MindSphere application
Manage MyMachines
Function Manual
Valid for control:
SINUMERIK 840D sl / 840DE sl
Manage MyMachines, Version (HF4)
A5E45212179B AB
Fundamental safety
instructions 1
Introduction 2
Setting up the SINUMERIK
control system for Manage
MyMachines 3
Setting up MindConnect
Nano for Manage
MyMachines 4
Displaying acquired data in
Manage MyMachines 5
Appendix A
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Division Digital Factory
Postfach 48 48
A5E45212179B AB
Ⓟ 02/2019 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2017 - 2019.
All rights reserved
SINUMERIK documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized into the following categories:
General documentation/catalogs
User documentation
Manufacturer/service documentation
Additional information
You can find information on the following topics at the following address (https://
Ordering documentation/overview of documentation
Additional links to download documents
Using documentation online (find and search in manuals/information)
If you have any questions regarding the technical documentation (e.g. suggestions,
corrections), please send an e-mail to the following address
At the following address (,
you can find information on how to create your own individual documentation based on
Siemens' content, and adapt it for your own machine documentation.
At the following address (, you can find information about
SITRAIN (Siemens training on products, systems and solutions for automation and drives).
You can find Frequently Asked Questions in the Service&Support pages under Product
Support (
You can find information about SINUMERIK at the following address (
Manage MyMachines
Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 3
Target group
This publication is intended for:
Project engineers
Technologists (from machine manufacturers)
Commissioning engineers (systems/machines)
The function manual describes the functions so that the target group knows them and can
select them. It provides the target group with the information required to implement the
Standard scope
This documentation describes the functionality of the standard scope. Extensions or changes
made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the machine tool manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
Further, for the sake of simplicity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information
about all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation
or maintenance.
Note regarding the General Data Protection Regulation
Siemens respects the principles of data privacy, in particular the data minimization rules
(privacy by design). This means the following for this product:
The product does not process or store any person-related data, only technical function data
(e.g. time stamps). If the user links this data with other data (e.g. shift schedules) or if he/she
stores person-related data on the same data medium (e.g. hard disk), thus personalizing this
data, he/she has to ensure compliance with the applicable data protection stipulations.
Technical Support
Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided in the Internet at the
following address ( in the "Contact"
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Table of contents
Preface .........................................................................................................................................................3
1 Fundamental safety instructions...................................................................................................................7
1.1 General safety instructions.......................................................................................................7
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples ........................................................................8
1.3 Industrial security .....................................................................................................................9
2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................11
2.2 System requirements .............................................................................................................12
3 Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines .......................................................15
3.1 Sequence ...............................................................................................................................15
3.2 Checking and updating the versions ......................................................................................18
3.2.1 Displaying version data ..........................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Installing a SINUMERIK 828D update ...................................................................................19
3.2.3 Client update under Windows ................................................................................................21
3.2.4 Client update under Linux ......................................................................................................25
3.3 SINUMERIK Integrate ............................................................................................................29
3.3.1 Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client ............................................................................29
3.3.2 Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate.................................................................................30
3.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl ..............................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Configuring the URL and proxy..............................................................................................31
3.4.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system .................................................33
3.4.3 Create drive............................................................................................................................36
3.5 SINUMERIK 828D..................................................................................................................38
3.5.1 Configuring the URL and proxy..............................................................................................38
3.5.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system .................................................40
3.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate ..............................................................................................42
3.6.1 Exchanging a certificate (optional) .........................................................................................42
3.6.2 Activating logs for troubleshooting .........................................................................................45
3.7 Integrating MindSphere..........................................................................................................46
3.7.1 Logging in to MindSphere ......................................................................................................46
3.7.2 Description of the icons/buttons .............................................................................................48
3.7.3 User administration ................................................................................................................49
3.7.4 Asset Manager .......................................................................................................................50 Overview ................................................................................................................................50 Creating an asset type ...........................................................................................................52 Creating an Asset...................................................................................................................53
3.7.5 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere ..............................................56
3.7.6 Activating the data acquisition................................................................................................58
3.7.7 Configuring a variable ............................................................................................................61
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3.8 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere.........................................71
3.8.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................71
3.8.2 Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate ............................................................................72
3.8.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere.........................................72
4 Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines ...........................................................................75
4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................75
4.2 Setting up at the control system.............................................................................................76
4.2.1 Setting the license..................................................................................................................76
4.2.2 Configuring the network .........................................................................................................76
4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere....................................................79
5 Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines .....................................................................................85
5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................85
5.2 Opening Manage MyMachines ..............................................................................................87
5.3 MMM Dashboard....................................................................................................................89
5.4 Events ....................................................................................................................................94
5.5 Export.....................................................................................................................................96
5.6 Aspects ..................................................................................................................................98
5.7 MMM Overview ....................................................................................................................101
5.8 MMM Alarms ........................................................................................................................103
5.8.1 Displaying alarms.................................................................................................................103
5.8.2 Filtering and displaying alarms.............................................................................................103
A Appendix...................................................................................................................................................107
A.1 List of abbreviations .............................................................................................................107
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................109
Table of contents
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Fundamental safety instructions 1
1.1 General safety instructions
Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.
Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
Protect the parameterization against unauthorized access.
Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or
emergency off.
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1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples
Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration,
equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Application examples do not represent specific
customer solutions, but are only intended to provide support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated
correctly. Application examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when
using, installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples
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1.3 Industrial security
Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Products and solutions from Siemens constitute one element of such a
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the Internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and
only when appropriate security measures (e.g. using firewalls and/or network segmentation)
are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that can be implemented, please
Industrial security (
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they become
available, and that only the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are
no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure
to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (
Further information is provided on the Internet:
Industrial Security Configuration Manual (
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security
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Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations, e.g. viruses, Trojans, or worms, can cause unsafe operating states
in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
Keep the software up to date.
Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
On completion of commissioning, check all security-related settings.
Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "Know-how protection"
converter function.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security
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Introduction 2
2.1 Overview
This document describes
How you connect MindSphere to the machine
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for
Manage MyMachines (Page 15).
The functionality of the MindSphere Application "Manage MyMachines"
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Displaying acquired data in Manage
MyMachines (Page 85)
MindSphere is a cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens which connects your
machines and physical infrastructure with the digital world. This allows you a complete
overview of your data at all times.
Several MindSphere-based applications are available - the "MindSphere Applications".
A description of the other MindSphere applications can be found in the following reference:
MindSphere - Getting Started
MindSphere System Manual
Fleet Manager System Manual
In addition to the manuals, you can also find data sheets and FAQs at the following link:
MindSphere (
Additional information regarding the applications is available at the following link: MindSphere
documentation (
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2.2 System requirements
Hardware and operating software
Client Software Version
Operating software
SINUMERIK Operate Version
Hardware version Operating system
4.5 SP4, HF 1, 2, 3, 4,
4.5 SP5, HF 1, 3, 5
4.5 SP6, HF 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 14,
NCU 730.3 PN Linux
PCU 50.5 Windows 7
4.5 SP6 HF 1, 12 NCU 730.3 PN Linux
4.5 SP6 HF 2 PCU 50.5 Windows 7
4.7 SP2 HF 1, 3, 4
4.7 SP3, HF 1, 2, 3, 4
4.7 SP4, HF 1, 4, 6
4.7 SP5, HF 1
4.7 SP6, HF 1, 3, 4, 5
4.8 SP1, HF 1, 2, 3
4.8 SP2, HF 1, 3
4.8 SP3, HF 1
NCU 730.3 PN Linux
PCU 50.5 Windows 7
4.7 SP4 HF 3, 5 NCU 730.3 PN Linux
Client Software Version
Operating software
SINUMERIK Operate Version
Hardware version Operating system
4.5 SP4
4.5 SP5, HF 1, 2
4.5 SP6, HF 1, 2, 3, 4
PPU 281.3
PPU 241.3
4.7 SP2, HF1
4.7 SP3, HF1
4.7 SP4, HF1, 2
4.7 SP5
4.7 SP6, HF1
Operating PC
Processor 1 GHz processor
RAM (GB) 4
Free hard disk capacity (GB) 1
Operating systems Windows 7 SP1 (x64) Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate
Windows 10 (x64) Pro/Enterprise
Screen resolution At least 1980 x 1080 pixels
2.2 System requirements
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Web browser
You can use the following web browsers:
Version from 68.0.3440.84 (32 bit) up to the current version
Version 59.9.0 (32 bit) up to the current version
Safari for tablets
iOS and Android systems are supported for the current version and 10 inch tablet size
Safety instructions
Connecting SINUMERIK control systems to MindSphere
Connecting SINUMERIK control systems to MindSphere via TLS 1.2/https complies with the
highest security standards.
