19-6079; Rev 11/11 DS1251/DS1251P 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS Real-Time Clock Keeps Track of Hundredths Of Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Date of the Month, Months, and Years 512K x 8 NV SRAM Directly Replaces Volatile Static RAM or EEPROM Embedded Lithium Energy Cell Maintains Calendar Operation and Retains RAM Data Watch Function is Transparent to RAM Operation Automatic Leap Year Compensation Valid Up to 2100 Over 10 Years of Data Retention in the Absence of Power Full 10% Operating Range Lithium Energy Source is Electrically Disconnected to Retain Freshness Until Power is Applied for the First Time DIP Module Only - Standard 32-Pin JEDEC Pinout - Upward Compatible with the DS1248 PowerCap Module Board Only - Surface Mountable Package for Direct Connection to PowerCap Containing Battery and Crystal - Replaceable Battery (PowerCap) - Pin-for-Pin Compatible with Other Densities of DS124xP Phantom Clocks Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Recognized (www.maxim-ic.com/qa/info/ul/) TOP VIEW 1 2 DS1251 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 VCC A15 A17 WE A13 A8 A9 A11 OE A10 CE DQ0 13 20 DQ6 DQ1 DQ2 14 19 DQ5 15 18 DQ4 16 17 DQ3 A18/RST A16 A14 A12 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 GND DQ7 Encapsulated Package 740-Mil Flush RST A15 A16 N.C. VCC WE OE CE DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2 DQ1 DQ0 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DS1251P X1 GND VBAT X2 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 PowerCap Module Board (Uses DS9034PCX+ PowerCap) 1 of 20 A18 A17 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 DS1251/DS1251P ORDERING INFORMATION PART TEMP RANGE DS1251W-120+ DS1251W-120IND+ DS1251WP-120+ DS1251WP-120IND+ DS1251Y-70+ DS1251YP-70+ DS1251YP-70IND+ 0C to +70C -40C to +85C 0C to +70C -40C to +85C 0C to +70C 0C to +70C -40C to +85C VOLTAGE RANGE (V) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 PIN-PACKAGE 32 EDIP (0.740a) 32 EDIP (0.740a) 34 PowerCap* 34 PowerCap* 32 EDIP (0.740a) 34 PowerCap* 34 PowerCap* + Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. *DS9034PCX+ or DS9034I-PCX+ (PowerCap) required. Must be ordered separately. PIN DESCRIPTION EDIP 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 PIN PowerCap 1 34 3 32 30 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 28 29 27 26 31 33 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 NAME FUNCTION RST A18 A16 A14 A12 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 A10 A11 A9 A8 A13 A17 A15 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 Active-Low Reset Input. This pin has an internal pullup resistor connected to VCC. Address Inputs Data In/Data Out 2 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P PIN DESCRIPTION (continued) PIN EDIP PowerCap 22 8 24 7 29 6 32 5 -- 4 16 17 NAME CE OE WE VCC N.C. GND FUNCTION Active-Low Chip-Enable Input Active-Low Output-Enable Input Active-Low Write-Enable Input Power-Supply Input No Connection Ground DESCRIPTION The DS1251 4096K NV SRAM with Phantom Clock is a fully static nonvolatile RAM (organized as 512K words by 8 bits) with a built-in real-time clock. The DS1251Y has a self-contained lithium energy source and control circuitry, which constantly monitors VCC for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a condition occurs, the lithium energy source is automatically switched on and write protection is unconditionally enabled to prevent garbled data in both the memory and real-time clock. The phantom clock provides timekeeping information including hundredths of seconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, dates, months, and years. The date at the end of the month is automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, including correction for leap years. The phantom clock operates in either 24-hour or 12-hour format with an AM/PM indicator. PACKAGES The DS1251 is available in two packages: 32-pin DIP and 34-pin PowerCap module. The 32-pin DIP style module integrates the crystal, lithium energy source, and silicon in one package. The 34-pin PowerCap module board is designed with contacts for connection to a separate PowerCap (DS9034PCX) that contains the crystal and battery. This design allows the PowerCap to be mounted on top of the DS1251P after the completion of the surface mount process. Mounting the PowerCap after the surface mount process prevents damage to the crystal and battery because of the high temperatures required for solder reflow. The PowerCap is keyed to prevent reverse insertion. The