National Semiconductors Semiconductor Linear |.C.s - Consumer Circuits . LM565 SeriesPhase CONNECTION DIAGRAM Locked Loops LM565H LM565CH REFERENCE TABLE Code / . Stock No. LM565H 31051R (9) External CforVeo LM565CH 29642X . LM565CN 29643H External R forVco GENERAL DESCRIPTION Demodulator jutput The LM565 and LMS565C are general purpose phase locked loops containing a stable, highly Output linear voltage controlled oscillator for low Pha distortion FM demodulation, and a double Com . . . mparator balanced phase detector with good carrier Veolnput suppression. The VCO frequency is set with an external resistor and capacitor, and a tuning range . of 10:1 can be obtained with the same capacitor. 7 ai 7 5 The characteristics of the closed loop system See outline drawing No. 98 for dimensions. bandwidth, response speed, capture and pull-in rangemay be adjusted over a wide range with an external resistor and capacitor. The loop may be CONNECTION DIAGRAM broken between the VCO and the phase detector * for insertion of a digital frequency divider to obtain : frequency multiplication. . LMS65CN - Top View FEATURES. 200 ppm/*C frequency stability of the VCO. v2 14 NC Power supply range of +5 to +12 volts with ha 100 ppm/% typical. Input 24 i NC 0.2% linearity of demodulated output. Input 3 h2 wc Linear triangle wave with in phase zero crossings 4 : available. NC : Output TTL and DTL compatible phage detector input and Ease ator 5 10 y+ square wave output. Veolnput i i 4.4 0 Reference & il 3. External Adjustable hold in range from 41% to > +60%. Gutput lamp | Clerven Do dulated - 18. External Output Rfor Veo See outline drawing No. 109 for dimensions. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS - Operating Temperature Range Supply Voltage +12V LMS565H ~5C to +125C LM565CH, LM565CN 0C to 70C Power Dissipation 300mW Storage Temperature 65C to +150C (Note 1) Range Differential Input Voltage i1V (Solder to mae) 300C SoS PLEASE QUOTE STOCK NO. AND MANUFACTURER'S CODE WHEN ORDERING : 1025