SNAP-IT Panel-Mounted Ethernet I/O System
SNAP-IT panel-mounted Ethernet I/O system packages a SNAP Ethernet brain, a
16-module mounting rack, and a power supply in a sturdy metal housing for
mounting on interior or exterior walls or equipment The SNAP-IT-PM series is
ideal for use in harsh indoor or outdoor environments. Typical applications include
managing communication towers, tanks, pipelines, and machines for
manufacturing and processing. Just snap the input/output modules you need for
your specific application into the rack, wire them to your devices, and configure
the I/O points using the built-in web server, and you're ready to monitor and
manage virtually any electrical, mechanical, or electronic device via your enterprise
network or other communications link.
SNAP-IT-PM-ADS. SNAP-IT packaged Ethernet I/O system, analog/digital/serial
support, panel mounted.
691-5523. SNAP-IT-PM-ADS ............................................................EACH 1893.38
SNAP-IT-PM-D64. SNAP-IT packaged Ethernet I/O system, digital-only support,
panel mounted.
691-5524. SNAP-IT-PM-D64 .............................................................EACH 555.00
Opto 22
I/O System, Adapter Card, Brains and I/O Modules
For Fast, Dependable Service, Make Just One Call Ñ 1-800-433-5700 ALLIED
SNAP-IT Rack-Mounted Ethernet I/O System
The SNAP-IT-RM rack-mounted Ethernet I/O system packages a
SNAP Ethernet brain, a 16-module mounting rack, and a power
supply in a 3U box for standard 19-inch rack mounting. The SNAP-
IT rack mount series is ideal for managing devices in controlled
environments. Typical applications include monitoring computer
and telecommunications equipment. Just snap the input/output
modules you need for your specific application into the rack, wire
them to your devices, and configure the I/O points using the built-in
Web server, and you're ready to monitor and manage virtually any
electrical, mechanical, or electronic device via your enterprise
network or other communications link.
SNAP-IT-RM-ADS. SNAP-IT packaged Ethernet I/O system, analog/digital/serial support, rack mounted.
691-5521. SNAP-IT-RM-ADS............................................................................................................................ EACH 1893.38
SNAP-IT-RM-D64. SNAP-IT packaged Ethernet I/O system, digital-only support, rack mounted.
691-5522. SNAP-IT-RM-D64 ............................................................................................................................ EACH 1775.00
M4SENET-100 Ethernet Adapter Card
SNAP Ethernet Brains
SNAP Ethernet brains are compact, flexible, high-performance I/O and
communications processors that connect real-world devices with Ethernet
networks for monitoring, control, and data acquisition. The SNAP-B3000-
ENET works with analog, digital, and serial signals from real-world
devices, while the SNAP-ENET-D64 Ethernet brain handles digital signals
only. Both SNAP Ethernet brains feature pure TCP/IP transport protocol; a
10/100 Mbps fast Ethernet connection; a built-in web server for
diagnostics, configuration, and data serving; and multiple simultaneous
protocols including Modbus/TCP, XML, HTML, SNMP, and SMTP.
691-1113. SNAP-B3000-ENET. Analog/Digital Ethernet Brain, FM approved ..................................................EACH 695.00
691-5525. SNAP-ENET-D64. Digital-Only Ethernet Brain .................................................................................EACH 764.47
The M4SENET-100 is an Ethernet network interface card designed for Opto 22Õs M4-series industrial controllers, such as
the SNAP-LCM4 and the M4RTU. The card provides connection capability with a 10Base-T or 100Base-TX Ethernet
network. The key advantage of the M4SENET-100 is that it operates on standard Ethernet networks using standard TCP/IP
transport. A separate I/O or control network is not required for the control system.
691-0381. M4SENET-100. Ethernet Network Interface Card ............................................................................EACH 945.20
SNAP I/O Modules
SNAP I/O is Opto 22Õs newest and highest density I/O packaging. SNAP I/O includes 4-channel AC and DC digital modules
and intelligent analog modules. SNAPÕs compact design delivers an overall space savings of 60 percent over traditional
I/O, while innovative new packaging allows modules to simply snap in place. All SNAP modules have removable
top-mounted connectors to provide easy access for field wiring. Digital modules include a built-in LED status indicator for
each channel. Digital output modules use a standard fuse with a convenient handle for easy replacement. DC output
modules are available in either current sinking or current sourcing versions. SNAP analog modules are software-
configurable and offer both optical and transformer isolation. Each analog input module offers 15-bit resolution for high
accuracy. All analog modules include a serial interface for easy programmability and integration into OEM applications.
