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Data Sheet
SCALE Dual-Channel Plug-and-Play Driver
Driver solution for 130mm x 140mm dual IGBT modules with
fiber-optic i n te rface for 2 -level top olog ies
The 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H is a dual-channel driver with a fiber-optic interface based
on CONCEPT’s dual SCALE driver 2SD315AI, a proven technology for reliable driving
and safe operation of IGBTs.
The driver is matched to the 1700V module CM800DZ-34H from Mitsubishi. Its plug-
and-play capability makes it ready to operate immediately after mounting. The user
needs invest no effort in designing or adjusting it to a specific applicati on.
For drive rs adapted to other types of h igh-power and hi gh-voltage IG BT modules, re fer
to www.IGBT-Driver.com/go/plug-and-play
Product Highlights Applications
Suitab le for CM800DZ-34H Inverters
Plug-and-play solution Motor dri v es
Active clamping of Vce at turn-off UPS
IGBT short-circuit and overc ur r ent protection Power-factor correctors
No electro lytic capacitors Wind-power converters
Fiber-optic interface Welding
Monitoring of power supply voltage SMPS
Duty cycle 0... 100% and many others
Extremely reliable; long service life
Shortens application development t im e
Data Sheet 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
Page 2 CT-Concept.com
Important: Pl ea se ref er t o t he relevant manua l s!
This data sh e e t c ontains on ly produ c t-specif ic data. A de ta iled des c r iption,
must-read application notes and general data applicable to this driver
family are found in: “Description and Application Manual for 2SB315B
SCALE Plu g-and-play IGBT Driver”.
See www.IGBT-Driver.com/go/2SB315B
Dimensions: 130 x 145 mm, 21 mm height (30 mm with connector X1 and flat cable).
Mounting principle: C onnect ed to IGBT mod ule with scr ew s.
Fiber Opt i c s Interfa c es
Interface Remarks Part type #
Drive signal inp ut (Standa r d) Fiber-opt i c receiver (Notes 14,15) HFBR-2522
Drive signal inp ut (Opt. 01) Fiber-optic receiver (Notes 14,17) HFBR-2412T
Status output (Standard) Fiber-optic transmitter (Note s 14,16) HFBR-1522
Status output (Opt. 01) Fiber-optic transmitter (Notes 14,18) HFBR-1412T
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Remarks Min Max Units
Supply voltage VDC VDC to GND (Note 1) 0 16 V
Supply voltage VDD VDD to GND 0 16 V
Gate pea k current Iout Note 6 -15 +15 A
Average supp ly c ur r ent IDC Notes 2,3 500 mA
Output power per gate Note 3 3 W
Switching fr equency Note 3 12 kHz
DC-link volt age Note 4 1150 V
Operating temperature Note 3 -40 +85 °C
Storage temperature -40 +90 °C
All data r efer to +25°C and VDC = 15V unl ess otherwise specified
Data Sheet 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
IGBT-Driver.com Page 3
Electrical Characteristics
Power supply Remarks Min Typ. Max Units
Nominal supply volta ge VDC To GND (Note 1) 15 Vdc
Supply current IDC Without loa d 80 mA
Supply current IDC At 11 kHz sw i tching frequency 500 mA
Efficiency η Internal DC/DC converter 85 %
Nominal supply volta ge VDD To GND 15 Vdc
Supply current IDD Wit hout load
Standard 90 mA
Opt. 1 130 mA
Supply current IDD A t 11 kHz switching fr equency
Standard 96 mA
Opt. 1 136 mA
Power supply monitoring Test conditions Min Typ. Max Units
Turn-on threshold Vth Note 5 10.6 Vdc
Hysteresis on/o ff Note 5 0.6 Vdc
Short circuit protection Remarks Min Typ. Max units
Vce-monitoring threshold Bet w. aux. termina ls 4.7 V
Respon se time Note 7 9.5 µs
Blocking time After failure (Note 8) 1 s
Timing characteristics Test conditions Min Typ. Max Units
Turn-on delay tpd(on) Note 9 420 ns
Turn-off delay tpd(off) Note 9 550 ns
Output ri se t i m e tr(out) Gx to Ex (Note 10) 150 ns
Output fall time tf(out) Gx to Ex (Note 10) 80 ns
Dead time between outputs Half-bridge mode 2.5 µs
Gate ou tp uts Te s t conditions Min Typ. Max Units
Turn-on gate resistor Rg(on) 3.4
Turn-off gate resi stor Rg(off) 6.8
Data Sheet 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
Page 4 CT-Concept.com
Electrical insulation Test conditions Min Typ. Max Units
Operating voltage Continuous or repeated (Note 4) 1150 Vdc
Test voltage 50 Hz/1 min (Note 11) 4000 VAC(eff)
Partial discharge extinction volt. IEC270 (Note 12) >1700 VAC(pk)
Creep path input-output 20 mm
Creep path output-output 25 mm
Maximum dV/dt at dV=1000 V Note 13 100 kV/μs
All data refer to +25°C and VDC = 15 V u n less otherwise specified
Footnotes to the key data
1) The drivers have a zener diode on each channel for over-voltage protection. When the feed voltage
exceeds 16V, this protection may be exposed to thermal overload.