SINUMERIK versions that do not meet these standards are not part of the product. For these
versions, additional security measures must be taken.
You are solely responsible for preventing unauthorized access to your plants, systems,
SINUMERIK control systems and the network. Systems, SINUMERIK control systems and
components should only be connected to the company's network or the Internet if and to the
extent necessary and with appropriate security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network
segmentation) in place.
The actions required in this regard are described in the following Configuration Manual:
Industry Security (
You can read about further actions in the application examples: Manage MyMachines –
Installation in existing control environments.
Parallel operation with SINUMERIK Integrate applications
Parallel operation with SINUMERIK Integrate applications is not possible.
Data misuse due to an unprotected Internet connection
An unrestricted Internet connection can lead to data misuse.
Before establishing a network connection, ensure your PC is exclusively connected to the
Internet via a secure connection. Pay attention to the security-relevant notes.
Further information about communications security can be found in the Configuration Manual:
Industry Security (
2.2 System requirements
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SINUMERIK control system security
The necessary security measures (e.g. virus scanner, firewalls, OS patching, etc.) must be
implemented on the SINUMERIK control system.
Further information about communications security can be found in the Configuration Manual:
Industry Security (
Operating PC security
The necessary security measures (e.g. virus scanner, firewalls, OS patching, etc.) must be
implemented on the PCs which are used to visualize and configure Manage MyMachines /
Remote at the OEM or end user.
You will find further information on PCs in the industrial environment in the Configuration
Manual: Industry Security (
Delivery form
The updates and further information on the applications and products are stored on PridaNet
and can be downloaded directly from there.
- OR -
You can contact your machine manufacturer.
- OR -
You can contact the Siemens Service & Support.
Additional references
Further information on the "SINUMERIK Operate" operating software can be found in the
following reference:
SINUMERIK Operate Commissioning Manual (IM9)
SINUMERIK 828D Commissioning Manual, Commissioning CNC
2.2 System requirements
Manage MyMachines
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Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage
MyMachines 3
3.1 Sequence
To use Manage MyMachines, you must perform various steps in MindSphere as well as at the
SINUMERIK control system itself.
Proceed as follows:
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In MindSphere:
1. Create the required assets.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Asset Manager (Page 50)
Detailed information is provided in the System Manual: MindSphere, Section: Asset
2. Create the "onboard.key".
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Connecting the SINUMERIK control system
with MindSphere (Page 56)
At the SINUMERIK control system:
1. Check the installed versions.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Displaying version data (Page 18)
If an appropriate SINUMERIK Integrate version is not installed, then perform a client
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Checking and updating the versions
(Page 18)
2. Activate the SINUMERIK Integrate client.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client
(Page 29)
3. Enable the use of SINUMERIK Integrate.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate
(Page 30)
4. Configure the URL and proxy
At the SINUMERIK 840D sl control system:
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Configuring the URL and proxy (Page 31)
- OR -
At the SINUMERIK 828D control system:
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Configuring the URL and proxy (Page 38)
5. Restart SINUMERIK Operate.
6. Insert "onboard.key".
At the SINUMERIK 840D sl control system
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Install the registration key on a
SINUMERIK control system (Page 33)
- OR -
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Install the registration key on a
SINUMERIK control system (Page 40)
7. Restart SINUMERIK Operate.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.1 Sequence
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File "onboard.key"
The file "onboard.key" contains safety-related information for the one-time connection setup of
a SINUMERIK controller with MindSphere and must therefore be stored safely - both on the
terminal, on which the file is stored temporarily, and on the target controller. Only when the
connection between the SINUMERIK control system and MindSphere has been completely set
up is this connection setup key no longer relevant.
This file is then automatically deleted on the SINUMERIK control system.
Secure the terminals used for this accordingly, for example, using virus protection programs,
firewalls, OS updates, etc.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.1 Sequence
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3.2 Checking and updating the versions
3.2.1 Displaying version data
In the "Version data" window you can check whether you are using a suitable version.
Only use the versions specified in this document.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: System requirements (Page 12).
The following components with the associated version data are specified:
SINUMERIK Operate Version
System software
PLC basic program
PLC user program
System expansions
OEM applications
Information is provided in the "Nominal version" column as to whether the versions of the
components differ from the version supplied on the CompactFlash card.
Icon Description
The version displayed in the "Actual version" column matches the version of the CF
The version displayed in the "Actual version" column does not match the version
of the CF card.
1. Start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software on the SINUMERIK
control system.
2. Press the <MENU SELECT> key.
3. Select the "Diagnostics" operating area.
4. Press the "Version" softkey.
The "Version data" window opens.
The data of the available components is displayed.
5. Select the component for which you would like more information.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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6. Press the "Details >" softkey in order to obtain more detailed information
on the components displayed.
Start a client update if you have the required SINUMERIK Integrate version on your
SINUMERIK control system.
Information is provided in the following chapter as to how you perform a client update:
Client update under Windows (Page 21)
- OR -
Client update under Linux (Page 25)
3.2.2 Installing a SINUMERIK 828D update
If you are not using a suitable software version on the SINUMERIK 828D control, you must
install the required software update/backup.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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1. Switch the control on.
The following is displayed during startup:
2. Press the <SELECT> key within three seconds.
To call the "Startup menu", press the following keys in succession:
Menu back key, HSK2 (horizontal softkey 2), VSK2 (vertical softkey 2)
PPU with touch operation
To call the "Startup menu" during startup, there is an additional shortcut key for all PPUs: "8"
→ "2" → "8"
3. The "Startup menu" is displayed, "Normal startup" is the default setting.
4. Select the "Install software update/backup" option to install an update on the system
CompactFlash card from the user CompactFlash card or USB flash drive.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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5. The following message is displayed:
"Do you want to install the software update? Either CF card or USB stick must be plugged
6. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB interface on the front of the operator panel and click
7. Make sure that only individual ".tgz" files are located on the USB flash drive. Press the
<INPUT> key to install the required files.
8. The installation preparation and then the installation procedure are shown on the screen.
9. At the end, the following message is displayed: "Restoring complete. Switch off and remove
data medium!"
Switch the control off and remove the storage medium.
Further information on the commissioning of the SINUMERIK 828D can be found in the
following Commissioning Manual:
SINUMERIK 828D, Commissioning CNC
3.2.3 Client update under Windows
1. Start the SINUMERIK control system in the Windows service mode.
2. Open the installation directory.
3. Start setup file "setup.exe" with a double-click.
SINUMERIK Integrate Client - InstallShield Wizard opens.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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4. The welcome screen opens and shows the applications to which the update applies.
Click "Next >" to start the installation preparation.
5. The "License Agreement" window opens.
Read the license agreement.
If you want to print the terms, click "Print."
Then activate the "I accept the terms in the license agreement" checkbox and click "Next
- OR -
Click "< Back" to return to the previous window.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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6. The next window displays the installation directory for the application.
Click "Next >" to accept the directory suggested by the setup.
7. The Wizard is ready to start the installation.
Click "Install" to start the installation.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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8. The installation is started, and the progress is displayed with a progress bar.
9. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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3.2.4 Client update under Linux
Emergency Boot System V04.70.05.00
SINUMERIK Operate 4.5 SP4
- OR -
SINUMERIK Operate 4.7 SP2
1. Copy the "sinintclient.tgz" file to the USB flash drive.
2. Insert the USB flash drive into the NCU.
3. Start the NCU.
4. In the menu, select "Update NCU Software and Data" with the cursor keys and press the
"OK" softkey.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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5. In the menu, select "Update system software from USB memory stick" with the cursor keys
and press the "OK" softkey.
6. You receive a list with all tgz files.
Select the current file.
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your selection.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F8> on the operator panel.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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7. The selected file is displayed.
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm your selection.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F8> on the operator panel.
8. A confirmation prompt appears.
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the confirmation prompt.
- OR -
Press the shortcut key <Shift> + <F7> on the operator panel.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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9. The installation is started.
10.When the installation has been completed, the following message appears.
Remove the USB flash drive.
