(R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters PRODUCT OVERVIEW DATEL's ADS-117 is a functionally complete, 12-bit, 2MHz, sampling A/D converter. Its standard, 24-pin, double-width DIP contains a fastsettling sample-hold amplifier, a 12-bit subranging (two-step) A/D converter, a precision reference, three-state output register and all the timing and control logic necessary to operate from a single start convert pulse. Digital input and output levels are TTL. FEATURES Total harmonic distortion (THD) and signalto-noise ratio (including distortion) typically run -78dB and 70dB, respectively, with full scale inputs up to 100kHz. The ADS-117 requires 15V and +5V power supplies and typically consumes 1.6 Watts. Models are available for use in either commercial (0 to +70C) or military (-55 to +125C) operating temperature ranges and extended commerical (-40 to +85C). INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS PIN FUNCTION 12-bit resolution PIN FUNCTION No missing codes 1 BIT 12 (LSB) 24 -15V Supply 2 BIT 11 23 ANALOG GROUND 2MHz minimum throughput 3 BIT 10 22 +15V SUPPLY Functionally complete 4 BIT 9 21 +10V REFERENCE Small 24-pin DDIP 5 BIT 8 20 BIPOLAR 6 BIT 7 19 ANALOG INPUT 7 BIT 6 18 COMP BIN Three-state output buffers 8 BIT 5 17 ENABLE (1-12) Samples to Nyquist frequencies 9 BIT 4 16 START CONVERT Low-power, 1.6 Watts 10 BIT 3 15 EOC 11 BIT 2 14 DIGITAL GROUND 12 BIT 1 (MSB) 13 +5V SUPPLY BLOCK DIAGRAM 17 ENABLE (1-12) DAC 12 BIT 1 (MSB) REF S/H S1 BUFFER ANALOG INPUT 19 REGISTER BIPOLAR 20 - + 10 BIT 3 3-STATE OUTPUT REGISTER FLASH ADC DIGITAL CORRECTION LOGIC S2 11 BIT 2 REGISTER +10V REF. 21 9 BIT 4 8 BIT 5 7 BIT 6 6 BIT 7 5 BIT 8 4 BIT 9 3 BIT 10 2 BIT 11 1 BIT 12 (LSB) * e-mail: help@datel.com COMP BIN 18 START CONVERT 16 TIMING AND CONTROL LOGIC EOC 15 13 14 22 23 24 +5V SUPPLY DIGITAL GROUND +15V SUPPLY ANALOG GROUND -15V SUPPLY Figure 1. ADS-117 Functional Block Diagram DATEL * 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA * Tel: (508) 339-3000 * www.datel.com 31 Mar 2011 MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 1 of 6 (R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS LIMITS 0 to +16 0 to -16 0 to +6.0 -0.3 to +VDD +0.3 -9 to +15 +300 PARAMETERS +15V Supply (Pin 22) -15V Supply (Pin 24) +5V Supply (Pin 13) Digital Inputs (Pin 16, 17, 18) Analog Input (Pin 19) Lead Temp. (10 seconds) UNITS Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts C FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS (TA = +25C, VCC = +15V, +VDD =+5V, 2MHz sampling rate, and a minimum 3 minute warmup unless otherwise specified.) ANALOG INPUTS Input Voltage Range Bipolar Unipolar Input Impedence Input Capacitance MIN. TYP. MAX. -- -- 4.5 -- 5 0 to +10 5 6 -- -- -- 15 UNITS Volts Volts k pF DIGITAL INPUTS Logic Levels Logic "1" Logic "0" Logic Loading "1" Logic Loading "0" +2.0 -- -- -- Resolution No Missing Codes (12 Bits; fin = 1MHz) Integral Non-Linearity 0 to +70C -55 to +125C Differential Non-Linearity 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Full Scale Absolute Accuracy (see Tech Note 1) 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Unipolar/Bipolar Zero Error 0 to +70C (see Tech Note 1) -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Bipolar Offset Error 0 to +70C (see Tech Note 1) -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Gain Error (see Tech Note 1) 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Internal Reference Voltage 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C External Current -- -- -- -- -- +0.8 +5 -600 Volts Volts A A PERFORMANCE 12 Bits 0 to +70C -- -- 