OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 LM124A/LM124JAN Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers Check for Samples: LM124JAN FEATURES DESCRIPTION * The LM124/124A consists of four independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. 1 2 * * * * * * * * * Internally Frequency Compensated for Unity Gain Large DC Voltage Gain 100 dB Wide Bandwidth (Unity Gain)1 MHz (Temperature Compensated) Wide Power Supply Range: - Single Supply 3V to 32V - or Dual Supplies 1.5V to 16V Very Low Supply Current Drain (700 A)--Essentially Independent of Supply Voltage Low Input Biasing Current 45 nA (Temperature Compensated) Low Input Offset Voltage 2 mV and Offset Current: 5 nA Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground Differential Input Voltage Range Equal to the Power Supply Voltage Large Output Voltage Swing 0V to V+ - 1.5V Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits which now can be more easily implemented in single power supply systems. For example, the LM124/124A can be directly operated off of the standard +5Vdc power supply voltage which is used in digital systems and will easily provide the required interface electronics without requiring the additional +15Vdc power supplies. UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS * * * In the Linear Mode the Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground and the Output Voltage can also Swing to Ground, even though Operated from Only a Single Power Supply Voltage The Unity Gain Cross Frequency is Temperature Compensated The Input Bias Current is also Temperature Compensated ADVANTAGES * * * * * Eliminates Need for Dual Supplies Four Internally Compensated Op Amps in a Single Package Allows Directly Sensing Near GND and VOUT also goes to GND Compatible with all Forms of Logic Power Drain Suitable for Battery Operation 1 2 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Line CDIP Package Top View See Package Number J CLGA Package See Package Number NAC or NAD 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 Schematic Diagram (Each Amplifier) These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 3 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Power Dissipation (2) CDIP 400mW CLGA 350mW Ceramic SOIC 350mW Supply Voltage, V+ 36VDC or 18VDC Input Voltage Differential 30VDC -0.3VDC to +32VDC Input Voltage Input Current (VIN < -0.3VDC) (3) Output Short-Circuit to GND (4) 10 to 0.1mA + V 15VDC and TA = 25C (One Amplifier) Maximum Junction Temperature (2) 175C -65C TA +150C Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) Thermal Resistance JA 260C CDIP CLGA Ceramic SOIC JC (Still Air) 120C/W (500LF/Min Air flow) 51C/W (Still Air) 140C/W (500LF/Min Air flow) 116C/W (Still Air) 140C/W (500LF/Min Air flow) 116C/W CDIP 35C/W CLGA 60C/W Ceramic SOIC Package Weight (Typical) ESD Tolerance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 4 Continuous -55C TA +125C Operating Temperature Range 60C/W CDIP 2200mg CLGA 460mg Ceramic SOIC 410mg (5) 250V Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not ensure specific performance limits. For ensured specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The ensured specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJmax (maximum junction temperature), JA (package junction to ambient thermal resistance), and TA (ambient temperature). The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is PDmax = (TJmax - TA)/JA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower. This input current will only exist when the voltage at any of the input leads is driven negative. It is due to the collector-base junction of the input PNP transistors becoming forward biased and thereby acting as input diode clamps. In addition to this diode action, there is also lateral NPN parasitic transistor action on the IC chip. This transistor action can cause the output voltages of the op amps to go to the V+ voltage level (or to ground for a large overdrive) for the time duration that an input is driven negative. This is not destructive and normal output states will re-establish when the input voltage, which was negative, again returns to a value greater than -0.3VDC (at 25C). Short circuits from the output to V+ can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. When considering short circuits to ground, the maximum output current is approximately 40mA independent of the magnitude of V+. At values of supply voltage in excess of +15VDC, continuous short-circuits can exceed the power dissipation ratings and cause eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers. Human body model, 1.5 k in series with 100 pF. