2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39960C-page 543
Bus Collision During Start Condition (SCLx = 0) ...... 323
Bus Collision During Start Condition
(SDAx Only)..................................................... 322
Bus Collision During Stop Condition (Case 1) .......... 325
Bus Collision During Stop Condition (Case 2) .......... 325
Bus Collision for Transmit and Acknowledge............ 321
Capture/Compare/PWM............................................ 513
CLKO and I/O ........................................................... 505
Clock Synchronization .............................................. 307
Clock/Instruction Cycle ............................................... 92
EUSART Synchronous Transmission
(Master/Slave) .................................................. 522
Receive (Master/Slave) .................................... 522
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 0) ...................... 514
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 1) ...................... 515
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 0) ........................ 516
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 1) ........................ 517
External Clock........................................................... 503
External Memory Bus for SLEEP (Extended
Microcontroller Mode) ............................... 128, 130
External Memory Bus for TBLRD (Extended
Microcontroller Mode) ............................... 128, 130
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)............................... 425
First Start Bit Timing ................................................. 315
Full-Bridge PWM Output ........................................... 270
Half-Bridge PWM Output .................................. 268, 275
High-Voltage Detect Operation (VDIRMAG = 1)....... 383
HLVD Characteristics................................................ 511
I2C Acknowledge Sequence ..................................... 320
I2C Bus Data............................................................. 519
I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits.............................................. 518
I2C Master Mode (7 or 10-Bit Transmission) ............ 318
I2C Master Mode (7-Bit Reception)........................... 319
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 0,
ADMSK = 01001).............................................. 303
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) ........... 304
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) ........... 309
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Transmission)...................... 305
I2C Slave Mode (7-bit Reception, SEN = 0,
ADMSK = 01011).............................................. 301
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) ............. 300
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) ............. 308
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Transmission)........................ 302
I2C Slave Mode General Call Address
Sequence (7 or 10-Bit Addressing Mode)......... 310
I2C Stop Condition Receive or Transmit Mode ......... 320
Low-Voltage Detect Operation (VDIRMAG = 0) ....... 382
MSSP I2C Bus Data.................................................. 520
MSSP I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits .................................. 520
Parallel Slave Port (PSP) Read ................................ 191
Parallel Slave Port (PSP) Write ................................ 190
Program Memory Fetch (8-bit).................................. 506
Program Memory Read............................................. 507
Program Memory Write............................................. 508
PWM Auto-Shutdown with Auto-Restart
Enabled (PxRSEN = 1) ..................................... 274
PWM Auto-Shutdown with Firmware
Restart (PxRSEN = 0)....................................... 274
PWM Direction Change ............................................ 271
PWM Direction Change at Near 100%
Duty Cycle ........................................................ 272
PWM Output ............................................................. 255
PWM Output (Active-High)........................................ 266
PWM Output (Active-Low) ........................................ 267
Repeated Start Condition ......................................... 316
Reset, Watchdog Timer (WDT), Oscillator Start-up
Timer (OST) and Power-up Timer (PWRT) ...... 509
Send Break Character Sequence............................. 344
Slave Synchronization .............................................. 287
Slow Rise Time (MCLR Tied to VDD,
VDD Rise > TPWRT)............................................. 77
SPI Mode (Master Mode) ......................................... 286
SPI Mode (Slave Mode, CKE = 0)............................ 288
SPI Mode (Slave Mode, CKE = 1)............................ 288
Steering Event at Beginning of Instruction
(STRSYNC = 1)................................................ 278
Steering Event at End of Instruction
(STRSYNC = 0)................................................ 278
Synchronous Reception (Master Mode, SREN) ....... 347
Synchronous Transmission ...................................... 345
Synchronous Transmission (Through TXEN) ........... 346
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Not Tied to VDD), Case 1 ....................... 77
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Not Tied to VDD), Case 2 ....................... 77
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Tied to VDD, VDD Rise TPWRT)............... 76
Timer Pulse Generation............................................ 242
Timer0 and Timer1 External Clock ........................... 512
Timer1 Gate Count Enable Mode............................. 204
Timer1 Gate Single Pulse Mode............................... 206
Timer1 Gate Single Pulse/Toggle
Combined Mode ............................................... 207
Timer1 Gate Toggle Mode........................................ 205
Timer3/5/7 Gate Count Enable Mode....................... 217
Timer3/5/7 Gate Single Pulse Mode......................... 219
Timer3/5/7 Gate Single Pulse/Toggle
Combined Mode ............................................... 220
Timer3/5/7 Gate Toggle Mode.................................. 218
Transition for Entry to Idle Mode ................................ 63
Transition for Entry to SEC_RUN Mode ..................... 59
Transition for Entry to Sleep Mode ............................. 62
Transition for Two-Speed Start-up
(INTOSC to HSPLL) ......................................... 423
Transition for Wake from Idle to Run Mode................ 63
Transition for Wake from Sleep (HSPLL) ................... 62
Transition from RC_RUN Mode to
PRI_RUN Mode.................................................. 61
Transition from SEC_RUN Mode to
PRI_RUN Mode (HSPLL) ................................... 59
Transition to RC_RUN Mode...................................... 61
Timing Diagrams and Specifications
Capture/Compare/PWM Requirements.................... 513
CLKO and I/O Requirements............................ 505, 507
EUSART/AUSART Synchronous Receive
Requirements ................................................... 522
EUSART/AUSART Synchronous Transmission
Requirements ................................................... 522
Example SPI Mode Requirements
(Master Mode, CKE = 0)................................... 514
Example SPI Mode Requirements
(Master Mode, CKE = 1)................................... 515
Example SPI Mode Requirements
(Slave Mode, CKE = 0)..................................... 516
Example SPI Slave Mode Requirements
(CKE = 1).......................................................... 517
External Clock Requirements ................................... 503
HLVD Characteristics ............................................... 511
I2C Bus Data Requirements (Slave Mode)............... 519