1/2 1 3 4 LSB LSB -- -- 1/2 1 0.95 +1.5 LSB LSB -- -- 0.13 0.25 0.44 0.73 %FSR %FSR -- -- 0.07 0.22 0.38 0.73 %FSR %FSR -- -- 0.1 0.53 0.38 0.73 %FSR %FSR -- -- 0.1 0.53 0.38 0.73 % % +9.97 +9.95 -- +10.0 -- -- +10.03 +10.05 1.5 Volts Volts mA -81 -75 -70 -- -70 -- dB dB dB -78 -73 -71 -- -68 -- dB dB dB DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Spurious Free Dynamic Range (-0.5dB) dc to 100kHz -- 100kHz to 500kHz -- 500kHz to 1MHz -- Total Harm. Distort. (-0.5dB) dc to 100kHz -- 100kHz to 500kHz -- 500kHz to 1MHz -- DYNAMIC PERF. (cont) Input Bandwith (-3dB) Small Signal (-20dB input) Large Signal (-0.5dB input) Feedthrough (1MHz) SNR (wo/distortion, -0.5dB) dc to 100kHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C 100kHz to 500kHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C 500kHz to 1MHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C SNR (and distort., -0.5dB) dc to 100kHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C 100kHz to 500kHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C 500kHz to 1MHz 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Two-tone Intermodulation Distortion (fin = 970kHz, 990kHz, fs = 2Mhz, -0.5dB) Slew Rate Effect. Aperture Delay Time Overvoltage Recovery Time; 20% S/H Acq. Time, (to 0.01%) 0 to +70C -55 to +125C / -45 to +85C Conversion Rate MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS 8 7 -72 10 9 -74 -- -- -- MHz MHz dB -- -- 72 72 -- -- dB dB 65 65 70 70 -- -- dB dB -- -- 70 70 -- -- dB dB -- -- 70 69 -- -- dB dB 64 62 70 69 -- -- dB dB -- -- 69 69 -- -- dB dB -- -- -- -- -68 210 -- -- -- -- 16 500 dB V/s ns ns -- -- 2 155 160 -- 165 170 -- ns ns MHz OUTPUTS Staight binary/Offset binary Complementary binary Complementary offset binary Output Coding Pin 18 High Pin 18 Low Logic Level Logic "1" Logic "0" Logic Loading "1" Logic Loading "0" +2.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +0.4 -160 +6.4 Volts Volts A mA POWER REQUIREMENTS Power Supply Ranges +15V Supply -15V Supply +5V Supply Power Supply Current +15V Supply -15V Supply +5V Supply Power Dissipation Power Supply Rejection +14.25 -14.25 +4.75 +15.0 -15.0 +5.0 +15.75 -15.75 +5.25 Volts Volts Volts -- -- -- -- -- +48 -35 +75 1.6 -- +58 -45 +85 1.9 0.07 mA mA mA Watts %FSR%V Effective bits is equal to: Full Scale Amplitude Actual Input Amplitude (SNR + Distortion) - 1.76 + 20 log 6.02 See Table 1 also Same specifications for in-band harmonics. DATEL For 12V, +5V operation, contact DATEL. * 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA * Tel: (508) 339-3000 * www.datel.com 31 Mar 2011 * e-mail: help@datel.com MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 2 of 6 (R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. CONT. PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temp. Range, Case ADS-117MC ADS-117ME ADS-117MM, 883 Storage Temperature Range Thermal Impedance jc ca Package Type Weight 0 -45 -55 -65 -- -- -- -- +70 +85 +125 +150 C C C C -- 3 -- C/W -- 23 -- C/W 24-pin, metal-sealed, ceramic DDIP 0.42 ounces (12 grams) TECHNICAL NOTES 1. Applications which are unaffected by endpoint errors or remove them through software will use the typical connections shown in Figure 3. Remove system errors or adjust the small initial errors of the ADS-117 to zero using the optional external circuitry shown in Figure 4. The external adjustment circuit has no effect on the throughput rate. is compatible with CMOS/TTL logic levels for those users desiring dynamic control of this function. Do not change COMP BIN status while EOC is high. 5. To enable the three-state outputs, connect ENABLE (pin 17) to a logic "0" (low). To disable, connect pin 17 to a logic "1" (high). 