LM120, LM320-N
LM120H-12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Metal Can Package
Order Numbers LM120H-12
(TO) Units
Design Output Current (ID) 0.2A
Device Dissipation (PD) 2W
Parameter Conditions (1) Min Typ Max
(2) 5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID
Output Voltage, 14.5V ≤VIN ≤VMAX,−12.5 −11.5 V
(1) 5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID, P ≤PD
Quiescent Current VMIN ≤VIN ≤VMAX 2 4 mA
Quiescent Current TJ= 25°C
Change VMIN ≤VIN ≤VMAX 0.05 0.4 mA
5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID0.03 0.4 mA
Output Noise Voltage TA= 25°C, CL= 1 μF, IL= 5 mA, 400 μV
VIN = 17V, 10 Hz ≤f≤100 kHz
Long Term Stability 12 120 mV
Thermal Resistance
Junction to Case (3) °C/W
Junction to Ambient (3) °C/W
(2) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects must be taken into account
separately. To ensure constant junction temperature, low duty cycle, pulse testing is used. The LM120/LM320-N series does have low
thermal feedback, improving line and load regulation. On all other tests, even though power dissipation is internally limited, electrical
specifications apply only up to PD.
(3) Thermal resistance of typically 85°C/W (in 400 linear feet/min air flow), 224°C/W (in static air) junction to ambient, of typically 21°C/W
junction to case.
Order Numbers LM320T-12
(TO-220) Units
Design Output Current (ID) 1A
Device Dissipation (PD) 15W
Parameter Conditions (1) Min Typ Max
Output Voltage TJ= 25°C, VIN = 17V, −12.4 −12 −11.6 V
ILOAD = 5 mA
Line Regulation TJ= 25°C, ILOAD = 5 mA, 4 20 mV
Input Voltage −32 −14.5 V
Ripple Rejection f = 120 Hz 56 80 dB
Load Regulation, TJ= 25°C, VIN = 17V, 30 80 mV
(2) 5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID
Output Voltage, 14.5V ≤VIN ≤VMAX,−12.6 −11.4 V
(1) 5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID, P ≤PD
Quiescent Current VMIN ≤VIN ≤VMAX 2 4 mA
Quiescent Current TJ= 25°C
Change VMIN ≤VIN ≤VMAX 0.1 0.4 mA
5 mA ≤ILOAD ≤ID0.1 0.4 mA
(1) This specification applies over −55°C ≤TJ≤+150°C for the LM120 and 0°C ≤TJ≤+125°C for the LM320-N.
(2) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects must be taken into account
separately. To ensure constant junction temperature, low duty cycle, pulse testing is used. The LM120/LM320-N series does have low
thermal feedback, improving line and load regulation. On all other tests, even though power dissipation is internally limited, electrical
specifications apply only up to PD.
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