VDRM ITGQM ITSM V(T0) rT VDC-link = = = = = = 5500 1800 18x103 1.9 0.9 3300 V A A V m V Reverse Conducting Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor 5SHX 19L6010 Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 * High snubberless turn-off rating * Optimized for medium frequency (<1 kHz) and low turn-off losses * High reliability * High electromagnetic immunity * Simple control interface with status feedback * AC or DC supply voltage * Contact factory for series connection Blocking Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Repetitive peak off-state voltage Symbol Conditions VDRM Gate Unit energized Permanent DC voltage for 100 FIT failure rate of RC-GCT VDC-link min typ Ambient cosmic radiation at sea level in open air. Gate Unit energized max Unit 5500 V 3300 V max Unit 50 mA Characteristic values Parameter Repetitive peak off-state current Symbol Conditions IDRM VD = VDRM, Gate Unit energized min typ Mechanical data (see Fig. 20, 21) Maximum rated values Note 1 Symbol Conditions Fm min typ max Unit 42 44 46 kN Parameter Pole-piece diameter Symbol Conditions Dp 0.1 mm min typ max Unit Housing thickness H 25.4 Weight m Surface creepage distance Ds Anode to Gate 33 mm Air strike distance Da Anode to Gate 10 mm Length l 1.0 mm 439 mm Height h 1.0 mm 40 mm Width IGCT w 1.0 mm 173 mm Parameter Mounting force Characteristic values 85 Note 1 Maximum rated values indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. mm 25.9 mm 2.9 kg 5SHX 19L6010 GCT Data On-state (see Fig. 3 to 6, 23) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Max. average on-state current Symbol Conditions IT(AV)M Half sine wave, TC = 85 C, Max. RMS on-state current IT(RMS) min typ max Unit 840 A Double side cooled Max. peak non-repetitive surge on-state current ITSM Limiting load integral I2t Max. peak non-repetitive surge on-state current ITSM Limiting load integral I2t Critical rate of rise of onstate current diT/dtcr 1320 A 3 tp = 10 ms, Tj = 125 C, sine wave after surge: VD = VR = 0 V 18x10 A 6 A2s 3 A 975x10 3 A2s 100 A/s 1.62x10 tp = 3 ms, Tj = 125 C, sine wave after surge: VD = VR = 0 V 25.5x10 For higher diT/dt and current lower than 100 A an external retrigger pulse is required. Characteristic values Parameter On-state voltage Symbol Conditions VT IT = 1800 A, Tj = 125 C Threshold voltage V(T0) Slope resistance rT Turn-on switching (see Fig. 23, 25) min typ max Unit 2.75 2.95 3.45 V 1.9 V 0.9 m max Unit 510 A/s max Unit 3.5 s 7 s 1 s 1 J max Unit 1800 A 900 A max Unit 7 s 7 s 11 J Tj = 125 C IT = 500...1800 A Maximum rated values Note 1 Symbol Conditions diT/dtcr f = 500 Hz, Tj = 125 C, IT = 1800 A, VD = 3300 V min min Rise time Symbol Conditions VD = 3300 V, Tj = 125 C tdon IT = 1800 A, di/dt = VD / Li tdon SF Li = 7.6 H CCL = 10 F, LCL = 0.3 H tr Turn-on energy per pulse Eon Parameter Critical rate of rise of onstate current typ Characteristic values Parameter Turn-on delay time Turn-on delay time status feedback typ Turn-off switching (see Fig. 7, 8, 23, 25) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Max. controllable turn-off current Max. controllable turn-off current Symbol Conditions ITGQM VDM VDRM, Tj = 125 C, VD = 3300 V, RS = 0.65 , CCL = 10 F, LCL 0.3 H ITGQM min typ VDM VDRM, Tj = 125 C, VD = 3900 V, RS = 0.65 , CCL = 10 F, LCL 0.3 H Characteristic values Parameter Turn-off delay time Turn-off delay time status feedback Turn-off energy per pulse Symbol Conditions VD = 3300 V, Tj = 125 C tdoff VDM VDRM, RS = 0.65 tdoff SF ITGQ = 1800 A, Li = 7.6 H CCL = 10 F, LCL = 0.3 H, Eoff min typ 9 ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 2 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Diode Data On-state (see Fig. 9 to 12, 24, 25) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Max. average on-state current Symbol Conditions IF(AV)M Half sine wave, TC = 85 C Max. RMS on-state current IF(RMS) Max. peak non-repetitive surge current IFSM Limiting load integral I2t Max. peak non-repetitive surge current IFSM Limiting load integral I2t min typ max Unit 340 A 530 A 3 A 3 A2s 3 A 201.8x10 3 A2s typ max Unit 5.8 6.4 V 2.7 V 2.23 m max Unit 200 V 450 V max Unit 510 A/s 510 A/s max Unit 780 A 2800 C 4.5 J tp = 10 ms, Tvj = 125C, VR = 0 V 7.7x10 296.5x10 11.6x10 tp = 3 ms, Tvj = 125C, VR = 0 V Characteristic values Parameter On-state voltage Symbol Conditions VF IF = 1800 