagnosis of the Connections with "Status.html" (RT Professional)
You can call up status information via the WebNavigator server and the WebNavigator clients
from a WebNavigator server or any WebNavigator client. The status information will provide
information about which users access the WebNavigator server by which Web Navigator
Access to this page is restricted to the users created in the "User Management" by WinCC.
User is created in user administration.
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Display "Status.html"
To view the "Status.html" diagnostic site, enter the appropriate address of the WinCC server
on which WinCC Runtime runs in the address line:
Standard Web site: ""
Web site in the virtual directory: ""
Log in with your WinCC user name and password.
Status information
The status information is displayed in blocks within the HTML page. There is one information
block for the WebNavigator server and one information block for each connected
WebNavigator client. The information is only displayed in English.
Time specification is in UTC (i.e. minus one hour to CET; minus 2 hours to CEST).
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Structure of the Information Block of the WebNavigator server
Field Description
Server Version Displays the version number of the WebNavigator server (build
Server File Date reserved
License Count Displays the number of licenses
Runtime Mode Displays the status of Runtime, e.g. activated
Last Update Date and time of the last refresh of the display
Connected WebNavigator client Number of connected WebNavigator clients
Connected diagnostic clients Number of connected diagnostic clients
Connected DataMonitor clients Number of connected DataMonitor clients
Structure of the information blocks of the Web Navigator clients
Below the caption "Logged on Users:", the information blocks of the connected clients are
listed. Each block has the name of the client as a header.
Field Description
Login Login name of the current user
Time Login time of the current user or also time of the most recent automatic
Type Type of WebNavigator client, such as Default, Demo, View Only
PID Process ID of instance of WebNavigatorRT.exe on the WebNavigator
server communicating with this WebNavigator client.
Save status information
The displayed status information can be saved. To do this, use the "Save As" menu command
in Internet Explorer and select "(*.txt)" as the file type.
If "(*.htm, *.html)" are selected, the contents displayed are not saved.
6.5.3 Use the "Hardcopy" function (RT Professional)
On the WebNavigator client it is possible to generate a hardcopy of the entire screen, of a
section, or of the active window.
The hardcopy is output to the default printer by executing the "PrtScr.exe" application.
WebNavigator client is installed.
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Starting the hardcopy application
The program is started on the WebNavigator client, for example, using the command input
line, or a user-defined function.
The application is saved to the folder "...\Common Files\Siemens\BIN\". The hardcopy is
triggered depending on the parameters used.
Examples of the command line
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Siemens\BIN\PrtScr.exe" –infinit –hotkey="<ALT>+p"
Starts PrtScr.exe and waits for the <ALT>+p keystroke. The entire screen is printed when you
press the keystroke.
Parameters Function
-infinit Used as parameter for launching PrtScr.exe on a system without WinCC.
Always use the parameter in combination with "hotkey".
The print keystroke and output parameters are not determined in the
WinCC project. They are transferred instead via command line input. The
PrtScr.exe application is started and waits for the input of the print key‐
stroke. The parameters were transferred once during startup. To edit these
parameters close the PrtScr.exe application. Change the parameters and
then restart PrtScr.exe .
-end terminates an active instance of PrtScr.exe
-hardcopy Starts PrtScr.exe, directly initiates a hard copy, and then waits for the key‐
Always use the parameters in combination with "infinit" and "hotkey".
-nomcp Starts PrtScr.exe , creates the hardcopy, and closes PrtScr.exe.
/C= left;top;right;bottom Starts PrtScr, directly triggers a hardcopy of the specified screen area, and
then ends PrtScr.exe (
-l Prints in landscape format.
-hotkey="x" Specifies the keystroke.
Valid characters and combinations:
<ALT>, <SHIFT>,<CTRL> + {0-9, A-Z, 0xXX}
The hexadecimal notation "0xXX" can be used to specify the "Virtual Key
Code". For more information on "Virtual-Key Codes", refer to the MSDN
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6.6 Setting up terminal services for Web Navigator (RT Professional)
6.6.1 Communication Using Terminal Services (RT Professional)
Communication by means of terminal services
To use the WebNavigator Client as a terminal client, do not use a proxy server between the
terminal server and WebNavigator Server.
If the terminal server and WebNavigator Server are not installed on the same PC, the
WebNavigator Client cannot access the Web Navigation server via the terminal services.
This problem can be solved in various ways:
A minimal installation of WinCC without licenses is installed on the terminal server.
After installing the WebNavigator Client, the file "CCEClient_service.vbs" is executed once
on the terminal server. The file is located on the WebNavigator product DVD in the
"\WebNavigator" directory. The Windows user right "Administrators" is required to execute
the VBS file.
Access from the WebNavigator Client and WinCC clients to the WebNavigator Server
If a WebNavigator Client and a WinCC client access the WebNavigator Server, via terminal
services in the former case, the WebNavigator Client, as a terminal client, may not open a
Windows Desktop in its session.
The following options are available to ensure the Windows desktop is not opened on the
WebNavigator Client when beginning a session:
Direct entry in the terminal services configuration for all users.
Enter Internet Explorer as the start program in computer management for individual users.
For more information, refer to the FAQs on the Internet, contribution ID 17498344.
6.6.2 Activating terminal services on the Windows server (RT Professional)
Windows user with administrator rights
Windows 2008 Server, Windows Server 2012
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
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368 System Manual, 12/2017
Proceed as follows to activate terminal services:
1. Open Control Panel and double-click "Software".
2. Open the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog and click "Add or Remove Windows
Components". The "Windows Components Wizard" opens.
3. Activate "Terminal server" and "Terminal server licensing".
4. Click "Next". Follow the instructions.
Activate the terminal services on the server PC before you install the actual applications.
Install the applications on the server PC via the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog of the
Control Panel. If you install the application via the Control Panel, the application can be
configured for all users. Otherwise, the application can only be used for the user who
installed the application.
6.6.3 Setting Up a User with Access Rights to the Terminal Server (RT Professional)
The terminal server is installed.
To set up a user for access to the terminal server, proceed as follows:
1. Go to "Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users and
2. Select "New User" from the "Users" shortcut menu. The "New User" dialog is opened.
3. Click the "User" icon. Double-click the corresponding user. The user properties dialog
4. Click the "Member of" tab. Click "Add". The "Select Group" dialog opens.
5. Add the group "Remote Desktop Users". Click "OK" to close all the open dialogs.
6. Check the membership of the new user in other groups. If required, add the user to a
corresponding group to ensure that the user is assigned the necessary user rights.
7. Close "Computer Management".
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6.6.4 Starting the Terminal Server Application on the Terminal Client (RT Professional)
The terminal service on the Windows server is started.
A user is set up for access to the terminal server.
To start an application on the terminal server from the terminal client, proceed as follows:
1. On the terminal client, from the Start menu select the menu command "Programs" >
Accessories > Communication > Remote Desktop Connection". The "Remote Desktop
Connection" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the terminal server.