PowerCap Module Board and PowerCap are ordered separately and shipped in separate containers. RAM READ MODE The DS1251 executes a read cycle whenever WE (write enable) is inactive (high) and CE (chip enable) is active (low). The unique address specified by the 19 address inputs (A0-A18) defines which of the 512K bytes of data is to be accessed. Valid data will be available to the eight data-output drivers within tACC (access time) after the last address input signal is stable, providing that CE and OE (output enable) access times and states are also satisfied. If OE and CE access times are not satisfied, then data access must be measured from the later occurring signal ( CE or OE ) and the limiting parameter is either tCO for CE or tOE for OE , rather than address access. RAM WRITE MODE The DS1251 is in the write mode whenever the WE and CE signals are in the active (low) state after address inputs are stable. The latter occurring falling edge of CE or WE will determine the start of the write cycle. The write cycle is terminated by the earlier rising edge of CE or WE . All address inputs must 3 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P be kept valid throughout the write cycle. WE must return to the high state for a minimum recovery time (tWR ) before another cycle can be initiated. The OE control signal should be kept inactive (high) during write cycles to avoid bus contention. However, if the output bus has been enabled ( CE and OE active) then WE will disable the outputs in tODW from its falling edge. DATA RETENTION MODE The 5V device is fully accessible and data can be written or read only when VCC is greater than VPF. However, when VCC is below the power-fail point, VPF (point at which write protection occurs), the internal clock registers and SRAM are blocked from any access. When VCC falls below the battery switch point, VSO (battery supply level), device power is switched from the VCC pin to the backup battery. RTC operation and SRAM data are maintained from the battery until VCC is returned to nominal levels. The 3.3V device is fully accessible and data can be written or read only when VCC is greater than VPF. When VCC falls below the power-fail point, VPF , access to the device is inhibited. If VPF is less than VBAT, the device power is switched from VCC to the backup supply (VBAT ) when VCC drops below VPF . If VPF is greater than VBAT, the device power is switched from VCC to the backup supply (VBAT ) when VCC drops below VBAT. RTC operation and SRAM data are maintained from the battery until VCC is returned to nominal levels. All control, data, and address signals must be powered down when VCC is powered down. PHANTOM CLOCK OPERATION Communication with the phantom clock is established by pattern recognition on a serial bit stream of 64 bits, which must be matched by executing 64 consecutive write cycles containing the proper data on DQ0. All accesses that occur prior to recognition of the 64-bit pattern are directed to memory. After recognition is established, the next 64 read or write cycles either extract or update data in the phantom clock, and memory access is inhibited. Data transfer to and from the timekeeping function is accomplished with a serial bit stream under control of chip enable, output enable, and write enable. Initially, a read cycle to any memory location using the CE and OE control of the phantom clock starts the pattern recognition sequence by moving a pointer to the first bit of the 64-bit comparison register. Next, 64 consecutive write cycles are executed using the CE and WE control of the SmartWatch. These 64 write cycles are used only to gain access to the phantom clock. Therefore, any address to the memory in the socket is acceptable. However, the write cycles generated to gain access to the phantom clock are also writing data to a location in the mated RAM. The preferred way to manage this requirement is to set aside just one address location in RAM as a phantom clock scratch pad. When the first write cycle is executed, it is compared to bit 0 of the 64-bit comparison register. If a match is found, the pointer increments to the next location of the comparison register and awaits the next write cycle. If a match is not found, the pointer does not advance and all subsequent write cycles are ignored. If a read cycle occurs at any time during pattern recognition, the present sequence is aborted and the comparison register pointer is reset. Pattern recognition continues for a total of 64 write cycles as described above until all the bits in the comparison register have been matched (Figure 