Select "Restart" from the menu and press the "OK" softkey.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.2 Checking and updating the versions
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3.3 SINUMERIK Integrate
3.3.1 Activating the SINUMERIK Integrate client
1. Start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software on the control.
2. Press the "Setup" and "Mach. data" softkeys.
3. Press the "Password" softkey.
4. The "Set password" window opens.
5. Enter the password for "Manufacture" and press the "OK" softkey.
6. Press the menu forward key and the "Display MD" softkey.
Set the machine data
7. Press the <MENU SELECT> key followed by the menu forward key.
8. The "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey is displayed on the extended horizontal softkey bar.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.3 SINUMERIK Integrate
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3.3.2 Activating use of SINUMERIK Integrate
1. Press the "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey.
The "SINUMERIK Integrate" welcome window opens.
2. Press the "Settings" softkey.
The "Settings" window opens displaying the system status "Use DEACTIVATED".
Press the "Activate use" softkey.
3. The confirmation prompt "Do you want to activate the use of SINUMERIK Integrate
applications?" is displayed.
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the prompt.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate applications is enabled.
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3.4 SINUMERIK 840D sl
3.4.1 Configuring the URL and proxy
Transferring SINUMERIK data on the MindSphere platform
The following steps allow you to transfer the SINUMERIK data to the MindSphere platform.
By performing the steps described below, in particular through input and confirmation of the
Web service URL, processes are performed automatically in which software scripts are loaded
to the SINUMERIK control.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate has been activated.
Check whether the Internet connection is available and activated:
Press the "Online Services" softkey. The login screen to the SINUMERIK Integrate server
is opened.
If this is not the case, check the connected Internet connection.
Start the control in service mode, and call up an Internet page using the Web browser, for
example, "".
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1. The "Settings" window is open.
Press the "URLs >" softkey.
2. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
Directories: Select the "User" entry in the "Directories" drop-down list.
Display home page: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
RenderService: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
URL Web service: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
Enter the following WebService URL.
If, for example, you are connected to the LIVE system:
Enter the required value in the "Transmit timeout ms" input field, e.g. "20" (default value
is 200) and activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
Enter the required value in the "Receive timeout ms" input field, e.g. "20" (default value
is 200) and activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
3. Press the "OK" softkey.
A syntax check is performed and the access data is saved.
Usually, the settings are now complete. If further adaptations need be made within your
company network, read the following paragraph:
Proxy adaptations (optional)
1. Clarify with your network administrator whether the Proxy settings have to be adjusted for
the connection to Cloud mode.
If this is necessary, proceed as follows:
2. Press the "Proxys >" softkey.
The stored settings are displayed.
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3. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
Activate the "Use fix proxy" checkbox.
Enter your proxies in the "Proxy 1" to "Proxy 3" input fields.
Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox even if you only enter one proxy in order to
accept the new entry.
4. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.
5. If an authentication is required for the proxy, press the "Authorization" softkey.
Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox to accept the new entry.
Enter the user data in the "Domain", "User name" and "Password" input fields.
6. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.
7. Restart the control so that the access data can take effect.
3.4.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system
The activation of SINUMERIK Integrate, the setting up of the URL/proxy and the restart creates
the "boot_job" folder in the /var/tmp/ directory.
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If the folder was not set up, then create the folder manually.
There are 2 ways to copy the "onboard.key" to the SINUMERIK control system:
Via the SINUMERIK Operate user interface
With the aid of WinSCP
The "onboard.key" has been generated.
The "boot_job" folder is created on the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. at C:\
The time on the control system has been synchronized with the current time.
The Internet connection has been checked and is established.
Procedure with SINUMERIK Operate (PCU 50)
1. At the SINUMERIK control system, start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software in the
service mode.
2. Insert the USB flash drive with the "onboard.key" file into the PCU.
The USB flash drive is shown in the directory tree.
3. Copy the file "onboard.key" into the following directory: C:\temp\boot_job.
4. Check the PCU configuration.
Procedure with SINUMERIK Operate (NCU)
1. At the SINUMERIK control system, start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
2. Press the "Setup" softkey.
3. Press the "System data" softkey.
The directory tree is displayed.
4. Insert the USB flash drive with the "onboard.key" file into the NCU.
The USB flash drive is displayed in the directory tree.
If the USB flash drive is not detected by SINUMERIK Operate, you must change to a
different USB port or configure a logical drive.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Create drive (Page 36)
5. Select the "onboard.key" and press the "Copy" softkey.
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6. Navigate in the following directory: HMI data\Applications\User and press the "Paste"
7. Then restart.
Procedure with, e.g. WinSCP (NCU)
1. Copy the generated "onboard.key" file using a suitable tool, e.g. using WinSCP via the
network to the control system.
2. Start the SINUMERIK control system and open the directory, e.g./var/tmp/boot_job.
3. Insert the "onboard.key" file into the "boot_job" folder.
Alternatively, you can also insert the "onboard.key" file into the following directory: /user/
If there is already a "cert.key" file in the /var/tmp/boot_job folder, the control was already
connected to MindSphere. If you want to establish a new connection, then delete the
existing file and insert the new "onboard.key" file.
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4. Then start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
When the connection to the server is successful, the "cert.key" file is created.
5. The onboarding process is completed. The "onboard.key" is no longer displayed in the
3.4.3 Create drive
Entry Meaning
Connection Front USB interface that is located at the front of the operator panel.
USB interface X203/X204 that is located at the rear of the operator
X212/X213 TCU20.2/20.3
Symbolic Symbolic name of the drive
1. Select the "Start-up" operating area.
2. Press the "HMI" and "Log. drive" softkeys.
The "Set up drives" window opens.
3. Select the softkey that you want to configure.
4. To configure softkeys 9 to 16 or softkeys 17 to 24, click the ">> Level"
5. To allow input fields to be edited, press the "Change" softkey.
6. Select the data for the appropriate drive or enter the required data.
7. Press the "Details" softkey if you want to enter additional parameters.
Press the "Details" softkey to return to the "Set up drives" window.
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8. Press the "OK" softkey.
The entries are checked.
A window with a prompt opens if the data is incomplete or incorrect. Ac‐
knowledge the prompt with the "OK" softkey.
The drive, e.g. "usb-NEU" is shown in the directory tree.
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3.5.1 Configuring the URL and proxy
Transferring SINUMERIK data on the MindSphere platform
The following steps allow you to transfer the SINUMERIK data to the MindSphere platform.
By performing the steps described below, in particular through input and confirmation of the
Web service URL, processes are performed automatically in which software scripts are loaded
to the SINUMERIK control.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate has been activated.
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1. The "Settings" window is open.
Press the "URLs >" softkey.
2. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
Directories: Select the "User" entry in the "Directories" drop-down list.
Display home page: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
RenderService: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
URL Web service: Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
Enter the following WebService URL.
If, for example, you are connected to the LIVE system:
Enter the required value in the "Send timeout in ms" input field, e.g. "20" (default value
is 200) and activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
Enter the required value in the "Receive timeout ms" input field, e.g. "20" (default value
is 200) and activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox.
3. Press the "OK" softkey.
A syntax check is performed and the access data is saved.
4. In order to establish a connection from the customer network, you must adapt the proxy
Press the "Proxys >" softkey.
The stored settings are displayed.
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5. Press the "Edit" softkey and select the following settings:
Activate the "Use fix proxy" checkbox.
Enter your proxies in the "Proxy 1" to "Proxy 3" input fields.
Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox even if you only enter one proxy in order to
accept the new entry.
6. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.
7. If an authentication is required for the proxy, press the "Authorization" softkey.
Activate the "Overwrite here" checkbox to accept the new entry.
Enter the user data in the "Domain", "User name" and "Password" input fields.
8. Press the "OK" softkey to save the settings.
9. Restart the control so that the access data can take effect.
3.5.2 Install the registration key on a SINUMERIK control system
The activation of SINUMERIK Integrate, the setting up of the URL/proxy and the restart creates
the "boot_job" folder in the /var/tmp/ directory.
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If the folder was not set up, then create the folder manually.
Copy the "onboard.key" to the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. using WinSCP.
The "onboard key" has been generated.
The "boot_job" folder is created on the SINUMERIK control system, e.g. at C:\
The time on the control system has been synchronized with the current time.
The Internet connection has been checked and is established.
1. Copy the generated "onboard.key" file using WinSCP for example via the network to the
SINUMERIK control system.
2. Start the SINUMERIK control system and open the directory, e.g. /var/tmp/boot_job.
If the "boot_job" folder does not exist, then create the folder manually.
3. Open the "boot_job" folder.
If there is already a "cert.key" file in the /var/tmp/boot_job folder, the control was already
connected to MindSphere. If you want to establish a new connection, then delete the
existing file and insert the new "onboard.key" file.
