Nt } \ LF412A/OP-215 TECHNOLOGY FEATURES internally Trimmed Offset Voltage imV Max. = Offset Voltage Drift 10pV/C Max. High Slew Rate 10V/us Min. = Wide Bandwidth 3.5MHz Min. Low Supply Current per Amplifier 1.8mA Typ. = Low Input Bias Current 10pA Typ. Standard 8-Pin Configuration m All Packages Available: Metal Can Hermetic DIP Plastic DIP APPLICATIONS Sample and Hold Amplifiers = Output Amplifier for Dual Current Output DACs @ High Speed Integrators = Photocell Amplifiers High Input Impedance Instrumentation Amplifiers Slew Rate 26 24 22 20 18 SLEW RATE (V/s) 16 RISING 14 Vo=+15V 12 + RU=2k Ay=1 10 ~50 -25 0 2 50 TEMPERATURE (C) 7 100 125 Dual Precision JFET Inout Operational Amplifiers DESCRIPTION Linear Technologys LF412A and OP-215 series of dual JFET input op amps feature several improvements com- pared to similar types from other manufacturers. Both devices have lower input bias and offset currents over the entire temperature range, and are available in all standard 8-pin packages. In addition, Linears LF412A has lower voltage noise and higher voltage gain. Linears OP-215 supply currents are nearly halved. Please see the LT1057/LT1058 data sheet for applications requiring higher performance. The LT1057 is a pin com- patible JFET input dual, the LT1058 is a JFET input quad op amp in the standard 14-pin DIP configuration. Voltage Noise Density vs Frequency 140 120 Vg= + 15V Ta=25C ) Viz > 100 s a o os ao 1/f CORNER VOLTAGE NOISE DENSITY (n hm So Oo _ 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) LI We 2-275LF412A/OP-215 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE/OARDER INFORMATION Supply Voltage TOP VIEW LF412AMIAG, OP-215AIE.....0.c.cceseseeseveees +20 v+ OUMBER LF412MIC, OP-215C/G ..........cccceeeeeeeneees + 18V Internal Power Dissipation.................s00008 670mW ' Operating Temperature Range tea te OP oteCH LF412AM/M, OP-215A/C eee ea enenccenen 55C to 125C LF412ACH OP-215EH 0 0 LF412ACIC, OP-215E/G 0.0... cee eee 0C to 70C V- (CASE) LF412CH OP-215GH Differential Input Voltage H PACKAGE METAL CAN LFA12AMIAC, OP-215AIE........s.scecseeseesees + 40V ven LF412MIC, OP-215CIG........ccceccseeeteeeteees 30 vmuraQe t+ | LRATZAMUB OP-215AU8 Input Voltage (Note A) _wale Foureurs LF412MJ8 OP-215CJ8 LF412AMIAC, OP-215AIE........00cceeceeeeeees #2 | nae ~ Ryne [LPAI2AC8 OP-215EU8 LF412MIC, OP-215CIG .......eceseeetesseeneens + 16V veh Gdns [LF412CJ8 OP-2156V8 Output Short Circuit Duration.................. Indefinite a MOG MTC OP CASOhB. OPEN Storage Temperature Range............. - 65C to 150C WW8 PACKAGE PLASTIC DIP LF412CN8 = OP-21 Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) .............. 300C Note A: Maximum negative input voltage is equal to the negative supply voltage. Vs = + 20V for LF412A, Vs = + 15V for all other grades. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS \7,, -ov,1,.=25C unless otherwise noted, OP-215A/E LF412AM/AC LF412, OP-215C/G SYMBOL | PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX | UNITS. Vos Input Offset Voltage - 02 1.0 : los Input Offset Current | 1,;=25C (Note 1) - 6 50 Warmed-Up - 10 100 Vg= + 15V Ip Input Bias Current T,= 25C (Note 1) +10 +100 Warmed-Up - +15 +300 Vs = +15V Rin Input Resistance - 10" - 10 - - 10 ~ Q Avot Large Signal R, =2kQ, Vo= + 10V 15300 = 400 10 6300 50 30 VimvV Voltage Gain Vs = + 15V Vo Output Voltage Ri = 10kQ, Vg = + 15V +120 +13 - 212 13 - +12) +13 - V Swing R, = 2k0, Vs = + 18V +11 4127 Ig Supply Current SR Stew Rate Vg = + 15V