1). With a correct match for 64 bits, the phantom clock is enabled and data transfer to or 4 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P from the timekeeping registers can proceed. The next 64 cycles will cause the phantom clock to either receive or transmit data on DQ0, depending on the level of the OE pin or the WE pin. Cycles to other locations outside the memory block can be interleaved with CE cycles without interrupting the pattern recognition sequence or data transfer sequence to the phantom clock. PHANTOM CLOCK REGISTER INFORMATION The phantom clock information is contained in eight registers of 8 bits, each of which is sequentially accessed 1 bit at a time after the 64-bit pattern recognition sequence has been completed. When updating the phantom clock registers, each register must be handled in groups of 8 bits. Writing and reading individual bits within a register could produce erroneous results. These read/write registers are defined in Figure 2. Data contained in the phantom clock register is in binary-coded decimal format (BCD). Reading and writing the registers is always accomplished by stepping through all eight registers, starting with bit 0 of register 0 and ending with bit 7 of register 7. PHANTOM CLOCK REGISTER DEFINITION Figure 1 NOTE: THE PATTERN RECOGNITION IN HEX IS C5, 3A, A3, 5C, C5, 3A, A3, 5C. THE ODDS OF THIS PATTERN BEING ACCIDENTALLY DUPLICATED AND CAUSING INADVERTENT ENTRY TO THE PHANTOM CLOCK IS LESS THAN 1 IN 1019. THIS PATTERN IS SENT TO THE PHANTOM CLOCK LSB TO MSB. 5 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P PHANTOM CLOCK REGISTER DEFINITION Figure 2 AM/PM/12/24 MODE Bit 7 of the hours register is defined as the 12-hour or 24-hour mode-select bit. When high, the 12-hour mode is selected. In the 12-hour mode, bit 5 is the AM/PM bit with logic high being PM. In the 24-hour mode, bit 5 is the 20-hour bit (20-23 hours). OSCILLATOR AND RESET BITS Bits 4 and 5 of the day register are used to control the RST and oscillator functions. Bit 4 controls the RST (pin 1). When the RST bit is set to logic 1, the RST input pin is ignored. When the RST bit is set to logic 0, a low input on the RST pin will cause the phantom clock to abort data transfer without changing data in the watch registers. Bit 5 controls the oscillator. When set to logic 1, the oscillator is off. When set to logic 0, the oscillator turns on and the watch becomes operational. These bits are shipped from the factory set to a logic 1. ZERO BITS Registers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 contain one or more bits, which will always read logic 0. When writing these locations, either a logic 1 or 0 is acceptable. 6 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P BATTERY LONGEVITY The DS1251 has a lithium power source that is designed to provide energy for clock activity, and clock and RAM data retention when the VCC supply is not present. The capability of this internal power supply is sufficient to power the DS1251 continuously for the life of the equipment in which it is installed. For specification purposes, the life expectancy is 10 years at +25C with the internal clock oscillator running in the absence of VCC power. Each DS1251 is shipped from Maxim with its lithium energy source disconnected, guaranteeing full energy capacity. When VCC is first applied at a level greater than VPF, the lithium energy source is enabled for battery-backup operation. Actual life expectancy of the DS1251 will be much longer than 10 years since no lithium battery energy is consumed when VCC is present. CLOCK ACCURACY (DIP MODULE) The DS1251 is guaranteed to keep time accuracy to within 1 minute per month at +25C. The clock is calibrated at the factory by Maxim using special calibration nonvolatile tuning elements. The DS1251 does not require additional calibration and temperature deviations will have a negligible effect in most applications. For this reason, methods of field clock calibration are not available and not necessary. CLOCK ACCURACY (POWERCAP MODULE) The DS1251P and DS9034PCX are each individually tested for accuracy. Once mounted together, the module is guaranteed to keep time accuracy to within 1.53 minutes per month (35ppm) at +25C. 7 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range on Any Pin Relative to Ground (5V product) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +6.0V (3.3V product) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +4.6V Storage Temperature Range EDIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-40C to +85C PowerCap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55C