4. Then start the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
When the connection to the server has been successfully established, then the "cert.key"
file is created.
5. The onboarding is completed and the "onboard.key" is no longer displayed in the directory.
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3.6 Adapting SINUMERIK Operate
3.6.1 Exchanging a certificate (optional)
In order to achieve comprehensive security, it is necessary to update the certificate
"cacert.pem". The following manual steps are required for this purpose.
SINUMERIK Operate with SINUMERIK Integrate client under Linux
1. Open the directory: card/addon/sinumerik/hmi/sinintclient/cfg
2. Select "cacerts.pem".
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3. Use WinSCP, for example, to open "cacerts.pem" in the editor.
4. Insert the content of "Customer Root CA" at the end of "cacerts.pem".
5. Close the file to save the certificate.
6. Perform a restart.
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SINUMERIK Operate under Windows
1. Open the "Customer Root CA" file in the editor and copy the entire content to the clipboard.
2. Use WinSCP, for example, to open "cacerts.pem" in the editor.
3. Insert the content of "Customer Root CA" at the end of "cacerts.pem".
4. Close the file to save the certificate.
5. Store the adapted file in the same directory again:
6. Perform a restart.
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3.6.2 Activating logs for troubleshooting
At the SINUMERIK control system, activate the logs in the "ePSConfig.user.xml" file for
1. Press the "System data" softkey.
2. Navigate in the following directory: System CF card/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg.
3. Open file "ePSConfig.user.xml".
4. Make the following setting:
<separateScriptLog active="1">1</separateScriptLog>
<scriptLogPath active="1">/var/tmp/scriptLog</scriptLogPath>
<scriptLogSeverity active="1">8</scriptLogSeverity>
<uiScriptLogSeverity active="0">2</uiScriptLogSeverity>
<maxScriptLogSize active="1">10000</maxScriptLogSize>
<maxLogLifeTimeDays active="0">30</maxLogLifeTimeDays>
5. Restart the SINUMERIK control system and have the log files sent to you.
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3.7 Integrating MindSphere
3.7.1 Logging in to MindSphere
You require a MindAccess user account in MindSphere.
Information on how to create an account is provided in the following documentation:
MindSphere - Getting Started Adjustments, Section: Create an OEM user and a customer user
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1. Click the link provided by email from Siemens AG.
The website is displayed: https://<your-account-name>
2. The "Sign In" window opens.
Enter your e-mail address and your password.
Click the "Sign In" button.
- OR -
If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password?".
The "Forgot Password" window opens.
Enter your e-mail address and click the "Submit" button.
Your password is reset and you are informed of this via e-mail.
3. The launch pad opens. You can access the individual applications via this user interface.
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3.7.2 Description of the icons/buttons
The following symbols and buttons are available.
Icon Description
Exit MindSphere
Opens a menu with the following search and sorting options:
Input field for free text search
Displays assets in an overview
Displays assets in a map view
Displays assets in a hierarchic view
Displays assets in an area view
Displays a possible extension
Displays or hides the filters and their number
Opens a menu with the following user information:
E-mail address of the user
User state
Language selection
Button for logging out
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Icon Description
Opens the email program set as default, and sends the valid selection by
mail, e.g. link to the actual MindSphere view
Opens a dialog box to select the view
Resets the zoom range
Shows support information:
Online Support Website
Online Request Website
Call Center
MindSphere Services
3.7.3 User administration
For "Manage MyMachines", you create users with different rights.
The following users are available:
Standard users
You process/edit users, roles and rights in the MindSphere application "MindSphere Settings".
You can find further information at: MindSphere documentation (https://
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1. The launchpad is open.
2. Click the MindSphere application "MindSphere Settings".
The page opens and offers you user administration for editing/processing.
3. Create or edit the user.
4. Assign the corresponding roles.
3.7.4 Asset Manager Overview
"Asset Manager" is a MindSphere application belonging to the Industrial IoT platform of
Siemens. In the "Asset Manager", using assets, you model the structure of an industrial
process within MindSphere.
In the "Asset Manager", connect your machine tool, the asset, with the MindSphere application
and configure the data acquisition.
The specific functions and configuration options for the "SINUMERIK" area are discussed in the
Using an asset type, you can define which aspects should be integrated into the template.
Using asset types, you have the option of creating a template – e.g. for several devices – and
linking this with your aspects. When creating a new asset, you can access the template or the
Aspects are combined, preconfigured data and form the context for evaluating industrial
processes. An aspect can comprise several variables. Within an industrial process, the assets
transfer the aspects in the MindSphere application as time series data.
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Opening the Asset Manager
1. Click on the "MindSphere Asset Manager" icon.
2. The Asset Manager is opened with the "Assets" window.
3. For additional options, click on the 3 small points at the upper right-hand edge of the screen.
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Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 51 Creating an asset type
1. In the left-hand section of the window, click on "Types".
The "Types" window opens.
2. In the center window section, click "+ Add type" to create a new asset type.
The "Create type" window opens.
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Scroll down to view the lower window section.
3. Enter a name for the new asset type.
Entering the name is mandatory and activates the "Save" button.
4. Enter a description of the new asset type.
5. Select an image.
Images in the working area
Ensure that the name of the image in your working area is unique.
6. Insert a variable.
7. Click "Save" to save the asset type.
View asset type
1. Open the "Types" window.
2. In the left-hand area, click on the small arrow to the right next to the required asset type.
The corresponding data is displayed in the right-hand window area Creating an Asset
1. Click "Assets" into the left-hand section of the window.
2. In the center window section, click "+ Add asset".
In the right-hand section of the window the "Select type" page is displayed.
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3. Enter the name of the required asset type or select the previously generated type from the
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4. The "New asset" window opens.
Populate the fields in the "General" and "Location" areas.
The "Save" button is activated.
Click "Save" to save the new asset.
5. The new asset is displayed.
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3.7.5 Connecting the SINUMERIK control system with MindSphere
Using the MindSphere application "Asset Manager", connect the SINUMERIK control systems
with MindSphere.
Additional information on this is provided in the MindSphere System Manual:
Chapter: Roles within MindSphere
Chapter: Configuring assets
You require the "MindAccess User" role in MindSphere to do this.
The configuration must have been saved.
1. Click the "Asset Manager" MindSphere application, and select the required asset in the left-
hand side of the window.
2. Click the "MTA Asset Config" icon in the right-hand side of the window.
3. The "Onboarding / Offboarding" window opens, and you can see the connection status in
the "Connectivity" tab, e.g. "Offboarded".
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4. Activate the "I hereby accept the conditions, which can be downloaded under the following
link. Conditions" checkbox.
Click the "Conditions" link.
The "MindSphere Terms & Conditions" window opens.
Click on your region.
From the list, select the appropriate Terms & Conditions.
Read the Terms & Conditions.
- OR -
Download the Terms & Conditions.
- OR -
Print the Terms & Conditions.
Close the window.
The "Connectivity" window is displayed again.
5. Click the "Connect SINUMERIK with MindSphere" button to connect the asset with
6. The "onboard.key" is generated and shown below the status bar.
Please note that you neither change the name nor content of the file.
7. Click the "Save" button to accept the entries and save a consistent version of the
Wait for confirmation that the asset was successfully saved.
8. Then copy the "onboard.key" to the control system, see Section.
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3.7.6 Activating the data acquisition
The "Asset Manager" MindSphere application allows you to configure the assets, and you
activate data acquisition for the following data points under the "Aspects" tab using a slider:
Data formats
Sampling rate
Physical unit
The data points can be connected either as already preconfigured data sets, or configured
separately in the form of variable sets via the SINUMERIK variable configurator.
The following preconfigured variable sets exist for assets with SINUMERIK control:
SINUMERIK basic configuration
Machine availability
Advanced recording
The preconfigured variable sets can only be selected if you enable the terms and conditions
checkbox and set the "Manage MyMachines" slider to "ON" under "Manage MyMachines".
First channel
The preconfigured "SINUMERIK basic configuration" and "Machine availability" data only
refers to data from the first NC channel.
Parameters of preconfigured SINUMERIK data sets
Display Description
Preconfigured SINUMERIK data sets
SINUMERIK basic configuration The basic SINUMERIK configuration is used to visualize standard
aspects of the machine tool. For this purpose, variables of the first
machining channel are acquired with fixed recording rhythms.
You can switch the data acquisition on or off with a slider.
In "Manage MyMachines", the data is displayed at "CH1_Basic‐
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Display Description
Machine availability Standard variables of the first machining channel are acquired for
calculating the machine availability.
