Product Brief
November 2001
PayloadPlus Fast Pattern Processor
The Agere Systems PayloadPlus architecture
provides a unique hardware and software
com bination that delivers high-speed processing
for multiple communication protocols with full
programmability. This combination gives you the
programmability of traditional RISC processors
with the speed that, until now, only ASICs could
The Agere Systems PayloadPlus product family
represents a technology revolution for the
constr uc tion of intell ig ent co mmu nic ati on
equipment with Layer 3 or above processing
capabilities. Agere Systems products focus on the
wire-speed datapath functions and work in
conjunction with physical interface devices, low-
speed microprocessor, and backplane fabric
offerings to provide a complete solution for
networking and communication applications. The
PayloadPlus processor family includes the Fast
Pattern Processor (FPP), Routing Switch
Processor (RSP), and the Agere System Interface
The Agere Systems PayloadPlus Processors are
designed to handle wire-speed data streams at up
to OC-48c rates. Each chip provides a
complementary function: the FPP for high-speed
classification, the RSP for processing and routing
traffic, and the ASI to provide policing, manage
state information, and provide a PCI connection to
a host processor.
The FPP accepts a data stream of protocol data
units (PDUs) from an industry-standard POS-
PHY/UTOPIA Level 3 interface. The PDUs are
analyzed and classified, and the FPP outputs the
packets and conclusions to the RSP on a POS-
PHY Level 3 interface.
Fast Pattern Processor
At the heart of the PayloadP l us pr odu ct family is
the Functional Programming Language (FPL) and
patented Fast Pattern Processor (FPP)
technology. Using the powerful, high-level FPL
code, the FPP implements complex pattern or
signature recogn ition and ope ra tes on the
packets/cells containing those signatures. The
FPP has the ability to perform pattern analysis on
every byte of the payload plus headers of a data
stream. The pattern analysis conclusions are
made available to the customer’s system logic or
to the Agere Systems Routing Switch Processor
(RSP), allowing packet /cell manipulation and
queuing functions. The FPP and RSP provide a
complete solution for switching and routing.
The FPP can be used with Agere Systems other
PayloadPlus components or on its own. The FPP
provides glueless interfaces to the RSP and the
ASI ICs to provide a complete solution for wire-
speed processing in next-generation terabit
switches and routers.
System Overview
The FPP accepts a data stream of frames or cells
from an industry-standard UTOPIA Level 3/
UTOPIA Level 2/POS-PHY Level 3 interface. The
FPP analyzes and classifies these frames and
cells, reasse mbles them into PDUs, then
transmits the PDU s and its classification
conclusions to the Routing Switch Processor over
a POS-PHY Level 3 interface. The FPP is
configured and updated through the Configuration
Bus, which connects the FPP and other devices
to the ASI.
Product Brief NPFPP
March 2002 Fast Pattern Processor
Features and Benefits of the FPP
The key benefits of the Fast Pattern Processor are:
ProgrammabilityThe FPPs programmability gives you
great flexibility to optimize performance for a wide variety
of applications and protocols.
Fast, Deterministic SearchesThe FPPs p atented search
algorithm lets you create large lists and search them
quickly, within deterministic time limits. You can search for
data patterns of any size. Search time is independent of
the number of entries in the search table; it depends only
on the size of the data pattern.
Use of Standard MemoryThe FPP stores pattern
matching data in standard memory instead of expensive
content-addressable memory (CAM) devices.
High Performance at Lower Clock SpeedsThe FPPs
efficient design lets it support OC-48c speeds with an
internal clock speed much lower than that of the
competition. This translates into lower hardware costs and
scalability for the future.
Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR)The FPP and
RSP combination provides ATM SARing capabilities,
eliminating the need for separate SARing ICs.
