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Fast-acting chip fuses help provide overcurrent protection for systems using DC
power sources up to 63VDC. The fuse’s monolithic, multilayer design helps provide
the highest hold current in the smallest footprint, reduce diffusion-related aging,
improve product reliability and resilience, and enhance high-temperature
performance in a wide range of circuit designs.
These RoHS-compliant surface-mount devices offer strong arc suppression
characteristics and help facilitate the development of more reliable, high-
performance consumer electronics such as laptops, multimedia devices, cell
phones and other portable electronics.
•Small size with high current ratings
•Temperature stability
•High reliability and resilience
•Strong arc suppression characteristics
•Lead-free and RoHS compliant
•Halogen free
•High-temperature performance
•-55°C to +125°C operating temperature range
•Digital cameras
•Cell phones
•DVD players
•Portable electronics
•Game systems
•LCD monitors
Series: 1206SFF Questions? Contact Littelfuse Support
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Property (Mouseover for details) Value
Ampere Rating (A) 3
Max Operating Temp (°C) 125
Nominal Cold Resistance (Ohms) 0.031
Interrupt Current (Max) AMP 50
Package Size 1206
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