Spartan-6 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS162 (v3.0) October 17, 2011 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 87
01/10/11 1.11 Production release of XC6SLX4 and XC6SLX9 in the specific speed grades listed in Ta bl e 2 6 and
Ta b le 2 7 using ISE v12.4 software with speed specification v1.15 for the -4, -3, -3N, and -2 speed
grades. Added note 3 to Ta bl e 2 7 . Also updated the -1L speed grade requirements to ISE v12.4
software with speed specification v1.06. Revised -3N definition throughout the document.
Added note 4 to Ta b l e 2 and updated note 5. Added information on VCCINT to note 1 in Ta b l e 5 .
Updated Networking Applications -3 values in Ta bl e 2 5 to match improvements made in ISE v12.4. In
Ta b le 2 8 , added note 1 and revised the TIOTP values for LVDS_33, LVDS_25, MINI_LVDS_33,
MINI_LVDS_25, RSDS_33, RSDS_25, TMDS_33. PPDS_33, and PPDS_25. Added note 3 to
Ta b le 5 5 .
02/11/11 1.12 As described in XCN11008: Product Discontinuation Notice For Spartan-6 LXT -4 Devices, the -4
speed specifications have been discontinued. As outlined in page 2 of the XCN, designers currently
using -4 speed specifications should rerun timing analysis using the new -3 speed specifications before
moving to a replacement device.
Updated the networking applications section of Ta b l e 2 5 . Updated -2 speed specifications throughout
document and added note 3 to Ta b l e 2 7 advising designers to use the -2 speed specification update
(v1.17) with the ISE 12.4 software patch. Added FCLKDIV to Ta b le 3 7 and Ta bl e 3 8 . Updated note 2 in
Ta b le 3 9 . Updated units for TSMCKCSO and TBPICCO in Ta b l e 4 7 . Updated -1L in Ta b l e 7 1 . Removed
Note 2: Package delay information is available for these device/package combinations. This
information can be used to deskew the package from Tab le 7 9.
03/31/11 2.0 Production release of XC6SLX45 in the -1L speed grades listed in Ta b l e 2 6 and Ta b l e 2 7 using ISE
v13.1 software with -1L speed specification v1.06.
In Ta bl e 3 9 , removed values in the -1L column and added note 3 as IODELAY2 only supports Tap0 for
lower-power devices. Updated copyright page 1 and Notice of Disclaimer.
05/20/11 2.1 Production release of XC6SLX100 and XC6SLX150 in the specific speed grades listed in Ta b l e 2 6 and
Ta b le 2 7 using ISE v13.1 software with -1L speed specification v1.06. Updated Ta b l e 2 7 and Note 7
with changes per XCN11012: Speed File Change for -3N Devices. Revised Switching Characteristics
section for speed specifications: v1.18 for -3, -3N, and -2; including improvements in Ta b l e 7 3 through
Ta b le 7 7 and Ta bl e 8 1 .
Removed Memory Controller Block from the performance heading in Ta b l e 2 and revised Note 2. In
Ta b le 4 , added Note 1 to CIN and updated the description of RIN_TERM. Updated Note 1 in Ta bl e 5 .
Updated Note 1 of Ta bl e 7 . In Ta b l e 2 5 , added and removed -1L specifications, increased the standard
performance DDR3 specifications, removed the extended performance DDR3 row and updated Note 3
and Note 4. Clarified the introductory information for Ta b l e 2 8 and Ta b l e 3 0 .
In Ta b l e 3 2 : Revised VMEAS value for LVCMOS12; revised VREF for LVDS_25, LVDS_33,
BLVDS_25,MINI_LVDS_25, MINI_LVDS_33, RSDS_25, and RSDS_33; revised RREF for BLVDS_25
and TMDS_33; and added Note 4 and Note 5. Updated Note 2 and Note 3 in Ta bl e 3 9 .
In Ta b l e 4 7 , revised the values and description of TPOR including adding Note 3. Also in Ta bl e 4 7 ,
augmented the description and added specifications for FRBCCK and removed XC6SLX4 from FMCCK
(maximum frequency, parallel mode (Master SelectMAP/BPI). Added BUFGMUX to Ta bl e 4 8 title.
Added Ta b l e 5 0 .
In Ta b l e 5 2 , revised specifications for TEXTFDVAR and FINJITTER. In Ta bl e 5 4 removed the 5 MHz <
CLKIN_FREQ_DLL parameter in the LOCK_DLL description. In both Ta b l e 5 6 and Ta b l e 5 7 , removed
the 5 MHz < FCLKIN parameter in the LOCK_FX description. In Ta b l e 5 8 , updated description for
Revised title and symbol of Ta b l e 7 0 , added new speed specifications for -1L, and added Note 2.
Added Ta b l e 7 1 .
07/11/11 2.2 Added the Automotive XA Spartan-6 and Defense-grade Spartan-6Q devices to all appropriate tables
while sometimes removing the XC6S nomenclature. Added expanded temperature range (Q) to all
appropriate tables. Updated TSOL packages in Ta bl e 1 . Added ROUT_TERM to Ta b l e 4 . Updated Note 2
on Ta bl e 1 3 .
Production release of the XC6SLX4, XC6SLX9, XC6SLX16, XC6SLX25, XC6SLX75, XQ6SLX75, and
XQ6SLX150 in Tab l e 2 6 and Ta b l e 2 7 using ISE v13.2 software with -1L speed specification v1.07.
Production release of the XA6SLX16, XA6SLX25T, XA6SLX45, XA6SLX45T, XQ6SLX75,
XQ6SLX75T, XQ6SLX150, and XQ6SLX150T in Ta b l e 2 6 and Ta bl e 2 7 using ISE v13.2 software with
-2 and -3 speed specification v1.19.
Added Ta bl e 2 9 : IOB Switching Characteristics for the Automotive XA Spartan-6 and the Spartan-6Q
Devices(1). Updated CS(G)484 from CSG484 throughout data sheet. Clarified Note 3 in Ta b l e 3 9 .
08/08/11 2.3 Production release of the XA6SLX25, XA6SLX75, and XA6SLX75T in Ta b l e 2 6 and Ta bl e 27 using ISE
v13.2 software with -2 and -3 speed specification v1.19.
Date Version Description of Revisions