SC Type Fiber Optic Connectors HSC Series Features 1. JIS, IEC standards compliant and fully intermateable with NTT's SC products. JIS C 5973 (F04 type fiber optic connectors) IEC 61754-4 2. Plugs with strain relief boot Long strain relief boot assures that there are no performance losses when a pull force is applied in a vertical bend direction. The color of the boot identify the type of polishing: Blue: PC polishing Light purple: Advanced PC (AdPC) polishing Green: Angled PC polishing (APC) Other colors are also possible. 3. Zirconia Split Sleeve Adapter Reduces the possibility of powdering caused by the repeated insertion and withdrawal of ferrule. 4. Duplex SC Type: Rigid Type Available in following types; H type - 8.5 mm spacing between the fibers, for high density applications. F type - 12.7 mm spacing between the fibers, low profile, for LAN applications. Refer to page 39 for further information. 5. Duplex SC Type: Adjustable Type -- Comply With ANSI Standards Floating mechanism with Duplex SC plug. It is also fully compatible with the HSCF fixed type. 6. Simplified Plugs and Receptacles. Small size (23.8mm plug length) simplified SC plug is designed for equipments inside connection. Refer to page 43 for further information. Applications LAN, public communications lines, CableTV, computer transmission systems, test equipment, and other applications requiring reliable fiber optic connections. 27 Product Specifications Ratings Operating temperature range Optical Characteristics Item Insertion Loss -25C to +70C Storage temperature range (SM) Test Method (IEC 61300) Wavelength 1310nm (LD) Specifications 0.5dB max. (PC, AdPC, APC) (GI) Wavelength 1310nm (LED) 0.3dB max. (PC) Wavelength 1310nm (LD) 22dB min. (PC) 60dB min. (APC) (SM) Return Loss (GI) Measured with corresponding connector. Mechanical Characteristics /force Environmental Characteristics 40dB min. (AdPC) 22dB min. (PC) Simplex plug Engagement and Separation Duplex plug Engagement force: 19.6 N max. Separation force: 19.6 N max. Engagement force: 39 N max. Separation force: 39 N max. Ferrule withdrawal force Extract zirconia gauge 2.499 0.0005 mm dia from split sleeve. Copper alloy split sleeve Zirconia split sleeve Cable retention (Straight pull) 89N tensile load for one minute. 1) Insertion loss fluctuation after test: 0.2dB max. 2) No visible damage, dislocation of clamp or cable. Durability (cycles, mating/un-mating) 1000 times Vibration Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75 mm, 2 hours in each of the 3 axis. Shock Acceleration of 981 m/s2, 6 ms duration, sin half-wave waveform, 10 cycles in each of the 3 axis. Humidity (Temperature/ humidity- cycles) -10C to 65C, humidity: 90% to 96% 20 cycles Change of temperature -40C to +75C 42 cycles (Complies with Telcordia standard GR-326-CORE) Dry heat 960 hours at 85C Cold 960 hours at -25C Salt mist 48 hours in a 5% concentration of salt