SNAP Serial Modules
691-2002. SNAP-SCM-232. 2-Channel RS-232 Serial Communication Module .............................................EACH 295.00
691-5535. SNAP-SCM-485. 2-Channel Isolated Serial RS-485........................................................................EACH 245.00
SNAP Digital Modules
SNAP Digital AC Inputs
691-0001. SNAP-IAC5. 4-Channel AC Input 90-140 VAC, 5 VDC Logic...........................................................EACH 42.00
691-5500. SNAP-IAC5AFM. 4-Channel 180-280 VAC Input, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved ...............................EACH 47.00
691-5501. SNAP-IAC5FM. 4-Channel 10-32 VAC Input, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved......................................EACH 47.00
691-5502. SNAP-IAC5MA. 4-Channel Isolated 90-140 VAC Input, 5 VDC Logic, Manual/Auto Switches .......EACH 84.00
SNAP Digital DC Inputs
691-2003. SNAP-IDC5-SW. SNAP Input Module, Self-Wetting .......................................................................EACH 56.00
691-0003. SNAP-IDC5. 4-Channel DC Input 10-32 VDC, 5 VDC Logic ............................................................EACH 42.00
691-1003. SNAP-IDC5FAST. SNAP 4-Channel Hi-Speed DC Input 2.5-16 VDC, 5 VDC Logic ........................EACH 46.00
691-5503. SNAP-IDC5D. 4-Channel 2.5-28 VDC Input, 5 VDC Logic ..............................................................EACH 42.00
691-5504. SNAP-IDC5DFM. 4-Channel 2.5-28 VDC Input, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved..................................EACH 47.00
691-5505. SNAP-IDC5-FAST-A. 4-Channel 18-32 VDC Input, 5 VDC Logic, High Speed................................EACH 46.00
691-5506. SNAP-IDC5FM. 4-Channel 10-32 VDC Input, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved .....................................EACH 47.00
691-5507. SNAP-IDC5MA. 4-Channel Isolated 10-32 VDC Input, 5 VDC Logic, Manual/Auto Switches ........EACH 84.00
691-1105. SNAP-IDC5Q. 2-Axis Quadrature, 4-24 VDC Input..........................................................................EACH 182.00
SNAP Digital AC Outputs
691-2005. SNAP-OAC5-I. SNAP AC Output Module, Isolated ..........................................................................EACH 42.00
691-0004. SNAP-OAC5. 4-Channel AC Output 12-280 VAC, 5 VDC Logic.......................................................EACH 42.00
691-5508. SNAP-OAC5FM. 4-Channel 12-280 VAC Output, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved................................EACH 47.00
691-5509. SNAP-OAC5-iFM. 4-Channel Isolated 12-280 VAC Output, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved................EACH 47.00
691-5510. SNAP-OAC5MA. 4-Channel Isolated 12-280 VAC Output, 5 VDC Logic, Manual/Auto Switches ...EACH 84.00
SNAP Digital DC Outputs
691-0005. SNAP-ODC5SNK. 4-Channel DC Output 5-60 VDC, 5 VDC Logic Sink ...........................................EACH 42.00
691-0006. SNAP-ODC5SRC. 4-Channel DC Output 5-60 VDC, 5 VDC Logic Source ......................................EACH 42.00
691-5511. SNAP-ODC5A-i. 4-Channel Isolated 5-200 VDC Output, 5 VDC Logic............................................EACH 42.00
691-5512. SNAP-ODC5A-iFM. 4-Channel Isolated 5-200 VDC Output, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved...............EACH 47.00
691-5513. SNAP-ODC5-iFM. 4-Channel Isolated 5-60 VDC Output, 5 VDC Logic, FM Approved ...................EACH 47.00
691-5514. SNAP-ODC5MA. 4-Channel Isolated 5-60 VDC Output, 5 VDC Logic, Manual/Auto Switches ......EACH 84.00
691-1107. SNAP-ODC5R. 4-Channel Dry Contact, Normally Open ..................................................................EACH 45.00
691-5515. SNAP-ODC5R5. 4-Channel Dry Contact, Normally Closed .............................................................EACH 45.00
691-5516. SNAP-ODC5RFM. 4-Channel Dry Contact, Normally Open, FM Approved .....................................EACH 50.00
691-5517. SNAP-ODC5R5FM. 4-Channel Dry Contact, Normally Closed, FM Approved.................................EACH 50.00
691-5518. SNAP-ODC5SNKFM. 4-Channel 5-60 VDC Output, Load Sinking, FM Approved ...........................EACH 47.00
691-5519. SNAP-ODC5SRCFM. 4-Channel 5-60 VDC Output, Load Sourcing, FM Approved.........................EACH 47.00
SNAP Analog Modules
SNAP Analog Inputs
691-2107. SNAP-AIMA-I. 2-Channel AIMA Isolated .........................................................................................EACH 265.00
691-2108. SNAP-AITM-I. 2-Channel AITM Isolated ......................................................................................... EACH 245.00
691-2109. SNAP-AITM2-I. SNAP 2-Channel Isolated Thermo/mv Input .........................................................EACH 245.00
691-2110. SNAP-AIV-I. 2-Channel AIV Isolated ............................................................................................... EACH 245.00