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 Table 1. QUALITY CONFORMANCE INSPECTION (1) (1) Subgroup Description Temp (C) 1 Static tests at 25 2 Static tests at 125 3 Static tests at -55 4 Dynamic tests at 25 5 Dynamic tests at 125 6 Dynamic tests at -55 7 Functional tests at 25 8A Functional tests at 125 8B Functional tests at -55 9 Switching tests at 25 10 Switching tests at 125 11 Switching tests at -55 MIL-STD-883, Method 5005 -- Group A LM124 JAN DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VIO Input Offset Voltage IIO Input Offset Current IIB Input Bias Current +PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio IOS+ Output Short Circuit Current (1) MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -5.0 5.0 mV 1 -7.0 7.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC-= -28V, VCM = -13V -5.0 5.0 mV 1 -7.0 7.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +1.4V -5.0 5.0 mV 1 -7.0 7.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM = -1.1V -5.0 5.0 mV 1 -7.0 7.0 mV 2, 3 -30 30 nA 1, 2 -75 75 nA 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC-= -28V, VCM = -13V -30 30 nA 1, 2 -75 75 nA 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +1.4V -30 30 nA 1, 2 -75 75 nA 3 VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM = -1.1V -30 30 nA 1, 2 VCC+ = 30V, VCM = +15V NOTES VCC-= Gnd, -75 75 nA 3 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -150 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -300 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC-= VCM = -13V -150 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -300 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +1.4V -150 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -300 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM = -1.1V -150 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -300 +0.1 nA 3 -100 100 V/V 1, 2, 3 76 dB 1, 2, 3 -70 mA 1, 2, 3 -28V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = -1.4V, 5V VCC 30V See (1) VCC+ = 30V, VCC -= Gnd, Vo = +25V The input common-mode voltage of either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V (at 25C). The upper end of the common-mode voltage range is V+ - 1.5V (at 25C), but either or both inputs can go to +32V without damage independent of the magnitude of V+. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 5 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com LM124 JAN DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES ICC Power Supply Current VCC+ = 30V, VCC -= Gnd MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS 3 mA 1, 2 4 mA 3 -30 30 V/C 2 -30 30 V/C 3 -400 400 pA/C 2 -700 700 pA/C 3 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, RL = 10K 35 mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, IOL = 5mA 1.5 V 4, 5 ,6 VCC+ = 4.5V, VCC- = Gnd, IOL = 2A 0.4 V 4, 5, 6 Delta VIO / Input Offset Voltage Temperature +25C TA +125C, Delta T Sensitivity VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -55C TA +25C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V Delta IIO / Delta T Input Offset Current Temperature +25C TA +125C, Sensitivity VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -55C TA +25C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V VOL VOH AVS+ AVS +VOP 6 Logical "0" Output Voltage Logical "1" Output Voltage Voltage Gain Gain Voltage Maximum Output Voltage Swing MIN VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, IOH = -10mA 27 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 4.5V, VCC-= Gnd, IOH = -10mA 2.4 V 4, 5 2.3 V 6 VCC+ 50 V/mV 4 25 V/mV 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, 5V VO 20V, RL = 2K 50 V/mV 4 25 V/mV 5, 6 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, 1V VO 2.5V, RL = 10K 10 V/mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, 1V VO 2.5V, RL = 2K 10 V/mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VO = +30V, RL = 10K 27 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, Vo = +30V, RL = 2K 26 V 4, 5, 6 VCC-= = 30V, 1V VO 26V, RL = 10K Gnd, Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 LM124 JAN AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified. AC: +VCC = 30V, -VCC = 0V. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS TRTR Transient Response: Rise Time TROS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd 1.0 S 7, 8A, 8B Transient Response: Overshoot VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd 50 % 7, 8A, 8B SR Slew Rate: Rise/Fall VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd V/S 7, 8A, 8B NIBB Noise Broadband VCC+ = 15V, VCC-= -15V, BW = 10Hz to 5KHz 15 V/rms 7 NIPC Noise Popcorn VCC+ = 15V, VCC-= -15V, Rs = 20K 50 V/pK 7 CS Channel Separation VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VIN = 1V and 16V, RL = 2K dB 7 0.1 80 LM124 JAN DC -- DRIFT VALUES "Delta calculations performed on JAN S and QMLV devices at group B, subgroup 5 only" SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VIO Input Offset Voltage IIB Input Bias Current NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -1.0 1.0 mV 1 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -15 15 nA 1 MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS LM124A JAN DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES VIO Input Offset Voltage VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, VCM = +15V -2.0 2.0 mV 1 -4.0 4.