Contents FRATULOS ceccetecerreeeeerececcseseanscrsetsessranenerenseoneees 1 Applications ceaeeesnenscunsccoerccounnscconsonrsccessceresens 1 Pin Assignment en cencrossnesscvecnccscccesecosscansssean 1 Block Diagram vee eennccensenecenenccersroeses 2 Selection GUIDE creecrreceecsteceeeecesccenenecceesnveccees 3 Output Configurations Oe aecenseunepasneoneussnaccccecses 4 Advantage over the S-805 Series sss 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ce ennwenesweneneseeceses 6 Electrical Characteristics ssrrrrstsrssrrsessrsersereee 7 Test Circuits oan ee ena n een canepecenevcenensennenmnonesuneenees 23 Technical TOMS cectecccsceressscenseccnscnencuecccensenes 24 Operation ever ener oenesceneesncenenosecesenouneesanssonssesses 26 Dimensions cece teen nee reecceeceeveenececesseneseucunsenscnen 28 TAPing vrsersreeseseetettetetensensteteesetentenereeeeneees + 29 Magazine Dimensions verrrresrersessesessereeeseeees 31 Markings cvrssssssrssssseseseeterestsesesseeseneesesnees 32 Characteristics vecccrcccccctcersteccesecectsencensvensessves 33 Measuring Cir CultS ccerreccecccccsecccensesecncvevensceens 36 Application Circuit Examples svrrrrrererreerrers 37 Notes eee cece acter reteset eee e ORES BOR EH AHS SEE NOOR ESSERE ERED ORES 39HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR . S-807 Series The S-807 Series is an adjustment-free high-precision voltage detector made using the CMOS process. The output voltage is fixed internally, with an accuracy of +2.4%. Two output types are available, Nch open-drain and CMOS output (active H and L), both of which have various product lineups. This series features much lower current consumption and higher detection voltage accuracy than the S-805 Series. Super-miniature package is added for the S-807 Series, the S-807XXSX Series. This small SOT-23-5 style package allows the designer to shrink the size of his finished product. Electrical specs for the S-807XXSX Series are the same as the standard S-807 Series. Output forms of the S-807XXSX Series are Nch open-drain and CMOS active L. HM Features HM Applications - Ultra-low current consumption - Battery checker 1.0 uA typ. (Vop = 4.5 V) - High-precision detection voltage + 2.4% - Battery backup for memories - Power failure detector - Wide operating voltage range 1.0 to 15V - Reset for microcomputer . : a % Good hysteresis characteristics 5% typ. - Store signal detector for non- - Wide operating temperature range -30C to+ 80C volatile RAM - 3 output forms : Nch open-drain, CMOS output active H , active L - TO-92, SOT-89-3 and SOT-23-5 package MH Pin Assignment (1) TO-92 (2) SOT-89-3 (3) SOT-23-5 1 OUT Top view pew 2 Voo 1 OUT H A 1 OUT 3 =V mn SN 3 Vss 3 Vss Dog Tod HOH 4 xe 1 2 3 5 NC 1 2 3 Bottom view Figure 1HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series HM Biock Diagram (1) Neh open-drain output < Q Oo > (2) CMOS active low output (3) CMOS active high output OUT * Parasitic diodeHM Selection Guide HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series Table 1 Detection | Hysteresis CMOS output (Low) CMOS output (High) Nch open-drain voltage width range (V) typ. (V) TO-92 SOT-89-3* SOT-23-5* TO-92 SOT-89-3* TO-92 SOT-89-3* SOT-23-5* 1.5V424%| 0.075 S-80715AL-AC-X S-807 15AN-DC-X 1.6VE24% 0.08 S-80716AL-AD-X $-807 16AN} S-80716AN-DD-X 1.7VL2.4% 0.085 $-80717AL | $-80717AL-AE-X $-80717AN| S-80717AN-DE-X | $-80717SN-DE-X 18Vt24% 0.09 $-80718AL | $-80718AL-AF-X | S-80718SL-AF-X S-807 18AH-BF-T1 |S-80718AN | S-80718AN-DF-X 1.9V42.4% 0.095 $-80719AL 5-807 19AL-AG-X S-80719SL-AG-X $-80719AN | $-80719AN-DG-X | S-80719SN-DG-X 2.0V42.4% 0.1 $-80720AL-AH-X | $-80720SL-AH-X $-80720AN | S-80720AN-DH-X | $-80720SN-DH-X 2.1VE24% 0.105 $-80721AL | $-80721AL-AJ-X | $-80721SL-AJ-X $-80721AN]| $-80721AN-DJ-X | $-80721SN-DJ-X 2.2V22.4% 0.11 S-80722AL | S-80722AL-AK-X S-80722AN | S-80722AN-DK-X 2.3V2.4%| 0.115 |$-80723AL] S-80723AL-AL-X | S-80723SL-AL-X $-80723AN | S-80723AN-DL-X | $-80723SN-DL-X 24VE24% 0.12 $-80724AL |S-80724AL-AM-X $-80724AN | S-80724AN-DM-X | $-80724SN-DM-X 2.5VE24% 0.425 $-80725AL | $-80725AL-AN-X | S-80725SL-AN-X S-80725AH-BN-X |S-80725AN | S-80725AN-DN-X | $-80725SN-DN-X 2.6V22.4% 0.13 $-80726AL-AP-X $-80726AN| S-80726AN-DP-X 2.7VE24%1 0.135 | $-80727AL | $-80727AL-AQ-X | $-80727SL-AQ-X $-80727AN | S-80727AN-DQ-X | $-807275N-DQ-X 2BVE2A% 0.14 S-80728AL-AR-X | S-80728SL-AR-X S-80728AN | S-80728AN-DR-X | S-807285N-DR-X 29V22.4%] 0.145 | S-80729AL| S-80729AL-AS-X $-80729AN-DS-X 3.0Vt2.4% 0.15 $-80730AL | $-80730AL-AT-X | $-80730SL-AT-X $-80730AN | $-80730AN-DT-X | S-80730SN-DT-X 3.4V22.4%]} 0.155 | $-B0731AL | $-80731AL-AV-X $-80731AH | S-80731AH-BV-X |S-80731AN | S-8073 1AN-DV-X 3.2VE24% 0.16 $-80732AL |S-80732AL-AW-X | $-80732SL-AW-X $-80732AN |$-80732AN-OW-X 3.3V2.4%] 0.165 |$-80733AL | S-80733AL-AX-X | $-80733SL-AX-X |S-80733AH $-80733AN | S-80733AN-DX-X | S-80733SN-DX-X 3.4VE24% 0.17 $-80734AL | $-80734AL-AY-X $-80734AN | $-80734AN-DY-X 3.5VE24% 0.175 $-80735AL | S-80735AL-AZ-X | S-80735SL-AZ-X $-80735AN | $-80735AN-DZ-X | S-80735SN-DZ-X 3.6V 2.4% 0.18 $-80736AL-A0-X S-80736AN | $-80736AN-D0-X 3.7V 22.4%| 0.185 |S-80737AL | $-80737AL-A1-X S-80737AN | S-80737AN-D1-X 3.8V+2.4% 0.19 $-80738AL | S-80738AL-A2-X $-80738AN | S-80738AN-D2-X 3.9V+2.4%! 0.195 1|S-80739AL1! $-80739AL-A3-X $-80739AN| S-80739AN-D3-X 4.0V424% 0.2 $-80740AL | S-80740AL-A4-X | S-80740SL-A4-X /S-80740AH | S-80740AH-B4-X |5-80740AN | S-80740AN-D4-X | S-80740SN-D4-X 4.1V424% 0.205 $-80741AL | 5-80741AL-AS-X $-80741AN | $-80741AN-D5-X 42VE24% 0.21 S-B0742AL | S-80742AL-A6-X | $-80742SL-A6-X $-80742AN | $-80742AN-D6-X | S-80742SN-D6-X 43V+24% 0.215 S-80743AL | $-80743AL-A7-X $-80743AN | S-80743AN-D7-X 44V4L2.4% 0.22 S-80744AL | $-80744AL-A8-X $-80744AN | S-80744AN-D8-X | $-807445N-D8-X 4.295 Release |$-80744HL | S-80744HL-U8-X to voltage 4.605 4.70 max. 45VL24% 0.225 $-80745AL | S-80745AL-A9-X | S-80745SL-A9-X S-80745AH-B9-X |S-80745AN | S-80745AN-D9-X | S-80745SN-D9-X 4.6V142.4% 0.23 $-80746AL | S-80746AL-EA-X $-80746AN-JA-X 47VE24% 0.235 S-80747AL | $-80747AL-EB-X $-80747AN-JB-X 48VE24% 0.24 $-80748AL-EC-X S-80748AN| S-80748AN-JC-X 49VE24% 0.245 S-80749AL-ED-X S-80749AN-JD-X 5.0V+2.4% 0.25 $-80750AL-EE-X | S-80750SL-EE-X S-BO750AN] S-80750AN-JE-X | S-80750SN-JE-X 5.1V424%| 0.255 |S-80751AL S-80751SL-EF-X S-80751AN| $-80751AN-JF-X | $-80751SN-JF-X S.2VE24% 0.26 $-80752AL-EG-T1 | $-80752SL-EG-T1 $-80752AN-JG-T1 5.3V+ 2.4% 0.265 $-80753AN 5.5VE24%] 0.275 $-80755AL-EK-X 6.1V42.4% 0.305 $-80761SL-ER-X 6.3V22.4% 0.315 $-80763AN-JT-X 7.INt24% 0.385 $-80777SN-J8-X * product (S-807XXSX Series is packed on tape). S: Stick T: Tape (T1 and T2 types are available depending on the direction of detectors on the tape.) * Please ask our sales person if you need another detection voltage product. The last digit of the model name changes depending upon the packing form when it is an SOT packageHIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series M@ Output Configurations 4. S-807 Series model numbering conventions Nch open-drain ("L" reset type) CMOS output ("L reset type) CMOS output ("H" reset type) S-807 Series N is the last letter of the model number. Ex. S-80732AN L" isthe last letter of the model number. Ex. $-80718AL H" is the last letter of the mode! number. Ex. $-80740AH 2. Output configurations and their implementations Implementation Nch CMOS ("L") | CMOS ("H") With different power supplies O x x With active low reset CPUs O O x With active high reset CPUs x x O As power resets employing CR circuits O x x With voltage divider resistors to vary (-Vpet) O x x - Example with two power supplies - Examples with one power supply Vpo1 Vop2 Vpp Vop $ 5 V/iD| Yt cpu Vid CPU ViD| ft cpu Nch CMOS Nch OUT OUT OUT Vss Vss Figure 3@ Advantage over the S-805 Series HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series The S-807 Series, in comparison with conventional reset ICs such as the S-805 Series, offers greater detection voltage precision (twice that of conventional units) and lower current consumption (half that of conventional units). These characteristics result in the following advantages over conventional units. 