Systems, Inc.
User-Programmable Dual High-Performance Clock Generator
Block Diagram
Oscillator Reference
MCLK PLL (as above)
VCLK Set &
/1, 4, 5 or 8
The ICS2572 is a dual-PLL (phase-lock ed loop) clock gener-
ator with differential video outputs specifically designed for
high-resolution, high-refresh rate, video applications. The
video PLL generates any of 16 pre-programmed frequencies
through selection of the address lines FS0-FS3. Similarly, the
auxiliary PLL can generate any one of four pre-programmed
fre q uenci es vi a the M S 0 & M S 1 lines.
A unique feature of the ICS2572 is the ability to redefine
frequency selections after power-up. This permits complete
set -up of the fre quency ta ble upon syste m i nit ia l iz a ti on.
Advanc e d ICS mono lithi c phase-l oc ked lo op
Support s high-resol ution graphics - di ffere ntial CL K out-
pu t to 185 MH z
Di v ided do tc lo ck outp ut ( L O A D) a vaila ble
Sim plifie d de vice pro grammi ng
S ixte e n selectable VC L K f reque n c ies (all user
Four selectable MCLK frequencies (all user
Windows NT compatible
Hig h end PC/l ow end work sta ti on graph ic s desi gns
re qu iring different ia l outp ut
X Te rm i na l graph ic s
Pin Configuration
XTAL1 1 20 VDD
XTAL2 2 19 CLK+
FS0 4 17 VSS
FS1 5 16 LOAD
FS2 7 14 VSS
FS3 8 13 VDD
MS0 9 12 MCLK
VSS 10 11 MS1
Pin Descriptions
1 XTAL1 A Quar tz crystal connection 1/Refe rence Frequenc y Input.
2 XTAL2 A Qu artz crystal connection 2.
3 EXT FREQ I Ext e rna l Fre qu en cy Input
4 FS0 I VC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct LSB.
5 FS1 I VC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct Bit.
7 FS2 I VC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct Bit.
8 FS3 I VC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct MSB.
6 STROBE I Cont rol f or Latc h of VCLK Se lect Bits (FS0 -FS3).
9 MS0 I MC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct LSB.
11 MS1 I MC LK PLL Freque nc y Sele ct MSB.
19 CLK+ O Pixel Clock Output (not inverted)
18 CLK- O Pixel Clock Output (inverted)
1 6 LOA D O Di vi de d Dotc l oc k (/4 , 5, or 8)
12 MCLK O MCLK Frequency Output
17 RESERVED - Mu st Be Connect ed to VSS.
10, 14 VSS P De vi c e Ground . All pin s must be con ne cte d.
1 3, 20 VD D P Ou tpu t Stag e Vdd. All p ins must be c onn ect ed .
1 5 VAA P Sy nthesi zer Vdd.
20-Pin DIP or SOIC
J-4, J-7
Digital Inputs
The FS0-FS3 pins a nd the STROBE pin are used to select the
desired operating frequency of the VCLK output from the 16
pre-p rogrammed/user-programmed selection s in the ICS2572.
Thes e pins are also used to load new frequency data into the
Availa ble conf igu rations for the ST ROBE in put inc lude : posi-
tive-edge tri ggered, negative -edge tri ggered, high -level tra n s-
parent , a nd low-l evel tra nsparent (see Ordering Inform ation).
VCLK Output Frequency Selection
To change the VCLK output frequency, simply write the ap-
propriate dat a to the ICS2572 FS inputs. Do not perform any
further writes to the device for 50 milliseconds (assumes a
14.318 MHz reference). The synthesizer will output the new
frequency programmed into that location after a brief delay
(se e time out spec ific a tions).
MCLK Output Frequency Selection
The MS0-MS1 pins are used to directly select the desired
operating frequency of the MCLK output from the four pre-
programmed/user-programmed selections in the ICS2572.
The se inputs ar e not latc hed, nor ar e they invol ved wit h me m-
ory programming operations.
