IQD Frequency Products Ltd, Station Road, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 8AR, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (1460) 270200; Fax: +44 (1460) 72578;
Email: info@iqdfrequencyproducts.com Web: www.iqdfrequencyproducts.com
ISSUE 12; 1 NOVEMBER 2008 - RoHS 2002/95/EC
Sub 1ppm performance TCXO manufactured for us by
▪Rakon utilising their Pluto™ ASIC technology, a single chip
oscillator and analogue compensation circuit operating over
an extended temperature range. Its ability to function down to
a supply voltage of 2.4V and low power consumption make it
particularly suitable for mobile applications
Package Outline
7 x 5mm
Standard Frequencies
3.2, 5, 6.4, 8.192, 9.6, 12.688375, 10, 12.8, 13, 14.4, 14.85,
▪16.384, 16.367, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.8, 20, 24.5535, 32.768,
38.88, 40MHz
Output Compatibility & Load
ACMOS 50pF max.
▪(available on request, contact sales ofce)
Sinewave 10k
▪W // 10pF, AC-coupled
Clipped sinewave 10k
▪W // 10pF, AC-coupled
Frequency Stability
Temperature: see table
Typical Supply Voltage Variation ±10% < ±0.2 ppm*
Typical Load Coefcient 15pF ±5pF < ±0.2 ppm*
▪*Dependent on frequency and output type
Frequency Adjustment
Three options with external Voltage Control applied to Pad 10:
A - Ageing adjustment: > ±5ppm, frequency < 20MHz
▪ (Standard Option)
> ±7ppm, frequency > 20MHz
B - No frequency adjustment initial calibration @ 25°C
▪ < ±1.0 ppm
C - High Pulling ±10ppm to ±50ppm can be available
▪ depending on frequency and stability options.
Please consult our sales ofce
Linearity: < 1%
Slope: Positive
Input resistance: > 100k
Modulation bandwidth: > 2kHz
Standard voltage control ranges:
▪Without reference voltage - Vs=5.0V 2.5V±1V
Without reference voltage - Vs=3.3V 1.65V±1V
With reference voltage - Vc=0V to Vref
Storage Temperature Range
–55 to 125°C
Tri-State Operation
Logic ‘1’ (>60%Vs) to Pad 8 enables output
Logic ‘0’ (<20%Vs) to Pad 8 disables output
▪When at logic ‘0’, the output stage is disabled for all output
options, but the oscillator and compensation circuit are still
active (current consumption <1mA)
Supply Voltage
Standard 3.3V, 5.0V ( see table)
Supply voltages in the range 2.4 to 6.0V available to order,
▪please contact our sales ofce
Supply Current
HCMOS Typically:
▪1+Frequency(MHz)*Supply(V)*{Load(pF)+15}*10–3 mA
e.g. 20MHz, 5V, 15pF ≈ 4mA
Sinewave <8mA
Clipped Sinewave Typically:
±1ppm maximum in rst year, frequency <20MHz
±2ppm maximum in rst year, frequency > 0MHz
±3ppm maximum for 10 years (including the rst year),
▪frequency <20MHz
±5ppm maximum for 10 years (includng the rst year),
▪frequency >20MHz
After Reow
±1ppm max
Reference Voltage, Vref
Optional reference voltage output on Pad 1, suitable for
▪potentiometer supply or DAC reference.
1. No output (standard option)
2. 2.2V, for Min. Vs>2.4V
3. 2.7V, for Min. Vs>3.0V
4. 4.2V, for Min. Vs>4.5V
Maximum load current (mA) = Vref/10
For manual frequency adjustment connect an external 50kW
potentiometer between Pad 1 (Reference Voltage) and Pad 4
(GND) with wiper connected to Pad 10 (Voltage Control). Please
specify reference voltage as part of the ordering code
Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc Procedure B4, 10-60Hz
▪1.5mm displacement, 60 –2000Hz at 10gn, 30 minutes in
each of three mutually perpendicular planes at 1 octave per
Shock: IEC 60068-2-27 Test Ea, 1500g acceleration for
▪0.5ms duration, 1/2 sine pulse, 3 shocks in each direction
along three mutually perpendicular planes
Solderabiltiy: MIL-STD-202, Method 208, Category 3
Marking Includes
Factory code + Manufacturing identier (xx) + Pad 1 / Static
▪sensitivity identier (Triangle) + Part Number (Four digits) +
Date Code
Bulk or Tape & Reel
Minimum Order Information Required
Frequency + Model Number + Frequency Stability vs
▪Operating Temperature Range Code + Reference Voltage
Code + Frequency Adjustment Code