RICE17A is a full-featured in-circuit emulator supporting the 8-bit PIC family microcontrollers from Microchip Technology. It comprises of an
emulator base and different processor emulation modules to support most of the PIC12, PIC16, PIC17 and PIC18 (future support) devices. The
emulator offers versatile and powerful features to allow you quickly debug your codes as well as hardware design. RICE17A interfaces to an IBM PC or
clone via the parallel port. It runs under Windows 95/98/2000/NT4 on any PC-386/486/Pentium or compatibles including notebook and laptop
computers. The system is compact and light weight. With all electronics cased inside an anodized aluminum enclosure, it can be easily brought on the
road, fit neatly in any work space, or be moved from one computer system to another.
The RICE17A emulator base contains all emulation and control logic, including:
Different emulation modules can be installed inside RICE17A to support various
PIC12/16/17/18 processors. These device specific emulation modules contain the
bondout chips from Microchip Technology to provide accurate, real-time and full speed
emulation. Series protective resistors are present on all I/O lines to prevent damage to
the bondout chips. The newer probes employ the 160-pin bondout chip to provide
extra functions like on-the-fly data capture, stopwatch and data bus capture. All
modules come with DIP emulation headers to plug directly into the target application.
Optional surface mount plugs are also available to suit one’s need.
RICE17A is designed to fully support the PIC processors’ capability to run at the 3V
level. Users can select from four different voltage settings, between 3.2V and 5V, to run
the processor. Full speed emulation is supported at the 5V level, 40Mhz, 33 Mhz and
20Mhz for the PIC18, PIC17 and PIC12/16 members respectively. When emulating at
3.2V, the speed will be lower as noted in the table on the right.
Feature Highlights
Processor Emulation Modules
Different Oscillator Sources
The RICE17A Hardware
Emulation Voltage and Speed
Real-time and full-speed emulation
3.2 volt to 5 volt emulation range
Supports most PIC12, PIC16, PIC17 and PIC18 microcontrollers
Flash-based firmware for easy product updates
Self-diagnostic test board comes with selective modules
Fast downloading and data retrieval during stepping via parallel port
Series protective resistors on all I/O pins of the bondout device
64K installed program memory and 32K real-time trace memory
12-clip external probes for logic trace and break functions
Source level debugging with popular PIC assemblers and compilers
Watch variables in word, byte and bit level, plus complex
variables support (depending on debug information from compilers)
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) runs under Win 95/98/2000/NT4
User’s Guide in HTML format for easy navigation
64K emulation memory
32K by 24-bit wide real-time trace memory to capture executed instructions real-time together with one of these information, depending on the
hardware being connected to the DB-15 connector on RICE17A:
logic states of the eight trace inputs from the 12-clip external probe cable
time stamp information captured with the optional PIC Time Stamp module
content of data bus captured with the Data Bus Capture cable from selected emulation modules
floating points and
Optional PIC Time Stamp module
12-clip external probe including 8 trace inputs, an external break input, a trigger output, a break output and a common ground pin
RICE17A provides several options to supply the oscillator frequency to run the processor:
from the internal onboard crystal which provides frequencies at 16Mhz, 8Mhz, 4Mhz, ..., etc.
from the emulation probes where users can plug in a 2-leaded crystal to give a custom frequency not available internally
from the oscillator socket on selected emulation plugs
from a crystal in the target or a frequency injected to the OSC pin of the target processor under test
PIC12/16/17/18 Emulator
Max Emulation Speed
Modules Supported Devices at 5V at 3.2V
PB-12A 12C508/509/518/519 20Mhz 4Mhz
PB-18* 18C242/252/442/452 40Mhz (future support)
PB-505A 16C505 20Mhz 8Mhz
PB-5XA 16C52/54/55/56/57/58 20Mhz 8Mhz
PB-62XA 16C620/621/622/554/556/558 20Mhz 8mhz
PB-66XA 16C641/642/661/662 20Mhz 4mhz**
PB-715A 16C715 20Mhz 8Mhz
PB-74A 16C62/63/64/65/72/73/74 20Mhz 4mhz**
PB-77A 16C66/67/76/77 20Mhz 4mhz**
PB-774* 16C772/773/774 20Mhz 8mhz
PB-87X* 16F873/874/876/877 and 20Mhz 8mhz
PB-1267X 12C671/672/673/674 20Mhz 8Mhz
PB-17B 17C42/43/44/752/756/76X 33Mhz 16Mhz
PB-71A 16C710/71/711 20Mhz 8Mhz
PB-84A 16C84/F83/F84 10Mhz 8mhz
* On-the-fly data capture break, stopwatch and data bus capture functions
** emulation on TMR1 is not supported under 4V
RICE17A with different processor modules and external probe cable
* Emulation Modules with new features include PB-87X, PB-774, PB-18 (available by late Q4, 2000)
Additional Features on New Emulation Modules*
On-the-fly data capture break with 2-level trigger and
pass counter, stopwatch and data bus capture
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