mist Materials Part 28 -25C to +70C Material Simplex plug housing Synthetic resin Spring Stainless Steel Ferrule Zirconia Simplex adapter housing Synthetic resin or Zinc alloy 4-position adapter housing Synthetic resin 5-position adapter housing Synthetic resin Receptacle housing Zinc alloy Attenuator housing Zinc alloy Split sleeve Zirconia or copper alloy Dust cap Synthetic resin 2N to 5.9N 2N to 3.9N 1) Insertion loss fluctuation after test: 0.2dB max. 2) No visible damage, cracks or part dislocation. No significant corrosion. Function diagram Simplex type Adapter-Panel Mounting Plastic Housing Products SC type plug housing Strain relief type (For Cable Diameter: 2 mm & 3mm) HSC-A3 HSC-A3-D1 HSC-A3-D2 Die Cast Housing Products HSC-A2 HSC-A2-D1 HSC-PH2-E1,E2,E5 HSC-PH3-B1,B2,B5 0.9 mm fiber Light weight type HSC-PH0.9-E1,E2,E5 Short length type (For Cable Diameter: 2mm) HSC-PH2-E1-A Short length type (For Cable Diameter: 3mm) Conversion adapter FC to SC - Screw Mounting HSCJ-HRFCJ-B FC to SC - Panel Mounting HSCJ-HRFCJ-C ST to SC - Screw Mounting HSCJ-HSTJ-B HSC-PH3-A4 Receptacle Conversion adapter - FC jack to SC Plug HSCP-HRFCJ-1, 2 HSCP-HRFCJ-1AS, 2AS HSC-R1-B,R2-B Simplified receptacle HSC-SR-1,D1 HSC-SR-2,D2 <Tool Insertion/Extraction Connectors> SC2 type plug housing Long strain relief (For Cable Diameter: 2 mm & 3mm) Adapter HSC2-PH2-E1,E2,E5 HSC2-PH3-B1,B2,B5 4-Position Adapter Panel Mounting type 0.9 mm fiber Type HSC2-4A HSC2-4A-D1 HSC2-PH0.9-E1,E2 5-Position Adapter Panel Mounting type Short length type (For Cable Diameter: 2 mm) HSC2-5A HSC2-PH2-E1-A Simplified receptacle Short length type (For Cable Diameter: 3mm) HSC2-PH3-A HSC2-8SR-1 HSC2-8SR-D1 29 Duplex type <Plug Housings> <Adapters> F type Plug Housing (For Cable Diameter: 2mm&3mm) HSCF-2PH2-E1,E2 HSCF-2PH3-B1,B2 <Complies with ANSI Standard for adjustable Type> F type For Single mode (For Cable Diameter: 2mm&3mm) Panel Mounting HSCF-2A(P) HSCF-2A-D(P) HSCM-2SPH2-B1,B2 HSCM-2SPH3-B1,B2 For Multi mode (For Cable Diameter: 2 mm & 3mm) H type HSCM-2GPH2-B1 HSCM-2GPH3-B1 Snap - in HSCH-2A1(P) HSCH-2A1-D(P) H type Plug Housing (For Cable Diameter: 2 mm & 3mm) Screw Mounting HSCH-2A(P) HSCH-2A-D(P) HSCH-2PH2-B1,B2 HSCH-2PH3-B1,B2 Fixed attenuators For single mode For GI HSC-AT 11K-A** HSC-AT5S-B**A See Page 85 for details. Terminators Plug type Tool- Insertion/Removal HSC-TM-P1 HSC2-TM-P1 Receptacle type Tool Insertion/Removal HSC-TM-R1 See Page 89 for details. 30 HSC2-TM-R1 Simplex type Strain relief type 1.8 55 9 25 7.4 0.9 Part Number CL No. HSC-PH2-E1(31) 704-0327-3-31 Fiber cable type HSC-PH2-E2(31) 704-0328-6-31 HSC-PH2-E5(31) 704-3108-6-31 HSC-PH3-B1(31) 704-0222-5-31 HSC-PH3-B2(31) 704-0223-8-31 HSC-PH3-B5(31) 704-3020-7-31 O2mm O3mm Light weight type (For 0.9mm fiber) Boot color Polishing type Outer jacket fixing Blue PC Light purple AdPC Green APC Blue PC Light purple AdPC Green APC Glue