To write to the MX881 register, the master device will first issue a Start Bit. It will then transmit a 7-bit
address. In the MX881, the address is internally set to 0111111b. If the address in the message
corresponds to the address of the MX881, the device will issue an acknowledge. The master will send 8
bits of data. These 8 bits will be written into the control register. Another Acknowledge will follow. The
write sequence is illustrated in Figure 2.
To read the control register the master issues a read command by setting the R/Wn bit. The master will
then tri-state the data bus while the MX881 outputs data. See the example in Figure 2.
3-Wire SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
A standard 3-wire bi-directional serial interface is available (Figure 3). The interface signals are the serial
clock: SCLK, the serial data line: SDATA, and the serial chip enable: SCEn. SDATA is bidirectional.
In write mode, the microcontroller is writing to the MX881 control register. Each packet sent contains an
8-bit command followed by 8 bits of data to be written into the register.
When SCEn goes low, the rising edge of SCLK clocks in 8 bits, MSB first. At the end of the first
transmission byte, the MX881 determines whether the first byte is a recognized command. The MX881
only recognizes one write command “00011110”. If the command is recognized, the next byte clocked
into the MX881 will be written into the control register. This sequence is illustrated in Figure 3.
In read mode, a command is received which tells the MX881 to output the control register contents. The
MX881 only recognizes one read command: “01011110”. If the correct command is recognized, the
MX881 will output 8 bits of data beginning on the first falling edge of SCLK after the rising edge of SCLK
in which the last transmission bit was clocked in. In this manner, the first control register bit will be
available to the microcontroller on the next rising edge of SCLK. SCEn must remain low while the
MX881 is outputting data, going high after the MX881 has output the last bit. While the device is
outputting data, the microcontroller must stop driving the SDATA line so that the MX881 can drive the
data onto this bus. This sequence is also illustrated in Figure 3.
Table 4 - Serial Interface Timing
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Max Units
TCYCS Cycle Time 250 nS
THI, TLO Pulse Width 50 nS
TDS Data Setup Time 50 nS
TDH Data Hold Time 30 nS
TSS SCEn Setup Time, Write 30 nS
TSH SCEn Hold Time, Write 30 nS
TACCS Read Access Time CL = 100pF 30 nS
TOHS Read Output Disable Time CL = 100pF 30 nS
TI2C_CS I2C Clock High to Start Bit 50 nS
TI2C_SC I2C Start Bit to Clock Low 50 nS
TI2C_DS I2C Data Valid to Clock High 50 nS
TI2C_DH I2C Clock Low to Data Change 30 nS
TI2C_CP I2C Clock High to Stop Bit 50 nS
TI2C_PC I2C Stop Bit to Clock Low 50 nS
MX881 9 7/30/07
Drawing No. 088109 www.claremicronix.com