You can switch the data acquisition on or off with a slider.
In "Manage MyMachines", the data is displayed at "CH1_Machi‐
Advanced recording The advanced recording configuration allows the following selec‐
tions to be made:
Time-based / cyclic trigger
Variable value-based trigger
Alarm-based trigger
Uploaded files
Procedure: Activating the presets
1. Click "Asset Manager" and select the required asset in the left-hand side of the window.
2. Click the "MTA Asset Config" icon.
The "Onboarding / Offboarding" window opens.
3. Click the "Aspects" tab.
The "SINUMERIK default settings" window opens.
4. Check the terms and conditions checkbox under "Manage MyMachines".
5. Set the slider for "Manage MyMachines" to "ON" to activate Manage MyMachines usage for
this asset and to enable the "Generic configuration" sliders.
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6. Position the "Variable Recording" to "ON" in order to obtain the data for
"Manage MyMachines" under the "Aspects" tab and in the MMM dashboard.
7. Click "Save" to save the settings.
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Pricing model
Fees are incurred each time you set the "Manage MyMachines" slider to "ON".
To view the fees, click on the "Price Model" link below "Manage MyMachine". Information
about the pricing model is displayed.
3.7.7 Configuring a variable
The following variables may be configured individually:
Time-based / cyclic trigger
Trigger based on variable values
Alarm-based trigger
These variables are subject to the appropriate costs.
Software option
In order to use the variable data, you need the "Path length evaluation" software option
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1. In the launchpad, click "Asset Manager" and select the required asset in the left-hand side
of the window.
2. Click the "MTA Asset Config" icon.
3. Open the "Advanced" tab.
The "Topics" window opens.
Click "Add topic".
You obtain a new input field.
Enter a name for the topic in the input field.
4. Click on the arrow to the left of the input field to perform additional settings.
Recording type and data acquisition of the cyclic trigger and alarm trigger are available.
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5. Click on the "Edit" icon to create individual cycles or for systematic selection of alarms.
6. Click on the "Add configuration" button to add a new data set.
The following selection is available:
Time-based / cyclic trigger
Trigger based on variable values
Alarm-based trigger
Time-based / cyclic trigger
Parameters Description
Aspect name Enter a name to designate a common group of variables.
The name must be unique and not exceed 255 characters.
The following characters are not permitted: Return, °, $, §, €, \, >, <, ß ä ö ü Ä Ö
Name In the variable set, enter a name of the variable to be sensed.
Example: Jerk_MA_MX
The variable name must have at least three characters. The first character must
not be a number or an underscore.
Do not use square brackets in the notation of a variable!
Do not use any umlauts (special German characters), e.g. "ä", "ö", "ü"!
Address Enter the address or the path of a variable.
Axis data: /Nck/MachineAxis/AATRAVELCOUNT[1]
Channel data: /Channel/ChannelDiagnose/CuttingTime[u1]
Machine operating
Data type From the drop-down list select the data type of the variable:
If values exceed the floating-point number accuracy, they are displayed with
faulty decimal places.
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.7 Integrating MindSphere
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Parameters Description
Unit From the drop-down list, select the physical unit of the variable.
Example: m/s3
A reading cycle The sampling rate of the data acquisition is specified with this value.
From the drop-down list select the time period.
Example: 5 second(s)
1. Click on the "Time-based / cyclic trigger" function.
2. Enter a name in the "Aspect name" input field and click the ">" arrow to the left of the input
Further input fields and drop-down lists open.
3. Enter the variables in the input fields as in the following example.
Click the "Add variable" button to add a new variable.
If necessary, repeat this step.
Limiting the number of variables
A read cycle time selection of 5 seconds allows the creation of a maximum of 5 variables.
Otherwise, up to 50 variables can be created.
Click the "Delete" icon to delete individual variables.
Click on the "Cancel" button to reset the entries.
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4. Click the "Save" button to accept the entries.
A confirmation prompt is displayed along with the costs.
Click the "Accept settings" button to save the values and, at the same time, to accept the
costs for the additional variables.
- OR -
Click the "Cancel" button to not accept the values.
Changing saved variable sets
After saving, you can only change the following properties of the variable set:
Address of a variable
Query cycle of the variable set
If you want to change further properties, you must delete the variable set and create a
new one. The previously acquired data is lost!
5. Click the "Exit" button to close the property window without saving the entries.
You return to the overview of the assets.
Trigger based on variable values
Any variables for which a communication mechanism exists can be linked logically with the
variable trigger.
For this you have the following options:
Parameters Description
When the variable
Variable name Enter an already created variable.
Variable address Shows the address of the variable.
Data type From the drop-down list select the data type of the variable.
From the drop-down list, select the comparison operation that is restricted to the
format of the variables:
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
in: In the range between two values
out: Outside of a range of two values
Value Enter a value.
With the following configuration
Value Enter a time value
Unit Select the time unit from the drop-down list.
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Parameters Description
Hysteresis Activate the checkbox if you want to include hysteresis.
Activate the "Relative" option button if the relative value in relation to the com‐
parison value is to be recorded.
Activate the "Absolute" option button if the absolute value in relation to the com‐
parison value is to be recorded.
A new trigger on the comparison value is only performed when the actual value
differs from the comparison value by more than the specified hysteresis. Enter a
comparison value. This is restricted depending on the selection of the address
Record the subse‐
quent value
Select the value from the drop-down list.
Variable address Shows the address of the variable.
From the drop-down list select the data type of the variable:
With the following configuration
Recording for Activate the "Recording for" checkbox and enter the duration.
Unit Select the time unit from the drop-down list.
Within cycle time Enter the time duration within the cycle.
Unit Select the time unit from the drop-down list.
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1. Click on the "Trigger based on variable values" function to define dependencies.
2. Select a variable and open further input fields and drop-down lists with the arrow.
3. Enter the dependencies.
Click the "Save" button to save the variable trigger.
Alarm-based trigger
The alarm-based trigger reacts to all alarms programmed in the control.
These alarms also contain the user range of alarm numbers that are assigned the machine
functions for the machine diagnostics. If machine diagnostics are not performed on the basis of
alarm numbers, these error messages cannot be integrated. The alarm numbers that are
triggered can be entered individually, in groups, or in series. It is also possible to remove
individual alarms or groups from a selection. You can link conditions that themselves do not
activate a trigger.
Parameters Description
Alarm name Enter a descriptive name for the alarm.
Alarm acknowledgement filter
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Parameters Description
Alarm codes: Enter the alarm numbers or the alarm IDs that activate the trigger.
The alarms are entered in the following notation:
Separate the individual alarms through a comma, e.g. 3200, 32100, ...
Enter the alarm number ranges with a "-" character, e.g. 4000-5000
The alarm list must not exceed 200 characters.
Alarm intervals:
Left / Right:
Enter the alarm limits:
Left: Enter the lowest alarm ID, e.g. 0
Right: Enter the highest alarm ID, e.g. 99999
All alarms between 0 and 99999 are included.
Alarm codes: Enter the alarm numbers that do not activate the trigger.
The alarms are entered in the following notation:
Separate the individual alarms through a comma, e.g. 3200, 32100, ...
Enter the alarm number ranges with a "-" character, e.g. 4000-5000
The list of alarm numbers must not exceed 200 characters.
Alarm intervals:
Left / Right:
Enter the alarm limits:
Left: Enter the lowest alarm ID, e.g. 0
Right: Enter the highest alarm ID, e.g. 99999
All alarms between 0 and 99999 are included.
New alarm filter
INCLUDED All fields, the same as under "Alarm Acknowledge Filter" - "INCLUDED"
EXCLUDED All fields, the same as under "Alarm Acknowledge Filter" - "EXCLUDED"
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1. Click the "Alarm based trigger" function to define alarm properties, e.g. when an alarm
should be displayed.
2. Enter a name for the alarm and specify the properties.
Click the "Save" button to save the alarm based trigger.
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Further variables can be found in the following List Manual: SINUMERIK 840D sl, NC Variables
and Interface Signals
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
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3.8 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
3.8.1 Overview
If you no longer wish to use the MindSphere application "Manage MyMachines" on your
SINUMERIK control system, then proceed as follows:
1. Lock SINUMERIK Integrate: Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate (Page 72)
2. In the "Asset Manager", disconnect the machine tool system from
MindSphere: Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere (Page 72)
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.8 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
Manage MyMachines
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3.8.2 Deactivating use of SINUMERIK Integrate
1. Press the "SINUMERIK Integrate" softkey.
The "SINUMERIK Integrate" welcome window opens.
