Rev. 1
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses
in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage
to the device. Functional operation of the device at these
or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of this data sheet is not implied.
Exposure of the device to the absolute maximum ratings
for an extended period may degrade the device and effect
its reliability.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (@ 25˚ C)
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Input Power Dissipation - - 1501mW
Input Control Current - - 50 mA
Peak (10ms) - - 1 A
Reverse Input Voltage - - 5 V
Total Power Dissipation - - 8002mW
Isolation Voltage
Input to Output 3750 - - VRMS
Operational Temperature -40 - +85 °C
Storage Temperature -40 - +125 °C
Soldering Temperature
DIP Package - - +260 °C
Flatpack/Surface Mount Pkg - - +220 °C
(10 Seconds Max.)
1Derate Linearly 1.33 mw/˚C
2Derate Linearly 6.67 mw/˚C
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Output Characteristics @ 25°C
Load Voltage (Peak) - VL- - 350 V
Load Current (Continuous)
AC/DC Configuration - IL- - 120 mA
Peak Load Current 10ms ILPK - - 350 mA
AC/DC Configuration IL=120mA RON -- 25Ω
Off-State Leakage Current VL=35OV ILEAK -- 1µA
Switching Speeds
Turn-On IF=5mA, VL=10V TON -- 5ms
Turn-Off IF=5mA, VL=10V TOFF -5ms
Output Capacitance 50V; f=1MHz COUT -35 - pF
Input to Output - - - 3 - pF
Input Characteristics @ 25°C
Input Control Current IL=120mA IF5- 50mA
Input Dropout Current - IF0.4 0.7 - mA
Input Voltage Drop IF=5mA VF0.9 1.2 1.4 V
Reverse Input Voltage - VR-- 5 V
Reverse Input Current VR=5V IR- - 10 µA