Crimp 33 9 1.8 25 7.4 0.9 Boot color Part Number CL No. HSC-PH0.9-E1(06) 704-0339-2-06 Blue HSC-PH0.9-E2(31) 704-0354-6-31 Light purple AdPC HSC-PH0.9-E5(31) 704-3104-5-31 Green APC Short length type (For 2mm Cable) Polishing type PC 36.5 9 1.8 25 7.4 0.9 Part Number CL No. HSC-PH2-E1-A(31) 704-0464-4-31 Blue HSC-PH2-E2-A(31) 704-0480-0-31 Light purple AdPC Green APC HSC-PH2-E5-A Boot color 704-3124-2 Polishing type Outer jacket fixing PC Glue Short length type (For 3mm Cable) 36.5 9 1.8 25 7.4 0.9 Part Number CL No. HSC-PH3-A4(31) Boot color 704-0245-0-31 Blue HSC-PH3-A4(32) 704-0245-0-32 Light purple Polishing type PC AdPC Outer jacket fixing Crimp 31 Tool Insertion/Extraction Plug Housings Strain relief type 7.2 55 6 Part Number CL No. HSC2-PH2-E1(31) 704-0329-9-31 HSC2-PH2-E2(31) 704-0330-8-31 HSC2-PH2-E5(31) 704-3109-9-31 Green APC HSC2-PH3-B1(31) 704-0226-6-31 Blue PC HSC2-PH3-B2(31) 704-0227-9-31 Light purple AdPC HSC2-PH3-B5 704-3123-0 Green APC Fiber cable type Boot color O2mm O3mm Light weight type (For 0.9mm fiber) Polishing type Outer jacket fixing Blue PC Light purple AdPC Glue Crimp 7.2 33 6 Part Number CL No. HSC2-PH0.9-E1(31) 704-0421-1-31 Blue UPC HSC2-PH0.9-E2(31) 704-0422-4-31 Light purple AdPC Short length type (For 2mm Cable) Boot color Polishing type 7.2 36.5 6 Part Number CL No. Boot color HSC2-PH2-E1-A 704-0482-6-00 Blue HSC2-PH2-E2-A 704-0481-3-00 Light purple Polishing type PC AdPC Outer jacket fixing Glue Short length type (For 3mm Cable) 7.2 36.5 6 Part Number CL No. Boot color Polishing type Outer jacket attachment HSC2-PH3-A(31) 704-0015-0-31 Blue PC Crimp Note : Please contact HIROSE for other variations. 32 Receptacles 15.2 12.2 O19 M 15 O7 O3 12.8 13.4 9 2-O2.3 Note: Designed for power meter sensors Part Number CL No. Remarks HSC-R1-B(05) 704-0022-6-05 For MM HSC-R2-B(05) 704-0023-9-05 For SM 3 O1 (Hole diameter) O2.4990.0005 1.5 16 1.8 7.95 +0.05 0 O4.6 For PC, AdPC and UPC OA+0.001 (Hole diameter) 0 Ferrules A dimension 0.125 HSC-F321-A1255(10) 704-0200-2-10 0.1255 HSC-F321-A126(10) 704-0071-1-10 0.126 16.15 8.095 +0.05 0 SM,MM 1.8 O4.6 O1 O2.4990.0005 For APC Applicable Fiber cable O1(Hole diameter) CL No. 704-0070-9-10 (Hole diameter) OA +0.001 0 Part Number HSC-F321-A125(10) Part Number CL No. A dimension HSC-F391-A125 704-3101-7 0.125 HSC-F391-A126 704-3102-0 0.126 HSC-F391-A127 704-3103-2 0.127 (1)No gap design. Applicable Fiber cable SM Minimal gap:(0.1mm max.) (2)The entrance angle of the fiber has been set at 60 for easy fiber insertion. 