1. Advantages of greater detection voltage precision 1.1. Detecting lithium battery service life The discharge characteristics of lithium batteries are shown in Figure 4. When using the S-805 Series, the service life can be detected over t1. When using the S-807 Series, it can be detected over t2. This improvement in detection precision of the S-807 Series means that batteries can be used over more of their service life. 1.2 Detecting a power voltage at two points It is usual for the CPU to detect the power voltage at two points, one to caution and the other to reset. The service life of battery may also be detected at two points, one to caution and the other to request immediate replacement. Two voltage values to be detected (No. 1 and No. 2) do not cross and the voltage can be detected correctly. 1.3 Voltage drop when modifying detection voltage If no voltage to be detected is suitable, the voltage can be set higher in Nch open-drain output products by using a resistor divider. (Example : when detecting 6V or 9V.) When 8V is detected using the S-8054HN (a 4V+5% device), the -Vdet tolerance becomes 24.00 +0.05=0.8V (R1=R2). In constrast, the S-80740AN (a 4V+2.4% device) can hold down the tolerance to 2X 4.00X + 0.024 =0.384V (R1=R2). Figure 4 Must be close t Figure 5 R14 $-807 XXAN/SN R2 Nch open-drain output product Figure 6HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 1.4 Operating margins of power and minimum operating voltage of CPU are close Set the voltage so that it will be detected between the power voltage and the minimum operating voltage of the CPU. Thus, if two voltage points to be detected are very close, the voltage between those two points must be detected correctly. The S-807 Series offers an excellent detection voltage precision, so the voltage between narrow limits can be detected correctly. 2. Others 2.1 Low current consumption VILA LMAEEA RAR hd 5V Min. operating voltage of CPU Reset voltage to be detected Figure 7 t The current consumption is half of that of a conventional voltage detection IC, so the battery service life can be prolonged. 2.2 Wide operating voltage range The maximum operating voltage of a conventional IC is 10 V. For the S-807 Series, the maximum detectable voltage has been increased to 15 V. HM Absolute Maximum Ratings (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Power supply voltage Vop - Vss 18 Input voltage Vin Vsg 0.3 to Vpp + 0.3 Nch Vv Output : Vss5 0.3 to 18 open-drain Vout voltage Tenmos Vs5~ 0.3 t0 Vin +0.3 Output current lout 50 mA we TO-92, SOT-89-3 200 Power dissipation Pp SOT.235 150 mw Operating temperature Topr -30to +80 C Storage temperature Tstg -4A0to +125 Caution : Keep static electricity to a minimum.HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series @ Electrical Characteristics 1. -80715AL-AC-X, S-80715AN-DC-X (Detection voltage : 1.464 to 1.536 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wg: : . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Tr. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 1.464 | 1.500 | 1.536 Vv 1 os Vpet | ~Voet | -Vpet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 uA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vv 1.2V DD = '- 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CM Peco O I vpp = 48v 1 036 | 062 | 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 5 characteristic of -Vpey | 2Ta Ta =~30C to 80C | +019} |mvec| 2. -80716AL-AD-X, S-80716AN/AN-DD-X (Detection voltage : 1.561 to 1.639 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) vg: . . T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cnt Detection voltage -VbeET 1.561 | 1.600 | 1.639 Vv 1 ve wai Vv -V -V th V DET DET DET Hysteresis wid HYS x0.02 | x0.05| xo.08| ~ ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 3.0V ~ 1.4 3.5 BA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Neh V 1.2V DD = ': 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CMOS ecteey Vpp = 4.8V | 0.36 | 0.62 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voert 3 ; characteristic of -Vpsq | Ata Ta = -30C to 80C _ 0.20 _ mv/PC _ 3. $-80717AL/AL-AE-X, S-80717AN/AN-DE-X, S-80717SN-DE-X (Detection voltage : 1.659 to 1.741 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit ane Detection voltage -VbeT 1.659 | 1.700 | 1.741 Vv 1 wo V ~V -V Hysteres dth Vv DET DET DET Tysteresis WI HYS x0.02 | x0.05 |} x0.08 V ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 LA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vv 1.2V = Db = !- 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpp = 4.8V | 9.36 | 0.62 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet . 3 characteristic of-Vpet |__ATa _ Ta = -30C to 80C {20217 |mvrc}) HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 4. -80718AL/AL-AF-X, S-80718AN/AN-DF-X, S-80718SL-AF-X (Detection voltage : 1.756 to 1.844 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cirnit Detection voltage Vpet 1.756 | 1.800 | 1.844 Vv 1 te wi Vpet | -Voet | Vpet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption leg Vpp = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 LA 2 Operating voltage Vppb 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Neh Vop = 1.2V = Db = }- 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA P M output) O | Vpp = 48V | 036 | 062 | 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vopet . ; characteristic of -Vper | ATa _ Ta = ~30C to 80C _ | 923) j}mvec] 5. -80718AH-BF-T1 (Detection voltage : 1.756 to 1.844 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit en. Detection voltage Vpet 1.756 | 1.800 | 1.844 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | -Voet | -Vber Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05| x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Pch Vv 1.2V = bp = !. 0.03 0.09 4 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Nch Vpp = 4.8v | 4.06 | 836 | 3 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 5 ; characteristic of -Vpe1 |" ATa _ Ta = -30C to 80C _ 40.23) mVPC _ 6. $-80719AL/AL-AG-X, S-80719AN/AN-DG-X S-80719SL-AG-X, S-80719SN-DG-X (Detection voltage : 1.854 to 1.946 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cnait Detection voltage VpeT 1.854 | 1.900 | 1.946 Vv 1 is wi Voet | Voet | Voet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05| x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch V 1.2V = DD = !