April 12, 2011
Synchronous Boost Converter with 1.2A Dual High Side
LED Drivers and I2C-Compatible Interface
General Description
The LM3554 is a 2MHz fixed frequency, current mode syn-
chronous boost converter. The device is designed to operate
as a dual 600mA (1.2A total) constant-current driver for high-
current white LEDs, or as a regulated 4.5V or 5V voltage
The dual high-side current sources allow for grounded cath-
ode LED operation. An adaptive regulation method ensures
the current source for each LED remains in regulation and
maximizes efficiency.
The main features include: an I2C-compatible interface for
controlling the LED current or the desired output voltage, a
hardware Flash enable input for direct triggering of the Flash
pulse, and dual TX inputs which force the Flash pulse into a
low-current Torch mode allowing for synchronization to RF
power amplifier events or other high-current conditions. Ad-
ditionally, an active high hardware enable (HWEN) input pro-
vides a hardware shutdown during system software failures.
Five protection features are available within the LM3554 in-
cluding a software selectable input voltage monitor, an inter-
nal comparator for interfacing with an external temperature
sensor, four selectable current limits to ensure the battery
current is kept below a predetermined peak level, an over-
voltage protection feature to limit the output voltage during
LED open circuits, and an output short circuit protection which
limits the output current during shorts to GND. Additionally,
the device provides various fault indicators including: a ther-
mal fault flag indicating the LED temperature has tripped the
thermal threshold, a flag indicating a TX event has occurred,
a flag indicating the flash timeout counter has expired, a flag
indicating the devices die temperature has reached the ther-
mal shutdown threshold, and a flag indicating an open or short
■Dual High Side Current Sources
■Grounded Cathode Allowing for Better Heat Sinking and
LED Routing
■>90% Efficiency
■Ultra-Small Solution Size: < 23mm2
■Four Operating Modes: Torch, Flash, LED Indicator and
Voltage Output
■Accurate and Programmable LED Current from 37.5mA to
■Programmable 4.5V or 5.0V Constant Output Voltage
■Hardware Flash and Torch Enable
■LED Thermal Sensing and Current Scaleback
■Software Selectable Input Voltage Monitor
■Programmable Flash Timeout
■Dual Synchronization Inputs for RF Power Amplifier Pulse
■Open and Short LED Detection
■Active High Hardware Enable for Protection Against
System Faults
■400kHz I2C-Compatible Interface
■16-Bump (1.7mm × 1.7mm × 0.6mm) micro SMD
■Camera Phone LED Flash Controller
■Class D Audio Amplifier Power
■LED Current Source Biasing
Typical Application Circuits
Example Layout
© 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation 300420 www.national.com
Synchronous Boost Converter with 1.2A Dual High Side LED Driver and I2C-Compatible Interface