60 fiber entrance angle 33 Adapters - Panel Mounting SC adapters BPanel cut-out SC/SC Plastic Housing 180.1 9.4 1.8 18 22 12.8 13 -0.5 -0.5 27.4 3 9.5 O2.3 CL No. 704-0092-1-51 704-0217-5-02 704-3007-9-06 Part Number HSC-A3(51) HSC-A3-D1(02) HSC-A3-D2(06) 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia Zirconia +0.2 0.5 Remarks PC,AdPC APC BPanel cut-out 18 22 9.5 O2.3 Part Number HSC-A2(51) HSC-A2-D1(01) 180.1 9.4 1.8 13 -0.5 -0.5 27.4 3 12.8 SC/SC Die Cast Metal Housing 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 +0.2 0.5 Panel thickness: 1.6mm CL No. 704-0020-0-51 704-0258-2-01 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia SC2 adapters BPanel cut-out -0.2 1.8 28.2 15 12.8 24 3 28.5 -0.5 SC/SC2 4-way adapter 0.5 13 0.5 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Part Number HSC2-4A(51) HSC2-4A-D1(01) BPanel cut-out SC/SC2 5-way adapter (for Multi-mode fiber) 35 35.3 +0.5 +0.5 1.8 15 12.8 24 3 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia CL No. 704-0024-1-51 704-0290-5-01 +0.5 13 +0.5 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Part Number HSC2-5A(51) 34 CL No. 704-0025-4-51 Split sleeve Copper alloy Conversion adapters FC / SC Screw Mounting BPanel cut-out 13.4 21.2 5.5 3.5 12.2 O9 0.5 0.5 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 +0.2 +0.5 O19 12.8 M80.75 13.40.1 M 15 Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSCJ-HRFCJ-B(51) 704-0021-3-51 Copper alloy BPanel cut-out FC / SC Snap-in and/or Screw Mounting 9.4 7.4 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 +0.2 +0.5 13.40.1 18 21.2 M80.75 +0.5 0.5 18 22 12.8 O9 O2.3 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSCJ-HRFCJ-C(51) 704-0206-9-51 Copper alloy ST / SC Screw Mounting BPanel cut-out O19 13.4 9 +0.5 M O9+0.5 2-O2.2 13.4 0.1 .2 O8 1.2 2 O7 12.8 15 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 +0.2 +0.5 14.7 13.7 28.4 Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSCJ-HSTJ-B(51) 704-0102-3-51 Copper alloy 35 FC / SC M80.75 9 12.8 9.4 7.4 21 27.9 (1.8) Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSCP-HRFCJ-1(51) 704-0203-0-51 HSCP-HRFCJ-1AS(51) 704-0288-3-51 HSCP-HRFCJ-2(51) 704-0204-3-51 HSCP-HRFCJ-2AS(51) 704-0289-6-51 Polishing type Applicable Fiber cable PC Copper alloy AdPC PC AdPC GI-50/125 SM-9.5/125 The positions of SC guide key and FC guide slot will not be always aligned. (3.9) 32 7.4 O19 19.5 15 FC / SC 13.7 Part Number 9 12.8 CL No. Split sleeve Polishing type Applicable Fiber cable HRFCP-HSCJ-1(51) 701-0065-0-51 PC HRFCP-HSCJ-1AS(51) 701-0108-0-51 AdPC HRFCP-HSCJ-2(51) 701-0085-7-51 PC HRFCP-HSCJ-2AS(51) 701-0109-3-51 AdPC Copper alloy GI-50/125 SM-9.5/125 The positions of SC guide slot and FC guide key will not be always aligned. Cap 5 75 17.8 17.8 11 O3.6 Hole 36 Part Number CL No. Applicable products HSC-C2 704-0061-8 HSC-A2 , HSC-A3 , HSCJ-HRFCJ-B , CHSCJ-HSTJ-B , HSC-R1-B , HSC-R2-B BMounting Dimensions Unit: mm Combination Adapter Dimensions Housing a b c d e f 58 28 15.2 53.4 23.4 10.6 39.5 28 15.2 34.9 23.4 10.6 36 26 15.2 31.4 21.4 10.6 58 ---- 13.5 53.4 ---- 8.9 39.5 ---- 13.5 34.9 ---- 8.9 36 ---- 13.5 31.4 ---- 8.9 57.5 27.5 14.7 ---- ---- ---- HSC-PH2-E1 Panel HSC-PH2-E2 HSC-A2 Plug Plug Adapter HSC-A2-D1 HSC-A3 HSC-A3-D1 HSC-PH3-B1 HSC-PH3-B2 HSC-PH2-E1-A