- 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 0.62 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet ; : characteristic of -Vpe7 | ATa Ta =~30C to 80C _ 0.24) mVPC _HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 7. S-80720AL-AH-X, S-80720AN/AN-DH-X S-80720SL-AH-X, S-80720SN-DH-X (Detection voltage : 1.952 to 2.048 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cao Detection voltage -VbeTt 1.952 | 2.000 | 2.048 Vv 1 oo -Vpet | ~Vpet | -Vpet Vv Hysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 V 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 3.0V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Neh Vv 1.2V = DD = '- 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 0.62 4 Vos = 0.SV Temperature O-Voet ; characteristic of -Vpey | Ata _ Ta =~30C to 80C _ 40.25) mvfc |} 8. S$-80721AL/AL-AJ-X, S-80721AN/AN-DJ-X $-80721SL-AJ-X, S-80721SN-DJ-X (Detection voltage : 2.049 to 2.151 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit anit Detection voltage -Vpet 2.049 | 2.100 | 2.151 Vv 1 teat -V -V ~V Hyst s width V DET DET DET 1 ysteresis Wi! HYS 0.02 | x0.05| xo.08| Current consumption Iss Vpp = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch = Vpp = 1.2V {| 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V mA Pch (CMO Peta 5 | Vpp = 48v | 036 | 062 | 4 Vos = OSV Temperature O-Vpet ; ; characteristic of -Vpsr | Ata Ta = -30C to 80C - 40.26) mvPc | 9. $-80722AL/AL-AK-X, S-80722AN/AN-DK-X (Detection voltage : 2.147 to 2.253 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wg: . . T Parameter Symbol! Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Gnuit Detection voltage -VbeT 2.147 | 2.200 | 2.253 Vv 1 ei ~V -V Vv H DET DET DET ysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpop = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 uA 2 Operating voltage * Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 V 1 Nch - Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V | "00 mA Pch (CM eine OF | Vp = 4.8v | 0.36 | 062 | 4 1Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 3 characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.28; mvPc | HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 10. S-80723AL/AL-AL-X, S-80723AN/AN-DL-X S-80723SL-AL-X, S-80723SN-DL-X (Detection voltage : 2.244 to 2.356 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) vat . . Test Prameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -VpeET 2.244 | 2.300 | 2.356 Vv 1 we V -V ~V V DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch = Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V pp mA Pch (CM a cteot) OS | von =4.8v | 036 | o62 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet 5 5 characteristic of -Vpcy | ATa _ Ta =-30C to 80C _ +029; mvc _ 11. S-80724AL/AL-AM-X, S-80724AN/AN-DM-X, S-80724SN-DM-X (Detection voltage : 2.342 to 2.458 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cnt Detection voltage Voper 2.342 | 2.400 | 2.458 Vv i ws Vv -V -~V + h V DET DET DET Hysteresis widt HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 V ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch = Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V | Yoo mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 0.62 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.30 _ mvVPc _ 12. S-80725AL/AL-AN-X, S-80725AN/AN-DN-X S-80725SL-AN-X, S-80725SN-DN-X (Detection voltage : 2.440 to 2.560 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) gs . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 2.440 | 2.500 | 2.560 Vv 1 to. -V -V -V + h V DET DET DET Hysteresis widt HYS 0.02 | x0.05| x0.08| ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch = Vop = 1. 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V pp = 1.2V mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 4.8V 0.36 0.62 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet 3 > characteristic of -Vpey |~ Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.31 _ mVPC _ 10HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 13. S-80725AH-BN-X (Detection voltage : 2.440 to 2.560 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -VpbeET 2.440 | 2.500 | 2.560 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | ~Vpet | VbeT | oy Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Isg Vop = 4.5V _ 1.4 3.5 uA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv Pch = Vpp = 1.2V | 0.03 0.09 _ 4 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V po mA Nch Von = 4.8V | 4.06 8.36 _ 3 Vos = 0.5v | 00 = 48 Temperature A-Voet 3 characteristic of -Vper Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.31 mvc _ 14. S-80726AL-AP-X, S-80726AN/AN-DP-X (Detection voltage : 2.537 to 2.663 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wg : . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit | circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 2.537 | 2.600 | 2.663 Vv 1 euet -V Vv -V V DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch = =1, 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V | Vop = 1.2V mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpop = 4.8V 0.36 0.62 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet : 3 characteristic of -Vpet Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.33 _ mvVPC _ 15. S-80727AL/AL-AQ-X, S-80727AN/AN-DQ-X $-80727SL-AQ-X, S-80727SN-DQ-X (Detection voltage : 2.635 to 2.765 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wae . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage ~Vobet 2.635 | 2.700 | 2.765 Vv j ee -V -V -V Hysteres' th V DET DET DET y is wid HYS x0.02} x0.05} xo.08| Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 LA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv i Nch Vop = 1.2V ] 0.23 | 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout |Vos=95V | Voy =2.4V | 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS eeeey Vop = 48V | 0-6 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voer : 3 characteristic of -Vper Ta Ta =~30C to 80C | +034] |mvrc} 11HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 16. S-80728AL-AR-X, S-80728AN/AN-DR-X S-80728SL-AR-X, S-80728SN-DR-X (Detection voltage : 2.732 to 2.868 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) ng: . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 2.732 | 2.800 | 2.868 Vv 1 ie wi Vpet | -Vpet | -Voet Hysteresis width Vuys %0.02 1 x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 BA 2 Operating voltage Vob 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lour |os=95VY | Vpp=24v ] 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS . ectnat) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voert 3 3 characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ +4035) mVPC _ 17. S-80729AL/AL-AS-X, S-80729AN-DS-X (Detection voltage : 2.830 to 2.970 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit nit Detection voltage -Vpet 2.830 } 2.900 | 2.970 Vv 1 . -V -V -V Hyst th V DET DET DET ysteresis wid HYS 0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08| ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ . 3 Output current lout Vps = 0.5V | Vpp = 2.4V |] 1.60 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS otpat) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet . characteristic of -Vpsr | Ata _ Ta =-30C to 80C _ +036) mvVPC _ 18. S-80730AL/AL-AT-X, S-80730AN/AN-DT-X S-80730SL-AT-X, S-80730SN-DT-X (Detection voltage : 2.928 to 3.072 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cant Detection voltage ~VpET 2.928 } 3.000 | 3.072 Vv 1 wo, -V -V -V Hysteresis width Vv DET DET DET V ysteresis wi HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 ' Current.consumption Isg Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V ] 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lour |os=95V | vpp =24V ] 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS rote) Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vopet 3 characteristic of -Vpet | Ata _ Ta = ~30C to 80C 40.38) jmvrc] 12HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 19. S-80731AL/AL-AV-X, S-80731AN/AN-DV-X (Detection voltage : 3.025 to 3.175 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 3.025 | 3.100 } 3.175 Vv 1 is wi Voet | -Vpet | ~VoeT ] oy Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operatingvoltage . Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ = 3 Output current tour | Y28 = 05V | v5p =2.4V | 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS pn Vpp = 4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voer characteristic of -Vpet |~ Ata Ta =-30C to 80C 0.39) mV/PC _ 20. S-80731AH/AH-BV-X (Detection voltage : 3.025 to 3.175 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cant Detection voltage -VbDET 3.025 | 3.100 | 3.175 Vv 1 eat =V -V -V Hyst h V DET DET DET ysteresis widt HYS x0.02 | x0.05| x0.08| ' Current consumption Iss Vpp = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Pch Vop = 1.2V | 0.03 0.09 _ Vps = 0.5V 4 Output current lout DS = . Vop = 2.4V | 0.15 0.30 _ mA Nch = 4. 4.06 8.36 _ 3 Vps = 0.5V Vop = 4.8V Temperature A-Vpet characteristic of -Vpey | ~ATa Ta =-30C to 80C | 039 |mvrc| 21. S-80732AL/AL-AW-X, S-80732AN/AN-DW-X, S-80732SL-AW-X (Detection voltage : 3.123 to 3.277 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) tg: . : T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cnait Detection voltage -Vpet 3.123 | 3.200 | 3.277 Vv 1 wo -V -V -V Hyst V DET DET DET ysteresis width HYS x0.02} x0.05] x0.08} ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 LA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 - Nch Vpp = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ mA . Pch (CM Cuteoy OF I Vpp = 4av | 036 | o62 | 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 characteristic of -Vpcr | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ 40.40) jmvrc} 13HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 22. S-80733AL/AL-AX-X, S-80733AN/AN-DX-X S-80733SL-AX-X, S-80733SN-DX-X (Detection voltage : 3.220 to 3.380 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit anit Detection voltage Vpet 3.220 | 3.300 | 3.380 Vv j oo Vpet | -Vpet | -Vper Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Isg Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 vA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V 3 Output current lout DS = - Vop = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ mA Pch (CMOS potty) Vpp = 4.8V 0.36 0.62 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet ; ; characteristic of-Vper |" Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.41 _ mvrc _ 23. S-80733AH (Detection voltage : 3.220 to 3.380 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit cat Detection voltage -VopeTt 3.220 | 3.300 | 3.380 Vv 1 _ -V -V -V Hyst dth . Vv DET DET DET 1 ysteresis wi HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 V Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Pch Vpp = 1.2V 0.03 0.09 _ 3 Output current lour | 0s = 9-5V | Vpp = 2.4V ] 0.15 | 0.30 | mA Nch Vop = 4.8V | 4.06 | 836 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 characteristic of -Vpey | ~ ATa _ Ta =30C to 80C | 041) | mvec|) 24. S-80734AL/AL-AY-X, S-80734AN/AN-DY-X (Detection voltage : 3.318 to 3.482 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wg: : . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage ~Voet 3.318 | 3.400 | 3.482 Vv 1 oo. -V -V -V Hysteresis width V DET DET DET V 1 y 31S WI HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 3 Output current lout | ps = 9-5V | Von = 2.4V | 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CMOS Poteet Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vos = 0.5 V Temperature A-Voet 5 characteristic of -Vpgt |] ATa Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.43 _ mvVPC _ 14HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 25. S-80735AL/AL-AZ-X, S-80735AN/AN-DZ-X S-80735SL-AZ-X, S-80735SN-DZ-X (Detection voltage : 3.416 to 3.584 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cant Detection voltage -Vpet 3.416 | 3.500 | 3.584 Vv 1 vey -Vpet | -Voet | Voet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x005| x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv j Nch Vop = 1.2V 1 0.23 0.50 3 Output current lout Vos = O.5V Vop = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ mA Pch (CMOS ected) Vpp =4.8V | 0.36 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature AL-Voet 3 3 characteristic of -VpeT Ata Ta =-30C to 80C - 0.44) mvc _ 26. S-80736AL-A0-X, S-80736AN/AN-DO-X (Detection voltage : 3.513 to 3.687 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) ae . : T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cinnit Detection voltage -Vbet 3.513 | 3.600 | 3.687 Vv 1 coat -V -V -V V DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS x0.02 1 x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 4.5V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 _ 3 Output current tour | ps =9-5V | vpp =2.4V | 1.60 | 3.70 mA Pch (CM eetecy OS I vpp = 4.8v | 036 | o62 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature AO-Vpet 3 : characteristic of -Vpet | Ata Ta = -30C to 80C _ 0.45 _ mvrc | 27. S-80737AL/AL-A1-X, S-80737AN/AN-D1-X (Detection voltage : 3.611 to 3.789 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cate Detection voltage -VDET 3.611 | 3.700 | 3.789 Vv 1 oat -V Vv ~V H V DET DET DET V 1 ysteresis width HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 uA 2 Operating voltage Vopo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ _ 3 Output current lout | Vos = 9-5V | Vpp =2.4V | 1.60 | 3.70 _ mA Pch (CM Ponecy OS | Vvpp = 4.8v | 036 | 062 | 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet characteristic of -Vpet Ta Ta = ~30C to 80C | 7046) jmvrc| 15HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 28. S-80738AL/AL-A2-X, S-80738AN/AN-D2-X (Detection voltage : 3.708 to 3.892 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) 1a: : . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 3.708 | 3.800 | 3.892 Vv 1 ic wi Vpet | ~Vper | Vet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpop = 1.2V { 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lour | os=9-5V | Vpp = 2.4V ] 1.60 | 3.70 | mA Pch (CMOS eed Vop = 4.8V | 0.36 | 0.62 | 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta =30C to 80C _ 40.48) mvVPC _ 29. S-80739AL/AL-A3-X, S-80739AN/AN-D3-X (Detection voltage : 3.806 to 3.994 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cant Detection voltage -Voet 3.806 | 3.900 | 3.994 Vv 1 eat -V -V ~V V DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V } 0.23 | 0.50 _ 4 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ mA Pch (CMOS ectnat) Vpp =48V 0.36 0.62 3 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet . 5 characteristic of-Vper |" ATa _ Ta = 30C to 80C _ [049] jmvrc|) 30. S-80740AL/AL-A4-X, S-80740AN/AN-D4-X S-80740SL-A4-X, S-80740SN-D4-X (Detection voltage : 3.904 to 4.096 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit ct Detection voltage -VpET 3.904 | 4.00 | 4.096 Vv 1 eae -V -V -V Hysteresis width V DET DET DET V 1 ysteresis WI HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current-consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Neh Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 { 0.50 Vps = 0.5V Vpp = 2.4V 1 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vpp = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS pateat) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 0.75 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voert 5 3 characteristic of-Vpet | ATa _ Ta=30C to 80C | FO5 | [mvrc| 16HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 31. S-80740AH/AH-B4-X (Detection voltage : 3.904 to 4.096 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cit Detection voltage -Vpert 3.904 | 4.000 | 4.096 Vv i ie wi Vpet | -Vpet | -Vbet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Pch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.03 | 0.09 _~ 4 Output current lour |os=9-5V | Vpn = 2.4V ) 0.15 | 0.30 _ mA Nch Vpp = 6.0V | 4.73 | 960 | 3 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 3 characteristic of -Vpet | AATa Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.5 _ mVPC 32. S-80741AL/AL-A5-X, S-80741AN/AN-D5-X (Detection voltage : 4.001 to 4.199 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wa: . : T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cincuit Detection voltage -Vpbet 4.001 { 4.100 | 4.199 Vv 1 ewyi -V -V -V V DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 _ Vos = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vps = O.5V Temperature A-Vost , : characteristic of -Vpst Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ 40.51 _ mVPC 33. S-80742AL/AL-A6-X, S-80742AN/AN-D6-X S-80742SL-A6-X, S-80742SN-D6-X (Detection voltage : 4.099 to 4.301 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit a. Detection voltage -Voet 4.099 | 4.200 | 4.301 Vv 1 ve wai WV -V -V H V DET DET DET ysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05| x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V = 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 v 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V { 1.60 3.70 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS eornat) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 0.75 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 5 characteristic of ~Vper Ta Ta = -30C to 80C {+053} |mvrc| 17HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 34. S-80743AL/AL-A7-X, S-80743AN/AN-D7-X (Detection voltage : 4.196 to 4.404 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit cate Detection voltage -Voet 4.196 | 4.300 | 4.404 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | Voet | Vet Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Isg Vpp = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vpb 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V LVpp = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS potsat Vop = 6.0V { 0.46 | 0.75 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature B-Voet ; characteristic of -Vpet |" Ata Ta=-30C to 80C _ +0.54 _ mvPC _ 35. S-80744AL/AL-A8-X, S-80744AN/AN-D8-X, S-80744SN-D8-X (Detection voltage : 4.294 to 4.506 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) tye . : Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage Voet 4.294 | 4.400 | 4.506 Vv 1 os ~-V -V -V Hyst V DET DET DET ysteresis width HYS 0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08| Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V | Von = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V_| 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS eateat Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet . characteristic of -Vpey |" Ata _ Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.55 _ mVPC _ 36. S-80744HU/HL-U8-X (Detection voltage : 4.295 to 4.605 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) oye . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 4.295 | 4.450 | 4.605 Vv 1 Release voltage +Vpet _ _ 4.70 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 2.6 6.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 . Nch Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ 3 Output current lout Vos = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ mA Pch Vpp = 4.8V | 0.36 | 0.62 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet characteristic of -Vpet |~ Ata _ Ta = -30C to 80C _ { F056) [mvc] 18HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 37. S-80745AL/AL-A9-X, S-80745AN/AN-D9-X S-80745SL-A9-X, S-80745SN-D9-X (Detection voltage : 4.392 to 4.608 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vbet 4.392 | 4.50 4.608 Vv 1 ew) Vpet | -Vpet | Voer Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V Vpp = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS eotsat Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet , characteristic of -Vper |~ Ata _ Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.56 _ mVPC _ 38. S-80745AH-B9-X (Detection voltage : 4.392 to 4.608 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cat Detection voltage Vbet 4.392 | 4.500 | 4.608 Vv j Release voltage Vv ~Voet | -Voet | -Voet Vv | HYS x0.02 | x 0.05 | 0.08 Current consumption Isg Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Pch Vpp = 1.2V 0.03 0.09 _ 4 Output current lour | 0s =9-5V | Vpn =2.4V | 0.15 | 0.30 _ mA Nch Vpp = 6.0V | 4.73 | 9.60 | 3 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet 3 ; characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta = -30C to 80C _ +0.56| mvrPc | 39. S-80746AL/AL-EA-X, S-80746AN-JA-X (Detection voltage : 4.489 to 4.711 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) va: . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit | revit Detection voltage ~Vbet 4.489 | 4.600 | 4.711 Vv 1 te wi Voet | ~Voet | -Voer Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 rN 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 15.0 Vv 1 Neh Vop = 1.2V_ | 0.23 | 0.50 = Vps = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vpp = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS ota Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 ~ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet ; characteristic of-Vpey | Ata Ta = -30C to 80C _ 40.58] mvPC} 19HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 40. S-80747AL/AL-EB-X, S$-80747AN-JB-X (Detection voltage : 4.587 to 4.813 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) va: . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -VbeET 4.587 | 4.700 | 4.813 Vv 1 ie wi -V -V ~V Vv DET DET DET V 1 Hysteresis width HYS x 0.02 | x 0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Nop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V { 0.23 0.50 _ Vos = 0.5V LVpo = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V_| 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS outgat Vpp = 6.0V |} 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 characteristic of -Vper | ~ATa Ta =-30C to 80C | #059] |mvec| 41. S-80748AL-EC-X, S-80748AN/AN-JC-X (Detection voltage : 4.684 to 4.916 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wg: : . T Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. } Unit cirnit Detection voltage -VoeT 4.684 | 4.800 | 4.916 Vv 1 oo -V -V -vV Vv DET DET DET Hysteresis width HYS 0.02 | x0.05} x0.08} ' Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 LA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ Vs = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vopet 5 5 characteristic of -Vpet ~ATa Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.60 _ mvVC _ 42. S-80749AL-ED-X, S-80749AN-JD-X (Detection voltage : 4.782 to 5.018 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cent Detection voltage ~-Vpet 4.782 | 4.900 | 5.018 Vv 1 Paver -V -V -V Hysteres V DET DET DET 1 ysteresis width HYS 0.02 | x0.05] x0.08} Current consumption Iss Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 LA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ Vop = 2. . 3.70 _ Vps = 0.5V pp = 2.4V 1.60 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 6.0V | 0.46 0.75 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet 3 ; characteristic of -Vpet | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.61 _ mVPC _ 20HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 43. S-80750AL-EE-X, S-80750AN/AN-JE-X S-80750SL-EE-X, S-80750SN-JE-X (Detection voltage : 4.880 to 5.120 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) ae . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit circuit Detection voltage -VbeT 4.880 | 5.000 | 5.120 Vv 1 ew -V -V WV Vv DET DET DET V 1 Hysteresis width HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Iss Vpp = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V 0.23 0.50 _ Vne = 05V Lvoo=24v | 160 | 3.70 | 3 DS = . Output current lout Vpp = 3.6V | 3.18 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet 3 3 characteristic of -Vpgr | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ 0.63 _ mvVPC _ 44, S-80751AL, S-80751AN/AN-JF-X S-80751SL-EF-X, S-80751SN-JF-X (Detection voltage : 4.977 to 5.223 V)} (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit cant Detection voltage -Vopet 4.977 | 5.100 | 5.223 Vv 1 eww -V ~V V Hyst dth Vv DET DET DET V ysterests Wi HYS x 0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 ' Current consumption Iss Vpp = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V {| 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V Vop = 2.4V } 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vos = O.5V Temperature A-Voet . 3 characteristic of -Vprr |" Ata Ta =-30C to 80C > + 0.64 _ mVPC _ 45. S-80752AL-EG-T1, S-80752AN-JE-T1, S-80752SL-EG-T1 (Detection voltage : 5.075 to 5.325 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit ate Detection voltage -Vpbet 5.075 | 5.200 | 5.325 Vv 1 oo -V -V -V H V DET DET DET ysteresis width HYS x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Isg Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V } 0.23 0.50 _ Vps = 0.5V Vpp = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Output current lout Vpp = 3.6V_| 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 6.0V | 0.46 0.75 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 3 3 characteristic of -Vper | Ata Ta =-30C to 80C _ +065) mVPC _ 21HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 46. S-80753AN (Detection voltage : 5.172 to 5.428 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 5.172 | 5.300 | 5.428 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | Vpet | ~VoeT | oy 1 Hysteresis width Vays x0.02 | 0.05 | x0.08 Current consumption Isg Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 LA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vop = 1.2V | 0.23 0.50 _ = 2.4V . 7 _ Vps = 0.5V Vop = 2.4 1.60 3.70 3 Output current lout Vpop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vpp = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet : 3 characteristic of -VpetT Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ + 0.66 _ mvVPC _ 47. S-80755AL-EK-X (Detection voltage : 5.368 to 5.632 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) wa: . . Test Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit circuit Detection voltage -Vpet 5.368 | 5.500 | 5.632 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | -Vpet | -Vpbert Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x0.08 Vv 1 Current consumption Isg Vop = 6.0V _ 1.0 3.0 pA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Nch Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 _ Vos = -Yooe24v | 1.60 | 3.70 | 3 Output current lout Vop = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 = mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 6.0V | 0.46 | 0.75 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Voet 5 . characteristic of -Vpey Ta Ta=-30C to 80C - +0.69 _ mvPc _- 48. S-80761SL-ER-X (Detection voltage : 5.953 to 6.247 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) 22 Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit cnt Detection voltage Voet 5.953 | 6.100 | 6.247 Vv 1 is wi Vpet | Vpet | Vet | oy 1 Hysteresis width Vuys x0.02 | x0.05 | x 0.08 Current consumption Is5 Vop = 7.5V _ 1.9 3.6 pA 2 Operating voltage Voo 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 - Vop = 1.2V } 0.23 0.50 _ Nch Vop = 2.4V | 1.60 3.70 _ 3 Vos = 0.5V | Vpop = 3.6V | 3.18 7.00 _ Output current lout Vop = 48V | 4.13 8.56 _ mA Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 8.4V 0.59 0.96 _ 4 Vos = 0.5V Temperature A-Voer 3 characteristic of -Vpet Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.78 _ mVPC _HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 49. S-80763AN-JT-X (Detection voltage : 6.148 to 6.452 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit ete Detection voltage VpeET 6.148 | 6.300 | 6.452 Vv 1 Hysteresis width Vuys er eet eet Vv 1 Current consumption Igg Vop = 7.5V _ 1.9 3.6 pA 2 Operating voltage Vpp 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Vpp = 1.2V | 0.23 | 0.50 _ Neh Vpp = 24V 1 1.60 | 3.70 | Vos = 0.5V | Vpp = 3.6V | 3.18 | 7.00 | 3 Output current lou Vpp=48v | 413 | 856 | | A Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 8.4V 0.59 0.96 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpet characteristic of -Vpg7 | Ata _ Ta =-30C to 80C | +081) |mvrc] 50. S-80777SN-J8-X (Detection voltage : 7.515 to 7.885 V) (Unless otherwise specified : Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | unit | Jee, Detection voltage -VpeT 7.515 | 7.700 | 7.885 Vv 1 Hysteresis width Vuys oer ort oer Vv 1 Current consumption Iss Vop = 9.0V _ 2.2 4.0 vA 2 Operating voltage Vop 1.0 _ 15.0 Vv 1 Vop = 1.2V } 0.23 0.50 _ Nch Voo = 2.4V 1.60 3.70 Vop = 3.6V 1 : _ Vs = 0.5V pp = 3.6 3.18 7.00 3 Output current lout Vop = 4.8V | 4.13 8.56 _ mA Vop = 6.0V | 4.73 9.60 _ Pch (CMOS output) Vop = 9.6V 0.65 1.05 _ 4 Vps = 0.5V Temperature A-Vpert 5 ; characteristic of -Vper Z \Ta Ta =-30C to 80C _ +0.99 _ mvVPC _ Hi Test Circuits (1) (2) Vpp | & | Vop = R(100 kQ)* | 5-807 | ouT Vop $807 | guy Voo rT Series >CRT Series ,-- Vss Vss * Ris unnecessary for CMOS output products. (3) (4) Vop Vpp A Voo |4_ 5-807 5-807 Vos /\ Series Series OUT Vss Vss Figure 8 23HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series a 1. 3. 24 Technical Terms Detection voltage (-Vpet) Detection voltage -Vp_et is the voltage at which the detectors output goes active. In products with Nch open- drain and CMOS active low output configurations the output goes low on detection. It goes high in products with CMOS active high output configurations. This detection voltage varies slightly among products of the same type. The variation of voltages between the specified minimum [(-VpeT)min.