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10 Power Supply Recommendations
The ADC takes time to power up, either after first applying VA, or after returning to normal mode from shutdown
mode. This corresponds to one dummy conversion for any SCLK frequency within the specifications in this
document. After this first dummy conversion, the ADC performs conversions properly.
The tQUIET time must still be included between the first dummy conversion and the second
valid conversion.
When the VAsupply is first applied, the ADC may power up in either of the two modes: normal or shutdown. As
such, one dummy conversion must be performed after start-up, as described in the previous paragraph. The part
may then be placed into either normal mode or the shutdown mode, as described in Normal Mode and Shutdown
When the ADC is operated continuously in normal mode, the maximum ensured throughput is fSCLK / 20 at the
maximum specified fSCLK. Throughput may be traded for power consumption by running fSCLK at its maximum
specified rate and performing fewer conversions per unit time, raising the ADC CS line after the 10th and before
the 15th fall of SCLK of each conversion. A plot of typical power consumption versus throughput is shown in
Typical Characteristics. To calculate the power consumption for a given throughput, multiply the fraction of time
spent in the normal mode by the normal mode power consumption and add the fraction of time spent in
shutdown mode multiplied by the shutdown mode power consumption. The curve of power consumption vs
throughput (Figure 17) is essentially linear. This is because the power consumption in the shutdown mode is so
small that it can be ignored for all practical purposes.
10.1 Noise Considerations
The charging of any output load capacitance requires current from the power supply, VA. The current pulses
required from the supply to charge the output capacitance causes voltage variations on the supply. If these
variations are large enough, they could degrade SNR and SINAD performance of the ADC. Furthermore,
discharging the output capacitance when the digital output goes from a logic high to a logic low dumps current
into the die substrate, which is resistive. Load discharge currents cause ground bounce noise in the substrate
that degrades noise performance if that current is large enough. The larger the output capacitance, the more
current flows through the die substrate and the greater is the noise coupled into the analog channel, degrading
noise performance.
To keep noise out of the power supply, keep the output load capacitance as small as practical. It is good practice
to use a 100-Ωseries resistor at the ADC output, placed as close to the ADC output pin as practical. This limits
the charge and discharge current of the output capacitance and maintain noise performance.
11 Layout
11.1 Layout Guidelines
Capacitive coupling between noisy digital circuitry and sensitive analog circuitry can lead to poor performance. TI
strongly recommends keeping the analog and digital circuitry separated from each other and the clock line as
short as possible.
Digital circuits create substantial supply and ground current transients. This digital noise could have significant
impact upon system noise performance. To avoid performance degradation due to supply noise, do not use the
same supply for the ADC081S021 that is used for digital logic.
Generally, analog and digital lines must cross each other at 90° to avoid crosstalk. However, to maximize
accuracy in high resolution systems, avoid crossing analog and digital lines altogether. It is important to keep
clock lines as short as possible and isolated from ALL other lines, including other digital lines. In addition, the
clock line must also be treated as a transmission line and be properly terminated.
The analog input must be isolated from noisy signal lines to avoid coupling of spurious signals into the input. Any
external component (that is, a filter capacitor) connected between the converter’s input pins and ground or to the
reference input pin and ground must be connected to a very clean point in the ground plane.