2. Always connect the analog and digital grounds to a ground plane beneath the converter for best performance. The analog and digital grounds are not connected to each other internally. 6. To meet the guaranteed conversion rate, a maximum start convert pulse is specified. A wider start convert pulse will result in slower conversion rates. An initial start convert pulse is required before performing an actual conversion after power-up to assure the sample-hold is in the acquisition mode. 3. Bypass the analog and digital supplies and the +10V reference (pin 21) to ground with 4.7F, 25V tantalum electrolytic capacitors in parallel with 0.1F ceramic capacitors. Bypass the +10V reference (pin 21) to ANALOG GROUND (pin 23). Figure 2 shows the relationship between the various input signals. The timing shown applies over the operating temperature range and over the operating power supply range. 4. Obtain straight binary/offset binary output coding by tying COMP BIN (pin 18) to +5V or leaving it open. The device has an internal pull-up resistor on this pin. To obtain complementary binary or complementary offset binary output coding, tie pin 18 to ground. The pin 18 signal 7. Re-initiating the START CONVERT (pin 16) while EOC is a logic "1" (high) will result in a new conversion sequence. N N+1 START CONVERT 50ns typ., 30ns min., 60ns max. 10ns min. 25ns max. Acquisition Time INTERNAL S/H 165ns typ. 170ns max. Hold 10ns min. 17ns max. EOC 60ns max. Conversion Time 325ns typ. 35ns max. OUTPUT DATA DATA N-1 VALID 350ns min. DATA N VALID INVALID DATA 150ns max. INVALID DATA Note: Scale is approximately 25ns per division. Figure 2. ADS-117 Timing Diagram DATEL * 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA * Tel: (508) 339-3000 * www.datel.com 31 Mar 2011 * e-mail: help@datel.com MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 3 of 6 (R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters R2 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE 1. Connect the converter per Figure 3, Figure 4, and Table 1 for the appropriate input range. Apply a pulse of 150 nanoseconds to the START CONVERT input (pin 16) at a rate of 250kHz. This rate is chosen to reduce flicker if LED's are used on the outputs for calibration purposes. SIGNAL INPUT 50 GAIN ADJUST Apply a precision voltage reference source between the amplifier's analog input and ground. Adjust the output of the reference source per Table 2. For unipolar, adjust the zero trimming potentiometer so that the output code flickers equally between 0000 0000 0000 and 0000 0000 0001 with the pin 18 tied high (straight binary) or between 1111 1111 1111 and 1111 1111 1110 with the pin 18 tied low (complementary binary). 10k ZERO/ OFFSET ADJUST For values of R1 and R2 refer to Table 1. 3. Full-Scale Adjustment Set the output of the voltage reference used in step 2 to the value shown in Table 1. Adjust the gain trimming potentiometer so that the output code flickers equally between 1111 1111 1110 and 1111 1111 1111 for pin 18 tied high or between 0000 0000 0001 and 0000 0000 0000 for pin 18 tied low. Figure 4. Optional Calibration Circuit Table 1. Input Connections (using external calibration) INPUT RANGE R1 R2 UNIT 0 +10V, 5 2 2 k 0 to 5V, 2.5V 2 6 k 0 to +2.5V, 1.25V 2 14 k Table 2. Zero and Gain Adjustments 4. To confirm proper operation of the device, vary the precision reference voltage source to obtain the output coding listed in Table 3. INPUT RANGE ZERO ADJUST +1/2 LSB GAIN ADJUST RANGE 0 to +10V +1.22mV +9.9963V 5V +1.22mV +4.9963V UNIPOLAR