} and maximum [(- VpeT)max.]} values is called the detection voltage range. (See Figure 9.) Example: For the S-80745AN, detection voltage lies in the range 4.392 S (-VpeT) = 4.608. Release voltage (+ Vpet) Release voltage +Vper is the voltage at which a units output returns (is released) to its inactive state (high for Nch and CMOS active low output configurations, and low for CMOS active high output configurations). The value of this voltage for any single unit lies in a range determined from the value of that unit's detection voltage (see Figure 10): (-Vpet) X 1.02 (+ Vpet) S$ (-VpeT) x 1.08. Example: For an S-80745AN with -VpeT = 4.608, release voltage lies in the range 4.7003 (+ Vpet)= 4.997. For an S-80745AN with -VpeT = 4.392, release voltage lies in the range 4.4803 (+ Vpet)= 4.743. When calculating the overall release voltage range for S-807 Series products, care must be taken to consider the variation in the series detection voltage values. The minimum and maximum values for release voltage [(+ VpeT)min. and (+ Vpet)max.)] must be determined using (-VpeT)min. and (-VpET)max.: (+ Vpet)min. = [(-VpeT)min.] x 1.02; (+ VpeT)max. = [(-VpeT)Max.] X 1.08. Example : For S-80745AN voltage detectors, release voltage lies inthe range 4.480S(+ VpeT)=4.977. Note : Detection voltage(-Vp_eT) and Release voltage( + Vpet) range equally from 4.480V to 4.608V, however, (+ Vpet) > (-VpET). Vop Release voltage Detection voltage (+ Vpg7)max. (-Vper) max. Release voltage range Detection voltage range (+ Vper)min. (-Vpey)min. OuT OUT Figure 9 Figure 10 Hysteresis width (Vuys) Hysteresis width is the voltage difference between a device's detection voltage and its release voltage (see Figure 14. Vyygs=B-A). By giving a device hysteresis, erroneous toggling of the output due to noise at the input is avoided. Through-type current Through-type current refers to the instantaneous current flow which occurs at the moment a voltage detector output toggles. This current is quite large in devices with CMOS configured outputs, and also occurs to some extent in Nch open-drain configured devices. S-807 Series voltage detectors are specially designed to limit through-type currents and are superior to S-805 Series devices in this respect. (See current consumption characteristics.)HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 5. Oscillation In applications where a resistor is connected to the voltage detector input (Figure 11 and 12), the through-type current generated when the output goes from low to high (release) causes a voltage drop equal to [through-type current] x [input resistance] across the resistor. When the input voltage resultantly drops below the detection voltage -Vpet, the output voltage returns to its low level. In this state, the through-type current -- and its resultant voltage drop -- have disappeared, and the output goes back from low to high. Again, a through-type current is generated, a voltage drop appears, and the process repeats. Oscillation refers to this unstable condition. - Power reset mis-implementation - Mis-implementation with input voltage divider Vop o< Neo LD (CMOS output) OUT Figure 11 Figure 12 25HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series Hi Operation 1. Basic operation 26 (1) When power supply voltage Vpp is greater than the release voltage +Vpet, the Nch transistor is OFF and the Pch transistor ON, causing Vpp (high) to appear at the output. With the Nch transistor of Figure 13 (a) off, the comparator input voltage is (RB + RC)/((RA+ RB + RC) X Vpp. (2) When power supply voltage Vpp goes below +Vper, the output continues to maintain the power supply voltage level, as long as Vpp remains above the detection voltage -Vper. When Vpp does fall below -Vpetr (A in Figure 14), the Nch transistor goes ON, the Pch transistor goes OFF, and Vss appears at the output. With the Nch transistor of Figure 13 (a) ON, the comparator input voltage is RB/(RA + RB) X Vop. (3) When Vpp falls below the minimum operating voltage, the output becomes undefined. However, output will revert to Vpp if a pull-up has been employed. (4) Vsg will again be output when Vpp rises above the minimum operating voltage. Vss will continue to be output even when Vpp surpasses -Vp_et, as long as it does not exceed the release voltage + Vper. (5) When Vpp rises above +Vpe_er (B in Figure 14), the Nch transistor goes OFF, the Pch transistor goes ON, and Vpp appears at the output. Vpp * 5) : io: : \Voo . + Rel it v - ~ Pch Hysteresisf\ A 2 2/72 erease Vottage(+ Vorr) = RA s width 7 Detection voltage(-Vper) @ V, : : t OUT (ays) : Minimum operating ; voltage P | foro > Vss = RB J po [Comparator v 5 Nch y output - DD : i REF 4 a) | < I OUT Vss Vss * Parasitic diode Figure 13 Figure 14HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 2. Reference voltage circuit The S-807 Series uses a 0.8 V typical reference voltage circuit as -VpeET (a high-stable reference voltage source). It features: + Low power consumption - Good temperature characteristic 3. Comparator The comparator drives a differential amplifier with a current consumption of only 0.5 zA as shown in Vout Figure 15. it features: Vin* O Vine - Good matching characteristics On tO - Wide operating voltage range - Low offset voltage Bias >4 Vss Figure 15 Comparator 4. Other characteristics (1) Temperature characteristic of detection voltage Because of the excellent temperature characteristics of the reference voltage circuit, the temperature characteristics of the detection voltage are expressed by the following formula in the range of -30C to + 80C. -VDET x (40.1) mMV/G typ. -VREF *Vrer is 0.65 V min., 0.8 V typ., 0.95 V max. (2) Temperature characteristics of release voltage VoeT*VHYS x (4.0.1) mv/C -VREF 27HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series HM Dimensions (1) TO-92 (2) SOT-89-3 5.2 max. 4.2 max. 45+0.2 1.5+0.2 1640.2 Mark side 5.0202] , 2.540.2 - chy - 4,9 795 k Ww 33 2.3 max, 1] fr 0.8 min. ! ' ' 0.8 max. i iu iu 0.40.1>f re [i] >T<0.420.1 0.440.05 12.7 min. 0.45 +0.1 4} tL be |! _ 0.45 20.1 1520.1 ete pt 1.5 40.1 i | (oan 1540.1 {YLT (\ 1.2720.05 1.274005] j 2.5 I 1.5 max. y \ 45 Y (0.2) (0.4)4 | Cc) and ) are available. (3) SOT-23-5 2.9 (3.1 max.) I 0.45 A 0.1 0.16 *o.06 f \A | 4.140.1 . . QIWIMIL 1.3 max AO min 0.954 0.1 ated 0.95 +0.1 1,940.2. Unit: mm Figure 16 Dimensions 28HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series HM Taping SOT-89-3 1.1. Tape specifications _ T1 and T2 types are available depending upon the direction of ICs on the tape. (1) White label (without a hole in the center of embossed area) 40+0.1(1 G--P- + 140 o1.5te" 2.040 o-e- + e- + 5.6540,05 |. + + \ /\ J\ \ /"\ a 4.75 +0.1 (2) Blue label (with a hole in the center of embossed area) 5.55*0.05 t. 475201 Ov] 0.340.05 I a | ee NWN 3 max 0.340.05 > | Y | | 4asto.e Cv Y _ | yasto 3 max Unit: mm ~ Feed direction Figure 17 Feed direction 29HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 1.2 Reel specifications 1 reel holds 1000 detectors. mil = g8042 +h if 17842 Unit: mm Figure 18 2. SOT-23-5 2.1 Tape specifications T1 and T2 types are available depending upon the direction of ICs on the tape. The top cover tape comes in two tones; opaque, transparent and transparent. 