Programming Mode Selection
A pr og ra mmi ng s eq ue n ce is defin ed as a p erio d of at leas t 5 0
milliseconds o f no data w rites to the ICS2572 (to clear the shift
register) followed by a series of data writes (as shown here):
XXSTART bit (must be “0”) 0
XX 1
XXR/W* control 0
XX 1
XXL0 (l ocati on LSB) 0
XX 1
XXL1 0
XX 1
XXL2 0
XX 1
XXL3 0
XX 1
XXL4 (loc ation MSB) 0
XX 1
XXN0 (feedback LSB ) 0
XX 1
XXN1 0
XX 1
XXN2 0
XX 1
XXN3 0
XX 1
XXN4 0
XX 1
XXN5 0
XX 1
XXN6 0
XX 1
XXN7 (feedbac k MSB) 0
XX 1
XXEXTFREQ bit (selected if “1”) 0
XX 1
XXD0 (post-divi de r LSB) 0
XX 1
XXD1 (post-di vi de r MSB) 0
XX 1
XXSTOP1 bi t (must be “1 0
XX 1
XXSTOP2 bit (m ust b e “1 ”) 0
XX 1
Observe that the internal shift register is “clocked ” by a tran-
sit ion of FS3 data from “0” t o 1. If a n extended sequ ence of
register loading is to be performed (such as a power-on initiali-
zation sequence), note that it is not necessary to implement the
50 millisecond delay between them. Simply repeat the se-
quence above as many times as des ired. Writes to the FS port
will not be treated as frequency select data until up to 50
mil lisecond s have tran sp ired sinc e the last writ e. No te t hat FS0
and FS 1 inputs a re “don t c are.
Data Description
Location Bits (L0-L4)
The first five bits after the start bit control the frequency
location to be re-programmed according to this table. The
rightmost bi t (the LSB) of the f ive sh own in each sel e ctio n of
th e tab le is the first one sen t.
Table 1 - Loca tion Bi t Programming
01 100 VCLK Addr ess 12
01 101 VCLK Addr ess 13
01 1 10 VCLK Addr ess 14
01111 VCLK Address 15
10010 MCLK Addr ess 2
1001 1 MCL K Address 3
Feedb ack Set Bits (N0-N7)
These bits control the feedback divider setting for the location
spec ified. The modulus of the feedback divider will be equa l
t o t he value of t hese bits + 257. The least si gnificant bit ( N0)
is sen t first.
Post-Divider Set Bits (D0-D1)
These bits control the post-divider setting for the location
speci fied acc o rding to this table . The least si gnific ant bit (D0 )
is sen t first.
Table 2 - Post-Divider Programming
00 9
01 4
10 2
11 1
Read/Write* Control Bit
When set to a “0,” the ICS2572 shift register will transfer its
contents to the s elected memory register at the completion of
th e programming seque nce outli ne d ab ove.
Wh en t h is bi t is a “1 ,” the s elect ed mem ory l ocat io n w il l be
transferred to the shift registe r to permit a subsequent readback
of da ta. No m od ific atio n of de vi ce m em ory wil l be p er form ed.
To readback any location of memory, perform a “dummy”
wri te o f d ata (co mp lete wit h sta rt and st op bi ts) to tha t l oc atio n
but s et t he R/ W* co ntrol bit (make i t “1”) . At t he end of th e
sequence (i.e., after the stop bits have been “clocked”),clock-
ing” of the FS3 input 11 more t imes will output the data bits
onl y in the same se quence as above on the FS0 pin.
The EXTFREQ input allows an externally generated frequency
to be routed to the VCLK output pin under device program-
ming control. If the EXTFREQ bit is set (logic “1”) at the
selected address location (VCLK addresses only), the fre-
quency appli ed to the EXTFREQ input will be routed to the
VCL K output.
Frequency Synthesizer Description
Refe r to Figure 1 for a bl ock diag ra m of t he ICS25 72.
The ICS2572 generates its output frequencies using phase-
locked loop techniques. The phase-locked loop (or PLL) is a
closed-loop feedba ck system that drives the output frequency
to be ratiometrically related to the reference frequency pro-
vided to the PLL. The phase-frequency detector shown in the
block diagram drives the VCO to a frequency that will cause
the two inputs to the phase-frequency detector to be matched
in f re quency a nd pha s e . This occu r s wh e n:
where N is the effective modul us of the feedback divider chain
and R is th e modulus of the r ef er en ce di vid er cha i n.