OPERATION 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 17 20 BIPOLAR INPUT 21 +10V REF. + 4.7F 24 ADS-117 4.7F + 0.1F + 0.1F 23 4.7F +15V 22 + 4.7F BIT 1 (MSB) BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 7 BIT 8 BIT 9 BIT 10 BIT 11 BIT 12 (LSB) EOC ENABLE (1-12) 16 START CONVERT 13 +5V -15V 5k For bipolar operation, adjust the potentiometer such that the code flickers equally between 1000 0000 0000 and 1000 0000 0001 with pin 18 tied high (offset binary) or between 0111 1111 1111 and 0111 1111 1110 with pin 18 tied low (complementary offset binary). -15V To Pin19 of ADS-117 5k 2. Zero Adjustments 0.1F +15V R1 19 ANALOG INPUT 0.1F 14 COMP BIN 18 +5V NOTE: For unipolar operation, ground pin 20. For bipolar operation, connect pin 20 to pin 21. Always bypass pin 21 as shown for both unipolar and bipolar operation. Figure 3. ADS-117 Connection Diagram DATEL * 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA * Tel: (508) 339-3000 * www.datel.com 31 Mar 2011 * e-mail: help@datel.com MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 4 of 6 (R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters Table 3. Output Coding STRAIGHT BIN. COMP. BINARY OUTPUT CODING UNIPOLAR SCALE INPUT RANGE 0 to +10V MSB LSB +FS - 1 LSB +7/8 FS +3/4 FS +1/2 FS +1/4 FS +1/8 FS +1 LSB 0 +9.9976 +8.7500 +7.5000 +5.0000 +2.5000 +1.2500 +0.0024 0.0000 1111 1110 1100 1000 0100 0010 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 MSB 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 OFF. BINARY 0000 0001 0011 0111 1011 1101 1111 1111 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 LSB INPUT RANGE 5V BIPOLAR SCALE 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1111 +4.9976 +3.7500 +2.5000 0.0000 -2.5000 -3.7500 -4.9976 -5.0000 +FS -1 LSB +3/4FS +1/2FS 0 -1/2FS -3/4FS -FS+1LSB -FS COMP. OFF. BIN. 0 Amplitude Relative to Full Scale (dB) -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Frequency (MHz) (fs = 2MHz, fin = 980kHz, Vin = -0.5dB, 4,096-point FFT) Figure 5. FFT Analysis of ADS-117 DATEL * 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA * Tel: (508) 339-3000 * www.datel.com 31 Mar 2011 * e-mail: help@datel.com MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 5 of 6 (R) ADS-117 (R) 12-Bit, 2MHz, Low-Power Sampling A/D Converters MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS INCHES (mm) 1.31 MAX. (33.27) 24 Dimension Tolerances (unless otherwise indicated): 2 place decimal (.XX) 0.010 (0.254) 3 place decimal (.XXX) 0.005 (0.127) 13 Lead Material: Kovar alloy 0.80 MAX. (20.32) 1 Lead Finish: 50 microinches (minimum) gold plating over 100 microinches (nominal) nickel plating 12 0.100 TYP. (2.540) 1.100 (27.940) 0.235 MAX. (5.969) PIN 1 INDEX 0.200 MAX. (5.080) 0.010 (0.254) 0.190 MAX. (4.826) 0.100 (2.540) 0.100 (2.540) 0.600 0.010 (15.240) SEATING PLANE 0.025 (0.635) 0.040 (1.016) 0.018 0.002 (0.457) +0.002 -0.001 ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL NUMBER OPERATING TEMP. RANGE ACCESSORIES ADS-117MC 0 to +70C ADS-EVAL1 Evaluation Board (without ADS-117) ADS-117ME -40 to +85C HS-24 Heat Sink for all ADS-117 models ADS-117MM -55 to +125C ADS-117/883 -55 to +125C For MIL-STD-883 product specification or availability of surface-mount packaging, contact DATEL. Receptacles for PC mounting can be ordered through AMP Inc., Part # 3-331272-8 (Component Lead Socket), 24 required. DATEL 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA . makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ITAR and ISO 9001/14001 REGISTERED www.datel.com * e-mail: help@datel.com 31 Mar 2011 MDA_ADS-117.B02 Page 6 of 6