Dura-Con High Reliability D-Microminiature .050" (1.27mm)} Density Cinch MIL-C-83513 PC Board Mount Terminal Block Contact Arrangements bara a aas era os roa E 4 8 & Bg 2 4 5 6 7 8 dF WT 3 . on pe by (Face view of pin insert) Soesscece Cedebeoceee (Use reverse order for socket side) eeeresee? 8 4 : ui " wy 5 i 's y , vn s " 19 14 15 16 17 16 49 20 et 22 23 24 25 9 Contacts 15 Contacts 21 Contacts 25 Contacts 1 Poa sy SHY AG Ts te cB 4 6 1 fo 4 3 8 9 G1 Zr le 67 IB Gg Pop eee eee eee ee .043 Typ. +t tatenesnetey Ry Reference poereocooserrt soorrerrorerorre 17 4B a 1222 26 27 ts 9 30 4 a A a M . 6 te 46 A 36 i 2 33 te % 4s h 37 Contacts elses bese) *3 1415 48 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 76 27] 28] 29] sap av] 32] 34] 35) 361571 38] 39] 45] 41] 42] 43] 44) 45) 464 47 | 48] 49) 5: t rh lo, 4 ee $66660000000 060000080 fer 0606000000000 00600 36 3! 38 34.40 4 4? 44 44 46 a6 a7 48 49 50 5! re9 qT * 51 Contacts Hdd 55] 56] 57] 58} 59} so] 1 | 6216a| safes | 66} s7)6e|69| 70/71] %2]73 I I 7h 17 78 79 BC 61 B2 93 Bd 85 AG B? 8B 89 H 91 92 93 G4 95 96 57 Ga 39 100 Ordering Information M83513/10 - 02 CN Connector Description 10 = Plug, 9-37 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angie 11 = Plug, 51 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angle 12 = Plug, 100 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angle 13 = Socket, 9-37 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angle 14 = Socket, 51 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angle 15 = Socket, 100 Pos., Narrow Profile, Rt. Angle 16 = Piug, 9-37 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 17 = Plug, 51 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 18 = Plug, 100 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 19 = Socket, 9-37 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 20 = Socket, 51 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 21 = Socket, 100 Pos., Std. Profile, Rt. Angle 22 = Plug, 9-37 Pos., Straight Mount 23 = Plug, 51 Pos., Straight Mount 24 = Plug, 100 Pos., Straight Mount 25 = Socket, 9-37 Pos., Straight Mount 26 = Socket, 51 Pos., Straight Mount 27 = Socket, 100 Pos., Straight Mount 5-27 100 Contacts LL Hardware N = No Jackpost P = Jackpost Attached Shell Finish Cc = Cadmium N = Electroless Nickel Termination Length 01 = 0.109 02 = 0.140 03 = 0.172 Insert Arrangement Length (No. of Contacts) =9 15 21 25 31 37 51 1 A B Cc D E FE G H = 100 Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 323-9612Dura-Con 050" (1.27mm) Density a High Reliability Solder Cup/Wire/PCB Cinch MIL-C-83513 D-Microminiature 90 Termination Recommended Board Layout (As Viewed from Bottom (6-/21) | 05041 270) of Terminal Block) 1002 S405 ee et es fo Lapel ol sree ] Lak ree Lo, (2.540; (9 525; 9 Contacts 15 Contacts 21 Contacts 17514 445) +f ee $ ot - Pe TE Pee eee [OE 13 B1Gy 1503 B10] L Bee 25 Contacts 31 Contacts 456 (3 810] 950 (1 270). + beg wa eee eee eae eee eee tT Se eee a, 2 ag, 37 Contacts 51 Contacts 4 see as ee oOmtate Typ. Hole Dia. = .040" (1.02 mm) NOTE: For additional connector dimensions, see page 5-22. A B c F No. of Max. #007 (0.18) 005 (0.13) Max. Contacts in mm in mm in mm ino mm 9 Plug 1.390 35.31 1.150 29.21 565 14.35 465 11.81 9 Socket 1.390 35.31 1.150 29.24 565 14.35 465 11.81 15 Plug 1.540 39.12 1.300 33.02 715 18.16 465 11.81 15 Socket 1.540 39.12 1.300 33.02 715 18.16 465 11.81 21 Plug 1.690 42.93 1.450 36.83 865 21.97 465 11.81 21 Socket 1.690 42.93 1.450 36.83 865 21.97 465 11.81 25 Plug 1.790 45.47 1.550 39.37 965 24.51 465 11.81 25 Socket 1.790 45.47 1.550 39.37 965 24.51 465 11.81 31 Plug 2.040 51.82 1.800 45.72 1.415 28.32 465 11.81 31 Socket 2.040 51.82 7.800 45.72 4.115 28.32 465 11.81 37 Plug 2.340 59.44 2.100 53.34 1.265 32.13 .465 11.81 37 Socket 2.340 59.44 2.100 3.34 1.265 32.13 465 11.81 51 Plug 1.875 