The feed back di vider on the ICS2572 m ay be set to any intege r
value from 257 to 512. This i s done by t he setting of t he N0- N7
bits. The st anda rd refe renc e di vider on the IC S2572 is fixe d to
a value of 43 (this may be set to a different value via ROM
program ming; co ntact f act ory). The ICS2572 is equippe d with
a post-divider and multiplexer that allows the output frequency
range t o be sca led down f rom that of the VCO b y a fac tor of 2,
4, or 8.
Therefore, the VCO frequency range will be from 5.976 to
11.906 (257/43 to 512/43) of the reference frequency. The
output frequency range will be from 0.747 to 11.906 times the
reference frequency. Worst case accuracy for any desired fre-
que ncy within that range will be 0.2%.
If a 14.31818 MHz reference is used, the output frequency
range woul d be from 10. 69 7 MHz to 170. 48 6 MHz.
Programming Example
Suppose that we want differential CLK output to be
45.723 MHz. We will assume the reference frequency to be
14. 31 818 MHz.
The VCO frequency range will be 85.565 MHz to
170.486 MHz (5 .976 * 14.31818 to 11.906 * 14.31818). We
will need to set the post-divider to two to get an output of
45. 72 3 MHz.
The VCO will then need to be programmed to two times
45.723 MHz, or 91.446 MHz. To calculate the required feed-
back divider modulus we divide the VCO frequency by the
re fe rence fre quency a nd m ultiply by the re fe rence di vider:
91.446 *43=274.62
which we round off to 275. The exact output frequency will
275 1
*14.31818* =45.784 MHz
43 2
The value of the N programming bits may be calculated by
subtracting 257 from the desired feedback divider modulus.
Thus, the N value will be set to 18 (275-257) or 000100102.
The D bit programming is 102 ( from Table 2).
LOAD Frequency Selection
The LO AD ( or di vided d otclock) ou tput frequency will be the
CLK+/CLK- frequency divided by 1, 4, 5, or 8. The choice of
modulus is a factory option, and is specified along with the
ROM frequen cies in the VCLK and MCLK tables by way of
the two-di gi t suffix of the part num be r.
Reference Oscillator & Crystal
The ICS2572 has on-board circuitry to implement a Pierce
oscillator with the addition of only one external component, a
qua rtz crysta l. Pi erce oscil lators ope rat e the cry stal i n p aralle l-
resona nt (also ca ll ed ant i-r eson an t mode . See the AC Cha ra c-
teristics for the effective capacitive loading to specify when
or derin g cr ystal s.
Cry sta ls charac teriz ed for the ir serie s-resona nt fre quency m ay
also be used with the ICS2572. Be aware that the os cillation
fre qu ency in c irc uit wil l be slig htly higher than the freq uency
that is sta mp ed on the can ( typ ica lly 0. 025- 0.05% ).
As th e e nt ire op erat io n o f t he ph ase -lo cked l oop d epen ds on
having a stable referenc e frequency, we recommend that the
crysta l be mount ed as closel y as p ossible to the packa ge. Avoid
routing digital signals or the ICS2572 outputs underneath or
near these traces. It is also desirable to ground the crystal can
to the ground pl an e, if po s sible.
External Reference Sources
An external frequency source may be used as the reference for
the VCLK and MCLK PLLs. To implemen t this, simply con-
nect the reference frequency source to the XTAL1 pin of the
ICS2572. For best results, insure that the clock edges are as
cle an and fast as possi ble a nd that the in put volt age threshol ds
are not violat e d.
Power Supply
The ICS2572 has two VSS pins to reduce the effects of package
inductance. Both pins are connected to the same potential on
the die (the ground bus). BOTH of these pins should connect
to the ground plan e of the video board as close to the pa cka ge
as is possible.
The ICS2572 has a VDD pi n which is the supply of +5 volt
powe r to a ll out put sta ge s. This pin sh ould be c onnecte d to the
power plane (or bus) using standard high-frequency decou-
pling practice. That is, use low-capacitors should have low
serie s indu cta nc e and be mounted cl ose to th e ICS2572 .