A, Tvj = 125C Threshold voltage V(F0) Slope resistance rF min Tvj = 125C IF = 200...1800 A Turn-on Characteristic values Parameter Peak forward recovery voltage Symbol Conditions VFRM dIF/dt = 510 A/s, Tvj = 125C min typ dIF/dt = 3000 A/s, Tvj = 125C Turn-off (see Fig. 13 to 17, 24, 25) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Symbol Conditions Max. decay rate of on-state di/dtcrit IFM = 1800 A, Tvj = 125 C current VDClink = V Max. decay rate of on-state di/dtcrit current min typ IFM = 900 A, Tvj = 125 C VDClink = V Characteristic values Parameter Reverse recovery current Reverse recovery charge Turn-off energy Symbol Conditions IFM = 1800 A, VDC-Link = 3300 V IRM -dIF/dt = 510 A/s, LCL = 300 nH Qrr CCL = 10 F, RS = 0.65 , Err Tvj = 125C, DCL = 5SDF 08H6005 min typ 3.0 ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 3 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Gate Unit Data Power supply (see Fig. 18, 19) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Gate Unit voltage (Connector X1) Min. current needed to power up the Gate Unit Symbol Conditions VGIN,RMS AC square wave amplitude (15 kHz - 100kHz) or DC voltage. No galvanic isolation to power circuit. IGIN Min Rectified average current see application note 5SYA 2031 min typ 28 max Unit 40 V 2.1 A Gate Unit power consumption PGIN Max 100 W max Unit 8 A max Unit Characteristic values Parameter Internal current limitation Symbol Conditions IGIN Max Rectified average current limited by the Gate Unit min typ Optical control input/output 2) (see Fig. 23) Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Min. on-time Min. off-time Symbol Conditions ton min toff typ 40 s 40 s Characteristic values Parameter Optical input power Optical noise power Optical output power Symbol Conditions Pon CS CS: Command signal Poff CS SF: Status feedback Valid for 1mm plastic optical fiber P on SF typ -15 -19 (POF) Optical noise power Poff SF Pulse width threshold tGLITCH Max. pulse width without response External retrigger pulse width min tretrig 600 max Unit -1 dBm -45 dBm -1 dBm -50 dBm 400 ns 1100 ns 2) Do not disconnect or connect fiber optic cables while light is on. Connectors 2) (see Fig. 20 to 22) Symbol Description 3) X1 AMP: MTA-156, Part Number 641210-5 Parameter Gate Unit power connector LWL receiver for command signal CS Avago, Type HFBR-2528 4) LWL transmitter for status feedback SF Avago, Type HFBR-1528 4) 2) Do not disconnect or connect fiber optic cables while light is on. 3) AMP, www.amp.com 4) Avago Technologies, www.avagotech.com Visual feedback (see Fig. 20) Parameter Gate OFF Symbol Description LED1 "Light" when GCT is off Color (green) Gate ON LED2 "Light" when gate-current is flowing (yellow) Fault LED3 "Light" when not ready / Failure (red) Power supply voltage OK LED4 "Light" when power supply is within specified range (green) ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 4 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Thermal Maximum rated values Note 1 Parameter Junction operating temperature Conditions Symbol Tvj min typ max Unit 0 125 C Storage temperature range Tstg -40 60 C Ambient operational temperature Ta 0 50 C max Unit Double side cooled 12.6 K/kW Characteristic values Conditions Parameter Symbol Thermal resistance junction-to-case Rth(jc) of GCT min typ Thermal resistance case-toheatsink of GCT Rth(ch) No heat flow between GCT and Diode part 4.2 K/kW Thermal resistance junction-to-case of Diode Rth(jc) Double side cooled 26 K/kW Thermal resistance case-toheatsink of Diode Rth(ch) No heat flow between GCT and Diode part 10.4 K/kW Analytical function for transient thermal impedance: n R (1 - e Z thJC (t) = i - t/ i ) i =1 GCT i 1 2 3 4 Ri(K/kW) 8.769 1.909 1.218 0.699 i(s) 0.5407 0.0792 0.0091 0.0025 i 1 2 3 4 Ri(K/kW) 17.057 5.007 2.498 1.439 i(s) 0.5460 0.0829 0.0089 0.0023 Diode Fig. 1 Transient thermal impedance (junction-toNote 1 case) vs. time (max. values) Max. Turn-off current for Lifetime operation * calculated lifetime of on-board capacitors 20 years * with slightly forced air cooling (air velocity > 0.5 m/s) * strong air cooling allows for increased ambient temperature Fig. 2 Max. turn-off current vs. frequency for lifetime operation ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 5 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 GCT Part Max. on-state characteristic model: Max. on-state characteristic model: VT25 = ATvj + BTvj IT + CTvj ln(IT + 1) + DTvj IT VT125 = ATvj + BTvj IT + CTvj ln(IT + 1) + DTvj IT Valid for iT = 300 - 15000 A B25 C25 -6 -3 530.7x10 256.5x10 Valid for iT = 300 - 15000 A A25 -3 420.2x10 D25 0.0 A125 -3 -697.0x10 B125 -6 553.8x10 C125 -3 420.3x10 D125 0.0 Fig. 3 GCT on-state voltage characteristics Fig. 4 GCT on-state voltage characteristics Fig. 5 Surge on-state current vs. pulse length, halfsine wave Fig. 6 Surge on-state current vs. number of pulses, half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50Hz ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 6 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Fig. 7 GCT turn-off energy per pulse vs. turn-off current Fig. 8 GCT Safe Operating Area ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 7 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Diode Part Max. on-state characteristic model: Max. on-state characteristic model: VF25 = ATvj + BTvj IT + CTvj ln(IT + 1) + DTvj IT VF125 = ATvj + BTvj IT + CTvj ln(IT + 1) + DTvj IT Valid for IF = 300 - 15000 A B25 C25 -3 -3 1.3x10 654.4x10 Valid for IT = 300 - 15000 A A25 -1.1 D25 0.0 A125 -1.0 B125 -3 1.5x10 C125 -3 637.4x10 D125 0.0 Fig. 9 Max. on-state voltage characteristics Fig. 10 Max. on-state voltage characteristics Fig. 11 Surge on-state current vs. pulse length, halfsine wave Fig. 12 Surge on-state current vs. number of pulses, half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50Hz ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 8 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Fig. 13 Upper scatter range of Turn-off energy per pulse vs. turn-off current Fig. 14 Upper scatter range of turn-off energy per pulse vs reverse current rise rate Fig. 15 Upper scatter range of reverse recovery charge vs reverse current rise rate Fig. 16 Upper scatter range of reverse recovery current vs reverse current rise rate ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 9 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Fig. 17 Diode Safe Operating Area Fig. 18 Max. Gate Unit input power in chopper mode Fig. 19 Burst capability of Gate Unit ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 10 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Fig. 20 Outline drawing; all dimensions are in millimeters and represent nominal values unless stated otherwise 1) VGIN (AC or DC+) 2) VGIN (AC or DC+) 3) Cathode 4) VGIN (AC or DC-) 5) VGIN (AC or DC-) Fig. 21 Detail A: pin out of supply connector X1. RC-IGCT Gate Unit X1 RC-GCT Anode Supply (VGIN) Internal Supply (No galvanic isolation to power circuit) LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 CS SF TurnOn Circuit Command Signal (Light) Status Feedback (Light) Rx Tx Logic Monitoring TurnOff Circuit Gate Cathode Fig. 22 Block diagram ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 11 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Turn-off External Retrigger pulse Turn-on dIT/dt VDM ITM VDSP VD VD IT 0.9 VD IT 0.4 ITGQ 0.1 VD VD CS CS CS SF SF SF tretrig tdon SF tdoff SF tdoff tdon tr ton toff Fig. 23 General current and voltage waveforms with IGCT-specific symbols VF(t), IF (t) dIF/dt VFR -dIF/dt IF (t) IF (t) VF (t) VF (t) Qrr t tfr tfr (typ) 10 s IRM VR (t) Fig. 24 General current and voltage waveforms with Diode-specific symbols ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07 page 12 of 13 5SHX 19L6010 Li Rs VDC LCL DUT DCL GCT - part CCL DUT Diode - part LLoad Fig. 25 Test circuit Related documents: 5SYA 2031 5SYA 2032 5SYA 2036 5SYA 2046 5SYA 2048 5SYA 2051 5SZK 9107 Applying IGCT Gate Units Applying IGCTs Recommendations regarding mechanical clamping of Press Pack High Power Semiconductors Failure rates of IGCTs due to cosmic rays Field measurements on High Power Press Pack Semiconductors Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors Specification of enviromental class for pressure contact IGCTs, OPERATION available on request, please contact factory Please refer to http://www.abb.com/semiconductors for current version of documents. ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ABB Switzerland Ltd Semiconductors Fabrikstrasse 3 CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland Telephone Fax Email Internet +41 (0)58 586 1419 +41 (0)58 586 1306 abbsem@ch.abb.com www.abb.com/semiconductors Doc. No. 5SYA1229-02 Aug 07