2. Press the "Settings" softkey.
The "Settings" window opens displaying the system status "Use ACTIVATED".
Press the "Deactivate use" softkey.
3. You obtain the confirmation prompt "Do you really want to deactivate the use of the
SINUMERIK Integrate applications?".
Press the "OK" softkey to confirm the prompt.
The use of SINUMERIK Integrate applications is deactivated.
3.8.3 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
Using the MindSphere application "Asset Manager", disconnect the SINUMERIK control
systems from MindSphere.
Additional information on this is provided in the MindSphere System Manual:
Chapter: Roles within MindSphere
Chapter: Configuring assets
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
3.8 Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control system from MindSphere
Manage MyMachines
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You require the "MindAccess User" role in MindSphere to do this.
1. Click the "Asset Manager" MindSphere application, and select the required asset in the left-
hand side of the window.
2. Click the "MTA Asset Config" icon in the right-hand side of the window.
3. Under the "Connectivity" tab, you can see the connection status, e.g. "Onboarding...".
Click the "Disconnect machine tool from MindSphere" button to disconnect the asset
from MindSphere.
Click "Save" to save the setting.
After MindSphere and the machine tool have been disconnected, we recommend deleting
the following files from your SINUMERIK control system:
All files in the "boot_job" folder
All files in the "cache" folder
All files in the "service_job" folder
Setting up the SINUMERIK control system for Manage MyMachines
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Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage
MyMachines 4
4.1 Overview
Using the defense-in-depth concept
To protect industrial plants and systems comprehensively against cyber attacks, measures
must be applied simultaneously at all levels. From the operational level up to the field level –
from access control to copy protection. Therefore, apply the "Defense-in-depth" protection
concept to avoid security risks in your environment before setting up the OPC UA server.
Note that, in particular, the company network must not be connected to the Internet without
suitable protective measures.
Further information on the defense-in-depth concept, protective measures and general
Industrial Security can be found in the Industrial Security Configuration Manual (https://
The setup is always performed with the SINUMERIK Operate operating software.
Software option
You require the following option in order to use this function: SINUMERIK Integrate for Engineering
"Access MyMachine / OPC UA".
The following steps are required to set up MindConnect Nano:
1. For example, at the SINUMERIK control system, activate the "Access MyMachine / OPC
UA" software option.
2. For example, at the SINUMERIK control system, configure the network.
3. In MindSphere, create Aspects.
4. In MindSphere, create Asset type.
5. In MindSphere, create Asset.
6. In MindSphere, assign variable.
7. In MindSphere Onboarding.
8. In MindSphere, capture data.
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4.2 Setting up at the control system
4.2.1 Setting the license
1. Open the "Setup" operating area.
2. Press the "Licenses" softkey and activate the "Access MyMachine / OPC UA" option.
3. Restart SINUMERIK Operate to activate the license.
4.2.2 Configuring the network
Settings of the OPC UA configuration dialog
Setting Description
IP address The IPv4 address of the target system. This is determined automatically.
Check the following:
NCU and PCU: -X130
PCU 50: Local Area Connection 2
Port TCP port via which the OPC UA communicates. This is added to the firewall
exceptions for NCU and PPU. (Standard for the OPC UA communication is the
TCP port 4840)
Admin User Name of the administrator with which you can add or delete other users and
assign or delete user rights.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.2 Setting up at the control system
Manage MyMachines
76 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
Setting Description
Password Administrator password
You can change the password at a later point in time using the "ChangeMy‐
Password" OPC UA method.
Activate OPC UA Activate the checkbox to activate OPC UA.
Security risk through no or weak encryption
If no message encryption has been set up to the client, there is a risk of data manipulation. It
is therefore strongly recommended that you set up a message encryption to the client.
Use the highest possible encryption standard (256 bit) to ensure secure message transmission.
Assigning secure passwords
Observe the following rules when creating new passwords:
Note that when assigning new passwords you should never assign passwords that can be
easily guessed, such as simple words, easy to guess key sequences on the keyboard, etc.
Passwords must always contain a combination of upper- and lower-case letters as well as
numbers and special characters. Passwords must comprise at least 8 characters. PINs
must comprise an arbitrary sequence of digits.
Wherever possible and where it is supported by the IT systems and the software, a
password must always have a character sequence as complex as possible.
1. Open the "Setup" operating area.
2. Press the "Network" softkey.
3. Make the required settings for the connection, authentication and activation.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.2 Setting up at the control system
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4. Press the "OK" softkey.
5. Perform a hardware reset on the NCU and PPU target systems.
Restart the operating software on the PCU.
You can find a detailed description here: Access MyMachine / OPC UA Commissioning Manual.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.2 Setting up at the control system
Manage MyMachines
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4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere
Configure the MindConnect Nano Aspects so that these can be displayed on the MMM
A detailed description of the Asset Manager can be found at the following link: MindSphere
documentation (, "Asset Manager"
System Manual.
Variable/data point
Use the variables/data points with exactly this name:
Name Data
Unit Max.
Data point address (SINUMERIK example address)
Feedoverride Double % ns=2;s=/Channel/State/feedRateIpoOvr[u1]
Opmode Double % ns=2;s=/Bag/State/opMode[u1]
Spindleoverride Double % ns=2;s=/Channel/Spindle/speedOvr[u1,1]
NCProgramStatus Double % ns=2;s=/Channel/State/progStatus
StopCond Double % ns=2;s=/Channel/State/stopCond[u1]
ProtectionLevel Double % ns=2;s=/Nck/Configuration/accessLevel
NrOfAlarms Double % ns=2;s=/Nck/State/numAlarms
NCProgram String % 255 ns=2;s=/Channel/ProgramPointer/progName[u1,1]
CurrentAlarms Double % ns=2;s=/current
Unit designation for variables
The variables listed above always require a unit. The unit can either be % or a space.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere
Manage MyMachines
Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 79
1. In MindSphere, open "Asset Manager" and select "Aspects" in the left-hand side of the
The following window is displayed if you have still not created any variables:
Additional information on creating variables is provided in Chapter: Configuring a variable
(Page 61).
2. Create the new Aspect "SinumerikBasicConfig" in the "Dynamic" category with the variables
listed, without specifying the data point address.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
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Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere
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3. Create a new Type under "Types" > "Basic Agent" > "MindConnect Nano" with the Aspect
type "<TenantName>.SinumerikBasicConfig" with the Aspect name "CH1_BasicConfig".
You have the option of continuing to define variables in the new Type.
Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere
Manage MyMachines
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4. Create a new Asset based on the Type previously created.
5. To connect to MindConnect Nano, click on "MindConnect Nano" in the asset.
Enter the device ID of MindConnect Nano.
6. Configure the MindConnect Nano network settings to the machine and/or MindSphere by
clicking on the gear icon.
Once configuration is complete, click "Download connection key."
Transfer the connection key to MindConnect Nano via a USB stick.
7. Click "Add new data source" and configure the connection to your OPC UA server.
8. Click "Start edit mode."
Add new data points, corresponding to the values in the table above, with the data point
address (SINUMERIK example address).
9. To establish a relationship between data points and variables, click "Show links."
To link a data point, click "Link variable".
Select the appropriate variable in the dialog.
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Setting up MindConnect Nano for Manage MyMachines
4.3 Configuring Manage MyMachine functions in MindSphere
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Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines 5
5.1 Overview
"Manage MyMachines" visualizes numerous operating and system-specific data of machine
tools or individual machine components for production, service and maintenance. This
increases the transparency of the machine tools connected in MindSphere.
The following functions are possible:
Administration and display of machines distributed around the world
Visualization of relevant information in the overview page
Intuitive creation of rules and queries
Simple installation using the integrated SINUMERIK Integrate client
Critical machine data can be combined to provide an informative analysis
You can create your own digital service portfolio based on the MindSphere application
The data that you provide is exclusively variables from the NC, the PLC or from the drives. This
data enables conclusions to be drawn with regard to:
Operating times
Operating state, state duration
Maintenance, wait times
Technical state
The corresponding data is either preconfigured or can be defined centrally by the user and
configured with appropriate warning limits. It is also possible to identify trends with the aid of
measuring series.
The data processing and visualization is performed on the MindSphere platform.
