LM3554 Synchronous Boost Converter with 1.2A Dual High Side LED Drivers
and I 2 C-Compatible Interface
Literature Number: SNVS549A
April 12, 2011
Synchronous Boost Converter with 1.2A Dual High Side
LED Drivers and I2C-Compatible Interface
General Description
The LM3554 is a 2MHz fixed frequency, current mode syn-
chronous boost converter. The device is designed to operate
as a dual 600mA (1.2A total) constant-current driver for high-
current white LEDs, or as a regulated 4.5V or 5V voltage
The dual high-side current sources allow for grounded cath-
ode LED operation. An adaptive regulation method ensures
the current source for each LED remains in regulation and
maximizes efficiency.
The main features include: an I2C-compatible interface for
controlling the LED current or the desired output voltage, a
hardware Flash enable input for direct triggering of the Flash
pulse, and dual TX inputs which force the Flash pulse into a
low-current Torch mode allowing for synchronization to RF
power amplifier events or other high-current conditions. Ad-
ditionally, an active high hardware enable (HWEN) input pro-
vides a hardware shutdown during system software failures.
Five protection features are available within the LM3554 in-
cluding a software selectable input voltage monitor, an inter-
nal comparator for interfacing with an external temperature
sensor, four selectable current limits to ensure the battery
current is kept below a predetermined peak level, an over-
voltage protection feature to limit the output voltage during
LED open circuits, and an output short circuit protection which
limits the output current during shorts to GND. Additionally,
the device provides various fault indicators including: a ther-
mal fault flag indicating the LED temperature has tripped the
thermal threshold, a flag indicating a TX event has occurred,
a flag indicating the flash timeout counter has expired, a flag
indicating the devices die temperature has reached the ther-
mal shutdown threshold, and a flag indicating an open or short
Dual High Side Current Sources
Grounded Cathode Allowing for Better Heat Sinking and
LED Routing
>90% Efficiency
Ultra-Small Solution Size: < 23mm2
Four Operating Modes: Torch, Flash, LED Indicator and
Voltage Output
Accurate and Programmable LED Current from 37.5mA to
Programmable 4.5V or 5.0V Constant Output Voltage
Hardware Flash and Torch Enable
LED Thermal Sensing and Current Scaleback
Software Selectable Input Voltage Monitor
Programmable Flash Timeout
Dual Synchronization Inputs for RF Power Amplifier Pulse
Open and Short LED Detection
Active High Hardware Enable for Protection Against
System Faults
400kHz I2C-Compatible Interface
16-Bump (1.7mm × 1.7mm × 0.6mm) micro SMD
Camera Phone LED Flash Controller
Class D Audio Amplifier Power
LED Current Source Biasing
Typical Application Circuits
Example Layout
© 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation 300420 www.national.com
Synchronous Boost Converter with 1.2A Dual High Side LED Driver and I2C-Compatible Interface
Application Circuit Component List
Component Manufacturer Value Part Number Size (mm) Rating
L TOKO 2.2µH FDSE0312-2R2M 3×3×1.2 2.3A(0.2Ω)
COUT Murata 4.7µF/10µF GRM188R60J475M, or
1.6×0.8×0.8 (0603) 6.3V
CIN Murata 4.7µF GRM185R60J475M 1.6×0.8×0.8 (0603) 6.3V
LEDs Lumiled LXCL-PWF4 1.5A
Connection Diagram
Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Function
A1 LED1 High-Side Current Source Output for Flash LED.
A2, B2 OUT Step-Up DC/DC Converter Output.
A3, B3 SW Drain Connection for Internal NMOS and Synchronous PMOS Switches.
A4, B4 GND Ground
B1 LED2 High-Side Current Source Output for Flash LED.
C1 LEDI/NTC Configurable as a High-Side Current Source Output for Indicator LED or Threshold Detector for
LED Temperature Sensing.
Configurable as a RF Power Amplifier Synchronization Control Input (TX1), a Hardware Torch
Enable (TORCH), or a programmable general-purpose logic Input/Output (GPIO1).
