6.1.2 Common specifications
Control sys tem Soft-PWM c ont rol /high carrier f requenc y PWM control (V /F control or
advanced m agnet i c flux vector c ont rol can be selected)
Output frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz
Analog input 0.015Hz/60Hz (term i nal 2 i nput : 12 bits/0 to 10V, 11 bi t s/0 to 5V, term i nal 1 i nput: 12 bits /−10
to +10V, 11 bi ts/−5 to +5V)
resolution Digital input 0.01Hz
Frequency acc uracy Within ±0.2% of maximum output f requency (25°C ±10°C (77°F ±18°F) for analog input, withi n
0.01% of set output f requency for digit al i nput
characteristic B ase frequency set as required between 0 and 400Hz. Cons t ant torque or variable t orque
pattern can be selected.
Start i ng torque 150%: At 0.5Hz (for advanced magnetic flux vector cont rol)
Torque boost Manual torque boost
time setting 0 to 3600 s (acc el eration and decelerat i on can be set indi vi dual l y), l i near or S -pattern
acceleration/decel erat i on mode can be s el ected.
DC dynamic brake Operati on frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10 s ), voltage (0 to 30%) variable
Control specific at i ons
Stall prevention operation
level Operation current level can be set (0 to 200% variable), pres ence or absence can be selected.
Analog input 0 to 5VDC, 0 to 10VDC, 0 to ±10VDC, 4 to 20mADC
signal Digital input 3-digit B CD or 12-bi t binary using operat i on panel or parameter unit
(when the FR-A5AX option is us ed)
Start signal Forward and reverse rot ation, st art signal aut omatic self-holding i nput (3-wire input) can be
Multi-speed s el ection Up to 15 speeds can be s el ected. (Each speed can be s et between 0 and 400Hz, running
speed can be c hanged duri ng operat i on from t he P U (FR-DU04/FR-PU04).)
Second, third
decelerati on t i me
0 to 3600 sec onds (up to three different accel erations and decel erations
can be set i ndividually.)
Jog operation
selection Provided with jog operation m ode select t erminal (Not e 1)
Current input s el ection Input of frequency s et ting signal 4 to 20mADC (terminal 4) i s selected.
Output stop Ins tantaneous s hut-off of i nverter output (frequency, voltage)
Input si gnal s
Alarm reset A l arm retained at the acti vation of protec tive function is res et .
Operation func tions
Maximum/mi ni mum frequency set ting, frequency jum p operation, external t hermal relay i nput
selection, polarit y reversible operation, autom at i c restart operat i on after instantaneous power
failure, com merci al power supply-inverter switc h-over operation, f orward/revers e rotation
prevention, s l i p compens ation, operati on mode selec tion, off l i ne auto tuning function, onli ne
auto tuning f unction, P ID control, programmed operation, comput er l i nk operation (RS-485)
Operating st atus
5 different signals can be selected from i nverter running, up to f requency, ins tant aneous power
failure (undervoltage), frequency detection, second frequency detection, third frequency
detecti on, during program mode operation, during PU operation, overload al arm, regenerative
brake pre-alarm, electronic overcurrent protection pre-alarm, zero current detection, output
current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit, PID forward/reverse rotation, commercial
power supply-inverter switch-over MC1, 2, 3, operation ready, brake releas e request, fan fault
and fin overheat pre-al arm mi nor fault. Open collector output.
Alarm (inverter trip) Contact output...change-over contact (230VAC 0.3A, 30VDC 0.3A)
Open collector...alarm code (4 bit) output
Operational s pecific at i ons
Output si gnal s
For meter
1 signal can be selected from output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output
voltage, frequency setting, running speed, motor torque, converter output voltage (steady or
peak value), regenerat i ve brake duty, elec tronic overcurrent protection l oad factor, i nput power,
output power, load meter, and motor exciting current. Pulse train output (1440 pulses/s ec./full
scale) and anal og output (0 to 10VDC).
Select i on can be made f rom output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output
voltage, frequency set ting, running speed, m otor torque, overload, converter out put voltage
(steady or peak val ue), el ectronic overcurrent protection load fac t or, input power, output power,
load meter, motor exciting current , cum ul ative energization t i me, ac tual operation ti me,
watt-hour met er, regenerative brake dut y and motor load f actor.
/FR-PU04) Alarm
definition Alarm definition is displayed when protective function is activated. 8 alarm definitions are stored.
(Four alarm definitions are only displayed on t he operation panel.)
status Input terminal si gnal states, output terminal s i gnal states , option fit t i ng status , terminal
assignment s t atus
definition Output voltage/current/frequency/cumulative energization time
immediat el y before protect i ve function i s acti vat e d
display on
paramet er uni t
only Interactive
guidance Operati on gui de and t roubl eshooting by help f unction