3. Click the "Connect" button. Log on as the user who was created for access to the terminal
The connection is now established. The desktop of the terminal server is displayed. On the
terminal server, start an application, e.g. the Web Navigator Client via Internet Explorer.
6.7 Troubleshooting (RT Professional)
No communication between Web Navigator server and client
If a provider (participating proxy, firewall) has activated Content Filtering for an Internet
connection, Web Navigator communication is no longer possible. With content filtering, only
certain contents of HTML pages are permitted. The communication is directed via a defined
port to a certain IP address, e.g. of the WinCC server.
You have to deactivate Smart Filtering for the IP address of the Web Navigator Server - as
there are no viruses or HTML contents on the WinCC Server, filtering is not useful in this
If the customer uses SSL technology, the data is transferred in encrypted form. Smart
Filtering for content is therefore not possible.
Connection Abort
In an Internet environment, aborted connections, delays and communication fluctuations may
If the communication between the Web Navigator Client and Web Navigator Server is defect,
the user receives an alarm on the Web Navigator Client.
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.7 Troubleshooting (RT Professional)
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370 System Manual, 12/2017
The WebNavigator Client then automatically tries to establish a connection in order to restore
the connection.
The delay between attempts to establish a connection can be configured with the Web
Configurator. If the value "0" is set, the Web Navigator Client does not attempt to reconnect
automatically. In this case a message appears on the web client asking you whether the
connection is to be reestablished.
Confirm this query to reestablish the connection.
No Screens are Displayed
Make sure the correct Web site is activated on the PC running the Web Navigator Server.
Wrong Start Screen
You have edited a new screen in the "Screens" editor.
Compile and load the screen on the server PC.
Delete the temporary Internet files in the Internet Explorer via "Tools" > "Internet Options".
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.7 Troubleshooting (RT Professional)
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System Manual, 12/2017 371
WinCC WebNavigator (RT Professional)
6.7 Troubleshooting (RT Professional)
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372 System Manual, 12/2017
Web UX 7
7.1 WebUX - Overview
WebUX provides a solution for device-independent and browser-independent operator control
and monitoring of the automation system.
In the interests of process reliability, only HTTPS connections with SSL certificates are
The Web technology used leads to restrictions compared to the TIA Portal. You can find
additional information in Supported functions (Page 384)
Distinction WebUX - WebNavigator
WebUX WebNavigator
Based on generally established Web standards Based on ActiveX technology from Microsoft
Can be used regardless of browser. Only supports Microsoft Internet Explorer
Runs on a wide variety of devices, regardless of
operating system, for example on tablets, PCs and
smart phones.
Runs only on Windows computers.
Does not require a client installation. Requires a client installation.
Default user rights are sufficient Requires administrative rights to install.
Visualization in WebUX
Supported screen objects are displayed in the Web browser with the "HTML5" and "SVG"
The graphic elements are created with SVG elements.
The dynamic updating of the process picture is performed via a permanent connection
between the browser and server.
Browser-dependent representation
Minor differences in display and behavior are possible for the different browser versions.
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 373
Working with WebUX
Carry out the following steps to use WebUX:
1. Installing WinCC and WinCC/WebUX on the WebUX server. (Page 379)
2. Set up a WebUX Website. (Page 381)
3. Configure a project for WebUX. (Page 393)
4. Create users and user groups for WebUX. (Page 393)
5. Access the WebUX server with the terminal device. (Page 395)
Performance data
The performance of the WebUX system depends on the employed hardware of the WebUX
server and the volume of graphic objects and scripts.
As a typical scenario, we tested the simultaneous access of 100 WebUX clients to one WebUX
Screen change in Runtime
The performance on a WebUX client basically corresponds to the behavior on a WinCC client.
However, the load times during picture changes on a WebUX client are influenced by the
following factors:
Number of WebUX clients that access the WebUX server simultaneously
Performance of the WebUX clients
Utilized browser
Depending on the browser, the picture setup time can vary by several seconds.
Number of scripts in the process pictures
Unlike with WinCC clients, all scripts are executed on the WebUX server.
Number of graphic objects in the process pictures
Type of graphic objects in the process pictures
Web Controls can prolong the loading time.
Loss of connection as a result of performance load
A high performance load can result in a timeout. This cancels the WebUX client connection to
the WebUX server.
Migration (as of V14)
WebUX is supported for migration from WinCC V7.3.
Web UX
7.1 WebUX - Overview
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
374 System Manual, 12/2017
See also
Configuring the WebUX website (Page 381)
Installing the WebUX server (Page 379)
How to use WebUX (Page 395)
Basics (Page 393)
Supported functions (Page 384)
Configuring a project for WebUX (Page 393)
7.2 Installing Web UX
7.2.1 Licensing
The WinCC/WebUX basic package with an integrated WinCC WebUX Monitor license is
included in WinCC.
WebUX client
The WebUX clients are licensed on the WebUX server.
No license is required for the WebUX client on the computer.
WebUX server
The WebUX server is installed on a WinCC system. The WinCC basic system requires at least
the WinCC Runtime Professional license.
The license keys are differentiated as described below and run in parallel on the WinCC/
WebUX server:
License Function Remarks
WinCC WebUX Moni‐
The user has only
read access.
The user has the authorization level "Web access - mon‐
itoring only".
If the available "Monitor" licenses have been allocated,
an "Operate" license or a WebNavigator license can al‐
so be allocated to a WebUX client for read access.
WinCC WebUX Oper‐
User has read and
write access
If the available "Operate" licenses have been allocated,
a WebNavigator license can also be allocated to a We‐
bUX client for read or write access.
WinCC/WebNavigator The user's authori‐
zations determine
whether write ac‐
cess is possible in
addition to read ac‐
If a WinCC/WebNavigator license is also installed in the
WinCC system, the WebNavigator license can also be
allocated to a WebUX client.
First, however, all available WebUX licenses are used.
The license packages are available with 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100 clients.
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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System Manual, 12/2017 375
If the number of licensed clients is exceeded during the logon attempt by a WebUX client, no
further logon is permitted.
The packages are version-independent and can be combined.
By default, the WebNavigator licenses are used for WebUX. If you want to use these licenses
separately, clear the "Use WebNavigator licenses for WebUX" check box under "Runtime
settings > Web access".
Reserved license
A reserved WebUX license always gives the user guaranteed access to the WebUX server.
A connection remains reserved for the user. The number of freely available WebUX licenses
is reduced by each configured reserved license.
If the "Use WebNavigator licenses for WebUX" option is selected, no reserved WebUX licenses
can be guaranteed.
Possible applications include:
Remote operator access:
If the connections to the WebUX server are occupied by read-only access, a connection
remains reserved for operation.
