•Select the appropriate COM port name from the drop down box
•Click the connect button
•Connect button will change its icon to upon successful
•The two status boxes on the bottom right side will turn green and
show the FW number currently flashed on the board (12)
•Select AS7038R_SPO2_20Hz_finger or
AS7038R_SPO2_200Hz_finger from the built in configuration
presets (2)
•Optionally check and change AS703X settings.
•Start the measurement with a click on the Start button.
•The red AS7038 LEDs will turn on, Start button’s caption will
change to Stop
•Put the index finger on the AS7038
•The PPG waveform will be displayed in the pop-up window of
the GUI. (8)
•The Heart Rate (HRM) and SPO2 will be displayed on the right
hand side of the window (10)
•The numbers in curly brackets show how many seconds have
passed since the last result was reported
AS703x PC Software
Starting a SPO2 measurement (Apply for AS7038R)
Confidential © ams AG
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