CYStech Electronics Corp.
Spec. No. : C335SG
Issued Date : 2003.06.10
Revised Date :
Page No. : 2/4
BAS21SG CYStek Product Specification
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃, unless otherwise specified)
• Maximum Temperatures
Storage Temperature Tstg ................................................................................................... -55~+150 °C
Junction Temperature Tj ............................................................................................................. +150 °C
• Maximum Power Dissipation
Total Power Dissipation Ptot (Note)........................................................................................... 200 mW
Derate above 25℃ ……………………………………………………………………….. 1.57mW/℃
• Maximum Voltages and Currents
Continuous Reverse Voltage VR…………………………………………………………………… 250V
Continuous Forward Current IF (Note)…………………………………………………………… 200 mA
Peak Repetitive Forward Current IFRM (Note)………..………………………………………….625 mA
• Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Air RθJA……………………………………….…….635℃/W
Note : Parts mounted on FR-5 board with minimum pad.
Characteristics (Ta=25°C)
Characteristic Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit
Reverse Breakdown Voltage VBR I
R=100µA 250 - V
VF(1) IF=100mA - 1 V
Forward Voltage (Note) VF(2) IF=200mA - 1.25 V
IR(1) VR=200V,Tj=25℃ - 100 nA
Reverse Leakage Current (Note) IR(2) VR=200V,Tj=150℃ 100 µA
Diode Capacitance CD V
R=0V, f=1MHz - 5 pF
Reverse Recovery Time trr IF=IR=30mA RL=100Ω
measured at IR=3mA - 50 ns
Notes: Pulse test, tp=380µs, duty cycle<2%.