FPP Applications
The Agere Systems FPP handles complex multi-protocol
information at wire speeds up to 2.5 Gbps or OC-48c. The
FPP processes the protocols and applications required by
carrier and enterprise edge systems. Supported protocols
include IP, ATM, Frame Relay , MPLS, and AAL5. Applications
Network management and firewalls
ATM segmentation and reassembly
Frame Relay segmentation and reassembly
Access Control List proc essing
Since the FPP is a programmable processor, not a fixed-
function ASIC, it can handle new protocols or applications as
they are developed or as new network functions are required.
Note that the FPP is devoted to the wire-speed data path.
Non-real-time functions, such as routing table updates, are
handled by a separate external microprocessor. The RSP is
designed to process FPP outputs, although other application
logic can be used.
FPP Interfaces
The FPP has the following interfaces:
Data path interfacesThe FPP uses an industry-standard
UTOPIA Level 3/UTOPIA Level 2/POS-PHY Level 3
interface for the data path input, and a POS-PHY Level 3
interface for data path output.
Memory interfaces64-bit interfaces to standard PC-133
SDRAM and 133-MHz pipelined ZBT-style SSRAM.
Management interfaceThe Management Path Interface
(MPI) enables the FPP to receive management frames
from the local microprocessor (through the ASI).
8-bit POS-PHY 8-b it POS-PHY
PCI to Host CP U
Configuration Bus
System Overview
Product Brief NPFPP
March 2002 Fast Pattern Processor
Function pr ocessing interfaceThe Functio nal Bus
Interface (FBI) connects the FPP to an ASI and/or custom
logic for external processing of function calls.
Configuration interfaceThe Configuration Bus Interface
(CBI) enables an ASI or custom logic to configure the FPP,
RSP, and other system devices.
FPP Classification and Analysis Capabilities
Through the use of the FPPs built-in functions and custom
functions that you create, the FPP can be programmed to:
Assemble packets embedded in another protocol, such as
IP over ATM.
Identify pr otocol s and perform processing bas ed on the
PDU information.
Perform PDU checksums and cyclic redundancy checks
Perform fast table look-ups and execute functions based
on the values found .
Fast-Path and Slow-Path Functions
In Agere Systems network processors, processing tasks
occur in one of two domains, called the fast (wire-speed) path
and the slow path. The fast path includes all tasks necessary
for normal data stream processing. The slow path includes
tasks such as exception handling, management,
configuration, and updates. The figure that follows shows
how PayloadPlus devices and buses are divided between the
fast path and the slow path.
The following table lists the tasks that the PayloadPlus products
performs, and how each is divided between the fast path and the
slow path.
data stream
Fast-Path and S low -Path Components
Task Fast Path Slow Path
Normal data stream processing FPP classifies, modifies, and reassembles PDUs; external func-
tion calls hand led by A SI and passed via FBI. RSP mo dif ie s
PDUs an d performs tr affic m an agement and sha p i ng.
Maintain state information across PDU
boundaries ASI stores; FPP reads and writes via FBI.
Management PDUs FPP and RSP generate or forwa rd. RSP forwards via MPI; ASI forwa rds to exter nal proc e ssor
via PCI; external processor sends commands to ASI via PCI;
ASI sends new PDUs to FPP via MPI.
Exception ha ndl ing FPP and RSP generate exc epti on PDUs.
Protocol proc essing (e.g., setting up
PVCs & SVCs) FPP and RSP update internal tables as req uired .
Policing FPP performs policing; reads and writes control information via
FBI. External processor transmits policing parameters and service
level agreements to ASI via PCI; ASI sends updates to exter-
nal processor via PCI.
Statistics ASI stores; FPP reads and writes via FBI. External processor requests curr ent statistics from ASI, or
sends reset commands to ASI, via MPI.
Configura t ion External processor sends information to ASI via PCI; ASI
sends to FPP, RSP, and other devi ces via CBI.