47.63 1.600 40.64 1.215 30.86 565 14.35 51 Socket 1.875 47.63 1.600 40.64 1.215 30.86 565 14.35 100 Plug 2.780 70.64 2.500 63.50 1.800 45.72 .765 19.43 100 Socket 2.780 70.61 2.500 3.50 1.800 45.72 765 19.43 G H J K No. of Max, Max, #008 0.13) 0 Contacts in mm in mm in mm in mm 9 Plug 308 7.82 190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 9 Socket .308 7.82 200 5.08 .096 2.44 .125 3.18 15 Plug .308 7.82 .190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 15 Socket .308 7.82 200 5.08 .096 2.44 125 3.18 21 Plug .308 7.82 .190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 21 Socket .308 7.82 .200 5.08 .096 2.44 125 3.18 25 Plug .308 7.82 .190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 25 Socket 308 7.82 .200 5.08 .096 2.44 125 3.18 31 Plug .308 7.82 190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 31 Socket .308 7.82 .200 5.08 -096 2.44 125 3.18 37 Plug .308 7.82 .190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 37 Socket .308 7.82 .200 5.08 .096 2.44 125 3.18 51 Plug 351 8.92 .190 4.83 .096 2.44 125 3.18 51 Socket .351 8.92 .200 5.08 .096 2.44 125 3.18 100 Plug .394 10.00 .190 4.83 125 3.18 225 5.72 100 Socket 394 10.00 .200 5.08 125 3.18 225 5.72 Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 323-9612 5-28Dura-Con High Reliability MIL-C-83513 .050" (1.27mm) Density Solder Cup/Wire/PCB D-Microminiature Straight (180) Termination (/22-/27) Recommended Board Layout (As Viewed from Bottom of Terminal Block) 375 9 525)}- 1 zr 228 (6 MSI 4 - 225 (5, aaa iB
oF i 9 Contacts 15 Contacts 21 Contacts sors ara| | 0 0 1503 ary] ~ 0770 tO) * & oe - > oe SE 25 Contacts 31 Contacts 37 Contacts 51 Contacts O10. os in) Lr JDIA. ainda of $904.81) | 3 0) casooonocogcaoaasi9 eT Typ. Hole Dia. = 100 Contacts NOTE: For additional connector dimensions, see page 5-22. A B c D G No. of _ Max . + .007 (0.18) __ .005 (0.13) Max. Max. Contacts in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm 9 Plug 1.390 35.31 1.150 29.21 565 14.35 885 22.48 308 7.75 9 Socket 1.390 35.31 1.150 29.21 565 14.35 .885 22.48 308 7.75 15 Plug 1.390 35,31 1.150 29.21 715 18.16 .945 24.0 308 7.75 15 Socket 1.390 35.31 1.150 29.21 715 18.16 945 24.0 .308 7.75 21 Plug 1.690 42.93 1.450 36.83 865 21.97 4.185 30.09 308 7.75 21 Socket 1.690 42.93 1.450 36.83 865 21.97 1.185 30.09 .308 7.75 25 Plug 1.740 44.20 1.500 38.10 965 24.51 1.275 32.38 308 7.75 25 Socket 1.740 44.20 1.500 38.10 965 24.51 1.275 32.38 308 7.75 31 Plug 2.040 51.82 1.800 45.72 1.415 28.32 1.575 40.00 308 7.75 31 Socket 2.040 51.82 1.800 45.72 41.115 28.32 1.576 40.00 308 7.75 37 Plug 2.340 59.44 2.100 53.34 1.265 32.13 1.875 47.62 308 7.75 37 Socket 2.340 59.44 2.100 53.34 1.265 32.13 1.875 47 62 308 7.75 51 Plug 2.270 57.66 2.000 50.80 1.215 30.86 1.775 45.08 351 8.92 51 Socket 2.270 57.66 2.000 50.80 1.215 30.86 1.775 45.08 351 8.92 100 Plug 3.070 77.98 2.800 71.12 1,800 45.72 2.585 65.55 455 11.56 100 Socket 3.070 77.98 2.800 71.12 1.800 45.72 2.585 65.65 455 11.56 H J K L No. of Max. + .005 (0.13) Max. Max. Contacts in mm in mm in mm in mm 9 Plug .190 4.83 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 9 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 15 Plug -190 4.83 .096 2.44 165 4.19 .355 9.02 15 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 21 Plug .190 4.83 .096 2.44 165 4.19 .355 9.02 21 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 25 Plug 190 4.83 096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 25 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 31 Plug 190 4.83 096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 31 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 -165 4.19 2355 9.02 37 Plug .190 4.83 096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 37 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 419 355 9.02 51 Plug 190 4.83 