HSC-PH3-A4 HSC-PH0.9-E1 HSC2-PH2-E1 HSC2-4A HSC2-4A-D1 HSC2-5A HSC2-5A-D1 HSC2-PH2-E2 HSC2-PH3-B1 HSC2-PH3-B2 HSC2-PH3-A HSC-PH2-E1-A HSC2-PH0.9-E1 HSC-PH2-E1 HSC-R1-B HSC-PH2-E1 HSC-R2-B HSC-PH3-B1 HSC-PH3-B2 Note: Panel thickness: 1.6mm Cable assembly SC strain relief type. Part Number CL No. HSC-SPE2-F3Q-L 704-1073-2 HSC-SPC2-F3A-L 704-1089-2 HSC-ASPE2-F3Q-L 704-1071-7 HSC-ASPC2-F3A-L 704-1094-2 HSC-CSPE2-F3Q-L ------- HSC-CSPC2-F3A-L ------- HSC-SPE2-F3P-L 704-1081-0 HSC-SPC2-F3B-L 704-1086-4 Fiber cable type Polishing type PC Cable Diameter O2mm O3mm SM-9.5/125 AdPC O2mm O3mm APC O2mm O3mm GI-50/125 PC O2mm O3mm Note 1: The "L" within the Product Number indicates the length of the cable illustrated on the drawing. Please specify values in metric units. Note 2: HSC2 cable assemblies are also available. Note 3: APC polishing is performed at an angle of 8 . Mating with connectors polished PC or AdPC is not possible. Note : Please contact HIROSE if you have any requests. 37 Tools Crimp Tool Part Number CL No. Applicable connector HSC-T3 704-0287-0 SC plug for 2mm, 3mm cable. (This is used in crimping of Kevlar at time of the plug termination.) <Locations> (1)2mm Jacket crimping: Please select section A 3mm Jacket crimping: Please select section C (2)KevlarTM crimping: Please select section B HSC2 Insertion/Extraction Tool Part Number CL No. Applicable Products HSC-T1-L 704-0286-8 HSC2 series. <How to operate> 1.Open the tip of tool by compressing levers as shown below. Hold/release lever 2.Insert the tool (with opening the tips) into adapter. 3.Release the levers (then the tool catch HSC2 plug) and you can release the connector. Plug assemble Tool 38 Part Number CL No. HSC2-PH2/CVMD 902-6029-1 SC Duplex BNotes SC duplex adapters can be also connected with Simplex SC plugs. SC type attenuators (HSC-AT11K-A-) can be connected only with F type adapters. Plug Housing 22.1 12.7 F Type 7.8 25 55 Part Number HSCF-2PH2-E1(P)(31) HSCF-2PH2-E2(P)(31) HSCF-2PH3-B1(P)(31) HSCF-2PH3-B2(P)(31) CL No. 704-2109-3-31 704-2120-6-31 704-2032-0-31 704-2036-1-31 Applicable Cable Diameter O2mm O3mm Boot Color Blue Light purple Blue Light purple Polishing type PC AdPC PC AdPC H Type 15.89 8.5 9 25 55 Part Number HSCH-2PH2-B1(P)(31) HSCH-2PH2-B2(P)(31) HSCH-2PH3-B1(P)(31) HSCH-2PH3-B2(P)(31) CL No. 704-2046-5-31 704-2058-4-31 704-2054-3-31 704-2050-2-31 Applicable Cable Diameter O2mm O3mm Boot Color Blue Light purple Blue Light purple Polishing type PC AdPC PC AdPC 39 Adapters BPanel cut-out F type Snap-in and/or Screw Mounting .3 O2 9.5 25.9 9 12.7 34.7 30.7 M2x0.4 or 2.4 +0.2 0 26.2 +0.3 0 30.70.1 3 1.8 27.4 9.4 Part Number HSCF-2A(P)(51) HSCF-2A-D(P)(06) HSCF-2A-D2(P)(06) Panel thickness: 1.6mm CL No. 704-2008-6-51 704-2040-9-06 704-2112-8-06 Split sleeve Copper sleeve Color Blue Zirconia Green BPanel cut-out H type Snap-in 27.4 15.5 12.8 18 +0.5 0 20.5 17.9 +0.3 0 