Load ing contro l programs
Dynamic updates (ro uting tables, ACLs,
connec ti on ta bles)
Product Brief NPFPP
March 2002 Fast Pattern Processor
FPP Performance With the RSP
The FPP is complemented by the Routing Switch Processor
(RSP). The RSP is also programmable, and works in concert
with the FPP to process the PDUs classified by the FPP. The
RSP uses the classification information received from the
FPP to determine:
The starting offset and the length of the PDU payload.
The classification conclusion for the PDU. This information
determines the port and the associated RSP processing
selected for the PDU.
Additional PDU information passed in the form of flags.
The R SP provides programmable traffic management,
including policies such as:
Random Early Discard (RED)
Weighted Random Early Discard (WRED)
Early Packet Discard (EPD)
Partial Packet Discard (PPD)
The RSP also provides:
Program mable Traffic Shaping, inclu di ng pro gramm abl e
per queue QoS and CoS.
QoS policies include constant bit rate (CBR), unspecified
bit rate (UBR), and variable bit rate (VBR).
CoS policies include fixed priority, round robin, weighted
round robin (WRR), weighted fair queuing (WFQ), and
guaranteed frame rate (GFR).
Programmable Packet Modifications, including adding/
stripping headers and trailers, rewriting or modifying
contents, adding tags, updating checksums and CRCs.
You program the RSP using a scripting language with
semantics similar to the C language. Agere Systems provides
many common scripts which you can use or modify, or you
can write your own scri pts.
How the FPP Works
The FPP is a pipelined, multithreaded processor that
simultaneously analyzes and classifies up to 64 PDUs. Each
PDU has its own processing thread, called a context. A
context is a processing path that keeps track of all of the
blocks of a PDU, the number of the port on which the PDU
arrived, the data offset for the PDU, last-block information,
any program variables for the PDU, and the PDUs
classification information.
The FPP does not use speculative execution and does not
suffer the pipeline stalls or context switching overhead that
are usually associated with sequential processing
arch itectures. The FPP processes data in two passes:
The first pass processes PDUs as sepa rate 64-byte
blocks. The first pass typically stores the block data offsets
and links the blocks that compose the PDU.
The replay pass processes the PDU as a whole. In the
replay pass, the FPP simultaneously performs pattern
matching and transmits the PDU to the output interface,
which performs reassembly, if necessary, by stripping data
from the blocks of the PDU using the data offsets defined
in the first pass.
The exact processing that occurs in both the first and replay
passes is specified by programs written in Agere Systems
Functional Programming Language.
FPP Components
Input Framerframes the input stream into 64-byte blocks,
writes the blocks into the data buffer, and writes the blocks
and their configuration information into the block buffers
and cont ext memo ry.
Output Inte rface sends PDUs (stripped according to
block offsets) and their classification conclusions to the
downstream logic.
Block Buffers and Context Memorystores the blocks
being processed for each context, along with additional
context information.
Pattern Processing Engine (PPE)performs pattern
matchi ng to determi ne how PDUs are clas si fied and
Checksum /CRC Eng ineperforms checksum and CRC
Queue En ginemanages FPP replay contexts, provides
addresses for block buffers, and maintains information on
blocks, PDUs, and connection queues.
Arithmetic Logic Unitperforms computational functions.
Management Path Interfaceprovides an input path from
the ASI for management PDUs.
Configuration Bus Interfaceprovides access to the FPP,
RSP, and physical input interface for configuring registers
and memor y.
Functional Bus Interface (FBI)passes external FPL
function calls to external logic.
The figure below shows the major components of the FPP.
Product Brief NPFPP
March 2002 Fast Pattern Processor
Framer Output
Block Buffers and
Context Memory
Functional Bus
Bus Interface
from PHY
8-bit POS-PHY
Management Path
Interface from ASI
32-b i t POS-PHY
to RSP
8-bit CBI
32-bit FBI to ASI
CRC Engine
FPP Block Diagram
Agere Systems, In c. reserves the right to make changes to the pr oduct(s) or inform ation contained he rein without notice . No liability is assumed as a re sult of their use or application. P ayloadPlus
is a Trademark of Agere Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 Agere Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
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