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 51 Socket .200 5.08 .096 2.44 165 4.19 355 9.02 100 Plug .190 4.83 125 3.18 .300 7.62 550 13.97 100 Socket .200 5.08 125 3.18 300 7.62 550 13.97 5-29 Call Toli Free: 1 (800) 323-9612 Cinch .040" (1.02 mm)Dura-Con High Reliability MIL-C-83513 .050" (1.27mm)} Density Solder Cup/Wire/PCB D-Microminiature Cinch 90 Narrow Termination (/10-/15) ofe geotaad Covacasa eaneees0ngs NOTE: For additional connector dimensions, see page 5-22. Recommended Board Layout 020 (As Viewed from Bottom of Terminal Block) (808) ween (508; eeeens (one) Peet PN gg 083 (2 108)| | 108 (2 243}--4 | 089 2 106)ef Ja 083 (2.108)-} J- 9 Contacts 15 Contacts 21 Contacts 25 Contacts oo, ve [ .020 020 050 seetblee _ -~ nee we 11870) eS VERBS? ies 190 (2 540) TYP. ao) 183 (4.648)- 108 (2 743)-4| [_ 31 Contacts 37 Contacts 51 Contacts me 278 mt tt tee He tt et ae Ht tt tt tht te be tar +4 t+ + + tan Wt rt te Wet tte eh ttt + tes Mt bt tenet tt tt te or tte teh a ett ean Meee ede ee ee aD 100 Contacts-Plug tte e ede eee ele PH ttt eh ee ene doe met teat wets tt ee Gp mete tt eh 4 4 + 400 wee ee tye, Me tt te eh tt + + 476 Beet te t+ ht tin t + to +e tbe beh ag 4 4 400 100 Contacts-Socket Typ. Hole Dia. = .040" (1.02 mm) & A B c No. of Max. _ #005 (0.13) Max, Contacts in mm in mm in mi 9 Plug 785 19.94 565 14.35 .308 7.82 9 Socket .785 19.94 565 14.35 308 7.82 15 Plug 935 23.75 715 18.16 .308 7.82 15 Socket -935 23.75 715 18.16 .308 7.82 21 Plug 1.085 27.56 865 21.37 308 7.82 21 Socket 1.085 27,56 .865 21.97 .308 7.82 25 Plug 1.085 30.10 .965 24.51 308 7.82 25 Socket 1.185 30.10 965 24.51 308 7.82 31 Plug 1.335 33.91 1.115 28.32 .308 7.82 31 Socket 1.335 33.91 1.115 28.32 308 7.82 37 Plug 1.485 37.72 1.265 32.13 308 7.82 37 Socket 1.485 37.72 1.265 32.13 .308 7.82 51 Plug 1.435 36.45 1.215 30.86 351 8.92 51 Socket 1.435 36.45 1.215 30.86 351 8.92 100 Plug 2.175 55.25 1.800 45.72 394 10.00 100 Socket 2.175 5.25 1.800 45.72 894 10.00 F G H J No. of #0101025) 8 0100.28) Max, 0050.12) | Contacts in mm in mm in mm in mm 9 Plug .230 5.84 .250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 9 Socket .230 5.84 .250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 15 Plug -130 3.30 .250 6.35 -420 10.67 .096 2.44 15 Socket 130 3.30 .250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 21 Plug 130 3.30 .250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 21 Socket .130 3.30 .250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 25 Plug -130 3.30 250 6.35 420 10.67 .096 2.44 25 Socket .130 3.30 250 6.35 .420 10.67 .096 2.44 31 Plug .130 3.30 250 6.35 520 13.21 996 2.44 31 Socket 130 3.30 .250 6.35 520 13.21 .096 2.44 37 Plug 130 3.30 .250 6.35 520 13.21 .096 2.44 37 Socket .130 3.30 .250 6.35 520 13.21 .096 2.44 51 Plug -150 3.81 .300 7.62 -650 16.51 -096 2.44 51 Socket .150 3.81 .300 7.62 .650 16.51 .096 2.44 100 Piug .200 5.08 400 10.16 1.000 25.40 125 3.18 100 Socket 200 5.08 .400 10.16 1.000 25.40 125 3.18 5-30 Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 323-9612Dura-Con .050" (1.27mm]} Density e High Reliability Solder Cup/Wire/PCB Cinc MIL-C-83513 D-Microminiature Mounting Hardware High Profile Jackscrew #2-6 WNC-28 CR 5 #4040 NC 2B 1100 SIZE) Low Profile Jackscrew - _ 1 Ordering Information Military Type Style Screwhead Thread Part No. Jackscrew Low Profile Recessed Hex 2/56 M83513/5-02 Jackscrew High Profile Recessed Hex 2/56 M83513/5-03 Jackscrew Low Profile Slotted 2/56 M83513/5-05 Jackscrew High Profile Slotted 2/56 M83513/5-06 Jackpost - -- 2/56 M83513/5-07 Jackscrew Low Profile Hex 4/40* M83513/5-12 Jackscrew High Profile Hex 4/40* M8351 3/5-13 Jackscrew Low Profile Slotted 4/40* M8351 3/5-15 Jackscrew High Profile Slotted 4/40* M83513/5-16 Jackpost -- - 4/40" M83513/5-17 *100 Size Only 5-31 Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 323-9612 1th Te oP