"Manage MyMachines" visualizes the data that you have transferred and offers the following:
Display of information about the created asset
You can find additional information under: MindSphere documentation (https:// - Fleet Manager, using extensions
Overview of the operating data of an asset
Additional information is provided in Chapter: MMM Dashboard (Page 89)
Display/logging of previously defined machine events
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Events (Page 94)
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Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 85
Export of data points of an Aspect
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Export (Page 96)
Create and change rules
You can find additional information under: MindSphere documentation (https:// - Fleet Manager, using extensions
Analyses based on Aspects defined by the user and critical machine data
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Aspects (Page 98)
Filter and display alarms
Additional information is provided in Chapter: MMM Alarms (Page 103)
Upload files
You can find additional information under: MindSphere documentation (https:// - Fleet Manager, using extensions
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.1 Overview
Manage MyMachines
86 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
5.2 Opening Manage MyMachines
1. Click the "Manage MyMachines" tile.
2. The left window area shows the assets already created.
The individual functions are displayed in the right-hand side of the window.
Select view
You can select the view.
1. Click on the "Actual view mode" symbol at the top right.
A dialog window opens to set the view.
2. Select the required view.
User settings
You can see the registered email address in the user settings.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.2 Opening Manage MyMachines
Manage MyMachines
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Your change the following settings using the mouse:
When starting
Last view
Standard view
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Manage MyMachines
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5.3 MMM Dashboard
The "MMM Dashboard" view provides a summary of the SINUMERIK basic configuration and
machine availability for the selected machine.
The "MMM dashboard" view is updated every 30 seconds.
To obtain the view of the machine overview, the slider must be switched on in the asset for the
following data acquisition:
SINUMERIK basic configuration
Machine availability
To see how you activate data acquisition, read in Chapter: Activating the data acquisition
(Page 58).
No data display
If no data is displayed to you, switch the slider "OFF" and then "ON" again to reload the data.
Selection/display Description
UTC Select the time difference between the machine location and the location of the user from the drop-
down list.
Diagram Select the time period of all diagrams in the view from the drop-down list:
Last hour
Last 30 minutes
Last 4 hours
Last 8 hours
Last 24 hours
Last 48 hours
Connection status Displays the connection status of the machine tool:
Online since: Date and time
Offline since: Date and time
Displaying machine data
Parameters Description
Connection status Displays the connection states:
Feed override Displays the last value of the feed override in percent.
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5.3 MMM Dashboard
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Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 89
Parameters Description
Spindle override Displays the last value of the spindle override in percent.
NC program status Displays the last value of the NC program status: You can display the chronological history
as a block diagram or pie chart in the right-
hand side of the window.
Interrupted The NC program has been suspen‐
ded and will be restarted by the oper‐
Stopped The NC program has been stopped
and will be exited by the operator.
Running The NC program is currently running.
Waiting The NC program is waiting.
For example, the program is waiting
for the execution of an NC program in
a different channel or the operator is
changing a tool.
Cancelled The NC program has been cancelled
by the operator on the machine.
Operating mode Displays the last value of the machine tool operating
Machine off
You can display the chronological history
as a block diagram or pie chart in the right-
hand side of the window.
Access protection
The access to functions and data areas is controlled via the access rights.
Access levels 0 to 7 are available, where 0 represents the highest level and 7 the lowest level.
Access levels 0 to 3 are locked via a password and access levels 4 to 7 via a keyswitch.
1 = Password - Machine manufacturer: Development
2 = Password - Machine manufacturer: Commissioning engineer
3 = Password - End user Service
4 = Keyswitch position 3 - Programmer, machine setter
5 = Keyswitch position 2 - Qualified operator
6 = Keyswitch position 1 - Trained operator
7 = Keyswitch position 0 - Trainee operator
Alarms pending Displays the number of pending alarms. You can display the pending alarms with
the following information in the right-hand
side of the window:
The icon displays the alarm strength
Time of the event
Alarm ID
Alarm information
Alarm location
Stop condition Displays the "StopCondition" NC variable which describes the cause of the NC program stop in more
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.3 MMM Dashboard
Manage MyMachines
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Parameters Description
NC program status Displays the program currently running:
Machine off
Machine status Displays the last value of the following machine status:
Machine off
No fault
Unknown status
Technical disturbance
Organizational disturbance
You can display the chronological history
as a block diagram or pie chart in the right-
hand side of the window.
Last value recording Displays the date and time of the last recording.
UTC time definition
All variables are displayed with a UTC time stamp.
1. The required asset has been selected in the left-hand side of the window.
2. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
3. Click the "MMM Dashboard" function.
The data is displayed.
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5.3 MMM Dashboard
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4. If required, set the time difference in the "UTC" drop-down list.
5. Select the required period from the drop-down list.
Switching between full-screen mode and display
If you click the "Full-screen mode" icon, the left-hand side of the window is hidden and only the
"MMM Dashboard" is shown on the screen.
You can also view the following values more closely:
Alarms pending
Machine status
NC program status
Operating mode
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1. Click "Arrow" to open the view, e.g. operating mode.
2. Click the "Block diagram" icon to view the history of the operating modes.
3. Click the "Pie chart" icon to change the display.
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5.3 MMM Dashboard
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5.4 Events
With events you log all machine incidents based on your predefined rules.
You can create purely manual event as well as events for the regular acquisition of measured
quantities with measuring series.
All events are displayed in an overview and you can influence the view through different filter
You can also assign a specific status to the event.
You can monitor the variables based on your predefined rules. If an alarm is triggered on
SINUMERIK, you will receive an e-mail. To configure this function, you must set up the
Define the alarm-based triggers
Define the rules for affected alarms with the correct e-mail address
How to create an event is described in the following documentation: MindSphere - Getting
Started Adjustments, Section: Configure Events
Events are already available.
Filter & sort
The following filter and sorting options are available.
Filter option Further sorting
Status The following selection is offered:
In progress
Priority The following selection is offered:
Sorting The following selection is offered:
None (latest events)
Oldest events
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.4 Events
Manage MyMachines
94 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
1. The required asset has been selected in the left-hand side of the window.
2. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
3. Click the "Events" function.
The data is displayed.
4. Reduce the display through specific filtering.
Click the "Filter & sort +" button to limit the display of the events.
The "Filter & sort" window opens.
Activate the corresponding criteria option button:
Click the "Close" button to close the window.
5. Activate the checkbox of an event and mark the event accordingly:
Click the "In progress" button if the machining has not been completed.
Click the "Closed" button if the machining has been completed.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.4 Events
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5.5 Export
You can export data points of an aspect.
You can export data of a specific period and select between two export methods.
Configuring the target directory for the download
The exported data is stored in several files depending on the data volume.
Make sure that a target directory for the download has been configured in your browser.
The following export parameters are available.
Parameters Description
Interval Select the desired period via the calendar function.
- AND / OR -
Select the desired period from the drop-down list:
0 <days>
All data is exported in UTC.
Export CSV Data export in CSV format
Export JSON Data export in JSON format
1. The required asset has been selected in the left-hand side of the window.
2. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
3. Click the "Export" function.
4. Select the desired period.
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5.5 Export
Manage MyMachines
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5. Select the desired aspect from the drop-down list.
6. Click the button of the desired export.
The export is started. The exported data is stored in several files depending on the data
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.5 Export
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5.6 Aspects
User-defined aspects combine your selected data for a meaningful analysis.
All aspects are displayed in an overview. You can influence the view through different filter
For the individual parameters of an asset, you can create queries manually or controlled by
To activate the data acquisition, the slider must be switched on in the asset.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Activating the data acquisition (Page 58)
Parameters Description
CH1_BasicConfig SINUMERIK basic configuration
When "%" is selected, the following data is acquired:
Feed override
Spindle override
When "None" is selected, the following data is acquired:
When the pie chart is selected, the following data is acquired:
NC program status
CH1_MachineStatus Machine status
The machine status is displayed numerically:
0 Unknown status
1 Production
2 Technical disturbance
3 Organizational disturbance
4 No fault
-1 Machine off
MindConnect status Connection status
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.6 Aspects
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Parameters Description
Additional parameters ... You can set up additional parameters individually, e.g. x_axis.
Period Select the desired period via the calendar function.
- AND / OR -
Select the desired period from the drop-down list:
0 <days>
All data points are displayed in UTC.
1. The required asset has been selected in the left-hand side of the window.
2. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
3. Click the "Aspects" function.
The data is displayed.
4. Select the desired period.
5. Click the button on the right to display the data recording.
Switching the display
1. Click the button on the right to open the view, e.g. CH1_BasisConfig.
The data is displayed in a coordinate system, i.e. in a line chart.
Select the unit from the drop-down list, e.g. "%". The data from Feed override and Spindle
override is displayed.