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Part Number HSCH-2A1(P)(51) HSCH-2A1-D(P)(02) CL No. 704-2066-2-51 704-2117-1-02 Split sleeve Copper sleeve Zirconia Color Blue BPanel cut-out H type Snap-in and/or Screw Mounting M20.4 or O2.4 3 1.8 18 12.8 O2.3 +0.2 0 18 +0.5 0 17.9 (8.5) 23 13 1.8 3 (8.5) 13 27.4 +0.3 0 180.1 Panel thickness: 1.6mm Part Number HSCH-2A(P)(51) HSCH-2A-D(P)(02) HSCH-2A-D2(P)(03) 40 CL No. 704-2020-1-51 704-2062-1-02 704-2108-0-03 Split sleeve Copper sleeve Zirconia Color Blue Green BSC Duplex connector assemblies. Part Number HSCF-SP2PP-F3Q-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3Q-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3QW-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3QW-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3A-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3A-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3AW-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3AW-L HSCF-ASP2PP-F3Q-L HSCH-ASP2PP-F3Q-L HSCF-ASP2PP-F3QW-L HSCH-ASP2PP-F3QW-L HSCF-ASP2PP-F3A-L HSCH-ASP2PP-F3A-L HSCF-ASP2PP-F3AW-L HSCH-ASP2PP-F3AW-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3P-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3P-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3PW-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3PW-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3B-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3B-L HSCF-SP2PP-F3BW-L HSCH-SP2PP-F3BW-L CL No. 704-4031-9 ------------------------------704-4013-7 ------------------------------------------------704-4018-0 704-4038-8 ------------------------------704-4039-0 ------- Fiber cable type Polishing type Cable Diameter O2mm O2mm Zip cord PC O3mm O3mm Zip cord SM-9.5/125 O2mm O2mm Zip cord AdPC O3mm O3mm Zip cord O2mm O2mm Zip cord PC GI-50/125 O3mm O3mm Zip cord Note 1: The "L" within the Product Number indicates the length of the cable. Please specify "L" in mm. Note 2: Please contact us if you have any requests. HIROSE will offer excellent solutions to meet your requirements. BMounting Dimensions Plug Plug Adapter Panel <F Type> Unit: mm Combination Adapter HSCF-2A(P) HSCF-2A-D(P) Dimensions Housing a b c d e f 58 28 15.2 53.4 23.4 10.6 39.5 36 28 26 15.2 15.2 34.9 31.4 23.4 21.4 10.6 10.6 a b c d e f 58 28 15.2 53.4 23.4 10.6 39.5 36 28 26 15.2 15.2 34.9 31.4 23.4 21.4 10.6 10.6 HSC-PH*-E# HSCF-PH*-B#(P) HSC-PH*-A4 HSC-PH0.9-E# <H Type> Combination Adapter HSCH-2A(P) HSCH-2A-D(P) HSCH-2A1(P) Dimensions Housing HSC-PH*-E# HSCH-2PH*-B#(P) HSC-PH*-A4 HSC-PH0.9-E# Note 1: * indicates cable diameter: Note 2: # indicates polishing type: 2= O2mm diameter 3= O3mm diameter 1= PC polishing 2= AdPC polishing 41 Complies with ANSI Standard ANSI X3T9.3 Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling Interface Plug Housings For Single Mode 8.99 1 23 12.7 1.8 9.9 14.1 36.7 61.5 Part Number CL No. Applicable