1. Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX
The maximum output current of a step-down DC/DC converter can be calculated from the values of the switching transistor's ON resistance
(RSWON), the DC resistance of the coil (DCR) and the wiring resistance between the input and output pins (RETC).
The coil's DCR value will be 0.18Ω(max.) with the CR54 22µH (catalog value).
If output current should exceed the above calculated value for IOUTMAX a condition of maximum duty will exist.
Please use coils and Schottky diodes that have an ample output current (IOUT) margin over the stated approved currents and check the coil's
current frequency in actual operation.
2. Board Wiring
Peripherals should be located as close as possible to the IC and should be connected with low impedance traces.
Note that high current levels flow through the VIN - IC - coil - VOUT line. Make the ground pattern as large as possible and connect capacitor
CLbetween the ground pin and the VOUT pin with a low impedance.
3. Integral Circuit Protection
Should the output voltage drop as a result of overload, the IC will operate in a maximum duty state. If the TPRO time (5 msec typ.) is
exceeded the CE pin will be reset to ground level and the soft-start routine will resume.
If the overload condition continues then the following steps will be repeated.
Circuit protection activates - CE pin reset - soft-start routine resumes - circuit protection activates -etc.
As stated, when the current drawn exceeds the maximum output current (IOUTMAX) as calculated above, maximum duty will exist. When the
input/output voltage differential is minimal even a comparatively small output current will trigger the protection circuit so please be careful.
For those customers who require the P-channel power MOSFET to be enabled at any time and the protect circuit to not operate during low
VIN periods, versions of the series without protection are also available (XC6376C, D, F types and XC6377C, D, F types)
Note :
Integral circuit protection performs the basic function of informing external components of the existence of a continuous state of overload in
connection with temporary drops in the level of VOUT (CE). Therefore, should output short to ground level and a state of overload continue,
ample circuit protection cannot be provided. In such cases, as there is the possibility that the IC and/or the peripherals may be damaged, it
is recommended that output be switched off via the CE pin.
4. Soft-start, Chip Enable Circuits (CE Pin)
In order to charge the soft-start capacitor (CSS) at the CE pin, a fixed current of about 1µA has been internally set-up. Therefore, when using
the CE function (stand-by operations) please be aware of the possibilites of leak current from the transistor's open collector (or open drain)
connection. We recommend that a capacitor of at least 100pF be connected. Although the IC will still function with CSS omitted and the CE
pin connected to the VIN pin, there exists the possibility that large overshoot input voltages and/or rush currents will occur when the power is
switched on which may cause instability.
The same problem may also arise if the CE pin is driven from a CMOS output , so it is recommended that the CE pin be driven from an
open collector (or open drain). Should the CE pin be driven from a CMOS output however, a resistor should be fitted between the CE pin
and the output and a soft-start capacitor (CSS) should be connected. Measuring operational stability is also necessary.
Note :
Even if the CE function is not being used, a soft-start capacitor (CSS) of more than 100pF should still be connected.
5. P-Channel Boost Circuit
Attaching a capacitor (CBST) and a diode (SD2) as displayed in the figure right, allows the gate
voltage of an internal P-ch power MOSFET to be driven to a negative voltage value.
Since LXSW ON resistance (RSWON) becomes smaller, the efficiency at high output currents can be
improved. On the other hand, efficiency during light loads will drop due to losses as a result of CBST's
charging and discharging.
CBST : 2200pF (ceramic capacitor)
SD2 : MA729 (Schottky diode, Matsushita)
Note :
The voltage between VIN and P-BST should not exceed 10V (absolute max. 12V).
With higher VIN values, take such countermeasures as clamping or using a 9V Zener diode.
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