If the second command given is not an erase
confirm or if the coded cycles are wrong, the
instruction abor ts, and the dev ice is reset t o Read
Mode. It is not necessary to progr am the b lock with
0000h as the EPC will do this automatically before
the erasing to FFFFh. Read operations after the
EPC has started, output the Flash Statu s Register .
Durin g the execution of the erase by the EP C, the
device accepts only the Erase Suspend and
Read/Reset instructions. Data Polling bit FSB.7
returns ‘0’ while the erasure is in progress, and ‘1’
when it has completed. The Toggle bit FSB.2 and
FSB.6 toggle during the erase operation. They
stop when erase is completed. After completion,
the Error bit FSB.5 returns ‘1’ if there has been an
erase failure because erasure has not completed
even after the maximum number of erase cycles
have been executed by the EPC, in this case, it
will be necessary to input a Read/Reset to the
Command Interface in order to reset the EPC.
Chip Erase (CE). This instruction uses six write
cycles. The Erase Enable command xx80h, must
be written at address 1554h after CI-Enable
cycles. The Ch ip Erase com mand xx10h must be
given on the sixth cycle after a second CI-Enable
sequence. An error in command sequence will
reset the CI to Read mode. It i s NOT necessary to
program the block with 0000 h as the EPC will do
this automatically before the erasing to FFFFh.
Read operations after the EPC has sta r t ed out put
the Flash Stat us Register. Durin g the exec ution of
the erase by the EPC, Data Polling bit FSB.7
returns ‘0’ while the erasure is in progress, and ‘1’
when it has completed. The FSB.2 and FSB.6 bit
toggle during the erase operation. They s top when
erase is finished. The FSB.5 error bit returns "1" in
case of failure of the erase operation. The error
flag is set after the maximum number of erase
cycles have been executed by the EPC. In this
case, it will be necessary to input a Read/Reset to
the Comma nd Interface in order to reset the EPC.
Erase Suspend (ES). This instruction can be
used to suspend a Block Erase operation by
giving the command xxB0h without any specific
address. No CI-Enable cycles is required. Erase
Suspend operation allows reading of data from
another block and/or the programming in another
block while erase is in progress. If this com ma nd
is given during the time-out period, it will terminate
the time-out per iod in addition to erase Suspend.
The Toggle bit FSB.6, when monitored at an
address that belongs to the block being erased,
stops togg ling when Erase Suspend Com mand is
effective, It happens between 0.1µs and 15µs
after the Erase Suspend Command has been
written. The Flash will then go in normal Read
Mode, and read from blocks not being erased is
valid, while read from block being erased will
output FSB.2 toggling. During a Suspend phase
the only instruction s valid are Erase Resume a nd
Program Word. A Read / Reset instruct ion during
Erase s uspend wi ll definitely abor t t he Erase a nd
result in invalid data in the bl ock being erased.
Erase Resume (ER). This instruction can be
given when the memory is in Erase Suspend
State. Erase can be resumed by writing the
command xx30h at any address without any
Cl-enable sequence.
Program during Erase Suspend. The Program
Word instruction during Erase Suspend is allowed
only on bloc ks that are not Erase-suspended. This
instruction is the same than the Program Word
Set Protect ion (SP). This instruction can be used
to enable both Block Protection (to protect each
block independently from accidental Erasing-Pro-
gramming Operation) and Code Protection (to
avoid code dump). The Set Protection Command
must be given after a special CI-Protection Enab le
cycles (see in stru ction table). The following Write
cycle, will program the Pro tection Regi ster. To pro-
tect the block x (x = 0 t o 6), the dat a bit x must be
at ‘ 0’. To prote ct the c ode, bit 15 of the dat a must
be ‘0’. Enabling Block or Code Protection is per-
manent and can be cleared only by STM. Block
Temporary Unprotection and Code Temporary
Unprotection instructions are av ailabl e to allow the
customer to update the code.
Not es: 1. The new va lue pr ogrammed i n protec tio n
register will only become active after a reset.
2. Bit that are already at ’0’ in protection
register must be confirmed at ’0’ also in
data latched during the 4th cycle of set
protection command, otherwise an error
may occur.
Read Protection Status (RP). This in stru ct ion is
used to read the Block Protection status and the
Code Protection status. To read the protection
register (see Table 3), the CI-Protection Enable
cycles must be executed followed by the
command xx90h at address x2A54h. The
following Read Cycles at any odd word address
will output t he Block Protection Status. The Read/
Reset command xxF0h must be written to reset
the protection interface.
Note: After a modification of protection register
(using Set Protection command), the Read
Protection Status will return the new PR
value only after a rese t.