C3 STROBE Active High Hardware Flash Enable. Drive STROBE high to turn on Flash pulse.
C4 IN Input Voltage Connection. Connect IN to the input supply, and bypass to GND with a minimum
4.7µF ceramic capacitor.
Configurable as an Active High Voltage Mode Enable (ENVM), Dual Polarity Power Amplifier
Synchronization Input (TX2), or Programmable General Purpose Logic Input/Output (GPIO2).
D2 SDA Serial Data Input/Output.
D3 SCL Serial Clock Input.
D4 HWEN Active Low Hardware Reset.
Ordering Information
Order Number Package Package Marking Supplied As No-Lead
LM3554TME TMD16CCA SF 250 units, Tape-and-Reel YES (NOPB)
LM3554TMX TMD16CCA SF 3000 units, Tape-and-Reel YES (NOPB)
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Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1, Note
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications.
VIN, VSW, VOUT -0.3V to 6V
-0.3V to to (VIN
+0.3V) w/ 6.0V
Continuous Power Dissipation(Note 3) Internally Limited
Junction Temperature (TJ-MAX)+150°C
Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +150°C
Maximum Lead Temperature
(Soldering) (Note 4)
Operating Ratings (Note 1, Note 2)
VIN 2.5V to 5.5V
Junction Temperature (TJ) -30°C to +125°C
Ambient Temperature (TA)
(Note 5)
-30°C to +85°C
Thermal Properties
Junction-to-Ambient Thermal
Resistance (θJA), TMD16
Package(Note 6) 60°C/W
ESD Caution Notice National Semiconductor recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate
ESD precautions. Failure to observe proper ESD handling techniques can result in damage to the device.
Electrical Characteristics
Limits in standard typeface are for TA = +25°C. Limits in boldface type apply over the full operating ambient temperature range
(-30°C TA +85°C). Unless otherwise specified, VIN = 3.6V, VHWEN = VIN. (Note 2, Note 7)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Current Source Specifications
Current Source
600mA Flash
LED Setting,
ILED1+ILED2 1128 1200 1284
ILED1 or ILED2 541 600 657
17mA Torch
Setting, VHR =
ILED1+ILED2 30.4 33.8 37.2
Current Source
Voltage (VOUT -
600mA setting, VOUT = 3.75V 300 mV
LED Current
Matching 600mA setting, VLED = 3.2V 0.35 %
Step-Up DC/DC Converter Specifications
Output Voltage
2.7V VIN 4.2V, IOUT = 0mA,
VENVM = VIN, OV bit = 0 4.8 55.2 V
Output Over-
Protection Trip
Point(Note 8)
On Threshold, 2.7V VIN 5.5V 5.4 5.6 5.7
Off Threshold 5.3
PMOS Switch
On-Resistance IPMOS = 1A 150 m
NMOS Switch
On-Resistance INMOS = 1A 150 m
Switch Current
Limit(Note 9)
CL bits = 00 0.711 1.05 1.373
CL bits = 01 1.295 1.51 1.8
CL bits = 10 1.783 1.99 2.263
CL bits = 11 2.243 2.45 2.828
Output Short
Circuit Current
VOUT < 2.3V 550 mA
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Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
ILED/NTC Indicator Current LEDI/NTC bit
= 0
IND1, IND0 bits =
00 2.3
IND1, IND0 bits =
01 4.6
IND1, IND0 bits =
10 6.9
IND1, IND0 bits =
11 8.2
Comparator Trip
LEDI/NTC bit = 1, 2.7V VIN
5.5V 0.947 1.052 1.157 V
Frequency 2.7V VIN 5.5V 1.75 22.23 MHz
Supply Current Device Not Switching 630 µA
Supply Current 2.7V VIN 5.5V 3.5 6.6 µA
LED Current
Settling Time
TX_ Low to High, ILED1 + ILED2 =
1.2A to 180mA 20 µs
VIN Monitor Trip
VIN Falling, VIN Monitor Register =
0x01 (Enabled with VIN_TH = 3.1V) 2.95 3.09 3.23 V
TX1/TORCH/GPIO1, STROBE, HWEN, ENVM/TX2/GPIO2 Voltage Specifications
VIL Input Logic Low 2.7V VIN 5.5V 0 0.4 V
VIH Input Logic High 2.7V VIN 5.5V 1.2 VIN V
Output Logic
Low ILOAD = 3mA, 2.7V VIN 5.5V 400 mV
Internal Pull-
down Resistance
300 k
Internal Pull-
Resistance at
300 k
I2C-Compatible Voltage Specifications (SCL, SDA)
VIL Input Logic Low 2.7V VIN 5.5V 0 0.4 V
VIH Input Logic High 2.7V VIN 5.5V 1.22 VIN V
Output Logic
Low (SCL) ILOAD = 3mA, 2.7V VIN 5.5V 400 mV