cable HSCM-2SPH2-B1 704-2100-9 Simplex-2mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable HSCM-2SPH3-B1 704-2102-4 Simplex-3mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable HSCM-2SPH2-B2 704-2133-8 Simplex-2mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable HSCM-2SPH3-B2 --------- Simplex-3mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable For Multi-mode Boot color Polishing type Blue PC Light purple AdPC 1.8 8.99 23 12.7 1.8 9.9 14.1 36.7 61.5 Ferrules Convertional SC ferrules. Refer to page 33 for details. Adapters F type SC adapters. Refer to page 40 for details. 42 Part Number CL No. Applicable cable HSCM-2GPH2-B1 704-2104-0 Simplex-2mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable HSCM-2GPH3-B1 704-2106-5 Simplex-3mm dia. cable or dual fiber zip cable Boot color Polishing type Blue PC Simplified Receptacles & Plugs Features 1.Space saving: Only 23.8mm plug length. Types of SC plug Simplified plug SC plug for 0.9mm fiber SC2 plug for 0.9mm fiber Length(mm) 23.8 33 33 Installation image In side equipment Out side equipment a SC Simplified plug a SC or SC2 plug 43 Product Specifications Ratings Operating temperature range Environmental Characteristics Mechanical Characteristics Optical Characeristics Item Insertion Loss Return Loss -25C to +70C Test Method (IEC 61300) Wavelength 1310nm (LD) 0.5dB max. (PC, AdPC) (GI) Wavelength 1310nm (LED) 0.3dB max. (PC) (SM) (GI) Wavelength 1310nm (LD) Ferrule withdrawal Extract zirconia gauge 2.499 0.0005 mm dia from split sleeve. Durability (cycles, mating/un-mating) 1000 times Vibration Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75 mm, 2 hours in each of the 3 axis. Shock Acceleration of 981 m/s2, 6 ms duration, sine halfwave waveform, 10 cycles in each of the 3 axis. Humidity resistance (Temperature/ humidity- cycles) Temperature: -10C to 65C, humidity: 90% to 96% 20 cycles Change of temperature Temperature: -40C / +75C 42cycles (Complies with Telcordia standard GR-326-CORE) Dry Heat 960 hours at 85C Cold 960 hours at -25C Simplified receptacle Part Material Housing Synthetic resin Sleeve Synthetic resin Split sleeve Zirconia or Copper alloy Plate Stainless steel Dust cap Synthetic resin Simplified plug Part Material Ferrule Zirconia and Synthetic resin Boot Synthetic resin Ferrule cap Synthetic resin Simplified plug extraction tool Part Material Extraction tool Synthetic resin -25C to +70C Specifications (SM) Materials 44 Storage temperature range 22dB min. (PC) 40dB min. (AdPC) 22dB min. (PC) Copper alloy split sleeve Zirconia split sleeve 2N to 5.9N 2N to 3.9N Insertion loss fluctuation after test: 0.2dB max. No visible damage, cracks or part dislocation. Simplified receptacle to SC BPanel cut-out O2 .3 Simplex / Shrouded 2- .4 0 M2 2 13 +0.5 0 180.1 12.8 22 18 12.8 9 SC SR JAPAN 3 26 7.4 9.4 Part Number HSC-SR-1(51) HSC-SR-D1(02) HSC-SR-1(03) 9.5 +0.5 0 CL No. 