740.040 4.0+0.1(10 o1.5731 1.078? 2.02 1.75 40.1 > a.2zato max 0.27 0.05 x AN 1.440.1 3.2+0.1 it: T2 Unit :mm ? ? ? oO D lo-er6 | lal el Fo] [3] |] fa Feed direction Feed direction Figure 19 302.2. Reel specifications 1 reel holds 3000 detectors. HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 1341.4 Ny - 604' ' | ~~ pp] 9+0.3 Unit: mm Figure 20 HM Magazine Dimensions 1 stick holds 25 detectors. _ 178.2401 520.1 L_ DSA AMSghhlidifh --------p------------4-------------b ----- t bee nu RU Soomro ccc ccc geen ncn ccscnae nana - 34.8 35 _ 35 \ 35 2. \ PartA 3.35+0.07 3.540.007 3.540.07 2.8 1.45+0.1 \, Counting mark (every five units) \ aan 3.540.07 3.540.07 3.35+0.07 3.25 40.1 4.1+0.07 10.040.1 2.7 40.07 TTTTTT bl Likd 2.620.1 1.45401 3.15 +0 Part A magnified Figure 21 Part Bmagnified Unit: mm 31HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series Mi Markings 1. 4 o Nh r7-aeccaren4 rr-apr--ar--4 Ppiriomowe -4/L--4L-_4 cv a[rc sarc n4 tm Hi Pn o1 tLaus[bLo-4be 4 r--aprccaect4 gout 2tne --J[lLwe4bes | *) @ Product name @ Last digit of the year @ LotNo. 2. SOT-89-3 (1) White label CN r--4 rm {sil 1 L-.4 tone rmrny mon t ' ao! 12.3 t TO L @ Product name (abbreviation) @ Lot No. 3. SOT-23-5 c= arr et anna 3 iD; +@; 184 ee we ee ee eet eee ee ee ee ees @M&@ Product name (abbreviation) @&@ LotNo. @: Alphabet : Dot onone side 32 Figure 22 (2) Blue label Factory code @ Product name (abbreviation) @ Lot No.HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series HM Characteristics 1. Detection voltage (VpeT) - Temperature (Ta) 1.1 S-80730AL 1.2 S-80740AH 3.2 4.2} Release voltage Release voltage Voer > Voer #1 (V) (Vv) 3.0 Detection voltage 4.0 Detection voltage 2.9 3.9 + Teptitiutitiit Lit tt bb tt -20 0 20 40 60 80 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Ta (C) Ta (C) 2. Current consumption (Iss) - Input voltage (Vin) 2.1 S-80730AL 2.2 S-80740AH 75.0 140 5.0 5.0 Iss 4.0 Iss 4.0 (HA) 39 (HA) 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 10.0 14.0 18.0 0 2.0 6.0 10.0 14.0 18.0 Vin (V) Vin (VY) 3. Current consumption (Iss) - Temperature (Ta) 3.1 S-80730AL 3.2 S-80740AH Vop=4.5V Vpp = 6.0V 1.6 1.6 Iss 1.2 a Iss 1.2 a (uA) a (uA) en to 0.8 Loe 0.8 ae - 0.4 0.4 Ta (C*) 20 0 20 40 60 80 Ta (C) 33HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 4. Output transistor current (lout) 4.1 Nch transistor current (i) Vos-lout 40 32 louT 24 (mA) 16 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Vos (V) 4.2 Pch transistor current Vps-louT 4.0 3.2 lout (mA) 2.4 1.6 0.8 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Vps (V) 5. Minimum operating voltage 5.1 CMOS active low output 4.0 3.2 Vout 2-4 (Vv) 1.6 0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 - Vpp (V) 34 (ii) Vop-lout Ta = -30C Vps = 0.5V 4.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 Vop (V) 5.2 CMOS active high output 5.0 4.0 (Vv) 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Vpp (V)6. Dynamic response 6.1 Nch open-drain output products 10? RL=100kQ 10 Delay time "Ll" = H" (ms) 10 - 107' "He "L" -2 10-4 10-3 107? 10! Load capacitance (F) 6.2 GMOS active low output products 10 107" Delay time "HY > L" (ms) -2 10 L" => "H* 10-3 10-4 1073 107? 107! Load capacitance (F) 6.3 CMOS active high output products 10' 10 Delay time (ms) 107" 107? He 3 "L" 1073 1074 107? 107? 1077 Load capacitance (uF) HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 35HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series HM Measuring Circuits (1) Detection voltage % Vop = *R(100 kM) Vop iA S-807 ir Series oon Oscilloscope Vss * Ris unnecessary for CMOS output products. (3) Output transistor current (a) Nch transistor current Vop Vop if 5-807 OUT 7, Series (A) Vss (v) Vos (4) Min. operating voltage [Yop | s * y 5-807 = *R(100kQ) oo|A (Nch output) | OUT 7 Series _(5) Dynamic response (a) Nch open-drain output products V op $s 100ka @) 5-807 OUT > CRT =/7V PG Series te Vss | eo 36 (2) Current consumption Vop TAK Oz $-807 Series Vss (b) Pch transistor current Vopp Vop $-807 Series Vss OUT * Ris unnecessary for CMOS output products. (b) CMOS output products P.G @ Figure 23 | Vop Input pulse 5-807 LOUT. crt mo 5V Series | 1V CL Vss5 | VssHIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR M@ Application Circuit Examples 1. Reset circuits of microcomputers S-807 Series If the power supply voltage to a microcomputer falls below the specified level, unspecified operation may be performed or the contents of the memory register may be lost. When power supply voltage returns to normal, the microcomputer may need to be initialized before normal operations can be done. Reset circuits protect microcomputers, in the event of current being momentarily switched off or lowered. With the S-807 Series, the reset circuits shown in Figures 24 to 26 can be easily constructed. Vpp1 Vope 6 Vop tL Oo = " $-807XX Micro- 5-807XX Micro- AN/SN computer AUSL computer I Vss Vss 2 o (Nch open-drain output products only) Figure 24 Figure 25 Vop Oo icro- puter Vss ---O Figure 26 37HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 2. Power-on reset circuit The Nch open-drain output products of the S-807 Series can be used to construct a power-on reset circuit. Following is an example. Vop . R = (RS7.5kQ) 4 cZ Vss Note 1: Rshould be 7.5kQ or less for purpose of protection against oscillation. Note 2: Di momentarily discharges the charge received via C at the falling edge of power off. There is no need to insert a diode, when there is no conflict with application circuit even if there is a delay in the falling edge of OUT at the falling edge of power off. Vop OUT (Vv) (Vv) t(s) t (s) Figure 27 Note 3: When there is a sharp rise in power, the output voltage may go H momentarily in unstable range of the output voltage (the output voltage is unstable below the minimum operating voltage) . (V) ow t(s) 16) -. Figure 28 38HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTOR S-807 Series 3. Change of detection voltage In Nch open-drain output products of the S-807 Series, detection voltage can be changed with resistance dividers or diodes as shown in Figures 29 and 30. in Figure 29, hysteresis width is also changed. Vpp Vop @ L VA RA = > = . Vv (RAS 7.5kQ) n OUT 4 o OUT -O (Nch open-drain (Nch open-drain RB = products) products) Vss Vss Detection voltage = RAsRe + VpeT Detection voltage = Vs, + V2 + - Voet Hysteresis width = RA+RB_. _y RB HYS Figure 30 Note 1: The hysteresis width will be a little wider than the value of the formula above, because of the through current, if RA and RB are larger. Note 2: RAshould be 7.5kQ or less for purpose of protection against oscillation. Figure 29 M@ Notes In CMOS output products of S-807 Series, high through current flows when detecting or releasing. If a high impedance is connected to the input, oscillation may be caused by the through current when lowering the voltage during releasing. In TO-92 products, since there are projections and resin burrs on the roots of the lead terminals formed at the Tiebar-cut, do not solder to them. - When designing for mass production using an application circuit described here, take into account the deviation of components and temperature characteristics. - Seiko instruments Inc. cannot take any responsibility for the patents on the circuits described here. 39