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The DS1646 is a 128k x 8 nonvolatile static RAM wit h a full-function real time clock, which are both
accessible in a byte-wide format. The nonvolatile timekeeping RAM is functionally equivalent to any
JEDEC standard 128k x 8 SRAM. The device can also be easily substituted for ROM, EPROM and
EEPROM, providing read/write nonvolatility and the addition of the real time clock function. The real
time clock information resides in the eight uppermost RAM locations. The RTC registers contain year,
mont h, date, day, hour s, minutes, and seconds dat a in 24-hour BCD format. Correct ions for the day of the
month and leap year ar e made automat ically. The RT C c lock r egist er s ar e dou ble-buffered to avo id acces s
of incorrect data that can occur during clock update cycles. The double-buffered system also prevents
time lo ss as the timekeep ing countdown continues unabated by access to t ime register dat a. T he DS1646
also contains its own power-fail c ircuit ry, whic h deselect s the device when t he VCC supply is in an out-of-
to lerance cond ition. Th is featur e pr eve nt s loss of data from unpredict able s yst em o per atio n brought o n by
low VCC as err ant access a nd update cycles are avoided.
The DS1646 is available in two packages: 32-pin DIP and 34-pin PowerCap module. The 32-pin DIP
style module integrates the crystal, lithium energy source, and silicon all in one package. The 34-pin
Power Cap Modu le Board is desig ned w it h co nt acts for connection t o a separ ate Power Cap ( DS 90 34PCX)
that contains the crystal and battery. This design allows the PowerCap to be mounted on top of the
DS1646P after the completion of the surface mount process. Mounting the PowerCap after the surface
mount process preve nt s damage t o t he cr yst al and bat tery du e to t he h ig h t emperatures required for s older
r eflow. T he Pow e rCa p is k eyed to prevent reve rse inser tion. The Power Cap Modu le Bo ar d and Power Cap
are ordered separately and shipped in separate containers. The part number for the PowerCap is
While the double-buffered r egist er str u ctu r e r edu ces the cha nce of reading inco r r ect dat a, inter nal updates
to the DS1646 clock registers should be halted before clock data is read to prevent reading of data in
transition. However, halting the internal clock register updating process does not affect clock accuracy.
Updating is halted when a 1 is written into the read bit, the 7th most significant bit in the control register.
As long as 1 remains in that position, updating is halted. After a halt is issued, the registers reflect the
co unt, that is da y, dat e, and time that was present at t he mo me nt the ha lt co mmand was issu ed. Ho wever ,
t he int er na l clock reg ist ers o f t he doub le-buffer ed syste m co nt inue t o update so that clo ck accur acy i s no t
affected by the access of data. All of the DS1646 registers are updated simultaneously after the clock
st atu s is reset. Upd ating is wit h in a seco nd after t he read bit is wr it ten to 0.