Remote maintenance:
Several different plants are accessed for service and maintenance one after another with
the reserved license.
Central maintenance:
Reserved licenses are used for simultaneous access to multiple servers.
Central display:
Central client stations are always connected, for example to display the status of the plant.
Reserve WebUX license
You assign one of the available licenses to a WebUX user as a reserved license under
"Runtime settings > Web Navigator".
To do so, enable the option "Reserve WebUX license" for a selected user. The "Number of
reserved licenses" field shows how many WebUX licenses are reserved.
Reserved WebUX licenses can only be configured for individual users and not for user groups.
If more reserved licenses are configured than are available on the WebUX server, the licenses
are assigned to the first users to log on.
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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376 System Manual, 12/2017
7.2.2 Software and hardware requirements
Software requirements
Certain requirements concerning operating system and software configuration must be met
for the installation.
WebUX server: Operating system
Software Configuration Remarks
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Enterprise Service Pack 1
Ultimate Service Pack 1
Standard installation
Only a limited number of connections is possible.
Windows 10 Professional 1703
Enterprise 1703
Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Standard installation
Only a limited number of connections is possible.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 64-bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit
Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit
Additional software requirements
Version / setting Relevant for Remarks
Web browser The browser must support
WebUX client /
WebUX can be used with any browser.
TIA Portal version V15 WebUX server The WebUX server is supported as an op‐
tion as of V14.
SIMATIC Logon ver‐
sion (optional)
SIMATIC Logon V1.5 SP3 WebUX server Only relevant if you are using SIMATIC Log‐
on for central user administration.
User rights for installa‐
Administrator rights WebUX server Required rights for installing the WebUX
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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System Manual, 12/2017 377
Version / setting Relevant for Remarks
User rights for opera‐
Default user rights WebUX client
WebUX server
Required rights on the WebUX server and
WebUX client.
Microsoft Internet Infor‐
mation Service (IIS)
WWW Services > Common
HTTP Features:
HTTP error
HTTP redirect
Default document
Static content
WWW Services > Performance
Compression of dynamic
Compression of static content
WWW Services > Application De‐
velopment Features (only for Win‐
dows Server 2012, Windows
Server 2016):
WebSocket protocol
WebUX server The WebUX server requires the Microsoft
Internet Information Service (IIS).
Enable the settings listed for the IIS.
WebUX client (terminal)
On a terminal device that accesses the WebUX server, you only require an HTML5-compatible
Web browser, for example Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.
Installation sequence for the WebUX server
Follow the installation sequence below when you install a WebUX server on a PC:
1. Install the Internet Information Service (IIS).
You can find additional information at: Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS
connections (Page 382)
2. Install the WebUX server.
To install the WebUX server, you also need to install WinCC Runtime Professional.
Microsoft SQL Server is automatically installed.
See also
Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections (Page 382)
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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378 System Manual, 12/2017
7.2.3 Installing the WebUX server
Local administrator rights
Internet Information Service is installed.
1. Insert the installation disk into the appropriate drive.
Setup runs automatically unless you have disabled autostart on the PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking
the "Start.exe" file.
The dialog to select the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or
"Installation Notes" button.
The corresponding help file opens with instructions.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the selection of product languages opens.
6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click the "Next" button. The dialog
for selecting the product configuration opens.
"English" is always installed as the basic product language.
7. Select the following components for installation:
SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Professional V15
8. Choose whether you want a desktop shortcut to be created, and select a different
destination directory for the installation if needed. Note that the length of the installation
path must not exceed 89 characters.
9. Click the "Next" button.
The dialog for the licensing conditions opens.
10.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next".
In the event that the security and permission settings need to be changed for the installation,
the dialog for the security settings opens.
11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings,
and click the "Next" button.
12.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back"
button until you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you
have completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking "Next".
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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System Manual, 12/2017 379
13.Click the "Install" button.
The installation begins.
If no license key is found during installation, you have the chance to transfer it to your PC.
If you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License
If the installation was successful, a message to this effect is displayed on the screen. If
errors occurred during installation, an error message is displayed informing you of the type
of errors.
14.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
"WinCC WebUX Configurator" is started automatically when the system is restarted.
You can also start the "WinCC WebUX Configurator" manually with Options and Tools > HMI
Tools > SCADA WebUX Configuration manager.
WinCC Runtime Professional and the WebUX server are installed.
See also
WebUX - Overview (Page 373)
7.2.4 WebUX Configurator
Configure the WebUX Website on the WebUX server and the connection via HTTPS to
communicate with the WebUX clients. The WinCC WebUX Configurator provides assistance.
Once WinCC Runtime Professional and WebUX are installed, the WinCC WebUX Configurator
To make changes later, you can find the WinCC WebUX Configurator in the "Siemens
Automation" program group:
Options and Tools > HMI Tools > SCADA WebUX Configuration manager
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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380 System Manual, 12/2017
The WebUX Configurator is used to set up the standard configuration for using WebUX:
Configuration of the Microsoft Internet Information Service
Settings of the Web server
SSL certificate for HTTPS connections
Virtual folder
Read the information about digital certificates at:
Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections (Page 382)
During the course of initial configuration, you specify whether you wish to create a new default
Website or a new virtual directory.
If you set up the Website as a virtual folder, there must already be at least one Website on the
PC with SSL encryption enabled. The Websites that meet this criterion are shown in the "Select
the higher level website" selection list. When you select one of these Websites, the WebUX
Configurator takes the port number and the SSL settings from the settings of the IIS.
For accessing the Website with a terminal device, you need to add the name of the virtual
directory to the URL in the browser.
See also
Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections (Page 382)
Configuring the WebUX website (Page 381)
7.2.5 Configuring the WebUX website
For communication with the WebUX clients, you configure the WebUX Website and connection
over HTTPS on the WebUX server using the WinCC WebUX Configurator (Page 380).
Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) is installed.
WinCC Runtime Professional is installed.
The "WinCC WebUX" program package is installed.
The "WinCC WebUX" license is installed.
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 381
Once WinCC Runtime Professional and WebUX are installed, the WinCC WebUX Configurator
will open after a PC restart.
1. Click "Apply configuration".
The standard configuration is set up.
The "IIS configuration" dialog opens.
2. Enter a name for the Website.
3. If you only operate the WebUX Web page on the server, select the "Create a new website"
If you work with virtual folders, proceed to step 6.
4. Enter the number of the port used for access in the "Port" field.
The HTTPS standard port "443" is set by default.
If you select a different port number, the address must be adapted on the WebUX client:
When logging on to the terminal, this number is added into the browser address bar after
the server name.
5. Select the settings for the digital certificate of the server.
6. If you set up the Website as a virtual directory, select a higher level Website.
The WebUX Configurator takes the port number and the SSL settings from the IIS settings.
7. Confirm with "OK".
8. When the configuration has been set up, click "Exit".
9. Restart the computer.
The WebUX server has been configured and the WebUX Website set up.
