Preliminary Data Sheet I2145 12/97
PGM Max. peak Gate Power 8. 0 W
PG(AV) Max. average Gate Power 2.0
+ IGM Max. paek positive Gate Current 1. 5 A
- VGM Max. paek negative Gate Voltage 1 0 V
IGT Max. required DC Gate Current 2 0 mA Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = - 65°C
to trigger 1 5 Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = 25°C
1 0 Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = 125°C
VGT Max. required DC Gate Voltage 1.2 V Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = - 65°C
to trigger 1 Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = 25°C
0.7 Anode supply = 6V, resistive load, TJ = 125°C
VGD Max. DC Gate Voltage not to trigger 0.2 TJ = 125°C, V DRM = rated value
IGD Max. DC Gate Current not to trigger 0.1 mA TJ = 125°C, VDRM = rated value
Parameters 10TTS08S Units Conditions
Parameters 10TTS08S Units Conditions
tgt Typical turn-on time 0. 8 µs TJ = 25°C
trr Typical reverse recovery time 3 TJ = 125°C
tqTypical turn-off time 10 0
TJMax. Junction Temperature Range - 40 to 125 °C
Tstg Max. Storage Temperature Range - 40 to 125 °C
Soldering Temperature 240 °C for 10 seconds (1.6mm from case)
RthJC Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 1.5 °C/W DC operation
to Case
RthJA Typ. Thermal Resistance Junction 40 °C/W
to Ambient (PCB Mount)**
wt Approximate Weight 2 (0.07) g (oz.)
T Case Style D2 Pak (SMD-220)
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 10TTS08S Units Conditions
**When mounted on 1" square (650mm2) PCB of FR-4 or G-10 material 4 oz (140µm) copper 40°C/W
For recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to application note #AN-994