691-2111. SNAP-AICTD-4. SNAP 4-Channel ICTD Input ................................................................................. EACH 245.00
691-2112. SNAP-AIMA-4. SNAP 4-Channel Analog Current Input...................................................................EACH 245.00
691-2114. SNAP-AIMV2-4. SNAP 4-Channel Analog ±50 mV Input ............................................................... EACH 245.00
691-2115. SNAP-AIV-4. SNAP 4-Channel Analog AIV .....................................................................................EACH 245.00
691-0007. SNAP-AIMA. 2-Channel Analog Current Input Ð25 mA to +25 mA .................................................EACH 182.00
691-0008. SNAP-AITM. 2-Channel Analog Type E, J, K Thermocouple or Ð160 mV to +160 mV Input .........EACH 182.00
691-0009. SNAP-AIV. 2-Channel Analog Input Voltage Ð10 VDC to +10 VDC .................................................EACH 182.00
691-1006. SNAP-AITM-2. SNAP 2-Channel Thermocouple Input Types B, C, D, G, N, T, R, S .......................EACH 182.00
691-5520. SNAP-AIARMS. 2-Channel Current Input, 0-10 A RMS, AC/DC Input ............................................EACH 195.00
691-5530. SNAP-AIMV-4. 4-Channel Current Input, ±150 mV or ±75 mV Input .............................................EACH 245.00
691-5531. SNAP-AIR40K-4. 4-Channel Thermistor Input, 0-40 K ohms .........................................................EACH 245.00
691-5532. SNAP-AIRATE. 2-Channel Rate Input, 0-25 kHz .............................................................................EACH 195.00
SNAP Analog Outputs
691-1007. SNAP-AOA-23. SNAP 2-Channel Current Loop Output 4-20 mA....................................................EACH 182.00
691-1009. SNAP-AOV-27. SNAP 2-Channel Voltage Output Bipolar Ð10 to +10 VDC .....................................EACH 182.00
691-5533. SNAP-AOA-28. 2-Channel Current Output, 0-20 mA ......................................................................EACH 195.00
691-5534. SNAP-AOD-29. 2-Channel Time-Proportional Digital Output, 5-60 VDC ........................................EACH 187.00
SNAP Power Supplies
691-1011. SNAP-PS5. SNAP Power Supply, Single Rack, 110 VAC to 5 VDC, FM Approved.........................EACH 214.00
691-5537. SNAP-PS5-24DC. SNAP Power Supply, Single Rack, 24 VDC to 5 VDC, FM Approved ................EACH 200.00
SNAP Module Accessories
691-0013. SNAP-FIELDCONB. Module Field Connector.........................................................................PER PK./10 70.00
SNAP I/O Accessories
The SNAP-ODC5R dry contact module allows switching of low power signals where signal integrity must be maintained,
or where zero leakage current is a requirement. The SNAP-WIRESTRAP is used to connect the SNAP-STRAPÕs of multiple
SNAP digital modules. The SNAP-STRAP is used to connect together the common terminals of a SNAP digital I/O module.
691-1107. SNAP-ODC5R. SNAP 4-Channel Dry Contact Output...................................................................... EACH 45.00
691-1108. SNAP-STRAP. SNAP Module Jumper Strap ................................................................................... EACH 8.95
691-1109. SNAP-WIRESTRAP. SNAP Module Wire Strap ...............................................................................EACH 5.74
SNAP Ethernet I/O Demo Center
The SNAP Ethernet I/O Demo Center is a fully functional, complete package of Opto 22
hardware and software that provides everything you need to get started with Opto 22Õs
ethernet I/O technology. In minutes, youÕll be able to communicate with I/O points
using just your web browser or the included ethernet software utilities. Included with
the SNAP Ethernet I/O Demo Center is a Quick Start guide that will walk you through
I/O hardware assembly and installation of the Demo CenterÕs software utilities.
SNAP-ENET DC. SNAP Ethernet I/O Demo Center
691-2113. SNAP-ENET DC ...................................................................... EACH 1268.63
SNAP Brains and I/O Units
With SNAP I/O, a single processor does it all. SNAP controls analog, digital, or mixed I/O
modules on the same compact SNAP B series mounting rack. Both Optomux and Mistic
protocols are supported for easy integration into existing Optomux or Mistic installations.
SNAP I/O processors offer a variety of high-speed serial communications options and can be
daisy-chained on a simple serial link over very long distances. SNAP I/O processors feature
flash-based firmware for easy upgrades and maintenance. The Mistic protocol provides
seamless integration with Opto 22Õs FactoryFloor software.
691-0046. B3000. Snap Analog/Digital Brain Mistic/Optomux Protocol, FM Approved ..................................EACH 467.50
691-2213. SNAP-PDRPS64. Profibus Ñ DP Digital Slave Brain .....................................................................EACH 555.00
691-1102. B3000-MODBUS. SNAP Analog/Digital Modbus Slave Brain..........................................................EACH 425.00