Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 IRUD200CH20PbF FRED Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode Features * Very Low Qrr and trr * Lead-Free Benefits * Reduced RFI and EMI * Higher Frequency Operation * Reduced Snubbing Description/ Features Major Ratings and Characteristics Values Units These diodes are optimized to reduce losses and EMI/ RFI in high frequency power conditioning systems. The IF(AV) Rectangular 240 A softness of the recovery eliminates the need for a VRRM 200 V suited for HF welding, power converters and other applications where switching losses are significant 20000 A portion of the total losses. 0.78 V - 55 to 175 C Characteristics waveform IFSM @ tp = 5 s sine VF @240Apk, TJ=125C TJ range snubber in most applications. These devices are ideally Case Styles HALF-PAK (D-67) Document Number: 94466 www.vishay.com 1 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 Voltage Ratings Part number VR IRUD200CH20PbF Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) 200 VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters IRUD200 Units Conditions IF(AV) Max. Average Forward Current 240 A 50% duty cycle @ TC = 127 C, rectangular wave form * See Fig. 5 IFSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 20000 Surge Current * See Fig. 7 A 2300 5s Sine or 3s Rect. pulse 10ms Sine or 6ms Rect. pulse Following any rated load condition and with rated VRRM applied Electrical Specifications Parameters VFM IRM IRUD200 Units Max. Forward Voltage Drop * See Fig. 1 (1) Max. Reverse Leakage Current * See Fig. 2 Conditions 1.21 1.51 0.9 V V V @ 240A @ 480A @ 240A 1.1 V @ 480A 100 A TJ = 25 C 3 mA TJ = 125 C TJ = 25 C TJ = 125 C VR = rated VR CT Max. Junction Capacitance 6000 pF VR = 5VDC (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25C LS Typical Series Inductance 5.0 nH From top of terminal hole to mounting plane (1) Pulse Width 500s Dynamic Recovery Characteristics @ TJ = 25C (unless otherwise specified) Parameters trr Reverse Recovery Time Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions - 70 - - 88 - IRRM Peak Recovery Current - 10.6 - 14.2 - Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge - 350 - - 630 - Document Number: 94466 ns If = 200A, dif/dt = 200A/s, Vr = 200V If = 200A, dif/dt =200A/s, Vr =200V @ TJ = 125C A If = 200A, dif/dt = 200A/s, Vr = 200V nC If = 200A, dif/dt = 200A/s, Vr = 200V If = 200A, dif/dt =200A/s, Vr =200V @ TJ = 125C If = 200A, dif/dt =200A/s, Vr =200V @ TJ = 125C www.vishay.com 2 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 Thermal-Mechanical Specifications Parameters IRUD200 Units TJ Max. Junction Temperature Range -55 to 175 Tstg Max. Storage Temperature Range Conditions C -55 to 175 C RthJC Max. Thermal Resistance Junction to Case 0.19 C/W DCoperation RthCS Typical Thermal Resistance, Case to 0.05 C/W Mounting surface , smooth and greased 30 (1.06) g (oz.) * See Fig. 4 Heatsink wt Approximate Weight T MountingTorque Min. 3 (26.5) TerminalTorque Max. Min. 4 (35.4) 3.4 (30) Max. 5 (44.2) Case Style Non-lubricated threads Nm (Ibf-in) HALF PAK Module 1000 1000 175C Reverse Current - I R (A) 100 100 125C 10 1 0.1 25C 0.01 50 100 150 200 Reverse Voltage - V R (V) Fig. 2 - Typical Values Of Reverse Current Vs. Reverse Voltage 10000 Tj = 125C Junction Capacitance - C T (pF) Instantaneous Forward Current - I F (A) Tj = 175C 10 Tj = 25C 1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Forward Voltage Drop - VFM (V) Fig. 1 - Max. Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics Document Number: 94466 T = 25C J 1000 100 0 30 60 90 120 Reverse Voltage - V R (V) Fig. 3 - Typical Junction Capacitance Vs. Reverse Voltage www.vishay.com 3 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 Thermal Impedance Z thJC (C/W) 1 D = 0.75 D = 0.50 0.1 D = 0.33 D = 0.25 D = 0.20 0.01 0.001 1E-05 Single Pulse (Thermal Resistance) 1E-04 1E-03 1E-02 1E-01 1E+00 1E+01 t1, Rectangular Pulse Duration (Seconds) Fig. 4 - Max. Thermal Impedance Z thJC Characteristics 250 180 160 DC 140 120 Square wave (D=0.50) 80% rated Vr applied 100 80 see note (2) 60 Average Power Loss (Watts) Allowable Case Temperature (C) 200 D = 0.20 D = 0.25 D = 0.33 D = 0.50 D = 0.75 200 150 RMS limit DC 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Average Forward Current - I F (AV) (A) Average Forward Current - I F (AV) (A) Fig. 5 - Max. Allowable Case Temperature Vs. Average Forward Current Fig. 6 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics (2) Formula used: TC = TJ - (Pd + PdREV) x RthJC ; Pd = Forward Power Loss = IF(AV) x VFM @ (IF(AV) / D) (see Fig. 6); PdREV = Inverse Power Loss = VR1 x IR (1 - D); IR @ VR1 = rated VR Document Number: 94466 www.vishay.com 4 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 105 Tj = 125C 100 At Any Rated Load Condition And With Rated VRRM Applied Following Surge Vr = 200V 95 90 t RR (ns) Non-Repetitive Surge Current - I FSM (A) 100000 10000 200A 85 80 100A 75 1000 10 70 100 1000 100 10000 200 300 400 500 di f / dt - (A/s) Square Wave Pulse Duration - t p (microsec) Fig. 8 - Typical Reverse Recovery vs. dif /dt Fig. 7 - Max. Non-Repetitive Surge Current Reverse Recovery Circuit VR = 200V 0.01 L = 70H D.U.T. di F /dt dif/dt ADJUST D G IRFP250 S Fig. 9- Reverse Recovery Parameter Test Circuit Document Number: 94466 www.vishay.com 5 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 3 t rr IF tb ta 0 Q rr 2 I RRM 4 0.5 I RRM di(rec)M/dt 5 0.75 I RRM 1 /dt di fF/dt 1. diF/dt - Rate of change of current through zero crossing 2. IRRM - Peak reverse recovery current 3. trr - Reverse recovery time measured from zero crossing point of negative going IF to point where a line passing through 0.75 IRRM and 0.50 IRRM extrapolated to zero current 4. Qrr - Area under curve defined by t rr and IRRM t rr x I RRM Q rr = 2 5. di (rec) M / dt - Peak rate of change of current during t b portion of t rr Fig. 10 - Reverse Recovery Waveform and Definitions Outline Table HALF-PAK (D-67) Dimensions in millimeters and (inches) Document Number: 94466 www.vishay.com 6 IRUD200CH20PbF Bulletin PD-21143 05/06 Ordering Information Table Device Code IR UD 200 1 2 1 - 2 - H 4 5 20 PbF 6 7 International Rectifier Ultrafast Diode Current Rating 3 4 3 C - Circuit Configuration C = Not-isolated 5 - Type of Device : 6 - Voltage Rating (20 = 200V) 7 - Lead-Free H = Half-pak (D-67) Data and specifications subject to change without notice. This product has been designed and qualified for Industrial Level and Lead-Free. Qualification Standards can be found on IR's Web site. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7309 05/06 Document Number: 94466 www.vishay.com 7 Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Notice The products described herein were acquired by Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., as part of its acquisition of International Rectifier's Power Control Systems (PCS) business, which closed in April 2007. Specifications of the products displayed herein are pending review by Vishay and are subject to the terms and conditions shown below. Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. International Rectifier(R), IR(R), the IR logo, HEXFET(R), HEXSense(R), HEXDIP(R), DOL(R), INTERO(R), and POWIRTRAIN(R) are registered trademarks of International Rectifier Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product names noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Document Number: 99901 Revision: 12-Mar-07 www.vishay.com 1