2) If the specified powe r con s um pti on is e x cee de d, t his i ndi cat es a n over l oa d of t he DC/ DC co nver te r.
It should be noted that these DC/DC converters are not protected against overload.
3) Application-specific self-heating of gate drivers and IGBT modules, especially at high switching
frequency, must be taken into account. As a rule, the switching frequency is limited due to the
switching losses of the IGBT modules. Because CONCEPT cannot predict how the drivers will be
incorpo rated in t he user’s a pplicatio n, no bindi ng recom mended value for sel f-heating a nd thus for
the maximum useable output power can be made. Users are therefore recommended to check the
gate driver’s ambient temperature within the system.
4) This limit is due to active clamping. Refer to the “Description and Application Manual for 2SB315B
SCALE Dual-Channel Plug-and-play IGBT Driver”.
5) Under-voltage monitoring of the supply voltage to the gate driver. If the voltage drops below this
limit, the power modules are switched off.
6) The gate curre nt is limited by the gate resistors located on the driver.
7) Pulse width of the direct output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
8) The typical blocking time after an error is 1 second. Versions with other bloc king times m ay also be
supplied if required.
9) Measured from the transition of the turn-on or turn-off command at the host controller to direct
output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
10) Refers to the direct output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
11) The test voltage of 4000 Vac(rms)/50Hz may be applie d only once during one minute. I t should be
noted that with this (strictly speaking obsolete) test method, some (minor) damage occurs to the
insulation layers due to the partial discharge . Conseque ntly, this test is not performed at CONCEPT
as a series test. In the case of repeated insulation tests (e.g. module test, equipment test, system
test), the subsequent tests should be performed with a lower test voltage: the test voltage is
reduced by 400V for each additional test. The more modern if more elaborate partial-discharge
measurement is preferable to such test methods as it is almost entirely non-destructive.
12) The partial discharge is not measured for the standard types. Tested and selected types with
guaranteed partial-discharge immunity can be supplied for applications with maximum
requirements and higher operating voltages (such as railroad applications).
13) This specification guarantees that the drive information will be transferred reliably even at a high
DC-link voltage and with ultra-fast sw itching operations.
14) The transceivers required at the host controller side are not delivered with the gate driver. It is
recommended to use the same types as used in the gate driver. For product information refer to
15) The recommended transmitter current at the host controller is 30-35mA, suitable for plastic optic
fibers with a length of less than 2.5 meters. Higher current may increase jitter or delay at turn-off.
16) The transmitter current at the gate driver is about 29mA.
Data Sheet 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
IGBT-Driver.com Page 5
17) The recommended transmitter current at the host controller is 60mA.
18) The transmitter current at the gate driver is about 53mA.
Important Notice
The data contained in this product data sheet is intended exclusively for technically
trained staff. Handling all high-voltage equipment involves risk to life. Strict compliance
with the respective sa f ety regulations is ma ndatory!
Any handling of electronic devices is subject to the general specifications for protecting
electrostatic-se nsitive devices according to international standard IEC 747-1, Chapte r IX
or European standard EN 100015 (i.e. the workplace, tools, etc. must comply with
these standa rds). O therwise, this product may be damaged.
This data sheet specifies devices but cannot promise to deliver any specific
characteristics. No warranty or guarantee is given either expressly or implicitly
regarding delivery, performance or suitability.
CT-Concept Technologie AG reserves the right to make modifications to its technical
data and product specifications at any time without prior notice. The general terms and
conditions of d elivery of CT-Co ncept Technologie AG a pply.
Technical Support
CONCEPT provides expert help for your questions and problems:
Internet: www.IGBT-Driver.com/go/support
The obligation to high quality is one of the central features laid down in the mission
statement of CT-Concept Technologie AG. The quality management system covers all
stages of product development and production up to delivery. The drivers of the SCALE
series are ma n u f actured to the I SO 9001 stand ard.
Data Sheet 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
Page 6 CT-Concept.com
Ordering In f orma t i o n
The general terms and conditions of delivery o f CT-Concept Technologie AG apply.
Related IGBT CONCEPT Driver Type #
Mitsubishi CM800DZ-34H 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H
Mitsubishi CM800DZ-34H 2SB315B-CM800DZ-34H Opt. 01
Opt. 01: Fiber-optic interface with threaded port (HFBR-2412T and HFBR-1412T), see “Description and
Application Manual for 2SB315B SCALE Dual-C ha n nel P lug-and-Play IGB T Drivers”.
Information about Other Products
For drivers adapte d to other high-voltag e or high-power IGBT modules
Direct link: www.IGBT-Driver.com/go/plug-and-play
For other drivers and evaluation systems
Please click: www.IGBT-Driver.com
© Manufacturer
CT-Concept Technologie AG
Intelligent Power Electronic s
Renferst ra sse 15
CH-2504 Biel-Bienne
Tel. +41 - 32 - 344 47 47
Fax +41 - 32 - 344 47 40
E-mail Info@IGBT-Driver.com
Internet www.IGBT-Driver.com
Copyright 2003.. .2008 by CT-Concept Technologie AG - Switzerland. All rights reserved .
We reserve the right to make any technical modifications without prior notice. Version of 2016-05-20
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