to +125C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +260C Note: EDIP is wave or hand-soldered only Soldering Temperature (reflow, PowerCap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+260C This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time can affect reliability. OPERATING RANGE RANGE Commercial Industrial TEMP RANGE (NONCONDENSING) 0C to +70C -40C to +85C VCC (V) 3.3 10% or 5 10% 3.3 10% or 5 10% RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (TA = Over the operating range.) PARAMETER Logic 1 Voltage All Inputs Logic 0 Voltage All Inputs VCC = 5V 10% VCC = 3.3V 10% VCC = 5V 10% VCC = 3.3V 10% SYMBOL VIH VIL 8 of 20 MIN TYP MAX 2.2 VCC + 0.3 2.0 VCC + 0.3 -0.3 +0.8 -0.3 +0.6 UNITS NOTES V 11 V 11 DS1251/DS1251P DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (5V) PARAMETER 0B Input Leakage Current I/O Leakage Current CE VIH VCC Output Current at 2.4V Output Current at 0.4V SYMBOL MIN IIL TYP MAX UNITS NOTES -1.0 +1.0 A 12 IIO -1.0 +1.0 A IOH IOL -1.0 2.0 mA mA Standby Current CE = 2.2V ICCS1 5 10 mA Standby Current CE = VCC - 0.5V ICCS2 3.0 5.0 mA Operating Current tCYC = 70ns ICC01 85 mA Write Protection Voltage VPF 4.50 V 11 Battery Switchover Voltage VSO V 11 MAX UNITS NOTES 12 4.25 4.37 VBAT 6B DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (3.3V) PARAMETER 1B Input Leakage Current I/O Leakage Current CE VIH VCC Output Current at 2.4V Output Current at 0.4V Standby Current CE = 2.2V Standby Current CE = VCC - 0.5V Operating Current tCYC = 70ns Write Protection Voltage Battery Switchover Voltage SYMBOL MIN IIL -1.0 +1.0 A IIO -1.0 +1.0 A IOH IOL ICCS1 -1.0 2.0 5 7 mA mA mA 2.0 3.0 mA 50 2.97 mA V 11 V 11 NOTES ICCS2 ICC01 VPF TYP 2.80 VBAT or VPF VSO 7B CAPACITANCE (TA = +25C) PARAMETER 2B Input Capacitance Input/Output Capacitance SYMBOL CIN CI/O 9 of 20 MIN TYP MAX UNITS 5 5 10 10 pF pF DS1251/DS1251P MEMORY AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (5V) PARAMETER 3B SYMBOL DS1251Y-70 MIN MAX 70 UNITS NOTES 8B 9B Read Cycle Time tRC Access Time tACC 70 ns OE to Output Valid tOE 35 ns CE to Output Valid tCO 70 ns OE or CE to Output Active tCOE Output High-Z from Deselection tOD Output Hold from Address Change tOH 5 ns Write Cycle Time tWC 70 ns Write Pulse Width tWP 50 ns Address Setup Time tAW 0 ns Write Recovery Time tWR 0 ns Output High-Z from WE tODW Output Active from WE tOEW Data Setup Time Data Hold Time from WE 5 25 25 ns ns 5 ns 5 3 ns 5 5 ns 5 tDS 30 ns 4 tDH 5 ns 4 10 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P PHANTOM CLOCK AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (5V) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN Read Cycle Time tRC 65 CE Access Time tCO 55 ns OE Access Time tOE 55 ns CE to Output Low-Z tCOE 5 ns OE to Output Low-Z tOEE 5 ns CE to Output High-Z tOD 25 ns 5 OE to Output High-Z tODO 25 ns 5 Read Recovery tRR 10 ns Write Cycle Time tWC 65 ns Write Pulse Width tWP 55 ns 3 Write Recovery tWR 10 ns 10 Data Setup Time tDS 30 ns 4 Data Hold Time tDH 0 ns 4 CE Pulse Width tCW 60 ns RST Pulse Width tRST 65 ns 10B TYP MAX UNITS NOTES ns POWER-DOWN/POWER-UP TIMING (TA = Over the operating range.) (3.3V) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN CE at VIH before Power-Down tPD 0 s VCC Slew from VPF(MAX) to VPF(MIN)(CE at VPF) tF 300 s VCC Slew from VPF(MIN) to VSO tFB 10 s VCC Slew from VPF(MAX) to VPF(MIN) (CE at VPF) tR 0 s CE at VIH after Power-Up tREC 1.5 SYMBOL MIN tDR 10 1B TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 2.5 ms MAX UNITS NOTES years 9 (TA = +25C) PARAMETER 4B Expected Data Retention Time TYP Warning: Under no circumstances are negative undershoots of any amplitude allowed when device is in battery-backup mode. 11 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P MEMORY AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (3.3V) PARAMETER SYMBOL 12B DS1251W-120 MIN MAX 120 120 60 120 5 40 5 120 90 0 20 40 5 50 20 UNITS 13B 14B NOTES 15B 16B Read Cycle Time Access Time OE to Output Valid CE to Output Valid OE or CE to Output Active Output High-Z from Deselection Output Hold from Address Change Write Cycle Time Write Pulse Width Address Setup Time Write Recovery Time Output High-Z from WE Output Active from WE Data Setup Time Data Hold Time from WE tRC tACC tOE tCO tCOE tOD tOH tWC tWP tAW tWR tODW tOEW tDS tDH ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5 5 3 10 5 5 4 4 PHANTOM CLOCK AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Over the operating range.) (3.3V) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN Read Cycle Time tRC 