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC-= -28V, VCM = -13V -2.0 2.0 mV 1 -4.0 4.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= VCM = +1.4V -2.0 2.0 mV 1 -4.0 4.0 mV 2, 3 -2.0 2.0 mV 1 Gnd, VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM =-1.1V IIO IIB Input Offset Current Input Bias Current -4.0 4.0 mV 2, 3 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -10 10 nA 1, 2 -30 30 nA 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC-= -28V, VCM = -13V -10 10 nA 1, 2 -30 30 nA 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +1.4V -10 10 nA 1, 2 -30 30 nA 3 VCC+ -10 10 nA 1, 2 -30 30 nA 3 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +15V -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -100 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 2V, VCC- = -28V, VCM = -13V -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -100 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, VCM = +1.4V -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -100 +0.1 nA 3 VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM = -1.1V -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2 -100 +0.1 nA 3 = 2.5V, VCC-= -2.5V, VCM = -1.1V Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 7 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com LM124A JAN DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS +PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio VCC-= Gnd, VCM = -1.4V, 5V VCC 30V CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio IOS+ Output Short Circuit Current ICC Power Supply Current Delta VIO/ Delta T Delta IIO / Delta T VOL Logical "1" Output Voltage AVS+ AVS Voltage Gain Gain Voltage +VOP 8 Input Offset Current Temperature Sensitivity Logical "0" Output Voltage VOH (1) Input Offset Voltage Temperature Sensitivity Maximum Output Voltage Swing NOTES See (1) VCC+ VO = VCC+ = 30V, VCC - = Gnd, +25V MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS -100 100 V/V 1, 2, 3 76 dB 1, 2, 3 -70 mA 1, 2, 3 3.0 mA 1, 2 4.0 mA 3 = 30V, VCC - = Gnd +25C TA +125C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -30 30 V/C 2 -55C TA +25C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -30 30 V/C 3 +25C TA +125C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -400 400 pA/C 2 -55C TA +25C, VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= 0V, VCM = +1.4V -700 700 pA/C 3 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, RL = 10K 35 mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, IOL = 5mA 1.5 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 4.5V, VCC-= Gnd, IOL = 2A 0.4 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, IOH = -10mA 27 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 4.5V, VCC- = Gnd, IOH = -10mA 2.4 V 4, 5 2.3 V 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, 1V VO 26V, RL = 10K 50 V/mV 4 25 V/mV 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, 5V VO 20V, RL = 2K 50 V/mV 4 25 V/mV 5, 6 VCC+ = 5V, VCC-= Gnd, 1V VO 2.5V, RL = 10K 10 V/mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 5V, VCC- = Gnd, 1V VO 2.5V, RL = 2K 10 V/mV 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VO = +30V, RL = 10K 27 V 4, 5, 6 VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, VO = +30V, RL = 2K 26 V 4, 5, 6 The input common-mode voltage of either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V (at 25C). The upper end of the common-mode voltage range is V+ - 1.5V (at 25C), but either or both inputs can go to +32V without damage independent of the magnitude of V+. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 LM124A JAN AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified. AC: +VCC = 30V, -VCC = 0V SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS TRTR Transient Response: Rise Time TROS NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd 1.0 S 7, 8A, 8B Transient Response: Overshoot VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd 50 % 7, 8A, 8B SR Slew Rate: Rise/Fall VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd V/S 7, 8A, 8B NIBB Noise Broadband VCC+ = 15V, VCC-= -15V, BW = 10Hz to 5KHz 15 V/rms 7 NIPC Noise Popcorn VCC+ = 15V, VCC-= -15V, Rs = 20K BW = 10Hz to 5KHz 50 V/pK 7 CS Channel Separation VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd RL = 2K 80 dB 7 VCC+ = 30V, VCC-= Gnd, VIN = 1V and 16V, RL = 2K 80 dB 7 0.1 LM124A JAN DC -- DRIFT VALUES "Delta calculations performed on JAN S and QMLV devices at group B, subgroup 5 only" Symbol PARAMETER CONDITIONS Vio Input Offset Voltage iib Input Bias Current NOTES MIN MAX UNIT SUB GROUPS Vcc+ = 30V, Vcc-= Gnd, Vcm = +15V -0.5 0.5 mV 1 Vcc+ = 30V, Vcc-= Gnd, Vcm = +15V -10 10 nA 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 9 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 10 Input Voltage Range Input Current Figure 1. Figure 2. Supply Current Voltage Gain Figure 3. Figure 4. Open Loop Frequency Response Common Mode Rejection Ratio Figure 5. Figure 6. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Voltage Follower Pulse Response Voltage Follower Pulse Response (Small Signal) Figure 7. Figure 8. Large Signal Frequency Response Output Characteristics Current Sourcing Figure 9. Figure 10. Output Characteristics Current Sinking Current Limiting Figure 11. Figure 12. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 11 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) 12 Input Current (LM2902 only) Voltage Gain (LM2902 only) Figure 13. Figure 14. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 APPLICATION HINTS The LM124MIL series are op amps which operate with only a single power supply voltage, have true-differential inputs, and remain in the linear mode with an input common-mode voltage of 0 VDC. These amplifiers operate over a wide range of power supply voltage with little change in performance characteristics. At 25C amplifier operation is possible down to a minimum supply voltage of 2.3 VDC. The pinouts of the package have been designed to simplify PC board layouts. Inverting inputs are adjacent to outputs for all of the amplifiers and the outputs have also been placed at the corners of the package (pins 1, 7, 8, and 14). Precautions should be taken to insure that the power supply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in polarity or that the unit is not inadvertently installed backwards in a test socket as an unlimited current surge through the resulting forward diode within the IC could cause fusing of the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit. Large differential input voltages can be easily accommodated and, as input differential voltage protection diodes are not needed, no large input currents result from large differential input voltages. The differential input voltage may be larger than V+ without damaging the device. Protection should be provided to prevent the input voltages from going negative more than -0.3 VDC (at 25C). An input clamp diode with a resistor to the IC input terminal can be used. To reduce the power supply drain, the amplifiers have a class A output stage for small signal levels which converts to class B in a large signal mode. This allows the amplifiers to both source and sink large output currents. Therefore both NPN and PNP external current boost transistors can be used to extend the power capability of the basic amplifiers. The output voltage needs to raise approximately 1 diode drop above ground to bias the on-chip vertical PNP transistor for output current sinking applications. For ac applications, where the load is capacitively coupled to the output of the amplifier, a resistor should be used, from the output of the amplifier to ground to increase the class A bias current and prevent crossover distortion. Where the load is directly coupled, as in dc applications, there is no crossover distortion. Capacitive loads which are applied directly to the output of the amplifier reduce the loop stability margin. Values of 50 pF can be accommodated using the worst-case non-inverting unity gain connection. Large closed loop gains or resistive isolation should be used if larger load capacitance must be driven by the amplifier. The bias network of the LM124MIL establishes a drain current which is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage over the range of from 3 VDC to 30 VDC. Output short circuits either to ground or to the positive power supply should be of short time duration. Units can be destroyed, not as a result of the short circuit current causing metal fusing, but rather due to the large increase in IC chip dissipation which will cause eventual failure due to excessive junction temperatures. Putting direct short-circuits on more than one amplifier at a time will increase the total IC power dissipation to destructive levels, if not properly protected with external dissipation limiting resistors in series with the output leads of the amplifiers. The larger value of output source current which is available at 25C provides a larger output current capability at elevated temperatures (see TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS) than a standard IC op amp. The circuits presented in the section on typical applications emphasize operation on only a single power supply voltage. If complementary power supplies are available, all of the standard op amp circuits can be used. In general, introducing a pseudo-ground (a bias voltage reference of V+/2) will allow operation above and below this value in single power supply systems. Many application circuits are shown which take advantage of the wide input common-mode voltage range which includes ground. In most cases, input biasing is not required and input voltages which range to ground can easily be accommodated. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 13 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com Typical Single-Supply Applications (V+ = 5.0 VDC) *R not needed due to temperature independent IIN Figure 15. Non-Inverting DC Gain (0V Input = 0V Output) Where: V0 = V1 + V2 - V3 - V4 (V1 + V2) (V3 + V4) to keep VO > 0 VDC Figure 16. DC Summing Amplifier (VIN'S 0 VDC and VO VDC) V0 = 0 VDC for VIN = 0 VDC AV = 10 Figure 17. Power Amplifier 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 Figure 18. LED Driver fo = 1 kHz Q = 50 AV = 100 (40 dB) Figure 19. "BI-QUAD" RC Active Bandpass Filter Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 15 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com Figure 20. Fixed Current Sources Figure 21. Lamp Driver 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 *(Increase R1 for IL small) Figure 22. Current Monitor Figure 23. Driving TTL Figure 24. Voltage Follower Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 17 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com Figure 25. Pulse Generator Figure 26. Squarewave Oscillator Figure 27. Pulse Generator 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 IO = 1 amp/volt VIN (Increase RE for Io small) Figure 28. High Compliance Current Sink Figure 29. Low Drift Peak Detector Figure 30. Comparator with Hysteresis Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 19 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com VO = VR Figure 31. Ground Referencing a Differential Input Signal *Wide control voltage range: 0 VDC VC 2 (V+ -1.5 VDC) Figure 32. Voltage Controlled Oscillator Circuit Figure 33. Photo Voltaic-Cell Amplifier 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 Figure 34. AC Coupled Inverting Amplifier Figure 35. AC Coupled Non-Inverting Amplifier Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 21 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com fO = 1 kHz Q=1 AV = 2 Figure 36. DC Coupled Low-Pass RC Active Filter Figure 37. Figure 38. High Input Z, DC Differential Amplifier 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 Figure 39. High Input Z Adjustable-Gain DC Instrumentation Amplifier Figure 40. Using Symmetrical Amplifiers to Reduce Input Current (General Concept) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 23 OBSOLETE LM124JAN SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 www.ti.com Figure 41. Bridge Current Amplifier fO = 1 kHz Q = 25 Figure 42. Bandpass Active Filter 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN OBSOLETE LM124JAN www.ti.com SNOSAC4F - MARCH 2004 - REVISED APRIL 2013 REVISION HISTORY Date Released Section Changes 01/27/05 Revision A New Released, Corporate format 2 MDS data sheets converted into one Corp. data sheet format. MJLM124-X, Rev. 1B1 and MJLM124AX, Rev. 2A1. MDS data sheets will be archived. 04/18/05 B Update Absolute Maximum Ratings Section Corrected typo for Supply Voltage limit From: 32Vdc or +18Vdc TO: 32Vdc or 18Vdc. Added Cerdip package weight. 09/27/2010 C Obsolete Data Sheet End Of Life on Product/NSID Dec. 2008/2009 Changes from Revision E (April 2013) to Revision F * Page Changed layout of National Data Sheet to TI format .......................................................................................................... 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM124JAN 25 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as "components") are sold subject to TI's terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI's terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers' products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers' products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications. In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI's goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or "enhanced plastic" are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949. Products Applications Audio www.ti.com/audio Automotive and Transportation www.ti.com/automotive Amplifiers amplifier.ti.com Communications and Telecom www.ti.com/communications Data Converters dataconverter.ti.com Computers and Peripherals www.ti.com/computers DLP(R) Products www.dlp.com Consumer Electronics www.ti.com/consumer-apps DSP dsp.ti.com Energy and Lighting www.ti.com/energy Clocks and Timers www.ti.com/clocks Industrial www.ti.com/industrial Interface interface.ti.com Medical www.ti.com/medical Logic logic.ti.com Security www.ti.com/security Power Mgmt power.ti.com Space, Avionics and Defense www.ti.com/space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers microcontroller.ti.com Video and Imaging www.ti.com/video RFID www.ti-rfid.com OMAP Applications Processors www.ti.com/omap TI E2E Community e2e.ti.com Wireless Connectivity www.ti.com/wirelessconnectivity Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright (c) 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated