Typical Performance
Package Outline
10 to 100 MHz / 0 to 180 Continuous Plus 180 Switch / 10% Bandwidth / SMA Connectors
For further information contact MERRIMAC / 41 Fairfield Pl., West Caldwell, NJ, 07006 / 973-575-1300 / FAX 973-575-0531
Center Phase
Model Frequency, Shift Usable
Number fo, MHz Range at foBandwidth
PSM-4E-**B 10 to 100 360° min. fo ± 5%
For complete Model Number replace ***with desired Center Frequency, fo in MHz.
Insertion Loss: 1.75 dB max.
Impedance: 50 nom.
VSWR: 2.0:1 max
CW Power: 1 Watt max.
Screw Drive: 32 turns nom., plus
toggle switch
Control direction for
increasing phase shift:Clockwise
Weight, nominal: 1.5 oz. (42 g)
Operating Temp: -- 55° to +85°C
General Notes:
1. The PSM-4E series of Phase Shifters provides continuously variable phase shift across the range of 0° to 180°. An additional 180° phase shift
can be switched in to provide a total range of 360°.
2. To realize variable phase shifts, these models employ a lumped element quadrature hybrid with a matched pair of L-C networks acting as
sliding short circuits on the outputs. The electrical length of the short effectively delays the reflected signal that appears at the isolated port of the
quadrature hybrid.
3. Merrimac phase shifters are designed for high reliability and can be supplied screened for specific applications. 15Feb96
NOTES: 1. Tolerance on 3 place decimals ±.020(.51) except as noted.
2. Dimensions in inches over millimeters.