120 CE Access Time tCO 100 ns OE Access Time tOE 100 ns CE to Output Low-Z tCOE 5 ns OE to Output Low-Z tOEE 5 ns CE to Output High-Z tOD 40 ns 5 OE to Output High-Z tODO 40 ns 5 Read Recovery tRR 20 ns Write Cycle Time tWC 120 ns Write Pulse Width tWP 100 ns 3 Write Recovery tWR 20 ns 10 Data Setup Time tDS 45 ns 4 Data Hold Time tDH 0 ns 4 CE Pulse Width tCW 105 ns RST Pulse Width tRST 120 ns 12 of 20 TYP MAX UNITS NOTES ns DS1251/DS1251P POWER-DOWN/POWER-UP TIMING (TA = Over the operating range.) (3.3V) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN CE at VIH before Power-Down tPD 0 s VCC Slew from VPF(MAX) to VPF(MIN) (CE at VIH) tF 300 s VCC Slew from VPF(MAX) to VPF(MIN) (CE at VIH) tR 0 s CE at VIH after Power-Up tREC 1.5 SYMBOL tDR MIN 10 17B TYP MAX UNITS 2.5 ms MAX UNITS years NOTES (TA = +25C) PARAMETER Expected Data Retention Time 5B TYP NOTES 9 Warning: Under no circumstances are negative undershoots of any amplitude allowed when device is in battery-backup mode. 13 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P MEMORY READ CYCLE (Note 1) MEMORY WRITE CYCLE 1 (Notes 2, 6, and 7) 14 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P MEMORY WRITE CYCLE 2 (Notes 2 and 8) RESET FOR PHANTOM CLOCK READ CYCLE TO PHANTOM CLOCK 15 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P WRITE CYCLE TO PHANTOM CLOCK POWER-DOWN/POWER-UP CONDITION (5V) 16 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P POWER-DOWN/POWER-UP CONDITION (3.3V) 17 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P AC TEST CONDITIONS Output Load: 50pF + 1TTL Gate Input Pulse Levels: 0 to 3V Timing Measurement Reference Levels Input: 1.5V Output: 1.5V Input Pulse Rise and Fall Times: 5ns NOTES: 1) WE is high for a read cycle. 2) OE = VIH or VIL. If OE = VIH during write cycle, the output buffers remain in a high-impedance state. 3) tWP is specified as the logical AND of CE and WE. tWP is measured from the latter of CE or WE going low to the earlier of CE or WE going high. 4) tDH, t DS are measured from the earlier of CE or WE going high. 5) These parameters are sampled with a 50pF load and are not 100% tested. 6) If the CE low transition occurs simultaneously with or later than the WE low transition in Write Cycle 1, the output buffers remain in a high-impedance state during this period. 7) If the CE high transition occurs prior to or simultaneously with the WE high transition, the output buffers remain in a high-impedance state during this period. 8) If WE is low or the WE low transition occurs prior to or simultaneously with the CE low transition, the output buffers remain in a high impedance state during this period. 9) The expected tDR is defined as cumulative time in the absence of VCC with the clock oscillator running. 10) tWR is a function of the latter occurring edge of WE or CE. 11) Voltages are referenced to ground. 12) RST (Pin 1) has an internal pullup resistor. 13) Real-time clock modules can be successfully processed through conventional wave-soldering techniques as long as temperature exposure to the lithium energy source contained within does not exceed +85C. Post-solder cleaning with water-washing techniques is acceptable, provided that ultrasonic vibration is not used. In addition, for the PowerCap: 1) Maxim recommends that PowerCap Module bases experience one pass through solder reflow oriented with the label side up ("live-bug"). 2) Hand soldering and touch-up: Do not touch or apply the soldering iron to leads for more than three seconds. - To solder, apply flux to the pad, heat the lead frame pad, and apply solder. To remove the part, apply flux, heat the lead frame pad until the solder reflows, and use a solder wick to remove solder. 18 of 20 DS1251/DS1251P PACKAGE INFORMATION For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PACKAGE TYPE 32 EDIP 34 PWRCP PACKAGE CODE MDT32+5 PC2+5 19 of 20 OUTLINE NO. 21-0245 21-0246 LAND PATTERN NO. -- -- DS1251/DS1251P REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE 11/11 DESCRIPTION Updated the Features, Ordering Information, AM/PM/12/24-MODE, and Absolute Maximum Ratings, and Package Information sections PAGES CHANGED 1, 2, 6, 8, 19 20 of 20 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. M a x i m I n t e g r a t e d P r o d u c t s , 1 2 0 S a n G a b r i e l D r iv e , S u n n y v a le , C A 9 4 0 8 6 4 0 8- 7 3 7 - 7 6 0 0 (c) 2011 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: DS1251W-120+ DS1251W-120IND+ DS1251WP-120+ DS1251WP-120IND+ DS1251YP-70+ DS1251YP-70IND+ DS1251WP-120+C01 DS1251WP-120+C02 DS1251WP-C01+ DS1251WP-C02+ DS1251Y-70+