Rev.3.2_00 S-19244xxxA Series
2. Types in which output voltage is externally set (S-19244x00, HSOP-8A, HSOP-6, HSNT-8(2030))
Table 24
= −40°C to +150°C unless otherwise specified)
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test
Adjustment pin output
voltage *1 VVADJ VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V, IOUT = 100 mA,
= −40°C to +125°C 0.977 1.0 1.023 V 8
Output voltage range VROUT − 1.0 − 9.0 V 15
Adjustment pin
internal resistance RVADJ − − 600 − kΩ −
Output current*2 IOUT V
OUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V 1000*5 − − mA 10
Dropout voltage*3 Vdrop VOUT = VVADJ, IOUT = 300 mA, Ta = +25°C − *4 − V 8
VOUT = VVADJ, IOUT = 1000 mA, Ta = +25°C − *4 − V 8
Line regulation ΔVOUT1
ΔVIN • VOUT VOUT = VVADJ, 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 10 V,
IOUT = 100 mA, Ta = +25°C − 0.05 0.2 %/V 8
Load regulation ΔVOUT2 VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V,
1 mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 300 mA, Ta = +25°C − 15 30 mV 8
Current consumption
during operation ISS1 VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V,
ON / OFF pin = ON, no load − 120 150
Current consumption
during power-off ISS2
VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V,
ON / OFF pin = OFF, no load,
= −40°C to +125°C
− 0.1 10.5
Input voltage VIN −2.5 − 10 V −
ON / OFF pin
input voltage "H" VSH VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V, RL = 1 kΩ,
determined by VOUT output level 2.1 − − V 11
ON / OFF pin
input voltage "L" VSL VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V, RL = 1 kΩ,
determined by VOUT output level − −
0.6 V 11
ON / OFF pin
input current "H" ISH VIN = 10 V,
ON / OFF = 10 V
B / D / F / H type −0.1 − 0.1
A / C / E / G type 0.8 2.5 7.8
ON / OFF pin
input current "L" ISL V
IN = 10 V, ON / OFF = 0 V −0.1 − 0.1 μA11
Ripple rejection |RR| VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 3.0 V, f = 1 kHz,
= 0.5 Vrms, IOUT = 100 mA − 60 − dB 12
Short-circuit current Ishort VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V, ON / OFF pin = ON,
VOUT = 0 V, Ta = +25°C − 330 − mA 10
Thermal shutdown
detection temperature TSD Junction temperature − 170 − °C −
Thermal shutdown
release temperature TSR Junction temperature − 135 − °C −
Discharge shunt
resistance during
IN = 10 V, VOUT = 0.1 V A / B / E / F type − 100 − Ω 13
ON / OFF pin
pull-down resistance RPD − A / C / E / G type 1.3 4.0 12 MΩ11
Soft-start time*6 tSS VOUT = VVADJ, VIN = 2.5 V,
ON / OFF pin = ON A / B / C / D type − 1.0 − ms 14
*1. Output voltage when fixing IOUT (= 100 mA) and inputting 2.5 V.
*2. The output current at which the output voltage becomes 95% of VOUT(E) after gradually increasing the output current.
*3. Vdrop = VIN1 − (VOUT3 × 0.98)
VIN1 is the input voltage at which the output voltage becomes 98% of VOUT3 after gradually decreasing the input voltage.
VOUT3 is the output voltage when VIN = VOUT(S) + 1.0 V, and IOUT = 300 mA or 1000 mA.
*4. The dropout voltage is limited by the difference between the input voltage (min. value) and the set output voltage.
In case of set output voltage (VOUT(S)) = 1.0 V: 2.5 V − VOUT(S) = Vdrop
*5. Due to limitation of the power dissipation, this value may not be satisfied. Attention should be paid to the power
dissipation when the output current is large.
This specification is guaranteed by design.
*6. Soft-start time shows the time period from immediately after power-on or when the ON / OFF pin is set to ON until the
output voltage rises to 99%. Refer to "8. Soft-start function" in " Operation" for details.