I2C-Compatible Timing Specifications (SCL, SDA) — See Figure 1
SCL Clock
Frequency 400 kHz
Data In Setup
Time to SCL
100 ns
Data Out Stable
After SCL Low 0 ns
SDA Low Setup
Time to SCL Low
160 ns
SDA High Hold
Time After SCL
High (Stop)
160 ns
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Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of
the device is guaranteed. Operating Ratings do not imply guaranteed performance limits. For guaranteed performance limits and associated test conditions, see
the Electrical Characteristics table.
Note 2: All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin.
Note 3: Internal thermal shutdown circuitry protects the device from permanent damage. Thermal shutdown engages at TJ=150°C (typ.) and disengages at
TJ=135°C (typ.).
Note 4: For detailed soldering specifications and information, please refer to National Semiconductor Application Note 1112: Micro SMD Wafer Level chip Scale
Package (AN-1112)
Note 5: In applications where high power dissipation and/or poor package thermal resistance is present, the maximum ambient temperature may have to be
derated. Maximum ambient temperature (TA-MAX) is dependent on the maximum operating junction temperature (TJ-MAX-OP = +125°C), the maximum power
dissipation of the device in the application (PD-MAX), and the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of the part/package in the application (θJA), as given by the
following equation: TA-MAX = TJ-MAX-OP – (θJA × PD-MAX).
Note 6: Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (θJA) is taken from a thermal modeling result, performed under the conditions and guidelines set forth in the
JEDEC standard JESD51-7. The test board is a 4-layer FR-4 board measuring 102mm x 76mm x 1.6mm with a 2x1 array of thermal via's. The ground plane on
the board is 50mm x 50mm. Thickness of copper layers are 36µm/18µm/18µm/36µm (1.5oz/1oz/1oz/1.5oz). Ambient temperature in simulation is 22°C, still air.
Power dissipation is 1W.
Note 7: Min and Max limits are guaranteed by design, test, or statistical analysis. Typical (Typ) numbers are not guaranteed, but do represent the most likely
norm. Unless otherwise specified, conditions for typical specifications are: VIN = 3.6V and TA = +25°C.
Note 8: The typical curve for Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) is measured in closed loop using the typical application circuit . The OVP value is found by forcing
an open circuit in the LED1 and LED2 path and recording the peak value of VOUT. The value given in the Electrical Table is found in an open loop configuration
by ramping the voltage at OUT until the OVP comparator trips. The closed loop data can appear higher due to the stored energy in the inductor being dumped
into the output capacitor after the OVP comparator trips. At worst case is an open circuit condition where the output voltage can continue to rise after the OVP
comparator trips by approximately IIN×sqrt(L/COUT).
Note 9: The typical curve for Current Limit is measured in closed loop using the typical application circuit by increasing IOUT until the peak inductor current stops
increasing. The value given in the Electrical Table is measured open loop and is found by forcing current into SW until the current limit comparator threshold is
reached. Closed loop data appears higher due to the delay between the comparator trip point and the NFET turning off. This delay allows the closed loop inductor
current to ramp higher after the trip point by approximately 20ns × VIN/L
Note 10: Current Matching = Absolute Value((ILED1 - ILED2)/(ILED1 + ILED2)) × 100
Note 11: Current Accuracy = Absolute Value(ITARGET - (ILED1 + ILED2)) × 100
FIGURE 1. I2C Timing
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