The VAA pin is the powe r supply fo r the synthe siz er circ uitr y
and oth er lowe r c ur re nt digi ta l func ti ons. We recom m e nd th at
RC dec ouplin g or zene r regul ation be provided fo r this pin (as
shown in the recommended application circuitry). This will
allow the PLL to “track” through power supply fluctuations
wit hout vi si bl e effec ts.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply vo ltag e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.5V to +7V
Logi c i nput s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- .5 V to VDD +.5V
Ambient op erating temp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 7 0°C
Sto ra ge temperat ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -85 to + 150°C
Str esses abov e those list ed unde r Absol ute Ma ximum Rat ing s may c ause per mane nt da mag e to t he devi ce. This is a stre ss r ating
onl y a nd funct io na l o pe ra ti on of t he de vi ce at the se or a ny oth er c ond it ion s above those indic a te d in the opera t ion al sec ti ons of
the specifications is not implied. Exposure to abs olute maximum rating conditions for extende d periods may affect product
DC Characteristics
TTL-Comp atible Inputs - - -
(FS0-3, MS0-1, STROB E): - - -
Input Hi gh Voltage Vih 2.0 - VDD+0.5 V
Input Low Vol tage Vil VSS-0.5 - 0.8 V
Input Hig h Curren t Iih --10uA
Input Low Curr en t Iil - - 200 uA
Input Capa c itan ce Cin --8pF
XTAL1: - - -
Input High Voltage Vx h VDD*0. 75 - VDD+0. 5 V
Input Low Voltage Vxl VSS-0.5 - VDD*0. 25 V
CL K+/ CL K- Out put
Sink Current Isink - - - mA
High Voltage ( Other
Outputs) Voh 4 - - V
@Ioh=0.4mA - - -
Low Voltag e (Oth er
Outputs) Vol - - 0.4 V
@Iol=8.0mA - - -
AC Characteristics
Phase-L oc ked Loo p : - - -
Frequency Fvco 100 - 235 MHz
PLL Acqui re T i me Tloc k - 500 - u Sec
Crystal Oscillat or - - -
Crystal Frequency
Range Fxtal 5 - 25 MHz
Pa rall el Loadin g
Capacitance -20-pF
XTAL1 Min imum High
Time Txhi 8 - - ns
XTAL1 Minimum Low
Time Txlo 8 - - ns
Power Suppl ies: - - - -
VDD Supply Current idd - - 35 mA
VAA Supply Curre nt Iaa - - 10 mA
Digital Outputs: - - -
CL K+/ CL K - Re c om-
men ded Terminat ion 50 - 2 ohms
Othe r Outputs Rise
T im e @ Cl oa d= 2 0p F Tf - - 2 ns
Othe r Ou tpu ts Fa ll Tim e
@ Cload=20 p F Tf - - - ns
Re ferenc e Divider 43
VCLK ADDR FbkDiv/PostDi v - F VCLK(MHz)
0 300/1 - 99.89
1 3 78/ 1 - 125.87
2 277/1 - 92.2 4
3 432/4 - 35.9 6
4 302/2 - 50.2 8
5 340/2 - 56.6 1
7 270/2 - 44.9 5
8 4 05/ 1 - 134.86
9 384/4 - 31.9 7
A 3 30/ 1 - 109.88
B 481/2 - 80.08
C 479/4 - 39.87
D 270 /2 - 44.95
E 450/2 - 74.9 2
F 390/2 - 64.9 3
0 481/4 - 40.0 4
1 270/2 - 44.9 5
2 396/4 - 32.9 7
3 300/2 - 49.9 5
Ordering Information
ICS2572N-SXX or ICS2572M-SXX (0.300" DIP o r SOIC Packag e)
S=Strobe Option/XX=Default Frequenc ies
Package Type
N=DIP ( Plastic)
Devic e Type (cons i sts of 3 or 4 digi t numbe rs )
ICS, AV=Standard Device; GSP=Genlock Device
“s” denotes str obe option: A - positi ve le vel tr ansparen t (i.e., 2 494 inte rface co mpatible)
“xx” de not es default fre qu encie s: B - ne ga ti ve le ve l tr an sp ar ent
C - positiv e edge triggered
D - negative edge triggered