2. Select the unit, e.g. "None", from the drop-down list to display the data that does not have
any unit.
3. Click the "Pie chart" icon to view the history of the NC program in the pie display.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.6 Aspects
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You can create a manual or an automatic request using the icons in the right-hand side of the
How to create a query is described in the following documentation: MindSphere - Getting
Started Adjustments, Section: Configure requests
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.6 Aspects
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100 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
5.7 MMM Overview
The "MMM Overview" view shows you information about already created assets.
Information Description
Asset name Displays the machine name and customer
Location and
Displays the location of the machine: City and floor
Version Displays the version of the operating software.
Type Displays the operating software:
HMI Base
Device type Displays the device type:
Industrial PC
PCU 50
Status Displays the connection status:
1. Click "Manage MyMachines".
2. Select the created asset in the left-hand side of the window.
3. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.7 MMM Overview
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4. Click on the "MMM Overview" function to open the overview.
5. Click the "Description" button to display detailed information about a specific asset.
6. Click on the "Show less Details" button to hide the information.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.7 MMM Overview
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5.8 MMM Alarms
5.8.1 Displaying alarms
You can display specific alarms using the "MMM Alarms" function.
1. Click "Manage MyMachines".
2. Select the created asset in the left-hand side of the window.
3. Click "+".
The available extensions are displayed.
4. Click on the "MMM Alarms" function to open the alarm page.
You have various options for displaying alarms.
Additional information is provided in Chapter: Filtering and displaying alarms (Page 103)
5.8.2 Filtering and displaying alarms
The alarms can be displayed in various filter views:
Selection of alarms using buttons
Displaying alarms in machine lists
Displaying alarms in diagrams
Displaying alarms in lists
The buttons and icons allow you a specific selection of alarms that are to be displayed.
Button Description
If the "MMM Alarms" button is active, the button is displayed in the upper section
of the window.
You update the data that is located in the time interval by pressing the "Refresh"
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.8 MMM Alarms
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Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 103
Button Description
Define the time difference between the machine location and the location of the
The "UTC" setting is selected as standard.
Interval Select the desired time period via the calendar function with start date "From"
and end date "To".
- AND / OR -
Select the desired period from the drop-down list:
Asset list
If you want the alarms to be displayed for specific machines, select the assets using the Asset
The navigation offers the following possibilities:
Search for, filter and sort assets
Select assets via the map view on the world map
Search for, filter and sort assets
If the name of the asset is known, enter the name directly into the "Search" entry field.
If you want to filter and sort in accordance with various criteria, click on the "Filter & Sort" icon,
and click on the appropriate list entry.
Click on the "List" button to obtain a display of all assets on the same level.
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.8 MMM Alarms
Manage MyMachines
104 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
Click on the "Hierarchy" button to obtain a display of the assets with the following structure:
Area, e.g. floor plan
Click on the "Map view" button to view the locations of your assets on the world map. You can
zoom in or out of the map view using the "+" and "-" buttons.
Refer to the following manual to obtain additional information regarding selection of a machine:
Fleet Manager System Manual.
Alarm display
Alarm diagrams
You can see the alarm results in 3 different pie charts in the upper section of the window on the
right-hand side.
Alarm display Description
Occurrence of an alarm Indicates the frequency of the alarms within a defined period in a pie
All alarms have individual alarm identifiers which are indicated by dif‐
ferent colors.
In addition to the pie chart, the alarm identifiers and their frequency are
indicated by way of a color code.
Alarm duration Indicates the duration of the alarms within the defined period in a pie
In addition to the pie chart, the alarm identifier, as well as duration of the
alarm is specified as a percentage, and in days, hours, minutes and
Machines Shows the machines for which the alarm was activated within a defined
time period. Each machine is identified here with its own individual color.
In addition to the pie chart, the machines and the frequency of the acti‐
vated alarms are indicated.
Alarm display
Only 5 of the alarms activated most regularly are displayed.
All other alarms are indicated under "Other".
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.8 MMM Alarms
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Alarm list
The list of alarms is shown below the diagrams.
50 alarms are displayed; if the alarm list is longer, then click on the "Next" button.
Parameters Description
Type Shows the following icons:
Date Shows the date and time of the alarm
ID Displays the alarm identifier
Customer Shows the customer name
Asset name Shows the asset name of the machine
Duration Displays the time duration in days, hours, minutes and seconds
Details Additional information may be obtained with this icon:
Alarm text
Machine type
Displays the following alarms
Displays the previous alarms
Displaying acquired data in Manage MyMachines
5.8 MMM Alarms
Manage MyMachines
106 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
Appendix A
A.1 List of abbreviations
Admin Administrator (user role)
CNC Computerized Numerical Control
COM Communication
DIR Directory
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
h Hour
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
IB Commissioning engineer (user role)
ID Identification number
IE Internet Explorer
IFC Interface Client
IoT Internet of Things
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MB Megabyte
MLFB Machine-Readable Product Code
MMM Manage MyMachines
MSTT Machine control panel
NC Numerical Control
NCU Numerical Control Unit, NC hardware unit
OEE Overall Equipment Efficiency
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP Operation Panel
OSS Open Source Software
PC Personal Computer
PCU PC Unit, computing unit
PLC Programmable Logic Control: PLC
SK Softkey
SW Software
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UTC Universal Time Coordinated, coordinated global time
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A.1 List of abbreviations
Manage MyMachines
108 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
Aspects or variable sets are a group of the same data points / variables and describe the
context of the imported data, e.g. wear.
For MindSphere, an asset is each connected element that provides data. This can be a
machine or an individual component. In conjunction with this documentation, an "asset" is a
machine tool with SINUMERIK 840D sl.
Asset Manager
The "Asset Manager" is a MindSphere application. The assets of a machine are created and
configured in the "Asset Manager". The application is also used for the management of
customers, users and shop floors.
Data points or variables
For "Manage MyMachines", data points or variables are all the values that can be acquired from
the NC, the PLC and from the drives, e.g. sampling rate, temperature, jerk. They must be
defined and configured in the asset configuration as data points. The data is combined into
aspects. The captured values are then displayed as time series in "Manage MyMachines"
under "Aspects". There are also preconfigured data sets, such as the SINUMERIK basic
configuration and the machine availability. Details can be found in the relevant sections.
MindSphere - Industrial IoT ecosystem from Siemens
MindSphere – the open cloud platform from Siemens – is the core component of a high-
performance IoT operating system. It offers data analysis, comprehensive connectivity, tools
for developers, applications and services. MindSphere supports you in the analysis and
utilization of your data in order to obtain new insights. In this way, you can optimize your
resources for maximum availability.
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Manage MyMachines
110 Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB
Data acquisition, 15, 58
SINUMERIK Integrate client, 29
Using SINUMERIK Integrate, 30
Asset list, 104
Button, 103
Diagram, 105
displaying, 103
Filtering, 103
Aspects, 98
Asset type, 52
Create, 53
Asset Manager
Functions, 50
Commissioning overview, 15
MindConnect Nano, 75
Variable, 62
Configuring a variable, 62
Configuring the proxy
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 31
Configuring the URL
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 31
Create drive
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 36
Dashboard, 89
Data acquisition
Activating, 15, 58
Data export, 96
Displaying version data, 18
ePSConfig.user.xml, 45
Events, 94
Exchanging a certificate
Linux, 42
Windows, 44
Export, 96
Installing a software update, 20
Manage MyMachines
Open, 87
Select view, 87
MindConnect Nano
Configuring, 75
Configuring the network, 77
Configuring a variable, 62
Connecting the SINUMERIK control system, 56
Disconnecting the SINUMERIK control
system, 73
Login, 46
Dashboard, 89
Displaying alarms, 103
Filtering alarms, 103
Overview, 101
SINUMERIK 840D sl - NCU, 34
SINUMERIK 840D sl - PCU 50, 34
SINUMERIK 840D sl - WinSCP (NCU), 35
Overview MMM, 101
Select view, 87
Configuring the URL and proxy, 38
Installing a software update, 20
Manage MyMachines
Function Manual, 02/2019, A5E45212179B AB 111
Configuring the URL and proxy, 31
Create drive, 36
Activating client, 29
Activating use, 30
Lock use, 72
SINUMERIK Integrate Client update
For SINUMERIK Operate under Linux, 25
For SINUMERIK Operate under Windows, 21
Installing, 21
Update - SINUMERIK Integrate
SINUMERIK Operate under Linux, 25
SINUMERIK Operate under Windows, 21
User settings, 87
Manage MyMachines
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