The WinCC project must be activated in Runtime in order to access the WebUX server.
See also
WebUX - Overview (Page 373)
Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections (Page 382)
7.2.6 Communication: SSL certificate for HTTPS connections
To improve the security of your communication, WebUX only supports HTTPS connections.
You need a digital SSL certificate for the WebUX server.
You can find more information in the Microsoft Support under "How to Set Up an HTTPS
Service in IIS":
Configuring the WebUX website (Page 381)
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
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382 System Manual, 12/2017
Protecting the infrastructure
Setting up a Web server could allow access to your plant infrastructure.
Therefore, protect the computer on which the Web server is installed. Make sure that the
following rules are followed:
The computer is only accessible via secure connections.
The check mechanisms provided by software vendors are activated and are not bypassed
under any circumstances.
Install a SSL certificate
You have the following options when setting up the WebUX Website:
Select an existing certificate
Create self-signed certificates:
Install a certificate after setting it up
Creating a new certificate
1. Activate the "Create a new certificate" option.
2. Enter a name of your choice.
When the configuration is completed, a self-signed certificate is created. The certificate is valid
for one year.
Restricted authentication
The certificates that you create when you configure the WebUX Website itself are not verified
by an official certification body. Depending on your browser settings, a warning message is
displayed when you access the Website.
To better secure the server authentication, install the certificate of an official certification body.
See also
WebUX Configurator (Page 380)
Software and hardware requirements (Page 377)
Configuring the WebUX website (Page 381)
Web UX
7.2 Installing Web UX
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 383
7.3 Supported functions
7.3.1 Functions supported in WebUX
Restrictions compared to WinCC Runtime Professional
The following restrictions apply compared to the functional scope of WinCC Runtime
Touch operation is not optimized.
You can, however, use all the touch gestures that are supported by WinCC Runtime
Design settings are not supported.
Please note that the standard design is selected by default in WinCC projects.
Not all elements and controls or their properties are supported, for example the system
diagnostics view and user display are not supported.
(For details, see "Supported functions: Screen objects (Page 384)")
No faceplates are supported.
Dynamization (for details, see "Supported functions: Dynamization (Page 390)"):
Global script: C scripting is not supported.
Global script: VB scripting is supported with certain restrictions.
Simulation only works if Runtime Professional and WebUX are also installed and WebUX
is configured in the Engineering System. Otherwise, WebUX simulation is not possible.
All unsupported objects are hidden in WebUX.
If unsupported objects are used, warnings are output on the "Info" tab in the Inspector window
during compilation.
If you do not want to display the WebUX warnings, they can be hidden. Go to "Runtime settings
> Compiler options" and select the "Hide WebUX warnings" check box.
See also
Supported functions: Screen objects (Page 384)
Supported functions: Dynamization (Page 390)
7.3.2 Supported functions: Screen objects
WebUX supports most of the screen objects.
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
384 System Manual, 12/2017
Restrictions for all screen objects
The following restrictions apply to all screen objects in WebUX:
Object events are not supported for controls.
The print function is not supported.
The central color palette and design settings are not supported.
The configured colors are displayed instead.
"Tooltip text" is not supported for grouped objects.
The ends of the lines do not flash.
Screen or background screen: the graphics formats TIF(F), EMF, WMF and ICO are not
supported. The formats JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and SVG can be used.
The shadow is not sketched.
Styles are not supported.
The following object properties are not supported:
Object property OLE Automation Name Comment
Languages configured DataLanguage
Draw inside frame DrawInsideFrame The border lines are always
drawn inside the frame.
Global color scheme GlobalColorScheme
Global shadow GlobalShadow The shadow is not sketched.
Server name ServerName
Windows style WindowsStyle Instead, the object is displayed
according to your settings.
Supported screen objects
The following table shows the availability of basic objects in WebUX:
Basic objects WebUX Unsupported properties 1)
All objects except "Connec‐
Yes See "Restrictions for all screen objects"
Connector No For dynamized objects that are connected over the "Con‐
nector" object, dynamization is not displayed over WebUX.
The connector is treated like the static object "Line". The
ends of a line cannot have different designs.
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 385
The following table shows the availability of elements in WebUX:
Elements ActiveX control WebUX control We‐
Unsupported properties 1)
I/O field - Yes Unit
Clear on new input (Internet Explorer only)
Accept on full input
Clear on invalid input
Cursor control
Button - Yes
Round button - Yes
Symbolic I/O field - Yes Dynamization of the property "TextList"
Graphic I/O field - Yes
Bar - Yes
Symbol library - No
Slider Slider Control Slider Web Control Yes Object events
Scroll bar - Yes
Check box - Yes
Option button - Yes
Gauge Gauge Control Gauge Web Con‐
Yes Object events
Clock Clock Control Digital/Analog
Web Clock Control
Yes Object events
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
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386 System Manual, 12/2017
The following table shows the availability of controls in WebUX:
Controls ActiveX control WebUX control WebUX Unsupported properties1)
All controls Object events
Picture window Yes Foreground
Scaling factor
Window mode
Monitor number
Independent window
Menu/Toolbar Configuration
f(t) trend view OnlineTrendCon‐
OnlineTrend Web
Yes Object events
Export of Runtime data
Online configuration in Runtime
Operator authorization for key functions in
the toolbar
Print function
VB scripting: No methods
User scaling
Trend display:
The trend type "Display values"
Trend selection
f(x) trend view FunctionTrend‐
Web Control
Yes Object events
Export of Runtime data
Online configuration in Runtime
Operator authorization for key functions in
the toolbar
Print function
VB scripting: No methods
Data from user archives
Trend selection
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 387
Controls ActiveX control WebUX control WebUX Unsupported properties1)
Alarm view AlarmControl Alarm Web Control Yes Object events
Export of Runtime data
Online configuration in Runtime
Operator authorization for key functions in
the toolbar
Print function
VB scripting: No methods
Alarm text blocks
Daylight saving time/standard time
Class priority
Total +/-, total +/*1, total +/*2, total +/+
Average +/-, average +/*1, average +/
*2, average +/+
Accepting project settings
Acknowledgment of alarm annunciator
Configuration of filters in Runtime
Configuration of lock list in Runtime
User-defined sorting of the displayed
Scrolling in the historical alarm list (long-
The contents of the columns "Class",
"Type", "Date" and "Time" are shown in a
joint column in each case
Table view OnlineTableCon‐
OnlineTable Web
Yes Object events
Export of Runtime data
Online configuration in Runtime
Print function
VB scripting: No methods
Value table TrendRuler Con‐
TrendRuler Web
Yes Object events
Export of Runtime data
Online configuration in Runtime
Operator authorization for key functions in
the toolbar
Print function
VB scripting: No methods
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
388 System Manual, 12/2017
Controls ActiveX control WebUX control WebUX Unsupported properties1)
HTML browser WebBrowser Con‐
WebBrowser Con‐
Yes Object events
Only HTTPS connections are possible.
