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Siemens AG
Corporate Communications
Corporate Press Office
D - 80312 Munich
Tel. (++49 89) 234 - 0, Fax - 2824
Reference number: HL 12 1196.012 e
Press Office Semiconductors
Georg-Ludwig Radke
P.O.Box 80 17 09, D-81617 Munich, Germany
Phone (++49 89) 4144 - 8480, Fax - 8482
New Reference Boards for ISDN Applications
Siemens announced two new reference boards for ISDN applications on personal
computers. The HSCX TE Reference Board (SIPB 71525) is a low-cost, passive PC
card, which offers an option for two different line interfaces, S0 and U2B1Q, and
supports data applications using two B channels; the ISAR Reference Board (SIPB
7110) is an enhanced passive PC card adding fax and modem capabilities to the
functionality offered by the HSCX TE Reference Board.
Both boards are ready to copy and offer pre-tested designs. Both are PC boards for ISDN
Basic Rate Interface (BRI), and offer an Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus interface
for PC/AT/EISA systems. Siemens provides driver software and sample applications for
use under MS-DOS, MS-Windows 3.x and Windows 95.
The SIPB 71525 is an advanced solution for ISDN applications on PCs. Easy to install, it
fulfills requirements for a PC-based ISA Plug and Play Slot Card. The SIPB 71525 has
been designed to implement high-speed communication links using HDLC protocols and
to reduce the hardware and software needed for serial synchronous communications.
The SIPB 7110 offers the same functionality as the SIPB 71525, but with additional
enhancements. The new board features G3 fax support with full-duplex modem
communication, and data rate adaption according to V.110. It supports both voice and
data applications using two B channels.
Semiconductors (HL)
For the trade and technical press
electronica ‘96