4. Using the Shield for the First Time
• Arduino Uno
• Shiratech Arduino IoT Shield
• PC, with Arduino IDE installed
• USB 2.0 cable
• SIM card
These instructions assume the use of Arduino Uno as a base board. The communication with the shield is
based on the UART protocol using a baud rate of 115200 baud. This short tutorial we take us through these
main steps:
• Download a test script used to verify the Shield functionality by sending an SMS message.
• Upload the test script to the Arduino base board.
• Connect the NB-IOT shield to the Arduino base board.
• Run the test script.
To start using the NB-IOT Shield, perform the following steps:
1. Make sure your base board is not connected to the power supply, and that the NB-IOT shield is
not connected to the base board.
2. Navigate to the Shiratech Arduino IoT Shield page and download the test script to your PC:
3. Run the Arduino IDE (may be downloaded from: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/software).
4. Launch the Device Manager.
5. Connect the Arduino to your PC using the USB 2.0 cable.
6. Once the Arduino has been connected to the PC, a new COM Port should appear in the device
manager under “Ports (COM & LPT)”. Note the COM Port number, as it will be needed in the
following steps.
7. To open the test script in the Arduino IDE, extract the downloaded file, open the project folder
and double click on the .ino file located in the folder.
8. Scroll down to find this line:
- Serial.write("AT+CMGS=\"+972xxxxxxxxx\"\r\n");
9. Edit the phone number in the string to the phone number which should receive the SMS.
10. Save, then click on verify, to compile your code.