You can find additional information in
"Displaying files in WebBrowser Control".
The browse dialog for finding the URL is
not offered.
Depending on the Web browser,
unsupported buttons and functions are
grayed out.
Print job/Script diag‐
- No
Recipe view UserArchiveCon‐
- No
Media Player - No
Memory space view - No
Channel diagnostics
ChannelDiagnose - No
System diagnostics
SysDiagControl - No
User view UserAdminControl - No
Symbol library Symbol Library - No
PLC Code Viewer - No
ProDiag overview - No
GRAPH overview - No
1) Restrictions for all screen objects are not listed again.
Displaying files in the WebBrowser Control
Proceed as follows to display a file in the WebBrowser Control:
1. Save the file in a sub-folder at the following path
2. Use the following call in the WebBrowser Control:
https://<server name>/<folder>/<file name>
The PDF file "WinCC.pdf" is located in the sub-folder "WebUXFiles":
Call using the following URL:
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 389
No access restrictions for "public" folder
Please note that files in the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\siemens\WebRH\public" folder are
accessible to all users.
WinCC authorizations do not apply to files in this folder.
See also
Functions supported in WebUX (Page 384)
7.3.3 Supported functions: Dynamization
Dynamization with scripts
WebUX supports screen objects in which the following dynamization is configured:
Trigger: The trigger "On demand" is not supported. Instead, a 2-second trigger is used.
Tag connection
Direct connection
VBS action
The following restrictions apply to the dynamization:
VB scripting:
Scripts cannot open interactive applications, e.g. MS Excel. Operating system
restrictions prevent this function.
WebUX Web Controls do not support any methods.
Instead, you address the elements of the controls through an assigned index.
The method "HMIRuntime.Stop" for ending WinCC Runtime is not supported.
Calling message boxes with the "MsgBox" function is suppressed. (Message box)
The VBS object "DataSet" may only contain global tags with a scalar data type, e.g.
OLE Automation data types are not processed, e.g. "VARIANT" or an Excel table.
Certain object properties cannot be dynamized or use a different value format.
You can find details about this on the Customer Support pages on the Internet, entry
C scripting:
C actions are not supported
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
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390 System Manual, 12/2017
Scripts always run on the WebUX server
No scripts are run locally on a WebUX client. Scripts that run locally on a WinCC client are
executed on the WebUX server with access via WebUX.
The following factors can affect the performance of the WebUX server:
Number of scripts running
Number of accessing WebUX clients
If necessary, reduce the scripts in the process pictures that are saved for WebUX.
The option "SmartTags reads PLC value via cache" under "Runtime settings > General" is
irrelevant for WebUX. In WebUX, the process tags are always read from the buffer, in other
words asynchronously.
See also
Functions supported in WebUX (Page 384)
7.3.4 Supported system functions
System functions in WebUX
WebUX supports the following system functions:
System function Status Support in VB scripting Comment
ActivateScreen available available
available not available
ActivateScreenInScreenWindow available available
DecreaseTag available available
ExportImportUserAdministration not available not available
GetLocalScreen not available not available
GetParentScreen not available available
GetParentScreenWindow not available available
GetPLCMode not available not available
GetTag not available not available
IncreaseTag available available
InverseLinearScaling available available
InvertBit available available
InvertBitInTag available available
IsUserAuthorized not available not available
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 391
System function Status Support in VB scripting Comment
LinearScaling available available
LookupText available available
ResetBit available available
ResetBitInTag available available
SetBit available available
SetBitInTag available available
SetLanguage available available
SetPropertyByConstant available available
SetPropertyByProperty available available
SetPropertyByTag available available
SetPropertyByTagIndirect available available
SetPropertyOfCurrentWindow available not available
available not available
available not available
SetScreenKeyboardMode not available not available No virtual keyboard is
available for WebUX.
SetTag available available
SetTagByProperty available available
SetTagByTagIndirect available available
SetTagIndirect available available
SetTagIndirectByProperty available available
SetTagIndirectByTagIndirect available available
SetTagWithOperatorEvent available available
ShowBlockInTIAPortalFromAlarm not available not available TIA Portal cannot be
opened on a client.
ShowLogonDialog not available not available The login window is
displayed automatical‐
ly when you connect.
ShowPLCCodeViewFromAlarm not available not available The PLC code view is
not available for We‐
StartProgram not available not available
StopRuntime not available not available
Web UX
7.3 Supported functions
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
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7.4 Configuring a project for WebUX
7.4.1 Basics
Before you can use WebUX on terminal devices, the project must be correctly configured:
The WebUX users are set up.
The process pictures are optimized for viewing on the Web.
Windows 7 / Windows 10: Limited number of WebUX clients
IIS on Windows 7 and Windows 10 supports a maximum of ten connections or instances.
WebUX requires more than one connection for a client. Therefore, a maximum of three or four
WebUX clients can connect to the WebUX server.
If the limit is exceeded, you can no longer operate the instances already connected.
Use a server operating system for Web applications with multiple WebUX clients.
Use of special characters
Depending on the language and components, only specific characters are permitted in names.
You can use all characters of the ASCII character set. Always avoid using national special
characters, such as umlauts. Avoid using special characters especially in the following cases:
In object names, if you are using object names in scripts.
In object names, if you are using object names as URL in the Web browser.
In project names and screen names, if you are using WebNavigator or WebUX.
Special characters in project names
The following special characters are not permitted in the project names:
. , ; : ! ? " '
+ = / \ @ *
[ ] { } < >
Uppercase and lowercase are relevant in the project names.
Web UX
7.4 Configuring a project for WebUX
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See also
WebUX - Overview (Page 373)
7.4.2 Configuring WinCC screens for WebUX
You need to configure screens for WebUX so that they can be run on the Web browser.
1. Double-click on the required screen in the project tree.
The screen opens and the screen properties are shown in the Inspector window.
2. In the Inspector window, click "Properties > Properties > Web access".
3. Select the "Web access" check box under "WebUX".
4. Select the required screen from the project tree.
5. Select the "Web access > WebUX" command from the shortcut menu.
The pictures are additionally saved in "*.rdf" format. When a process picture is saved as
Web-enabled, the properties of the picture and the objects are checked. The result is stored
in the output window.
6. Check the alarms in the output window.
The alarms contain a list of graphics objects that cannot be saved with Web compatibility.
Double-click on the entry in the output window to edit the objects.
You can also configure multiple screens for Web access by selecting the "Screens" entry in
the project tree and then the "Web access > WebUX enabled" command from the shortcut
Only Web-enabled objects are displayed in WebUX Runtime.
