Ky SGS-THOMSON BTA16 B MICROELECTRONICS BTB16B STANDARD TRIACS FEATURES s HIGH SURGE CURRENT CAPABILITY = COMMUTATION : (dV/dt)c > 10V/us Aa M = BTA Family : a INSULATING VOLTAGE = 2500V(RMS) (UL RECOGNIZED : E81734) / DESCRIPTION The BTA/BTB16 B triac family are high perfor- mance glass passivated PNPN devices. Ay a These parts are suitables for general purpose ap- G plications where high surge current capability is re- TO 220 AB quired. Application such as phase contro! and (Plastic) Static switching on inductive or resistive load. ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values) Symbol Parameter Value Unit IT(RMS) | RMS on-state current BTA | Tc=80C 16 A (360 conduction angle) BTB | Tc =90C ITSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current tp = 8.3 ms 170 A ( Tj initial = 25C ) tp = 10 ms 160 12 [2t value tp = 10 ms 128 Aes di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current Repetitive 10 A/us Gate supply :|q = 500mA dig/dt = 1A/us F = 50 Hz Non 50 Repetitive Tstg Storage and operating junction temperature range - 40 to + 150 C Tj - 40 to +125 c Tl Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10 s at 4.5 mm 230 C from case Symbol Parameter BTA / BTB16-... B Unit 400 600 700 800 VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage 400 600 700 800 v VRRM Tj = 125 C July 1991 Mi 389 BTA16 B/ BTB16 B THERMAL RESISTANCES Symbol Parameter Value Unit Rth (j-a) |Junction to ambient 60 CIW Rth (j-c) DC | Junction to case tor DC BTA 29 C/W BIB 2.3 Rth (j-c) AC | Junction to case for 360 conduction angle BTA 2.2 Ciw ( F= 50 Hz} BTB 1.75 GATE CHARACTERISTICS (maximum vaiues) PG (av)=1W Pam = 40W (tp =20 us) IGM =6A(tp= 20s) VGM = 16V (tp = 20 ps). ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Test Conditions Quadrant Suffix Unit B I@t Vp=12V (DC) AL=33Q Tj=25C 1-41-10 MAX 50 mA IV MAX 100 VGT Vp=12V (DC) RL=330 Tj=25C H-H-Ji-IV | MAX 15 Vv VGo Vp=VORM RL=3.3kQ Tj=125C HEV MIN 0.2 v igt Vp=VDRM_ IG = 500mA Tj=25C i-li-l-tV | TYP 2 ps dig/dt = 3A/ps I Ige1.2 IGT Tj=25C -ALV TYP 40 mA N 70 iH * (T= 500mA gate open Tj=25C MAX 50 mA Vim * | ItM= 22.54 tp= 380us Tj=25C MAX 1.6 Vv IDRM VpRM Rated Tj=26C MAX 0.01 mA RRM YRRM Rated Tj=125C MAX 2 dvidt * Linear slope up to Vp=67%VDRM Tj=125C MIN 250 Vits gate open (dV/dt)c * | (dli/dt)c = 7A/ms Tj=125C MIN 10 Vis * For either polarity of electrode Az voltage with reference to electrode Ai. ars 390 Lyq, SES cntomanes LECTRONICGS BTA16 B / BTB16 B Fig.1 : Maximum RMS power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (F=50Hz). (Curves are cut off by (dl/dt)c limitation) P (Ww) 25 20 * 15 SS 10 5 | TAM) (A) 0 4 8 12 16 Fig.3 : Correlation between maximum RMS power dissipation and maximum allowable temperatures (Tamb and Tease) for different thermal resistances heatsink + contact (BTB). P (Ww) Tease (C) 26 Rth=-0 c/w mo cw 86 20 \ 2 c/w4 \] owl Lag 15 OS AK 105 10 \ 5 115 Tamb (C) NY 0 | 125 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Fig.5 : Thermal transient impedance junction to case and junction to ambient versus pulse duration. (2th j-c : BTA version only) Zth ( C/W) CCC Hy voe-o1L LLU TT TTT TTT TT <= I WOE-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01 1.0600 1.0E901 10E+02 1.0E+03 k SGS-THOMSON SF iekorzernoincs Fig.2 : Correlation between maximum RMS power dissipation and maximum allowable temperatures (Tamb and Tease) for different thermal resistances heatsink + contact (BTA). P (Ww) Tease (C) 26 T Rth= _Locew |t75 1 c/w 20 2C/w 4 c/w 85 Xd KY 95 10 \ 106 5 7 SJ 115 Tamb ('C) IN L A oO 125 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Fig.4 : RMS on-state current versus case temperature. It(RMs) (A) 20 18 BTB BTA 10 Q@ 180 \ Tease(C) \ 0 L 1 4 Oo 20 40 60 80 100 120 = 6140 Fig.6 : Relative variation of gate trigger current and holding current versus junction temperature. IgtITil AniTjl gtti-25C) = th Tj=25'C) 2.5 Igt [ mA 0.6 t Tj (C) 0 oe -40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 80 80 70 80 90 100110120130 3/5 391 BTA16 B / BTB16 B Fig.7 : Non Repetitive surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles. Itsm (A) Tj initial 25C Number of cycles 1 10 100 1000 Fig.9 : On-state characteristics (maximum values). lng (A) 1000 Tj initial 25C 100 Tj max 1 Vto = 10V Rt =0.0250 Vm (Vv) 1 1 2 3 4 5 Giz $&S-THOMSON JZ incnos.ectnomes 392 Fig.8 : Non repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width t < 10ms, and corresponding value of [2t. Ipgu (Alt (A 8) 1000 Tj initial = 25C 100 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA (in millimeters) TO 220 AB Plastic BTA16 B / BTB16 B 8 89 10.3201 | Sclec 4,65 + 0.17 +clet + 0.4 0.40 | | m| 1.25 - 0.10 3.6 - 9:05 | x | sO- 1 7 Ba oo +1 | " w | 8 : 1.20 2 1 1.75 if Ye 4 sls yt a ele HA tl El ons D : o.pto.ssly fi | < S/S + 0.3 | 0.47 0.18 of 0.59 10.15 to 2.54 $0.25 2.54 0.25 2.40.3 1 A2G Cooling method : by conduction (method C) Marking : tyoe number Weight : 2g 5/5 k THOMSO Jf. SES-THOMSON 393