704-0320-4-51 704-0321-7-02 704-0320-4-03 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia None Simplex / Unshrouded Color Blue JAPAN 12.7 +0.5 0 180.1 6.3 12.5 22 18 12.5 9 SC SR 2-M 2 0.4 BPanel cut-out 3 9.35 16.2 Part Number HSC-SR-2(51) HSC-SR-D2(06) HSC-SR-2(03) CL No. 704-0291-8-51 704-0292-0-06 704-0291-8-03 17.9 15.9 ( 8.5 ) 8 +0.5 0 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia None Blue BPanel cut-out 0 .4 26 M2 3 12.8 23 18 12.8 9 18 +0.5 0 1.8 13 +0.5 0 180.1 O2 2- 7.4 Panel thickness: 1.6mm .3 Part Number HSCH-2SR-1(R)(51) HSCH-2SR-D1(R)(01) HSCH-2SR-1(R)(03) 17.9 15.9 ( 8.5 ) CL No. 704-0293-3-51 704-0294-6-01 704-0293-3-03 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia None Color Blue BPanel cut-out 26 0 .4 3 2- 13 +0.5 0 180.1 3 . O2 2- 7.4 18 +0.5 0 12.8 23 18 12.8 9 M2 Duplex H type / Shrouded (Without plate) Color 2- Duplex H type / Shrouded 7.8 Part Number HSCH-2SR-3(R)(51) HSCH-2SR-D3(R)(01) HSCH-2SR-3(R)(03) CL No. 704-0300-7-51 704-0301-0-01 704-0300-7-03 Split sleeve Copper alloy Zirconia None Color Blue 45 BPanel cut-out 2- O2 .3 Duplex F Type / Unshrouded 8 +0.5 0 25.5 +0.2 0 9 19 34.7 25.5 21.7 12.7 6.3 2SR SCR 2-M20.4 or 2-O2.4 25.7 +0.5 0 30.70.1 16.2 3 9.4 Part Number 7.8 CL No. Split sleeve HSCF-2SR-2(P)(51) 704-0295-9-51 Copper alloy HSCF-2SR-D2(P)(02) 704-0296-1-02 Zirconia HSCF-2SR-2(P)(03) 704-0295-9-03 None Color Blue Simplified Receptacles to SC2 BPanel cut-out 24.3 10.73 .4 r 2-O2 4SR JAPAN JAPAN 8+0.5 0 37.4 33.4 28.2 4SR 0.4 o 2-M2 12.4 +0.2 0 0 28.6 +0.5 2O2 .3 4-position / Shrouded 12.7+0.5 0 Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSC2-4SR-1(51) 704-0311-3-51 Copper alloy HSC2-4SR-D1(01) 704-0312-6-01 Zirconia HSC2-4SR-1(03) 704-0311-3-03 None Color Blue 8-Position / Shrouded BPanel cut-out O 10.7 3 8SR +0.2 0 6 56 +0.5 0 55.4 60.6 8SR 64.6 2.4 or 2-O 0.4 2-M2 60.60.1 24.3 3 2. 12.4 +0.5 12.7 0 46 Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSC2-8SR-1(51) 704-0266-0-51 Copper alloy HSC2-8SR-D1(01) 704-0270-8-01 Zirconia HSC2-8SR-1(03) 704-0266-0-03 None Color Blue 8-Position / Unshrouded BPanel cut-out .3 O2 14.5 11.5 3 +0.2 0 O2.4 r20.4 o 2-M2 64.6 60.6 55.4 56+0.5 0 60.60.1 12.7+0.5 0 12.4 Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSC2-8SR-2(51) 704-0318-2-51 Copper alloy HSC2-8SR-D2(01) 704-0403-0-01 Zirconia HSC2-8SR-2(03) 704-0318-2-03 None OA+0.001 (Hole diameter) 0 Blue 5 5 O2.449 0.0005 Simplified plug for 0.9mm fiber Color 4.5 10.3 Part Number HSC2-FK-A125(31) 23.8 CL No. A dimension 704-0267-3-31 0.125 HSC2-FK-A126(31) 704-0268-6-31 0.126 HSC2-FK-A1255(31) 704-0269-9-31 0.1255 Boot color Black Split sleeve Zirconia 11.4 Copper alloy Part Number CL No. Split sleeve HSC-SLIT-SLEEVE(51) 704-0275-1-51 Copper alloy 704-0264-5 Zirconia HSC-D Extraction tool for Simplified plug 7 5 6 6 20 30 20 Part Number CL No. Part Number CL No. HSC-T10 704-0350-5 HSC-T12 704-0448-8 47