GBW Gain Bandwidth Vg = + 15V (Note 2) 3.5 5.7 - 3.6 5.7 - 3.0 55 - MHz Product Settling Time to 0.01% _ 2.3 - 23 - - 24 - ps to 0.10% - 1.1 _ - 11 - - 1.2 = ps Input Voltage Range +11 we _ +16 + ihe - V CMRR | Common-Mode Vow= 16V - = | 0 10 - dB Rejection Ratio Voy = 11V : ol - - dB Vom = 2 10.5V oS ao = -- dB PSRR Power Supply Vg = + 10V to +20V - - _ 80 0 - - _ - dB Rejection Ratio Vg = + 10V to + 18V 86 10 = dB Cp Input Noise f= 100Hz _ 20 _ aVWHz Voltage Density fy = 1000Hz - 6 - a5 |_nVVHz in Input Noise fy = 100Hz - 001 - ; pAWHz Current Density fy = 1000Hz - oo - - - - 001 | pAWHz Channel Separation | f=1Hzto20kHz - 1200 - - - 1200 dB 2-2/6 OwenLF412A /OP-215 Vg = + 20V for LF412A, Vg = + 15V for all other grades. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vom =O0V, - 55C 2k0,Vo= + 10V e Vs = +15V Vo Output Voltage Swing R, = 10k2, Vg = + 15V e The @ denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating tem- warmed-up specification is with the device operating in a warmed-up condi- perature range. The shaded electrical specifications indicate those pa- tion at the ambient temperature specified. rameters which have been improved or guaranteed test limits provided for Note 2: Gain-bandwidth product is not tested. It is guaranteed by design the first time. and by inference from the slew rate measurement. Note 1: input bias and offset currents are specified for two different condi- Note 3: The LF412A is 100% tested to this specification. All other grades tions. The T specification is with the junction at ambient temperature; the are sample tested. LI ine 2-277LF412A/OP-215 (an TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Open-Loop Frequency Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Power Supply Rejection Ratio Response vs Frequency vs Frequency 120 120 140 Vg= + 15V Ta=25C Ta=20 100 100 Ss ananre @ 120 S \ 2 = = Z 80 NS = 100 Zz a S POSITIVE 3 0 = NK 5 80 SUPPLY e cc 60 wi onl a = 2 = # so NEGATIVE = 3 N > SUPPLY 5 - > 20 N\ zm 40 5 & 0 20 5S 2 ~-20 i] 0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 10 100 1k 10k =6100k 861M = =610M 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONS Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. H Package TO-5 Metal Can 0,335 0.379 | i2.5009 308) DIA Z 0.305- 0.335 3 0.027 - 0.045 now 7-747 ~ 6.509) % ee? 0.004 (06861.143) (7.076) 0050 7 (0.686 0.864) 419-5 Max (7 270} 0.165 = 0 185 09 oN \ 0.200 -0.230 MAX (4.191 4 699) o (5.080 5.842) SEATING =T i t Ke /} C PLANE WW ie 0.50040 750 opi L004 0 l m0 (270-19) Oat iL. oow-o SS (0.406 - 0.533) 0.110 = 0.160 . TyP (2.7944.068) INSULATING STANDOFF NOTE: LEAD DIAMETER IS UNCONTROLLED BETWEEN Tmax bia Hg THE REFERENCE PLANE AND SEATING PLANE. 165C 140CW 40C ee J Package N Package 8 Lead Cerdip 8 Lead Molded Dip 0.005 | 0.400 faren T gaos (10.160) (10.287) MAX MAX 0.025 8] [7] fe] (0.635) 61 [7] fe] [5) RAD TYP ) 0.250 0.010 0 220-0 310 (6:35020.254) (5.588 7 874) 0,200-0.320 2T LI Le 0-00 So ow Weel 0.055 la (5.080) 9.300 ~ 0.320 0.045 0.065 0.130 + 0.005 re MAX {7620-8 128) a= 165) | (3.30240.127) - wax 0.015 0.060 2.065, TT con ~ (0.381 1 524) ayy MIN 9.008 0.018 o_4Ko | {0.0320 465) a-15 i 0.009--0.015 018, (0:229-0.389) aia [x .3852.0005.__ ooo. [yt 0.325 Ons 0.045 0.015 MN (9.779 0 635) (0.360-0.660) + 286 rae) isos) \ MIN we 0.381 0.1004 0.010 Lag 9.018 .0.008 0.038 ~ 0.068 0.1000.0 2540 20.054 457 20 o.965 1727) Pesta (2.540% (0.45? 0.076} Tmax Gi, Tmax 6, ene 156C 100C/W 115C 130CW 2-278 7 were