The WinCC screens are configured for Web access. During compilation of the project, the
WinCC screens are adapted for access via the Intranet/Internet and published on the WebUX
Web UX
7.4 Configuring a project for WebUX
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7.5 Using WebUX
7.5.1 How to use WebUX
To use WinCC/WebUX on terminal devices, all you need is a Web browser with access to the
WebUX server network.
Windows 7 / Windows 10 on the WebUX server: Limited number of WebUX clients
IIS on Windows 7 and Windows 10 supports a maximum of ten connections or instances.
WebUX requires more than one connection for a client. Therefore, a maximum of three or four
WebUX clients can connect to the WebUX server.
If the limit is exceeded, you can no longer operate the instances already connected.
Operation in Runtime
Before closing the browser, remember to end your session so that the license is free again.
Close the browser to reduce power consumption for mobile devices and reduce the volume
of data transferred.
The display is continuously updated for as long as a process picture is open in the browser.
Avoid the following operator inputs because they would end the session:
Browser navigation (back/next)
Reloading the Web page (refresh or <F5>)
The "WinCC WebUX" license installed on WebUX server.
The WinCC project is configured for WebUX.
The WinCC project is in Runtime.
Web UX
7.5 Using WebUX
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1. Go to the address bar of the browser and enter the address of the WebUX server.
If you do not use the default port, add the port number to the URL:
If you are using a virtual folder instead of a Website, add the name of the virtual Web folder:
2. Type in the user name and password.
Depending on the user rights, you can observe or operate the WinCC project.
See also
WebUX - Overview (Page 373)
Web UX
7.5 Using WebUX
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Process Historian and Information Server 8
8.1 Basics
8.1.1 Process Historian
SIMATIC Process Historian is a central logging system for storing process data such as
process values and alarms. The Process Historian uses the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 64 Bit
and logs historical data originating from a Runtime Professional.
Process Historian employs four services for processing, storing and backing up data:
SIMATIC Process Historian Server
This service implements all functions the server needs to process and store data.
Process Historian Maintenance Service
This service implements all functions that are necessary to maintain the Process Historian
database. Process Historian Maintenance Service handles tasks such as starting mirroring,
mirror monitoring, restore functions, maintenance of the transaction log, etc.
Process Historian Redundancy Service
This service implements functions that are necessary for data exchange between two
redundant server systems.
Process Historian Discovery Service
This service supports the search for connected Process Historian systems. The Discovery
Service is essential for the functionality of the Process Historian.
Working with the Process Historian
The Process Historian is not installed with the TIA Portal; it must be purchased separately.
You can find more information on the license and technical data here:
Process Historian (Page 397)
8.1.2 Information Server
The SIMATIC Information Server can be used to compile, evaluate and graphically visualize
the process values, messages and recipe data of a process control system. You can access
the web application of the Information Server with Internet Explorer. You also use the web
interface to administer the Information Server.
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The Information Server may be installed on a separate PC. The Information Server gives you
remote access to (archived) data of the Process Historian. A network connection is required
for access.
Access rights
When you are connected to a Process Historian, you can access the archived data of projects
for which you have been granted access rights.
These access rights are linked to the corresponding projects.
The access rights for data used in the Information Server are linked to the folders in which the
data is stored. All users may access the "Public" folder. Data stored in the "Private" folder is
only available to the user logged on at given time.
The Information Server can visualize the queried data in various forms. The selected report
templates are displayed in user-defined page layouts.
Select a report template to create a report.
You can parameterize a report template, for example, by selecting a tag that contains the start
and end time of the necessary monitoring period. The parameters you set define the report
The selected report template determines the way the queried information is displayed. The
results of the respective query are visualized in the report as tables or charts.
The Information Server provides report templates for the following data:
Process values
Recipe data
You can output and export reports as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and/or PDF files.
The reports and report templates are created by means of the web application or Office add-
ins. Use the same report templates in both applications.
Working with the Information Server
The Information Serveris not installed with the TIA Portal; it must be purchased separately.
You can find more information on the license and technical data here:
Information Server (Page 397)
Process Historian and Information Server
8.1 Basics
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8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal
8.2.1 Configuring runtime settings for Process Historian
To supply tags for long-term logging, configure Process Historian with "Runtime settings >
Process Historian". Enter the server name of the server under "Runtime Settings > Process
All logging data relevant for Process Historian is stored on the Runtime computer before it is
sent to the Process Historian. Under "Store and forward cache", specify a path for caching
logging data.
To display the status of Process Historian in Runtime, access the following system tags:
System tag accessibility for Process Historian status display
The system tags for displaying the status of Process Historian can only be accessed by
entering the tag directly as a string. Tags cannot be accessed in the "HMI tags" editor or with
object selection in the input field. The tags can be accessed although WinCC marks the input
as incorrect.
More information on the use of system tags for the Process Historian status display can be
found in the Process Historian server manual "Process Historian - Administration" under
"Managing Process Historian".
Server for long-term logging is connected to the runtime PC.
Process Historian is installed on the server for long-term logging.
Process Historian and Information Server
8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal
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1. Select "Runtime settings > Process Historian" in the project tree.
2. Enter the name of the primary Process Historian server in the "Server" field.
3. If you want to use two redundant server systems for data transfer, select the "Configure
redundant PH server" checkbox.
4. Enter the name of the redundant Process Historian server in the "Redundant partner" field.
Use a maximum of 15 characters for the server name.
If your entries do not correspond to the defined format specifications, an error message will
be output.
5. Under "Store and forward cache", specify a path for caching data relevant for the Process
Historian .
By default, the data is stored in the "C:\ProgramData\Siemens\SFCache" directory.
When SIMATIC Process Historian Server is reconnected or restarted, the contents of the
cache are transferred to the server and the cache is emptied.
If the path you enter for caching is not correct, an error message is generated during
Process Historian server status display
To display the status of Process Historian in Runtime, access the following system tags:
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8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal
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System tag accessibility for Process Historian status display
The system tags for displaying the status of Process Historian can only be accessed by
entering the tag directly as a string. You cannot access the tags in the "HMI tags" editor or with
object selection in the input field. The tags can be accessed although they are marked as an
incorrect entry by WinCC.
8.2.2 Enabling long-term logging
To enable long-term logging, assign the relevant logging tags or compressed logging tags the
status "Long-term relevant". Only tags with this status are logged in the
SIMATIC Process Historian.
Server for long-term logging is connected to the runtime PC.
Process Historian is installed on the server for long-term logging.
1. Double-click on the "Historical data" entry in the project tree.
The editor for data logs and compressed logs opens.
2. Select the relevant log under "Data logs".
The tags in this log appear under "Logging tags".
3. Select one or more logging tags.
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8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal
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4. Select the "Long-term relevant" checkbox in the Inspector window under "Properties >
5. To assign a compressed logging tag the status "long-term relevant", select the compressed
tag in a compressed log and select the "Long-term relevant" checkbox.
You have now assigned the tags the status "Long-term relevant". These tags are now logged
in the SIMATIC Process Historian.
Process Historian and Information Server
8.2 Configuration in TIA Portal
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402 System Manual, 12/2017
Audit Trail, 38
Activating, 304
Project, 304
Additional tasks
Runtime settings, 295
Alarm report
Configuring, 27
Alarm Table
Display Alarms, 125
Column names, 128
Display in the alarm table, 125
Hit list, 129
Alarms and Trends
Displaying values in a table, 121
Displaying values in a trend view, 123
Application Health Check, 155, 185
Configuration, 50
Enhancements in the ES, 13
Forcing, 34
Functional scope, 12
Logging concept, 13
Scope of logging, 14
Screen object, 50
Supported HMI devices, 49
Audit Trail
Acknowledgement, 38
Checksum, 33
Comments, 38
CSV file, 32
Editor, 15
Effects in runtime, 35
Electronic signature, 38
File format, 32
Log tag value change, 36
Logging recipe data changes, 38
Logging system functions, 44
Logging user actions, 41
Memory medium, 33
Printing, 24
Protection against change, 34
Reporting, 24
Storage location, 33
Troubleshooting, 33
Audit trail editor, 15
CCTMTimeSync.exe, 295
Startup list, 295
Certificate, 266
Importing on HTTP client, 266
Installing on devices, 266
Installing under Windows XP, 266
Checksum, 34
Audit Trail, 33
Log, 33
Deactivating a server project, 305
Enabled remote server project, 304
Shutdown, 291
Startup, 291
Runtime settings, 173, 277, 280
Client/server system
Characteristics in Runtime, 288
Response in Runtime, 289
Shutting down the client, 291
Shutting down the server, 290
Starting up the client, 291
Starting up the server, 290
Clients, 160
Audit Trail, 38
Electronic signature, 38
Company level, 160
Configuration, 161, 163
Remote, 300
WebNavigator, 311
Configuring, 400
Connecting to server, 97
Establishing connection to the server, 97
CSV file
Audit Trail, 32
Dashboard, 398
Data Monitor
Runtime settings, 76, 338
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 403
DataMonitor, 53
General operation, 87
Log off from server, 88
Start Page, 85
Starting the Client, 85
WebCenter, 54
DataMonitor client
Installing, 65
License, 61
Start, 85
DataMonitor server
Installing, 62
License, 61
Logging off from,
Distributed operator stations
Configure SmartClient, 240
Configure SmartServer, 240
configuring, 240
Distributed system
Remote configuration, 300
Downloading projects, 282
Effects in Runtime
Audit Trail,
Recipe data change, 40
Value changes to GMP-relevant tags, 38
Electronic signature, 12
Setting at the HMI device, 201
E-mail attachment
Report, 148
E-mail notification, 244
Configuring, 246
Setting up the trigger, 245
Encrypted communication, 300
Free space critically low, 23
Low free storage space, 23
Excel Workbook Assistant, 132
Excel Workbook Wizard, 132, 144
Excel workbooks,
Alarm Attributes, 144
VBA functions, 145
FDA, 11
File format
Audit Trail, 32
Under Windows, 82, 350
Audit, 34
Free space critically low, 23
Opening the picture window, 355
Unsupported functions, 309
Gadget, 74, 75, 336, 337
GetValue, 270
Global Script
Use in WebNavigator, 353
GMP, 11
GMP settings, 36, 40
GMP-relevant tag, 36
Good Manufacturing Process, 11
Requirement, 315
Hardware acceleration
SmartServer, 225
Hide, 88
Show, 88
Hiding WebUX
warnings, 384
Hit List of Alarms, 129
HTML page
Displaying data type DATETIME, 249
HTTP client, 264
Configure HTTP-Connection, 264
Configuring tags, 265
Configuring the SIMATIC HMI HTTP
protocol, 264
Importing certificates, 266
HTTP server
Configure WinCC-Project, 262
Setting at the HMI device, 263
IIS, (See Internet Information Service)
Input area plan
SmartClient, 201
SmartServer, 201
SmartService, 201
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404 System Manual, 12/2017
Internet Information Service, 321, 322
Requirement, 315, 319
Security settings, 328
Web diagnostics client, 333
WebNavigator Client, 324, 328, 331, 332
WebNavigator Server, 323
WebUX server, 379
DataMonitor client, 65
DataMonitor server, 62
Internet Explorer
Security settings, 84, 328
Internet Information Service, 321, 322
Layout template
Create, 108
License, 317
DataMonitor client, 61
DataMonitor server, 61
Invalid, 62
Reserved WebUX license, 376
Web diagnostics client, 317
Web diagnostics server, 317
Upgrade V14 and higher, 61, 178, 307
Upgrading V14 SP1 and higher, 317
Log memory, 181, 182
Log tag value change
Audit Trail, 36
Change to a recipe data record in Audit Trail, 38
System functions in Audit Trail, 44
Tag value change in Audit Trail, 36
User actions in audit trail, 41
Logging concept
Audit, 13
Logging recipe data changes
Audit Trail, 38
Logging system, 397
Logging system functions
Audit Trail, 44
Logging user actions
Audit Trail, 41
Long-term logging for Process Historian
Enabling, 401
Low free storage space, 23
Master server
Upgrade, 178
Memory medium
Audit Trail, 33
Monitoring mode, 213
Multi-user mode, 282
Navigation interface
Extending menus, 363
Server change, 363
Structure, 362
User logon, 363
Network, 302
Access to subnetworks, 302
Router, 302
NotifyUserAction, 43
Page, 398
SmartServer, 225
PDF file, 58
Permitted data type
SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol, 261
Setting, 346, 348
Print alarm
Configuring print parameters, 27
Audit Trail, 24
Process control level, 160
Process Historian, 397, 400
Configuring, 400
Long-term logging, 401
Services, 397
Process level, 160
Process value
Displaying Statistics Function, 131
Project, 161
Activating, 304
Deactivating, 305
Operating with WinCC WebNavigator client, 360
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 405
GMP settings, 40
Recipe data record change
Effects in Runtime, 40
Redundancy, 155, 161, 177, 282
Application Health Check, 155, 185
Log synchronization, 158
Principle of operation, 157
Recipe data, 164
Serial connection between servers, 180
System alarms, 181
Redundant plants
Upgrade, 177
Remote configuration, 300
Activating a project, 304
Deactivating a project, 305
Remote control
By means of Internet Explorer, 233
By means of SmartClient application, 234
Configure SmartClient, 219
Configure SmartServer, 214
Direct keys, 237
Monitoring mode, 213
Session Management, 213
Smart Options, 232
SmartClient display, 236
Remote monitoring
Smart Options, 232
Report, 398
Report template, 398
Audit Trail, 24
Reports, 58, 148, 150, 153
As e-mail, 148
Excel workbook, 150
PDF file, 58
PDF Report, 148
Print job, 153
Settings, 148
XLS file, 58
Hardware, 315
Installation, 315
Operating system, 315
Software, 315
Access rights, 59
Access rights to directories, 95
User Rights, 59
Router, 302
Runtime, 288, 289
Alarms, 288
Graphics, 288
Logs, 288
Reaction to system errors, 288
Reports, 288
Response to system errors, 289
Scripts, 288, 289
System characteristics, 288
Text library, 288
User administration, 288
Runtime Professional
Setting up the startup list, 295
Runtime settings, 198
Additional tasks, 295
Client/server, 173, 277, 280
Data Monitor, 76, 338
Process Historian, 400
Start sequence, 295
Scenario, 180
configuration, 394
Configuring, 336
Preview, 74, 75, 336, 337
Web access, 74, 336
Functions, 355
Secure communication
configuration on the WebClient, 231
Sm@rtServer and WebClient, 227
Security settings
Internet Explorer, 84
Server, 160
Activating a project from client, 304
Deactivating a project from client, 305
Shutdown, 290
Startup, 290
Service-pages, 250
Create own, 257
Display, 253
remote control, 253
Transfer, 258
Closing, 88
Session Management, 213
Setting, 214
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Set the services
SmartClient, 198
SmartServer, 198
Setting at the HMI device
E-Mail, 201
HTTP server, 263
Setting at the HMI-device
HTTP server, 203
SmartServer, 204
Web authorization, 203
Web server, 203
SetValue, 270
Shutdown, 291
Of the client, 291
Of the server, 290
Shutting down, 290, 291
Of the client, 291
Of the server, 290
electronic, 12
Configuring HTTP clients, 264
Configuring the connection, 264
Permitted data type, 261
SIMATIC Shell, 300, 302
Smart Options, 232
HMI devices suitable for use, 197
Remote control, 232
Remote control by means of Internet
Explorer, 233
Remote monitoring, 232
Distributed operator stations, 240
Editing tag values in MS Excel, 270
Monitoring mode, 219
Password input, 237
SmartClient display, 219
SmartClient display, 236
As a service, 217
Control mode, 214
Forced access, 217
Hardware acceleration, 225
Local operator control, 217
Monitoring mode, 214
Password, 225
Password input, 237
Setting at the HMI-device, 204
E-mail notification, 244
Input area plan, 201
Remote control by means of the SmartClient
application, 234
Access from Excel, 269
GetValue, 270
SetValue, 270
Windows CE, 270
Requirement, 315
SSL certificate
Installing, 383
Standard Web site, 346, 348
Standby server
Upgrade, 178
Start sequence
Runtime settings, 295
Starting requirements, 398
Startup, 290, 291
Of the client, 291
Of the server, 290
Start-up behavior, 291
Start-up characteristics, 290
Of the client, 291
Of the server, 290
Startup list, 295
Statistics function
Displaying for process values, 131
Storage location
Audit Trail, 33
Switching off
touch mode, 220
Switching off touch mode
on capacitive multi-touch PCs, 221
on PCs with resistive display, 220
Synchronization of variables, 159
System characteristics, 288
System error, 289
System errors, 288
System function
NotifyUserAction, 43
System messages, 191
System response, 289
System tags, 190
GMP settings, 36
GMP-relevant tag, 36
Terminal service, 319
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
System Manual, 12/2017 407
Terminal services, 368
activate, 368
Creating users, 369
WebNavigator Client, 368
Time synchronization, 295
Trends and Alarms, 57, (See Trends and Alarms)
Alarm Table, 125
Analysis function, 129, 131
Display Alarms, 125
Hit List of Alarms, 129
Message Column Names, 128
User administration
WebCenter, 91
User group, 91
Individual groups, 83
User interface language
Switching, 88
Value changes to GMP-relevant tags
Effects in Runtime, 38
Visual Basic Script
Use in WebNavigator, 353
Web access
WebNavigator, 76, 338
Web authorization, 213
Setting at the HMI-device, 203
Web Client, (See WebNavigator Client)
Web Configurator
Creating a standard Web site, 346, 348
Setting a firewall, 82, 350
Setting a port, 346, 348
Web diagnostics client
Installation, 333
Web part, 398
insert in WebCenter page, 114
Web project
Differences compared to the WinCC basic
system, 355
Restrictions, 352
Using Scripts, 353
Web server, 248
Configure WinCC project, 252
Service-pages, 250
User administration, 212
Web authorization, 212, 213
WebCenter, 54
Access rights to directories, 95
Create a WebCenter page, 111
Layout template, 108
Static process screens, 105
Template file, 108
User administration, 91
WebCenter page
Create, 111
Creating directory, 94
Inserting web parts, 114
Template file, 108
Setting start screen and language for users, 340
Setting the start screen and language for user
groups, 341
WebClient login page, 231
Configuring, 335
Differences compared to the WinCC basic
system, 353, 355
Functions, 309
Installation requirements, 315
Licenses, 317
Pre-processor definition in the scripting, 353
Publishing screens, 79, 343
Restrictions for web projects, 352
Runtime settings, 76, 338
Setting start screen and language for users, 340
Setting the start screen and language for user
groups, 341
Terminal services, 314
Transferring the project, 79, 343
Using Scripts, 353
Using tags, 355
WebNavigator Client, 315, 331, 332
Installation, 324
Installation under the Windows Server, 324
Licenses, 317
Navigation interface,
Operating projects, 360
Picture change, 355
Picture in picture method, 353
WebNavigator diagnostics client, 315
WinCC Engineering V15 – Options
408 System Manual, 12/2017
WebNavigator licenses
for WebUX, 341, 376
WebNavigator Server, 315
Installation, 323
Licenses, 317
ActiveX controls, 385
C scripting, 391
Configure number of reserved licenses for
users, 340
Configuring a screen, 394
Configuring terminal devices, 393
Configuring the WebUX Web page, 380, 381,
Dynamization with scripts, 390
Installation, 377
Licensing, 375, 377
Overview, 373
Reserve license, 376
Restrictions, 384
Screen objects, 385
Setting start screen and language for users, 340
Setting the start screen and language for user
groups, 341
System functions, 391
Using WebUX, 380, 381, 395
WebUX server
Installation, 379
WinCC DataMonitor, (See DataMonitor)
WinCC projects, 300
Activating remote, 304
Calling, 290
Remote deactivating, 305
WinCC Runtime Advanced Internet, 200
WinCC tag @RM_MASTER, 180
WinCC tag @RM_MASTER_NAME, 180
WinCC WebUX Configurator, 380
WinCCViewerRT, 54, 313
Displaying screens, 54, 90, 313
Monitoring projects, 359
Setting up, 88, 357
XML file
Create, 134
Storage location, 134
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